2010-10-15 10:04:07 +00:00

250 lines
9.6 KiB
Executable File

// **************************
// * Ziplib 0.3.1 *
// * Created by: Seven *
// **************************
// Simple set of functions to create a zipfile
// according to the PKWare specifications, which
// can be found on:
// ©1989-2003, PKWARE Inc.
// functions in here start with zl, which comes from ZipLib ;)
// requires dostime.php
$settings['offset'] = 1; // Holland ;)
class Ziplib {
var $archive;
var $archive_fileinfo = array();
var $archive_filecount;
var $compr_lvl_last;
private function zl_compress($data,$level = "",$type = "") {
if($type != "g" && $type != "b" && $type != "n") {
// Darnit, they forgot to set the type. Assuming gZip if any compression
if($level >= 1 && $level <= 9) $type = "g";
elseif($level > 9) die("Compression level set too high");
else $type = "n";
if($type == "g") {
$this->compr_lvl_last = 8;
RETURN gzdeflate($data,$level);
} elseif($type == "b") {
$this->compr_lvl_last = 12;
RETURN bzcompress($data,$level);
} else {
$this->compr_lvl_last = 0;
RETURN $data;
public function zl_add_file($data,$filename,$comp = "") {
global $settings;
// if we already created a file, we'll make sure it'll be there in the coming zipfile ;)
// first, checking some data
if(strlen($filename) > pow(2,16)-1) die("Filename $filename too long"); // ooh, dirty... dieing, will change later
if(strlen($data) > pow(2,32)-1) die("File $filename larger then 2GB, cannot continue"); // another one, naughty me ;)
// $comp has a special format. the first character tells me about the compression, the second one represents the level
if(strlen($comp) == 1) {
// they still use the old method, assuming gzip
$comp_type = "n";
$comp_lvl = 0;
if($comp >= 1 && $comp <= 9) {
$comp_type = "g";
$comp_lvl = $comp;
} else {
$comp_lvl = 5;
$comp_type = "n";
// hmmm, the new method. Is it valid?
if ($comp[0] == "b" OR $comp[0] == "g" OR $comp[0] == "n") $comp_type = $comp[0];
if (preg_match("/[0-9]/i",$comp[1])) $comp_lvl = $comp[1];
// ok, let's get this bitch tidy:
// first adding a file
$compressed = $this->zl_compress($data,$comp_lvl,$comp_type);
$uncompressed = strlen($data);
$newfile = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // Header
$newfile .="\x00\x00"; // Version needed to extract
$newfile .="\x00\x00"; // general purpose bit flag
$newfile .=pack("v",$this->compr_lvl_last); // compression method
$newfile .=pack("v",dostime_get($settings['offset'])); // last mod file time
$newfile .=pack("v",dosdate_get($settings['offset'])); // last mod file date
$newfile .=pack("V",crc32($data)); // CRC32
$newfile .=pack("V",strlen($compressed)); // compressed filesize
$newfile .=pack("V",$uncompressed); // uncompressed filesize
$newfile .=pack("v",strlen($filename)); // length of filename
$newfile .="\x00\x00"; // some sort of extra field ;)
$newfile .=$filename;
$newfile .=$compressed;
$this->archive .= $newfile;
// some 'statistics' for this file ;)
$idf = $this->archive_filecount - 1;
$this->archive_fileinfo[$this->archive_filecount]['comp_type'] = $this->compr_lvl_last;
$this->archive_fileinfo[$this->archive_filecount]['size'] = strlen($data);
$this->archive_fileinfo[$this->archive_filecount]['size_comp'] = strlen($compressed);
$this->archive_fileinfo[$this->archive_filecount]['pkg_size'] = strlen($newfile);
if(!empty($this->archive_fileinfo[$idf]['local_stats_pointer'])) {
$this->archive_fileinfo[$this->archive_filecount]['local_stats_pointer'] =
$this->archive_fileinfo[$idf]['local_stats_pointer'] +
$this->archive_fileinfo[$idf]['pkg_size'] + 1; // HACKERDIEHACK! only way to get local_stats_pointer to '0' (for now) in zl_pack
} else {
$this->archive_fileinfo[$this->archive_filecount]['local_stats_pointer'] = 1;
$this->archive_fileinfo[$this->archive_filecount]['name'] = $filename;
$this->archive_fileinfo[$this->archive_filecount]['crc32'] = crc32($data);
unset($file,$compressed); // to avoid having data in our memory double ;)
public function zl_pack($comment) {
global $settings;
if(strlen($comment) > pow(2,16)-1) die("Comment too long"); // that's 3
// now the central directory structure start
for($x=1;$x <= $this->archive_filecount;$x++) {
$file_stats = $this->archive_fileinfo[$x];
$cdss .= "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // Header
$cdss .="\x00\x00"; // version made by
$cdss .="\x00\x00"; // version needed to extract
$cdss .="\x00\x00"; // general purpose bit flag
$cdss .=pack("v",$file_stats['comp_type']); // compression method
$cdss .=pack("v",dostime_get($settings['offset'])); // last mod file time
$cdss .=pack("v",dosdate_get($settings['offset'])); // last mod file date
$cdss .=pack("V",$file_stats['crc32']); // CRC32
$cdss .=pack("V",$file_stats['size_comp']); // compressed size
$cdss .=pack("V",$file_stats['size']); // uncompressed size
$cdss .=pack("v",strlen($file_stats['name'])); // file name length
$cdss .="\x00\x00"; // extra field length
$cdss .="\x00\x00"; // file comment length
$cdss .="\x00\x00"; // disk number start
$cdss .="\x00\x00"; // internal file attributes
$cdss .="\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // external file attributes
$cdss .=pack("V",$file_stats['local_stats_pointer']-$x); // relative offset of local header
// aka: The local_stats_pointer hack: part 2, see above
$cdss .=$file_stats['name'];
// and final, the ending central directory structure! "WHOO HOOW!" (©Blur, 1998)
$cdse = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // Header
$cdse .="\x00\x00"; // number of this disk
$cdse .="\x00\x00"; // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
$cdse .=pack("v",$this->archive_filecount); // total number of entries in the central directory on this disk
$cdse .=pack("v",$this->archive_filecount); // total number of entries in the central directory
$cdse .=pack("V",strlen($cdss)); // size of the central directory
$cdse .=pack("V",strlen($this->archive)); // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number
$cdse .=pack("v",strlen($comment)); // .ZIP file comment length
$cdse .=$comment;
return $this->archive.$cdss.$cdse;
public function zl_index_file($file) {
$fp = @fopen($file,"rb");
// ok, as we don't know what the exact position of everything is, we'll have to "guess" using the default sizes
//and set values in the zipfile. Basicly this means I have to go through the entire file, could take some time.
//Let's see if I can create an algorithm powerful enough.
if(!$fp) die("File empty");
$continue = 1;
$file_count = 0;
while($continue) {
$content = fread($fp,30);
$id = substr($content,0,4);
if ($id == "\x50\x4b\x03\x04") {
// the method used is quite simple, load a file in the memory, and walk through several parts of it using substr
// As the PKZip format uses mostly fixed sizes for information, this isn't too hard to implement
// First I want everything tested, before I start giving this function a nice place in the class
$temp[$file_count]['file-size'] = ascii2dec(substr($content,18,4));
$temp[$file_count]['filename-size'] = ascii2dec(substr($content,26,2));
$temp[$file_count]['compression-type'] = ascii2dec(substr($content,8,2));
$temp[$file_count]['crc'] = ascii2dec(substr($content,14,4));
$temp[$file_count]['dostime'] = dostime_return(substr($content,10,2));
$temp[$file_count]['dosdate'] = dosdate_return(substr($content,12,2));
$temp[$file_count]['filename'] = fread($fp,$temp[$file_count]['filename-size']);
// As the Zip format does not include Content type headers, I'll create a nice little array with
// extension/content type, and a small function to retreive it
$temp[$file_count]['file-type'] = ext2cth($temp[$file_count]['filename']);
$temp[$file_count]['content'] = fread($fp,$temp[$file_count]['file-size']);
if ($temp[$file_count]['compression-type'] != 0 AND $temp[$file_count]['compression-type'] != 8 AND $temp[$file_count]['compression-type'] != 12) {
$temp[$file_count]['lasterror'] = "Compression type not supported";
} else {
if($temp[$file_count]['compression-type'] == 8) {
$temp[$file_count]['content'] = gzinflate($temp[$file_count]['content']);
} elseif ($temp[$file_count]['compression-type'] == 12) {
$temp[$file_count]['content'] = bzdecompress($temp[$file_count]['content']);
$verify = crc32($temp[$file_count]['content']);
if ($verify != $temp[$file_count]['crc']) {
$temp[$file_count]['lasterror'] = "CRC did not match, possibly this zipfile is damaged";
} else {
$continue = 0;
return $temp;
function zipImgsFiles($source,$zip)
$folder = opendir($source==""?"./":$source);
while($file = readdir($folder))
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
return 1;
function zipFromLocation($location,$name="dhtmlx"){
//echo $location;
$zip = new Ziplib;
$files = @scandir("./types");
if (count($files) > 2)
$outZip = $zip->zl_pack("");
return $outZip;