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* eGroupWare Setup
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @package setup
* @author Tony Puglisi (Angles) <angles@aminvestments.com>
* @author Miles Lott <milos@groupwhere.org>
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* Some static helper functions to generate html stuff in setup
class setup_html
* generate header.inc.php file output - NOT a generic html header function
static function generate_header()
// PHP will automatically replace any dots in incoming
// variable names with underscores.
$GLOBALS['header_template']->set_file(array('header' => 'header.inc.php.template'));
$var = Array();
$deletedomain = get_var('deletedomain',Array('POST'));
$domains = get_var('domains',Array('POST'));
foreach($domains as $k => $v)
if(is_array($deletedomain) && isset($deletedomain[$k]))
$variableName = str_replace('.','_',$k);
$dom = get_var('setting_'.$variableName,Array('POST'));
foreach($dom as $x => $y)
if(strtoupper($x) == 'CONFIG_PASS')
/* Admin did not type a new password, so use the old one from the hidden field,
* which is already md5 encoded.
if($dom['config_password'] && !$dom['config_pass'])
/* Real == hidden */
/* If the admin didn't select a db_port, set to the default */
$setting = get_var('setting',Array('POST'));
while($setting && list($k,$v) = @each($setting))
if(strtoupper($k) == 'HEADER_ADMIN_PASSWORD')
$var[strtoupper($k)] = md5($v);
$var[strtoupper($k)] = $v;
/* Admin did not type a new header password, so use the old one from the hidden field,
* which is already md5 encoded.
if($var['HEADER_ADMIN_PASS'] && empty($setting['HEADER_ADMIN_PASSWORD']))
/* Real == hidden */
return $GLOBALS['header_template']->parse('out','header');
static function setup_tpl_dir($app_name='setup')
/* hack to get tpl dir */
if (is_dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT))
$srv_root = EGW_SERVER_ROOT . SEP . "$app_name" . SEP;
$srv_root = '';
$tpl_typical = 'templates' . SEP . 'default';
$tpl_root = "$srv_root" ."$tpl_typical";
return $tpl_root;
static function show_header($title='',$nologoutbutton=False, $logoutfrom='config', $configdomain='')
// add a content-type header to overwrite an existing default charset in apache (AddDefaultCharset directiv)
header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->system_charset);
$style = array(
'th_bg' => '#486591',
'th_text' => '#FFFFFF',
'row_on' => '#DDDDDD',
'row_off' => '#EEEEEE',
'banner_bg' => '#4865F1',
'msg' => '#FF0000',
if ($nologoutbutton)
$btn_logout = '<a href="index.php?FormLogout=' . $logoutfrom . '" class="link">' . lang('Logout').'</a>';
$check_install = '<a class="textsidebox" href="check_install.php">'.lang('Check installation').'</a>';
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_setup', lang('setup'));
if ($configdomain == '')
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('configdomain',' - ' . lang('Domain') . ': ' . $configdomain);
if(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) != 'index.php')
$index_btn = '<a href="index.php" class="link">' . lang('Setup Main Menu') . '</a>';
$index_img = '<img src="../phpgwapi/templates/idots/images/orange-ball.png" alt="ball" />';
'logoutbutton' => $btn_logout,
'indexbutton' => $index_btn,
'indeximg' => $index_img,
'check_install' => $check_install,
'main_menu' => lang('Setup Main Menu'),
'user_login' => lang('Back to user login')
// manual / help link to the install manual on egroupware.org
$manual_remote_egw_url = 'http://manual.egroupware.org/egroupware';
$url_parts = explode('/',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$script = array_pop($url_parts);
$lang = setup::get_lang();
$url = $manual_remote_egw_url.'/manual/index.php?referer='.urlencode($manual_remote_egw_url.'/setup/'.$script).
($lang ? '&lang='.urlencode($lang) : '');
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('manual','<a href="'.$url.'" target="manual" onclick="'.
"window.open('$url','manual','width=800,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); return false;".'">'.
htmlspecialchars(lang('Manual / help')).'</a>');
/* $setup_tpl->set_var('T_head',''); */
static function show_footer()
static function show_alert_msg($alert_word='Setup alert',$alert_msg='setup alert (generic)')
static function make_frm_btn_simple($pre_frm_blurb='',$frm_method='post',$frm_action='',$input_type='submit',$input_value='',$post_frm_blurb='')
/* a simple form has simple components */
$simple_form = $pre_frm_blurb ."\n"
. '<form method="' . $frm_method . '" action="' . $frm_action . '">' . "\n"
. '<input type="' . $input_type . '" value="' . $input_value . '" />' . "\n"
. '</form>' . "\n"
. $post_frm_blurb . "\n";
return $simple_form;
static function make_href_link_simple($pre_link_blurb='',$href_link='',$href_text='default text',$post_link_blurb='')
/* a simple href link has simple components */
$simple_link = $pre_link_blurb
. '<a href="' . $href_link . '">' . $href_text . '</a> '
. $post_link_blurb . "\n";
return $simple_link;
static function login_form()
/* begin use TEMPLATE login_main.tpl */
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_header_username',lang('Header Username'));
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_header_password',lang('Header Password'));
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_header_login',lang('Header Admin Login'));
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_config_login',lang('Setup/Config Admin Login'));
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_config_username',lang('Config Username'));
$GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_config_password',lang('Config Password'));
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] == '10')
Begin use SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header,
fills V_login_stage_header used inside of login_main.tpl
if (count($GLOBALS['egw_domain']) > 1)
foreach($GLOBALS['egw_domain'] as $domain => $data)
$domains .= "<option value=\"$domain\" ".($domain == @$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['LastDomain'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '').">$domain</option>\n";
// use BLOCK B_multi_domain inside of login_stage_header
// in this case, the single domain block needs to be nothing
$default_domain = each($GLOBALS['egw_domain']);
/* Use BLOCK B_single_domain inside of login_stage_header */
/* in this case, the multi domain block needs to be nothing */
End use SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header
put all this into V_login_stage_header for use inside login_main
/* begin SKIP SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header */
end use TEMPLATE login_main.tpl
now out the login_main template
static function lang_select($onChange=False,$ConfigLang='')
if (!$ConfigLang)
$ConfigLang = setup::get_lang();
$select = '<select name="ConfigLang"'.($onChange ? ' onchange="this.form.submit();"' : '').'>' . "\n";
$languages = setup_translation::get_supported_langs();
foreach($languages as $data)
if($data['available'] && !empty($data['lang']))
$short = substr($data['lang'],0,2);
if ($short == $ConfigLang || $data['lang'] == $ConfigLang || empty($ConfigLang) && $short == substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'],0,2))
$selected = ' selected';
$selected = '';
$select .= '<option value="' . $data['lang'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $data['descr'] . '</option>' . "\n";
$select .= '</select>' . "\n";
return $select;
static function get_template_list()
$d = dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates');
while($entry = $d->read())
if ($entry != 'CVS' && $entry != '.' && $entry != '..')
$list[$entry]['name'] = $entry;
$f = EGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $entry . '/details.inc.php';
if (file_exists ($f))
$list[$entry]['title'] = 'Use ' . $GLOBALS['egw_info']['template'][$entry]['title'] . 'interface';
$list[$entry]['title'] = $entry;
reset ($list);
return $list;
static function list_themes()
$dh = dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/themes');
while ($file = $dh->read())
if (preg_match('/'."\.theme$".'/i', $file))
$list[] = substr($file,0,strpos($file,'.'));
reset ($list);
return $list;