mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 12:29:25 +01:00
In 1.6, this results in all events being shown for which the selected user is the owner (but not participant). In trunk, this can be filtered out by the new filter feature. This code seems to have sneaked in during a syncml backport.
1576 lines
53 KiB
1576 lines
53 KiB
* eGroupWare - Calendar's storage-object
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @package calendar
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @author Christian Binder <christian-AT-jaytraxx.de>
* @author Joerg Lehrke <jlehrke@noc.de>
* @copyright (c) 2005-9 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* some necessary defines used by the calendar
* Class to store all calendar data (storage object)
* Tables used by socal:
* - egw_cal: general calendar data: cal_id, title, describtion, locations, ...
* - egw_cal_dates: start- and enddates (multiple entry per cal_id for recuring events!)
* - egw_cal_user: participant info including status (multiple entries per cal_id AND startdate for recuring events)
* - egw_cal_repeats: recur-data: type, optional enddate, etc.
* - egw_cal_extra: custom fields (multiple entries per cal_id possible)
* The new UI, BO and SO classes have a strikt definition, in which time-zone they operate:
* UI only operates in user-time, so there have to be no conversation at all !!!
* BO's functions take and return user-time only (!), they convert internaly everything to servertime, because
* SO operates only on server-time
class calendar_so
* name of the main calendar table and prefix for all other calendar tables
var $cal_table = 'egw_cal';
var $extra_table,$repeats_table,$user_table,$dates_table,$all_tables;
* reference to global db-object
* @var egw_db
var $db;
* instance of the async object
* @var asyncservice
var $async;
* SQL to sort by status U, T, A, R
* Constructor of the socal class
function __construct()
$this->async = $GLOBALS['egw']->asyncservice;
$this->db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db;
$this->all_tables = array($this->cal_table);
foreach(array('extra','repeats','user','dates') as $name)
$vname = $name.'_table';
$this->all_tables[] = $this->$vname = $this->cal_table.'_'.$name;
* reads one or more calendar entries
* All times (start, end and modified) are returned as timesstamps in servertime!
* @param int|array|string $ids id or array of id's of the entries to read, or string with a single uid
* @param int $recur_date=0 if set read the next recurrence at or after the timestamp, default 0 = read the initital one
* @return array|boolean array with id => data pairs or false if entry not found
function read($ids,$recur_date=0)
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length']))
$minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'];
$minimum_uid_length = 8;
//echo "<p>socal::read(".print_r($ids,true).",$recur_date)<br />\n".function_backtrace()."<p>\n";
$table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->cal_table);
$group_by_cols = $this->cal_table.'.'.implode(','.$this->cal_table.'.',array_keys($table_def['fd']));
$table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->repeats_table);
$group_by_cols .= ','.$this->repeats_table.'.'.implode(','.$this->repeats_table.'.',array_keys($table_def['fd']));
$where = array();
if (is_array($ids))
array_walk($ids,create_function('&$val,$key','$val = (int) $val;'));
$where[] = $this->cal_table.'.cal_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')';
elseif (is_numeric($ids))
$where[] = $this->cal_table.'.cal_id = '.(int) $ids;
// We want only the parents to match
$where['cal_uid'] = $ids;
$where['cal_reference'] = 0;
if ((int) $recur_date)
$where[] = 'cal_start >= '.(int)$recur_date;
$events = array();
foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table,"$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,MIN(cal_start) AS cal_start,MIN(cal_end) AS cal_end",
$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'GROUP BY '.$group_by_cols,'calendar',0,
",$this->dates_table LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->dates_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id".
" WHERE $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id") as $row)
$row['recur_exception'] = $row['recur_exception'] ? explode(',',$row['recur_exception']) : array();
if (!$row['recur_type']) $row['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_NONE;
$row['alarm'] = array();
$events[$row['cal_id']] = egw_db::strip_array_keys($row,'cal_');
// if a uid was supplied, convert it for the further code to an id
if (!is_array($ids) && !is_numeric($ids)) $ids = $row['cal_id'];
if (!$events) return false;
foreach ($events as &$event)
if (!isset($event['uid']) || strlen($event['uid']) < $minimum_uid_length)
// event (without uid), not strong enough uid => create new uid
$event['uid'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->generate_uid('calendar',$event['id']);
$this->db->update($this->cal_table, array('cal_uid' => $event['uid']),
array('cal_id' => $event['id']),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
if ((int) $recur_date == 0 &&
$event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE &&
if ($event['recur_exception'][0] < $event['start'])
// leading exceptions => move start and end
$event['end'] -= $event['start'] - $event['recur_exception'][0];
$event['start'] = $event['recur_exception'][0];
// check if we have a real recurance, if not set $recur_date=0
if (is_array($ids) || $events[(int)$ids]['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
$recur_date = 0;
else // adjust the given recurance to the real time, it can be a date without time(!)
if ($recur_date)
// also remember recur_date, maybe we need it later, duno now
$recur_date = $events[$ids]['recur_date'] = $events[$ids]['start'];
// participants, if a recur_date give, we read that recurance, else the one users from the default entry with recur_date=0
'cal_id' => $ids,
'cal_recur_date' => $recur_date,
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'ORDER BY cal_user_type DESC,'.self::STATUS_SORT,'calendar') as $row) // DESC puts users before resources and contacts
// combine all participant data in uid and status values
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'],$row['cal_user_id']);
$status = self::combine_status($row['cal_status'],$row['cal_quantity'],$row['cal_role']);
$events[$row['cal_id']]['participants'][$uid] = $status;
$events[$row['cal_id']]['participant_types'][$row['cal_user_type']][$row['cal_user_id']] = $status;
// custom fields
foreach($this->db->select($this->extra_table,'*',array('cal_id'=>$ids),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$events[$row['cal_id']]['#'.$row['cal_extra_name']] = $row['cal_extra_value'];
// alarms, atm. we read all alarms in the system, as this can be done in a single query
foreach((array)$this->async->read('cal'.(is_array($ids) ? '' : ':'.(int)$ids).':%') as $id => $job)
list(,$cal_id) = explode(':',$id);
if (!isset($events[$cal_id])) continue; // not needed
$alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled
$alarm['id'] = $id;
$alarm['time'] = $job['next'];
$events[$cal_id]['alarm'][$id] = $alarm;
//echo "<p>socal::read(".print_r($ids,true).")=<pre>".print_r($events,true)."</pre>\n";
return $events;
* Get maximum modification time of participant data of given event(s)
* This includes ALL recurences of an event series
* @param int|array $ids one or multiple cal_id's
* @return int|array (array of) modification timestamp(s)
function max_user_modified($ids)
$etags = array();
if (is_array($ids))
$events = $ids;
$events = array($ids);
foreach ($events as $id)
if (!($ts = $GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction('calendar', $id, 'modify')))
$ts = $GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction('calendar', $id, 'add');
if ($ts) $etags[$id] = $ts;
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__.'('.array2string($ids).') = '.array2string($etags)."</p>\n";
return is_array($ids) ? $etags : $etags[$ids];
* generate SQL to filter after a given category (evtl. incl. subcategories)
* @param array|int $cat_id cat-id or array of cat-ids, or !$cat_id for none
* @return string SQL to include in the query
function cat_filter($cat_id)
$sql = '';
if ($cat_id)
if (!is_array($cat_id) && !@$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['cats_no_subs'])
$cats = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->return_all_children($cat_id);
$cats = is_array($cat_id) ? $cat_id : array($cat_id);
array_walk($cats,create_function('&$val,$key','$val = (int) $val;'));
$sql = '(cal_category'.(count($cats) > 1 ? " IN ('".implode("','",$cats)."')" : '='.$this->db->quote((int)$cat_id));
foreach($cats as $cat)
$sql .= ' OR '.$this->db->concat("','",'cal_category',"','").' LIKE '.$this->db->quote('%,'.$cat.',%');
$sql .= ') ';
return $sql;
* Searches / lists calendar entries, including repeating ones
* @param int $start startdate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int $end enddate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int|array $users user-id or array of user-id's, !$users means all entries regardless of users
* @param int $cat_id=0 mixed category-id or array of cat-id's, default 0 = all
* Please note: only a single cat-id, will include all sub-cats (if the common-pref 'cats_no_subs' is False)
* @param string $filter='' string filter-name, atm. all or hideprivate
* @param string $query='' pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search)
* Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!!
* @param int|boolean $offset=False offset for a limited query or False (default)
* @param int $num_rows=0 number of rows to return if offset set, default 0 = use default in user prefs
* @param string $order='cal_start' column-names plus optional DESC|ASC separted by comma
* @param boolean $show_rejected=true should the search return rejected invitations
* @param string|array $_cols=null what to select, default "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date",
* if specified and not false an iterator for the rows is returned
* @param string $append='' SQL to append to the query before $order, eg. for a GROUP BY clause
* @param array $cfs=null custom fields to query, null = none, array() = all, or array with cfs names
* @return array of cal_ids, or false if error in the parameters
* ToDo: search custom-fields too
function &search($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='',$query='',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,$order='cal_start',$show_rejected=true,$_cols=null,$append='',$cfs=null)
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__.'('.($start ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$start) : '').','.($end ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$end) : '').','.array2string($users).','.array2string($cat_id).",'$filter',".array2string($query).",$offset,$num_rows,$order,$show_rejected,".array2string($_cols).",$append,".array2string($cfs).")</p>\n";
$cols = !is_null($_cols) ? $_cols : "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date";
$where = array();
if (is_array($query))
$where = $query;
elseif ($query)
foreach(array('cal_title','cal_description','cal_location') as $col)
$to_or[] = $col . ' LIKE ' . $this->db->quote('%'.$query.'%');
$where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')';
if ($users)
$users_by_type = array();
foreach((array)$users as $user)
if (is_numeric($user))
$users_by_type['u'][] = (int) $user;
elseif (is_numeric(substr($user,1)))
$users_by_type[$user[0]][] = (int) substr($user,1);
$to_or = array();
$table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->user_table);
foreach($users_by_type as $type => $ids)
$to_or[] = $this->db->expression($table_def,array(
'cal_user_type' => $type,
'cal_user_id' => $ids,
$where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')';
if (!$show_rejected) $where[] = "cal_status != 'R'";
if ($cat_id)
$where[] = $this->cat_filter($cat_id);
if ($start) $where[] = (int)$start.' < cal_end';
if ($end) $where[] = 'cal_start < '.(int)$end;
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z_ ,]+$/i',$order)) $order = 'cal_start'; // gard against SQL injection
if ($this->db->capabilities['distinct_on_text'] && $this->db->capabilities['union'])
// changed the original OR in the query into a union, to speed up the query execution under MySQL 5
$select = array(
'table' => $this->cal_table,
'join' => "JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id",
'cols' => $cols,
'where' => $where,
'app' => 'calendar',
'append'=> $append,
$selects = array($select,$select);
$selects[0]['where'][] = 'recur_type IS NULL AND cal_recur_date=0';
$selects[1]['where'][] = 'cal_recur_date=cal_start';
if (is_numeric($offset)) // get the total too
// we only select cal_table.cal_id (and not cal_table.*) to be able to use DISTINCT (eg. MsSQL does not allow it for text-columns)
$selects[0]['cols'] = $selects[1]['cols'] = "DISTINCT $this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date";
$this->total = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__)->NumRows();
$selects[0]['cols'] = $selects[1]['cols'] = $select['cols']; // restore the original cols
// error_log("calendar_so_search:\n" . print_r($selects, true));
$rs = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__,$order,$offset,$num_rows);
else // MsSQL oder MySQL 3.23
$where[] = '(recur_type IS NULL AND cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_recur_date=cal_start)';
if (is_numeric($offset)) // get the total too
// we only select cal_table.cal_id (and not cal_table.*) to be able to use DISTINCT (eg. MsSQL does not allow it for text-columns)
$this->total = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,"DISTINCT $this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date",
"JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id")->NumRows();
$rs = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,($this->db->capabilities['distinct_on_text'] ? 'DISTINCT ' : '').$cols,
$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,$offset,$append.' ORDER BY '.$order,'calendar',$num_rows,
"JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id");
if (!is_null($_cols))
return $rs; // if colums are specified we return the recordset / iterator
$events = $ids = $recur_dates = $recur_ids = array();
foreach($rs as $row)
$id = $row['cal_id'];
if (is_numeric($id)) $ids[] = $id;
if ($row['cal_recur_date'])
$id .= '-'.$row['cal_recur_date'];
$recur_dates[] = $row['cal_recur_date'];
if ($row['participants'])
$row['participants'] = explode(',',$row['participants']);
$row['participants'] = array_combine($row['participants'],
$row['participants'] = array();
$row['alarm'] = array();
$row['recur_exception'] = $row['recur_exception'] ? explode(',',$row['recur_exception']) : array();
$events[$id] = egw_db::strip_array_keys($row,'cal_');
if (count($events))
// now ready all users with the given cal_id AND (cal_recur_date=0 or the fitting recur-date)
// This will always read the first entry of each recuring event too, we eliminate it later
$recur_dates[] = 0;
$utcal_id_view = " (SELECT * FROM ".$this->user_table." WHERE cal_id IN (".implode(',',array_unique($ids)).")) utcalid ";
//$utrecurdate_view = " (select * from ".$this->user_table." where cal_recur_date in (".implode(',',array_unique($recur_dates)).")) utrecurdates ";
//'cal_id' => array_unique($ids),
'cal_recur_date' => $recur_dates,
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'ORDER BY cal_id,cal_user_type DESC,'.self::STATUS_SORT,'calendar',$num_rows=0,$join='',
$this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->user_table)) as $row) // DESC puts users before resources and contacts
$id = $row['cal_id'];
if ($row['cal_recur_date']) $id .= '-'.$row['cal_recur_date'];
if (!in_array($id,(array)$recur_ids[$row['cal_id']])) $recur_ids[$row['cal_id']][] = $id;
if (!isset($events[$id])) continue; // not needed first entry of recuring event
// combine all participant data in uid and status values
$events[$id]['participants'][self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'],$row['cal_user_id'])] =
//custom fields are not shown in the regular views, so we only query them, if explicitly required
if (!is_null($cfs))
$where = array('cal_id' => $ids);
if ($cfs) $where['cal_extra_name'] = $cfs;
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
foreach((array)$recur_ids[$row['cal_id']] as $id)
if (isset($events[$id]))
$events[$id]['#'.$row['cal_extra_name']] = $row['cal_extra_value'];
// alarms, atm. we read all alarms in the system, as this can be done in a single query
foreach((array)$this->async->read('cal'.(is_array($ids) ? '' : ':'.(int)$ids).':%') as $id => $job)
list(,$cal_id) = explode(':',$id);
$alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled
$alarm['id'] = $id;
$alarm['time'] = $job['next'];
$event_start = $alarm['time'] + $alarm['offset'];
if (isset($events[$cal_id])) // none recuring event
$events[$cal_id]['alarm'][$id] = $alarm;
elseif (isset($events[$cal_id.'-'.$event_start])) // recuring event
$events[$cal_id.'-'.$event_start]['alarm'][$id] = $alarm;
//echo "<p>socal::search\n"; _debug_array($events);
return $events;
* Checks for conflicts
/* folowing SQL checks for conflicts completly on DB level
SELECT cal_user_type, cal_user_id, SUM( cal_quantity )
FROM egw_cal, egw_cal_dates, egw_cal_user
LEFT JOIN egw_cal_repeats ON egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_repeats.cal_id
WHERE egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_dates.cal_id
AND egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_user.cal_id
recur_type IS NULL
AND cal_recur_date =0
OR cal_recur_date = cal_start
cal_user_type = 'u' # user of the checked event
AND cal_user_id
IN ( 7, 5 )
AND 1118822400 < cal_end # start- and end-time of the checked event
AND cal_start <1118833200
AND egw_cal.cal_id !=26 # id of the checked event
AND cal_non_blocking !=1
AND cal_status != 'R'
GROUP BY cal_user_type, cal_user_id
ORDER BY cal_user_type, cal_usre_id
* Saves or creates an event
* We always set cal_modified and cal_modifier and for new events cal_uid.
* All other column are only written if they are set in the $event parameter!
* @param array $event
* @param boolean &$set_recurrences on return: true if the recurrences need to be written, false otherwise
* @param int &$set_recurrences_start=0 on return: time from which on the recurrences should be rebuilt, default 0=all
* @param int $change_since=0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed, default 0=all
* @param int &$etag etag=null etag to check or null, on return new etag
* @return boolean|int false on error, 0 if etag does not match, cal_id otherwise
function save($event,&$set_recurrences,&$set_recurrences_start=0,$change_since=0,&$etag=null)
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length']))
$minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'];
$minimum_uid_length = 8;
$old_min = $old_duration = 0;
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__.'('.array2string($event).",$change_since) event="; _debug_array($event);
$cal_id = (int) $event['id'];
$set_recurrences = !$cal_id && $event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE;
if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE &&
$event['recur_interval'] = 1;
// add colum prefix 'cal_' if there's not already a 'recur_' prefix
foreach($event as $col => $val)
if ($col[0] != '#' && substr($col,0,6) != 'recur_' && $col != 'alarm')
$event['cal_'.$col] = $val;
// ensure that we find mathing entries later on
if (!is_array($event['cal_category']))
$categories = array_unique(explode(',',$event['cal_category']));
$categories = array_unique($event['cal_category']);
sort($categories, SORT_NUMERIC);
$event['cal_category'] = implode(',',$categories);
if ($cal_id)
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id);
if (!is_null($etag)) $where['cal_etag'] = $etag;
$event[] = 'cal_etag=cal_etag+1'; // always update the etag, even if none given to check
if (!is_null($etag) && $this->db->affected_rows() < 1)
return 0; // wrong etag, someone else updated the entry
if (!is_null($etag)) ++$etag;
// new event
if (!$event['cal_owner']) $event['cal_owner'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
if (!$event['cal_id'] && !isset($event['cal_uid'])) $event['cal_uid'] = ''; // uid is NOT NULL!
if (!($cal_id = $this->db->get_last_insert_id($this->cal_table,'cal_id')))
return false;
$etag = 0;
if (!isset($event['cal_uid']) || strlen($event['cal_uid']) < $minimum_uid_length)
// event (without uid), not strong enough uid
$event['cal_uid'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->generate_uid('calendar',$cal_id);
$this->db->update($this->cal_table, array('cal_uid' => $event['cal_uid']),
array('cal_id' => $event['cal_id']),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// write information about recurring event
if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
// fetch information about the currently saved (old) event
$old_min = (int) $this->db->select($this->dates_table,'MIN(cal_start)',array('cal_id'=>$cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetchColumn();
$old_duration = (int) $this->db->select($this->dates_table,'MIN(cal_end)',array('cal_id'=>$cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetchColumn() - $old_min;
$old_repeats = $this->db->select($this->repeats_table,'*',array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetch();
$old_exceptions = $old_repeats['recur_exception'] ? explode(',',$old_repeats['recur_exception']) : array();
if (!empty($old_exceptions))
if ($old_min > $old_exceptions[0]) $old_min = $old_exceptions[0];
$event['recur_exception'] = is_array($event['recur_exception']) ? $event['recur_exception'] : array();
if (!empty($event['recur_exception']))
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => 0);
$old_participants = array();
foreach ($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_user_type,cal_user_id,cal_status,cal_quantity', $where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id']);
$status = self::combine_status($row['cal_status'], $row['cal_quantity']);
$old_participants[$uid] = $status;
// re-check: did so much recurrence data change that we have to rebuild it from scratch?
if (!$set_recurrences)
$set_recurrences = (isset($event['cal_start']) && (int)$old_min != (int) $event['cal_start']) ||
$event['recur_type'] != $old_repeats['recur_type'] || $event['recur_data'] != $old_repeats['recur_data'] ||
(int)$event['recur_interval'] != (int)$old_repeats['recur_interval'];
if ($set_recurrences)
// too much recurrence data has changed, we have to do a rebuild from scratch
// delete all, but the lowest dates record
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_start > '.(int)$old_min,
// delete all user-records, with recur-date != 0
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date != 0',
// we adjust some possibly changed recurrences manually
// deleted exceptions: re-insert recurrences into the user and dates table
if(count($deleted_exceptions = array_diff($old_exceptions,$event['recur_exception'])))
if (isset($event['cal_participants']))
$participants = $event['cal_participants'];
// use old default
$participants = $old_participants;
foreach($deleted_exceptions as $id => $deleted_exception)
// rebuild participants for the re-inserted recurrence
$this->recurrence($cal_id, $deleted_exception, $deleted_exception + $old_duration, $participants);
// check if recurrence enddate was adjusted
// recurrences need to be truncated
if((int)$event['recur_enddate'] > 0 &&
((int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] == 0 || (int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] > (int)$event['recur_enddate'])
$this->db->delete($this->user_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_recur_date > '.($event['recur_enddate'] + 1*DAY_s)),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
$this->db->delete($this->dates_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_start > '.($event['recur_enddate'] + 1*DAY_s)),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// recurrences need to be expanded
if(((int)$event['recur_enddate'] == 0 && (int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] > 0)
|| ((int)$event['recur_enddate'] > 0 && (int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] > 0 && (int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] < (int)$event['recur_enddate'])
$set_recurrences = true;
$set_recurrences_start = ($old_repeats['recur_enddate'] + 1*DAY_s);
// truncate recurrences by given exceptions
if (count($event['recur_exception']))
// added and existing exceptions: delete the execeptions from the user and dates table, it could be the first time
$this->db->delete($this->user_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_recur_date' => $event['recur_exception']),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
$this->db->delete($this->dates_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_start' => $event['recur_exception']),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// write the repeats table
$event['recur_exception'] = empty($event['recur_exception']) ? null : implode(',',$event['recur_exception']);
unset($event[0]); // unset the 'etag=etag+1', as it's not in the repeats table
if($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
$this->db->insert($this->repeats_table,$event,array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
$this->db->delete($this->repeats_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// update start- and endtime if present in the event-array, evtl. we need to move all recurrences
if (isset($event['cal_start']) && isset($event['cal_end']))
$this->move($cal_id,$event['cal_start'],$event['cal_end'],!$cal_id ? false : $change_since, $old_min, $old_min + $old_duration);
// update participants if present in the event-array
if (isset($event['cal_participants']))
$this->participants($cal_id,$event['cal_participants'],!$cal_id ? false : $change_since);
// Custom fields
foreach($event as $name => $value)
if ($name[0] == '#')
if ($value)
'cal_extra_value' => is_array($value) ? implode(',',$value) : $value,
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_extra_name' => substr($name,1),
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_extra_name' => substr($name,1),
// updating or saving the alarms, new alarms have a temporary numeric id!
// ToDo: recuring events !!!
if (is_array($event['alarm']))
foreach ($event['alarm'] as $id => $alarm)
if (is_numeric($id)) unset($alarm['id']); // unset the temporary id, to add the alarm
$alarm['offset'] = $event['cal_start'] - $alarm['time'];
elseif (!isset($alarm['time']))
$alarm['time'] = $event['cal_start'] - $alarm['offset'];
//pgoerzen: don't add an alarm if it is before the current date.
/*if ($event['recur_type'] && ($tmp_event = $this->read($eventID, time() + $alarm['offset'])))
$alarm['time'] = $tmp_event['cal_start'] - $alarm['offset'];
} */
if (is_null($etag))
$etag = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,'cal_etag',array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetchColumn();
return $cal_id;
* moves an event to an other start- and end-time taken into account the evtl. recurrences of the event(!)
* @param int $cal_id
* @param int $start new starttime
* @param int $end new endtime
* @param int|boolean $change_since=0 false=new entry, > 0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed, default 0=all
* @param int $old_start=0 old starttime or (default) 0, to query it from the db
* @param int $old_end=0 old starttime or (default) 0
* @return int|boolean number of moved recurrences or false on error
function move($cal_id,$start,$end,$change_since=0,$old_start=0,$old_end=0)
//echo "<p>socal::move($cal_id,$start,$end,$change_since,$old_start,$old_end)</p>\n";
if (!(int) $cal_id) return false;
if (!$old_start)
if ($change_since !== false) $row = $this->db->select($this->dates_table,'MIN(cal_start) AS cal_start,MIN(cal_end) AS cal_end',
// if no recurrence found, create one with the new dates
if ($change_since === false || !$row || !$row['cal_start'] || !$row['cal_end'])
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_start' => $start,
'cal_end' => $end,
return 1;
$move_start = (int) ($start-$row['cal_start']);
$move_end = (int) ($end-$row['cal_end']);
$move_start = (int) ($start-$old_start);
$move_end = (int) ($end-$old_end);
$where = 'cal_id='.(int)$cal_id;
if ($move_start)
// move the recur-date of the participants
$this->db->query("UPDATE $this->user_table SET cal_recur_date=cal_recur_date+$move_start WHERE $where AND cal_recur_date ".
((int)$change_since ? '>= '.(int)$change_since : '!= 0'),__LINE__,__FILE__);
if ($move_start || $move_end)
// move the event and it's recurrences
$this->db->query("UPDATE $this->dates_table SET cal_start=cal_start+$move_start,cal_end=cal_end+$move_end WHERE $where".
((int) $change_since ? ' AND cal_start >= '.(int) $change_since : ''),__LINE__,__FILE__);
return $this->db->affected_rows();
* combines user_type and user_id into a single string or integer (for users)
* @param string $user_type 1-char type: 'u' = user, ...
* @param string|int $user_id id
* @return string|int combined id
static function combine_user($user_type,$user_id)
if (!$user_type || $user_type == 'u')
return (int) $user_id;
return $user_type.$user_id;
* splits the combined user_type and user_id into a single values
* @param string|int $uid
* @param string &$user_type 1-char type: 'u' = user, ...
* @param string|int &$user_id id
static function split_user($uid,&$user_type,&$user_id)
if (is_numeric($uid))
$user_type = 'u';
$user_id = (int) $uid;
$user_type = $uid[0];
$user_id = substr($uid,1);
* Combine status, quantity and role into one value
* @param string $status
* @param int $quantity=1
* @param string $role='REQ-PARTICIPANT'
* @return string
static function combine_status($status,$quantity=1,$role='REQ-PARTICIPANT')
if ((int)$quantity > 1) $status .= (int)$quantity;
//if ($role != 'REQ-PARTICIPANT') $status .= $role;
return $status;
* splits the combined status, quantity and role
* @param string &$status I: combined value, O: status letter: U, T, A, R, D
* @param int &$quantity only O: quantity
* @param string &$role only O: role
static function split_status(&$status,&$quantity,&$role)
$quantity = 1;
if (strlen($status) > 1 && preg_match('/^.([0-9]*)(.*)$/',$status,$matches))
if ((int)$matches[1] > 0) $quantity = (int)$matches[1];
if ($matches[2]) $role = $matches[2];
$status = $status[0];
elseif ($status === true)
$status = 'U';
* updates the participants of an event, taken into account the evtl. recurrences of the event(!)
* this method just adds new participants or removes not longer set participants
* this method does never overwrite existing entries (except the 0-recurrence and for delete)
* @param int $cal_id
* @param array $participants uid => status pairs
* @param int|boolean $change_since=0, false=new event,
* 0=all, > 0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed
* @param boolean $add_only=false
* false = add AND delete participants if needed (full list of participants required in $participants)
* true = only add participants if needed, no participant will be deleted (participants to check/add required in $participants)
* @return int|boolean number of updated recurrences or false on error
function participants($cal_id,$participants,$change_since=0,$add_only=false)
$recurrences = array();
// remove group-invitations, they are NOT stored in the db
foreach($participants as $uid => $status)
if ($status[0] == 'G')
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id);
if ((int) $change_since)
$where[0] = '(cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_recur_date >= '.(int)$change_since.')';
if ($change_since !== false)
// find all existing recurrences
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_recur_date',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$recurrences[] = $row['cal_recur_date'];
// update existing entries
$existing_entries = $this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_user_type,cal_user_id',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar');
// create a full list of participants which already exist in the db
$old_participants = array();
foreach($existing_entries as $row)
$old_participants[self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'],$row['cal_user_id'])] = true;
// tag participants which should be deleted
if($add_only === false)
$deleted = array();
foreach($existing_entries as $row)
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'],$row['cal_user_id']);
// delete not longer set participants
if (!isset($participants[$uid]))
$deleted[$row['cal_user_type']][] = $row['cal_user_id'];
// only keep added participants for further steps - we do not touch existing ones
$participants = array_diff_key($participants,$old_participants);
// delete participants tagged for delete
if ($add_only === false && count($deleted))
$to_or = array();
$table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->user_table);
foreach($deleted as $type => $ids)
$to_or[] = $this->db->expression($table_def,array(
'cal_user_type' => $type,
'cal_user_id' => $ids,
$where[1] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')';
if (count($participants)) // participants which need to be added
if (!count($recurrences)) $recurrences[] = 0; // insert the default recurrence
// update participants
foreach($participants as $uid => $status)
$type = $id = $quantity = $role = null;
$set = array(
'cal_status' => $status,
'cal_quantity' => $quantity,
//'cal_role' => $role,
foreach($recurrences as $recur_date)
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => $recur_date,
'cal_user_type' => $type,
'cal_user_id' => $id,
return true;
* set the status of one participant for a given recurrence or for all recurrences since now (includes recur_date=0)
* @param int $cal_id
* @param char $user_type 'u' regular user, 'r' resource, 'c' contact
* @param int $user_id
* @param int|char $status numeric status (defines) or 1-char code: 'R', 'U', 'T' or 'A'
* @param int $recur_date=0 date to change, or 0 = all since now
* @param string $role=null role to set if !is_null($role)
* @return int number of changed recurrences
function set_status($cal_id,$user_type,$user_id,$status,$recur_date=0,$role=null)
static $status_code_short = array(
if (!(int)$cal_id || !(int)$user_id && $user_type != 'e')
return false;
if (is_numeric($status)) $status = $status_code_short[$status];
$where = array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_user_type' => $user_type ? $user_type : 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $user_id,
if ((int) $recur_date)
$where['cal_recur_date'] = $recur_date;
$where[] = '(cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_recur_date >= '.time().')';
// check if the user has any status database entries and create the default set if needed
// a status update before having the necessary entries happens on e.g. group invitations
$this->participants($cal_id,array(self::combine_user($user_type,$user_id) => 'U'),0,true);
if ($status == 'G') // remove group invitations, as we dont store them in the db
$set = array('cal_status' => $status);
if (!is_null($role)) $set['cal_role'] = $role;
$ret = $this->db->affected_rows();
//error_log(__METHOD__."($cal_id,$user_type,$user_id,$status,$recur_date) = $ret");
return $ret;
* creates or update a recurrence in the dates and users table
* @param int $cal_id
* @param int $start
* @param int $end
* @param array $participants uid => status pairs
function recurrence($cal_id,$start,$end,$participants)
//echo "<p>socal::recurrence($cal_id,$start,$end,".print_r($participants,true).")</p>\n";
'cal_end' => $end,
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_start' => $start,
foreach ($participants as $uid => $status)
if ($status == 'G') continue; // dont save group-invitations
$type = $id = null;
'cal_status' => $status !== true ? $status[0] : 'U',
'cal_quantity' => substr($status,1) ? substr($status,1) : 1,
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => $start,
'cal_user_type' => $type,
'cal_user_id' => $id,
* Get all unfinished recuring events (or all users) after a given time
* @param int $time
* @return array with cal_id => max(cal_start) pairs
function unfinished_recuring($time)
$ids = array();
foreach($this->db->select($this->repeats_table,"$this->repeats_table.cal_id,MAX(cal_start) AS cal_start",array(
"$this->repeats_table.cal_id = $this->dates_table.cal_id",
'(recur_enddate = 0 OR recur_enddate IS NULL OR recur_enddate > '.(int)$time.')',
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,"GROUP BY $this->repeats_table.cal_id",'calendar',0,','.$this->dates_table) as $row)
$ids[$row['cal_id']] = $row['cal_start'];
return $ids;
* deletes an event incl. all recurrences, participants and alarms
* @param int $cal_id
function delete($cal_id)
//echo "<p>socal::delete($cal_id)</p>\n";
foreach($this->all_tables as $table)
* read the alarms of a calendar-event specified by $cal_id
* alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too
* @param int $cal_id
* @return array of alarms with alarm-id as key
function read_alarms($cal_id)
$alarms = array();
if ($jobs = $this->async->read('cal:'.(int)$cal_id.':%'))
foreach($jobs as $id => $job)
$alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled
$alarm['id'] = $id;
$alarm['time'] = $job['next'];
$alarms[$id] = $alarm;
return $alarms;
* read a single alarm specified by it's $id
* @param string $id alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too
* @return array with data of the alarm
function read_alarm($id)
if (!($jobs = $this->async->read($id)))
return False;
list($id,$job) = each($jobs);
$alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled
$alarm['id'] = $id;
$alarm['time'] = $job['next'];
//echo "<p>read_alarm('$id')="; print_r($alarm); echo "</p>\n";
return $alarm;
* saves a new or updated alarm
* @param int $cal_id Id of the calendar-entry
* @param array $alarm array with fields: text, owner, enabled, ..
* @param timestamp $now_su=0 timestamp for modification of related event
* @return string id of the alarm
function save_alarm($cal_id, $alarm, $now_su = 0)
//echo "<p>save_alarm(cal_id=$cal_id, alarm="; print_r($alarm); echo ")</p>\n";
if (!($id = $alarm['id']))
$alarms = $this->read_alarms($cal_id); // find a free alarm#
$n = count($alarms);
$id = 'cal:'.(int)$cal_id.':'.$n;
while (@isset($alarms[$id]));
$alarm['cal_id'] = $cal_id; // we need the back-reference
if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'],$id,'calendar.calendar_boupdate.send_alarm',$alarm))
return False;
// update the modification information of the related event
$datetime = $GLOBALS['egw']->datetime;
$now = ($now_su ? $now_su : time() + $datetime->this->tz_offset);
$modifier = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$this->db->update($this->cal_table, array('cal_modified' => $now, 'cal_modifier' => $modifier),
array('cal_id' => $cal_id), __LINE__, __FILE__, 'calendar');
return $id;
* delete all alarms of a calendar-entry
* @param int $cal_id Id of the calendar-entry
* @return int number of alarms deleted
function delete_alarms($cal_id)
$alarms = $this->read_alarms($cal_id);
foreach($alarms as $id => $alarm)
return count($alarms);
* delete one alarms identified by its id
* @param string $id alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too
* @param timestamp $now_su=0 timestamp for modification of related event
* @return int number of alarms deleted
function delete_alarm($id, $now_su = 0)
// update the modification information of the related event
list(,$cal_id) = explode(':',$id);
if ($cal_id)
$datetime = $GLOBALS['egw']->datetime;
$now = ($now_su ? $now_su : time() + $datetime->this->tz_offset);
$modifier = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$this->db->update($this->cal_table, array('cal_modified' => $now, 'cal_modifier' => $modifier),
array('cal_id' => $cal_id), __LINE__, __FILE__, 'calendar');
return $this->async->cancel_timer($id);
* Delete account hook
* @param array|int $old_user integer old user or array with keys 'account_id' and 'new_owner' as the deleteaccount hook uses it
* @param int $new_user=null
function deleteaccount($old_user, $newuser=null)
if (is_array($old_user))
$new_user = $old_user['new_owner'];
$old_user = $old_user['account_id'];
if (!(int)$new_user)
$user_type = '';
$user_id = null;
if ($user_type == 'u') // only accounts can be owners of events
foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table,'cal_id',array('cal_owner' => $old_user),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
'cal_user_type' => $user_type,
'cal_user_id' => $user_id,
// delete calendar entries without participants (can happen if the deleted user is the only participants, but not the owner)
foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table,"DISTINCT $this->cal_table.cal_id",'cal_user_id IS NULL',__LINE__,__FILE__,
False,'','calendar',0,"LEFT JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id") as $row)
$this->db->update($this->cal_table,array('cal_owner' => $new_user),array('cal_owner' => $old_user),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// delete participation of old user, if new user is already a participant
$ids = array();
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_id',array( // MySQL does NOT allow to run this as delete!
'cal_user_type' => 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $old_user,
"cal_id IN (SELECT cal_id FROM $this->user_table other WHERE other.cal_id=cal_id AND other.cal_user_id=".(int)$new_user." AND cal_user_type='u')",
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$ids[] = $row['cal_id'];
if ($ids) $this->db->delete($this->user_table,array(
'cal_user_type' => 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $old_user,
'cal_id' => $ids,
// now change participant in the rest to contain new user instead of old user
'cal_user_id' => $new_user,
'cal_user_type' => 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $old_user,
* get stati of all recurrences of an event for a specific participant
* @param int $cal_id
* @param int $uid=null participant uid; if == null return onyl the recur dates
* @param int $start=0 if != 0: startdate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int $end=0 if != 0: enddate of the search/list (servertime)
* @return array recur_date => status pairs (index 0 => main status)
function get_recurrences($cal_id, $uid=null, $start=0, $end=0)
$participant_status = array();
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id);
if ($start != 0 && $end == 0) $where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR cal_recur_date >= ' . (int)$start . ')';
if ($start == 0 && $end != 0) $where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR cal_recur_date <= ' . (int)$end . ')';
if ($start != 0 && $end != 0)
$where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR (cal_recur_date >= ' . (int)$start .
' AND cal_recur_date <= ' . (int)$end . '))';
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_recur_date',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
// inititalize the array
$participant_status[$row['cal_recur_date']] = null;
if (is_null($uid)) return $participant_status;
$user_type = $user_id = null;
self::split_user($uid, $user_type, $user_id);
$where = array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_user_type' => $user_type ? $user_type : 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $user_id,
if ($start != 0 && $end == 0) $where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR cal_recur_date >= ' . (int)$start . ')';
if ($start == 0 && $end != 0) $where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR cal_recur_date <= ' . (int)$end . ')';
if ($start != 0 && $end != 0)
$where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR (cal_recur_date >= ' . (int)$start .
' AND cal_recur_date <= ' . (int)$end . '))';
foreach ($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_recur_date,cal_status',$where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$participant_status[$row['cal_recur_date']] = $row['cal_status'];
return $participant_status;
* get all participants of an event
* @param int $cal_id
* @param int $recur_date=0 gives participants of this recurrence, default 0=all
* @return array participants
function get_participants($cal_id, $recur_date=0)
$participants = array();
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id);
if ($recur_date)
$where['cal_recur_date'] = $recur_date;
foreach ($this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_user_type,cal_user_id', $where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id']);
$id = $row['cal_user_type'] . $row['cal_user_id'];
$participants[$id]['type'] = $row['cal_user_type'];
$participants[$id]['id'] = $row['cal_user_id'];
$participants[$id]['uid'] = $uid;
return $participants;
* get all releated events
* @param int $uid UID of the series
* @return array of event exception ids for all events which share $uid
function get_related($uid)
$where = array(
'cal_uid' => $uid,
$related = array();
foreach ($this->db->select($this->cal_table,'cal_id,cal_reference',$where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
if ($row['cal_reference'])
// not the series entry itself
$related[$row['cal_id']] = $row['cal_reference'];
return $related;
* Gets the exception days of a given recurring event caused by
* irregular participant stati
* @param array $event Recurring Event.
* @param int $start=0 if != 0: startdate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int $end=0 if != 0: enddate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param boolean $show_rejected=true should the search return rejected invitations
* @return array Array of exception days (false for non-recurring events).
function get_recurrence_exceptions(&$event, $start=0, $end=0, $show_rejected=true)
$cal_id = (int) $event['id'];
$user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
if (!$cal_id || $event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE) return false;
$days = $removed_days = array();
$participants = $this->get_participants($cal_id, 0);
// Check if the stati for all participants are identical for all recurrences
foreach ($participants as $uid => $attendee)
switch ($attendee['type'])
case 'u': // account
case 'c': // contact
case 'e': // email address
$recurrences = $this->get_recurrences($cal_id, $uid, $start, $end);
foreach ($recurrences as $recur_date => $recur_status)
if ($uid == $user && !$show_rejected && $recur_status[0] == 'R')
$removed_days[$recur_date] = $recur_date;
if ($recur_date && $recur_status != $recurrences[0])
// Every distinct status results in an exception
$days[$recur_date] = $recur_date;
default: // We don't handle the rest
$days = array_diff($days, $removed_days);
$days = array_unique($days);
return $days;