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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - Number widget (WebComponent)
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Ralf Becker
import {Et2Textbox} from "./Et2Textbox";
import {css, html, nothing, PropertyValues, render} from "lit";
import {customElement} from "lit/decorators/custom-element.js";
import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js";
* @summary Enter a numeric value. Number formatting comes from preferences by default
* @since 23.1
* @dependency sl-input
* @slot label - The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the `label` attribute.
* @slot prefix - Used to prepend a presentational icon or similar element to the combobox.
* @slot suffix - Like prefix, but after
* @slot help-text - Text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the `help-text` attribute.
* @event change - Emitted when the control's value changes.
* @csspart form-control - The form control that wraps the label, input, and help text.
* @csspart form-control-label - The label's wrapper.
* @csspart form-control-input - The input's wrapper.
* @csspart form-control-help-text - The help text's wrapper.
export class Et2Number extends Et2Textbox
static get styles()
return [
...(super.styles ? (Array.isArray(super.styles) ? super.styles : [super.styles]) : []),
/* Scroll buttons */
:host(:hover) ::slotted(et2-button-scroll) {
visibility: visible;
::slotted(et2-button-scroll) {
visibility: hidden;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
margin-left: var(--sl-spacing-small);
margin-inline-end: 0px;
:host([step]) .input--medium .input__control {
padding-right: 0px;
.form-control-input {
min-width: min-content;
max-width: 7em;
.input__control {
text-align: right;
* Minimum value
@property({type: Number})
* Maximum value
@property({type: Number})
* Step value
@property({type: Number})
* Precision of float number or 0 for integer
@property({type: Number})
* Thousands separator. Defaults to user preference.
* Decimal separator. Defaults to user preference.
* Text placed before the value
* @type {string}
prefix = "";
* Text placed after the value
* @type {string}
suffix = "";
inputMode = "numeric";
get _inputNode() {return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("input");}
this.handleScroll = this.handleScroll.bind(this);
let numberFormat = ".";
if(this.egw() && this.egw().preference)
numberFormat = this.egw().preference("number_format", "common") ?? ".";
const decimal = numberFormat ? numberFormat[0] : '.';
const thousands = numberFormat ? numberFormat[1] : '';
this.decimalSeparator = this.decimalSeparator || decimal || ".";
this.thousandsSeparator = this.thousandsSeparator || thousands || "";
// Add spinners
render(this._incrementButtonTemplate(), this);
this.value = formatNumber(this.value, this.decimalSeparator, this.thousandsSeparator, this.precision);
// Add content to slots
["prefix", "suffix"].forEach(slot =>
this.append(Object.assign(document.createElement("span"), {
slot: slot,
textContent: this[slot]
willUpdate(changedProperties : PropertyValues)
if(this._mask && Object.keys(this.maskOptions).filter(v => changedProperties.has(v)).length > 0)
if(attrs.precision === 0 && typeof attrs.step === 'undefined')
attrs.step = 1;
if(typeof attrs.validator === 'undefined')
attrs.validator = attrs.precision === 0 ? '/^-?[0-9]*$/' : '/^-?[0-9]*[,.]?[0-9]*$/';
* Somehow the setter is not inherited from the parent, not defining it here leaves the validator a string!
* @param regexp
set validator(regexp)
super.validator = regexp;
get validator()
return super.validator;
// Do nothing
@property({type: String})
set value(val)
const old = this.value;
if("" + val !== "")
// Remove separator so parseFloat works
if(typeof val === 'string')
val = val.replace(this.thousandsSeparator, "").replace(",", '.');
if(typeof this.precision !== 'undefined')
val = parseFloat(val).toFixed(this.precision);
val = parseFloat(val);
if(val == "" || isNaN(val))
super.value = val;
this.requestUpdate("value", old);
if(this.max && val > this.max)
val = this.max;
if(this.min && val < this.min)
val = this.min;
super.value = formatNumber(val, this.decimalSeparator, this.thousandsSeparator, this.precision);
this.requestUpdate("value", old);
get value() : string
return super.value;
protected updateMaskValue()
* Value returned to server is always no thousands separator, "." decimal separator
* @returns {any}
getValue() : any
if(this.value == "" || typeof this.value == "undefined")
return "";
// Needs to be string to pass validator
return "" + this.valueAsNumber;
get valueAsNumber() : number
let formattedValue : string | number = "" + this.stripFormat(this.value);
if(formattedValue == "")
return 0;
if(typeof this.precision !== 'undefined')
formattedValue = parseFloat(parseFloat(<string>formattedValue).toFixed(this.precision));
formattedValue = parseFloat(<string>formattedValue);
return formattedValue;
* Remove special formatting from a string to get just a number value
* @param {string | number} formattedValue
* @returns {number}
stripFormat(formattedValue : string | number)
if("" + formattedValue !== "")
// remove thousands separator
if(typeof formattedValue === "string" && this.thousandsSeparator)
formattedValue = formattedValue.replaceAll(this.thousandsSeparator, "");
// remove decimal separator
if(typeof formattedValue === 'string' && this.decimalSeparator !== '.')
formattedValue = formattedValue.replace(this.decimalSeparator, '.');
if(typeof this.precision !== 'undefined')
formattedValue = parseFloat(parseFloat(<string>formattedValue).toFixed(this.precision));
formattedValue = parseFloat(<string>formattedValue);
return <number>formattedValue;
* Get the options for masking.
* Overridden to use number-only masking
* @see https://imask.js.org/guide.html#masked-number
protected get maskOptions()
let options = {
skipInvalid: true,
scale: 5,
// The initial options need to match an actual number
radix: this.decimalSeparator,
thousandsSeparator: this.thousandsSeparator,
// mask: this.mask ?? Number,
lazy: false,
padFractionalZeros: (typeof this.precision !== "undefined"),
definitions: {
'#': {
mask: RegExp("[-\\d\\" + this.thousandsSeparator + "\\" + this.decimalSeparator + "]")
//RegExp("-?[\\d\\" + this.thousandsSeparator + "]+" + (this.precision ? "\\" + this.decimalSeparator + "\\d{" + this.precision + "}" : ''))
if(typeof this.precision != "undefined")
options.scale = this.precision;
if(typeof this.min != "undefined")
options.min = this.min;
if(typeof this.max != "undefined")
options.max = this.max;
return options;
private handleScroll(e)
if (this.disabled) return;
const old_value = this.value;
let min = parseFloat(this.min ?? Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER);
min = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
let max = parseFloat(this.max ?? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
this.value = formatNumber(
Math.min(Math.max((isNaN(this.valueAsNumber) ? 0 : this.valueAsNumber) + e.detail * (parseFloat(this.step) || 1), min), max),
this.decimalSeparator, this.thousandsSeparator, this.precision
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("sl-change", {bubbles: true}));
this.requestUpdate("value", old_value);
protected _incrementButtonTemplate()
// No increment buttons on mobile
if(typeof egwIsMobile == "function" && egwIsMobile())
return nothing;
// Other reasons for no buttons
if(this.disabled || this.readonly || !this.step)
return nothing;
return html`
<et2-button-scroll class="et2-number__scrollbuttons" slot="suffix"
* Format a number according to user preferences
* @param {number} value
* @returns {string}
export function formatNumber(value : string | number, decimalSeparator : string = ".", thousandsSeparator : string = "", decimalPlaces = undefined) : string
// Split by . because value is a number, so . is decimal separator
let parts = ("" + value).split(".");
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?<!\.\d*)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, thousandsSeparator) || "0";
if(typeof decimalPlaces != "undefined" && decimalPlaces != 0)
parts[1] = (parts[1] ?? "").padEnd(decimalPlaces, "0").substr(0, decimalPlaces);
return parts.join(decimalSeparator);