2011-04-10 15:05:47 +00:00

406 lines
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* PHPGWAPI Dragdrop - generates javascript for Walter Zorns dragdrop class
* @link
* @author Christian Binder <>
* @copyright (c) 2006 by Christian Binder <>
* @package phpgwapi
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/phpgwapi/inc/');
* General object containing the draggables and droppables
* @package phpgwapi
* @author Christian Binder <>
* @copyright (c) 2006 by Christian Binder <>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
class dragdrop
* draggable Objects
* @var array
var $draggables;
* droppable Objects
* @var array
var $droppables;
* custom DHTML Objects
* @var array
var $customs;
* ensures that function setJSCode is only run once
* @var boolean
var $setCodeDone = false;
* JavaScript(s) to include which contains the actions while dragging or dropping
* @var array
var $actionScripts;
* enables class for all browsers - use this for testing still not validated browsers
* @var boolean
var $browserTestMode = false;
function dragdrop()
* adds a Draggable DHTML object
* @param string $name unique html id of the object
* @param array $values=false optional associative array with values of the object
* @param string $dragAction=false ActionScript executed while item is dragged e.g. calendar.myscript.mydrag
* @param string $dropAction=false ActionScript executed when item is dropped e.g. calendar.myscript.mydrop
* @param string $focus=false position of the focus for underlying objects, something like 'top left 5' or 'center center 0'
* @return boolean true if all actions succeded, false otherwise
function addDraggable($name,$values = false,$dragAction = false,$dropAction = false,$focus = false)
if(!$this->checkUnique($name)) { return false; }
$this->draggables[] = array('name'=>$name,'values'=>$values,'dragAction'=>$this->registerActionScript($dragAction),'dropAction'=>$this->registerActionScript($dropAction),'focus'=>$this->addApostrophes($focus));
return true;
* adds a Droppable DHTML object
* @param string $name unique html id of the object
* @param array $values=false optional associative array with values of the object
* @return boolean true if all actions succeded, false otherwise
function addDroppable($name,$values = false)
if(!$this->checkUnique($name)) { return false; }
$this->droppables[] = array('name'=>$name,'values'=>$values);
return true;
* adds a Custom DHTML object
* @param string $name unique html id of the object
* @param array $commands=false optional array with commands for the object,
* e.g. CURSOR_HAND or NO_DRAG like described on walter zorns homepage
* @param array $values=false optional associative array with values of the object
* @param string $dragAction=false ActionScript executed while item is dragged e.g. calendar.myscript.mydrag
* @param string $dropAction=false ActionScript executed when item is dropped e.g. calendar.myscript.mydrop
* @return boolean true if all actions succeded, false otherwise
function addCustom($name,$commands = false,$values = false,$dragAction = false,$dropAction = false)
if(!$this->checkUnique($name)) { return false; }
$this->customs[] = array('name'=>$name,'commands'=>$commands,'values'=>$values,'dragAction'=>$this->registerActionScript($dragAction),'dropAction'=>$this->registerActionScript($dropAction));
return true;
* generates the appropriate JSCode for all defined objects
* @return boolean true if all actions succeed or false if the function was called more than once
function setJSCode()
// check that dragdrop is enabled by prefs and that we have a supported browser
if( !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['enable_dragdrop'] ||
return false;
// this function can only be run once, so we check that at the beginning
error_log('phpgwapi.dragdrop::setJSCode called more than once - aborting');
return false;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= "<!-- BEGIN JavaScript for wz_dragdrop.js -->\n";
// include wz_dragdrop once
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js/wz_dragdrop/wz_dragdrop.js"></script>'."\n";
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['wz_dragdrop_included'] = true;
// include actionScripts
foreach($this->actionScripts as $i => $actionScript)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$actionScript['file'].'"></script>'."\n";
// register all elements to wz_dragdrop
foreach($this->draggables as $i=>$element)
$element_names_array[] = '"'.$element['name'].'"+CURSOR_HAND+TRANSPARENT+SCROLL';
foreach($this->droppables as $i=>$element)
$element_names_array[] = '"'.$element['name'].'"';
foreach($this->customs as $i=>$element)
$element_names_array[] = '"'.$element['name'].'"+'.implode('+',$element['commands']);
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'."\n";
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= $this->DHTMLcommand().'('.$element_names.')'."\n";
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '</script>'."\n";
// set special params for draggable elements
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'."\n";
foreach($this->draggables as $i=>$element)
foreach($element['values'] as $val_name=>$val_value)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.my_'.$val_name.' = "'.$val_value.'";'."\n";
if($element['dragAction']) { $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.setDragFunc('.$element['dragAction'].');'."\n"; }
if($element['dropAction']) { $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.setDropFunc('.$element['dropAction'].');'."\n"; }
if($element['focus']) { $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.setFocus('.$element['focus'].');'."\n"; }
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '</script>'."\n";
// set special params for droppable elements
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'."\n";
foreach($this->droppables as $i=>$element)
foreach($element['values'] as $val_name=>$val_value)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.my_'.$val_name.' = "'.$val_value.'";'."\n";
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.setDraggable(false);'."\n";
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '</script>'."\n";
// set special params for custom elements
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'."\n";
foreach($this->customs as $i=>$element)
foreach($element['values'] as $val_name=>$val_value)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.my_'.$val_name.' = "'.$val_value.'";'."\n";
if($element['dragAction']) { $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.setDragFunc('.$element['dragAction'].');'."\n"; }
if($element['dropAction']) { $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= 'dd.elements.'.$element['name'].'.setDropFunc('.$element['dropAction'].');'."\n"; }
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '</script>'."\n";
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= "<!-- END JavaScript for wz_dragdrop.js -->\n";
return $this->setCodeDone = true;
* checks if the given name of an object is unique in all draggable,droppable and custom objects
* @param string $name unique html id of the object
* @return boolean true if $name is unique, otherwise false
function checkUnique($name)
foreach($this->draggables as $i=>$element)
if($element['name'] == $name)
error_log(' duplicate name for object "'.$name.'"');
return false;
foreach($this->droppables as $i=>$element)
if($element['name'] == $name)
error_log(' duplicate name for object "'.$name.'"');
return false;
foreach($this->customs as $i=>$element)
if($element['name'] == $name)
error_log(' duplicate name for object "'.$name.'"');
return false;
return true;
* checks if the browser is validated to work with the dragdrop class
* used to enable/disable this class for the clients browser
* @return boolean true if browser is validated, otherwise false
function validateBrowser()
$clientBrowser = new browser();
error_log('dragdrop::validateBrowser, agent: ' . $clientBrowser->get_agent());
foreach(array('MOZILLA') as $id=>$validatedBrowser)
if($this->browserTestMode || $clientBrowser->get_agent() == $validatedBrowser)
egw_framework::validate_file('wz_dragdrop', 'wz_dragdrop');
return true;
return false;
* registers additional javascript file(s) which contain scripts for various object actions
* and handles duplicates
* @param string $script script to register, e.g. 'calendar.dragdrop.moveEvent'
* @return string $functionname if JavaScript file exists, otherwise false
function registerActionScript($script)
list($appname,$scriptname,$functionname) = explode('.',$script);
$script = $appname.'.'.$scriptname;
$serverFile = EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/'.$appname.'/js/'.$scriptname.'.js';
$browserFile = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/'.$appname.'/js/'.$scriptname.'.js';
// check if file exists otherwise exit
return false;
// check duplicates
foreach($this->actionScripts as $i=>$actionScript)
if($actionScript['script'] == $script) { return $functionname; }
$this->actionScripts[] = array('script' => $script,'file' => $browserFile);
return $functionname;
* adds apostrophes to each value in a space separated string
* @param string $val space separated values
* @return string comma separated values in apostrophes if $val is true, otherwise false
function addApostrophes($val=false)
foreach(explode(' ',$val) as $id=>$value)
$apostropheVal[] = '"'.$value.'"';
return implode(',',$apostropheVal);
return false;
* evaluate the right DHTML command for adding DHTML objects
* @return string 'SET_DHTML' or 'ADD_DHTML'
function DHTMLcommand()
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['wz_dragdrop_runonce_SET_DHTML'] = true;
return 'SET_DHTML';
return 'ADD_DHTML';