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XML files are parsed into JSON objects on the server, then sent as JSON. Etemplate parses the JSON object on the client side instead of the XML file directly. This is supposed to be faster for IE.
1250 lines
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1250 lines
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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS file which contains the complete et2 module
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* @copyright Stylite 2011
* @version $Id$
// Include all widget classes here
// Requirements for the etemplate2 object
// Include the client side api core
* The etemplate2 class manages a certain etemplate2 instance.
* @param _container is the DOM-Node into which the DOM-Nodes of this instance
* should be inserted
* @param _menuaction is the URL to which the form data should be submitted.
function etemplate2(_container, _menuaction)
if (typeof _menuaction == "undefined")
_menuaction = "home.etemplate_new.ajax_process_content.etemplate";
// Copy the given parameters
this.DOMContainer = _container;
this.menuaction = _menuaction;
// Unique ID to prevent DOM collisions across multiple templates
this.uniqueId = _container.getAttribute("id") ? _container.getAttribute("id").replace('.','-') : '';
* Preset the object variable
* @type {et2_container}
this.widgetContainer = null;
// List of templates (XML) that are known, not always used. Indexed by id.
// We share list of templates with iframes and popups
try {
if (opener && opener.etemplate2)
etemplate2.prototype.templates = opener.etemplate2.prototype.templates;
catch (e) {
// catch security exception if opener is from a different domain
if (typeof etemplate2.prototype.templates == "undefined")
etemplate2.prototype.templates = top.etemplate2.prototype.templates || {};
* Calls the resize event of all widgets
* @param {jQuery.event} e
etemplate2.prototype.resize = function(e)
var event = e;
var self = this;
var excess_height = false;
// Check if the framework has an specific excess height calculation
if (typeof window.framework != 'undefined' && typeof window.framework.get_wExcessHeight != 'undefined')
excess_height = window.framework.get_wExcessHeight(window);
//@TODO implement getaccess height for other framework and remove
if (typeof event != 'undefined' && event.type == 'resize')
if (self.widgetContainer)
var appHeader = $j('#divAppboxHeader');
//Calculate the excess height
excess_height = egw(window).is_popup()? $j(window).height() - $j('.et2_container').height() - appHeader.outerHeight()+11: false;
// Recalculate excess height if the appheader is shown
if (appHeader.length > 0 && appHeader.is(':visible')) excess_height -= appHeader.outerHeight()-9;
// Do not resize if the template height is bigger than screen available height
// For templates which have sub templates and they are bigger than screenHeight
if(screen.availHeight < $j('.et2_container').height()) excess_height = 0;
// Call the "resize" event of all functions which implement the
// "IResizeable" interface
self.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
if (excess_height != 0 || excess_height === false) _widget.resize(excess_height);
}, self, et2_IResizeable);
// Initial resize needs to be resized immediately (for instance for nextmatch resize)
else if(this.widgetContainer)
// Call the "resize" event of all functions which implement the
// "IResizeable" interface
this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
}, this, et2_IResizeable);
* Clears the current instance.
etemplate2.prototype.clear = function()
// Remove any handlers on window (resize)
// call our destroy_session handler, if it is not already unbind, and unbind it after
if (this.destroy_session)
if (this.widgetContainer != null)
// Un-register handler
this.widgetContainer.egw().unregisterJSONPlugin(etemplate2_handle_assign, this, 'assign');
this.widgetContainer = null;
// Remove self from the index
for(name in this.templates)
if(typeof etemplate2._byTemplate[name] == "undefined") continue;
for(var i = 0; i < etemplate2._byTemplate[name].length; i++)
if(etemplate2._byTemplate[name][i] == this)
* Creates an associative array containing the data array managers for each part
* of the associative data array. A part is something like "content", "readonlys"
* or "sel_options".
* @param {object} _data object with values for attributes content, sel_options, readonlys, modifications
etemplate2.prototype._createArrayManagers = function(_data)
if (typeof _data == "undefined")
_data = {};
// Create all neccessary _data entries
var neededEntries = ["content", "sel_options", "readonlys", "modifications",
for (var i = 0; i < neededEntries.length; i++)
if (typeof _data[neededEntries[i]] == "undefined" || !_data[neededEntries[i]])
egw.debug("log", "Created not passed entry '" + neededEntries[i] +
"' in data array.");
_data[neededEntries[i]] = {};
var result = {};
// Create an array manager object for each part of the _data array.
for (var key in _data)
switch (key) {
case "etemplate_exec_id": // already processed
case "app_header":
case "readonlys":
result[key] = new et2_readonlysArrayMgr(_data[key]);
result[key].perspectiveData.owner = this.widgetContainer;
result[key] = new et2_arrayMgr(_data[key]);
result[key].perspectiveData.owner = this.widgetContainer;
return result;
* Bind our unload handler to notify server that eT session/request no longer needed
* We only bind, if we have an etemplate_exec_id: not the case for pure client-side
* calls, eg. via et2_dialog.
etemplate2.prototype.bind_unload = function()
if (this.etemplate_exec_id)
this.destroy_session = jQuery.proxy(function(ev)
var request = egw.json(this.app+".etemplate_new.ajax_destroy_session.etemplate",
[this.etemplate_exec_id], null, null, false);
}, this);
if (!window.onbeforeunload)
window.onbeforeunload = this.destroy_session;
* Unbind our unload handler
etemplate2.prototype.unbind_unload = function()
if (window.onbeforeunload === this.destroy_session)
window.onbeforeunload = null;
delete this.destroy_session;
* Download a URL not triggering our unload handler and therefore destroying our et2 request
* @param {string} _url
etemplate2.prototype.download = function(_url)
// need to unbind unload handler to NOT destroy et2 session
document.location = _url;
// bind unload handler again (can NOT do it direct, as this would be quick enough to be still triggered!)
window.setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(this.bind_unload, this), 100);
* Loads the template from the given URL and sets the data object
* @param {string} _name name of template
* @param {string} _url url to load template
* @param {object} _data object with attributes content, langRequire, etemplate_exec_id, ...
* @param {function} _callback called after tempalte is loaded
etemplate2.prototype.load = function(_name, _url, _data, _callback)
this.name = _name; // store top-level template name to have it available in widgets
// store template base url, in case initial template is loaded via webdav, to use that for further loads too
// need to split off domain first, as it could contain app-name part of template eg. stylite.report.xet and https://my.stylite.de/egw/...
if (_url && _url[0] != '/')
this.template_base_url = _url.match(/https?:\/\/[^/]+/).shift();
_url = _url.split(this.template_base_url)[1];
this.template_base_url = '';
this.template_base_url += _url.split(_name.split('.').shift())[0];
egw().debug("info", "Loaded data", _data);
var currentapp = this.app = _data.currentapp || window.egw_appName;
// extract $content['msg'] and call egw.message() with it
var msg = _data.content.msg;
if (typeof msg != 'undefined')
delete _data.content.msg;
// Register a handler for AJAX responses
egw(currentapp, window).registerJSONPlugin(etemplate2_handle_assign, this, 'assign');
egw.window.console.groupCollapsed("Loading %s into ", _name, '#'+this.DOMContainer.id);
var start_time = (new Date).getTime();
// require necessary translations from server, if not already loaded
if (!$j.isArray(_data.langRequire)) _data.langRequire = [];
egw(currentapp, window).langRequire(window, _data.langRequire, function()
// Appname should be first part of the template name
var split = _name.split('.');
var appname = split[0];
// Initialize application js
var app_callback = null;
// Only initialize once
// new app class with constructor function in app.classes[appname]
if (typeof app[appname] !== 'object' && typeof app.classes[appname] == 'function')
app[appname] = new app.classes[appname]();
// old app class with constructor function in app[appname] (deprecated)
else if(typeof app[appname] == "function")
(function() { new app[appname]();}).call();
else if (typeof app[appname] !== "object")
egw.debug("warn", "Did not load '%s' JS object",appname);
// If etemplate current app does not match app owning the template,
// initialize the current app too
if (typeof app[this.app] !== 'object' && typeof app.classes[this.app] == 'function')
app[this.app] = new app.classes[this.app]();
if(typeof app[appname] == "object")
app_callback = function(_et2, _name) {
app[appname].et2_ready(_et2, _name);
// Create the document fragment into which the HTML will be injected
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Clear any existing instance
// Create the basic widget container and attach it to the DOM
this.widgetContainer = new et2_container(null);
this.widgetContainer.setApiInstance(egw(currentapp, egw.elemWindow(this.DOMContainer)));
// store the id to submit it back to server
if(_data) {
this.etemplate_exec_id = _data.etemplate_exec_id;
// set app_header
if (typeof _data.app_header == 'string')
// bind our unload handler
var _load = function() {
egw.debug("log", "Loading template...");
console.timeStamp("Begin rendering template");
// Add into indexed list - do this before, so anything looking can find it,
// even if it's not loaded
if(typeof etemplate2._byTemplate[_name] == "undefined")
etemplate2._byTemplate[_name] = [];
// Read the structure of the requested template
if (this.templates[this.name].children)
// List of Promises from widgets that are not quite fully loaded
var deferred = [];
// Inform the widget tree that it has been successfully loaded.
// Connect to the window resize event
$j(window).on("resize."+this.uniqueId, this, function(e) {e.data.resize(e);});
// Insert the document fragment to the DOM Container
if(deferred.length > 0)
var still_deferred = 0;
$j(deferred).each(function() {if(this.state() == "pending") still_deferred++;});
if(still_deferred > 0)
egw.debug("log", "Template loaded, waiting for %d/%d deferred to finish...",still_deferred, deferred.length);
// Wait for everything to be loaded, then finish it up
jQuery.when.apply(jQuery, deferred).done(jQuery.proxy(function() {
egw.debug("log", "Finished loading %s, triggering load event", _name);
if (typeof window.framework != 'undefined' && typeof window.framework.et2_loadingFinished != 'undefined')
//Call loading finished method of the framework with local window
// Trigger the "resize" event
// Automatically set focus to first visible input for popups
if(this.widgetContainer._egw.is_popup() && $j('[autofocus]',this.DOMContainer).focus().length == 0)
var $input = $j('input:visible',this.DOMContainer)
// Date fields open the calendar popup on focus
.filter(function() {
// Skip inputs that are out of tab ordering
var $this = $j(this);
return !$this.attr('tabindex') || $this.attr('tabIndex')>=0;
// mobile device, focus only if the field is empty (usually means new entry)
// should focus always for non-mobile one
if (egwIsMobile() && $input.val() == "" || !egwIsMobile()) $input.focus();
// Tell others about it
if(typeof _callback == "function")
if(app_callback && _callback != app_callback)
if(appname != this.app && typeof window.app[this.app] == "object")
// Loaded a template from a different application?
// Let the application that loaded it know too
window.app[this.app].et2_ready(this, this.name);
$j(this.DOMContainer).trigger('load', this);
// Profiling
var end_time = (new Date).getTime();
var gen_time_div = $j('#divGenTime_'+appname);
if (!gen_time_div.length) gen_time_div = $j('.pageGenTime');
gen_time_div.append('<span class="et2RenderTime">'+egw.lang('eT2 rendering took %1s', (end_time-start_time)/1000)+'</span>');
// Load & process
url: _url,
context: this,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(_data, _status, _xmlhttp){
for(var i = 0; i < _data.children.length; i++)
var template = _data.children[i];
if(template.tag !== "template") continue;
this.templates[template.attributes.id] = template;
if(!_name) this.name = template.attributes.id;
error: function(_xmlhttp, _err) {
egw().debug('error', 'Loading eTemplate from '+_url+' failed! '+_xmlhttp.status+' '+_xmlhttp.statusText);
// Split the given data into array manager objects and pass those to the
// widget container - do this here because file is loaded async
// Set array managers first, or errors will happen
// Already have it
}, this);
* Check if template contains any dirty (unsaved) content
* @returns {Boolean}
etemplate2.prototype.isDirty = function()
var dirty = false;
this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
if (_widget.isDirty && _widget.isDirty())
dirty = true;
return dirty;
* Submit the et2_container form to a blank iframe in order to activate browser autocomplete
etemplate2.prototype.autocomplete_fixer = function ()
var self = this;
var form = self.DOMContainer;
if (form)
form.onsubmit = function(){return false;};
// Firefox give a security warning when transmitting to "about:blank" from a https site
// we work around that by giving existing etemplate/empty.html url
// Safari shows same warning, thought Chrome userAgent also includes Safari
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(firefox|safari|iceweasel)/i) && !navigator.userAgent.match(/chrome/i))
jQuery(form).attr({action: egw.webserverUrl+'/etemplate/empty.html',method:'post'});
* Submit form via ajax
* @param {(et2_button|string)} button button widget or string with id
* @param {boolean} async true: do an asynchronious submit, default is synchronious
* @param {boolean} no_validation - Do not do individual widget validation, just submit their current values
* @param {et2_widget|undefined} _container container to submit, default whole template
* @return {boolean} true if submit was send, false if eg. validation stoped submit
etemplate2.prototype.submit = function(button, async, no_validation, _container)
if(typeof no_validation == 'undefined')
no_validation = false;
var container = _container || this.widgetContainer;
// Get the form values
var values = this.getValues(container);
// Trigger the submit event
var canSubmit = true;
container.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
if (_widget.submit(values) === false)
canSubmit = false;
}, this, et2_ISubmitListener);
if (canSubmit)
if (typeof button == 'string')
button = this.widgetContainer.getWidgetById(button);
// Button parameter used for submit buttons in datagrid
// TODO: This should probably go in nextmatch's getValues(), along with selected rows somehow.
// I'm just not sure how.
if(button && !values.button)
values.button = {};
var path = button.getPath();
var target = values;
for(var i = 0; i < path.length; i++)
if(!values[path[i]]) values[path[i]] = {};
target = values[path[i]];
if(target != values || button.id.indexOf('[') != -1 && path.length == 0)
var indexes = button.id.split('[');
if (indexes.length > 1)
indexes = [indexes.shift(), indexes.join('[')];
indexes[1] = indexes[1].substring(0,indexes[1].length-1);
var children = indexes[1].split('][');
indexes = jQuery.merge([indexes[0]], children);
var idx = '';
for(var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
idx = indexes[i];
if(!target[idx] || target[idx]['$row_cont']) target[idx] = i < indexes.length -1 ? {} : true;
target = target[idx];
else if (typeof values.button == 'undefined' || jQuery.isEmptyObject(values.button))
delete values.button;
values[button.id] = true;
// Create the request object
if (this.menuaction)
// unbind our session-destroy handler, as we are submitting
var api = this.widgetContainer.egw();
var request = api.json(this.menuaction, [this.etemplate_exec_id, values, no_validation], null, this, async);
this.widgetContainer.egw().debug("warn", "Missing menuaction for submit. Values: ", values);
return canSubmit;
* Does a full form post submit.
* Only use this one if you need it, use the ajax submit() instead
etemplate2.prototype.postSubmit = function()
// Get the form values
var values = this.getValues(this.widgetContainer);
// Trigger the submit event
var canSubmit = true;
this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
if (_widget.submit(values) === false)
canSubmit = false;
}, this, et2_ISubmitListener);
if (canSubmit)
// unbind our session-destroy handler, as we are submitting
var form = jQuery("<form id='form' action='"+egw().webserverUrl +
"/etemplate/process_exec.php?menuaction=" + this.widgetContainer.egw().getAppName()+ "&ajax=true' method='POST'>");
var etemplate_id = jQuery(document.createElement("input"))
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "hidden";
input.name = 'value';
input.value = egw().jsonEncode(values);
* Fetches all input element values and returns them in an associative
* array. Widgets which introduce namespacing can use the internal _target
* parameter to add another layer.
* @param {et2_widget} _root widget to start iterating
etemplate2.prototype.getValues = function(_root)
var result = {};
// Iterate over the widget tree
_root.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
// The widget must have an id to be included in the values array
if (_widget.id == "")
// Get the path to the node we have to store the value at
var path = _widget.getPath();
// check if id contains a hierachical name, eg. "button[save]"
var id = _widget.id;
var indexes = id.split('[');
if (indexes.length > 1)
indexes = [indexes.shift(), indexes.join('[')];
indexes[1] = indexes[1].substring(0,indexes[1].length-1);
var children = indexes[1].split('][');
indexes = jQuery.merge([indexes[0]], children);
path = path.concat(indexes);
// Take the last one as the ID
id = path.pop();
// Set the _target variable to that node
var _target = result;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++)
// Create a new object for not-existing path nodes
if (typeof _target[path[i]] === 'undefined')
_target[path[i]] = {};
// Check whether the path node is really an object
if (typeof _target[path[i]] === 'object')
_target = _target[path[i]];
egw.debug("error", "ID collision while writing at path " +
"node '" + path[i] + "'");
// Handle arrays, eg radio[]
if(id === "")
id = typeof _target == "undefined" ? 0 : Object.keys(_target).length;
var value = _widget.getValue();
// Check whether the entry is really undefined
if (typeof _target[id] != "undefined" && (typeof _target[id] != 'object' || typeof value != 'object'))
// Don't warn about children of nextmatch header - they're part of nm value
egw.debug("warn", _widget, "Overwriting value of '" + _widget.id +
"', id exists twice!");
// Store the value of the widget and reset its dirty flag
if (value !== null)
// Merge, if possible (link widget)
if(typeof _target[id] == 'object' && typeof value == 'object')
_target[id] = jQuery.extend({},_target[id],value);
_target[id] = value;
else if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(_target))
// Avoid sending back empty sub-arrays
_target = result;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length-1; i++)
_target = _target[path[i]];
delete _target[path[path.length-1]];
}, this, et2_IInput);
egw().debug("info", "Value", result);
return result;
* "Intelligently" refresh the template based on the given ID
* Rather than blindly re-load the entire template, we try to be a little smarter about it.
* If there's a message provided, we try to find where it goes and set it directly. Then
* we look for a nextmatch widget, and tell it to refresh its data based on that ID.
* @see egw_message.refresh()
* @param {string} msg message to try to display. eg: "Entry added" (not used anymore, handeled by egw_refresh and egw_message)
* @param {string} app app-name
* @param {(string|null)} id application specific entry ID to try to refresh
* @param {(string|null)} type type of change. One of 'update','edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
* @return {boolean} true if nextmatch found and refreshed, false if not
etemplate2.prototype.refresh = function(msg, app, id, type)
msg, app; // unused but required by function signature
var refresh_done = false;
// Refresh nextmatches
this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
// Trigger refresh
refresh_done = true;
}, this, et2_nextmatch);
return refresh_done;
* "Intelligently" refresh a given app
* @see egw_message.refresh()
* @param {string} _msg message to try to display. eg: "Entry added" (not used anymore, handeled by egw_refresh and egw_message)
* @param {string} _app app-name
* @param {(string|null)} _id application specific entry ID to try to refresh
* @param {(string|null)} _type type of change. One of 'update','edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
* @return {boolean} true if nextmatch found and refreshed, false if not
etemplate2.app_refresh = function(_msg, _app, _id, _type)
var refresh_done = false;
var et2 = etemplate2.getByApplication(_app);
for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
refresh_done = et2[i].refresh(_msg,_app,_id,_type) || refresh_done;
return refresh_done;
* "Intelligently" print a given etemplate
* Mostly, we let the nextmatch change how many rows it's showing, so you don't
* get just one printed page.
* @return {Deferred[]} A list of Deferred objects that must complete before
* actual printing can begin.
etemplate2.prototype.print = function()
// Sometimes changes take time
var deferred = [];
// Skip hidden etemplates
if(!jQuery(this.DOMContainer).filter(':visible').length) return [];
// Allow any widget to change for printing
this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
// Skip widgets from a different etemplate (home)
if(_widget.getInstanceManager() != this) return;
var result = _widget.beforePrint();
if (typeof result == "object" && result.done)
return deferred;
// Some static things to make getting into widget context a little easier //
* List of etemplates by loaded template
etemplate2._byTemplate = {};
* Get a list of etemplate2 objects that loaded the given template name
* @param template String Name of the template that was loaded
* @return Array list of etemplate2 that have that template
etemplate2.getByTemplate = function(template)
if(typeof etemplate2._byTemplate[template] != "undefined")
return etemplate2._byTemplate[template];
// Return empty array so you can always iterate over results
return [];
* Get a list of etemplate2 objects that are associated with the given application
* "Associated" is determined by the first part of the template
* @param {string} app app-name
* @return {array} list of etemplate2 that have that app as the first part of their loaded template
etemplate2.getByApplication = function(app)
var list = [];
for(var name in etemplate2._byTemplate)
if(name.indexOf(app + ".") == 0)
list = list.concat(etemplate2._byTemplate[name]);
return list;
* Get a etemplate2 object from the given DOM ID
* @param {string} id DOM ID of the container node
* @returns {etemplate2|null}
etemplate2.getById = function(id)
for( var name in etemplate2._byTemplate)
for(var i = 0; i < etemplate2._byTemplate[name].length; i++)
var et = etemplate2._byTemplate[name][i];
if(et.DOMContainer.getAttribute("id") == id)
return et;
return null;
* Plugin for egw.json type "et2_load"
* @param _type
* @param _response
* @returns {Boolean}
function etemplate2_handle_load(_type, _response)
// Check the parameters
var data = _response.data;
// handle egw_framework::refresh_opener()
if (jQuery.isArray(data['refresh-opener']))
if (window.opener)// && typeof window.opener.egw_refresh == 'function')
var egw = window.egw(opener);
egw.refresh.apply(egw, data['refresh-opener']);
var egw = window.egw(window);
// need to set app_header before message, as message temp. replaces app_header
if (typeof data.data == 'object' && typeof data.data.app_header == 'string')
egw.app_header(data.data.app_header, data.data.currentapp||null);
delete data.data.app_header;
// handle egw_framework::message()
if (jQuery.isArray(data.message))
egw.message.apply(egw, data.message);
// handle egw_framework::window_close(), this will terminate execution
if (data['window-close'])
if (typeof data['window-close'] == 'string' && data['window-close'] !== 'true')
return true;
// handle egw_framework::window_focus()
if (data['window-focus'])
// handle framework.setSidebox calls
if (window.framework && jQuery.isArray(data.setSidebox))
window.framework.setSidebox.apply(window.framework, data.setSidebox);
// regular et2 re-load
if (typeof data.url == "string" && typeof data.data === 'object')
if(typeof this.load == 'function')
// Called from etemplate
this.load(data.name, data.url, data.data);
return true;
// Not etemplate
var node = document.getElementById(data.DOMNodeID);
var et2 = new etemplate2(node);
et2.load(data.name, data.url, data.data);
return true;
egw.debug("error", "Could not find target node %s", data.DOMNodeId);
throw("Error while parsing et2_load response");
* Plugin for egw.json type "et2_validation_error"
* @param _type
* @param _response
function etemplate2_handle_validation_error(_type, _response)
// Display validation errors
for(var id in _response.data)
var widget = this.widgetContainer.getWidgetById(id);
// Handle validation_error (messages coming back from server as a response) if widget is children of a tabbox
var tmpWidget = widget;
while(tmpWidget._parent && tmpWidget._type != 'tabbox')
tmpWidget = tmpWidget._parent;
//Acvtivate the tab where the widget with validation error is located
if (tmpWidget._type == 'tabbox') tmpWidget.activateTab(widget);
egw().debug("warn","Validation errors", _response.data);
* Handle assign for attributes on etemplate2 widgets
* @param {string} type "assign"
* @param {object} res Response
* res.data.id {String} Widget ID
* res.data.key {String} Attribute name
* res.data.value New value for widget
* res.data.etemplate_exec_id
* @param {object} req
* @returns {Boolean} Handled by this plugin
* @throws Invalid parameters if the required res.data parameters are missing
function etemplate2_handle_assign(type, res, req)
type, req; // unused, but required by plugin signature
//Check whether all needed parameters have been passed and call the alertHandler function
if ((typeof res.data.id != 'undefined') &&
(typeof res.data.key != 'undefined') &&
(typeof res.data.value != 'undefined')
if(typeof res.data.etemplate_exec_id == 'undefined' ||
res.data.etemplate_exec_id != this.etemplate_exec_id)
// Not for this etemplate, but not an error
return false;
if (res.data.key == 'etemplate_exec_id')
this.etemplate_exec_id = res.data.value;
return true;
if(this.widgetContainer == null)
// Right etemplate, but it's already been cleared.
egw.debug('warn', "Tried to call assign on an un-loaded etemplate", res.data);
return false;
var widget = this.widgetContainer.getWidgetById(res.data.id);
if (widget)
if(typeof widget['set_' + res.data.key] != 'function')
egw.debug('warn', "Cannot set %s attribute %s via JSON assign, no set_%s()",res.data.id,res.data.key,res.data.key);
return false;
widget['set_' + res.data.key].call(widget,res.data.value);
return true;
catch (e)
egw.debug("error", "When assigning %s on %s via AJAX, \n"+(e.message||e+""),res.data.key,res.data.id,widget);
return false;
throw 'Invalid parameters';
// Calls etemplate2_handle_response in the context of the object which
// requested the response from the server
egw(window).registerJSONPlugin(etemplate2_handle_load, null, 'et2_load');
egw(window).registerJSONPlugin(etemplate2_handle_validation_error, null, 'et2_validation_error');
* Compatability function for etemplate
* When we're fully on et2, replace each useage with a call to etemplate2 widget.getInstanceManager().submit()
* @param obj DOM Node, usually a button
* @param widget et2_widget
function xajax_eT_wrapper(obj,widget)
egw().debug("warn", "xajax_eT_wrapper() is deprecated, replace with widget.getInstanceManager().submit()");
if(typeof obj == "object")
$j("div.popupManual div.noPrint").hide();
if(typeof widget == "undefined" && obj.id)
// Try to find the widget by ID so we don't have to change every call
var et2 = etemplate2.getByApplication(egw_getAppName());
for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
widget = et2[i].widgetContainer.getWidgetById(obj.id);
if(widget.getInstanceManager) break;
$j("div.popupManual div.noPrint").show();