Ralf Becker 4269e84787 some fixes for the freetime search:
- if an endtime leads to a duration biger the the difference between day-start and -end, the day-end from the user prefs are ignored, else it would never find a free time
- using one selectbox for the duration with an extra item 'use enddate', to be more intuitive about duration or enddate is used
- selecting a fitting search-frame for new searches, not just one week
2004-12-12 12:31:41 +00:00

325 lines
12 KiB

* eGroupWare - Calendar - forms of the UserInterface *
* *
* Written and (c) 2004 by Ralf Becker <> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
include_once(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/calendar/inc/');
* calendar UserInterface forms
* @package calendar
* @author
* @license GPL
class uiforms extends uical
var $public_functions = array(
'freetimesearch' => True,
* Constructor
function uiforms()
$this->uical(); // call the parent's constructor
* Freetime search
* As the function is called in a popup via javascript, parametes get initialy transfered via the url
* @param $content array/boolean array with parameters or false (default) to use the get-params
* @param start[str] string start-date
* @param start[hour] string start-hour
* @param start[min] string start-minutes
* @param end[str] string end-date
* @param end[hour] string end-hour
* @param end[min] string end-minutes
* @param participants string ':' delimited string of user-id's
function freetimesearch($content = false)
$sel_options['search_window'] = array(
7*DAY_s => lang('one week'),
14*DAY_s => lang('two weeks'),
31*DAY_s => lang('one month'),
92*DAY_s => lang('three month'),
365*DAY_s => lang('one year'),
if (!is_array($content))
if ($this->debug) echo "<pre>".print_r($_GET,true)."</pre>";
foreach(array('start','end') as $name)
$arr = $this->jscal->input2date($_GET[$name]['str'],false);
$arr += $_GET[$name];
$content[$name] = $this->bo->date2ts($arr);
$content['duration'] = $content['end'] - $content['start'];
foreach(explode(':',$_GET['participants']) as $uid)
if ((int) $uid) $content['participants'][] = (int) $uid;
$content['cal_id'] = $_GET['cal_id'];
$content['recur_type'] = $_GET['cal']['recur_type'];
// default search parameters
$content['start_time'] = $this->cal_prefs['workdaystarts'];
$content['end_time'] = $this->cal_prefs['workdayends'];
if ($this->cal_prefs['workdayends']*HOUR_s < $this->cal_prefs['workdaystarts']*HOUR_s+$content['duration'])
$content['end_time'] = 0; // no end-time limit, as duration would never fit
$content['weekdays'] = MCAL_M_WEEKDAYS;
$content['search_window'] = 7 * DAY_s;
// pick a searchwindow fitting the duration (search for a 10 day slot in a one week window never succeeds)
foreach($sel_options['search_window'] as $window => $label)
if ($window > $content['duration'])
$content['search_window'] = $window;
if (!$content['duration']) $content['duration'] = $content['end'] - $content['start'];
if (is_array($content['freetime']['select']))
list($selected) = each($content['freetime']['select']);
//echo "$selected = ".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$content['freetime'][$selected]['start']);
$start = (int) $content['freetime'][$selected]['start'];
$end = $start + $content['duration'];
$fields_to_set = array(
'start[str]' => date($this->common_prefs['dateformat'],$start),
'start[min]' => date('i',$start),
'end[str]' => date($this->common_prefs['dateformat'],$end),
'end[min]' => date('i',$end),
if ($this->common_prefs['timeformat'] == 12)
$fields_to_set += array(
'start[hour]' => date('h',$start),
'start[ampm]' => date('a',$start),
'end[hour]' => date('h',$end),
'end[ampm]' => date('a',$end),
$fields_to_set += array(
'start[hour]' => date('H',$start),
'end[hour]' => date('H',$end),
echo "<html>
var fields = Array('".implode("','",array_keys($fields_to_set))."');
var values = Array('".implode("','",$fields_to_set)."');
for (i=0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
elements = opener.document.getElementsByName(fields[i]);
if (elements) {
if (elements.length == 1)
elements[0].value = values[i];
for (n=0; n < elements.length; ++n) {
if (elements[n].value == values[i]) elements[n].checked = true;
if ($content['recur_type'])
$content['msg'] .= lang('Only the initial date of that recuring event is checked!');
$content['freetime'] = $this->freetime($content['participants'],$content['start'],$content['start']+$content['search_window'],$content['duration'],$content['cal_id']);
$content['freetime'] = $this->split_freetime_daywise($content['freetime'],$content['duration'],$content['weekdays'],$content['start_time'],$content['end_time'],$sel_options);
$sel_options['duration'][] = lang('use end date');
for ($n=15; $n <= 8*60; $n+=($n < 60 ? 15 : ($n < 240 ? 30 : 60)))
$sel_options['duration'][$n*60] = sprintf('%d:%02d',$n/60,$n%60);
$etpl = CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate','calendar.freetimesearch');
//echo "<pre>".print_r($content,true)."</pre>\n";
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('calendar') . ' - ' . lang('freetime search');
// let the window popup, if its already there
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .= "<script>\nwindow.focus();\n</script>\n";
'participants' => $content['participants'],
'cal_id' => $content['cal_id'],
'recur_type' => $content['recur_type'],
* calculate the freetime of given $participants in a certain time-span
* @param $participants array of user-id's
* @param $start int start-time timestamp in user-time
* @param $end int end-time timestamp in user-time
* @param $duration int min. duration in sec, default 1
* @param $cal_id int own id for existing events, to exclude them from being busy-time, default 0
* @return array of free time-slots: array with start and end values
function freetime($participants,$start,$end,$duration=1,$cal_id=0)
if ($this->debug > 2) $this->bo->debug_message('uiforms::freetime(participants=%1, start=%2, end=%3, duration=%4, cal_id=%5)',true,$participants,$start,$end,$duration,$cal_id);
$busy = $this->bo->search(array(
'start' => $start,
'end' => $end,
'users' => $participants,
$busy[] = array( // add end-of-search-date as event, to cope with empty search and get freetime til that date
'start' => array('raw'=>$end),
'end' => array('raw'=>$end),
$ft_start = $start;
$freetime = array();
$n = 0;
foreach($busy as $event)
if ((int)$cal_id && $event['id'] == (int)$cal_id) continue; // ignore our own event
if ($this->debug)
echo "<p>ft_start=".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$ft_start)."<br>\n";
echo "event[title]=$event[title]<br>\n";
echo "event[start]=".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$event['start']['raw'])."<br>\n";
echo "event[end]=".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$event['end']['raw'])."<br>\n";
// $events ends before our actual position ==> ignore it
if ($event['end']['raw'] < $ft_start)
//echo "==> event ends before ft_start ==> continue<br>\n";
// $events starts before our actual position ==> set start to it's end and go to next event
if ($event['start']['raw'] < $ft_start)
//echo "==> event starts before ft_start ==> set ft_start to it's end & continue<br>\n";
$ft_start = $event['end']['raw'];
$ft_end = $event['start']['raw'];
// only show slots equal or bigger to min_length
if ($ft_end - $ft_start >= $duration)
$freetime[++$n] = array(
'start' => $ft_start,
'end' => $ft_end,
if ($this->debug > 1) echo "<p>freetime: ".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$ft_start)." - ".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$ft_end)."</p>\n";
$ft_start = $event['end']['raw'];
if ($this->debug > 0) $this->bo->debug_message('uiforms::freetime(participants=%1, start=%2, end=%3, duration=%4, cal_id=%5) freetime=%6',true,$participants,$start,$end,$duration,$cal_id,$freetime);
return $freetime;
* split the freetime in daywise slot, taking into account weekdays, start- and stop-times
* If the duration is bigger then the difference of start- and end_time, the end_time is ignored
* @param $freetime array of free time-slots: array with start and end values
* @param $duration int min. duration in sec
* @param $weekdays int allowed weekdays, bitfield of MCAL_M_...
* @param $start_time int minimum start-hour 0-23
* @param $end_time int maximum end-hour 0-23, or 0 for none
* @param $sel_options array on return options for start-time selectbox
* @return array of free time-slots: array with start and end values
function split_freetime_daywise($freetime,$duration,$weekdays,$start_time,$end_time,&$sel_options)
if ($this->debug > 1) $this->bo->debug_message('uiforms::split_freetime_daywise(freetime=%1, duration=%2, start_time=%3, end_time=%4)',true,$freetime,$duration,$start_time,$end_time);
$freetime_daywise = array();
if (!is_array($sel_options)) $sel_options = array();
$time_format = $this->common_prefs['timeformat'] == 12 ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i';
$start_time = (int) $start_time; // ignore leading zeros
$end_time = (int) $end_time;
// ignore the end_time, if duration would never fit
if (($end_time - $start_time)*HOUR_s < $duration)
$end_time = 0;
if ($this->debug > 1) $this->bo->debug_message('uiforms::split_freetime_daywise(, duration=%2, start_time=%3,..) end_time set to 0, it never fits durationn otherwise',true,$duration,$start_time);
$n = 0;
foreach($freetime as $ft)
$daybegin = $this->bo->date2array($ft['start']);
$daybegin['hour'] = $daybegin['minute'] = $daybegin['second'] = 0;
$daybegin = $this->bo->date2ts($daybegin);
for($t = $daybegin; $t < $ft['end']; $t += DAY_s,$daybegin += DAY_s)
$dow = date('w',$daybegin+DAY_s/2); // 0=Sun, .., 6=Sat
$mcal_dow = pow(2,$dow);
if (!($weekdays & $mcal_dow))
//echo "wrong day of week $dow<br>\n";
continue; // wrong day of week
$start = $t < $ft['start'] ? $ft['start'] : $t;
if ($start-$daybegin < $start_time*HOUR_s) // start earlier then start_time
$start = $daybegin + $start_time*HOUR_s;
// if end_time given use it, else the original slot's end
$end = $end_time ? $daybegin + $end_time*HOUR_s : $ft['end'];
if ($end > $ft['end']) $end = $ft['end'];
// slot to small for duration
if ($end - $start < $duration)
//echo "slot to small for duration=$duration<br>\n";
$freetime_daywise[++$n] = array(
'start' => $start,
'end' => $end,
$times = array();
for ($s = $start; $s+$duration <= $end && $s < $daybegin+DAY_s; $s += 60*$this->cal_prefs['interval'])
$e = $s + $duration;
$end_date = $e-$daybegin > DAY_s ? lang(date('l',$e)).' '.date($this->common_prefs['dateformat'],$e).' ' : '';
$times[$s] = date($time_format,$s).' - '.$$time_format,$e);
$sel_options[$n.'[start]'] = $times;
return $freetime_daywise;