mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:18:37 +01:00
- renamed Et2DateSinceReadonly to Et2DateSince as there is no non-readonly class - enhance getSlClass() in cem.js to also return regular Et2 class, if there is no readonly one - replace ? in since tag with 23.1 and added @since 23.1.x to Tree widgets (somehow not parsed!) - updated etemplate2.0.(dtd|rng)
185 lines
7.2 KiB
185 lines
7.2 KiB
const customElementsManifest = require('../../dist/custom-elements.json');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const customElementsManifestShoelace = require('../custom-elements-shoelace.json');
// Export it here so we can import it elsewhere and use the same version
module.exports.customElementsManifest = customElementsManifest;
// Gets all components from custom-elements.json and returns them in a more documentation-friendly format.
module.exports.getAllComponents = function ()
// Find a Shoelace class declaration from their custom-elements.json
// for Et2* classes, we also look recursive, if they inherit from a Shoelace class
// or a (not included) Readonly or Mobile class, in with case we return the regular Et2-class
const getSlClass = function(superclass, debug)
let sl_class;
if (superclass && superclass.package === "@shoelace-style/shoelace")
customElementsManifestShoelace.modules.find(module =>
sl_class = module.declarations.find(declaration => declaration.kind === "class" && declaration.name === superclass.name));
else if (superclass && superclass.name.substring(0, 3) === "Et2")
const name = superclass.name.replace(/(Readonly|Mobile)$/, '');
customElementsManifest.modules.find(module =>
sl_class = module.declarations.find(declaration => declaration.name === name));
if (sl_class && name === superclass.name) sl_class = getSlClass(sl_class.superclass);
if (debug) console.log("getSlClass("+superclass.name+") returning ", sl_class ? sl_class.name+" with attributes: "+sl_class.attributes?.map(attribute => attribute.name).join(", ") : "undefined");
return sl_class;
// Sort by not deprecated and name
const compareNotDeprecatedAndName = function(a, b)
if (a.deprecated && !b.deprecated) return 1;
if (!a.deprecated && b.deprecated) return -1;
if (a.name[0] === '_' && b.name[0] !== '_') return 1;
if (a.name[0] !== '_' && b.name[0] === '_') return -1;
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
const debug=''; // set to declaration.name to get more logging for that component
const allComponents = [];
customElementsManifest.modules?.forEach(module =>
module.declarations?.forEach(declaration =>
if (declaration.customElement)
// check if we have a Shoelace superclass
const sl_class = declaration.superclass ? getSlClass(declaration.superclass, debug === declaration.name) : undefined;
if (debug === declaration.name) console.log(declaration.name+": superclass=", declaration.superclass, sl_class ? "found: "+sl_class.name : "not found");
// Generate the dist path based on the src path and attach it to the component
declaration.path = module.path.replace(/^src\//, 'dist/').replace(/\.ts$/, '.js');
// Remove members that are private or don't have a description
let members = declaration.members?.filter(member => member.description && member.privacy !== 'private') || [];
// add non-private and not overwritten Shoelace superclass members
if (debug === declaration.name) console.log("found members: "+members.map(member => member.name).join(", "));
if (sl_class)
const sl_members = sl_class.members?.filter(member =>
member.description && member.privacy !== 'private' && !members.find(egw => member.name === egw.name))/*.map(member => {
return {...member, inheritedFrom: {name: sl_class.name, module: "@shoelace-style/shoelace"}};
if (debug === declaration.name) console.log("adding members from "+sl_class.name+": "+sl_members.map(member => member.name).join(", "));
members = members.concat(sl_members);
let methods = members?.filter(prop => prop.kind === 'method' && prop.privacy !== 'private') || [];
if (debug === declaration.name) console.log("found methods: "+methods.map(method => method.name).join(", "));
// add non-private and not overwritten Shoelace superclass methods
/* ToDo disabled, as it gives an error later (only copies 8 files and generates none)
if (sl_class)
const sl_methods = sl_class.members?.filter(prop =>
prop.kind === 'method' && prop.privacy !== 'private' && !methods.find(egw => prop.name === egw.name))/*.map(method => {
return {...method, inheritedFrom: {name: sl_class.name, module: "@shoelace-style/shoelace"}};
if (debug === declaration.name) console.log("adding methods from "+sl_class.name+": "+sl_methods.map(method => method.name).join(", "));
methods = methods.concat(sl_methods);
methods = methods.sort(compareNotDeprecatedAndName);
const properties = members?.filter(prop =>
if (debug === declaration.name) console.log("Asserting "+declaration.name+" property", prop);
// Look for a corresponding attribute
const attribute = (declaration.attributes||[]).concat(sl_class?.attributes || []).find(attr => attr.fieldName === prop.name);
if (attribute)
prop.attribute = attribute.name || attribute.fieldName;
return prop.kind === 'field' && prop.privacy !== 'private';
if (debug === declaration.name) console.log("found properties: "+properties.map(property => property.name).join(", "));
attributes: declaration.attributes?.concat(sl_class?.attributes?.filter(attribute => !declaration.attributes.find(attr => attr.name === attribute.name))
.map(attribute => {
return {...attribute, inheritedFrom: {name: sl_class.name, module: "@shoelace-style/shoelace"}};
if (debug === declaration.name) console.log("added attributes", allComponents[allComponents.length - 1].attributes);
if (debug) console.log('Build dependency graphs');
// Build dependency graphs
allComponents.forEach(component =>
const dependencies = [];
// Recursively fetch sub-dependencies
function getDependencies(tag)
const cmp = allComponents.find(c => c.tagName === tag);
if (!cmp || !Array.isArray(component.dependencies))
cmp.dependencies?.forEach(dependentTag =>
if (!dependencies.includes(dependentTag))
component.dependencies = dependencies.sort();
if (debug) console.log('Add custom docs');
// Add custom docs - not monitored for file changes
allComponents.forEach(component =>
// Check for custom docs
const docPath = path.join('..', '..', path.dirname(component.path), component.name + ".md");
// Stick it in a variable so we can use the content filters
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(docPath)))
fs.readFile(docPath, (err, data) => component.content = data.toString());
if (debug) console.log("return allComponentes sorted by name")
// Sort by name
return allComponents.sort((a, b) =>
if (a.name < b.name)
return -1;
if (a.name > b.name)
return 1;
return 0;
module.exports.getShoelaceVersion = function ()
const shoelace = "@shoelace-style/shoelace"
const package = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../../package.json', "utf8")) || {dependencies: {}}
return package.dependencies[shoelace] || "";
} |