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* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
'use strict';
( function() {
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'uploadwidget', {
lang: 'cs,da,de,en,eo,fr,gl,hu,it,ko,nb,nl,pl,pt-br,ru,sv,tr,zh,zh-cn', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
requires: 'widget,clipboard,filetools,notificationaggregator',
init: function( editor ) {
// Images which should be changed into upload widget needs to be marked with `data-widget` on paste,
// because otherwise wrong widget may handle upload placeholder element (e.g. image2 plugin would handle image).
// `data-widget` attribute is allowed only in the elements which has also `data-cke-upload-id` attribute.
editor.filter.allow( '*[!data-widget,!data-cke-upload-id]' );
} );
* This function creates an upload widget — a placeholder to show the progress of an upload. The upload widget
* is based on its {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition definition}. The `addUploadWidget` method also
* creates a `paste` event, if the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#fileToElement fileToElement} method
* is defined. This event helps in handling pasted files, as it will automatically check if the files were pasted and
* mark them to be uploaded.
* The upload widget helps to handle content that is uploaded asynchronously inside the editor. It solves issues such as:
* editing during upload, undo manager integration, getting data, removing or copying uploaded element.
* To create an upload widget you need to define two transformation methods:
* * The {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#fileToElement fileToElement} method which will be called on
* `paste` and transform a file into a placeholder.
* * The {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#onUploaded onUploaded} method with
* the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#replaceWith replaceWith} method which will be called to replace
* the upload placeholder with the final HTML when the upload is done.
* If you want to show more information about the progress you can also define
* the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#onLoading onLoading} and
* {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#onUploading onUploading} methods.
* The simplest uploading widget which uploads a file and creates a link to it may look like this:
* CKEDITOR.fileTools.addUploadWidget( editor, 'uploadfile', {
* uploadUrl: CKEDITOR.fileTools.getUploadUrl( editor.config ),
* fileToElement: function( file ) {
* var a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'a' );
* a.setText( file.name );
* a.setAttribute( 'href', '#' );
* return a;
* },
* onUploaded: function( upload ) {
* this.replaceWith( '<a href="' + upload.url + '" target="_blank">' + upload.fileName + '</a>' );
* }
* } );
* The upload widget uses {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} as a helper to upload the file. A
* {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} instance is created when the file is pasted and a proper method is
* called — by default it is the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#loadAndUpload} method. If you want
* to only use the `load` or `upload`, you can use the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#loadMethod loadMethod}
* property.
* Note that if you want to handle a big file, e.g. a video, you may need to use `upload` instead of
* `loadAndUpload` because the file may be too big to load it to memory at once.
* If you do not upload the file, you need to define {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#onLoaded onLoaded}
* instead of {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition#onUploaded onUploaded}.
* For example, if you want to read the content of the file:
* CKEDITOR.fileTools.addUploadWidget( editor, 'fileReader', {
* loadMethod: 'load',
* supportedTypes: /text\/(plain|html)/,
* fileToElement: function( file ) {
* var el = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
* el.setText( '...' );
* return el;
* },
* onLoaded: function( loader ) {
* this.replaceWith( atob( loader.data.split( ',' )[ 1 ] ) );
* }
* } );
* If you need custom `paste` handling you need to mark the pasted element to be changed into an upload widget
* using {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools#markElement markElement}. For example, instead of the `fileToElement` helper from the
* example above, a `paste` listener can be created manually:
* editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
* var file, i, el, loader;
* for ( i = 0; i < evt.data.dataTransfer.getFilesCount(); i++ ) {
* file = evt.data.dataTransfer.getFile( i );
* if ( CKEDITOR.fileTools.isTypeSupported( file, /text\/(plain|html)/ ) ) {
* el = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' ),
* loader = editor.uploadRepository.create( file );
* el.setText( '...' );
* loader.load();
* CKEDITOR.fileTools.markElement( el, 'filereader', loader.id );
* evt.data.dataValue += el.getOuterHtml();
* }
* }
* } );
* Note that you can bind notifications to the upload widget on paste using
* the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools#bindNotifications} method, so notifications will automatically
* show the progress of the upload. Because this method shows notifications about upload, do not use it if you only
* {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#load load} (and not upload) a file.
* editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
* var file, i, el, loader;
* for ( i = 0; i < evt.data.dataTransfer.getFilesCount(); i++ ) {
* file = evt.data.dataTransfer.getFile( i );
* if ( CKEDITOR.fileTools.isTypeSupported( file, /text\/pdf/ ) ) {
* el = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' ),
* loader = editor.uploadRepository.create( file );
* el.setText( '...' );
* loader.upload();
* CKEDITOR.fileTools.markElement( el, 'pdfuploader', loader.id );
* CKEDITOR.fileTools.bindNotifications( editor, loader );
* evt.data.dataValue += el.getOuterHtml();
* }
* }
* } );
* @member CKEDITOR.fileTools
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
* @param {String} name The name of the upload widget.
* @param {CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition} def Upload widget definition.
function addUploadWidget( editor, name, def ) {
var fileTools = CKEDITOR.fileTools,
uploads = editor.uploadRepository,
// Plugins which support all file type has lower priority than plugins which support specific types.
priority = def.supportedTypes ? 10 : 20;
if ( def.fileToElement ) {
editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
var data = evt.data,
dataTransfer = data.dataTransfer,
filesCount = dataTransfer.getFilesCount(),
loadMethod = def.loadMethod || 'loadAndUpload',
file, i;
if ( data.dataValue || !filesCount ) {
for ( i = 0; i < filesCount; i++ ) {
file = dataTransfer.getFile( i );
// No def.supportedTypes means all types are supported.
if ( !def.supportedTypes || fileTools.isTypeSupported( file, def.supportedTypes ) ) {
var el = def.fileToElement( file ),
loader = uploads.create( file );
if ( el ) {
loader[ loadMethod ]( def.uploadUrl );
CKEDITOR.fileTools.markElement( el, name, loader.id );
if ( loadMethod == 'loadAndUpload' || loadMethod == 'upload' ) {
CKEDITOR.fileTools.bindNotifications( editor, loader );
data.dataValue += el.getOuterHtml();
}, null, null, priority );
* This is an abstract class that describes a definition of an upload widget.
* It is a type of {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools#addUploadWidget} method's second argument.
* Note that because the upload widget is a type of a widget, this definition extends
* {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition}.
* It adds several new properties and callbacks and implements the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#downcast}
* and {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#init} callbacks. These two properties
* should not be overwritten.
* Also, the upload widget definition defines a few properties ({@link #fileToElement}, {@link #supportedTypes},
* {@link #loadMethod loadMethod} and {@link #uploadUrl}) used in the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste} listener
* which is registered by {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools#addUploadWidget} if the upload widget definition contains
* the {@link #fileToElement} callback.
* @abstract
* @class CKEDITOR.fileTools.uploadWidgetDefinition
* @mixins CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition
CKEDITOR.tools.extend( def, {
* Upload widget definition overwrites the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#downcast} property.
* This should not be changed.
* @property {String/Function}
downcast: function() {
return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '' );
* Upload widget definition overwrites the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#init} property.
* If you want to add some code in the `init` callback remember to call the base function.
* @property {Function}
init: function() {
var widget = this,
id = this.wrapper.findOne( '[data-cke-upload-id]' ).data( 'cke-upload-id' ),
loader = uploads.loaders[ id ],
capitalize = CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize,
oldStyle, newStyle;
loader.on( 'update', function( evt ) {
// Abort if widget was removed.
if ( !widget.wrapper || !widget.wrapper.getParent() ) {
if ( !editor.editable().find( '[data-cke-upload-id="' + id + '"]' ).count() ) {
editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
// Call users method, eg. if the status is `uploaded` then
// `onUploaded` method will be called, if exists.
var methodName = 'on' + capitalize( loader.status );
if ( typeof widget[ methodName ] === 'function' ) {
if ( widget[ methodName ]( loader ) === false ) {
editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
// Set style to the wrapper if it still exists.
newStyle = 'cke_upload_' + loader.status;
if ( widget.wrapper && newStyle != oldStyle ) {
oldStyle && widget.wrapper.removeClass( oldStyle );
widget.wrapper.addClass( newStyle );
oldStyle = newStyle;
// Remove widget on error or abort.
if ( loader.status == 'error' || loader.status == 'abort' ) {
editor.widgets.del( widget );
editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
} );
* Replaces the upload widget with the final HTML. This method should be called when the upload is done,
* usually in the {@link #onUploaded} callback.
* @property {Function}
* @param {String} data HTML to replace the upload widget.
* @param {String} [mode='html'] See {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-insertHtml}'s modes.
replaceWith: function( data, mode ) {
if ( data.trim() === '' ) {
editor.widgets.del( this );
var wasSelected = ( this == editor.widgets.focused ),
editable = editor.editable(),
range = editor.createRange(),
bookmark, bookmarks;
if ( !wasSelected ) {
bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks();
range.setStartBefore( this.wrapper );
range.setEndAfter( this.wrapper );
if ( wasSelected ) {
bookmark = range.createBookmark();
editable.insertHtmlIntoRange( data, range, mode );
editor.widgets.checkWidgets( { initOnlyNew: true } );
// Ensure that old widgets instance will be removed.
// If replaceWith is called in init, because of paste then checkWidgets will not remove it.
editor.widgets.destroy( this, true );
if ( wasSelected ) {
range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
} else {
editor.getSelection().selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
* If this property is defined, paste listener is created to transform the pasted file into an HTML element.
* It creates an HTML element which will be then transformed into an upload widget.
* It is only called for {@link #supportedTypes supported files}.
* If multiple files were pasted, this function will be called for each file of a supported type.
* @property {Function} fileToElement
* @param {Blob} file A pasted file to load or upload.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} An element which will be transformed into the upload widget.
* Regular expression to check if the file type is supported by this widget.
* If not defined, all files will be handled.
* @property {String} [supportedTypes]
* The URL to which the file will be uploaded. It should be taken from the configuration using
* {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools#getUploadUrl}.
* @property {String} [uploadUrl]
* The type of loading operation that should be executed as a result of pasting a file. Possible options are:
* * 'loadAndUpload' – Default behavior, the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#loadAndUpload} method will be
* executed, the file will be loaded first and uploaded immediately after loading is done.
* * 'load' – The {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#load} method will be executed. This loading type should
* be used if you only want to load file data without uploading it.
* * 'upload' – The {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#upload} method will be executed, the file will be uploaded
* without loading it to memory. This loading type should be used if you want to upload a big file,
* otherwise you can get an "out of memory" error.
* @property {String} [loadMethod=loadAndUpload]
* A function called when the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#status status} of the upload changes to `loading`.
* @property {Function} [onLoading]
* @param {CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} loader Loader instance.
* @returns {Boolean}
* A function called when the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#status status} of the upload changes to `loaded`.
* @property {Function} [onLoaded]
* @param {CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} loader Loader instance.
* @returns {Boolean}
* A function called when the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#status status} of the upload changes to `uploading`.
* @property {Function} [onUploading]
* @param {CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} loader Loader instance.
* @returns {Boolean}
* A function called when the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#status status} of the upload changes to `uploaded`.
* At that point the upload is done and the upload widget should be replaced with the final HTML using
* the {@link #replaceWith} method.
* @property {Function} [onUploaded]
* @param {CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} loader Loader instance.
* @returns {Boolean}
* A function called when the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#status status} of the upload changes to `error`.
* The default behavior is to remove the widget and it can be canceled if this function returns `false`.
* @property {Function} [onError]
* @param {CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} loader Loader instance.
* @returns {Boolean} If `false`, the default behavior (remove widget) will be canceled.
* A function called when the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#status status} of the upload changes to `abort`.
* The default behavior is to remove the widget and it can be canceled if this function returns `false`.
* @property {Function} [onAbort]
* @param {CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} loader Loader instance.
* @returns {Boolean} If `false`, the default behavior (remove widget) will be canceled.
} );
editor.widgets.add( name, def );
* Marks an element which should be transformed into an upload widget.
* @see CKEDITOR.fileTools.addUploadWidget
* @member CKEDITOR.fileTools
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element Element to be marked.
* @param {String} widgetName The name of the upload widget.
* @param {Number} loaderId The ID of a related {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader}.
function markElement( element, widgetName, loaderId ) {
element.setAttributes( {
'data-cke-upload-id': loaderId,
'data-widget': widgetName
} );
* Binds a notification to the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader file loader} so the upload widget will use
* the notification to show the status and progress.
* This function uses {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.notificationAggregator}, so even if multiple files are uploading
* only one notification is shown. Warnings are an exception, because they are shown in separate notifications.
* This notification shows only the progress of the upload, so this method should not be used if
* the {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#load loader.load} method was called. It works with
* {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#upload upload} and {@link CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader#loadAndUpload loadAndUpload}.
* @member CKEDITOR.fileTools
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
* @param {CKEDITOR.fileTools.fileLoader} loader The file loader instance.
function bindNotifications( editor, loader ) {
var aggregator = editor._.uploadWidgetNotificaionAggregator;
// Create one notification agregator for all types of upload widgets for the editor.
if ( !aggregator || aggregator.isFinished() ) {
aggregator = editor._.uploadWidgetNotificaionAggregator = new CKEDITOR.plugins.notificationAggregator(
editor, editor.lang.uploadwidget.uploadMany, editor.lang.uploadwidget.uploadOne );
aggregator.once( 'finished', function() {
var tasks = aggregator.getTaskCount();
if ( tasks === 0 ) {
} else {
aggregator.notification.update( {
message: tasks == 1 ?
editor.lang.uploadwidget.doneOne :
editor.lang.uploadwidget.doneMany.replace( '%1', tasks ),
type: 'success',
important: 1
} );
} );
var task = aggregator.createTask( { weight: loader.total } );
loader.on( 'update', function() {
if ( task && loader.status == 'uploading' ) {
task.update( loader.uploaded );
} );
loader.on( 'uploaded', function() {
task && task.done();
} );
loader.on( 'error', function() {
task && task.cancel();
editor.showNotification( loader.message, 'warning' );
} );
loader.on( 'abort', function() {
task && task.cancel();
editor.showNotification( editor.lang.uploadwidget.abort, 'info' );
} );
// Two plugins extend this object.
if ( !CKEDITOR.fileTools ) {
CKEDITOR.fileTools = {};
CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.fileTools, {
addUploadWidget: addUploadWidget,
markElement: markElement,
bindNotifications: bindNotifications
} );
} )();