mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 12:43:00 +01:00
If you are invited to a private event, you get full access to it, as you would if it were not private. Only restriction is: other people you gave access to your private events, still cant read the event, as long as they have no direct private grant from the owner of the event.
1064 lines
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1064 lines
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* eGroupWare - Calendar's "new" BO-layer (buisness-object) *
* http://www.egroupware.org *
* Written and (c) 2004 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
* Class to access and manipulate all calendar data
* At the moment this class partialy uses the "old" bocalendar class.
* As the calendar rewrite proceeds, these references will be removed.
* Note: All new code should only access this class and not bocalendar!!!
* If you need a function not already available in bocal, please ask RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de
* The new UI, BO and SO classes have a strikt definition, in which time-zone they operate:
* UI only operates in user-time, so there have to be no conversation at all !!!
* BO's functions take and return user-time only (!), they convert internaly everything to servertime, because
* SO operates only in server-time (please note, this is not the case with the socalendar*-classes used atm.)
* As this BO class deals with dates/times of several types and timezone, each variable should have a postfix
* appended, telling with type it is: _s = seconds, _su = secs in user-time, _ss = secs in server-time, _h = hours
* The dates returned by this class are always arrays with the following keys (subset of the array used by datetime):
* year, month, day (not mday!), hour, minute (not min!), second (not sec!), raw (timestamp) and full (Ymd-string)
* All new BO code (should be true for eGW in general) NEVER use any $_REQUEST ($_POST or $_GET) vars itself.
* Nor does it store the state of any UI-elements (eg. cat-id selectbox). All this is the task of the UI class !!!
* All permanent debug messages of the calendar-code should done via the debug-message method of the class !!!
* @package calendar
* @author RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de
* @license GPL
if (!defined('ACL_TYPE_IDENTIFER')) // used to mark ACL-values for the debug_message methode
class bocal
* @var int $debug name of method to debug or level of debug-messages:
* False=Off as higher as more messages you get ;-)
* 1 = function-calls incl. parameters to general functions like search, read, write, delete
* 2 = function-calls to exported helper-functions like check_perms
* 4 = function-calls to exported conversation-functions like date2ts, date2array, ...
* 5 = function-calls to private functions
var $debug=False;
* @var int $tz_offset_s offset in secconds between user and server-time,
* it need to be add to a server-time to get the user-time or substracted from a user-time to get the server-time
var $tz_offset_s;
* @var int $now_su timestamp of actual user-time
var $now_su;
* @var array $cal_prefs calendar-specific prefs
var $cal_prefs;
* @var array $common_prefs common preferences
var $common_prefs;
* @var int $user nummerical id of the current user-id
var $user=0;
* @var array $grants grants of the current user, array with user-id / ored-ACL-rights pairs
var $grants=array();
* @var array $verbose_status translated 1-char status values to a verbose name, run through lang() by the constructor
var $verbose_status = array(
'A' => 'Accepted',
'R' => 'Rejected',
'T' => 'Tentative',
'U' => 'No Response',
* Constructor
function bocal()
if ($this->debug > 0) $this->debug_message('bocal::bocal() started',True,$param);
// 'old_bo' => 'calendar.bocalendar',
'old_so' => 'calendar.socalendar',
'datetime' => 'phpgwapi.datetime',
) as $my => $app_class)
list(,$class) = explode('.',$app_class);
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->$class))
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->$class = CreateObject($app_class);
$this->$my = &$GLOBALS['phpgw']->$class;
$this->common_prefs = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common'];
$this->cal_prefs = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar'];
$this->tz_offset_s = $this->datetime->tz_offset;
$this->now_su = time() + $this->tz_offset_s;
$this->user = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$this->grants = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->get_grants('calendar');
foreach($this->verbose_status as $status => $text)
$this->verbose_status[$status] = lang($text);
* Searches / lists calendar entries, including repeating ones
* As said earlier the new bo-class operates to the outside only in user-time and to the so-class only in server-time.
* The existing old_so-class (socalendar*) still has a mixed approach, values are mostly (!) returned in user-time
* and arguments are sometimes (!) expected in server-time ;-)
* We need to kope with that, til the so-class gets re-written !!!
* The arguments to the list_*events* functions are in user-time (they take only year,month,day) and they return id's.
* The events, fetched with there id's via old_so::read_entry are also in user-time.
* @param params array with the following keys
* start date startdate of the search/list, defaults to today
* end date enddate of the search/list, defaults to start + one day
* users mixed integer user-id or array of user-id's to use, defaults to the current user
* cat_id mixed category-id or array of cat-id's, defaults to all if unset, 0 or False
* Please note: only a single cat-id, will include all sub-cats (if the common-pref 'cats_no_subs' is False)
* filter string space delimited filter-names, atm. 'all' or 'private'
* query string pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search)
* Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!!
* dayswise boolean on True it returns an array with YYYYMMDD strings as keys and an array with events
* (events spanning multiple days are returned each day again (!)) otherwise it returns one array with
* the events (default), not honored in a search ==> always returns an array of events !
* @return array of events or array with YYYYMMDD strings / array of events pairs (depending on $daywise param)
function search($params)
$params_in = $params;
if (!isset($params['users']) || !$params['users'])
$params['users'] = $this->user;
if (!is_array($params['users']))
$params['users'] = array((int) $params['users']);
// only query calendars of users, we have READ-grants from
$users = array();
foreach($params['users'] as $user)
if ($this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_READ,0,$user))
$users[] = $user;
$start = $this->date2ts($params['start']);
$end = isset($params['end']) ? $this->date2ts($params['end']) : $start + DAY_s-1;
$daywise = !isset($params['daywise']) ? False : !!$params['daywise'];
$cat_id = isset($params['cat_id']) ? $params['cat_id'] : 0;
$filter = isset($params['filter']) ? $params['filter'] : 'all';
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 1 || $this->debug == 'search'))
$this->debug_message('bocal::search(%1) start=%2, end=%3, daywise=%4, cat_id=%5, filter=%6',True,
// some of the params need to be set as class vars in the old so-class
$this->old_so->cat_id = $cat_id;
$this->old_so->filter = $filter;
if (!isset($params['query']) || empty($params['query']))
$start = $this->date2array($start);
$end = $this->date2array($end);
$event_ids = $this->old_so->list_events($start['year'],$start['month'],$start['day'],
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 1 || $this->debug == 'search'))
$rep_event_ids = $this->old_so->list_repeated_events($start['year'],$start['month'],$start['day'],
if ($this->debug > 1) $this->debug_message('socalendar::list_repeated_events(start=%1,end=%2,users=%3)=%4',False,$start,$end,$users,$rep_event_ids);
$daywise = False;
$event_ids = $this->old_so->list_events_keyword($params['query'],$users);
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 1 || $this->debug == 'search'))
$rep_event_ids = array(); // not used in search
// To build the list of events from returned id's, we need go through the $event_ids, read each event
// and put it in the cached_events for each day it's running, if it's NO repeating event.
// Then we need to go through $rep_event_ids, fetch the event and add each event with ALL it's occurences
// within the reported timespan, if there is no recur-exception-event already in the list of events.
// If daywise is True each event need to be added in the array of each day it's running.
// Please note: as we use the old SO class, all returned dates are already in user-time !!!
$events = $recur_exceptions = $recur_events = Array();
$events_sorted = True;
foreach($event_ids as $id)
$event = $this->read($id,True); // = no ACL check, as other entries dont get reported !!!
// recuring events are handled later, remember them for later use, no new read necessary
if ($event['recur_type'])
$recur_events[$id] = $event;
// recur-exceptions have a reference to the original event
// we remember they are their for a certain date and id, to not insert their regular recurrence
if ($event['reference'])
for($ts = $event['start']['raw']; $ts < $event['end']['raw']; $ts += DAY_s)
$recur_exceptions[$event['reference']][(int)$this->date2string($ts)] = True;
$recur_exceptions[$event['reference']][$event['end']['full']] = True;
$events[] = $event;
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'search'))
$this->debug_message('socalendar::search processed event_ids=%1, events=%2',False,$event_ids,$events);
if (count($rep_event_ids))
foreach($rep_event_ids as $id)
$event = isset($recur_events[$id]) ? $recur_events[$id] : $this->read($id,True);
$events_sorted = False;
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'search'))
$this->debug_message('socalendar::search processed rep_event_ids=%1, events=%2',False,$rep_event_ids,$events);
if (!$events_sorted)
// sort the events by start-date
usort($events,create_function('$e1,$e2',"return \$e1['start']['raw']-\$e2['start']['raw'];"));
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'search'))
$this->debug_message('socalendar::search usort(events)=%1',False,$events);
if ($daywise)
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'search'))
$this->debug_message('socalendar::search daywise sorting from %1 to %2 of %3',False,$start,$end,$events);
// create empty entries for each day in the reported time
for($ts = $start['raw']; $ts <= $end['raw']; $ts += DAY_s)
$daysEvents[$this->date2string($ts)] = array();
foreach($events as $event)
$e_start = max($event['start']['raw'],$start['raw']);
// $event['end']['raw']-1 to allow events to end on a full hour/day without the need to enter it as minute=59
$e_end = min($event['end']['raw']-1,$end['raw']);
// add event to each day in the reported time
for($ts = $e_start; $ts <= $e_end; $ts += DAY_s)
$daysEvents[$this->date2string($ts)][] = $event;
$events = $daysEvents;
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'search'))
$this->debug_message('socalendar::search daywise events=%1',False,$events);
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 0 || $this->debug == 'search'))
return $events;
* Reads a calendar-entry
* @param $id int the id of the entry
* @param $ignore_acl boolean should we ignore the acl, default False
* @return array with the event or False if the acl-check went wrong
function read($id,$ignore_acl=False)
$event = False;
if($ignore_acl || $this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_READ,$id))
// some minimal cacheing to re-use the event already read in check_perms
static $event = array();
if (!isset($event['id']) || $event['id'] != $id)
$event = $this->old_so->read_entry($id);
if (!$event['recur_enddate']['year'] && !$event['recur_enddate']['month'] && !$event['recur_enddate']['day'])
$event['recur_enddate'] = False; // for easier checking
// we run all dates through date2array, to get the new keys (day,minute,second,full,raw)
foreach(array('start','end','modtime','recur_enddate') as $date)
// The dates are already in user-time, because of the old so-class !!!
$event[$date] = $event[$date] ? $this->date2array($event[$date]) : $event[$date];
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 1 || $this->debug == 'read'))
return $event;
* Inserts all repetions of $event in the timespan between $start and $end into $events
* As events can have recur-exceptions, only those event-date not having one, should get inserted.
* The caller supplies an array with the already inserted exceptions.
* The new entries are just appended to $entries, so $events is no longer sorted by startdate !!!
* Unlike the old code the start- and end-date of the events should be adapted here !!!
* TODO: This code is mainly copied from bocalendar and need to be rewritten for the changed algorithm:
* We insert now all repetions of one event in one go. It should be possible to calculate the time-difference
* of the used recur-type and add all events in one simple for-loop. Daylightsaving changes need to be taken into Account.
* @param $event array repeating event whos repetions should be inserted
* @param $start array start-date
* @param $end array end-date
* @param $events array where the repetions get inserted
* @param $recur_exceptions array with date (in Ymd) as key (and True as values)
function insert_all_repetitions($event,$start,$end,&$events,$recur_exceptions)
$start_in = $start; $end_in = $end;
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 3 || $this->debug == 'insert_all_repetions'))
$this->debug_message('bocal::insert_all_repetions(%1,start=%2,end=%3,,%4) starting...',True,$event,$start_in,$end_in,$recur_exceptions);
$id = $event['id'];
$event_start_daybegin_ts = $this->date2ts($event['start']['full']);
$recur_end_ymd = $this->date2string($event['recur_enddate']);
$recur_end_ymd = $this->date2string(mktime(0,0,0,1,1,5+date('Y'))); // go max. 5 years from now
// We only need to compute the intersection between our reported time-span and the live-time of the event
// To catch all multiday repeated events (eg. second days), we need to start the length of the even earlier
// then our original report-starttime
$event_length = $event['end']['raw']-$event['start']['raw'];
$start_ts = max($event['start']['raw'],$start['raw']-$event_length);
// we need to add 26*60*60-1 to the recur_enddate as its hour+minute are 0
$end_ts = $event['recur_enddate'] ? min($event['recur_enddate']['raw']+DAY_s-1,$end['raw']) : $end['raw'];
for($ts = $start_ts; $ts < $end_ts; $ts += DAY_s)
$search_date_ymd = (int)$this->date2string($ts);
$have_exception = !is_null($recur_exceptions) && isset($recur_exceptions[$search_date_ymd]);
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 3 || $this->debug == 'insert_all_repetions'))
$this->debug_message('bocal::insert_all_repetions(...,%1) checking recur_exceptions[%2]=%3',False,
if ($have_exception)
continue; // we already have an exception for that date
$search_date_year = date('Y',$ts);
$search_date_month = date('m',$ts);
$search_date_day = date('d',$ts);
$search_date_dow = date('w',$ts);
$search_beg_day = mktime(0,0,0,$search_date_month,$search_date_day,$search_date_year);
if ($search_date_ymd == $event['start']['full']) // first occurence
$freq = $event['recur_interval'];
$type = $event['recur_type'];
if($this->debug > 4)
echo '<!-- check_repeating_events - MCAL_RECUR_DAILY - '.$id.' -->'."\n";
if ($freq == 1 && $event['recur_enddate']['month'] != 0 && $event['recur_enddate']['day'] != 0 && $event['recur_enddate']['year'] != 0 && $search_date_ymd <= $recur_end_ymd)
elseif (floor(($search_beg_day - $event_start_daybegin_ts)/DAY_s) % $freq)
if (floor(($search_beg_day - $event_start_daybegin_ts)/WEEK_s) % $freq)
$check = 0;
case 0:
$check = MCAL_M_SUNDAY;
case 1:
$check = MCAL_M_MONDAY;
case 2:
$check = MCAL_M_TUESDAY;
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
$check = MCAL_M_FRIDAY;
case 6:
if ($event['recur_data'] & $check)
if ((($search_date_year - $event['start']['year']) * 12 + $search_date_month - $event['start']['month']) % $freq)
if (($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->day_of_week($event['start']['year'],$event['start']['month'],$event['start']['day']) == $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->day_of_week($search_date_year,$search_date_month,$search_date_day)) &&
(ceil($event['start']['day']/7) == ceil($search_date_day/7)))
if ((($search_date_year - $event['start']['year']) * 12 + $search_date_month - $event['start']['month']) % $freq)
if ($search_date_day == $event['start']['day'])
if (($search_date_year - $event['start']['year']) % $freq)
if (date('dm',$ts) == date('dm',$event_start_daybegin_ts))
} // switch(recur-type)
} // for($date = ...)
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'insert_all_repetions'))
$this->debug_message('bocal::insert_all_repetions(%1,start=%2,end=%3,events,exections=%4) events=%5',True,$event,$start_in,$end_in,$recur_exceptions,$events);
* Adds one repetion of $event for $date_ymd to the $events array, after adjusting its start- and end-time
* @param $events array in which the event gets inserted
* @param $event array event to insert, it has start- and end-date of the first recurrence, not of $date_ymd
* @param $date_ymd int/string of the date of the event
function add_adjusted_event(&$events,$event,$date_ymd)
$event_in = $event;
// calculate the new start- and end-time
$length_s = $event['end']['raw'] - $event['start']['raw'];
$date_arr = $this->date2array((string) $date_ymd);
$date_arr['hour'] = $event['start']['hour'];
$date_arr['minute'] = $event['start']['minute'];
$date_arr['second'] = $event['start']['second'];
unset($date_arr['raw']); // else date2ts would use it
$date_arr['raw'] = $this->date2ts($date_arr);
$date_arr['full'] = (int) $date_ymd;
$event['start'] = $date_arr;
$event['end'] = $this->date2array($date_arr['raw']+$length_s);
$events[] = $event;
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'add_adjust_event'))
$this->debug_message('bocal::add_adjust_event(,%1,%2) as %3',True,$event_in,$date_ymd,$event);
* Checks if the current user has the necessary ACL rights
* The check is performed on an event or generally on the cal of an other user
* Note: Participating in an event is considered as haveing read-access on that event,
* even if you have no general read-grant from that user.
* @param $needed int necessary ACL right: PHPGW_ACL_{READ|EDIT|DELETE}
* @param $event mixed event as array or the event-id or 0 for a general check
* @param $other int uid to check (if event==0) or 0 to check against $this->user
function check_perms($needed,$event=0,$other=0)
$event_in = $event;
if (is_int($event) && $event == 0)
$owner = $other > 0 ? $other : $this->user;
if (!is_array($event))
$event = $this->read((int) $event,True); // = no ACL check !!!
if (!is_array($event))
if ($this->xmlrpc)
return False;
$owner = $event['owner'];
$private = !$event['public'];
$user = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$grants = $this->grants[$owner];
if (is_array($event) && $needed == PHPGW_ACL_READ)
// Check if the $user is one of the participants or has a read-grant from one of them
// in that case he has an implicite READ grant for that event
foreach($event['participants'] as $uid => $accept)
if ($uid == $user)
// if we are a participant, we have an implicite READ and PRIVAT grant
elseif ($this->grants[$uid] & PHPGW_ACL_READ)
// if we have a READ grant from a participant, we dont give an implicit privat grant too
$grants |= PHPGW_ACL_READ;
// we cant break here, as we might be a participant too, and would miss the privat grant
if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($owner) == 'g' && $needed == PHPGW_ACL_ADD)
$access = False; // a group can't be the owner of an event
$access = $user == $owner || $grants & $needed && (!$private || $grants & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE);
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'check_perms'))
return $access;
* Converts several date-types to a timestamp and optionaly converts user- to server-time
* @param $date mixed date to convert, should be one of the following types
* string (!) in form YYYYMMDD or iso8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
* int already a timestamp
* array with keys 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day' or 'mday' (depricated !), 'month' and 'year'
* @param $user2server_time boolean conversation between user- and server-time default False == Off
function date2ts($date,$user2server=False)
$date_in = $date;
case 'string': // YYYYMMDD or iso8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss string
if ($date[10] == 'T')
$date = array(
'year' => (int) substr($date,0,4),
'month' => (int) substr($date,5,2),
'day' => (int) substr($date,8,2),
'hour' => (int) substr($date,11,2),
'minute' => (int) substr($date,14,2),
'second' => (int) substr($date,17,2),
$date = array(
'year' => (int) substr($date,0,4),
'month' => (int) substr($date,4,2),
'day' => (int) substr($date,6,2),
// fall-through
case 'array': // day or mday, month and year keys
if (isset($date['raw']) && $date['raw']) // we already have a timestamp
$date = $date['raw'];
foreach(array('mday'=>'day','min'=>'minute','sec'=>'second') as $old => $new)
if (!isset($date[$new]) && isset($date[$old])) // support the old format too
$date[$new] = $date[$old];
$date = mktime((int)$date['hour'],(int)$date['minute'],(int)$date['second'],(int)$date['month'],(int)$date['day'],(int)$date['year']);
case 'integer': // already a timestamp
default: // eg. boolean, means now in user-time (!)
$date = $this->now_us;
if ($user2server)
$date -= $this->tz_offset_s;
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 3 || $this->debug == 'date2ts'))
return $date;
* Converts a date to an array and optionaly converts server- to user-time
* @param $date mixed date to convert
* @param $server2user_time boolean conversation between user- and server-time default False == Off
* @return array with keys 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'ras' (timestamp) and 'full' (Ymd-string)
function date2array($date,$server2user=False)
$date_called = $date;
if (!is_array($date) || count($date) < 8 || $server2user) // do we need a conversation
$date = $this->date2ts($date);
if ($server2user)
$date += $this->tz_offset_s;
$arr = array();
foreach(array('second'=>'s','minute'=>'i','hour'=>'H','day'=>'d','month'=>'m','year'=>'Y','full'=>'Ymd') as $key => $frmt)
$arr[$key] = (int) date($frmt,$date);
$arr['raw'] = $date;
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 3 || $this->debug == 'date2array'))
return $arr;
* Converts a date as timestamp or array to a date-string and optionaly converts server- to user-time
* @param $date mixed integer timestamp or array with ('year','month',..,'second') to convert
* @param $server2user_time boolean conversation between user- and server-time default False == Off
* @param $iso8601 boolean return a iso8601 date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:ii:ss), default False == Off
* @return YYYYMMDD or iso8601 date as string
function date2string($date,$server2user=False,$iso8601=False)
$date_in = $date;
if (is_array($date) && isset($date['full']) && !$server2user && !$iso8601)
$date = $date['full'];
$date = $this->date2ts($date,False);
if ($server2user)
$date += $this->tz_offset_s;
$date = date(($iso8601 ? 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s' : 'Ymd'),$date);
if ($this->debug && ($this->debug > 3 || $this->debug == 'date2string'))
return $date;
* Gives out a debug-message with certain parameters
* All permanent debug-messages in the calendar should be done by this function !!!
* (In future they may be logged or sent as xmlrpc-faults back.)
* Permanent debug-message need to make sure NOT to give secret information like passwords !!!
* This function do NOT honor the setting of the debug variable, you may use it like
* if ($this->debug > N) $this->debug_message('Error ;-)');
* The parameters get formated depending on their type. ACL-values need a ACL_TYPE_IDENTIFER prefix.
* @param $msg string message with parameters/variables like lang(), eg. '%1'
* @param $backtrace include a function-backtrace, default True=On
* should only be set to False=Off, if your code ensures a call with backtrace=On was made before !!!
* @param $param mixed a variable number of parameters, to be inserted in $msg
* arrays get serialized with print_r() !
function debug_message($msg,$backtrace=True)
static $acl2string = array(
for($i = 2; $i < func_num_args(); ++$i)
$param = func_get_arg($i);
if (is_null($param))
case 'string':
if (substr($param,0,strlen(ACL_TYPE_IDENTIFER))== ACL_TYPE_IDENTIFER)
$param = (int) substr($param,strlen(ACL_TYPE_IDENTIFER));
$param = isset($acl2string[$param]) ? $acl2string[$param] : $acl2string[0];
$param = "'$param'";
case 'array':
case 'object':
list(,$content) = @each($param);
$do_pre = is_array($param) ? count($param) > 6 || is_array($content)&&count($content) : True;
$param = ($do_pre ? '<pre>' : '').print_r($param,True).($do_pre ? '</pre>' : '');
case 'boolean':
$param = $param ? 'True' : 'False';
$msg = str_replace('%'.($i-1),$param,$msg);
echo '<p>'.$msg."<br>\n".($backtrace ? 'Backtrace: '.function_backtrace(1)."</p>\n" : '');
* Formats one or two dates (range) as long date (full monthname)
* @param $first mixed first date
* @param $last mixed last date if != 0 (default)
* @return string with formated date
function long_date($first,$last=0)
$first = $this->date2array($first);
if ($last)
$last = $this->date2array($last);
$datefmt = $this->common_prefs['dateformat'];
$month_before_day = strtolower($datefmt[0]) == 'm' ||
strtolower($datefmt[2]) == 'm' && $datefmt[4] == 'd';
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i += 2)
case 'd':
$range .= $first['day'] . ($datefmt[1] == '.' ? '.' : '');
if ($first['month'] != $last['month'] || $first['year'] != $last['year'])
if (!$month_before_day)
$range .= ' '.lang(strftime('%B',$first['raw']));
if ($first['year'] != $last['year'] && $datefmt[0] != 'Y')
$range .= ($datefmt[0] != 'd' ? ', ' : ' ') . $first['year'];
if (!$last)
return $range;
$range .= ' - ';
if ($first['year'] != $last['year'] && $datefmt[0] == 'Y')
$range .= $last['year'] . ', ';
if ($month_before_day)
$range .= lang(strftime('%B',$last['raw']));
$range .= ' - ';
$range .= ' ' . $last['day'] . ($datefmt[1] == '.' ? '.' : '');
case 'm':
case 'M':
$range .= ' '.lang(strftime('%B',$month_before_day ? $first['raw'] : $last['raw'])) . ' ';
case 'Y':
$range .= ($datefmt[0] == 'm' ? ', ' : ' ') . ($datefmt[0] == 'Y' ? $first['year'].($datefmt[2] == 'd' ? ', ' : ' ') : $last['year'].' ');
return $range;
* Converts participants array of an event into array of (readable) participant-names with status
* @param $parts array participants array of an event
* @param $long_status boolean should the long/verbose status or only the one letter shortcut be used
* @return array with id / names with status pairs
function participants($parts,$long_status=False)
static $id2lid = array();
foreach($parts as $id => $status)
$status = $this->verbose_status[$status];
if (!$long_status)
$status = $status[0];
if (!isset($id2lid[$id]))
$id2lid[$id] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->grab_owner_name($id);
$names[$id] = $id2lid[$id]." ($status)";
return $names;
* Converts category string of an event into array of (readable) category-names
* @param $category string cat-id (multiple id's commaseparated)
* @param $color int color of the category, if multiple cats, the color of the last one with color is returned
* @return array with id / names
function categories($category,&$color)
static $id2cat = array();
$cats = array();
$color = 0;
if (!isset($this->cat))
$this->cat = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->categories;
foreach(explode(',',$category) as $cat_id)
if (!$cat_id) continue;
if (!isset($id2cat[$cat_id]))
list($id2cat[$cat_id]) = $this->cat->return_single($cat_id);
$id2cat[$cat_id]['data'] = unserialize($id2cat[$cat_id]['data']);
$cat = $id2cat[$cat_id];
if ($cat['data']['color'] || preg_match('/(#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6})/',$cat['description'],$parts))
$color = $cat['data']['color'] ? $cat['data']['color'] : $parts[1];
$cats[$cat_id] = stripslashes($cat['name']);
return $cats;
/* This is called only by list_cals(). It was moved here to remove fatal error in php5 beta4 */
function _list_cals_add($id,&$users,&$groups)
$name = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->grab_owner_name($id);
if (($type = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($id)) == 'g')
$arr = &$groups;
$arr = &$users;
$arr[$name] = Array(
'grantor' => $id,
'value' => ($type == 'g' ? 'g_' : '') . $id,
'name' => $name
* generate list of user- / group-calendars for the selectbox in the header
* @return alphabeticaly sorted array with groups first and then users
function list_cals()
$users = $groups = array();
foreach($this->grants as $id => $rights)
if ($memberships = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']))
foreach($memberships as $group_info)
if ($account_perms = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->get_ids_for_location($group_info['account_id'],PHPGW_ACL_READ,'calendar'))
foreach($account_perms as $id)
return $users + $groups; // users first and then groups, both alphabeticaly
* Read the holidays for a given $year
* @param $year integer defaults to 0
* @return array indexed with Ymd of array of holidays. A holiday is an array with the following fields:
* index: numerica unique id
* locale: string, 2-char short for the nation
* name: string
* day: numerical day in month
* month: numerical month
* occurence:
* dow: day of week, 0=sunday, .., 6= saturday
* observande_rule: boolean
function read_holidays($year=0)
if (!isset($this->cached_holidays[$year]))
if (!is_object($this->holidays))
$this->holidays = CreateObject('calendar.boholiday');
$this->cached_holidays[$year] = $this->holidays->read_holiday();
return $this->cached_holidays[$year];