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/* This notice must be untouched at all times.
wz_tooltip.js v. 3.45
The latest version is available at
or http://www.devira.com
or http://www.walterzorn.de
Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved.
Created 1. 12. 2002 by Walter Zorn (Web: http://www.walterzorn.com )
Last modified: 22. 1. 2007
Cross-browser tooltips working even in Opera 5 and 6,
as well as in NN 4, Gecko-Browsers, IE4+, Opera 7+ and Konqueror.
No onmouseouts required.
Appearance of tooltips can be individually configured
via commands within the onmouseovers.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
For more details on the GNU Lesser General Public License,
see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
//////////////// GLOBAL TOOPTIP CONFIGURATION /////////////////////
var ttAbove = false; // tooltip above mousepointer? Alternative: true
var ttBgColor = "lightyellow";
var ttBgImg = ""; // path to background image;
var ttBorderColor = "#606060";
var ttBorderWidth = 1;
var ttClickClose = false;
var ttDelay = 500; // time span until tooltip shows up [milliseconds]
var ttFontColor = "#000000";
var ttFontFace = "arial,helvetica,sans-serif";
var ttFontSize = "11px";
var ttFontWeight = "normal"; // alternative: "bold";
var ttLeft = false; // tooltip on the left of the mouse? Alternative: true
var ttOffsetX = 12; // horizontal offset of left-top corner from mousepointer
var ttOffsetY = 15; // vertical offset "
var ttOpacity = 100; // opacity of tooltip in percent (must be integer between 0 and 100)
var ttPadding = 3; // spacing between border and content
var ttShadowColor = "";
var ttShadowWidth = 0;
var ttStatic = false; // tooltip NOT move with the mouse? Alternative: true
var ttSticky = false; // do NOT hide tooltip on mouseout? Alternative: true
var ttTemp = 0; // time span after which the tooltip disappears; 0 (zero) means "infinite timespan"
var ttTextAlign = "left";
var ttTitleColor = "#ffffff"; // color of caption text
var ttWidth = "auto";
//////////////////// END OF TOOLTIP CONFIG ////////////////////////
////////////// TAGS WITH TOOLTIP FUNCTIONALITY ////////////////////
// List may be extended or shortened:
var tt_tags = new Array("a","area","b","big","caption","center","code","dd","div","dl","dt","em","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6","i","img","input","li","map","ol","p","pre","s", "select", "small","span","strike","strong","sub","sup","table","td","textarea","th","tr","tt","u","var","ul","layer");
///////// DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE /////////////////////
var tt_obj = null, // current tooltip
tt_ifrm = null, // iframe to cover windowed controls in IE
tt_objW = 0, tt_objH = 0, // width and height of tt_obj
tt_objX = 0, tt_objY = 0,
tt_offX = 0, tt_offY = 0,
xlim = 0, ylim = 0, // right and bottom borders of visible client area
tt_sup = false, // true if T_ABOVE cmd
tt_sticky = false, // tt_obj sticky?
tt_wait = false,
tt_act = false, // tooltip visibility flag
tt_sub = false, // true while tooltip below mousepointer
tt_u = "undefined",
tt_mf = null, // stores previous mousemove evthandler
// Opera: disable href when hovering <a>
tt_tag = null; // stores hovered dom node, href and previous statusbar txt
var tt_db = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body? document.body : null,
tt_n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
tt_nv = navigator.appVersion;
// Browser flags
var tt_op = !!(window.opera && document.getElementById),
tt_op6 = tt_op && !document.defaultView,
tt_op7 = tt_op && !tt_op6,
tt_ie = tt_n.indexOf("msie") != -1 && document.all && tt_db && !tt_op,
tt_ie7 = tt_ie && typeof document.body.style.maxHeight != tt_u,
tt_ie6 = tt_ie && !tt_ie7 && parseFloat(tt_nv.substring(tt_nv.indexOf("MSIE")+5)) >= 5.5,
tt_n4 = (document.layers && typeof document.classes != tt_u),
tt_n6 = (!tt_op && document.defaultView && typeof document.defaultView.getComputedStyle != tt_u),
tt_w3c = !tt_ie && !tt_n6 && !tt_op && document.getElementById,
tt_ce = document.captureEvents && !tt_n6;
function tt_Int(t_x)
var t_y;
return isNaN(t_y = parseInt(t_x))? 0 : t_y;
function wzReplace(t_x, t_y)
var t_ret = "",
t_str = this,
while((t_xI = t_str.indexOf(t_x)) != -1)
t_ret += t_str.substring(0, t_xI) + t_y;
t_str = t_str.substring(t_xI + t_x.length);
return t_ret+t_str;
String.prototype.wzReplace = wzReplace;
function tt_N4Tags(tagtyp, t_d, t_y)
t_d = t_d || document;
t_y = t_y || new Array();
var t_x = (tagtyp=="a")? t_d.links : t_d.layers;
for(var z = t_x.length; z--;) t_y[t_y.length] = t_x[z];
for(z = t_d.layers.length; z--;) t_y = tt_N4Tags(tagtyp, t_d.layers[z].document, t_y);
return t_y;
function tt_Htm(tt, t_id, txt)
var t_bgc = (typeof tt.T_BGCOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_BGCOLOR : ttBgColor,
t_bgimg = (typeof tt.T_BGIMG != tt_u)? tt.T_BGIMG : ttBgImg,
t_bc = (typeof tt.T_BORDERCOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_BORDERCOLOR : ttBorderColor,
t_bw = (typeof tt.T_BORDERWIDTH != tt_u)? tt.T_BORDERWIDTH : ttBorderWidth,
t_ff = (typeof tt.T_FONTFACE != tt_u)? tt.T_FONTFACE : ttFontFace,
t_fc = (typeof tt.T_FONTCOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_FONTCOLOR : ttFontColor,
t_fsz = (typeof tt.T_FONTSIZE != tt_u)? tt.T_FONTSIZE : ttFontSize,
t_fwght = (typeof tt.T_FONTWEIGHT != tt_u)? tt.T_FONTWEIGHT : ttFontWeight,
t_opa = (typeof tt.T_OPACITY != tt_u)? tt.T_OPACITY : ttOpacity,
t_padd = (typeof tt.T_PADDING != tt_u)? tt.T_PADDING : ttPadding,
t_shc = (typeof tt.T_SHADOWCOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_SHADOWCOLOR : (ttShadowColor || 0),
t_shw = (typeof tt.T_SHADOWWIDTH != tt_u)? tt.T_SHADOWWIDTH : (ttShadowWidth || 0),
t_algn = (typeof tt.T_TEXTALIGN != tt_u)? tt.T_TEXTALIGN : ttTextAlign,
t_tit = (typeof tt.T_TITLE != tt_u)? tt.T_TITLE : "",
t_titc = (typeof tt.T_TITLECOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_TITLECOLOR : ttTitleColor,
t_w = (typeof tt.T_WIDTH != tt_u)? tt.T_WIDTH : ttWidth;
if(t_shc || t_shw)
t_shc = t_shc || "#c0c0c0";
t_shw = t_shw || 5;
if(tt_n4 && (t_fsz == "10px" || t_fsz == "11px")) t_fsz = "12px";
var t_optx = (tt_n4? '' : tt_n6? ('-moz-opacity:'+(t_opa/100.0)) : tt_ie? ('filter:Alpha(opacity='+t_opa+')') : ('opacity:'+(t_opa/100.0))) + ';';
var t_y = '<div id="'+t_id+'" style="position:absolute;z-index:1010;';
t_y += 'left:0px;top:0px;width:'+(t_w+t_shw)+'px;visibility:'+(tt_n4? 'hide' : 'hidden')+';'+t_optx+'">' +
'<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"'+(t_bc? (' bgcolor="'+t_bc+'" style="background:'+t_bc+';"') : '')+' width="'+t_w+'">';
t_y += '<tr><td style="padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;" align="'+t_algn+'"><font color="'+t_titc+'" face="'+t_ff+'" ' +
'style="color:'+t_titc+';font-family:'+t_ff+';font-size:'+t_fsz+';"><b>' +
(tt_n4? ' ' : '')+t_tit+'</b></font></td></tr>';
t_y += '<tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="'+t_padd+'" cellspacing="'+t_bw+'" width="100%">' +
'<tr><td'+(t_bgc? (' bgcolor="'+t_bgc+'"') : '')+(t_bgimg? ' background="'+t_bgimg+'"' : '')+' style="text-align:'+t_algn+';';
if(tt_n6) t_y += 'padding:'+t_padd+'px;';
t_y += '" align="'+t_algn+'"><font color="'+t_fc+'" face="'+t_ff+'"' +
' style="color:'+t_fc+';font-family:'+t_ff+';font-size:'+t_fsz+';font-weight:'+t_fwght+';">';
if(t_fwght == 'bold') t_y += '<b>';
t_y += txt;
if(t_fwght == 'bold') t_y += '</b>';
t_y += '</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
var t_spct = Math.round(t_shw*1.3);
t_y += '<layer bgcolor="'+t_shc+'" left="'+t_w+'" top="'+t_spct+'" width="'+t_shw+'" height="0"></layer>' +
'<layer bgcolor="'+t_shc+'" left="'+t_spct+'" align="bottom" width="'+(t_w-t_spct)+'" height="'+t_shw+'"></layer>';
t_optx = tt_n6? '-moz-opacity:0.85;' : tt_ie? 'filter:Alpha(opacity=85);' : 'opacity:0.85;';
t_y += '<div id="'+t_id+'R" style="position:absolute;background:'+t_shc+';left:'+t_w+'px;top:'+t_spct+'px;width:'+t_shw+'px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;'+t_optx+'"></div>' +
'<div style="position:relative;background:'+t_shc+';left:'+t_spct+'px;top:0px;width:'+(t_w-t_spct)+'px;height:'+t_shw+'px;overflow:hidden;'+t_optx+'"></div>';
function tt_EvX(t_e)
var t_y = tt_Int(t_e.pageX || t_e.clientX || 0) +
tt_Int(tt_ie? tt_db.scrollLeft : 0) +
if(t_y > xlim) t_y = xlim;
var t_scr = tt_Int(window.pageXOffset || (tt_db? tt_db.scrollLeft : 0) || 0);
if(t_y < t_scr) t_y = t_scr;
return t_y;
function tt_EvY(t_e)
var t_y2;
var t_y = tt_Int(t_e.pageY || t_e.clientY || 0) +
tt_Int(tt_ie? tt_db.scrollTop : 0);
if(tt_sup && (t_y2 = t_y - (tt_objH + tt_offY - 15)) >= tt_Int(window.pageYOffset || (tt_db? tt_db.scrollTop : 0) || 0))
t_y -= (tt_objH + tt_offY - 15);
else if(t_y > ylim || !tt_sub && t_y > ylim-24)
t_y -= (tt_objH + 5);
tt_sub = false;
t_y += tt_offY;
tt_sub = true;
return t_y;
function tt_ReleasMov()
if(document.onmousemove == tt_Move)
if(!tt_mf && tt_ce) document.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
document.onmousemove = tt_mf;
function tt_ShowIfrm(t_x)
if(!tt_obj || !tt_ifrm) return;
tt_ifrm.style.width = tt_objW+'px';
tt_ifrm.style.height = tt_objH+'px';
tt_ifrm.style.display = "block";
else tt_ifrm.style.display = "none";
function tt_GetDiv(t_id)
tt_n4? (document.layers[t_id] || null)
: tt_ie? (document.all[t_id] || null)
: (document.getElementById(t_id) || null)
function tt_GetDivW()
return tt_Int(
tt_n4? tt_obj.clip.width
: (tt_obj.style.pixelWidth || tt_obj.offsetWidth)
function tt_GetDivH()
return tt_Int(
tt_n4? tt_obj.clip.height
: (tt_obj.style.pixelHeight || tt_obj.offsetHeight)
// Compat with DragDrop Lib: Ensure that z-index of tooltip is lifted beyond toplevel dragdrop element
function tt_SetDivZ()
var t_i = tt_obj.style || tt_obj;
if(window.dd && dd.z)
t_i.zIndex = Math.max(dd.z+1, t_i.zIndex);
if(tt_ifrm) tt_ifrm.style.zIndex = t_i.zIndex-1;
function tt_SetDivPos(t_x, t_y)
var t_i = tt_obj.style || tt_obj;
var t_px = (tt_op6 || tt_n4)? '' : 'px';
t_i.left = (tt_objX = t_x) + t_px;
t_i.top = (tt_objY = t_y) + t_px;
// window... to circumvent the FireFox Alzheimer Bug
tt_ifrm.style.left = t_i.left;
tt_ifrm.style.top = t_i.top;
function tt_ShowDiv(t_x)
if(tt_n4) tt_obj.visibility = t_x? 'show' : 'hide';
else tt_obj.style.visibility = t_x? 'visible' : 'hidden';
tt_act = t_x;
function tt_DeAlt(t_tag)
if(t_tag.alt) t_tag.alt = "";
if(t_tag.title) t_tag.title = "";
var t_c = t_tag.children || t_tag.childNodes || null;
for(var t_i = t_c.length; t_i; )
function tt_OpDeHref(t_e)
var t_tag;
t_tag = t_e.target;
tt_tag = t_tag
tt_tag.t_href = tt_tag.getAttribute("href");
tt_tag.style.cursor = "hand";
tt_tag.onmousedown = tt_OpReHref;
tt_tag.stats = window.status;
window.status = tt_tag.t_href;
t_tag = t_tag.parentElement;
function tt_OpReHref()
tt_tag.setAttribute("href", tt_tag.t_href);
window.status = tt_tag.stats;
tt_tag = null;
function tt_Show(t_e, t_id, t_sup, t_clk, t_delay, t_fix, t_left, t_offx, t_offy, t_static, t_sticky, t_temp)
if(tt_obj) tt_Hide();
tt_mf = document.onmousemove || null;
if(window.dd && (window.DRAG && tt_mf == DRAG || window.RESIZE && tt_mf == RESIZE)) return;
var t_sh, t_h;
tt_obj = tt_GetDiv(t_id);
t_e = t_e || window.event;
tt_sub = !(tt_sup = t_sup);
tt_sticky = t_sticky;
tt_objW = tt_GetDivW();
tt_objH = tt_GetDivH();
tt_offX = t_left? -(tt_objW+t_offx) : t_offx;
tt_offY = t_offy;
if(tt_op7) tt_OpDeHref(t_e);
t_sh = tt_obj.document.layers[0];
t_sh.clip.height = tt_objH - Math.round(t_sh.clip.width*1.3);
t_sh = tt_GetDiv(t_id+'R');
t_h = tt_objH - tt_Int(t_sh.style.pixelTop || t_sh.style.top || 0);
if(typeof t_sh.style.pixelHeight != tt_u) t_sh.style.pixelHeight = t_h;
else t_sh.style.height = t_h+'px';
xlim = tt_Int((tt_db && tt_db.clientWidth)? tt_db.clientWidth : window.innerWidth) +
tt_Int(window.pageXOffset || (tt_db? tt_db.scrollLeft : 0) || 0) -
tt_objW -
(tt_n4? 21 : 0);
ylim = tt_Int(window.innerHeight || tt_db.clientHeight) +
tt_Int(window.pageYOffset || (tt_db? tt_db.scrollTop : 0) || 0) -
tt_objH - tt_offY;
if(t_fix) tt_SetDivPos(tt_Int((t_fix = t_fix.split(','))[0]), tt_Int(t_fix[1]));
else tt_SetDivPos(tt_EvX(t_e), tt_EvY(t_e));
var t_txt = 'tt_ShowDiv(\'true\');';
if(t_sticky) t_txt += '{'+
(t_clk? ('window.tt_upFunc = document.onmouseup || null;'+
'if(tt_ce) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);'+
'document.onmouseup = new Function("window.setTimeout(\'tt_Hide();\', 10);");') : '')+
else if(t_static) t_txt += 'tt_ReleasMov();';
if(t_temp > 0) t_txt += 'window.tt_rtm = window.setTimeout(\'tt_sticky = false; tt_Hide();\','+t_temp+');';
window.tt_rdl = window.setTimeout(t_txt, t_delay);
if(tt_ce) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
document.onmousemove = tt_Move;
var tt_area = false;
function tt_Move(t_ev)
if(!tt_obj) return;
if(tt_n6 || tt_w3c)
if(tt_wait) return;
tt_wait = true;
setTimeout('tt_wait = false;', 5);
var t_e = t_ev || window.event;
tt_SetDivPos(tt_EvX(t_e), tt_EvY(t_e));
if(tt_area && t_e.target.tagName != 'AREA') tt_Hide();
else if(t_e.target.tagName == 'AREA') tt_area = true;
function tt_Hide()
if(window.tt_rdl) window.clearTimeout(tt_rdl);
if(!tt_sticky || !tt_act)
if(window.tt_rtm) window.clearTimeout(tt_rtm);
tt_SetDivPos(-tt_objW, -tt_objH);
tt_obj = null;
if(typeof window.tt_upFunc != tt_u) document.onmouseup = window.tt_upFunc;
tt_sticky = false;
if(tt_op6 && tt_area) tt_area = false;
if(tt_op7) tt_OpReHref();
function tt_Init()
if(!(tt_op || tt_n4 || tt_n6 || tt_ie || tt_w3c)) return;
var htm = tt_n4? '<div style="position:absolute;"></div>' : '',
esc = 'return escape(';
for(var i = tt_tags.length; i;)
tags = tt_ie? (document.all.tags(tt_tags[i]) || 1)
: document.getElementsByTagName? (document.getElementsByTagName(tt_tags[i]) || 1)
: (!tt_n4 && tt_tags[i]=="a")? document.links
: 1;
if(tt_n4 && (tt_tags[i] == "a" || tt_tags[i] == "layer")) tags = tt_N4Tags(tt_tags[i]);
for(var j = tags.length; j;)
if(typeof (t_tj = tags[j]).onmouseover == "function" && t_tj.onmouseover.toString().indexOf(esc) != -1 && !tt_n6 || tt_n6 && (over = t_tj.getAttribute("onmouseover")) && over.indexOf(esc) != -1)
if(over) t_tj.onmouseover = new Function(over);
var txt = unescape(t_tj.onmouseover());
htm += tt_Htm(
txt.wzReplace("& ","&")
// window. to circumvent the FF Alzheimer Bug
t_tj.onmouseover = new Function('e',
'if(window.tt_Show && tt_Show) tt_Show(e,'+
'"tOoLtIp' +i+''+j+ '",'+
((typeof t_tj.T_ABOVE != tt_u)? t_tj.T_ABOVE : ttAbove)+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_CLICKCLOSE != tt_u)? t_tj.T_CLICKCLOSE : ttClickClose)+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_DELAY != tt_u)? t_tj.T_DELAY : ttDelay)+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_FIX != tt_u)? '"'+t_tj.T_FIX+'"' : '""')+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_LEFT != tt_u)? t_tj.T_LEFT : ttLeft)+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_OFFSETX != tt_u)? t_tj.T_OFFSETX : ttOffsetX)+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_OFFSETY != tt_u)? t_tj.T_OFFSETY : ttOffsetY)+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_STATIC != tt_u)? t_tj.T_STATIC : ttStatic)+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_STICKY != tt_u)? t_tj.T_STICKY : ttSticky)+','+
((typeof t_tj.T_TEMP != tt_u)? t_tj.T_TEMP : ttTemp)+
t_tj.onmouseout = tt_Hide;
if(tt_ie6) htm += '<iframe id="TTiEiFrM" src="javascript:false" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="filter:Alpha(opacity=0);position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;display:none;"></iframe>';
t_b = document.getElementsByTagName? document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] : tt_db;
if(t_b && t_b.insertAdjacentHTML) t_b.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin", htm);
else if(t_b && typeof t_b.innerHTML != tt_u && document.createElement && t_b.appendChild)
var t_el = document.createElement("div");
t_el.innerHTML = htm;
if(document.getElementById) tt_ifrm = document.getElementById("TTiEiFrM");