
285 lines
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* eGroupWare - Class which generates JSON encoded configuration for the ckeditor
* @link
* @author
* @author Andreas Stoeckel <>
* @package api
* @subpackage tools
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
class egw_ckeditor_config
private static $lang = null;
private static $country = null;
private static $enterMode = null;
private static $skin = null;
* Read language and country settings for the ckeditor and store them in static
* variables
private static function read_lang_country()
//use the lang and country information to construct a possible lang info for CKEditor UI and scayt_slang
self::$lang = ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['spellchecker_lang'] ?
self::$country = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['country'];
if (!(strpos(self::$lang, '-')===false))
list(self::$lang, self::$country) = explode('-', self::$lang);
* Returns the current user language
private static function get_lang()
if (self::$lang == null || self::$country == null)
return self::$lang;
* Returns the current user country
private static function get_country()
if (self::$lang == null || self::$country == null)
return strtoupper(self::$country);
* Returns the ckeditor basepath
private static function get_base_path()
//Get the ckeditor base url
return $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js/ckeditor3/';
* Returns the ckeditor enter mode which defaults to "BR"
private static function get_enter_mode()
if (self::$enterMode == null)
//Get the input name
$enterMode = 2;
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_enter_mode']))
switch ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_enter_mode'])
case 'p':
$enterMode = 1;
case 'br':
$enterMode = 2;
case 'div':
$enterMode = 3;
self::$enterMode = $enterMode;
return self::$enterMode;
* Returns the skin the ckeditor should use
private static function get_skin()
if (self::$skin == null)
//Get the skin name
$skin = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_skin'];
//Convert old fckeditor skin names to new ones
switch ($skin)
case 'silver':
$skin = "v2";
case 'default':
$skin = "kama";
case 'office2003':
$skin = "office2003";
//Check whether the skin actually exists, if not, switch to a default
if (!(file_exists($basePath.'skins/'.$skin) || file_exists($skin) || !empty($skin)))
$skin = "office2003";
self::$skin = $skin;
return self::$skin;
* Returns the URL of the filebrowser
private static function get_filebrowserBrowseUrl($start_path = '')
return $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/index.php?'
.($start_path != '' ? '&path='.$start_path : '');
* Adds all "easy to write" options to the configuration
private static function add_default_options(&$config, $height, $expanded_toolbar, $start_path)
//Convert the pixel height to an integer value
$config['resize_enabled'] = false;
$config['height'] = (int)$height;
$config['entities'] = true;
$config['entities_latin'] = true;
$config['editingBlock'] = true;
$config['disableNativeSpellChecker'] = true;
$config['removePlugins'] = 'elementspath';
$config['toolbarStartupExpanded'] = $expanded_toolbar;
$config['filebrowserBrowseUrl'] = self::get_filebrowserBrowseUrl($start_path);
$config['filebrowserWindowHeight'] = 640;
$config['filebrowserWindowWidth'] = 580;
$config['language'] = self::get_lang();
$config['enterMode'] = self::get_enter_mode();
$config['skin'] = self::get_skin();
* Adds the spellchecker configuration to the options and writes the name of
* the spellchecker toolbar button to the "spellchecker_button" parameter
private static function add_spellchecker_options(&$config, &$spellchecker_button)
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['enabled_spellcheck']))
$spellchecker_button = 'SpellChecker';
if (!empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['aspell_path']) &&
$spellchecker_button = 'SpellCheck';
$config['extraPlugins'] = "aspell";
$config['scayt_autoStartup'] = true;
$config['scayt_sLang'] = self::get_lang().'_'.self::get_country();
$config['scayt_autoStartup'] = false;
* Writes the toolbar configuration to the options which depends on the chosen
* mode and the spellchecker_button written by the add_spellchecker_options button
private static function add_toolbar_options(&$config, $mode, $spellchecker_button)
$config['toolbar'] = array();
switch ($mode)
case 'advanced':
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Source','DocProps','-','Save','NewPage','Preview','-','Templates');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Print');
if ($spellchecker_button)
$config['toolbar'][count($config['toolbar']) - 1][] = $spellchecker_button;
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Undo','Redo','-','Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat');
$config['toolbar'][] = '/';
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Subscript','Superscript');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('BulletedList','NumberedList','-','Outdent','Indent');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Link','Unlink','Anchor');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Maximize','Image','Table','HorizontalRule','SpecialChar','PageBreak');
$config['toolbar'][] = '/';
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Style','Format','Font','FontSize');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('TextColor','BGColor');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('ShowBlocks','-','About');
case 'extended': default:
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Bold','Italic','Underline');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('BulletedList','NumberedList','Outdent','Indent','Undo','Redo');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Print');
if ($mode == 'extended')
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Link','Unlink','Anchor');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Find', 'Replace');
if ($spellchecker_button)
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Maximize', $spellchecker_button, 'Image', 'Table');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Maximize', 'Image', 'Table');
if ($spellchecker_button)
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Maximize', $spellchecker_button);
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Maximize');
$config['toolbar'][] = '/';
$config['toolbar'][] = array('Format','Font','FontSize');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('TextColor','BGColor');
$config['toolbar'][] = array('ShowBlocks','-','About');
* @see get_ckeditor_config
public static function get_ckeditor_config_array($mode = 'simple', $height = 400, $expanded_toolbar = true, $start_path = '')
$config = array();
$spellchecker_button = null;
self::add_default_options($config, $height, $expanded_toolbar, $start_path);
self::add_spellchecker_options($config, $spellchecker_button);
self::add_toolbar_options($config, $mode, $spellchecker_button);
return $config;
* Returns a json encoded string containing the configuration for the ckeditor.
* @param string $mode specifies the count of toolbar buttons available to the user. Possible
* values are 'simple', 'extended' and 'advanced'. All other values will default to 'simple'
* @param integer $height contains the height of the ckeditor in pixels
* @param boolean $expanded_toolbar specifies whether the ckeditor should start with an expanded toolbar or not
* @param string $start_path specifies
public static function get_ckeditor_config($mode = 'simple', $height = 400, $expanded_toolbar = true, $start_path = '')
return json_encode(self::get_ckeditor_config_array($mode, $height, $expanded_toolbar, $start_path));