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synced 2025-03-09 20:52:07 +01:00
Select options can be provided using one of three different methods: 1. key=value pairs, one per line, as for a selectbox 2. @filename.php - The file must be in the egw root, and define an array named $options, that has key => value pairs 3. Define the options normally used for the AJAX Select widget (get_rows, get_title, id_field) and it will pull values from the database, as normal. Other options (icon, filter, template, link) can be used regardless of the method used to get the values.
540 lines
18 KiB
540 lines
18 KiB
* eGroupWare eTemplate Widget for custom fields
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage extensions
* @version $Id$
* This widget generates a template for customfields based on definitions in egw_config table
* All widgets here have 2 comma-separated options ($cell[size]):
* - sub-type to display only the cf's without subtype or with a matching one
* - use-private to display only (non-)private cf's (0=regular ones, 1=private ones, default both)
* Private cf's the user has no right to see (neither him nor his memberships are mentioned) are never displayed.
class customfields_widget
var $public_functions = array(
'pre_process' => True,
var $human_name = array(
'customfields' => 'custom fields',
'customfields-types' => 'custom field types',
'customfields-list' => 'custom field list',
'customfields-no-label' => 'custom fields without label',
* Allowd types of customfields
* The additionally allowed app-names from the link-class, will be add by the edit-method only,
* as the link-class has to be called, which can NOT be instanciated by the constructor, as
* we get a loop in the instanciation.
* @var array
var $cf_types = array(
'text' => 'Text',
'label' => 'Label',
'select' => 'Selectbox',
'ajax_select' => 'Search',
'radio' => 'Radiobutton',
'checkbox' => 'Checkbox',
'date' => 'Date',
'date-time'=> 'Date+Time',
'select-account' => 'Select account',
'button' => 'Button', // button to execute javascript
'url' => 'Url',
'url-email'=> 'EMail',
'url-phone'=> 'Phone number',
'link-entry' => 'Select entry', // should be last type, as the individual apps get added behind
* @var $prefix string Prefix for every custiomfield name returned in $content (# for general (admin) customfields)
var $prefix = '#';
* Current application
* @var string
var $appname;
* Instance of the config class for $appname
* @var config
var $config;
* Our customfields as name => data array
* @var array
var $customfields;
var $types;
var $advanced_search;
function __construct($ui,$appname=null)
$this->appname = $appname ? $appname : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
$this->customfields = config::get_customfields($this->appname);
$this->types = config::get_content_types($this->appname);
$this->advanced_search = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['etemplate']['advanced_search'];
function pre_process($name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys,&$extension_data,&$tmpl)
list($app) = explode('.',$tmpl->name);
if ($this->appname == 'etemplate' || !$this->customfields || // if we are in the etemplate editor or the app has no cf's, load the cf's from the app the tpl belongs too
($app && $app != $this->appname) ) // app changed
list($type2,$use_private) = explode(',',$cell['size']);
$fields = $this->customfields;
// remove private or non-private cf's, if only one kind should be displayed
foreach((array)$fields as $key => $field)
if ((string)$use_private !== '' && (boolean)$field['private'] != (boolean)$use_private)
// check if name refers to a single custom field --> show only that
if (($pos=strpos($cell['name'],$this->prefix)) !== false && // allow the prefixed name to be an array index too
preg_match("/$this->prefix([^\]]+)/",$cell['name'],$matches) && isset($fields[$name=$matches[1]]))
$fields = array($name => $fields[$name]);
$value = array($this->prefix.$name => $value);
$singlefield = true;
switch($type = $cell['type'])
case 'customfields-types':
$cell['type'] = 'select';
foreach($this->cf_types as $lname => $label)
$cell['sel_options'][$lname] = lang($label);
$link_types = egw_link::app_list();
foreach($link_types as $lname => $label) $cell['sel_options'][$lname] = '- '.$label;
$cell['no_lang'] = true;
return true;
case 'customfields-list':
foreach(array_reverse($fields) as $lname => $field)
if (!empty($type2) && !empty($field['type2']) && strpos(','.$field['type2'].',',','.$type2.',') === false) continue; // not for our content type//
if (isset($value[$this->prefix.$lname]) && $value[$this->prefix.$lname] !== '') //break;
//$stop_at_field = $name;
foreach(array_reverse($fields) as $lname => $field)
$readonly = $cell['readonly'] || $readonlys[$name] || $type == 'customfields-list';
$cell['type'] = 'label';
return True;
// making the cell an empty grid
$cell['type'] = 'grid';
$cell['data'] = array(array());
$cell['rows'] = $cell['cols'] = 0;
$n = 1;
foreach($fields as $lname => $field)
if (array_search($lname,$fields_with_vals) !== false)
if ($stop_at_field && $lname == $stop_at_field) break; // no further row necessary
// check if the customfield get's displayed for type $value, we can have multiple comma-separated types now
if (!empty($type2) && !empty($field['type2']) && strpos(','.$field['type2'].',',','.$type2.',') === false)
continue; // not for our content type
$new_row = null; etemplate::add_child($cell,$new_row);
if ($type != 'customfields-list' && $type == 'customfields')
$row_class = 'row';
etemplate::add_child($cell,$label =& etemplate::empty_cell('label','',array(
'label' => $field['label'],
'no_lang' => substr(lang($field['label']),-1) == '*' ? 2 : 0,
'span' => $field['type'] === 'label' ? '2' : '',
elseif ($type == 'customfields-list')
if (isset($value[$this->prefix.$lname]) && $value[$this->prefix.$lname] !== '')
switch ((string)$field['type'])
case 'checkbox':
if ($value[$this->prefix.$lname]==0) break;
etemplate::add_child($cell,$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('image','info.png',
array('label'=> $field['label'],'width'=>"16px")));
switch ((string)$field['type'])
case 'select' :
if (count($field['values']) == 1 && isset($field['values']['@']))
$field['values'] = $this->_get_options_from_file($field['values']['@']);
if($this->advanced_search && $field['rows'] <= 1) $field['values'][''] = lang('doesn\'t matter');
foreach($field['values'] as $key => $val)
if (substr($val = lang($val),-1) != '*')
$field['values'][$key] = $val;
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('select',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'sel_options' => $field['values'],
'size' => $field['rows'],
'no_lang' => True,
$select =& $input; unset($input);
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('hbox');
etemplate::add_child($input, $select); unset($select);
/* the following seem to double the select fields in advanced search.
etemplate::add_child($input, etemplate::empty_cell('select',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'sel_options' => $field['values'],
'size' => $field['rows'],
'no_lang' => True
case 'ajax_select' :
// Set some reasonable defaults for the widget
$options = array(
'get_title' => 'etemplate.ajax_select_widget.array_title',
'get_rows' => 'etemplate.ajax_select_widget.array_rows',
'id_field' => ajax_select_widget::ARRAY_KEY,
if($field['rows']) {
$options['num_rows'] = $field['rows'];
// If you specify an option known to the AJAX Select widget, it will be pulled from the list of values
// and used as such. All unknown values will be used for selection, not passed through to the query
if (isset($field['values']['@']))
$options['values'] = $this->_get_options_from_file($field['values']['@']);
} else {
$options['values'] = array_diff_key($field['values'], array_flip(ajax_select_widget::$known_options));
$options = array_merge($options, array_intersect_key($field['values'], array_flip(ajax_select_widget::$known_options)));
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('ajax_select', $this->prefix.$lname, array(
'readonly' => $readonly,
'no_lang' => True,
'size' => $options
case 'label' :
$row_class = 'th';
case 'radio' :
$showthis = '#a#l#l#';
if (count($field['values']) == 1 && isset($field['values']['@']))
$field['values'] = $this->_get_options_from_file($field['values']['@']);
if($this->advanced_search && $field['rows'] <= 1) $field['values'][''] = lang('doesn\'t matter');
if ($readonly)
$showthis = $value[$this->prefix.$lname];
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('hbox');
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('groupbox');
$m = 0;
foreach ($field['values'] as $key => $val)
$radio = etemplate::empty_cell('radio',$this->prefix.$lname);
$radio['label'] = $val;
$radio['size'] = $key;
if ($showthis == '#a#l#l#' || $showthis == $key) etemplate::add_child($input,$radio);
case 'text' :
case 'textarea' :
case '' : // not set
$field['len'] = $field['len'] ? $field['len'] : 20;
if ($type != 'customfields-list')
if($field['rows'] <= 1)
list($max,$shown) = explode(',',$field['len']);
'size' => intval($shown > 0 ? $shown : $max).','.intval($max),
if (is_array($field['values']))
if (array_key_exists('readonly',$field['values']))
if(!$this->advanced_search) $tmparray['readonly']='readonly';
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('text',$this->prefix.$lname,$tmparray);
'size' => $field['rows'].($field['len'] >0 ? ','.(int)$field['len'] : '')
if (is_array($field['values']) && array_key_exists('readonly',$field['values']))
if(!$this->advanced_search) $tmparray['readonly']='readonly';
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('textarea',$this->prefix.$lname,$tmparray);
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('label',$this->prefix.$lname);
case 'date':
case 'date-time':
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell($field['type'],$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => $field['len'] ? $field['len'] : ($field['type'] == 'date' ? 'Y-m-d' : 'Y-m-d H:i:s'),
case 'select-account':
list($opts) = explode('=',$field['values'][0]);
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('select-account',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => ($field['rows']>1?$field['rows']:lang('None')).','.$opts,
case 'button': // button(s) to execute javascript (label=onclick) or textinputs (empty label, readonly with neg. length)
// a button does not seem to be helpful in advanced search ???,
if($this->advanced_search) break;
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('hbox');
foreach($field['values'] as $label => $js)
if (!$label) // display an readonly input
$tmparray = array(
'size' => $field['len'] ? $field['len'] : 20,
'readonly' => $field['len'] < 0,
'onchange' => $js,
$widget =& etemplate::empty_cell('text',$this->prefix.$lname.$label,$tmparray);
if ($readonly) continue; // dont display buttons if we're readonly
$widget =& etemplate::empty_cell('buttononly',$this->prefix.$lname.$label,array(
'label' => $label ? $label : lang('Submit'),
'onclick' => $js,
'no_lang' => True
case 'url-email':
list($max,$shown,$validation_type,$default) = explode(',',$field['len'],4);
if (empty($max)) $max =128;
if (empty($shown)) $shown = 28;
if (empty($validation_type)) $validation_type = 1;
$field['len'] = implode(',',array($shown, $max, $validation_type, $default));
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell($field['type'],$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => $field['len']
case 'url':
case 'url-phone':
list($max,$shown,$validation_type) = explode(',',$field['len'],3);
if (empty($max)) $max =128;
if (empty($shown)) $shown = 28;
$field['len']=implode(',',array( $shown, $max, $validation_type));
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell($field['type'],$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => $field['len']
// other etemplate types, which are used just as is
case 'checkbox' :
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell($field['type'],$this->prefix.$lname);
case 'link-entry':
default : // link-entry to given app
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('link-entry',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => $field['type'] == 'link-entry' ? '' : $field['type'],
$cell['data'][0]['c'.$n++] = $row_class.',top';
if (!is_null($input))
if ($readonly) $input['readonly'] = true;
if ($cell['needed']) $input['needed'] = $cell['needed'];
if (!empty($field['help']) && $row_class != 'th')
$input['help'] = $field['help'];
$input['no_lang'] = substr(lang($help),-1) == '*' ? 2 : 0;
if ($singlefield) // a single field, can & need to be returned instead of the cell (no grid)
$cell = $input;
if ($type == 'customfields') $cell['label'] = $field['label'];
return true;
if ($type != 'customfields-list')
$cell['data'][0]['A'] = '100';
list($span,$class) = explode(',',$cell['span']); // msie (at least 5.5) shows nothing with div overflow=auto
// we dont want to use up the full space for the table created, so we skip the line below
//$cell['size'] = '100%,100%,0,'.$class.','.(in_array($type,array('customfields-list','customfields-no-label'))?'0,0':',').(html::$user_agent != 'msie' ? ',auto' : '');
return True; // extra Label is ok
* Read the options of a 'select' or 'radio' custom field from a file
* For security reasons that file has to be relative to the eGW root
* (to not use that feature to explore arbitrary files on the server)
* and it has to be a php file setting one variable called options,
* (to not display it to anonymously by the webserver).
* The $options var has to be an array with value => label pairs, eg:
* <?php
* $options = array(
* 'a' => 'Option A',
* 'b' => 'Option B',
* 'c' => 'Option C',
* );
* @param string $file file name inside the eGW server root, either relative to it or absolute
* @return array in case of an error we return a single option with the message
function _get_options_from_file($file)
if (!($path = realpath($file{0} == '/' ? $file : EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/'.$file)) || // file does not exist
substr($path,0,strlen(EGW_SERVER_ROOT)+1) != EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/' || // we are NOT inside the eGW root
basename($path,'.php').'.php' != basename($path) || // extension is NOT .php
basename($path) == 'header.inc.php') // dont allow to include our header again
return array(lang("'%1' is no php file in the eGW server root (%2)!".': '.$path,$file,EGW_SERVER_ROOT));
return $options;
* Get the customfield types containing links
* @return array with customefield types as values
public static function get_customfield_link_types()
static $link_types;
if (is_null($link_types))
$link_types = array_keys(egw_link::app_list());
$link_types[] = 'link-entry';
return $link_types;
* Check if there are links in the custom fields and update them
* This function have to be called manually by an application, if cf's linking
* to other entries should be stored as links too (beside as cf's).
* @param string $own_app own appname
* @param array $values new values including the custom fields
* @param array $old=null old values before the update, if existing
* @param string $id_name='id' name/key of the (link-)id in $values
public static function update_customfield_links($own_app,array $values,array $old=null,$id_name='id')
$link_types = self::get_customfield_link_types();
foreach(config::get_customfields($own_app) as $name => $data)
if (!in_array($data['type'],$link_types)) continue;
// do we have a different old value --> delete that link
if ($old && $old['#'.$name] && $old['#'.$name] != $values['#'.$name])
if ($data['type'] == 'link-entry')
list($app,$id) = explode(':',$old['#'.$name]);
$app = $data['type'];
$id = $old['#'.$name];
if ($data['type'] == 'link-entry')
list($app,$id) = explode(':',$values['#'.$name]);
$app = $data['type'];
$id = $values['#'.$name];
if ($id) // create new link, does nothing for already existing links