Nathan Gray d86d26cc24
Change et2_template to Et2Template webComponent (#169)
* Change template to webcomponent
2025-01-16 13:34:27 -07:00

225 lines
7.5 KiB

import {assert, elementUpdated, fixture, html, nextFrame, oneEvent} from "@open-wc/testing";
import * as sinon from "sinon";
import {Et2Template} from "../Et2Template";
import {Et2Description} from "../../Et2Description/Et2Description";
* Test file for Template webComponent
* In here we test just basics and simple loading to avoid as few additional dependencies as possible.
// Stub global egw
// @ts-ignore
window.egw = {
debug: () => {},
image: () => "",
lang: i => i + "*",
link: i => i,
tooltipUnbind: () => { },
webserverUrl: ""
let element : Et2Template;
let keepImport : Et2Description = new Et2Description();
async function before()
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
// @ts-ignore
element = await fixture(html`
// Stub egw()
sinon.stub(element, "egw").returns(window.egw);
await elementUpdated(element);
return element;
function fakedTemplate(template_text)
const parser = new window.DOMParser();
return parser.parseFromString(template_text, "text/xml").children[0];
const SIMPLE_EMPTY = `<overlay><template id="simple.empty"></template></overlay>`;
const SIMPLE = `<overlay><template id="simple">
<et2-description id="static" value="Static value"></et2-description>
<et2-description id="test"></et2-description>
const TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTES = `<overlay><template id="attributes" class="gotClass" slot="gotSlot"></template></overlay>`;
const MULTIPLE = `<overlay>
<template id="" class="one"/>
<template id="multiple.two" class="two"/>
<template id="multiple" class="multiple"></template>
const INVALID = `<overlay><template id="invalid"><overlay>`;
// Pre-fill cache
Et2Template.templateCache["simple.empty"] = <Element>fakedTemplate(SIMPLE_EMPTY).childNodes.item(0);
Et2Template.templateCache["simple"] = <Element>fakedTemplate(SIMPLE).childNodes.item(0);
Et2Template.templateCache["attributes"] = <Element>fakedTemplate(TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTES).childNodes.item(0);
describe("Template widget basics", () =>
// Setup run before each test
// Make sure it works
it('is defined', () =>
assert.instanceOf(element, Et2Template);
it("starts empty", () =>
assert.notExists(element.querySelectorAll("*"), "Not-loaded template has content. It should be empty.");
describe("Loading", () =>
it("loads from file", async() =>
// Stub the url to point to the fixture
let xml = fakedTemplate(SIMPLE_EMPTY);
// @ts-ignore
sinon.stub(element, "loadFromFile").returns(xml);
const listener = oneEvent(element, "load");
// Set the template to start load
element.template = "simple.empty";
// Wait for load & load event
await element.updateComplete;
const loadEvent = await listener;
it("loads from cache", async() =>
// Cache was pre-filled above
const listener = oneEvent(element, "load");
// Set the template to start load
element.template = "simple.empty";
// Wait for load & load event
await element.updateComplete;
const loadEvent = await listener;
it("loads with short name (from cache)", async() =>
// Cache was pre-filled above
const listener = oneEvent(element, "load");
// @ts-ignore
sinon.stub(element, "getRoot").returns({
getInstanceManager: () => {return {name: "simple"}}
// Set the template to start load, but use "short" name
element.template = "empty";
// Wait for load & load event
await element.updateComplete;
const loadEvent = await listener;
it("takes template attributes", async() =>
// Set the template to start load
element.template = "attributes";
// Wait for load
await element.updateComplete;
assert.isTrue(element.classList.contains("gotClass"), "Did not get class from template");
assert.isTrue(element.hasAttribute("slot"), "Did not get slot from template");
assert.equal(element.getAttribute("slot"), "gotSlot", "Did not get slot from template");
it("loads last template in file when it has no template otherwise", async() =>
// Stub the url to point to the fixture
let xml = fakedTemplate(MULTIPLE);
// @ts-ignore
sinon.stub(element, "loadFromFile").returns(xml);
// We don't set the template, just give the URL
element.url = "load a file that has several template"
// Wait for load
await element.updateComplete;
it("shows loader while loading", async() =>
// @ts-ignore
sinon.stub(element, "findTemplate").returns(new Promise((resolve) =>
// It's not good to wait in the test, but...
setTimeout(() => resolve(Et2Template.templateCache["simple.empty"]), 100);
// Set the template to start load
element.template = "simple.empty";
// Wait for load to start
await nextFrame();
// Check for loader
let loader = element.shadowRoot.querySelector(".template--loading");
assert.isNotNull(loader, "Loader (shown while loading) not found")
// Wait for load, check the loader is gone
await element.updateComplete;
loader = element.shadowRoot.querySelector(".template--loading");
assert.isNull(loader, "Loader still there after load");
it("actually creates children", async() =>
// Set the template to start load
element.template = "simple";
// Wait for load
await element.updateComplete;
// Should be not be empty
assert.isNotNull(element.querySelector("#static"), "Missing template element");
assert.isNotNull(element.querySelector("#test"), "Missing template element");
it("does not load when disabled", async() =>
// Disable
// @ts-ignore can't find disabled attribute, though it's inherited from Et2Widget
element.disabled = true;
// Set the template to start load
element.template = "simple";
// Wait for load
await element.updateComplete;
// Should be empty
it("shows a message when it can't find the template", async() =>
// Set the template to start load
element.template = "fail";
// Wait for load
await element.updateComplete;
// Should be not be empty, it has some error text