
447 lines
12 KiB

* EGroupware eTemplate2 - Description WebComponent
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @link
* @author Nathan Gray
import {LionSelect} from "@lion/select";
import {Et2InputWidget} from "../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget";
import {et2_readAttrWithDefault} from "../et2_core_xml";
import {css, html, render, repeat, TemplateResult} from "@lion/core";
import {cssImage} from "../Et2Widget/Et2Widget";
export interface SelectOption
value : String;
label : String;
// Hover help text
title? : String;
* LionSelect (and any other LionField) use slots to wrap a real DOM node. ET2 doesn't expect this,
* so we have to create the input node (via slots()) and respect that it is _external_ to the Web Component.
* This complicates things like adding the options, since we can't just override _inputGroupInputTemplate()
* and include them when rendering - the parent expects to find the <select> added via a slot, render() would
* put it inside the shadowDOM. That's fine, but then it doesn't get created until render(), and the parent
* (LionField) can't find it when it looks for it before then.
export class Et2Select extends Et2InputWidget(LionSelect)
protected _options : SelectOption[] = [];
static get styles()
return [
:host {
display: inline-block;
select {
color: var(--input-text-color, #26537c);
border-radius: 3px;
flex: 1 0 auto;
padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
padding-right: 20px;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #e6e6e6;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
margin: 0;
background: #fff no-repeat center right;
background-image: ${cssImage('arrow_down')};
background-size: 8px auto;
background-position-x: calc(100% - 8px);
text-indent: 5px;
select:hover {
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 60%);
static get properties()
return {,
* Textual label for first row, eg: 'All' or 'None'. It's value will be ''
empty_label: String,
select_options: Object
// Add in actual options as children to select, if not already there
if(this._inputNode.children.length == 0)
${repeat(this.get_select_options(), (option : SelectOption) => option.value, this._optionTemplate)}`,
* Set the ID of the widget
* Overridden from parent to update select options
* @param {string} value
set id(value)
let oldValue =; = value;
if(value !== oldValue)
* Get the ID of the widget
* Overridden from parent because we overrode setter
* @returns {string}
get id()
return this._widget_id;
return this.readOnly ? null : this.value;
* Set the select options
* @param {SelectOption[]} new_options
set_select_options(new_options : SelectOption[] | { [key : string] : string })
let fixed_options = [];
for(let key in new_options)
fixed_options.push({value: key, label: new_options[key]});
this._options = fixed_options;
this._options = new_options;
// Add in actual options as children to select
${repeat(this.get_select_options(), (option : SelectOption) => option.value, this._optionTemplate)}`,
return this._options;
get slots()
return {
input: () =>
return document.createElement("select");
_emptyLabelTemplate() : TemplateResult
return html``;
return html`
<option value="">${this.empty_label}</option>`;
_optionTemplate(option : SelectOption) : TemplateResult
return html`
<option value="${option.value}" title="${option.title}">${option.label}</option>`;
loadFromXML(_node : Element)
// Read the option-tags
let options = _node.querySelectorAll("option");
let new_options = this._options;
for(let i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
value: et2_readAttrWithDefault(options[i], "value", options[i].textContent),
// allow options to contain multiple translated sub-strings eg: {Firstname}.{Lastname}
label: options[i].textContent.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, function(str, p1)
return this.egw().lang(p1);
title: et2_readAttrWithDefault(options[i], "title", "")
// If select_options are already known, skip the rest
if(this._options && this._options.length > 0 ||
_attrs.select_options && Object.keys(_attrs.select_options).length > 0 ||
// Allow children to skip select_options - check to make sure default got set to something (should be {})
typeof _attrs.select_options == 'undefined' || _attrs.select_options === null
// do not return inside nextmatch, as get_rows data might have changed select_options
// for performance reasons we only do it for first row, which should have id "0[...]"
if(this.getParent() && this.getParent().getType() != 'rowWidget' || ! ||[0] != '0')
let sel_options = find_select_options(this, _attrs['select_options'], _attrs);
if(sel_options.length > 0)
* Find the select options for a widget, out of the many places they could be.
* @param {Et2Widget} widget to check for. Should be some sort of select widget.
* @param {object} attr_options Select options in attributes array
* @param {object} attrs Widget attributes
* @return {object} Select options, or empty object
export function find_select_options(widget, attr_options?, attrs?)
let name_parts =;/g, '[').replace(/]|&#x5D;/g, '').split('[');
let type_options : SelectOption[] = [];
let content_options : SelectOption[] = [];
// First check type, there may be static options.
var type = widget._type;
var type_function = type.replace('select-', '').replace('taglist-', '').replace('_ro', '') + '_options';
if(typeof this[type_function] == 'function')
var old_type = widget._type;
widget._type = type.replace('taglist-', 'select-');
if(typeof attrs.other == 'string')
attrs.other = attrs.other.split(',');
// Copy, to avoid accidental modification
// type options used to use jQuery.extend deep copy to get a clone object of options
// but as jQuery.extend deep copy is very expensive operation in MSIE (in this case almost 400ms)
// we use JSON parsing instead to copy the options object
type_options = this[type_function].call(this, widget, attrs);
type_options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(type_options));
widget._type = old_type;
// Try to find the options inside the "sel-options"
// Try first according to ID
let options = widget.getArrayMgr("sel_options").getEntry(;
// ID can get set to an array with 0 => ' ' - not useful
if(options && (options.length == 1 && typeof options[0] == 'string' && options[0].trim() == '' ||
// eg. autorepeated id "cat[3]" would pick array element 3 from cat
typeof options.value != 'undefined' && typeof options.label != 'undefined' &&\[\d+]$/)))
content_options = null;
content_options = options;
// We could wind up too far inside options if label,title are defined
if(options && !isNaN(name_parts[name_parts.length - 1]) && options.label && options.title)
content_options = widget.getArrayMgr("sel_options").getEntry(name_parts.join('['));
delete content_options["$row"];
// Select options tend to be defined once, at the top level, so try that
if(!content_options || content_options.length == 0)
content_options = widget.getArrayMgr("sel_options").getRoot().getEntry(name_parts[name_parts.length - 1]);
// Try in correct namespace (inside a grid or something)
if(!content_options || content_options.length == 0)
content_options = widget.getArrayMgr("sel_options").getEntry(name_parts[name_parts.length - 1]);
// Try name like widget[$row]
if(name_parts.length > 1 && (!content_options || content_options.length == 0))
let pop_that = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(name_parts));
while(pop_that.length > 1 && (!content_options || content_options.length == 0))
let last = pop_that.pop();
content_options = widget.getArrayMgr('sel_options').getEntry(pop_that.join('['));
// Double check, might have found a normal parent namespace ( eg subgrid in subgrid[selectbox] )
// with an empty entry for the selectbox. If there were valid options here,
// we would have found them already, and keeping this would result in the ID as an option
if(content_options && !Array.isArray(content_options) && typeof content_options[last] != 'undefined' && content_options[last])
content_options = content_options[last];
else if(content_options)
// Check for real values
for(let key in content_options)
if(!(isNaN(<number><unknown>key) && typeof content_options[key] === 'string' ||
!isNaN(<number><unknown>key) && typeof content_options[key] === 'object' && typeof content_options[key]['value'] !== 'undefined'))
// Found a parent of some other namespace
content_options = undefined;
// Maybe in a row, and options got stuck in ${row} instead of top level
// not sure this code is still needed, as server-side no longer creates ${row} or {$row} for select-options
let row_stuck = ['${row}', '{$row}'];
for(let i = 0; i < row_stuck.length && (!content_options || content_options.length == 0); i++)
// perspectiveData.row in nm, data["${row}"] in an auto-repeat grid
if(widget.getArrayMgr("sel_options").perspectiveData.row || widget.getArrayMgr("sel_options").data[row_stuck[i]])
var row_id =[0-9]+/, row_stuck[i]);
content_options = widget.getArrayMgr("sel_options").getEntry(row_id);
if(!content_options || content_options.length == 0)
content_options = widget.getArrayMgr("sel_options").getEntry(row_stuck[i] + '[' + + ']');
if(attr_options && Object.keys(attr_options).length > 0 && content_options)
//content_options = jQuery.extend(true, {}, attr_options, content_options);
content_options = [...attr_options, ...content_options];
// Check whether the options entry was found, if not read it from the
// content array.
if(content_options && content_options.length > 0 && widget.getArrayMgr('content') != null)
attr_options = content_options;
let content_mgr = widget.getArrayMgr('content');
// If that didn't work, check according to ID
content_options = content_mgr.getEntry("options-" +;
// Again, try last name part at top level
content_options = content_mgr.getRoot().getEntry("options-" + name_parts[name_parts.length - 1]);
// Default to an empty object
if(content_options == null)
content_options = [];
// Include type options, preferring any content options
if(type_options.length || Object.keys(type_options).length > 0)
for(let i in content_options)
let value = typeof content_options[i] == 'object' && typeof content_options[i].value !== 'undefined' ? content_options[i].value : i;
let added = false;
// Override any existing
for(let j in type_options)
if('' + type_options[j].value === '' + value)
added = true;
type_options[j] = content_options[i];
type_options.splice(parseInt(i), 0, content_options[i]);
content_options = type_options;
return content_options;
// @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement
customElements.define("et2-select", Et2Select);