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synced 2025-03-09 12:43:00 +01:00
- finds options from DOM / template - finds static options - combinations with other option sources
243 lines
8.9 KiB
243 lines
8.9 KiB
import {assert, elementUpdated, fixture, html} from '@open-wc/testing';
import {Et2Box} from "../../Layout/Et2Box/Et2Box";
import {Et2Select} from "../Et2Select";
import * as sinon from "sinon";
import {et2_arrayMgr} from "../../et2_core_arrayMgr";
import {SelectOption} from "../FindSelectOptions";
import '../Select/Et2SelectNumber';
import {Et2SelectNumber} from "../Select/Et2SelectNumber";
let parser = new window.DOMParser();
// Use this to load the select as a child
let container : Et2Box;
// Element under test
let element : Et2Select;
// Stub global egw
// @ts-ignore
window.egw = {
tooltipUnbind: () => {},
lang: i => i + "*",
image: () => "",
webserverUrl: ""
let options = [
<SelectOption>{value: "1", label: "Option 1"},
<SelectOption>{value: "2", label: "Option 2"}
describe("Select widget", () =>
beforeEach(async() =>
// This stuff because otherwise Et2Select isn't actually loaded when testing
element = await fixture<Et2Select>(html`
// Stub egw()
sinon.stub(element, "egw").returns(window.egw);
assert.instanceOf(element, Et2Select);
container = await fixture<Et2Box>(html`
assert.instanceOf(container, Et2Box);
// Stub egw()
sinon.stub(container, "egw").returns(window.egw);
describe("Finds options", () =>
it("from DOM/Template", async() =>
/** SETUP **/
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
let node = '<et2-select id="select" label="I am a select"><option value="option">option label</option></et2-select>';
container.loadFromXML(parser.parseFromString(node, "text/xml"));
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(container);
element = <Et2Select>container.getWidgetById('select');
await element.updateComplete;
/** TESTING **/
assert.isNotNull(element.select.querySelector("[value='option']"), "Missing template option");
it("directly in sel_options", async() =>
/** SETUP **/
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
container.setArrayMgr("sel_options", new et2_arrayMgr({
select: options
let node = '<et2-select id="select"></et2-select>';
container.loadFromXML(parser.parseFromString(node, "text/xml"));
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(container);
element = <Et2Select>container.getWidgetById('select');
await element.updateComplete;
/** TESTING **/
assert.equal(element.select.querySelectorAll("sl-option").length, 2);
it("merges template options with sel_options", async() =>
/** SETUP **/
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
let node = '<et2-select id="select" label="I am a select"><option value="option">option label</option></et2-select>';
container.setArrayMgr("sel_options", new et2_arrayMgr({
select: options
container.loadFromXML(parser.parseFromString(node, "text/xml"));
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(container);
element = <Et2Select>container.getWidgetById('select');
await element.updateComplete;
/** TESTING **/
let option_keys = Object.values(element.select.querySelectorAll("sl-option")).map(o => o.value);
assert.include(option_keys, "option", "Template option missing");
assert.includeMembers(option_keys, ["1", "2", "option"], "Option mis-match");
assert.equal(option_keys.length, 3);
it("static options (number)", async() =>
/** SETUP **/
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
// Default number options are 1-10
let element = await fixture<Et2SelectNumber>(html`
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(element);
await element.updateComplete;
/** TESTING **/
assert.equal(element.select.querySelectorAll("sl-option").length, 10);
it("merges static options with sel_options", async() =>
/** SETUP **/
let options = [
<SelectOption>{value: "one", label: "Option 1"},
<SelectOption>{value: "two", label: "Option 2"}
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
let node = '<et2-select-number id="select" label="I am a select" max="2"></et2-select-number>';
container.setArrayMgr("sel_options", new et2_arrayMgr({
select: options
container.loadFromXML(parser.parseFromString(node, "text/xml"));
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(container);
element = <Et2Select>container.getWidgetById('select');
await element.updateComplete;
/** TESTING **/
let option_keys = Object.values(element.select.querySelectorAll("sl-option")).map(o => o.value);
assert.includeMembers(option_keys, ["1", "2", "one", "two"], "Option mis-match");
assert.equal(option_keys.length, 4);
it("merges static options with template options", async() =>
/** SETUP **/
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
// Default number options are 1-10
let element = await fixture<Et2SelectNumber>(html`
<option value="option">option label</option>
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(element);
await element.updateComplete;
/** TESTING **/
let option_keys = Object.values(element.select.querySelectorAll("sl-option")).map(o => o.value);
assert.include(option_keys, "option", "Template option missing");
assert.includeMembers(option_keys, ["1", "2", "option"], "Option mis-match");
assert.equal(option_keys.length, 11);
it("actually shows the options", async() =>
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
// @ts-ignore
element = await fixture<Et2Select>(html`
<et2-select label="I'm a select"></et2-select>
// Stub egw()
sinon.stub(element, "egw").returns(window.egw);
element.select_options = [
{value: "one", label: "one"},
{value: "two", label: "two"},
{value: "three", label: "three"},
{value: "four", label: "four"},
{value: "five", label: "five"}
await element.updateComplete;
await elementUpdated(element);
await element.show();
// Not actually testing if the browser renders, just if they show where expected
const options = element.select.querySelectorAll("sl-option");
assert.equal(options.length, 5, "Wrong number of options");
// Still not checking if they're _really_ visible, just that they have the correct display
options.forEach(o =>
assert.equal(getComputedStyle(o).display, "block", "Wrong style.display");
describe("Value tests", () =>
it("set_value()", async() =>
/** SETUP **/
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
let node = '<et2-select id="select"></et2-select>';
let test_value = "2";
container.setArrayMgr("sel_options", new et2_arrayMgr({
select: options
container.loadFromXML(parser.parseFromString(node, "text/xml"));
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
// @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement
await elementUpdated(container);
element = <Et2Select>container.getWidgetById('select');
/** TESTING **/
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
// @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement
await elementUpdated(element);
// Now check - value is preferred over get_value()
assert.equal(element.get_value(), test_value, "Wrong value from widget");
assert.equal(element.value, test_value, "Wrong value from widget");
}); |