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138 lines
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// Title: Tigra Color Picker
// URL: http://www.softcomplex.com/products/tigra_color_picker/
// Version: 1.1
// Date: 06/26/2003 (mm/dd/yyyy)
// Note: Permission given to use this script in ANY kind of applications if
// header lines are left unchanged.
// Note: Script consists of two files: picker.js and picker.html
var TCP = new TColorPicker();
function TCPopup(field, palette) {
this.field = field;
this.initPalette = !palette || palette > 2 ? 0 : palette;
var w = 194, h = 206,
move = screen ?
',left=' + ((screen.width - w) >> 1) + ',top=' + ((screen.height - h) >> 1) : '',
o_colWindow = window.open((this.url?this.url:'')+'picker.html', null, "help=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no" + move + ",width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",dependent=yes", true);
o_colWindow.opener = window;
function TCBuildCell (R, G, B, w, h) {
return '<td bgcolor="#' + this.dec2hex((R << 16) + (G << 8) + B) + '"><a href="javascript:P.S(\'' + this.dec2hex((R << 16) + (G << 8) + B) + '\')" onmouseover="P.P(\'' + this.dec2hex((R << 16) + (G << 8) + B) + '\')"><img src="pixel.gif" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" border="0"></a></td>';
function TCSelect(c) {
this.field.value = '#' + c.toUpperCase();
function TCPaint(c, b_noPref) {
c = (b_noPref ? '' : '#') + c.toUpperCase();
if (this.o_samp)
this.o_samp.innerHTML = '<font face=Tahoma size=2>' + c +' <font color=white>' + c + '</font></font>'
this.sample.bgColor = c;
else {
if (this.sample.backgroundColor != null) this.sample.backgroundColor = c;
else if (this.sample.background != null) this.sample.background = c;
function TCGenerateSafe() {
var s = '';
for (j = 0; j < 12; j ++) {
s += "<tr>";
for (k = 0; k < 3; k ++)
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i ++)
s += this.bldCell(k * 51 + (j % 2) * 51 * 3, Math.floor(j / 2) * 51, i * 51, 8, 10);
s += "</tr>";
return s;
function TCGenerateWind() {
var s = '';
for (j = 0; j < 12; j ++) {
s += "<tr>";
for (k = 0; k < 3; k ++)
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
s += this.bldCell(i * 51, k * 51 + (j % 2) * 51 * 3, Math.floor(j / 2) * 51, 8, 10);
s += "</tr>";
return s
function TCGenerateGray() {
var s = '';
for (j = 0; j <= 15; j ++) {
s += "<tr>";
for (k = 0; k <= 15; k ++) {
g = Math.floor((k + j * 16) % 256);
s += this.bldCell(g, g, g, 9, 7);
s += '</tr>';
return s
function TCDec2Hex(v) {
v = v.toString(16);
for(; v.length < 6; v = '0' + v);
return v;
function TCChgMode(v) {
for (var k in this.divs) this.hide(k);
function TColorPicker(field) {
this.build0 = TCGenerateSafe;
this.build1 = TCGenerateWind;
this.build2 = TCGenerateGray;
this.show = document.layers ?
function (div) { this.divs[div].visibility = 'show' } :
function (div) { this.divs[div].visibility = 'visible' };
this.hide = document.layers ?
function (div) { this.divs[div].visibility = 'hide' } :
function (div) { this.divs[div].visibility = 'hidden' };
// event handlers
this.C = TCChgMode;
this.S = TCSelect;
this.P = TCPaint;
this.popup = TCPopup;
this.draw = TCDraw;
this.dec2hex = TCDec2Hex;
this.bldCell = TCBuildCell;
this.divs = [];
function TCDraw(o_win, o_doc) {
this.win = o_win;
this.doc = o_doc;
s_tag_openT = o_doc.layers ?
'layer visibility=hidden top=54 left=5 width=182' :
'div style=visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:6px;top:54px;width:182px;height:0',
s_tag_openS = o_doc.layers ? 'layer top=32 left=6' : 'div',
s_tag_close = o_doc.layers ? 'layer' : 'div'
this.doc.write('<' + s_tag_openS + ' id=sam name=sam><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=1 width=181 align=center class=bd><tr><td align=center height=18><div id="samp"><font face=Tahoma size=2>sample <font color=white>sample</font></font></div></td></tr></table></' + s_tag_close + '>');
this.sample = o_doc.layers ? o_doc.layers['sam'] :
o_doc.getElementById ? o_doc.getElementById('sam').style : o_doc.all['sam'].style
for (var k = 0; k < 3; k ++) {
this.doc.write('<' + s_tag_openT + ' id="p' + k + '" name="p' + k + '"><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=1 align=center>' + this['build' + k]() + '</table></' + s_tag_close + '>');
this.divs[k] = o_doc.layers
? o_doc.layers['p' + k] : o_doc.all
? o_doc.all['p' + k].style : o_doc.getElementById('p' + k).style
if (!o_doc.layers && o_doc.body.innerHTML)
this.o_samp = o_doc.all
? o_doc.all.samp : o_doc.getElementById('samp');
if (this.field.value) this.P(this.field.value, true)