mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:18:37 +01:00
- the etemplate_request object which stores the request data in the a) session (as before) or b) compressed and encrypted in the form transmitted to the user Benefit of b) is that the session does not grow and the form can be submitted as long as the session exists, as we need no garbadge collection. Of cause more data needs to be submitt between browser and webserver. b) is choosen automatic if mcrypt and gzcompress are available, but can be turned off via setting etemplate_request::$request_class = 'etemplate_request_session'; - static class variables instead of the before used global ones --> This new version of eTemplate is fully backward compatible with 1.6!
648 lines
21 KiB
648 lines
21 KiB
* eGroupWare eTemplate Extension - Date Widget
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @copyright 2002-9 by RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage extensions
* @version $Id$
* eTemplate extension to input or display date and/or time values
* Contains the following widgets: Date, Date+Time, Time, Hour, Duration
* Supported attributes: format[,options]
* format: ''=timestamp, or eg. 'Y-m-d H:i' for 2002-12-31 23:59
* options: &1 = year is int-input not selectbox, &2 = show a [Today] button, (html-UI always uses jscal and dont care for &1+&2)
* &4 = 1min steps for time (default is 5min, with fallback to 1min if value is not in 5min-steps),
* &8 = dont show time for readonly and type date-time if time is 0:00,
* &16 = prefix r/o display with dow
* &32 = prefix r/o display with week-number
* &64 = prefix r/o display with weeknumber and dow
* This widget is independent of the UI as it only uses etemplate-widgets and has therefor no render-function.
* Uses the adodb datelibary to overcome the windows-limitation to not allow dates before 1970
class date_widget
* exported methods of this class
* @var array
var $public_functions = array(
'pre_process' => True,
'post_process' => True
* availible extensions and there names for the editor
* @var array
var $human_name = array(
'date' => 'Date', // just a date, no time
'date-time' => 'Date+Time', // date + time
'date-timeonly' => 'Time', // time
'date-houronly' => 'Hour', // hour
'date-duration' => 'Duration', // duration
'date-since' => 'Time since', // time past since given time
var $dateformat; // eg. Y-m-d, d-M-Y
var $timeformat; // 12 or 24
* Constructor of the extension
* @param string $ui '' for html
function date_widget($ui)
if ($ui == 'html')
$this->jscal =& $GLOBALS['egw']->jscalendar;
$this->timeformat = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'];
$this->dateformat = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'];
* pre-processing of the extension
* This function is called before the extension gets rendered
* @param string $name form-name of the control
* @param mixed &$value value / existing content, can be modified
* @param array &$cell array with the widget, can be modified for ui-independent widgets
* @param array &$readonlys names of widgets as key, to be made readonly
* @param mixed &$extension_data data the extension can store persisten between pre- and post-process
* @param object &$tmpl reference to the template we belong too
* @return boolean true if extra label is allowed, false otherwise
function pre_process($name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys,&$extension_data,&$tmpl)
$type = $cell['type'];
switch ($type)
case 'date-duration':
return $this->pre_process_duration($name,$value,$cell,$readonlys,$extension_data,$tmpl);
list($data_format,$options,$options2) = explode(',',$cell['size']);
if ($type == 'date-houronly' && empty($data_format)) $data_format = 'H';
$readonly = $cell['readonly'] || $readonlys || $type == 'date-since';
if (!$readonly) // dont set extension-data on readonly, it's not needed and can conflict with other widgets
$extension_data = array(
'type' => $type,
'data_format' => $data_format,
// for date-(time|hour)only widgets we distinct between between 0 and ''/null timestamps
if (!$value && ($type != 'date-timeonly' && $type != 'date-houronly' || (string)$value === ''))
$value = array(
'Y' => '',
'm' => '',
'd' => '',
'H' => '',
'i' => '',
elseif ($data_format != '')
$date = split('[- /.:,]',$value);
//echo "date=<pre>"; print_r($date); echo "</pre>";
$mdy = split('[- /.:,]',$data_format);
if (count($mdy) == 1) // no seperators, eg. YmdHi
for($n = $i = 0; $n < strlen($data_format); ++$n)
$mdy[$n] = $data_format{$n};
$len = $data_format{$n} == 'Y' ? 4 : 2;
$date[$n] = substr($value,$i,$len);
$i += $len;
$value = array();
foreach ($date as $n => $dat)
case 'Y': $value['Y'] = (int) $dat; break;
case 'm': $value['m'] = (int) $dat; break;
case 'd': $value['d'] = (int) $dat; break;
case 'H': $value['H'] = (int) $dat; break;
case 'i': $value['i'] = (int) $dat; break;
// for the timeformats we use only seconds, no timezone conversation between server-time and UTC
if (substr($type,-4) == 'only') $value -= adodb_date('Z',0);
$value = array(
'Y' => (int) adodb_date('Y',$value),
'm' => (int) adodb_date('m',$value),
'd' => (int) adodb_date('d',$value),
'H' => (int) adodb_date('H',$value),
'i' => (int) adodb_date('i',$value)
if ($type == 'date-since')
return $this->pre_process_since($value,$cell);
$time_0h0 = !(int)$value['H'] && !(int)$value['i'];
$timeformat = array(3 => 'H', 4 => 'i');
if ($this->timeformat == '12' && $readonly && $value['H'] !== '')
$value['a'] = $value['H'] < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm';
$value['H'] = $value['H'] % 12 ? $value['H'] % 12 : 12; // no leading 0 and 0h => 12am
$timeformat += array(5 => 'a');
$format = split('[/.-]',$this->dateformat);
// no time also if $options&8 and readonly and time=0h0
if ($type != 'date' && !($readonly && ($options & 8) && $time_0h0))
$format += $timeformat;
if ($value['m'] && strchr($this->dateformat,'M') !== false)
static $month = array('','January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
static $substr;
if (is_null($substr)) $substr = function_exists('mb_substr') ? 'mb_substr' : 'substr';
static $chars_shortcut;
if (is_null($chars_shortcut)) $chars_shortcut = (int)lang('3 number of chars for month-shortcut'); // < 0 to take the chars from the end
$value['M'] = lang($m = substr($month[$value['m']],0,3)); // check if we have a translation of the short-cut
if ($value['M'] == $m || $substr($value['M'],-1) == '*') // if not generate one by truncating the translation of the long name
$value['M'] = $chars_shortcut > 0 ? $substr(lang($month[$value['m']]),0,$chars_shortcut) :
if ($readonly) // is readonly
if ($value['H'] === '') unset($value['a']); // no am/pm if no hour set
$sep = array(
1 => $this->dateformat[1],
2 => $this->dateformat[1],
3 => ' ',
4 => ':'
for ($str='',$n = substr($type,-4) == 'only' ? 3 : 0; $n < count($format); ++$n)
if ($value[$format[$n]] && $n < 3 || $n >= 3 && ($value[$format[3]] !== '' || $value[$format[4]] !== ''))
if (!$n && $options & 16 )
$str = lang(adodb_date('l',adodb_mktime(12,0,0,$value['m'],$value['d'],$value['Y']))).' ';
if (!$n && $options & 32 )
$str = lang('Wk').adodb_date('W',adodb_mktime(12,0,0,$value['m'],$value['d'],$value['Y'])).' ';
if (!$n && $options & 64 )
$str = lang('Wk').adodb_date('W',adodb_mktime(12,0,0,$value['m'],$value['d'],$value['Y'])).' '.lang(adodb_date('l',adodb_mktime(12,0,0,$value['m'],$value['d'],$value['Y']))).' ';
$str .= ($str != '' ? $sep[$n] : '') .
(is_numeric($value[$format[$n]]) ? sprintf('%02d',$value[$format[$n]]) : $value[$format[$n]]);
if ($type == 'date-houronly') ++$n; // no minutes
$value = $str;
$cell['type'] = 'label';
if (!$cell['no_lang'])
$cell['no_lang'] = True;
$cell['label'] = strlen($cell['label']) > 1 ? lang($cell['label']) : $cell['label'];
return True;
if ($cell['needed'])
'needed' => $cell['needed'],
$tpl =& new etemplate;
$tpl->init('*** generated fields for date','','',0,'',0,0); // make an empty template
// keep the editor away from the generated tmpls
$tpl->no_onclick = true;
$types = array(
'Y' => ($options&1 ? 'int' : 'select-year'), // if options&1 set, show an int-field
'm' => 'select-month',
'M' => 'select-month',
'd' => 'select-day',
'H' => 'select-hour',
'i' => 'select-number'
$opts = array(
'H' => $this->timeformat == '12' ? ',0,12' : ',0,23,01',
'i' => $value['i'] % 5 || $options & 4 ? ',0,59,01' : ',0,59,05' // 5min steps, if ok with value
$help = array(
'Y' => 'Year',
'm' => 'Month',
'M' => 'Month',
'd' => 'Day',
'H' => 'Hour',
'i' => 'Minute'
$row = array();
for ($i=0,$n= substr($type,-4) == 'only' ? 3 : 0; $n < ($type == 'date' ? 3 : 5); ++$n,++$i)
$dcell = $tpl->empty_cell();
if ($cell['tabindex']) $dcell['tabindex'] = $cell['tabindex'];
if (!$i && $cell['accesskey']) $dcell['accesskey'] = $cell['accesskey'];
// test if we can use jsCalendar
if ($n == 0 && $this->jscal && $tmpl->java_script())
$dcell['type'] = 'html';
$dcell['name'] = 'str';
$jscaloptions = $cell['onchange'] ? ( "onchange='". ( (int)$cell['onchange'] === 1 ? "this.form.submit();'" : $cell['onchange']. "'" ) ) : '' ;
$value['str'] = $this->jscal->input($name.'[str]',False,$value['Y'],$value['m'],$value['d'],lang($cell['help']),$jscaloptions);
$n = 2; // no other fields
$options &= ~2; // no set-today button
$dcell['type'] = $types[$format[$n]];
$dcell['size'] = $opts[$format[$n]];
$dcell['name'] = $format[$n];
$dcell['help'] = lang($help[$format[$n]]).': '.lang($cell['help']); // note: no lang on help, already done
if ($n == 4)
$dcell['label'] = ':'; // put a : between hour and minute
$dcell['no_lang'] = 2;
$row[$tpl->num2chrs($i)] = &$dcell;
if ($n == 2 && ($options & 2)) // Today button
$dcell = $tpl->empty_cell();
if ($cell['tabindex']) $dcell['tabindex'] = $cell['tabindex'];
$dcell['name'] = 'today';
$dcell['label'] = 'Today';
$dcell['help'] = 'sets today as date';
$dcell['no_lang'] = True;
if (($js = $tmpl->java_script()))
$dcell['needed'] = True; // to get a button
$dcell['onchange'] = "this.form.elements['$name"."[Y]'].value='".adodb_date('Y')."'; this.form.elements['$name"."[m]'].value='".adodb_date('n')."';this.form.elements['$name"."[d]'].value='".(0+adodb_date('d'))."'; return false;";
$dcell['type'] = $js ? 'button' : 'checkbox';
$row[$tpl->num2chrs(++$i)] = &$dcell;
if ($n == 2 && $type == 'date-time') // insert some space between date+time
$dcell = $tpl->empty_cell();
$dcell['type'] = 'html';
$dcell['name'] = 'space';
$value['space'] = ' ';
$row[$tpl->num2chrs(++$i)] = &$dcell;
if ($type == 'date-houronly') $n++; // no minutes
$tpl->data[0] = array();
$tpl->data[1] = &$row;
$tpl->size = ',,,,0';
$cell['size'] = $cell['name'];
$cell['type'] = 'template';
$cell['name'] = $tpl->name;
$cell['obj'] = &$tpl;
return True; // extra Label is ok
* pre-processing of the duration extension
* Options contain $data_format,$input_format,$hours_per_day,$empty_not_0,$short_labels
* 1. data_format: d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, default minutes
* 2. input_format: d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, default hours+days (selectbox), optional % = allow to enter a percent value (no conversation)
* 3. hours_per_day: default 8 (workday)
* 4. should the widget differ between 0 and empty, which get then returned as NULL
* 5. short_labels use d/h/m instead of day/hour/minute
* @param string $name form-name of the control
* @param mixed &$value value / existing content, can be modified
* @param array &$cell array with the widget, can be modified for ui-independent widgets
* @param array &$readonlys names of widgets as key, to be made readonly
* @param mixed &$extension_data data the extension can store persisten between pre- and post-process
* @param object &$tmpl reference to the template we belong too
* @return boolean true if extra label is allowed, false otherwise
function pre_process_duration($name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys,&$extension_data,&$tmpl)
//echo "<p>pre_process_duration($name,$value,...) cell[size]='$cell[size]'</p>\n";
$readonly = $readonlys || $cell['readonly'];
list($data_format,$input_format,$hours_per_day,$empty_not_0,$short_labels) = explode(',',$cell['size']);
if (!$hours_per_day) $hours_per_day = 8; // workday is 8 hours
if (($percent_allowed = strpos($input_format,'%') !== false))
$input_format = str_replace('%','',$input_format);
if (!in_array($input_format,array('d','h','dh','m','hm','dhm'))) $input_format = 'dh'; // hours + days
$unit = $input_format == 'd' ? 'd' : 'h';
if (!$readonly) // dont set extension-data on readonly, it's not needed and can conflict with other widgets
$extension_data = array(
'type' => $cell['type'],
'data_format' => $data_format,
'unit' => $unit,
'input_format' => $input_format,
'hours_per_day' => $hours_per_day,
'percent_allowed'=> $percent_allowed,
'empty_not_0' => $empty_not_0,
$cell['size'] = '4,,/^-?[0-9]*[,.]?[0-9]*'.($percent_allowed ? '%?' : '').'$/';
if ($value)
case 'd':
$value *= $hours_per_day;
// fall-through
case 'h': case 'H':
$value *= 60;
$cell['type'] = 'text';
$cell_name = $cell['name'];
$cell['name'] .= '[value]';
if (strpos($input_format,'m') !== false && $value && $value < 60)
$unit = 'm';
elseif (strpos($input_format,'d') !== false && $value >= 60*$hours_per_day)
$unit = 'd';
$value = $empty_not_0 && (string) $value === '' || !$empty_not_0 && !$value ? '' :
($unit == 'm' ? (int) $value : round($value / 60 / ($unit == 'd' ? $hours_per_day : 1),3));
if (!$readonly && strlen($input_format) > 1) // selectbox to switch between hours and days
$value = array(
'value' => $value,
'unit' => $unit,
$tpl =& new etemplate;
$tpl->init('*** generated fields for duration','','',0,'',0,0); // make an empty template
// keep the editor away from the generated tmpls
$tpl->no_onclick = true;
$selbox =& $tpl->empty_cell('select',$cell_name.'[unit]');
if (strpos($input_format,'m') !== false) $selbox['sel_options']['m'] = $short_labels ? 'm' : 'minutes';
if (strpos($input_format,'h') !== false) $selbox['sel_options']['h'] = $short_labels ? 'h' : 'hours';
if (strpos($input_format,'d') !== false) $selbox['sel_options']['d'] = $short_labels ? 'd' : 'days';
if ($cell['tabindex']) $selbox['tabindex'] = $cell['tabindex'];
$tpl->data[0] = array();
$tpl->data[1] =array(
'A' => $cell,
'B' => $selbox,
$tpl->size = ',,,,0';
$cell['type'] = 'template';
$cell['name'] = $tpl->name;
$cell['obj'] = &$tpl;
elseif (!$readonly || $value)
$cell['no_lang'] = 2;
$cell['label'] .= ($cell['label'] ? ' ' : '') . '%s ';
case 'm': $cell['label'] .= $short_labels ? 'm' : lang('minutes'); break;
case 'h': $cell['label'] .= $short_labels ? 'h' : lang('hours'); break;
case 'd': $cell['label'] .= $short_labels ? 'd' : lang('days'); break;
return True; // extra Label is ok
* pre-processing of the time since extension
* @param array &$value value / existing content, can be modified
* @param array &$cell array with the widget, can be modified for ui-independent widgets
* @return boolean true if extra label is allowed, false otherwise
function pre_process_since(&$value,&$cell)
static $unit2label = array(
'Y' => 'years',
'm' => 'month',
'd' => 'days',
'H' => 'hours',
'i' => 'minutes',
's' => 'seconds',
static $unit2s = array(
'Y' => 31536000,
'm' => 2628000,
'd' => 86400,
'H' => 3600,
'i' => 60,
's' => 1,
$cell = etemplate::empty_cell('label','',array('label'=>$cell['label']));
if ((string)$value['Y'] !== '')
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->datetime))
$GLOBALS['egw']->datetime = new egw_datetime();
$now_s = time() + $GLOBALS['egw']->datetime->tz_offset; // time() is server-time and we need a user-time
$val_s = mktime($value['H'],$value['i'],$value['s'],$value['m'],$value['d'],$value['Y']);
$diff_s = $now_s - $val_s;
foreach($unit2s as $unit => $unit_s)
if ($diff_s >= $unit_s || $unit == 's')
$value = round($diff_s/$unit_s,1).' '.lang($unit2label[$unit]);
//echo "<p>$unit: diff_s=$diff_s >= $unit_s --> continue</p>\n";
$value = '';
return true;
* postprocessing method, called after the submission of the form
* It has to copy the allowed/valid data from $value_in to $value, otherwise the widget
* will return no data (if it has a preprocessing method). The framework insures that
* the post-processing of all contained widget has been done before.
* Only used by select-dow so far
* @param string $name form-name of the widget
* @param mixed &$value the extension returns here it's input, if there's any
* @param mixed &$extension_data persistent storage between calls or pre- and post-process
* @param boolean &$loop can be set to true to request a re-submision of the form/dialog
* @param object &$tmpl the eTemplate the widget belongs too
* @param mixed &value_in the posted values (already striped of magic-quotes)
* @return boolean true if $value has valid content, on false no content will be returned!
function post_process($name,&$value,&$extension_data,&$loop,&$tmpl,$value_in)
//echo "<p>date_widget::post_process('$name','$extension_data[type]','$extension_data[data_format]') value="; print_r($value); echo ", value_in="; print_r($value_in); echo "</p>\n";
if (!isset($value) && !isset($value_in))
return False;
if ($extension_data['type'] == 'date-duration')
if (is_array($value)) // template with selectbox
$unit = $value['unit'];
$value = $value['value'];
elseif (!preg_match('/^-?[0-9]*[,.]?[0-9]*'.($extension_data['percent_allowed'] ? '%?' : '').'$/',$value_in))
etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang("'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!!",$value_in));
return false;
$value = $value_in;
$unit = $extension_data['unit'];
if ($extension_data['percent_allowed'] && substr($value,-1) == '%')
return true;
if ($value === '' && $extension_data['empty_not_0']) // we differ between 0 and empty, which get returned as null
$value = null;
return true;
$value = (int) round(str_replace(',','.',$value) * ($unit == 'm' ? 1 : (60 * ($unit == 'd' ? $extension_data['hours_per_day'] : 1))));
case 'd':
$value /= (float) $extension_data['hours_per_day'];
// fall-through
case 'h': case 'H':
$value /= 60.0;
return true;
$no_date = substr($extension_data['type'],-4) == 'only';
if ($value['today'])
$set = array('Y','m','d');
foreach($set as $d)
$value[$d] = adodb_date($d);
if (isset($value_in['str']) && !empty($value_in['str']))
if (!is_array($value))
$value = array();
$value += $this->jscal->input2date($value_in['str'],False,'d','m','Y');
if ($value['d'] || $no_date &&
(isset($value['H']) && $value['H'] !== '' || isset($value['i']) && $value['i'] !== ''))
if ($value['d'])
if (!$value['m'])
$value['m'] = adodb_date('m');
if (!$value['Y'])
$value['Y'] = adodb_date('Y');
elseif ($value['Y'] < 100)
$value['Y'] += $value['Y'] < 30 ? 2000 : 1900;
else // for the timeonly field
$value['d'] = $value['m'] = 1;
$value['Y'] = 1970;
// checking the date is a correct one
if (!checkdate($value['m'],$value['d'],$value['Y']))
etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang("'%1' is not a valid date !!!",
$data_format = $extension_data['data_format'];
if (empty($data_format))
// for time or hour format we use just seconds (and no timezone correction between server-time and UTC)
$value = $no_date ? 3600 * (int) $value['H'] + 60 * (int) $value['i'] :
adodb_mktime((int) $value['H'],(int) $value['i'],0,$value['m'],$value['d'],$value['Y']);
for ($n = 0,$str = ''; $n < strlen($data_format); ++$n)
if (strpos('YmdHi',$c = $data_format[$n]) !== false)
$str .= sprintf($c=='Y'?'%04d':'%02d',$value[$c]);
$str .= $c;
$value = $str;
$value = '';
return True;