
876 lines
28 KiB

* eGroupWare - Calendar's shared base-class of all UI classes
* @link
* @package calendar
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright (c) 2004-15 by
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* Shared base-class of all calendar UserInterface classes
* It manages eg. the state of the controls in the UI and generated the calendar navigation (sidebox-menu)
* The new UI, BO and SO classes have a strikt definition, in which time-zone they operate:
* UI only operates in user-time, so there have to be no conversation at all !!!
* BO's functions take and return user-time only (!), they convert internaly everything to servertime, because
* SO operates only on server-time
* All permanent debug messages of the calendar-code should done via the debug-message method of the bocal class !!!
class calendar_ui
* @var $debug mixed integer level or string function-name
var $debug=false;
* instance of the bocal or bocalupdate class
* @var calendar_boupdate
var $bo;
* instance of jscalendar
* @var jscalendar
var $jscal;
* Reference to global datetime class
* @var egw_datetime
var $datetime;
* Instance of categories class
* @var categories
var $categories;
* Reference to global uiaccountsel class
* @var uiaccountsel
var $accountsel;
* @var array $common_prefs reference to $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']
var $common_prefs;
* @var array $cal_prefs reference to $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']
var $cal_prefs;
* @var int $wd_start user pref. workday start
var $wd_start;
* @var int $wd_start user pref. workday end
var $wd_end;
* @var int $interval_m user pref. interval
var $interval_m;
* @var int $user account_id of loged in user
var $user;
* @var string $date session-state: date (Ymd) of shown view
var $date;
* @var int $cat_it session-state: selected category
var $cat_id;
* @var int $status_filter session-state: selected filter, at the moment all or hideprivate
var $status_filter;
* @var int/array $owner session-state: selected owner(s) of shown calendar(s)
var $owner;
* @var string $sortby session-state: filter of planner: 'category' or 'user'
var $sortby;
* @var string $view session-state: selected view
var $view;
* @var string $view menuaction of the selected view
var $view_menuaction;
* @var boolean test checkbox checked
var $test;
* @var int $first first day of the shown view
var $first;
* @var int $last last day of the shown view
var $last;
* @var array $states_to_save all states that will be saved to the user prefs
var $states_to_save = array('owner','status_filter','filter','cat_id','view','sortby','planner_days','weekend');
* Constructor
* @param boolean $use_boupdate use bocalupdate as parenent instead of bocal
* @param array $set_states to manualy set / change one of the states, default NULL = use $_REQUEST
function __construct($use_boupdate=false,$set_states=NULL)
if ($use_boupdate)
$this->bo = new calendar_boupdate();
$this->bo = new calendar_bo();
$this->jscal = $GLOBALS['egw']->jscalendar;
$this->datetime = $GLOBALS['egw']->datetime;
$this->accountsel = $GLOBALS['egw']->uiaccountsel;
$this->categories = new categories($this->user,'calendar');
$this->common_prefs = &$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common'];
$this->cal_prefs = &$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar'];
$this->wd_start = 60*$this->cal_prefs['workdaystarts'];
$this->wd_end = 60*$this->cal_prefs['workdayends'];
$this->interval_m = $this->cal_prefs['interval'];
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$GLOBALS['uical'] = &$this; // make us available for ExecMethod, else it creates a new instance
// calendar does not work with hidden sidebox atm.
// make sure the hook for export_limit is registered
if (!$GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->hook_exists('export_limit','calendar')) $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->register_single_app_hook('calendar','export_limit');
* Checks and terminates (or returns for home) with a message if $this->owner include a user/resource we have no read-access to
* If currentapp == 'home' we return the error instead of terminating with it !!!
* @return boolean/string false if there's no error or string with error-message
function check_owners_access($users = null, &$no_access = array())
$no_access = $no_access_group = array();
$owner_array = $users ? $users : explode(',',$this->owner);
foreach($owner_array as $idx => $owner)
$owner = trim($owner);
if (is_numeric($owner) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($owner) == 'g')
foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->member($owner) as $member)
$member = $member['account_id'];
if (!$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ|EGW_ACL_READ_FOR_PARTICIPANTS|EGW_ACL_FREEBUSY,0,$member))
$no_access_group[$member] = $this->bo->participant_name($member);
elseif (!$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ|EGW_ACL_READ_FOR_PARTICIPANTS|EGW_ACL_FREEBUSY,0,$owner))
$no_access[$owner] = $this->bo->participant_name($owner);
if (count($no_access))
$message = lang('Access denied to the calendar of %1 !!!',implode(', ',$no_access));
$this->owner = implode(',',$owner_array);
return $message;
if (count($no_access_group))
$this->bo->warnings['groupmembers'] = lang('Groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access.',implode(', ',$no_access_group));
return false;
* show the egw-framework plus evtl. $this->group_warning from check_owner_access
function do_header()
// Include the jQuery-UI CSS - many more complex widgets use it
$theme = 'redmond';
// Load our CSS after jQuery-UI, so we can override it
// load etemplate2
// load our app.js file
if ($this->bo->warnings) echo '<pre class="message" align="center">'.html::htmlspecialchars(implode("\n",$this->bo->warnings))."</pre>\n";
* Manages the states of certain controls in the UI: date shown, category selected, ...
* The state of all these controls is updated if they are set in $_REQUEST or $set_states and saved in the session.
* The following states are used:
* - date or year, month, day: the actual date of the period displayed
* - cat_id: the selected category
* - owner: the owner of the displayed calendar
* - save_owner: the overriden owner of the planner
* - status_filter: the used filter: all or hideprivate
* - sortby: category or user of planner
* - view: the actual view, where dialogs should return to or which they refresh
* @param array $set_states array to manualy set / change one of the states, default NULL = use $_REQUEST
function manage_states($set_states=NULL)
// retrieve saved states from prefs
$states = is_array($this->bo->cal_prefs['saved_states']) ?
$this->bo->cal_prefs['saved_states'] : unserialize($this->bo->cal_prefs['saved_states']);
// only look at _REQUEST, if we are in the calendar (prefs and admin show our sidebox menu too!)
if (is_null($set_states))
// ajax-exec call has get-parameter in some json
if (isset($_REQUEST['json_data']) && ($json_data = json_decode($_REQUEST['json_data'], true)) &&
if (is_array($json_data['request']['parameters'][0]))
$set_states = $json_data['request']['parameters'][0];
parse_str(substr($json_data['request']['parameters'][0], 10), $set_states); // cut off "/index.php?"
$set_states = substr($_GET['menuaction'],0,9) == 'calendar.' ? $_REQUEST : array();
if (!$states['date'] && $states['year'] && $states['month'] && $states['day'])
$states['date'] = $this->bo->date2string($states);
'date' => $this->bo->date2string($this->bo->now_su),
'cat_id' => 0,
'status_filter' => 'default',
'owner' => $this->user,
'save_owner' => 0,
'sortby' => 'category',
'planner_days'=> 0, // full month
'view' => ($this->bo->cal_prefs['defaultcalendar']?$this->bo->cal_prefs['defaultcalendar']:'day'), // use pref, if exists else use the dayview
'listview_days'=> '', // no range
'test' => 'false',
) as $state => $default)
if (isset($set_states[$state]))
if ($state == 'owner')
// only change the owners of the same resource-type as given in set_state[owner]
$set_owners = is_array($set_states['owner']) ? $set_states['owner'] : explode(',',$set_states['owner']);
if ((string)$set_owners[0] === '0') // set exactly the specified owners (without the 0)
if ($set_states['owner'] === '0,r0') // small fix for resources
$set_states['owner'] = $default; // --> set default, instead of none
$set_states['owner'] = substr($set_states['owner'],2);
else // change only the owners of the given type
$res_type = is_numeric($set_owners[0]) ? false : $set_owners[0][0];
$owners = $states['owner'] ? $states['owner'] : $default;
$owners = explode(',',$owners);
foreach($owners as $key => $owner)
if (!$res_type && is_numeric($owner) || $res_type && $owner[0] == $res_type)
if (!$res_type || !in_array($res_type.'0',$set_owners))
$owners = array_merge($owners,$set_owners);
$set_states['owner'] = implode(',',$owners);
// for the uiforms class (eg. edit), dont store the (new) owner, as it might change the view
if (substr($_GET['menuaction'],0,25) == 'calendar.calendar_uiforms')
$this->owner = $set_states[$state];
$states[$state] = $set_states[$state];
elseif (!is_array($states) || !isset($states[$state]))
$states[$state] = $default;
if ($state == 'date')
$date_arr = $this->bo->date2array($states['date']);
foreach(array('year','month','day') as $name)
$this->$name = $states[$name] = $date_arr[$name];
$this->$state = $states[$state];
// remove a given calendar from the view
if (isset($_GET['close']) && ($k = array_search($_GET['close'], $owners=explode(',',$this->owner))) !== false)
$this->owner = $states['owner'] = implode(',',$owners);
$this->owner = implode(',',$this->owner);
if (substr($this->view,0,8) == 'planner_')
$states['sortby'] = $this->sortby = $this->view == 'planner_cat' ? 'category' : 'user';
$states['view'] = $this->view = 'planner';
// set the actual view as return_to
if (isset($_GET['menuaction']))
list(,$class,$func) = explode('.',$_GET['menuaction']);
if ($func == 'index')
$func = $this->view; $this->view = 'index'; // switch to the default view
else // eg. calendar/index.php
$func = $this->view;
$class = $this->view == 'listview' ? 'calendar_uilist' : 'calendar_uiviews';
if ($class == 'calendar_uiviews' || $class == 'calendar_uilist')
$this->view = $states['view'] = $func;
$this->view_menuaction = $this->view == 'listview' ? 'calendar.calendar_uilist.listview' : 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index';
if ($this->debug > 0 || $this->debug == 'manage_states') $this->bo->debug_message('uical::manage_states(%1) session was %2, states now %3',True,$set_states,$states_session,$states);
// save the states in the session only when we are in calendar
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']=='calendar')
// save defined states into the user-prefs
if(!empty($states) && is_array($states))
$saved_states = array_intersect_key($states,array_flip($this->states_to_save));
if ($saved_states != $this->cal_prefs['saved_states'])
* gets the icons displayed for a given event
* @param array $event
* @return array of 'img' / 'title' pairs
function event_icons($event)
$is_private = !$event['public'] && !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ,$event);
$icons = array();
if (!$is_private)
if($event['priority'] == 3)
$icons[] = html::image('calendar','high',lang('high priority'));
if($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
$icons[] = html::image('calendar','recur',lang('recurring event'));
// icons for single user, multiple users or group(s) and resources
foreach(array_keys($event['participants']) as $uid)
if(is_numeric($uid) || !isset($this->bo->resources[$uid[0]]['icon']))
if (isset($icons['single']) || $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'g')
$icons['multiple'] = html::image('calendar','users');
elseif (!isset($icons['multiple']))
$icons['single'] = html::image('calendar','single');
elseif(!isset($icons[$uid[0]]) && isset($this->bo->resources[$uid[0]]) && isset($this->bo->resources[$uid[0]]['icon']))
$icons[$uid[0]] = html::image($this->bo->resources[$uid[0]]['app'],
($this->bo->resources[$uid[0]]['icon'] ? $this->bo->resources[$uid[0]]['icon'] : 'navbar'),
'width="16px" height="16px"');
$icons[] = html::image('calendar','nonblocking',lang('non blocking'));
if($event['public'] == 0)
$icons[] = html::image('calendar','private',lang('private'));
if(isset($event['alarm']) && count($event['alarm']) >= 1 && !$is_private)
$icons[] = html::image('calendar','alarm',lang('alarm'));
if($event['participants'][$this->user][0] == 'U')
$icons[] = html::image('calendar','needs-action',lang('Needs action'));
return $icons;
* Create a select-box item in the sidebox-menu
* @privat used only by sidebox_menu !
function _select_box($title,$name,$options,$width='99%')
$select = " <select style=\"width: $width;\" name=\"".$name.'" id="calendar_'.$name.'" title="'.
lang('Select a %1',lang($title)).'">'.
return array(
'text' => $select,
'no_lang' => True,
'link' => False,
'icon' => false,
* Generate a link to add an event, incl. the necessary popup
* @param string $content content of the link
* @param string $date which date should be used as start- and end-date, default null=$this->date
* @param int $hour which hour should be used for the start, default null=$this->hour
* @param int $minute start-minute
* @param array $vars
* @return string the link incl. content
function add_link($content,$date=null,$hour=null,$minute=0,array $vars=null)
$vars['menuaction'] = 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit';
$vars['date'] = $date ? $date : $this->date;
if (!is_null($hour))
$vars['hour'] = $hour;
$vars['minute'] = $minute;
return html::a_href($content,'',$vars,' data-date="' .$vars['date'].'|'.$vars['hour'].'|'.$vars['minute']
. '" title="'.html::htmlspecialchars(lang('Add')).'"');
* returns javascript to open a popup window:
* @param string $link link or this.href
* @param string $target name of target or
* @param int $width width of the window
* @param int $height height of the window
* @return string javascript (using single quotes)
function popup($link,$target='_blank',$width=750,$height=410)
return 'egw_openWindowCentered2('.($link == 'this.href' ? $link : "'".$link."'").','.
($target == '' ? $target : "'".$target."'").",$width,$height,'yes')";
* creates the content for the sidebox-menu, called as hook
function sidebox_menu()
$link_vars = array();
// Magic etemplate2 favorites menu (from framework)
display_sidebox('calendar', lang('Favorites'), egw_framework::favorite_list('calendar'));
$file = array('menuOpened' => true); // menu open by default
// Target for etemplate
$file[] = array(
'no_lang' => true,
'text'=>'<span id="calendar-et2_target" />',
'icon' => false
// Merge print placeholders (selectbox in etemplate)
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['document_dir'])
$file['Placeholders'] = egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=calendar.calendar_merge.show_replacements');
$appname = 'calendar';
$menu_title = lang('Calendar Menu');
// resources menu hooks
foreach ($this->bo->resources as $resource)
if(!is_array($resource['cal_sidebox'])) continue;
$menu_title = $resource['cal_sidebox']['menu_title'] ? $resource['cal_sidebox']['menu_title'] : lang($resource['app']);
$file = ExecMethod($resource['cal_sidebox']['file'],array(
'menuaction' => $this->view_menuaction,
'owner' => $this->owner,
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])
$file = Array(
'Custom Fields'=>egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.customfields.index&appname=calendar'),
'Holiday Management'=>egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=calendar.uiholiday.admin'),
'Global Categories' =>egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.admin_categories.index&appname=calendar'),
* Makes the sidebox content with etemplate, after hook is processed
function sidebox_etemplate($content = array())
// View from sidebox is JSON encoded
$this->first = egw_time::to($content['first'],'ts');
$this->last = new egw_time($content['last']);
$this->last->setTime(23, 59, 59);
$this->last = $this->last->format('ts');
$_GET['merge'] = $content['merge'];
$sidebox = new etemplate_new('calendar.sidebox');
$content = $this->cal_prefs['saved_states'];
$content['view'] = $this->view ? $this->view : 'week';
$content['date'] = $this->date ? $this->date : egw_time();
$owners = $this->owner ? is_array($this->owner) ? array($this->owner) : explode(',',$this->owner) : array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']);
$sel_options = array();
// Add external owners that a select account widget will not find
foreach($owners as $owner)
if(!is_numeric(substr($owner, 0,1)))
$resource = $this->bo->resources[substr($owner, 0,1)];
$sel_options['owner'][] = array('value' => $owner, 'label' => egw_link::title($resource['app'], substr($owner,1)));
$readonlys = array();
'text' => lang('dayview'),
'value' => '{"view":"day"}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'day',
'text' => lang('four days view'),
'value' => '{"view":"day4","days":4}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'day4',
'text' => lang('weekview'),
'value' => '{"view":"week"}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'week',
'text' => lang('Multiple week view'),
'value' => '{"view":"weekN"}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'weekN',
'text' => lang('monthview'),
'value' => '{"view":"month"}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'month',
'text' => lang('planner by category'),
'value' => '{"view":"planner", "sortby":"category"}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'planner' && $this->sortby != 'user',
'text' => lang('planner by user'),
'value' => '{"view":"planner","sortby":"user"}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'planner' && $this->sortby == 'user',
'text' => lang('yearly planner'),
'value' => '{"view":"planner","sortby":"month"}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'planner' && $this->sortby == 'month',
'text' => lang('listview'),
'value' => '{"view":"listview"}',
'selected' => $this->view == 'listview',
)as $data)
$content['view'] = $data['value'];
$sel_options['view'][] = array(
'label' => $data['text'],
'value' => $data['value']
$sel_options['status_filter'] = array(
array('value' => 'default', 'label' => lang('Not rejected'), 'title' => lang('Show all status, but rejected')),
array('value' => 'accepted', 'label' => lang('Accepted'), 'title' => lang('Show only accepted events')),
array('value' => 'unknown', 'label' => lang('Invitations'), 'title' => lang('Show only invitations, not yet accepted or rejected')),
array('value' => 'tentative', 'label' => lang('Tentative'), 'title' => lang('Show only tentative accepted events')),
array('value' => 'delegated', 'label' => lang('Delegated'), 'title' => lang('Show only delegated events')),
array('value' => 'rejected', 'label' => lang('Rejected'),'title' => lang('Show only rejected events')),
array('value' => 'owner', 'label' => lang('Owner too'),'title' => lang('Show also events just owned by selected user')),
array('value' => 'all', 'label' => lang('All incl. rejected'),'title' => lang('Show all status incl. rejected events')),
array('value' => 'hideprivate', 'label' => lang('Hide private infos'),'title' => lang('Show all events, as if they were private')),
array('value' => 'showonlypublic', 'label' => lang('Hide private events'),'title' => lang('Show only events flagged as public, (not checked as private)')),
array('value' => 'no-enum-groups', 'label' => lang('only group-events'),'title' => lang('Do not include events of group members')),
array('value' => 'not-unknown', 'label' => lang('No meeting requests'),'title' => lang('Show all status, but unknown')),
$sel_options['status_filter'][] = array('value' => 'deleted', 'label' => lang('Deleted'), 'title' => lang('Show events that have been deleted'));
// Merge print
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['document_dir'])
$sel_options['merge'] = calendar_merge::get_documents($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['document_dir'], '', null,'calendar');
$readonlys['merge'] = true;
// Sidebox?
$sidebox->exec('calendar.calendar_ui.sidebox_etemplate', $content, $sel_options, $readonlys);
* Prepare an array of event information for sending to the client
* This involves changing timestamps into strings with timezone
* @param type $event
public function to_client(&$event)
if (!$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$event))
$event['class'] .= 'rowNoEdit ';
// Delete disabled for other applications
if (!$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_DELETE,$event) || !is_numeric($event['id']))
$event['class'] .= 'rowNoDelete ';
// mark deleted events
if ($event['deleted'])
$event['class'] .= 'rowDeleted ';
$event['recure'] = $this->bo->recure2string($event);
if (empty($event['description'])) $event['description'] = ' '; // no description screws the titles horz. alignment
if (empty($event['location'])) $event['location'] = ' '; // no location screws the owner horz. alignment
// respect category permissions
$event['category'] = $this->categories->check_list(EGW_ACL_READ, $event['category']);
$event['non_blocking'] = (bool)$event['non_blocking'];
if(!(int)$event['id'] && preg_match('/^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)$/i',$event['id'],$matches))
$app = $matches[1];
$app_id = $matches[2];
$icons = array();
if(!($is_private = calendar_bo::integration_get_private($app,$app_id,$event)))
$icons = calendar_uiviews::integration_get_icons($app,$app_id,$event);
$event['app'] = $app;
$event['app_id'] = $app_id;
$is_private = !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ,$event);
if ($is_private)
$event['is_private'] = true;
$event['class'] .= 'rowNoView ';
$event['app'] = 'calendar';
$event['app_id'] = $event['id'];
if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
$event['app_id'] .= ':'.egw_time::to($event['recur_date'] ? $event['recur_date'] : $event['start'],'ts');
$event['parts'] = implode(",\n",$this->bo->participants($event,false));
$event['date'] = $this->bo->date2string($event['start']);
// Change dates
foreach(calendar_egw_record::$types['date-time'] as $field)
$event[$field] = egw_time::to($event[$field], egw_time::ET2);
public function merge($timespan = array())
// Merge print
// Try to make time span into appropriate ranges to match
if(stripos($_GET['merge'],'month') !== false || stripos($_GET['merge'],lang('month')) !== false) $template = 'month';
if(stripos($_GET['merge'],'week') !== false || stripos($_GET['merge'],lang('week')) !== false) $template = 'week';
//error_log("Detected template $template");
switch ($template)
case 'month':
// Trim to _only_ the month, do not pad to week start / end
$time = new egw_time($this->date);
$timespan = array(array(
'start' => egw_time::to($time->format('Y-m-01 00:00:00'),'ts'),
'end' => egw_time::to($time->format('Y-m-t 23:59:59'),'ts')
case 'week':
$timespan = array();
$start = new egw_time($this->first);
$t = clone $start;
$t->modify('+1 week')->modify('-1 second');
if($t->format('ts') < egw_time::to($this->last,'ts'))
$timespan[] = array(
'start' => $start->format('ts'),
'end' => $t->format('ts')
$start->modify('+1 week');
$t->modify('+1 week');
} while( $start->format('ts') < $this->last);
// Fall through
$timespan = array(array(
'start' => is_array($this->first) ? $this->bo->date2ts($this->first) : $this->first,
'end' => is_array($this->last) ? $this->bo->date2ts($this->last) : $this->last
$merge = new calendar_merge();
//error_log($_GET['merge'] . ' Timespan: ');foreach($timespan as $t) error_log(egw_time::to($t['start']) . ' - ' . egw_time::to($t['end']));
$error = $merge->download($_GET['merge'], $timespan, '', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['document_dir']);
// Here? Doesn't actually give the message
egw_framework::refresh_opener($error, 'calendar');
// This doesn't give message either, but at least it doesn't give a blank screen
egw_framework::redirect_link('/index.php', array(
'msg' => $error,
'cd' => 'yes'