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* EGroupware - Home - Javascript UI
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @package home
* @author Nathan Gray
* @copyright (c) 2013 Nathan Gray
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
import {et2_createWidget} from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_core_widget";
import {EgwApp} from "../../api/js/jsapi/egw_app";
import {etemplate2} from "../../api/js/etemplate/etemplate2";
import {Et2Portlet} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Portlet/Et2Portlet";
import {Et2PortletFavorite} from "./Et2PortletFavorite";
import {loadWebComponent} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Widget/Et2Widget";
import "./Et2PortletLink";
import "./Et2PortletList";
import "./Et2PortletNote";
import './Et2PortletWeather';
import "../../calendar/js/Et2PortletCalendar";
import Sortable from "sortablejs/modular/sortable.complete.esm.js";
* JS for home application
* Home is a collection of little bits of content (portlets) from the other applications.
* Uses Gridster for the grid layout
* @see http://gridster.net
* @augments AppJS
export class HomeApp extends EgwApp
* Grid resolution. Must match et2_portlet GRID
public static GRID = 150;
// List of portlets
private portlets = {};
portlet_container : any;
private sortable : Sortable;
* Constructor
// call parent
* Destructor
delete this.et2;
delete this.portlet_container;
this.portlets = {};
// call parent
// Make sure all other sub-etemplates in portlets are done
if(this == window.app.home)
let others = etemplate2.getByApplication(this.appname);
for(let i = 0; i < others.length; i++)
* This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded
* and ready. If you must store a reference to the et2 object,
* make sure to clean it up in destroy().
* @param {etemplate2} et2 Newly ready object
* @param {string} Template name
et2_ready(et2, name)
// Top level
if(name == 'home.index')
// call parent
super.et2_ready(et2, name);
this.portlet_container = this.et2.getWidgetById("portlets");
else if(et2.uniqueId)
let portlet_container = this.portlet_container || window.app.home?.portlet_container;
// Handle bad timing - a sub-template was finished first
window.setTimeout(() => {this.et2_ready(et2, name);}, 200);
let portlet = portlet_container.getWidgetById(et2.uniqueId) || et2.DOMContainer;
// Check for existing etemplate, this one loaded over it
// NOTE: Moving them around like this can cause problems with event handlers
let existing = etemplate2.getById(et2.uniqueId);
if(portlet && existing)
for(let i = 0; i < portlet._children.length; i++)
if(typeof portlet._children[i]._init == 'undefined')
// Set size & position, if somehow not set yet (Et2Portlet does it)
if(portlet.style.gridArea == "")
let et2_data = et2.widgetContainer.getArrayMgr("content").data;
let settings = et2_data && et2_data.id == portlet.id && et2_data || portlet_container.getArrayMgr("content").data.find(e => et2.uniqueId.endsWith(e.id)) || {settings: {}};
portlet.settings = settings.settings || {};
portlet.style.gridArea = settings.row + "/" + settings.col + "/ span " + (settings.height || 1) + "/ span " + (settings.width || 1);
// It's in the right place for original load, but move it into portlet
let misplaced = jQuery(etemplate2.getById('home-index').DOMContainer).siblings('#' + et2.DOMContainer.id);
if(portlet && et2.DOMContainer !== portlet)
if(portlet && misplaced.length)
et2.DOMContainer.id = et2.uniqueId;
// Ordering of portlets
// Only needs to be done once, but its hard to tell when everything is loaded
* Observer method receives update notifications from all applications
* Home passes the notification off to specific code for each portlet, which
* decide if they should be updated or not.
* @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted'
* @param {string} _app application name
* @param {(string|number)} _id id of entry to refresh or null
* @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
* - update: request just modified data from given rows. Sorting is not considered,
* so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
* - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected. Requires full reload.
* - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
* - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
* @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default)
* @param {string} _targetapp which app's window should be refreshed, default current
* @return {false|*} false to stop regular refresh, thought all observers are run
observer(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _msg_type, _targetapp)
for(let id in this.portlets)
// App is home, refresh all portlets
if(_app == 'home')
// Ask the portlets if they're interested
let code = this.portlets[id];
code.observer(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _msg_type, _targetapp);
this.egw.debug("error", "Error trying to update portlet " + id, e);
return false;
* Add a new portlet from the context menu
add(action, source)
// Basic portlet attributes
let attrs = {
id: this._create_id(),
class: action.data.class,
settings: {}
// Add extra data from action
Object.keys(action.data).forEach(k =>
if(["id", "type", "acceptedTypes", "class"].indexOf(k) == -1)
attrs["settings"][k] = action.data[k];
// Try to put it about where the menu was opened
let $portlet_container = jQuery(this.portlet_container.getDOMNode());
attrs.row = Math.max(1, Math.round((action.menu_context.posy - $portlet_container.offset().top) / HomeApp.GRID) + 1);
// Use "auto" col to avoid any overlap or overflow
attrs.col = "auto";
let portlet = <Et2Portlet>loadWebComponent(this.get_portlet_tag(action), attrs, this.portlet_container);
// Get actual attributes & settings, since they're not available client side yet
portlet.update_settings(attrs).then((result) =>
// Initial add needs to wait for the update to come back, then ask about settings
// Etemplate can conflict with portlet asking for settings
if(result === false)
* User dropped something on home. Add a new portlet
add_from_drop(action, source)
// Actions got confused drop vs popup
if(source[0].id == 'portlets')
return this.add(action);
let $portlet_container = jQuery(this.portlet_container.getDOMNode());
// Basic portlet attributes
let attrs = {
id: this._create_id(),
class: action.data.class || action.id.substr(5),
dropped_data: []
// Try to find where the drop was
if(action != null && action.ui && action.ui.position)
attrs.row = Math.max(1, Math.round((action.ui.position.top - $portlet_container.offset().top) / HomeApp.GRID));
// Use "auto" col to avoid any overlap or overflow
attrs.col = "auto";
// Get actual attributes & settings, since they're not available client side yet
for(let i = 0; i < source.length; i++)
let portlet = <Et2Portlet>loadWebComponent(this.get_portlet_tag(action), attrs, this.portlet_container);
// Get actual attributes & settings, since they're not available client side yet
* Set the current selection as default for other users
* Only works (and available) for admins, this shows a dialog to select
* the group, and then sets the default for that group.
* @param {egwAction} action
* @param {egwActionObject[]} selected
set_default(action, selected)
// Gather just IDs, server will handle the details
let portlet_ids = [];
let group = action.data.portlet_group || false;
if(selected[0].id == 'home.index')
// Set all
}, this, et2_portlet);
for(let i = 0; i < selected.length; i++)
// Read the associated group so we can properly remove it
let portlet = egw.preference(selected[i].id, 'home');
if(!group && portlet && portlet.group)
group = portlet.group;
if(action.id.indexOf("remove_default") == 0)
// Disable action for feedback
// Pass them to server
egw.json('home_ui::ajax_set_default', ['delete', portlet_ids, group]).sendRequest(true);
let dialog = et2_createWidget("dialog", {
// If you use a template, the second parameter will be the value of the template, as if it were submitted.
callback: function(button_id, value)
if(button_id != et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON)
// Pass them to server
egw.json('home_ui::ajax_set_default', ['add', portlet_ids, value.group || false]).sendRequest(true);
buttons: et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL,
title: action.caption,
template: "home.set_default",
value: {content: {}, sel_options: {group: {default: egw.lang('All'), forced: egw.lang('Forced')}}}
* Allow a refresh from anywhere by triggering an update with no changes
* @param {string} id
let p = this.portlet_container.getWidgetById(id);
* Determine the correct portlet type to use for the given action
* @param {egwAction} action
get_portlet_tag(action : egwAction) : string
// Try to turn action ID into tag (eg: home_list_portlet -> et2-portlet-list)
let tag = "et2-" + action.id.replace("add_", "").split("_").reverse().slice(0, -1).map(i => i.toLowerCase()).join("-");
if(typeof customElements.get(tag) != "undefined")
return tag;
return "et2-portlet";
* Determine the best fitting code to use for the given portlet, instanciate
* it and add it to the list.
* @param {et2_portlet} portlet
* @returns {home_portlet}
let classname = portlet.class;
// Freshly added portlets can have 'add_' prefix
if(classname.indexOf('add_') == 0)
classname = classname.replace('add_', '');
// Prefer a specific match
let _class = app.classes.home[classname] ||
(typeof customElements.get(classname) != "undefined" ? customElements.get(classname).class : false) ||
// If it has a nextmatch, use favorite base class
(portlet.getWidgetById('nm') ? Et2PortletFavorite : false) ||
// Fall back to base class
this.portlets[portlet.id] = new _class(portlet);
return this.portlets[portlet.id];
* For link_portlet - opens the configured record when the user
* double-clicks or chooses view from the context menu
// Get widget
let widget = null;
while(action.parent != null)
if(action.data && action.data.widget)
widget = action.data.widget;
action = action.parent;
if(widget == null)
this.egw.log("warning", "Could not find widget");
this.egw.open(widget.options.settings.entry, "", 'view', null, widget.options.settings.entry.app);
* Set up the positioning of portlets
* This handles portlets that may be offscreen because of wrong settings or changed screen size
// Check for column overflow
const gridStyle = getComputedStyle(this.portlet_container.getDOMNode());
let col_list = gridStyle.getPropertyValue("grid-template-columns").split(" ") || [];
const gridWidth = parseInt(gridStyle.width);
const maxColumn = Math.floor(gridWidth / (parseInt(col_list[0]) || 1));
// Check for column overlap
let col_map = {};
let last_row = 0;
this.portlet_container.getDOMNode().querySelectorAll("[style*='grid-area']").forEach((n) =>
let [row] = (getComputedStyle(n).gridRow || "").split(" / ");
const colData = (getComputedStyle(n).gridColumn || "").split(" / span ");
let col = parseInt(colData[0]);
let span = parseInt(colData[1] || "1");
if(parseInt(row) != last_row && typeof col_map[row] == "undefined")
last_row = parseInt(row);
col_map[row] = {};
// If column is already occupied, or start off screen, or width pushes right side off screen
if(typeof col_map[row][col] !== "undefined" || col > maxColumn || (col + span) > maxColumn)
if(col + span > maxColumn)
span = Math.max(
Math.min(span, (maxColumn - (parseInt(Object.keys(col_map[row]).at(-1)) || col)))
// Set column to auto to avoid overlap
n.style.gridColumn = "auto / span " + span;
for(let i = col; i <= span; i++)
col_map[row][i] = true;
* Create an ID that should be unique, at least amoung a single user's portlets
let id = '';
id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
while(this.portlet_container.getWidgetById('portlet_' + id));
return 'portlet_' + id;
* Functions for the list portlet
* Remove a link from the list
link_change(list, link_id, row)
list.link_change(link_id, row);
app.classes.home = HomeApp;
app.classes.home.home_weather_portlet = app.classes.home.home_portlet.extend({
init: function(portlet) {
// call parent
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Use location API
if(!this.portlet.options.settings && 'geolocation' in navigator)
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
if(portlet && portlet.options && portlet.options.settings &&
portlet.options.settings.position && portlet.options.settings.position == position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude)
portlet._process_edit(et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON, {position: position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude});