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synced 2025-03-03 09:41:33 +01:00
To get column information in the favorite, change the visible columns before you create the favorite. If the favorite has no column information, the visible columns will not be changed.
783 lines
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783 lines
22 KiB
* EGroupware clientside Application javascript base object
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Nathan Gray
* @version $Id$
"use strict";
* Object to collect instanciated appliction objects
* Attributes classes collects loaded application classes,
* which can get instanciated:
* app[appname] = new app.classes[appname]();
* On destruction only app[appname] gets deleted, app.classes[appname] need to be used again!
* @type object
window.app = {classes: {}};
* Common base class for application javascript
* Each app should extend as needed.
* All application javascript should be inside. Intitialization goes in init(),
* clean-up code goes in destroy(). Initialization is done once all js is loaded.
* var app.appname = AppJS.extend({
* // Actually set this one, the rest is example
* appname: appname,
* internal_var: 1000,
* init: function()
* {
* // Call the super
* this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* // Init the stuff
* if ( egw.preference('dateformat', 'common') )
* {
* // etc
* }
* },
* _private: function()
* {
* // Underscore private by convention
* }
* });
* @class AppJS
* @augments Class
var AppJS = Class.extend(
* Internal application name - override this
appname: '',
* Internal reference to etemplate2 widget tree
* @var {et2_container}
et2: null,
* Internal reference to egw client-side api object for current app and window
* @var {egw}
egw: null,
* Initialization and setup goes here, but the etemplate2 object
* is not yet ready.
init: function() {
window.app[this.appname] = this;
this.egw = egw(this.appname, window);
// Initialize sidebox for non-popups.
// ID set server side
var sidebox = jQuery('#favorite_sidebox_'+this.appname);
if(sidebox.length == 0 && egw_getFramework() != null)
var egw_fw = egw_getFramework();
sidebox= $j('#favorite_sidebox_'+this.appname,egw_fw.sidemenuDiv);
// Make sure we're running in the top window when we init sidebox
if(window.top.app[this.appname] !== this && window.top.app[this.appname])
* Clean up any created objects & references
destroy: function() {
delete this.et2;
if (this.sidebox)
delete this.sidebox;
delete window.app[this.appname];
* This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded
* and ready. If you must store a reference to the et2 object,
* make sure to clean it up in destroy(). Note that this can be called
* several times, with different et2 objects, as templates are loaded.
* @param {etemplate2} et2
* @param {string} name template name
et2_ready: function(et2,name) {
if(this.et2 !== null)
egw.debug('log', "Changed et2 object");
this.et2 = et2.widgetContainer;
if (this.egw.is_popup()) this._set_Window_title();
* Observer method receives update notifications from all applications
* App is responsible for only reacting to "messages" it is interested in!
* @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted'
* @param {string} _app application name
* @param {(string|number)} _id id of entry to refresh or null
* @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
* - update: request just modified data from given rows. Sorting is not considered,
* so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
* - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected. Requires full reload.
* - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
* - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
* @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default)
* @param {object|null} _links app => array of ids of linked entries
* or null, if not triggered on server-side, which adds that info
* @return {false|*} false to stop regular refresh, thought all observers are run
observer: function(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _msg_type, _links)
* Open an entry.
* Designed to be used with the action system as a callback
* eg: onExecute => app.<appname>.open
* @param _action
* @param _senders
open: function(_action, _senders) {
var id_app = _senders[0].id.split('::');
egw.open(id_app[1], this.appname);
* A generic method to action to server asynchronously
* Designed to be used with the action system as a callback.
* In the PHP side, set the action
* 'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.<appname>.action', and
* implement _do_action(action_id, selected)
* @param {egwAction} _action
* @param {egwActionObject[]} _elems
action: function(_action, _elems)
// let user confirm select-all
var select_all = _action.getManager().getActionById("select_all");
var confirm_msg = (_elems.length > 1 || select_all && select_all.checked) &&
typeof _action.data.confirm_multiple != 'undefined' ?
_action.data.confirm_multiple : _action.data.confirm;
if (typeof confirm_msg != 'undefined')
var that = this;
var action_id = _action.id;
if (button_id != et2_dialog.NO_BUTTON)
that._do_action(action_id, _elems);
}, confirm_msg, egw.lang('Confirmation required'), et2_dialog.BUTTONS_YES_NO, et2_dialog.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
else if (typeof this._do_action == 'function')
this._do_action(_action.id, _elems);
// If this is a nextmatch action, do an ajax submit setting the action
var nm = null;
var action = _action;
while(nm == null && action.parent != null)
if(action.data.nextmatch) nm = action.data.nextmatch;
action = action.parent;
if(nm != null)
var value = {};
value[nm.options.settings.action_var] = _action.id;
* Set the application's state to the given state.
* While not pretending to implement the history API, it is patterned similarly
* @link http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/history.html
* The default implementation works with the favorites to apply filters to a nextmatch.
* @param {{name: string, state: object}|string} state Object (or JSON string) for a state.
* Only state is required, and its contents are application specific.
* @param {string} template template name to check, instead of trying all templates of current app
* @return {boolean} false - Returns false to stop event propagation
setState: function(state, template)
// State should be an object, not a string, but we'll parse
if(typeof state == "string")
if(state.indexOf('{') != -1 || state =='null')
state = JSON.parse(state);
if(typeof state != "object")
egw.debug('error', 'Unable to set state to %o, needs to be an object',state);
if(state == null)
state = {};
// Check for egw.open() parameters
if(state.state && state.state.id && state.state.app)
return egw.open(state.state,undefined,undefined,{},'_self');
// Try and find a nextmatch widget, and set its filters
var nextmatched = false;
var et2 = template ? etemplate2.getByTemplate(template) : etemplate2.getByApplication(this.appname);
for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
et2[i].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
// Firefox has trouble with spaces in search
if(state.state && state.state.search) state.state.search = unescape(state.state.search);
// Apply
if(state.state && state.state.sort && state.state.sort.id)
_widget.sortBy(state.state.sort.id, state.state.sort.asc,false);
if(state.state && state.state.selectcols)
// Make sure it's a real array, not an object, then set cols
_widget.applyFilters(state.state || state.filter || {});
nextmatched = true;
}, this, et2_nextmatch);
if(nextmatched) return false;
// 'blank' is the special name for no filters, send that instead of the nice translated name
var safe_name = jQuery.isEmptyObject(state) || jQuery.isEmptyObject(state.state||state.filter) ? 'blank' : state.name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, '_');
var url = '/'+this.appname+'/index.php';
// Try a redirect to list, if app defines a "list" value in registry
if (egw.link_get_registry(this.appname, 'list'))
url = egw.link('/index.php', jQuery.extend({'favorite': safe_name}, egw.link_get_registry(this.appname, 'list')));
// if no list try index value from application
else if (egw.app(this.appname).index)
url = egw.link('/index.php', 'menuaction='+egw.app(this.appname).index+'&favorite='+safe_name);
egw.open_link(url, undefined, undefined, this.appname);
return false;
* Retrieve the current state of the application for future restoration
* The state can be anything, as long as it's an object. The contents are
* application specific. The default implementation finds a nextmatch and
* returns its value.
* The return value of this function cannot be passed directly to setState(),
* since setState is expecting an additional wrapper, eg:
* {name: 'something', state: getState()}
* @return {object} Application specific map representing the current state
getState: function()
var state = {};
// Try and find a nextmatch widget, and set its filters
var et2 = etemplate2.getByApplication(this.appname);
for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
et2[i].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
state = _widget.getValue();
}, this, et2_nextmatch);
return state;
* Initializes actions and handlers on sidebox (delete)
* @param {jQuery} sidebox jQuery of DOM node
_init_sidebox: function(sidebox)
var self = this;
if(this.sidebox) this.sidebox.off();
this.sidebox = sidebox;
// removed .on("mouse(enter|leave)" (wrapping trash icon), as it stalls delete in IE11
.on("click","div.ui-icon-trash", this, this.delete_favorite)
// need to install a favorite handler, as we switch original one off with .off()
.on('click','li[data-id]', this, function(event) {
var href = jQuery('a[href^="javascript:"]', this).prop('href');
var matches = href ? href.match(/^javascript:([^\(]+)\((.*)?\);?$/) : null;
if (matches && matches.length > 1 && matches[2] !== undefined)
self.setState.call(self, JSON.parse(decodeURI(matches[2])));
return false;
//Add Sortable handler to sideBox fav. menu
delay:250, //(millisecond) delay before the sorting should start
helper: function(event, item) {
// We'll need to know which app this is for
// Create custom helper so it can be dragged to Home
var h_parent = item.parent().parent().clone();
return h_parent;
refreshPositions: true,
update: function (event, ui)
var favSortedList = jQuery(this).sortable('toArray', {attribute:'data-id'});
return true;
return false;
* Add a new favorite
* Fetches the current state from the application, then opens a dialog to get the
* name and other settings. If user proceeds, the favorite is saved, and if possible
* the sidebox is directly updated to include the new favorite
* @param {object} [state] State settings to be merged into the application state
add_favorite: function(state)
if(typeof this.favorite_popup == "undefined")
// Get current state
this.favorite_popup.state = jQuery.extend({}, this.getState(), state||{});
// Add in extras
for(var extra in this.options.filters)
// Don't overwrite what nm has, chances are nm has more up-to-date value
if(typeof this.popup.current_filters == 'undefined')
this.popup.current_filters[extra] = this.nextmatch.options.settings[extra];
// Add in application's settings
if(this.filters != true)
for(var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++)
this.popup.current_filters[this.options.filters[i]] = this.nextmatch.options.settings[this.options.filters[i]];
// Make sure it's an object - deep copy to prevent references in sub-objects (col_filters)
this.favorite_popup.state = jQuery.extend(true,{},this.favorite_popup.state);
// Update popup with current set filters (more for debug than user)
var filter_list = [];
var add_to_popup = function(arr) {
jQuery.each(arr, function(index, filter) {
filter_list.push("<li id='index'><span class='filter_id'>"+index+"</span>" +
(typeof filter != "object" ? "<span class='filter_value'>"+filter+"</span>": "")
if(typeof filter == "object" && filter != null) add_to_popup(filter);
// Popup
// Stop the normal bubbling if this is called on click
return false;
* Update favorite items in nm fav. menu
_refresh_fav_nm: function ()
var self = this;
if(etemplate2 && etemplate2.getByApplication)
var et2 = etemplate2.getByApplication(self.appname);
for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
et2[i].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
_widget.stored_filters = _widget.load_favorites(self.appname);
}, self, et2_favorites);
throw new Error ("_refresh_fav_nm():Either et2 is not ready/ not there yet. Make sure that etemplate2 is ready before call this method.");
* Create the "Add new" popup dialog
_create_favorite_popup: function()
var self = this;
var favorite_prefix = 'favorite_';
// Clear old, if existing
if(this.favorite_popup && this.favorite_popup.group)
delete this.favorite_popup;
// Create popup
this.favorite_popup = $j('<div id="'+this.dom_id + '_nm_favorites_popup" title="' + egw().lang("New favorite") + '">\
<label for="name">'+
this.egw.lang("name") +
'</label>' +
'<input type="text" name="name" id="name"/>\
<div id="'+this.appname+'_favorites_popup_admin"/>\
<span>'+ this.egw.lang("Details") + '</span><span style="float:left;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus ui-button" />\
<ul id="'+this.appname+'_favorites_popup_state"/>\
).appendTo(this.et2 ? this.et2.getDOMNode() : $j('body'));
$j(".ui-icon-circle-plus",this.favorite_popup).prev().andSelf().click(function() {
var details = $j("#"+self.appname+"_favorites_popup_state",self.favorite_popup)
// Add some controls if user is an admin
var apps = egw().user('apps');
var is_admin = (typeof apps['admin'] != "undefined");
this.favorite_popup.group = et2_createWidget("select-account",{
id: "favorite[group]",
account_type: "groups",
empty_label: "Groups",
no_lang: true,
parent_node: this.appname+'_favorites_popup_admin'
},this.et2 || null);
var buttons = {};
buttons['save'] = {
text: this.egw.lang('save'),
default: true,
click: function() {
// Add a new favorite
var name = $j("#name",this);
// Add to the list
var safe_name = name.val().replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g,"_");
var favorite = {
name: name.val(),
group: (typeof self.favorite_popup.group != "undefined" &&
self.favorite_popup.group.get_value() ? self.favorite_popup.group.get_value() : false),
state: self.favorite_popup.state
var favorite_pref = favorite_prefix+safe_name;
// Save to preferences
if(typeof self.favorite_popup.group != "undefined" && self.favorite_popup.group.getValue() != '')
// Admin stuff - save preference server side
// Normal user - just save to preferences client side
// Add to list immediately
// Remove any existing with that name
// Create new item
var html = "<li data-id='"+safe_name+"' data-group='" + favorite.group + "' class='ui-menu-item' role='menuitem'>\n";
var href = 'javascript:app.'+self.appname+'.setState('+JSON.stringify(favorite)+');';
html += "<a href='"+href+"' class='ui-corner-all' tabindex='-1'>";
html += "<div class='" + 'sideboxstar' + "'></div>"+
html += "<div class='ui-icon ui-icon-trash' title='" + egw.lang('Delete') + "'/>";
html += "</a></li>\n";
// Try to update nextmatch favorites too
// Reset form
delete self.favorite_popup.state;
buttons[this.egw.lang("cancel")] = function() {
if(typeof self.favorite_popup.group !== 'undefined' && self.favorite_popup.group.set_value)
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: buttons,
close: function() {
// Bind handler for enter keypress
this.favorite_popup.off('keydown').on('keydown', jQuery.proxy(function(e) {
var tagName = e.target.tagName.toLowerCase();
tagName = (tagName === 'input' && e.target.type === 'button') ? 'button' : tagName;
if(e.keyCode == jQuery.ui.keyCode.ENTER && tagName !== 'textarea' && tagName !== 'select' && tagName !=='button')
return false;
return false;
* Delete a favorite from the list and update preferences
* Registered as a handler on the delete icons
* @param {jQuery.event} event event object
delete_favorite: function(event)
// Don't do the menu
var app = event.data;
var id = $j(this).parentsUntil('li').parent().attr("data-id");
var group = $j(this).parentsUntil('li').parent().attr("data-group") || '';
var line = $j('li[data-id="'+id+'"]',app.sidebox);
var name = line.first().text();
var trash = this;
// Make sure first
var do_delete = function(button_id)
if(button_id != et2_dialog.YES_BUTTON)
// Hide the trash
// Delete preference server side
var request = egw.json(app.appname + ".egw_framework.ajax_set_favorite.template",
[app.appname, id, "delete", group, ''],
function(result) {
// Got the full response from callback, which we don't want
if(result.type) return;
if(result && typeof result == 'boolean')
// Remove line from list
line.slideUp("slow", function() { });
// Something went wrong server side
et2_dialog.show_dialog(do_delete, (egw.lang("Delete") + " " +name +"?"),
"Delete", et2_dialog.YES_NO, et2_dialog.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
return false;
* Fix scrolling iframe browsed by iPhone/iPod/iPad touch devices
_fix_iFrameScrolling: function()
if (/iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent))
load: function()
var body = this.contentWindow.document.body;
var div = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
.css ({
'height' : jQuery(this.parentNode).height(),
'width' : jQuery(this.parentNode).width(),
'overflow' : 'scroll'});
while (body.firstChild)
* Set document title, uses getWindowTitle to get the correct title,
* otherwise set it with uniqueID as default title
_set_Window_title: function ()
var title = this.getWindowTitle();
if (title)
document.title = this.et2._inst.uniqueId + ": " + title;
* Window title getter function in order to set the window title
* this can be overridden on each application app.js file to customize the title value
* @returns {string} window title
getWindowTitle: function ()
var titleWidget = this.et2.getWidgetById('title');
if (titleWidget)
return titleWidget.options.value;
return this.et2._inst.uniqueId;