Ralf Becker 8c9034b3e9 using now 3 minified and concatinated javascript file-bundles:
1. api: egw, jquery, old jsapi and egw_json plus its dependences
2. et2: etemplate2.js plus dependencies
3. jdots: files from Stylite or new pixelegg template
all other javascript files are loaded on there own. 
Bundle-configuration is dynamicly created and cached.
EGw configuration allows to disable minifying and concatination of javascript and css files for deverloping purpose
or to just concatinate but not minify them aka "debug".
2014-01-11 18:49:51 +00:00

425 lines
11 KiB

* EGroupware: Class which manages including js files and modules
* (lateron this might be extended to css)
* @link
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @subpackage groupdav
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* @copyright (c) 2011 Stylite
* @version $Id$
* Syntax for including JS files form others
* -----------------------------------------
* Write a comment starting with "/*egw:uses". A linebreak has to follow.
* Then write all files which have to be included seperated by ";". A JS file
* include may have the following syntax:
* 1) File in the same directory as the current file. Simply write the filename
* without ".js". Example:
* egw_action;
* 2) Files in a certain application and package. The syntax is
* [$app.]$package.$file
* The first "$app" part is optional. It defaults to phpgwapi. Examples:
* jquery.jquery-ui; // Loads /phpgwapi/js/jquery/jquery-ui.js
* stylite.filemanager.filemanager; // Loads /stylite/filemanager/filemanager.js
* 3) Absolute file paths starting with "/". Example:
* /phpgwapi/js/jquery/jquery-ui.js;
* Comments can be started with "//".
* Complete example of such an uses-clause:
* /*egw:uses
* egw_action_common;
* egw_action;
* jquery.jquery; // Includes jquery.js from package jquery in phpgwapi
* /phpgwapi/js/jquery/jquery-ui.js; // Includes jquery-ui.js
class egw_include_mgr
static private $DEBUG_MODE = true;
* The parsed_files array holds all files which have already been processed
* by this class.
* @var array of path => true
private $parsed_files = array();
* The included files array holds all files which will really be included
* as a result of the current request.
* @var array of path => true
private $included_files = array();
* Set to the file which is currently processed, in order to get usable
* debug messages.
private $debug_processing_file = false;
* Parses the js file for includes and returns all required files
private function parse_file($file)
// file is from url and can contain query-params, eg. /phpgwapi/inc/jscalendar-setup.php?dateformat=d.m.Y&amp;lang=de
if (strpos($file,'?') !== false) list($file) = explode('?',$file);
// Mark the file as parsed
$this->parsed_files[$file] = true;
// Try to open the given file
$f = fopen(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$file, "r");
if ($f !== false)
// Only read a maximum of 32 lines until the comment occurs.
$cnt = 0;
$in_uses = false;
$uses = "";
// Read a line
$line = fgets($f);
while ($cnt < 32 && $line !== false)
// Remove everything behind "//"
$pos = strpos($line, "//");
if ($pos !== false)
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos);
if (!$in_uses)
$in_uses = strpos($line, "/*egw:uses") !== false;
// Check whether we are at the end of the comment
$pos = strpos($line, "*/");
if ($pos === false)
$uses .= $line;
$uses .= substr($line, 0, $pos);
$line = fgets($f);
// Close the file again
// Split the "require" string at ";"
$modules = explode(";", $uses);
$modules2 = array();
// Split all modules at "." and remove entries with empty parts
foreach ($modules as $mod)
// Remove trailing space characters
$mod = trim($mod);
if ($mod)
// Split the given module string at the dot, if this isn't
// an absolute path (initialized by "/").
if ($mod[0] != '/')
$mod = explode(".", $mod, 3);
$mod = array($mod);
$empty = false;
// Remove all space characters
foreach ($mod as &$entry)
$entry = trim($entry);
$empty = $empty || !$entry;
if (!$empty)
$modules2[] = $mod;
return $modules2;
return false;
private function file_processed($file)
return (array_key_exists($file, $this->included_files) ||
array_key_exists($file, $this->parsed_files));
* Parses the given files and adds all dependencies to the passed modules array
private function parse_deps($path, array &$module)
$this->debug_processing_file = $path;
// Parse the given file for dependencies
$uses = $this->parse_file($path);
foreach ((array)$uses as $entry)
$uses_path = false;
// Check whether just a filename was given - if yes, check whether
// a file with the given name exists inside the directory of the
// base file
if (count($entry) == 1)
if ($entry[0][0] == "/")
$uses_path = $this->translate_params($entry[0], null, '');
// Assemble a filename
$filename = dirname($path).'/'.$entry[0].'.js';
if (is_readable(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.($filename)))
if (!$this->file_processed($filename))
$uses_path = $filename;
$uses_path = $this->translate_params($entry[0], null, 'phpgwapi');
else if (count($entry) == 2)
$uses_path = $this->translate_params($entry[0], $entry[1], 'phpgwapi');
else if (count($entry) == 3)
$uses_path = $this->translate_params($entry[1], $entry[2], $entry[0]);
error_log(__METHOD__." invalid egw:require in js_file '$path' -> ".array2string($entry));
if ($uses_path)
$this->parse_deps($uses_path, $module);
// Add the file to the top of the list
array_push($module, $path);
$this->debug_processing_file = false;
* Includes the given module files - this function will have the task to
* cache/shrink/concatenate the files in the future.
private function include_module(array $module)
if (self::$DEBUG_MODE)
foreach ($module as $path)
$this->included_files[$path] = true;
* Translates the given parameters into a path and checks it for validity.
* Example call syntax:
* a) egw_framework::validate_file('jscalendar','calendar')
* --> /phpgwapi/js/jscalendar/calendar.js
* b) egw_framework::validate_file('/phpgwapi/inc/calendar-setup.js',array('lang'=>'de'))
* --> /phpgwapi/inc/calendar-setup.js?lang=de
* @param string $package package or complete path (relative to EGW_SERVER_ROOT) to be included
* @param string|array $file=null file to be included - no ".js" on the end or array with get params
* @param string $app='phpgwapi' application directory to search - default = phpgwapi
* @returns the correct path on the server if the file is found or false, if the
* file is not found or no further processing is needed.
private function translate_params($package, $file, $app)
if ($package[0] == '/' && (is_readable(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.(parse_url($path = $package, PHP_URL_PATH))) ||
is_readable(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.($path = $package))) ||
$package == '.' && is_readable(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.($path="/$app/js/$file.js")) ||
is_readable(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.($path="/$app/js/$package/$file.js")) ||
$app != 'phpgwapi' && is_readable(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.($path="/phpgwapi/js/$package/$file.js")))
// normalise /./ to /
$path = str_replace('/./', '/', $path);
// Handle the special case, that the file is an url - in this case
// we will do no further processing but just include the file
// XXX: Is this case still used? If yes, it will not work with
// adding the ctime to all js files...
if (is_array($file))
foreach($file as $name => $val)
$args .= (empty($args) ? '?' : '&').$name.'='.urlencode($val);
$path .= $args;
$this->included_files[$path] = true;
return false;
// Return false if the file is already included or parsed
if ($this->file_processed($path))
return false;
return $path;
if (self::$DEBUG_MODE) // DEBUG_MODE is currently ALWAYS true. Comment this code out if you don't want error messages.
//error_log(__METHOD__."($package,$file,$app) $path NOT found".($this->debug_processing_file ? " while processing file '{$this->debug_processing_file}'." : "!").' '.function_backtrace());
return false;
* Include a javascript file
* Example call syntax:
* a) include_js_file('jscalendar','calendar')
* --> /phpgwapi/js/jscalendar/calendar.js
* b) include_js_file('/phpgwapi/inc/calendar-setup.js',array('lang'=>'de'))
* --> /phpgwapi/inc/calendar-setup.js?lang=de
* @param string $package package or complete path (relative to EGW_SERVER_ROOT) to be included
* @param string|array $file=null file to be included - no ".js" on the end or array with get params
* @param string $app='phpgwapi' application directory to search - default = phpgwapi
public function include_js_file($package, $file = null, $app = 'phpgwapi')
// Translate the given parameters into a valid path - false is returned
// if the file is not found or the file is already included/has already
// been parsed by this class.
$path = $this->translate_params($package, $file, $app);
if ($path !== false)
// TODO: Check whether the given path is cached, if yes, include the
// cached module file and add all files this module contains
// to the "parsed_files" array
// Collect the possible list of dependant modules of this file in
// the "module" array.
$module = array();
$this->parse_deps($path, $module);
* Include given files, optionally clear list of files to include
* @param array $files
* @param boolean $clear_files=false if true clear list of files, before including given ones
public function include_files(array $files, $clear_files=false)
if ($clear_files) self::$included_files = array();
foreach ($files as $file)
* Return all files
* @param boolean $clear_files=false if true clear list of files after returning them
* @return array
public function get_included_files($clear_files=false)
$ret = array_keys($this->included_files);
if ($clear_files) $this->included_files = array();
return $ret;
* Constructor
* @param array $files=null optional files to include as for include_files method
public function __construct(array $files = null)
if (isset($files) && is_array($files))
// Small test for this class
// specify one or more files in url, eg. path[]=/phpgwapi/js/jsapi/egw.js&path[]=/etemplate/js/etemplate2.js
define('EGW_SERVER_ROOT', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
$mgr = new egw_include_mgr();
echo "<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>Dependencies</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n";
$paths = !empty($_GET['path']) ? (array)$_GET['path'] : (array)'/stylite/js/filemanager/filemanager.js';
foreach($paths as $path)
echo "\t<h1>".htmlspecialchars($path)."</h1>\n";
foreach ($mgr->get_included_files(true) as $file)
echo "\t<a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?path='.$file."'>$file</a><br/>\n";
echo "</body>\n</html>\n";