2004-01-29 21:27:14 +00:00

52 lines
1.4 KiB

// I18N constants
HTMLArea.I18N = {
// the following should be the filename without .js extension
// it will be used for automatically load plugin language.
lang: "es",
tooltips: {
bold: "Negrita",
italic: "Cursiva",
underline: "Subrayado",
strikethrough: "Tachado",
subscript: "Subíndice",
superscript: "Superíndice",
justifyleft: "Alinear a la Izquierda",
justifycenter: "Centrar",
justifyright: "Alinear a la Derecha",
justifyfull: "Justificar",
insertorderedlist: "Lista Ordenada",
insertunorderedlist: "Lista No Ordenada",
outdent: "Aumentar Sangría",
indent: "Disminuir Sangría",
forecolor: "Color del Texto",
hilitecolor: "Color del Fondo",
inserthorizontalrule: "Línea Horizontal",
createlink: "Insertar Enlace",
insertimage: "Insertar Imagen",
inserttable: "Insertar Tabla",
htmlmode: "Ver Documento en HTML",
popupeditor: "Ampliar Editor",
about: "Acerca del Editor",
showhelp: "Ayuda",
textindicator: "Estilo Actual",
undo: "Deshacer",
redo: "Rehacer",
cut: "Cortar selección",
copy: "Copiar selección",
paste: "Pegar desde el portapapeles"
buttons: {
"ok": "Aceptar",
"cancel": "Cancelar"
msg: {
"Path": "Ruta",
"TEXT_MODE": "Esta en modo TEXTO. Use el boton [<>] para cambiar a WYSIWIG",