Klaus Leithoff 97b1130a36 -added aspell as plugin, as it is not available by default anymore.
-changed phpgwapi/js/ckeditor3/plugins/aspell/spellerpages/server-scripts/spellchecker.php
 to allow only configured aspell, tmp dirs and language settings
-removed other than php spellchecker pages from phpgwapi/js/ckeditor3/plugins/aspell/spellerpages/server-scripts/
-added toolbar options to reflect the use/change of calls of SpellCheck(er) via toolbar button
configure options for CKeditor to use aspell (if available) or/and scayt
2010-06-02 15:22:14 +00:00

138 lines
4.8 KiB

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
config.toolbar_egw_simple = [
] ;
config.toolbar_egw_simple_spellcheck = [
] ;
config.toolbar_egw_simple_aspell = [
] ;
// config.toolbar_egw_simple.concat([
// '/',
// ['Format','Font','FontSize'],
// ['TextColor','BGColor'],
// ['ShowBlocks','-','About']
// ]);
config.toolbar_egw_extended = [
] ;
config.toolbar_egw_extended_spellcheck = [
] ;
config.toolbar_egw_extended_aspell = [
] ;
config.toolbar_egw_advanced = [
['Maximize','Image',/*'Flash',*/'Table','HorizontalRule',/*'Smiley',*/'SpecialChar','PageBreak'], //,'UniversalKey'
] ;
config.toolbar_egw_advanced_spellcheck = [
['Maximize','Image',/*'Flash',*/'Table','HorizontalRule',/*'Smiley',*/'SpecialChar','PageBreak'], //,'UniversalKey'
] ;
config.toolbar_egw_advanced_aspell = [
['Maximize','Image',/*'Flash',*/'Table','HorizontalRule',/*'Smiley',*/'SpecialChar','PageBreak'], //,'UniversalKey'
] ;