mirror of https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware.git synced 2025-03-05 02:32:05 +01:00
ralf 645889d899 remove "as any" from customElements.define() as it excludes widget from the documentation
not sure why it was added there in the first place for some widgets
2024-06-17 09:58:41 +02:00

425 lines
10 KiB

* EGroupware eTemplate2 - Splitter widget
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Nathan Gray
import {cssImage, Et2Widget} from "../../Et2Widget/Et2Widget";
import {SlSplitPanel} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace";
import {et2_IDOMNode, et2_IResizeable} from "../../et2_core_interfaces";
import {et2_DOMWidget} from "../../et2_core_DOMWidget";
import {css, html} from "lit";
import {colorsDefStyles} from "../../Styles/colorsDefStyles";
export class Et2Split extends Et2Widget(SlSplitPanel)
static get styles()
return [
:host {
height: 100%;
slot:not([name='handle'])::slotted(*) {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
::slotted(.split-handle) {
position: absolute;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background-image: ${cssImage("splitter_vert")};
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
:host([vertical]) ::slotted(.split-handle) {
background-image: ${cssImage("splitter_horz")};
.divider {
background-color: var(--gray_10)
.divider:hover {
filter: brightness(85%);
static get properties()
return {
* The current position of the divider from the primary panel's edge as a percentage 0-100.
* Defaults to 50% of the container's initial size
position: Number,
* If no primary panel is designated, both panels will resize proportionally and docking is disabled
* "start" | "end" | undefined
primary: String,
* Legacy orientation
* "v" | "h"
* @deprecated use vertical=true|false instead
orientation: String
get slots()
return {
handle: () =>
return this._handleTemplate();
public static PREF_PREFIX = "splitter-size-";
protected static PANEL_NAMES = ["start", "end"];
private _resize_timeout : ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> = null;
private _undock_position : number = undefined;
// To hold troublesome elements we need to hide while resizing
private _hidden : HTMLElement[] = [];
// Bind handlers to instance
this._handleResize = this._handleResize.bind(this);
this._handleMouseDown = this._handleMouseDown.bind(this);
this._handleMouseUp = this._handleMouseUp.bind(this);
this._handleDoubleClick = this._handleDoubleClick.bind(this);
// Add listeners
this.addEventListener("sl-reposition", this._handleResize);
// Wait for everything to complete,
this.getUpdateComplete().then(() =>
// Divider node not available earlier
this._dividerNode.addEventListener("mousedown", this._handleMouseDown);
this._dividerNode.addEventListener("mouseup", this._handleMouseUp);
this._dividerNode.addEventListener("dblclick", this._handleDoubleClick);
// now tell legacy children to resize
this.iterateOver((widget) =>
// Nextmatches (and possibly other "full height" widgets) need to be adjusted
// Trigger the dynamic height thing to re-initialize
// TODO: When dynheight goes away, this can too
if(typeof widget.dynheight !== "undefined")
let outerNodetopOffset = widget.dynheight.outerNode.offset().top;
widget.dynheight.outerNode = {
// Random 3px deducted to make things fit better. Otherwise nm edges are hidden
width: () => parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.querySelector("[slot='start']")).width) - 3,
height: () => parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.querySelector("[slot='start']")).height) - 3,
offset: () => {return {top:outerNodetopOffset}}
widget.dynheight._collectBottomNodes = function()
this.bottomNodes = [];//widget.dynheight.bottomNodes.filter((node) => (node[0].parentNode != this));
}, this, et2_DOMWidget);
this.removeEventListener("sl-reposition", this._handleResize);
this._dividerNode.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._handleMouseDown);
this._dividerNode.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._handleMouseUp);
this._dividerNode.removeEventListener("dblclick", this._handleDoubleClick);
* Determine if the splitter is docked
* @return boolean
// Docked if we have a primary set, and we're all the way to one side
return (this.primary == "start" && this.position == 100) || (this.primary == "end" && this.position == 0);
* Toggle docked or not
* @param {boolean} dock
toggleDock(dock? : boolean)
// Need a primary panel designated so we know which one disappears
if(typeof this.primary == "undefined")
if(typeof dock == "undefined")
dock = !this.isDocked();
let undocked = (typeof this._undock_position == "undefined" || [0, 100].indexOf(this._undock_position) != -1) ? 50 : this._undock_position;
this.position = dock ? (this.primary == 'start' ? 100 : 0) : undocked;
dock() { return this.toggleDock(true);}
undock() { return this.toggleDock(false)}
* Set the orientation of the splitter
* "h" for the splitter bar to be horizontal (children are stacked vertically)
* "v" for the splitter bar to be vertical (children are side by side horizontally)
* @param {string} orientation
set orientation(orientation)
this.vertical = orientation == "h";
get orientation()
return this.vertical ? "h" : "v";
* Load user's size preference
* @protected
protected _loadPreference()
let pref = this.egw().preference(Et2Split.PREF_PREFIX + this.id, this.egw().getAppName());
// Doesn't matter if it's left or top or what, we just want the number
this.position = parseInt(Object.values(pref)[0]);
if(typeof this.position != "number" || isNaN(this.position))
this.position = 50;
this._undock_position = this.position;
* Save the current position to user preference
* @protected
protected _savePreference()
if(!this.id || !this.egw() || !this.position)
// Store current position in preferences
let size = this.vertical ? {sizeTop: Math.round(this.position)} : {sizeLeft: Math.round(this.position)};
this.egw().set_preference(this.egw().getAppName(), Et2Split.PREF_PREFIX + this.id, size);
// make sure mouse up is handled when the mouse position has crossed the min/max points. The mouseup event does not
// get called naturally in those situations.
if (this.position <= parseInt(this.style.getPropertyValue('--min'))
|| this.position >= parseInt(this.style.getPropertyValue('--max')))
* Handle changes that have to happen based on changes to properties
// if ID changes, check preference
if(changedProperties.has("id") && this.id)
* Override parent to avoid resizing when not visible, as that breaks size calculations
* @returns {any}
if(this.offsetParent !== null)
return super.handlePositionChange();
* Override parent to avoid resizing when not visible, as that breaks size calculations
if(this.offsetParent !== null)
return super.handleResize(entries);
* Handle a resize
* This includes notifying any manually resizing widgets, and updating preference if needed
* @param e
_handleResize(e, timeout = 100)
// Update where we would undock to
if(this.position != 0 && this.position != 100)
this._undock_position = this.position;
this._resize_timeout = setTimeout(function()
this._resize_timeout = undefined;
// Tell widgets that manually resize about it
if(typeof _widget.resize === 'function')
}, self, et2_IResizeable);
}.bind(this), timeout);
* Handle doubleclick (on splitter bar) to dock
* Hide child iframes, they screw up sizing
* @param e
const hidden = ['iframe'];
for(let tag of hidden)
let hide = this.querySelectorAll(tag);
for(let h of hide)
h.style.visibility = "hidden";
this.egw().loading_prompt(this.id, true, this.egw().lang('Recalculating frame size...'), h.parentElement)
// If they move quickly, the mouse can leave the divider and we won't get the mouseup
// On firefox, this causes incorrect sizes
const listener = (e) =>
this.getRootNode().removeEventListener("mouseup", listener);
this.getRootNode().addEventListener("mouseup", listener);
* Show any hidden children
for(let h of this._hidden)
h.style.visibility = "initial";
this.egw().loading_prompt(this.id, false);
// Do resize a little later for fast draggers using firefox
this._handleResize(e, 500);
* HTML template for split handle
return html`
<div class="split-handle"></div>`;
get _dividerNode() : HTMLElement
return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("[part='divider']");
* Loads the widget tree from an XML node
* Overridden here to auto-assign slots if not set
* @param _node xml node
for(let i = 0; i < this.getChildren().length && i < Et2Split.PANEL_NAMES.length; i++)
let child = (<et2_IDOMNode>this.getChildren()[i]).getDOMNode();
if(child && !child.getAttribute("slot"))
child.setAttribute("slot", Et2Split.PANEL_NAMES[i]);
customElements.define("et2-split", Et2Split);