
301 lines
9.4 KiB

DynAPI Distribution
FlashSound Class - for sonifying web pages with the flash player
Based on the FlashSound API (1.8) Copyright 2001 Hayden Porter,
For more information please see the FlashSound Quick Reference
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
Requires: DynLayer
function FlashSound(swfURL,loop,autostart){
this.DynLayer = DynLayer;
// add layer to document
// instance properties
this.playerID = + "SWF";
FlashSound.players[FlashSound.players.length] = this;
// instance embed properties
this.autostart = true;
this.base = null;
this.bgcolor = null;
this.loop = (loop)? loop:false;
this.src = null;
// setup flash plugin
/* ============== FlashSound Instance methods =============== */
javascript embed ---------------------------------
embeds swf if user has a supported browser and minimum player.
script sets swf bgcolor attribute to document.bgcolor if no custom color specified.
var p = dynapi.setPrototype('FlashSound','DynLayer');
p._recognizeMethod = function (objstr){
// check for player readiness ----------------------
// check for javascript DOM object first then check to see if any frames are loaded in maintimeline
if(typeof(this.doc[this.playerID][objstr]) == "undefined") return false;
else return true;
p._checkForInstance = function() {
if(!FlashSound.supportedBrowser || !FlashSound.checkForMinPlayer()) return false;
if (this.doc[this.playerID] == null) return false;
return true;
// Public Methods -------------------
p.isPlayerReady = function(){
if(!FlashSound.engage) return false;
if(!this._checkForInstance()) return false;
// block browsers that do not recognize Flash javascript methods
if(!this._recognizeMethod("PercentLoaded")) return false;
if(this.percentLoaded() > 0) return true;
return false;
p.getFramesLoaded = function(target){
if(!this._checkForInstance()) {return 0;}
if(target == null) target = "/";
var framesloaded = this.doc[this.playerID].TGetProperty(target,12);
return parseInt(framesloaded);
p.getTotalFrames = function(target){
if(!this.isPlayerReady()) {return 0;}
if(target == null) target = "/";
var totalframes = this.doc[this.playerID].TGetProperty(target,5);
return parseInt(totalframes);
// check to see if all frames are loaded for a given timeline.
// check before moving playhead to a frame/label incase the frame/label is not yet loaded.
p.isLoaded = function(target){
if(!this.isPlayerReady()) return false;
if(target == null) target = "/";
if (this.getFramesLoaded(target) == this.getTotalFrames(target)) return true;
return false;
/* flash javascript api functions ------------------------ */
p.gotoAndPlay = function(target,frame){
if(!this.isPlayerReady()) return;
if(typeof(frame) == "number") {
this.doc[this.playerID].TGotoFrame(target,frame - 1);
if(typeof(frame) == "string") {
p.gotoAndStop = function(target,frame){
if(!this.isPlayerReady()) return;
if(typeof(frame) == "number") {
this.doc[this.playerID].TGotoFrame(target,frame - 1);
if(typeof(frame) == "string") {
// Is Playing (IsPlaying)
p.isPlaying = function(){
if(!this.isPlayerReady()) return false;
return this.doc[this.playerID].IsPlaying();
// Load Movie
p.loadMovie = function(layerNumber,url){
if(!this.isPlayerReady()) return;
p.percentLoaded = function(){
if(!this._checkForInstance()) return 0;
var percentLoaded = this.doc[this.playerID].PercentLoaded();
return parseInt(percentLoaded);
}; = function(target){
if(!this.isPlayerReady()) return;
if(target == null) target = "/";
// Set SWF
p.setSWF = function(swfURL){
if (!FlashSound.supportedBrowser || !FlashSound.checkForMinPlayer()) return;
var defaultColor = (document.bgColor != null) ? document.bgColor : "#ffffff";
var defaultBase = ".";
swfURL=(swfURL)? swfURL:'';
this.bgcolor = (this.bgcolor == null) ? defaultColor : this.bgcolor;
this.base = (this.base == null) ? defaultBase : this.base;
this.src = (swfURL.charAt(0) == "/") ? "http://" + : swfURL;
'<OBJECT ' +
'CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ' +
'CODEBASE="" ' +
'WIDTH="1" ' +
'HEIGHT="1" ' +
'ID="' + this.playerID + '">\n' +
'<PARAM NAME="movie" VALUE="' + this.src + '">\n' +
'<PARAM NAME="play" VALUE="' + this.autostart + '">\n' +
'<PARAM NAME="loop" VALUE="' + this.loop + '">\n' +
'<PARAM NAME="quality" VALUE="low">\n' +
'<PARAM NAME="wmode" VALUE="transparent">\n' +
'<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="' + this.bgcolor + '">\n' +
'<PARAM NAME="base" VALUE="' + this.base + '">\n' +
'<EMBED \n' +
'name="' + this.playerID + '"\n' +
'swLiveConnect="true"\n' +
'src="' + this.src + '\"' + '\n' +
'play="' + this.autostart + '\"' + '\n' +
'loop="' + this.loop + '\"' + '\n' +
'quality="low"\n' +
'wmode="transparent"\n' +
'base="' + this.base + '"\n' +
'bgcolor="' + this.bgcolor + '"\n' +
'WIDTH="1"\n' +
'HEIGHT="2"\n' +
'TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"\n' +
'</EMBED>\n' +
// Stop Play (TStopPlay)
p.stopPlay = function(target){
if(!this.isPlayerReady()) return;
if(target == null) target = "/";
/* Static Functions & Properties --------------------------- */
var fs = FlashSound;
fs.engage = true; // engage
fs.playerCount = 0; // player count
fs.players = new Array(); // players[]
fs.playerVersion = 0; // set playerVersion to 0 for unsupported browsers
// check for LiveConnect - Opera version 6.x with Java Enabled and Netscape versions 4.x but not greater
fs.LiveConnect = ((navigator.javaEnabled() &&
( &&<5)) ||;
// browser compatibility check -----------------
fs.supportedBrowser = (( && || || FlashSound.LiveConnect) ? true : false;
// player compatibility ------------------
// checkForMinPlayer sets playerVersion for supported browsers
fs.checkForMinPlayer = function(){
if(!this.supportedBrowser) return false;
if( {
// xpconnect works with version 6 r40 or greater
this.playerVersion = this.getPlugInVers(); // get version
releaseVers = this.getPlugInReleaseVers(); // get release version
//check release vers only for vers 6
if(this.playerVersion == 6 && releaseVers >=40) return true;
if(this.LiveConnect) this.playerVersion = this.getPlugInVers();
if( this.playerVersion = (Flash_getActiveXVersion());
if(this.playerVersion >= this.minPlayer) return true;
else return false;
// check for flash plug-in in netscape
fs.checkForPlugIn = function(){
var flashmimeType = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
var hasplugin = (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes[flashmimeType]) ? navigator.mimeTypes[flashmimeType].enabledPlugin : 0;
return hasplugin;
// Get Plugin Version
fs.getPlugInVers = function(){
var plugin = navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin;
var pluginversion = parseInt(plugin.description.substring(plugin.description.indexOf(".")-1));
return pluginversion;
return 0;
// Get Plugin Release Version
fs.getPlugInReleaseVers = function(){
var plugin = navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin;
var pluginversion = parseInt(plugin.description.substring(plugin.description.indexOf("r")+1, plugin.description.length));
return pluginversion;
return 0;
// vers is integer
fs.setMinPlayer = function(vers){
if(!this.supportedBrowser) return;
this.minPlayer = (vers != null && vers >= 4) ? vers : 4;
if( {
this.minPlayer = 6; // set min player to 6 for XPConnect
// vbscript get Flash ActiveX control version for windows IE
if( &&{
var h='<scr' + 'ipt language="VBScript">' + '\n' +
'Function Flash_getActiveXVersion()' + '\n' +
'On Error Resume Next' + '\n' +
'Dim hasPlayer, playerversion' + '\n' +
'hasPlayer = false' + '\n' +
'playerversion = 15' + '\n' +
'Do While playerversion > 0' + '\n' +
'hasPlayer = (IsObject(CreateObject(\"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.\" & playerversion)))' + '\n' +
'If hasPlayer Then Exit Do' + '\n' +
'playerversion = playerversion - 1' + '\n' +
'Loop' + '\n' +
'Flash_getActiveXVersion = playerversion' + '\n' +
'End Function' + '\n' +
'<\/scr' + 'ipt>';
if(!dynapi.loaded) document.write(h);
else {
dynapi.document.addChild(new DynLayer({w:0,h:0,visible:false,html:'<iframe name="FSVBS"></iframe'}));
var elm=document.frames['FSVBS'];
var doc = elm.document;;doc.write(h);doc.close();
dynapi.frame.Flash_getActiveXVersion = function() {
return elm.Flash_getActiveXVersion();
// set minimum player version - default is 4