2002-09-17 12:29:01 +00:00

550 lines
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<title>phpGroupware: eTemplate-Referenz</title>
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<h1>eTemplate-Referenz - Templates and Dialog-Editor for phpGroupware</h1>
<h3>by Ralf Becker <a href=""></a></h3>
<p>A referenz documentation about the new eTemplates and the <a href="#referenz">syntax and parameters</a>
of the several widgets.</p>
<h1>Introduction - The concept of the eTemplates</h1>
<p>As I already covered this in the <a href="etemplate.html">Tutorial</a>, I like would suggest to have a look
there if your are not familiar with the overal concept.</p>
<p>There are two possibilities now to create an eTemplate:</p>
<li>Use the eTemplate-Editor (as descript in the <a href="etemplate.html">Tutorial</a>) to interactivly
design your template.
<li>Write a xml-file in a Syntax similar to XUL (the mozilla UI-interface definition language) and import
it into the database with the eTemplate-Editor
<h1>The xml-interface to the eTemplates</h1>
<p>The eTemplates-Editor can import and export now eTemplates as xml-files. Here is short example showing
an eTemplate from the example app in the <a href="etemplate.html">Tutorial</a>
(here are screenshots of the template in the <a href="editor.gif">editor</a> and the
<a href="show.gif">show-function</a>):</p>
&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
&lt;grid id="et_media.edit" template="" lang="" group="" version="" width="100%">
&lt;description options="ib" span="all" value="eTemplates MediaDB" no_lang="1" id="msg"/>
&lt;hrule span="all"/>
&lt;description span="all"/>
&lt;description value="Name"/>
&lt;textbox size="100" maxlength="100" span="all" id="name" statustext="here goes the name of the publication / record"/>
&lt;description value="Author"/>
&lt;textbox size="100" maxlength="100" span="all" id="author" statustext="please use Name, First Name"/>
&lt;description value="Type"/>
&lt;menulist span="all" statustext="select the type fitting most">
&lt;menupopup id="type"/>
&lt;description value="Description"/>
&lt;textbox ="" cols="3" rows="100" span="all" id="descr" statustext="we have a fulltext search using that description"/>
&lt;description span="all"/>
&lt;button label="Read" id="read" statustext="reads or searches for entries matching the criteria above"/>
&lt;button label="Save" id="save" statustext="saves the change to the db"/>
&lt;button label="Cancel" id="cancel" statustext="clears the form, without changing anything"/>
&lt;button label="Delete" id="delete" statustext="deletes an entry"/>
<p>The tags / widget-names and attributes / parameters used are as close as possible to XUL. For more
information about XUL refer to <a href=""></a> or the Mozilla docs
<a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>Please keep in mind that the xml-files used to store the eTemplates are only similar to XUL and
implement only a subset of XUL. Here are the main differences:</p>
<li>only certain widgets and widget attributes are implemented
<li>xul-files can contain the actual content or refer to it via a datasources (RDF's) and use a
different template syntax to fill in content from a variable: &lt;label value="?label"/><br>
eTemplates get there content from an array passed to the exec or show-function of the template-object
and referenz to the content by the id / name-field of each widget.
<li>xul-files can contain an unlimited number of nested elements, where as the eTemplates xml-root-node
has to be a xul-grid and can not contain other grids or boxes as element.
<i>This limitation might be removed in the near future, for now you have to use the non-xul-element
&lt;template id="app.template_name"/> us load an other template by its name.</i>
<p>Like XUL the eTemplate-xml-files are quite strict with the xml-syntax:</p>
<li>All tags and attributes must be written in lowercase
<li>All strings must be double quoted, like id="string"
<li>Every XUL widget must use close tags (either &lt;tag>&lt;/tag> or &lt;tag/>) to be well-formed
<li>All attributes must have a value, no &lt;tag attr> it has to be &lt;tag attr="">
<a name="referenz"></a>
<h1>Syntax and Parameter Referenz</h1>
<h2>Standard parametes / attributes for <a href="#widgets">all widgets</a></h2>
<table border=1>
<th>Name in Editor</th>
<th>xml attr</th>
<th>internal name</th>
<th>description of the attribut<th>
<td>type<br><i>(only for<br>sub-types)</td>
The type of the widget is stored in the tag itself, some widgets have sub-types (unknow to XUL).
In that case the subtype is stored in the type attribut.<br>
The Type / tag has to be either the name of a standard eTemplate-widget or of
an already existing <a href="#extensions">extension</a>.
A string to locate the content for the widget in the content array (index) to show the dialog
and for the returned content.
Can be left blank or be obmitted as xml-attribut if the widget needs no content.<p>
The name can contain the following variables, which gets expanded before they are used as
array index (for an example see the <a href="etemplate.html">Tutorial</a>):<br>
<td>the column-number (starting with 0, if you have a header, data-cells start at 1)</td>
<td>the column-letter: 'A', 'B', 'C', ...</td>
<td>the row-number (starting with 0, if you have a header, data-cells start at 1)</td>
<td>the content-array the (sub-)template, on auto-repeated row's this could eg. be
used to generate button-names with id-values in it: "del[$cont[id]]" expands to "del[123]",
if $cont = array('id' => 123)</td>
<td>the sub-array indexed by $row of the content-array, on auto-repeated row's this could eg. be
used to generate button-names with id-values in it: "del[$row_cont[id]]" expands to "del[123]",
if $cont = array('1' => array('id' => 123),'2' => array('id' => 456)) and $row = 1</td>
<td>are the respective values of the previous template-inclusion,
eg. the column-headers in the eTemplate-editor are templates itself,
to show the column-name in the header you can not use $col as it will
be constant as it is always the same col in the header-template,
what you want is the value of the previous template-inclusion.</td>
Displayed in front of each widget (if not empty) or the widget is replacing a '%s' in the label
itself. Eg. '%s Name' to have the label Name behind a checkbox.
If the label starts with a '@' it is replaced by the value of the content-array at this
index (with the '@'-removed).
This text / help-message is displayed in the status-bar of the browser when the widget gets focus
(or as tooltip for buttons or general in gtk).
If the user has JavaScript switched off, the help-texts get NOT submitted, as this is detected.
If the helptext starts with a '@' it is replaced by the value of the content-array at this
index (with the '@'-removed).
This attribute controls certain aspects of the different widgets. It's meaning and xml / xul-values
are document with the widgets.
If checked the content of the widget gets NOT translated.<br>
The label of a widget get always translated.
If checked (xml-attr: needed="1") the etemplates will reprompt the user if he left
the widget / field empty.<br>
<i>This is not yet implemented, but should be filled if applicable.</i>
If checked (xml-attr: readonly="true") the widget will NOT be editable.
If it is not supported by the browser, the etemplate-class makes shure that no
changes / content is transmitted back to the app.
Only applicable to widgets with input capabilities. Readonly Buttons get removed
from the dialog, like they where disabled.
The readonly attribute could be set on runtime via a readonly-array sublied to
the exec or show function of the class, the value on index=name/id has to be true
to make a widget readonly.
If checked (xml-attr: disabled="true") the widget will NOT be shown.
For buttons this could be archived on runtime via setting them readonly.
If checked (xml-attr: onchange="1") and the contet of the widget is changed by
the user, the form will be submitted.
Via xml or by a program other values can be set (not in the editor at the moment and
this is not compatible with the phpGTK implementation of the eTemplates).
<td><b>Span, Class</b></td>
<td>span: no<br>class: yes</td>
In the editor and internaly this field contains two comma-separated values:<p>
<b>span</b>: how many cell a widget should span (default is one), the special value
of 'all' can be used to indicate it should span all remaining cells of a row.
This is not supported by xul-grid's at the moment, but is planned to be.<p>
<b>class</b>: the CSS class for the widget.
Can be set to 'left' (default), 'center' or 'right'.
Can be set to a percentage (eg. '10%'), a number of pixels or ...
Can be set to a percentage (eg. '10%'), a number of pixels or ...
<td><b>Class, Valign</b><br>row-attr.</td>
<td>both: yes</td>
In the editor and internaly this field contains two comma-separated values:<p>
<b>class</b>: the CSS class for the row, there are 4 predefined css-classes:
nmh: next-match-header-background, nmr: alternating next-match-row-background which
gets replaced by the etemplate class with nmr0 or nmr1.<p>
<b>valign</b>: vertical alignment of the widgets in the row: 'top', 'middle' (default)
or 'bottom'
<a name="widgets">
<h2>standard widgets and extensions of the eTemplates</h2>
<table border=1>
<th>Widget Name in Editor</th>
<th>xml tag</th>
<th>internal name</th>
<th>description of the widget<th>
<b>a textual label</b><br>
The content is taken from the content-array but it can have an own label from
the label attribute too.<p>
<b>Options</b>: if it contains a 'i' and/or a 'b' the content (not the label) is rendered
in italic and/or bold.
<b>a single-line input field for text</b><br>
In the html-UI this is rendered as &lt;input ...><p>
<b>Options</b> has 2 comma-separated fields:<br>
xml: <b>size</b>: the length in chars of the input-field<br>
xml: <b>maxlength</b>: the maximum length of the input
<b>a input-field to enter an integer</b><br>
In the html-UI this is rendered as &lt;input ...>. <i>There are no checks implemented at the moment,
but the will come in the near future.</i><p>
<b>Options</b> has 3 comma-separated fields:<br>
xml: <b>min</b>: minimum value, default none<br>
xml: <b>max</b>: maximum value, default none<br>
xml: <b>size</b>: the length in chars of the input-field, default 5
<b>a input-field to enter a float</b><br>
In the html-UI this is rendered as &lt;input ...>. <i>There are no checks implemented at the moment,
but the will come in the near future.</i><p>
<b>Options</b> has 3 comma-separated fields:<br>
xml: <b>min</b>: minimum value, default none<br>
xml: <b>max</b>: maximum value, default none<br>
xml: <b>size</b>: the length in chars of the input-field, default 5
<b>a multiline input-field for text</b><br>
In the html-UI this is rendered as &lt;textarea ...>.<p>
<b>Options</b> has 2 comma-separated fields:<br>
xml: <b>cols</b>: the width of the field in chars<br>
xml: <b>rows</b>: the number of rows
<b>a widget that can be checked or unchecked</b><br>
In the html-UI this is rendered as &lt;input type="checkbox" ...>.
<b>a widget in a group of which only one can be checked</b><br>
In the html-UI this is rendered as &lt;input type="radio" ...><br>
Unlike XUL (and like html) the radio-buttons are grouped by giving them the same name / id.
If it is checked, the value is set to what is entered in <b>Options</b>. If the value of the
content array at index name/id matches the options-field the radiobutton is marked 'checked'.
<td>&lt;button image="img.gif" ro_image="img-grey.gif"/></td>
<b>a button to submit the form / end the dialog</b><br>
In the html-UI this is rendered as &lt;input type="submit" ...>.<br>
If a button is set readonly (via seting its id in the $readonlys array passed to exec) it is not rendered
at all (if no ro_image is given), like it would be diabled.<p>
<b>onChange</b> xml: <b>onchange</b>: if set and the user has JavaScript enabled
the button is renderd as a link around the label and a hidden
input to set id if the link is clicked.<br>
<b>Options</b> xml: <b>image, ro_image</b>: Image to use instead of a Button with a label. There will
be no button around the image. If a ro_image is given (separated by a comma in the editors options)
it will be used if the button is set readonly (else the button is no rendered at all) .
<td><b>Horizonatal Rule</b></td>
<b>a horizontal rule / line</b><br>
In the html-UI this is rendered as &lt;hr ...><br>
<b>Options</b> can contain a width of the rule, default is 100%
<b>a separate eTemplate to be loaded into this cell</b><br>
<b>Name</b> xml: <b>id</b>: the name of the etemplate to load<br>
<b>Options</b> xml: <b>content</b>: if set, the template uses an own sub-array
of the content array indexed by the value of this field (if not the full
content-array is used). Variables like $row can be used as descript
for the general attribute Name.
<b>shows an image</b><br>
<b>Label</b> xml: <b>src</b>: the name of the image to load, the image is search in the apps template-dirs<br>
<b>Name</b> xml: <b>id</b>: if set, a link to that methode = app.class.method is put around the image
&nbsp; &lt;menupopup/><br>
<i>multiselect: <b>options</b> > 1</i><br>
&lt;listbox rows="#"/>
<b>shows a selectbox</b><br>
The content of the selectbox / the options have to be in an array which can be in 2 locations:
<li>in $content["options-$name"]
<li>or in an separate array only for select-box-options under the index name, this array is passed
to the exec or show function of the etemplate-class
<b>Options</b> <i>in the editor</i>: if set and > 1 the selectbox is a multiselection with options number of lines<p>
xml: <b>rows</b>: <i>only for &lt;listbox></i>: number of rows to show<p>
xml: <b>type</b>: can be set to get several predefined select-contents, in that case you dont need to set
the content as descripted above: <br>
<b>select-cat</b>: Select a phpgw category, options can be set to -1 to get an additional 'All'<br>
<b>select-account</b>: Select a user and/or group, determined by the options-field:
'accounts' (default), 'groups', 'both'<br>
<b>select-percent, select-priority, select-access, select-country, select-state</b>: as you expect
by the name
&nbsp; &lt;tabs><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;tab/><br>
&nbsp; &lt;/tabs><br>
&nbsp; &lt;tabpanels><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;grid/><br>
&nbsp; &lt;/tabpanels><br>
<b>shows a tab-widget</b><br>
The tab-widget is implemented as an extension, as html does not have a tab-widget.<p>
The following fields / attributes are in the Editor and internaly in the class separeted by '|', in the
xml/xul-file the are attributes of each tab- or grid-tag:<br>
<b>Label</b> xml: <b>label</b>: the labels of the tabs<br>
<b>Help</b> xml: <b>statustext</b>: of the tabs<br>
<b>Name</b> xml: <b>id</b>: the names/ids of the eTemplates/grid's to fill the bodies of the tabs
<a name="extensions">
<h1>How to implement new widgets / extensions to the eTemplates?</h1>
<p>The eTemplates have an interface to extend them with new widgets. These widgets are php-classes, can use
eTemplates to define the UI of the new widget and are stored in the eTemplate's inc-dir or the inc-dir of a
phpGroupWare application. The editor and the etemplate-class autoload the existing extensions.</p>
<i>I will made more documentation about the interface availible soon.</i>
<h2>please <a href="">contact me</a> if you have further questions or comments about the eTemplates</h2>