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* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* This is the integration file for ASP.
* It defines the FCKeditor class that can be used to create editor
* instances in ASP pages on server side.
Class FCKeditor
private sBasePath
private sInstanceName
private sWidth
private sHeight
private sToolbarSet
private sValue
private oConfig
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
sBasePath = "/fckeditor/"
sWidth = "100%"
sHeight = "200"
sToolbarSet = "Default"
sValue = ""
Set oConfig = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Public Property Let BasePath( basePathValue )
sBasePath = basePathValue
End Property
Public Property Let InstanceName( instanceNameValue )
sInstanceName = instanceNameValue
End Property
Public Property Let Width( widthValue )
sWidth = widthValue
End Property
Public Property Let Height( heightValue )
sHeight = heightValue
End Property
Public Property Let ToolbarSet( toolbarSetValue )
sToolbarSet = toolbarSetValue
End Property
Public Property Let Value( newValue )
If ( IsNull( newValue ) OR IsEmpty( newValue ) ) Then
sValue = ""
sValue = newValue
End If
End Property
Public Property Let Config( configKey, configValue )
oConfig.Add configKey, configValue
End Property
' Generates the instace of the editor in the HTML output of the page.
Public Sub Create( instanceName )
response.write CreateHtml( instanceName )
end Sub
' Returns the html code that must be used to generate an instance of FCKeditor.
Public Function CreateHtml( instanceName )
dim html
If IsCompatible() Then
Dim sFile, sLink
If Request.QueryString( "fcksource" ) = "true" Then
sFile = "fckeditor.original.html"
sFile = "fckeditor.html"
End If
sLink = sBasePath & "editor/" & sFile & "?InstanceName=" + instanceName
If (sToolbarSet & "") <> "" Then
sLink = sLink + "&amp;Toolbar=" & sToolbarSet
End If
html = ""
' Render the linked hidden field.
html = html & "<input type=""hidden"" id=""" & instanceName & """ name=""" & instanceName & """ value=""" & Server.HTMLEncode( sValue ) & """ style=""display:none"" />"
' Render the configurations hidden field.
html = html & "<input type=""hidden"" id=""" & instanceName & "___Config"" value=""" & GetConfigFieldString() & """ style=""display:none"" />"
' Render the editor IFRAME.
html = html & "<iframe id=""" & instanceName & "___Frame"" src=""" & sLink & """ width=""" & sWidth & """ height=""" & sHeight & """ frameborder=""0"" scrolling=""no""></iframe>"
Dim sWidthCSS, sHeightCSS
If InStr( sWidth, "%" ) > 0 Then
sWidthCSS = sWidth
sWidthCSS = sWidth & "px"
End If
If InStr( sHeight, "%" ) > 0 Then
sHeightCSS = sHeight
sHeightCSS = sHeight & "px"
End If
html = "<textarea name=""" & instanceName & """ rows=""4"" cols=""40"" style=""width: " & sWidthCSS & "; height: " & sHeightCSS & """>" & Server.HTMLEncode( sValue ) & "</textarea>"
End If
CreateHtml = html
End Function
Private Function IsCompatible()
IsCompatible = FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser()
End Function
Private Function GetConfigFieldString()
Dim sParams
Dim bFirst
bFirst = True
Dim sKey
For Each sKey in oConfig
If bFirst = False Then
sParams = sParams & "&amp;"
bFirst = False
End If
sParams = sParams & EncodeConfig( sKey ) & "=" & EncodeConfig( oConfig(sKey) )
GetConfigFieldString = sParams
End Function
Private Function EncodeConfig( valueToEncode )
' The locale of the asp server makes the conversion of a boolean to string different to "true" or "false"
' so we must do it manually
If vartype(valueToEncode) = vbBoolean then
If valueToEncode=True Then
End If
EncodeConfig = Replace( valueToEncode, "&", "%26" )
EncodeConfig = Replace( EncodeConfig , "=", "%3D" )
EncodeConfig = Replace( EncodeConfig , """", "%22" )
End if
End Function
End Class
' A function that can be used to check if the current browser is compatible with FCKeditor
' without the need to create an instance of the class.
Function FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser()
Dim sAgent
sAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
Dim iVersion
Dim re, Matches
If InStr(sAgent, "MSIE") > 0 AND InStr(sAgent, "mac") <= 0 AND InStr(sAgent, "Opera") <= 0 Then
iVersion = CInt( FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat( Mid(sAgent, InStr(sAgent, "MSIE") + 5, 3) ) )
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = ( iVersion >= 5.5 )
ElseIf InStr(sAgent, "Gecko/") > 0 Then
iVersion = CLng( Mid( sAgent, InStr( sAgent, "Gecko/" ) + 6, 8 ) )
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = ( iVersion >= 20030210 )
ElseIf InStr(sAgent, "Opera/") > 0 Then
iVersion = CSng( FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat( Mid( sAgent, InStr( sAgent, "Opera/" ) + 6, 4 ) ) )
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = ( iVersion >= 9.5 )
ElseIf InStr(sAgent, "AppleWebKit/") > 0 Then
Set re = new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = true = false
re.Pattern = "AppleWebKit/(\d+)"
Set Matches = re.Execute(sAgent)
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = ( re.Replace(Matches.Item(0).Value, "$1") >= 522 )
FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = False
End If
End Function
' By Agrotic
' On ASP, when converting string to numbers, the number decimal separator is localized
' so 5.5 will not work on systems were the separator is "," and vice versa.
Private Function FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat( numberStr )
If IsNumeric( "5.5" ) Then
FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat = Replace( numberStr, ",", ".")
FCKeditor_ToNumericFormat = Replace( numberStr, ".", ",")
End If
End Function