Web based groupware server written in PHP, forum at https://help.egroupware.org/
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2018-08-23 14:55:09 +02:00
addressbook * Addressbook - Allow multiselection for customfield added to link title 2018-08-09 09:52:17 -06:00
admin Admin - get category colors properly updating by doing a full reload 2018-08-01 09:16:19 -06:00
api Fix tutorials json feed and PGP Installation tutorial video 2018-08-23 14:55:09 +02:00
calendar Calendar - Fix bug exporting list to iCal with no end date gave empty file 2018-08-22 10:01:51 -06:00
doc fix not working installation in Univention caused by new Univention auth plugin 2018-08-16 19:11:55 +02:00
filemanager Filemanager - Fix save as only downloaded the last file 2018-08-15 09:29:08 -06:00
home Add some translations, thanks to Evgen Vodopivec. 2018-04-03 11:26:59 +02:00
importexport Use the right lang code 2018-08-15 09:20:11 -06:00
infolog Merge pull request #45 from miridae/lang-pl 2018-07-23 14:14:30 +02:00
mail * Mail: fix S/MIME encrypted only composed mail fails 2018-08-17 16:40:45 +02:00
notifications Add notifications into minifying js files 2018-08-03 09:57:16 +02:00
pixelegg * Api: Fix minified themes cause multiple theme false entries 2018-07-25 16:27:59 +02:00
preferences Add new attributes into core widget in order to be able to set widget->type attributes in preferences 2018-07-13 10:40:31 +02:00
resources Add space to resource quantity in participant search result 2018-08-09 09:57:23 -06:00
setup * Univention: fix not working password change (setting Kerberos credentials) 2018-07-13 10:03:53 +02:00
timesheet * Timesheet - Fix links to application custom fields are not created on first save 2018-08-13 10:52:44 -06:00
.travis.yml remove PHP 7.2 from allowed failures and handle master like all 7 versions 2018-04-09 17:36:35 +02:00
composer.json Remove magicsuggest from api then add it to vendor 2018-07-13 10:04:08 +02:00
composer.lock Add magicsuggest new package reference 2018-07-13 11:05:48 +02:00
Gruntfile.js Update uglifyjs to support ES6 syntax. @Devs: Make sure to install grunt-contrib-uglify-es (npm install grunt-contrib-uglify-es --save-dev) before running grunt. 2018-08-03 09:57:34 +02:00
json.php allow to process real JSON requests with Content-Type: application/json 2018-08-15 13:14:05 +02:00
package.json remove old grunt-contrib-uglify (replaced with grunt-contrib-uglify-es) 2018-08-03 09:57:51 +02:00
README.md Update Readme for 17.1 2017-11-15 15:45:29 +01:00

EGroupware 17.1

Branch Status Composer
17.1 Build Status Dependency Status

Default and prefered installation method for EGroupware is via your package manager:


Installing EGroupware 17.1 from Github:

  • cd /path/to/your/docroot
  • git clone -b 17.1 https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware.git # or git@github.com:EGroupware/egroupware.git for ssh
  • cd egroupware
  • install composer.phar from https://getcomposer.org/download/
  • install myrepos (mr) from https://myrepos.branchable.com/ or your distribution package manager
  • add a line /path/to/egroupware/.mrconfig to your ~/.mrtrust, to allow running composer.phar and git clone -b 17.1
  • mr up
  • enable further / non-default EGroupware apps by uncommenting them in .mrconfig and run mr up
  • continue installation at http://localhost/egroupware/setup/
  • to get minified JavaScript and CSS you need to install nodejs and grunt, if you have not already done so
  • install nodejs from your distribution package manager
  • npm install -g grunt-cli # installs grunt command globally, if you have not already done so
  • npm install # installs required npm/grunt modules into node_modules/ dir
  • run grunt manually after every update, or better uncomment grunt steps in .mrconfig

Switching a git installation from master or 16.1 to 17.1:

for d in . * activesync/vendor/z-push/z-push api/src/Db/ADOdb ; do [ -d $d/.git ] && (echo $d; cd $d; git checkout 17.1); done

For further instalation instructions see our wiki.