
441 lines
12 KiB

DynAPI Distribution
DynObject, DynAPI Object, UserAgent, Library, Functions
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
function DynObject() { = "DynObject"+DynObject._c++;
DynObject.all[] = this;
var p = DynObject.prototype;
p.getClassName = function() {return this._className};
p.getClass = function() {return dynapi.frame[this._className]};
p.isClass = function(n) {return DynObject.isClass(this._className,n)};
p.addMethod = function(n,fn) {this[n] = fn};
p.removeMethod = function(n) {this[n] = null};
p.setID = function(id,isInline,noImports) {
if ( delete DynObject.all[]; = id;
DynObject.all[] = this;
p.toString = function() {return "DynObject.all."};
DynObject.all = {};
DynObject._c = 0;
DynObject.isClass = function(cn,n) {
if (cn == n) return true;
else {
var c = dynapi.frame[cn];
var p = c.prototype._pClassName;
if (p) return DynObject.isClass(p,n);
else return false;
function _UserAgent() {
var b = navigator.appName;
var v = this.version = navigator.appVersion;
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
this.v = parseInt(v);
this.safari = ua.indexOf("safari")>-1; // always check for safari & opera
this.opera = ua.indexOf("opera")>-1; // before ns or ie
this.ns = !this.opera && !this.safari && (b=="Netscape"); = !this.opera && (b=="Microsoft Internet Explorer");
this.gecko = ua.indexOf('gecko')>-1; // check for gecko engine
if (this.ns) {
this.ns4 = (this.v==4);
this.ns6 = (this.v>=5);
this.b = "Netscape";
}else if ( {
this.ie4 = this.ie5 = this.ie55 = this.ie6 = false;
if (v.indexOf('MSIE 4')>0) {this.ie4 = true; this.v = 4;}
else if (v.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0) {this.ie5 = true; this.v = 5;}
else if (v.indexOf('MSIE 5.5')>0) {this.ie55 = true; this.v = 5.5;}
else if (v.indexOf('MSIE 6')>0) {this.ie6 = true; this.v = 6;}
this.b = "MSIE";
}else if (this.opera) {
this.v=parseInt(ua.substr(ua.indexOf("opera")+6,1)); // set opera version
this.b = "Opera";
}else if (this.safari) {
this.ns6 = (this.v>=5); // ns6 compatible correct?
this.b = "Safari";
this.dom = (document.createElement && document.appendChild && document.getElementsByTagName)? true : false;
this.def = (||this.dom);
this.win32 = ua.indexOf("win")>-1;
this.mac = ua.indexOf("mac")>-1;
this.other = (!this.win32 && !this.mac);
this.supported = (this.def||this.ns4||this.ns6||this.opera)? true:false;
this._bws=new Date; // bandwidth timer start
// Extended by Raphael Derosso Pereira = this.safari ? 'safari' : this.opera ? 'opera' : ? 'ie' : this.gecko ? 'gecko' : this.ns ? 'ns' : 'unknown';
function DynAPIObject() {
this.DynObject = DynObject;
this.version = '3.0.0 Beta 1';
this.loaded = false; = new _UserAgent();
this._loadfn = [];
this._unloadfn = [];
var f = this.frame = window;
var url = f.document.location.href;
url = url.substring(0,url.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
this.documentPath = url;
var o = this;
this.library = {};
this.library.setPath = function(p) {o.library.path = p};
f.onload = function() {
o.loaded = true;
if (! return alert('Unsupported Browser. Exiting.');
if (o.library._create) o.library._create(); // calls dynapi._onLoad() after loading necessary files
else setTimeout(o+'._onLoad()',1);
f.onunload = function() {
for (var i=0;i<o._unloadfn.length;i++) o._unloadfn[i]();
if (o.document) {
o.document = null;
p = DynAPIObject.prototype = new DynObject;
p.onLoad = function(f) {
if (typeof(f)=="function") {
if (!this.loaded) this._loadfn[this._loadfn.length] = f;
else f();
p._onLoad = function(f) {
for (var i=0;i<this._loadfn.length;i++) this._loadfn[i]();
p.onUnload = function(f) {
if (typeof(f)=="function") this._unloadfn[this._unloadfn.length] = f;
p.setPrototype = function(sC,sP) {
var c = this.frame[sC];
var p = this.frame[sP];
if ((!c || !p) && && this.library && this.library.elm) {
if (!c) c = this.library.elm[sC];
if (!p) p = this.library.elm[sP];
if (!c || !p) return alert('Prototype Error');
c.prototype = new p();
c.prototype._className = sC;
c.prototype._pClassName = sP;
c.toString = function() {return '['+sC+']'};
return c.prototype;
var dynapi = new DynAPIObject();
dynapi.ximages={'__xCnTer__':0}; // eXtensible Images
t= '<img src="'+this.src+'"'
+((this.width)? ' width="'+this.width+'"':'')
+((this.height)? ' height="'+this.height+'"':'')
+' border="0">';
return t;
dynapi.functions = {
removeFromArray : function(array, index, id) {
// This seems to be wrong!
// Commented out by Raphael Derosso Pereira
//var which=(typeof(index)=="object")?index:array[index];
var which = index;
if (id) delete array[];
else for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
if (array[i]==which) {
if(array.splice) array.splice(i,1);
else {
for(var x=i; x<array.length-1; x++) array[x]=array[x+1];
array.length -= 1;
return array;
removeFromObject : function(object, id) {
if(! delete object[id];
else {
var o={};
for (var i in object) if(id!=i) o[i]=object[i];
return object;
True : function() {return true},
False : function() {return false},
Null : function() {},
Zero : function() {return 0;},
Allow : function() {
event.cancelBubble = true;
return true;
Deny : function() {
event.cancelBubble = false;
return false;
getImage : function(src,w,h) {
img=(w!=null&&h!=null)? new Image(w,h) : new Image();
return img;
getURLArguments : function(o) { // pass a string or frame/layer object
var url,l={};
if (typeof(o)=="string") url = o;
else if ( && o.src) url = o.src;
else if (o.document) url = o.document.location.href;
else return l;
var s = url.substring(url.indexOf('?')+1);
var a = s.split('&');
for (var i=0;i<a.length;i++) {
var b = a[i].split('=');
l[b[0]] = unescape(b[1]);
return l;
getAnchorLocation : function(a,lyr){
var o,x=0,y=0;
if(lyr && !lyr.doc) lyr=null;
lyr=(lyr)? lyr:{doc:document,elm:document};
if(typeof(a)=='string') {
if(lyr.doc.all) a=lyr.doc.all[a];
else if(lyr.doc.getElementById) a=lyr.doc.getElementById(a);
else if(lyr.doc.layers) a=lyr.doc.anchors[a];
if(a) o=a;
else return;
if(lyr.doc.layers) { y+=o.y; x+=o.x;}
else if(lyr.doc.getElementById || lyr.doc.all){
while (o.offsetParent && lyr.elm!=o){
x+= o.offsetLeft;y+= o.offsetTop;
o = o.offsetParent;
return {x:x,y:y,anchor:a};
dynapi.documentArgs = dynapi.functions.getURLArguments(dynapi.frame);
dynapi.debug = {};
dynapi._debugBuffer = '';
dPrint=function(s){var d=dynapi.debug; d.print(s)};
dynapi.debug.print = function(s) {
if(s==null) s='';
dynapi._debugBuffer += s + '\n';
// The DynAPI library system is optional, this can be removed if you want to include other scripts manually
function DynAPILibrary() {
this.DynObject = DynObject;
// list of js files: this.scripts['../src/api/dynlayer_ie.js'] = {dep, objects, pkg, fn};
this.scripts = {};
// list of package names: this.packages['dynapi.api'] = dynapi.api = {_objects,_path}
this.packages = {};
// list of object names: this.objects['DynLayer'] = this.scripts['../src/api/dynlayer_ie.js']
this.objects = {};
this._c = 0;
this.loadList = [];
this.loadIndex = -1;
this.path = null;
this.busy = true;
p = dynapi.setPrototype('DynAPILibrary','DynObject');
// can return a path specific to a package, eg. dynapi.library.getPath('dynapi.api') returns '/src/dynapi/api/'
p.getPath = function(pkg) {
if (!pkg) pkg = 'dynapi';
if (this.packages[pkg]) return this.packages[pkg]._path;
return null;
// set dynapi path
p.setPath = function(p,pkgFile) {
this.path = p;
// to-do: rearrange so add()'s can be done before setPath
// full paths will then be determined when queued
// need an extra argument on addPackage to specify whether the path is relative to this.path or not
// OR: add functionality so that these package definitions can be loaded/included on the fly
// load pkgFile or 'ext/packages.js' file
var s='<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="'
+((pkgFile)? pkgFile:p+'ext/packages.js')+'"><\/script>';
// adds package(s) to the library
p.addPackage = function(pkg, path) {
var ps;
if (pkg.indexOf('.')) ps = pkg.split('.');
else ps = [pkg];
var p = dynapi.frame;
for (var i=0;i<ps.length;i++) { // returns the package object (eg. dynapi.api), or creates it if non-existant
if (!p[ps[i]]) p[ps[i]] = {};
p = p[ps[i]];
this.packages[pkg] = p;
p._objects = [];
p._path = path;
return p;
// add object(s) to the library
p.add = function(name, src, dep, relSource) {
var objects = typeof(name)=="string"? [name] : name;
dep = (!dep)? [] : typeof(dep)=="string"? [dep] : dep;
var s,p,pkg;
if (objects[0].indexOf('.')) {
pkg = objects[0].substring(0,objects[0].lastIndexOf('.'));
if (pkg && this.packages[pkg]) {
p = this.packages[pkg];
if (relSource!=false) src = p._path + src;
if (!this.scripts[src]) s = this.scripts[src] = {};
else s = this.scripts[src];
s.objects = [];
s.dep = dep;
s.rdep = [];
s.src = src;
s.pkg = pkg;
s.loaded = false;
s.fn = null;
var n;
for (var i=0;i<objects.length;i++) {
n = objects[i];
if (pkg) n = n.substring(n.lastIndexOf('.')+1);
this.objects[n] = s;
s.objects[s.objects.length] = n;
if (p) p._objects[p._objects.length] = n;
return s;
// adds a dependency, whenever object "n" is loaded it will load object "d" beforehand
p.addBefore = function(n, d) {
var s = this.objects[n];
if (s && this.objects[d]) s.dep[s.dep.length] = d;
// adds a reverse dependency, whenever object "n" is loaded it will load object "r" afterword
p.addAfter = function(n, r) {
var s = this.objects[n];
if (s && this.objects[r]) s.rdep[s.rdep.length] = r;
// returns a list of js source filenames to load
p._queue = function(n, list, force) {
var na=[], names=[],o;
if (list==null) list = [];
if (typeof(n)=="string") na = [n];
else na = n;
for (var i=0;i<na.length;i++) {
o = na[i];
if (typeof(o)=="string") {
if (this.packages[o])
for (var j in this.packages[o]._objects)
names[names.length] = this.packages[o]._objects[j];
else names[names.length] = o;
else if (typeof(o)=="object" && o.length) {
list = this._queue(o, list, force);
var s;
for (var j=0;j<names.length;j++) {
s = this._queueObject(names[j], force);
if (s) {
if (s.dep)
for (var i=0;i<s.dep.length;i++)
list = this._queue(s.dep[i], list, force);
list[list.length] = s.src;
// also include reverse deps
if (s.rdep.length) list = this._queue(s.rdep, list, force);
return list;
// determines whether to queue the script this object is in
p._queueObject = function(n, f) {
if (n.indexOf('.')) {
var pkg = n.substring(0,n.lastIndexOf('.'));
if (this.packages[pkg]) n = n.substring(n.lastIndexOf('.')+1);
var s = this.objects[n];
if (s) {
if (!s.queued) {
if (f!=true && s.loaded) dynapi.debug.print('Library Warning: '+n+' is already loaded');
else {
s.queued = true;
s.loaded = false;
return s;
else dynapi.debug.print('Library Error: no library map for '+n);
return false;
// writes the <script> tag for the object
p.include = function() {
var a = arguments;
if (a[0]==true) a=a[1]; // arguments used ONLY by packages.js
// buffer includes until packages(.js) are loaded
if (!this._pakLoaded) {
if(!this._buffer) this._buffer=[];
if (dynapi.loaded) this.load(a);
else {
var list = this._queue(a);
var src;
for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
src = list[i];
this.scripts[src].loaded = true;
dynapi.frame.document.write('<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="'+src+'"><\/script>');
p.load = p.reload = p.loadScript = p.reloadScript = function(n) {
dynapi.debug.print('Warning: dynapi.library load extensions not included');
dynapi.library = new DynAPILibrary();
// deprecated
var DynAPI = dynapi;