
2214 lines
82 KiB
Executable File

* @desc: a constructor, creates a new dhtmlxMenu object, baseId defines a base object for the top menu level
* @param: baseId - id of the html element to which a menu will be attached, in case of a contextual menu - if specified, will used as a contextual zone
* @type: public
function dhtmlXMenuObject(baseId, skin) {
var main_self = this;
this.addBaseIdAsContextZone = null;
this.isDhtmlxMenuObject = true;
// skin settings = (skin != null ? skin : (typeof(dhtmlx) != "undefined" && typeof( == "string" ? : "dhx_skyblue"));
this.imagePath = "";
// iframe
this._isIE6 = false;
if (_isIE) this._isIE6 = (window.XMLHttpRequest==null?true:false);
if (baseId == null) {
this.base = document.body;
} else {
var baseObj = (typeof(baseId)=="string"?document.getElementById(baseId):baseId);
if (baseObj != null) {
this.base = baseObj;
if (! = (new Date()).valueOf();
while (this.base.childNodes.length > 0) { this.base.removeChild(this.base.childNodes[0]); }
this.base.className += " dhtmlxMenu_""_Middle dir_left";
this.base._autoSkinUpdate = true;
// preserv default oncontextmenu for future restorin in case of context menu
if (this.base.oncontextmenu) this.base._oldContextMenuHandler = this.base.oncontextmenu;
this.addBaseIdAsContextZone =;
this.base.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
this.base.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
} else {
this.base = document.body;
// this.topId = topId;
this.topId = "dhxWebMenuTopId";
if (!this.extendedModule) {
// add notify for menu
var t = function(){alert(this.i18n.dhxmenuextalert);};
var extMethods = new Array("setItemEnabled", "setItemDisabled", "isItemEnabled", "_changeItemState", "getItemText", "setItemText",
"loadFromHTML", "hideItem", "showItem", "isItemHidden", "_changeItemVisible", "setUserData", "getUserData",
"setOpenMode", "setWebModeTimeout", "enableDynamicLoading", "_updateLoaderIcon", "getItemImage", "setItemImage",
"clearItemImage", "setAutoShowMode", "setAutoHideMode", "setContextMenuHideAllMode", "getContextMenuHideAllMode",
"setVisibleArea", "setTooltip", "getTooltip", "setHotKey", "getHotKey", "setItemSelected", "setTopText", "setRTL",
"setAlign", "setHref", "clearHref", "getCircuit", "_clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon", "_checkArrowsState",
"_addUpArrow", "_addDownArrow", "_removeUpArrow", "_removeDownArrow", "_isArrowExists", "_doScrollUp", "_doScrollDown",
"_countPolygonItems", "setOverflowHeight", "_getRadioImgObj", "_setRadioState", "_radioOnClickHandler",
"getRadioChecked", "setRadioChecked", "addRadioButton", "_getCheckboxState", "_setCheckboxState", "_readLevel",
"_updateCheckboxImage", "_checkboxOnClickHandler", "setCheckboxState", "getCheckboxState", "addCheckbox", "serialize");
for (var q=0; q<extMethods.length; q++) if (!this[extMethods[q]]) this[extMethods[q]] = t;
extMethods = null;
// should be used for frameset in IE
this.fixedPosition = false;
this.menuSelected = -1;
this.menuLastClicked = -1;
this.idPrefix = "";
this.itemTagName = "item";
this.itemTextTagName = "itemtext";
this.userDataTagName = "userdata";
this.itemTipTagName = "tooltip";
this.itemHotKeyTagName = "hotkey";
this.itemHrefTagName = "href";
this.dirTopLevel = "bottom";
this.dirSubLevel = "right";
this.menuX1 = null;
this.menuX2 = null;
this.menuY1 = null;
this.menuY2 = null;
this.menuMode = "web";
this.menuTimeoutMsec = 400;
this.menuTimeoutHandler = null;
this.autoOverflow = false;
this.idPull = {};
this.itemPull = {};
this.userData = {}; = {};
this._rtl = false;
this._align = "left";
this.menuTouched = false;
this.zIndInit = 1200;
this.zInd = this.zIndInit;
this.zIndStep = 50;
this.menuModeTopLevelTimeout = true; // shows sublevel polygons from toplevel items with delay
this.menuModeTopLevelTimeoutTime = 200; // msec
// default skin
// = "Standard";
// skin-based params
this._topLevelBottomMargin = 1;
this._topLevelRightMargin = 0;
this._topLevelOffsetLeft = 1;
this._arrowFFFix = (_isIE?(document.compatMode=="BackCompat"?0:-4):-4); // border fixer for FF for arrows polygons
* @desc: changes menu skin
* @param: skin - skin name
* @type: public
this.setSkin = function(skin) {
var oldSkin =; = skin;
switch ({
case "dhx_black":
case "dhx_blue":
case "dhx_skyblue":
case "dhx_web":
this._topLevelBottomMargin = 2;
this._topLevelRightMargin = 1;
this._topLevelOffsetLeft = 1;
this._arrowFFFix = (_isIE?(document.compatMode=="BackCompat"?0:-4):-4);
case "dhx_web":
this._arrowFFFix = 0;
case "dhx_terrace":
this._topLevelBottomMargin = 0;
this._topLevelRightMargin = 0;
this._topLevelOffsetLeft = 0;
this._arrowFFFix = (_isIE?(document.compatMode=="BackCompat"?0:-4):-4);
if (this.base._autoSkinUpdate) {
this.base.className = this.base.className.replace("dhtmlxMenu_"+oldSkin+"_Middle", "")+" dhtmlxMenu_""_Middle";
for (var a in this.idPull) {
this.idPull[a].className = String(this.idPull[a].className).replace(oldSkin,;
this.dLoad = false;
this.dLoadUrl = "";
this.dLoadSign = "?";
this.loaderIcon = false;
this.limit = 0;
this._scrollUpTM = null;
this._scrollUpTMTime = 20;
this._scrollUpTMStep = 3;
this._scrollDownTM = null;
this._scrollDownTMTime = 20;
this._scrollDownTMStep = 3;
/* context menu */
this.context = false;
this.contextZones = {};
this.contextMenuZoneId = false;
this.contextAutoShow = true; /* default open action */
this.contextAutoHide = true; /* default close action */
this.contextHideAllMode = true; /* true will hide all opened contextual menu polygons on mouseout, false - all except topleft */
this._selectedSubItems = new Array();
this._openedPolygons = new Array();
this._addSubItemToSelected = function(item, polygon) {
var t = true;
for (var q=0; q<this._selectedSubItems.length; q++) { if ((this._selectedSubItems[q][0] == item) && (this._selectedSubItems[q][1] == polygon)) { t = false; } }
if (t == true) { this._selectedSubItems.push(new Array(item, polygon)); }
return t;
this._removeSubItemFromSelected = function(item, polygon) {
var m = new Array();
var t = false;
for (var q=0; q<this._selectedSubItems.length; q++) { if ((this._selectedSubItems[q][0] == item) && (this._selectedSubItems[q][1] == polygon)) { t = true; } else { m[m.length] = this._selectedSubItems[q]; } }
if (t == true) { this._selectedSubItems = m; }
return t;
this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon = function(polygon) {
var m = new Array();
for (var q=0; q<this._selectedSubItems.length; q++) {
if (this._selectedSubItems[q][1] == polygon) {
m[m.length] = this._selectedSubItems[q][0];
m = m.concat(this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon(this._selectedSubItems[q][0]));
var t = true;
for (var w=0; w<this._openedPolygons.length; w++) { if (this._openedPolygons[w] == this._selectedSubItems[q][0]) { t = false; } }
if (t == true) { this._openedPolygons[this._openedPolygons.length] = this._selectedSubItems[q][0]; }
this._selectedSubItems[q][0] = -1;
this._selectedSubItems[q][1] = -1;
return m;
/* end */
/* define polygon's position for dinamic content rendering and shows it, added in version 0.3 */
this._hidePolygon = function(id) {
if (this.idPull["polygon_" + id] != null) {
if (typeof(this._menuEffect) != "undefined" && this._menuEffect !== false) {
} else {
// already hidden
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+id].style.display == "none") return;
this.idPull["polygon_"+id].style.display = "none";
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] != null) { this.idPull["arrowup_"+id].style.display = "none"; }
if (this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] != null) { this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id].style.display = "none"; }
this._updateItemComplexState(id, true, false);
// hide ie6 cover
if (this._isIE6) { if (this.idPull["polygon_"+id+"_ie6cover"] != null) { this.idPull["polygon_"+id+"_ie6cover"].style.display = "none"; } }
// call event
id = String(id).replace(this.idPrefix, "");
if (id == this.topId) id = null;
this.callEvent("onHide", [id]);
// corners
if (id != null && == "dhx_terrace" && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id].parent == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
this._improveTerraceButton(this.idPrefix+id, true);
this._showPolygon = function(id, openType) {
var itemCount = this._countVisiblePolygonItems(id);
if (itemCount == 0) return;
var pId = "polygon_"+id;
if ((this.idPull[pId] != null) && (this.idPull[id] != null)) {
if (this.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && this.menuMode == "web" && !this.context) {
if (!this.idPull[id]._mouseOver && openType == this.dirTopLevel) return;
// detect visible area
if (!this.fixedPosition) this._autoDetectVisibleArea();
// show arrows
var arrUpH = 0;
var arrDownH = 0;
var arrowUp = null;
var arrowDown = null;
// show polygon
this.idPull[pId].style.visibility = "hidden";
this.idPull[pId].style.left = "0px";
this.idPull[pId] = "0px";
this.idPull[pId].style.display = "";
this.idPull[pId].style.zIndex = this.zInd;
if (this.autoOverflow) {
if (this.idPull[pId].firstChild.offsetHeight > this.menuY1+this.menuY2) {
var t0 = Math.floor((this.menuY2-this.menuY1-35)/24);
this.limit = t0;
} else {
this.limit = 0;
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] != null) this._removeUpArrow(String(id).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
if (this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] != null) this._removeDownArrow(String(id).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
if (this.limit > 0 && this.limit < itemCount) {
// add overflow arrows if they not exists
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] == null) this._addUpArrow(String(id).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
if (this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] == null) this._addDownArrow(String(id).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
// configure up arrow
arrowUp = this.idPull["arrowup_"+id]; = "hidden"; = ""; = this.zInd;
arrUpH = arrowUp.offsetHeight;
// configure bottom arrow
arrowDown = this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id]; = "hidden"; = ""; = this.zInd;
arrDownH = arrowDown.offsetHeight;
if (this.limit > 0) {
if (this.limit < itemCount) {
// set fixed size
// this.idPull[pId].style.height = this.idPull[pId].tbd.childNodes[0].offsetHeight*this.limit+"px";// + arrUpH + arrDownH;
this.idPull[pId].style.height = 24*this.limit+"px";
this.idPull[pId].scrollTop = 0;
} else {
// remove fixed size
this.idPull[pId].style.height = "";
this.zInd += this.zIndStep;
// console.log(this.idPull)
if (this.itemPull[id] != null) {
var parPoly = "polygon_"+this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
} else if (this.context) {
var parPoly = this.idPull[this.idPrefix+this.topId];
// debug info
if (parPoly == null) {
alert("Implementation error. Please report");
// define position
var srcX = (this.idPull[id].tagName != null ? getAbsoluteLeft(this.idPull[id]) : this.idPull[id][0]);
var srcY = (this.idPull[id].tagName != null ? getAbsoluteTop(this.idPull[id]) : this.idPull[id][1]);
var srcW = (this.idPull[id].tagName != null ? this.idPull[id].offsetWidth : 0);
var srcH = (this.idPull[id].tagName != null ? this.idPull[id].offsetHeight : 0);
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var w = this.idPull[pId].offsetWidth;
var h = this.idPull[pId].offsetHeight + arrUpH + arrDownH;
var bottomOverflow = (srcY+h > window.innerHeight+document.body.scrollTop);
if (bottomOverflow) {
if (openType == "bottom") openType = "top";
if (openType == "right" || openType == "left") {
srcY = srcY-h;
// pos
if (openType == "bottom") {
if (this._rtl) {
x = srcX + (srcW!=null?srcW:0) - w;
} else {
if (this._align == "right") {
x = srcX + srcW - w;
} else {
x = srcX - 1 + (openType==this.dirTopLevel?this._topLevelRightMargin:0);
y = srcY - 1 + srcH + this._topLevelBottomMargin;
if (openType == "right") { x = srcX + srcW - 1; y = srcY + 2; }
if (openType == "left") { x = srcX - this.idPull[pId].offsetWidth + 2; y = srcY + 2; }
if (openType == "top") { x = srcX - 1; y = srcY - h + 2; }
// overflow check
if (this.fixedPosition) {
// use fixed document.body/window dimension if required
var mx = 65536;
var my = 65536;
} else {
var mx = (this.menuX2!=null?this.menuX2:0);
var my = (this.menuY2!=null?this.menuY2:0);
if (mx == 0) {
if (window.innerWidth) {
mx = window.innerWidth;
my = window.innerHeight;
} else {
mx = document.body.offsetWidth;
my = document.body.scrollHeight;
if (x+w > mx && !this._rtl) {
// no space on right, open to left
x = srcX - w + 2;
if (x < this.menuX1 && this._rtl) {
// no space on left, open to right
x = srcX + srcW - 2;
if (x < 0) {
// menu floats left
x = 0;
if (y+h > my && this.menuY2 != null) {
y = Math.max(srcY + srcH - h + 2, (this._isVisibleArea?this.menuY1+2:2));
// open from top level
if (this.context && this.idPrefix+this.topId == id && arrowDown != null) {
// autoscroll prevent because menu mouse pointer will right over downarrow
y = y-2;
if (this.itemPull[id] != null && !this.context) {
if (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId) y = y - this.base.offsetHeight;
this.idPull[pId].style.left = x+"px";
this.idPull[pId] = y+arrUpH+"px";
if (typeof(this._menuEffect) != "undefined" && this._menuEffect !== false) {
} else {
this.idPull[pId].style.visibility = "";
if (this.limit > 0 && this.limit < itemCount) {
// this.idPull[pId].scrollTop = 0; = x+"px"; = y+"px"; = w+this._arrowFFFix+"px"; = "";
// = x+"px"; = y+h-arrDownH+"px"; = w+this._arrowFFFix+"px"; = "";
// show ie6 cover
if (this._isIE6) {
var pIdIE6 = pId+"_ie6cover";
if (this.idPull[pIdIE6] == null) {
var ifr = document.createElement("IFRAME");
ifr.className = "dhtmlxMenu_IE6CoverFix_";
ifr.frameBorder = 0;
ifr.setAttribute("src", "javascript:false;");
document.body.insertBefore(ifr, document.body.firstChild);
this.idPull[pIdIE6] = ifr;
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.left = x+"px";
this.idPull[pIdIE6] = y+"px";
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.width = w+"px";
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.height = h+"px";
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.zIndex = this.idPull[pId].style.zIndex-1;
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.display = "";
id = String(id).replace(this.idPrefix, "");
if (id == this.topId) id = null;
this.callEvent("onShow", [id]);
// corners
if (id != null && == "dhx_terrace" && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id].parent == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
this._improveTerraceButton(this.idPrefix+id, false);
// this.callEvent("_onPolyShow",[id.replace(this.idPrefix,"")]);
/* redistrib sublevel selection: select id and deselect other, added in version 0.3 */
this._redistribSubLevelSelection = function(id, parentId) {
// clear previosly selected items
while (this._openedPolygons.length > 0) this._openedPolygons.pop();
// this._openedPolygons = new Array();
var i = this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon(parentId);
this._removeSubItemFromSelected(-1, -1);
for (var q=0; q<i.length; q++) { if ((this.idPull[i[q]] != null) && (i[q] != id)) { if (this.itemPull[i[q]]["state"] == "enabled") { this.idPull[i[q]].className = "sub_item"; } } }
// hide polygons
for (var q=0; q<this._openedPolygons.length; q++) { if (this._openedPolygons[q] != parentId) { this._hidePolygon(this._openedPolygons[q]); } }
// add new selection into list new
if (this.itemPull[id]["state"] == "enabled") {
this.idPull[id].className = "sub_item_selected";
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"] && this.dLoad && (this.itemPull[id]["loaded"]=="no")) {
if (this.loaderIcon == true) { this._updateLoaderIcon(id, true); }
var xmlLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(this._xmlParser, window);
this.itemPull[id]["loaded"] = "get";
this.callEvent("onXLS", []);
xmlLoader.loadXML(this.dLoadUrl+this.dLoadSign+"action=loadMenu&parentId="+id.replace(this.idPrefix,"")+"&etc="+new Date().getTime());
// show
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"] || (this.dLoad && (this.itemPull[id]["loaded"] == "yes"))) {
// make arrow over
if ((this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) && (this.idPull["polygon_" + id] != null)) {
this._updateItemComplexState(id, true, true);
this._showPolygon(id, this.dirSubLevel);
this._addSubItemToSelected(id, parentId);
this.menuSelected = id;
/* onClickMenu action (click on any end item to perform some actions)
optimized in version 0.3 added type feature (click on disabled items, click on complex nodes)
attachEvent feature from 0.4 */
this._doOnClick = function(id, type, casState) {
this.menuLastClicked = id;
// href
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["href_link"] != null && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id].state == "enabled") {
var form = document.createElement("FORM");
var k = String(this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["href_link"]).split("?");
form.action = k[0];
if (k[1] != null) {
var p = String(k[1]).split("&");
for (var q=0; q<p.length; q++) {
var j = String(p[q]).split("=");
var m = document.createElement("INPUT");
m.type = "hidden"; = (j[0]||"");
m.value = (j[1]||"");
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["href_target"] != null) { = this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["href_target"]; } = "none";
if (form != null) {
form = null;
// some fixes
if (type.charAt(0)=="c") return; // can't click on complex item
if (type.charAt(1)=="d") return; // can't click on disabled item
if (type.charAt(2)=="s") return; // can't click on separator
if (this.checkEvent("onClick")) {
// this.callEvent("onClick", [id, type, this.contextMenuZoneId]);
this.callEvent("onClick", [id, this.contextMenuZoneId, casState]);
} else {
if ((type.charAt(1) == "d") || (this.menuMode == "win" && type.charAt(2) == "t")) return;
if (this.context && this._isContextMenuVisible() && this.contextAutoHide) {
} else {
// if menu unloaded from click event
if (this._clearAndHide) this._clearAndHide();
/* onTouchMenu action (select topLevel item), attachEvent added in 0.4 */
this._doOnTouchMenu = function(id) {
if (this.menuTouched == false) {
this.menuTouched = true;
if (this.checkEvent("onTouch")) {
this.callEvent("onTouch", [id]);
// this._onTouchHandler = function(id) { }
// this._setOnTouchHandler = function(handler) { this._onTouchHandler = function(id) { handler(id); } }
/* return menu array of all nested objects */
this._searchMenuNode = function(node, menu) {
var m = new Array();
for (var q=0; q<menu.length; q++) {
if (typeof(menu[q]) == "object") {
if (menu[q].length == 5) { if (typeof(menu[q][0]) != "object") { if ((menu[q][0].replace(this.idPrefix, "") == node) && (q == 0)) { m = menu; } } }
var j = this._searchMenuNode(node, menu[q]);
if (j.length > 0) { m = j; }
return m;
/* return array of subitems for single menu object */
/* modified in version 0.3 */
this._getMenuNodes = function(node) {
var m = new Array;
for (var a in this.itemPull) { if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == node) { m[m.length] = a; } }
return m;
/* generate random string with specified length */
this._genStr = function(w) {
var s = ""; var z = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
for (var q=0; q<w; q++) s += z.charAt(Math.round(Math.random() * (z.length-1)));
return s;
* @desc: return item type by id
* @param: id
* @type: public
this.getItemType = function(id) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (this.itemPull[id] == null) { return null; }
return this.itemPull[id]["type"];
* @desc: iterator, calls user-defined handler for each existing item and pass item id into it
* @param: handler - user-defined handler
* @type: public
this.forEachItem = function(handler) {
for (var a in this.itemPull) { handler(String(a).replace(this.idPrefix, "")); }
/* clear selection and hide menu on onbody click event, optimized in version 0.3 */
this._clearAndHide = function() {
main_self.menuSelected = -1;
main_self.menuLastClicked = -1;
while (main_self._openedPolygons.length > 0) { main_self._openedPolygons.pop(); }
for (var q=0; q<main_self._selectedSubItems.length; q++) {
var id = main_self._selectedSubItems[q][0];
// clear all selection
if (main_self.idPull[id] != null) {
if (main_self.itemPull[id]["state"] == "enabled") {
if (main_self.idPull[id].className == "sub_item_selected") main_self.idPull[id].className = "sub_item";
if (main_self.idPull[id].className == "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Selected") {
// main_self.idPull[id].className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Normal";
// custom css
// console.log(main_self.itemPull[])
if (main_self.itemPull[id]["cssNormal"] != null) {
// alert(1)
main_self.idPull[id].className = main_self.itemPull[id]["cssNormal"];
} else {
// default css
main_self.idPull[id].className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Normal";
// added in 0.4
// main_self._hidePolygon(main_self.idPrefix+main_self.topId);
main_self.menuTouched = false;
// hide all contextmenu polygons on mouseout
if (main_self.context) {
if (main_self.contextHideAllMode) {
main_self.zInd = main_self.zIndInit;
} else {
main_self.zInd = main_self.zIndInit+main_self.zIndStep;
/* loading and parsing through xml, optimized in version 0.3 */
this._doOnLoad = function() {}
* @desc: loads menu data from an xml file and calls onLoadFunction when loading is done
* @param: xmlFile - an xml file with webmenu data
* @param: onLoadFunction - a function that is called after loading is done
* @type: public
this.loadXML = function(xmlFile, onLoadFunction) {
if (onLoadFunction) this._doOnLoad = function() { onLoadFunction(); };
this.callEvent("onXLS", []);
* @desc: loads menu data from an xml string and calls onLoadFunction when loading is done
* @param: xmlFile - an xml string with webmenu data
* @param: onLoadFunction - function that is called after loading is done
* @type: public
this.loadXMLString = function(xmlString, onLoadFunction) {
if (onLoadFunction) this._doOnLoad = function() { onLoadFunction(); };
this._buildMenu = function(t, parentId) {
// if (parentId==null) { parentId = this.topId;}
var u = 0;
for (var q=0; q<t.childNodes.length; q++) {
if (t.childNodes[q].tagName == this.itemTagName) {
var r = t.childNodes[q];
var item = {};
// basic
item["id"] = this.idPrefix+(r.getAttribute("id")||this._genStr(24));
item["title"] = r.getAttribute("text")||"";
// images
item["imgen"] = r.getAttribute("img")||"";
item["imgdis"] = r.getAttribute("imgdis")||"";
item["tip"] = "";
item["hotkey"] = "";
// custom css
if (r.getAttribute("cssNormal") != null) { item["cssNormal"] = r.getAttribute("cssNormal"); }
// type
item["type"] = r.getAttribute("type")||"item";
if (item["type"] == "checkbox") {
item["checked"] = (r.getAttribute("checked")!=null);
// set classname
item["imgen"] = "chbx_"+(item["checked"]?"1":"0");
item["imgdis"] = item["imgen"];
if (item["type"] == "radio") {
item["checked"] = (r.getAttribute("checked")!=null);
item["imgen"] = "rdbt_"+(item["checked"]?"1":"0");
item["imgdis"] = item["imgen"];
item["group"] = r.getAttribute("group")||this._genStr(24);
if ([item["group"]]==null) {[item["group"]] = new Array(); }[item["group"]][[item["group"]].length] = item["id"];
// enable/disable
item["state"] = (r.getAttribute("enabled")!=null||r.getAttribute("disabled")!=null?(r.getAttribute("enabled")=="false"||r.getAttribute("disabled")=="true"?"disabled":"enabled"):"enabled");
item["parent"] = (parentId!=null?parentId:this.idPrefix+this.topId);
// item["complex"] = (((this.dLoad)&&(parentId!=null))?(r.getAttribute("complex")!=null?true:false):(this._buildMenu(r,item["id"])>0));
item["complex"] = (this.dLoad?(r.getAttribute("complex")!=null?true:false):(this._buildMenu(r,item["id"])>0));
if (this.dLoad && item["complex"]) { item["loaded"] = "no"; }
this.itemPull[item["id"]] = item;
// check for user data
for (var w=0; w<r.childNodes.length; w++) {
// added in 0.4
var tagNm = r.childNodes[w].tagName;
if (tagNm != null) { tagNm = tagNm.toLowerCase(); }
if (tagNm == this.userDataTagName) {
var d = r.childNodes[w];
if (d.getAttribute("name")!=null) { this.userData[item["id"]+"_"+d.getAttribute("name")] = (d.firstChild!=null&&d.firstChild.nodeValue!=null?d.firstChild.nodeValue:""); }
// extended text, added in 0.4
if (tagNm == this.itemTextTagName) { item["title"] = r.childNodes[w].firstChild.nodeValue; }
// tooltips, added in 0.4
if (tagNm == this.itemTipTagName) { item["tip"] = r.childNodes[w].firstChild.nodeValue; }
// hotkeys, added in 0.4
if (tagNm == this.itemHotKeyTagName) { item["hotkey"] = r.childNodes[w].firstChild.nodeValue; }
// hrefs
if (tagNm == this.itemHrefTagName && item["type"] == "item") {
item["href_link"] = r.childNodes[w].firstChild.nodeValue;
if (r.childNodes[w].getAttribute("target") != null) { item["href_target"] = r.childNodes[w].getAttribute("target"); }
return u;
/* parse incoming xml */
this._xmlParser = function() {
if (main_self.dLoad) {
var t = this.getXMLTopNode("menu");
parentId = (t.getAttribute("parentId")!=null?t.getAttribute("parentId"):null);
if (parentId == null) {
// alert(1)
// main_self.idPrefix = main_self._genStr(12);
main_self._buildMenu(t, null);
} else {
main_self._buildMenu(t, main_self.idPrefix+parentId);
main_self._addSubMenuPolygon(main_self.idPrefix+parentId, main_self.idPrefix+parentId);//, main_self.idPull[main_self.idPrefix+parentId]);
if (main_self.menuSelected == main_self.idPrefix+parentId) {
var pId = main_self.idPrefix+parentId;
var isTop = main_self.itemPull[main_self.idPrefix+parentId]["parent"]==main_self.idPrefix+main_self.topId;
var level = ((isTop&&(!main_self.context))?main_self.dirTopLevel:main_self.dirSubLevel);
var isShow = false;
if (isTop && main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && main_self.menuMode == "web" && !main_self.context) {
var item = main_self.idPull[main_self.idPrefix+parentId];
if (item._mouseOver == true) {
var delay = main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeoutTime - (new Date().getTime()-item._dynLoadTM);
if (delay > 1) {
item._menuOpenTM = window.setTimeout(function(){ main_self._showPolygon(pId, level); }, delay);
isShow = true;
if (!isShow) { main_self._showPolygon(pId, level); }
main_self.itemPull[main_self.idPrefix+parentId]["loaded"] = "yes";
// console.log(main_self.loaderIcon)
if (main_self.loaderIcon == true) { main_self._updateLoaderIcon(main_self.idPrefix+parentId, false); }
} else {
var t = this.getXMLTopNode("menu");
// alert(3)
// main_self.idPrefix = main_self._genStr(12);
main_self._buildMenu(t, null);
this._xmlLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(this._xmlParser, window);
/* show sublevel item */
this._showSubLevelItem = function(id,back) {
if (document.getElementById("arrow_" + this.idPrefix + id) != null) { document.getElementById("arrow_" + this.idPrefix + id).style.display = (back?"none":""); }
if (document.getElementById("image_" + this.idPrefix + id) != null) { document.getElementById("image_" + this.idPrefix + id).style.display = (back?"none":""); }
if (document.getElementById(this.idPrefix + id) != null) { document.getElementById(this.idPrefix + id).style.display = (back?"":"none"); }
/* hide sublevel item */
this._hideSubLevelItem = function(id) {
// generating id prefix
this.idPrefix = this._genStr(12);
/* attach body events */
this._bodyClick = function(e) {
e = e||event;
if (e.button == 2 || (_isOpera && e.ctrlKey == true)) return;
if (main_self.context) {
if (main_self.contextAutoHide && (!_isOpera || (main_self._isContextMenuVisible() && _isOpera))) main_self._hideContextMenu();
} else {
if (main_self._clearAndHide) main_self._clearAndHide();
this._bodyContext = function(e) {
e = e||event;
var t = String((e.srcElement||;
if ("dhtmlxMenu") != -1 &&"SubLevelArea") != -1) return;
var toHide = true;
var testZone = || e.srcElement;
while (testZone != null) {
if ( != null) if (main_self.isContextZone( toHide = false;
if (testZone == document.body) toHide = false;
testZone = testZone.parentNode;
if (toHide) main_self.hideContextMenu();
if (_isIE) {
document.body.attachEvent("onclick", this._bodyClick);
document.body.attachEvent("oncontextmenu", this._bodyContext);
} else {
window.addEventListener("click", this._bodyClick, false);
window.addEventListener("contextmenu", this._bodyContext, false);
// add menu to global store
this._UID = this._genStr(32);
dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[this._UID] = this;
/* events */
return this;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.init = function() {
if (this._isInited == true) return;
if (this.dLoad) {
this.callEvent("onXLS", []);
// this._xmlLoader.loadXML(this.dLoadUrl+"?action=loadMenu&parentId="+this.topId+"&topId="+this.topId);
this._xmlLoader.loadXML(this.dLoadUrl+this.dLoadSign+"action=loadMenu&etc="+new Date().getTime()); // &&parentId=topId&"+this.topId+"&topId="+this.topId);
} else {
this._isInited = true;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._countVisiblePolygonItems = function(id) {
var count = 0;
if ((this.idPull["polygon_"+id] != null) && (this.idPull[id] != null)) {
for (var q=0; q<this.idPull["polygon_"+id].childNodes.length; q++) {
var node = this.idPull["polygon_"+id].childNodes[q];
count += ((("none")||(node.className=="dhtmlxMenu_SubLevelArea_Separator"))?0:1);
/* updated in 0.4 */
var count = 0;
// console.log(this.idPull)
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
var par = this.itemPull[a]["parent"];
var tp = this.itemPull[a]["type"];
if (this.idPull[a] != null) {
// console.log(this.idPull[a])
// alert(1111)
if (par == id && (tp == "item" || tp == "radio" || tp == "checkbox") && this.idPull[a].style.display != "none") {
return count;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._redefineComplexState = function(id) {
// alert(id)
if (this.idPrefix+this.topId == id) { return; }
if ((this.idPull["polygon_"+id] != null) && (this.idPull[id] != null)) {
var u = this._countVisiblePolygonItems(id);
if ((u > 0) && (!this.itemPull[id]["complex"])) { this._updateItemComplexState(id, true, false); }
if ((u == 0) && (this.itemPull[id]["complex"])) { this._updateItemComplexState(id, false, false); }
/* complex arrow manipulations, over added in 0.4 */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._updateItemComplexState = function(id, state, over) {
// 0.2 FIX :: topLevel's items can have complex items with arrow
if ((!this.context) && (this._getItemLevelType(id.replace(this.idPrefix,"")) == "TopLevel")) {
// 30.06.2008 fix > complex state for top level item, state only, no arrow
this.itemPull[id]["complex"] = state;
if ((this.idPull[id] == null) || (this.itemPull[id] == null)) { return; }
// 0.2 FIX :: end
this.itemPull[id]["complex"] = state;
// fixed in 0.4 for context
if (id == this.idPrefix+this.topId) return;
// end fix
// try to retrieve arrow img object
var arrowObj = null;
var item = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?0:2];
if (item.childNodes[0]) if (String(item.childNodes[0].className).search("complex_arrow") === 0) arrowObj = item.childNodes[0];
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) {
// create arrow
if (arrowObj == null) {
arrowObj = document.createElement("DIV");
arrowObj.className = "complex_arrow"; = "arrow_"+id;
while (item.childNodes.length > 0) item.removeChild(item.childNodes[0]);
// over state added in 0.4
if (this.dLoad && (this.itemPull[id]["loaded"] == "get") && this.loaderIcon) {
// change arrow to loader
if (arrowObj.className != "complex_arrow_loading") arrowObj.className = "complex_arrow_loading";
} else {
arrowObj.className = "complex_arrow";
if ((!this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) && (arrowObj!=null)) {
if (this.itemPull[id]["hotkey_backup"] != null && this.setHotKey) { this.setHotKey(id.replace(this.idPrefix, ""), this.itemPull[id]["hotkey_backup"]); }
/* return css-part level type */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._getItemLevelType = function(id) {
return (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["parent"]==this.idPrefix+this.topId?"TopLevel":"SubLevelArea");
/* redistrib selection in case of top node in real-time mode */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._redistribTopLevelSelection = function(id, parent) {
// kick polygons and decelect before selected menues
var i = this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon("parent");
this._removeSubItemFromSelected(-1, -1);
for (var q=0; q<i.length; q++) {
if (i[q] != id) { this._hidePolygon(i[q]); }
if ((this.idPull[i[q]] != null) && (i[q] != id)) { this.idPull[i[q]].className = this.idPull[i[q]].className.replace(/Selected/g, "Normal"); }
// check if enabled
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["state"] == "enabled") {
this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id].className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Selected";
this._addSubItemToSelected(this.idPrefix+id, "parent");
this.menuSelected = (this.menuMode=="win"?(this.menuSelected!=-1?id:this.menuSelected):id);
if ((this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["complex"]) && (this.menuSelected != -1)) { this._showPolygon(this.idPrefix+id, this.dirTopLevel); }
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._initTopLevelMenu = function() {
// console.log(this.idPull);
this.dirTopLevel = "bottom";
this.dirSubLevel = (this._rtl?"left":"right");
if (this.context) {
this.idPull[this.idPrefix+this.topId] = new Array(0,0);
this._addSubMenuPolygon(this.idPrefix+this.topId, this.idPrefix+this.topId);
} else {
var m = this._getMenuNodes(this.idPrefix + this.topId);
for (var q=0; q<m.length; q++) {
if (this.itemPull[m[q]]["type"] == "item") this._renderToplevelItem(m[q], null);
if (this.itemPull[m[q]]["type"] == "separator") this._renderSeparator(m[q], null);
/* add top menu item, complex define that submenues are in presence */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderToplevelItem = function(id, pos) {
var main_self = this;
var m = document.createElement("DIV"); = id;
// custom css
if (this.itemPull[id]["state"] == "enabled" && this.itemPull[id]["cssNormal"] != null) {
m.className = this.itemPull[id]["cssNormal"];
} else {
m.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_"+(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"Normal":"Disabled");
// text
if (this.itemPull[id]["title"] != "") {
var t1 = document.createElement("DIV");
t1.className = "top_level_text";
t1.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["title"];
// tooltip
if (this.itemPull[id]["tip"].length > 0) m.title = this.itemPull[id]["tip"];
// image in top level
if ((this.itemPull[id]["imgen"]!="")||(this.itemPull[id]["imgdis"]!="")) {
var imgTop=this.itemPull[id][(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled")?"imgen":"imgdis"];
if (imgTop) {
var img = document.createElement("IMG");
img.border = "0"; = "image_"+id;
img.src= this.imagePath+imgTop;
img.className = "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Item_Icon";
if (m.childNodes.length > 0 && !this._rtl) m.insertBefore(img, m.childNodes[0]); else m.appendChild(img);
m.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
m.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
// add container for top-level items if not exists yet
if (!this.cont) {
this.cont = document.createElement("DIV");
this.cont.dir = "ltr";
this.cont.className = (this._align=="right"?"align_right":"align_left");
// insert
if (pos != null) { pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > this.base.childNodes.length - 1) pos = null; }
if (pos != null) this.base.insertBefore(m, this.base.childNodes[pos]); else this.base.appendChild(m);
if (pos != null) { pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > this.cont.childNodes.length - 1) pos = null; }
if (pos != null) this.cont.insertBefore(m, this.cont.childNodes[pos]); else this.cont.appendChild(m);
this.idPull[] = m;
// create submenues
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"] && (!this.dLoad)) this._addSubMenuPolygon(this.itemPull[id]["id"], this.itemPull[id]["id"]);
// events
m.onmouseover = function() {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") { window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler); }
// kick polygons and decelect before selected menues
var i = main_self._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon("parent");
main_self._removeSubItemFromSelected(-1, -1);
for (var q=0; q<i.length; q++) {
if (i[q] != { main_self._hidePolygon(i[q]); }
if ((main_self.idPull[i[q]] != null) && (i[q] != {
// custom css
if (main_self.itemPull[i[q]]["cssNormal"] != null) {
main_self.idPull[i[q]].className = main_self.itemPull[i[q]]["cssNormal"];
} else {
if (main_self.idPull[i[q]].className == "sub_item_selected") main_self.idPull[i[q]].className = "sub_item";
main_self.idPull[i[q]].className = main_self.idPull[i[q]].className.replace(/Selected/g, "Normal");
// check if enabled
if (main_self.itemPull[]["state"] == "enabled") {
this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Selected";
main_self._addSubItemToSelected(, "parent");
main_self.menuSelected = (main_self.menuMode=="win"?(main_self.menuSelected!=-1?;
if (main_self.dLoad && (main_self.itemPull[]["loaded"]=="no")) {
if (main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && main_self.menuMode == "web" && !main_self.context) {
this._mouseOver = true;
this._dynLoadTM = new Date().getTime();
var xmlLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(main_self._xmlParser, window);
main_self.itemPull[]["loaded"] = "get";
main_self.callEvent("onXLS", []);
xmlLoader.loadXML(main_self.dLoadUrl+main_self.dLoadSign+"action=loadMenu&parentId=","")+"&etc="+new Date().getTime());
if ((!main_self.dLoad) || (main_self.dLoad && (!main_self.itemPull[]["loaded"] || main_self.itemPull[]["loaded"]=="yes"))) {
if ((main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]) && (main_self.menuSelected != -1)) {
if (main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && main_self.menuMode == "web" && !main_self.context) {
this._mouseOver = true;
var showItemId =;
this._menuOpenTM = window.setTimeout(function(){main_self._showPolygon(showItemId, main_self.dirTopLevel);}, main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeoutTime);
} else {
main_self._showPolygon(, main_self.dirTopLevel);
main_self._doOnTouchMenu(, ""));
m.onmouseout = function() {
if (!((main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]) && (main_self.menuSelected != -1)) && (main_self.itemPull[]["state"]=="enabled")) {
// custom css
// console.log(main_self.itemPull[])
if (main_self.itemPull[]["cssNormal"] != null) {
// alert(1)
m.className = main_self.itemPull[]["cssNormal"];
} else {
// default css
m.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Normal";
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") {
main_self.menuTimeoutHandler = window.setTimeout(function(){main_self._clearAndHide();}, main_self.menuTimeoutMsec, "JavaScript");
if (main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && main_self.menuMode == "web" && !main_self.context) {
this._mouseOver = false;
m.onclick = function(e) {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") { window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler); }
// fix, added in 0.4
if (main_self.menuMode != "web" && main_self.itemPull[]["state"] == "disabled") { return; }
e = e || event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
if (main_self.menuMode == "win") {
if (main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]) {
if (main_self.menuSelected == { main_self.menuSelected = -1; var s = false; } else { main_self.menuSelected =; var s = true; }
if (s) { main_self._showPolygon(, main_self.dirTopLevel); } else { main_self._hidePolygon(; }
var tc = (main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]?"c":"-");
var td = (main_self.itemPull[]["state"]!="enabled"?"d":"-");
var cas = {"ctrl": e.ctrlKey, "alt": e.altKey, "shift": e.shiftKey};
main_self._doOnClick(, ""), tc+td+"t", cas);
return false;
if ( == "dhx_terrace") {
* @desc: empty function, now more used from 90226
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setImagePath = function() { /* no more used */ }
* @desc: defines an url where necessary user embedded icons are located
* @param: path - url to images
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setIconsPath = function(path) { this.imagePath = path; }
* @desc: alias for setIconsPath
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setIconPath = dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setIconsPath;
/* real-time update icon in menu */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._updateItemImage = function(id, levelType) {
// search existsing image
id = this.idPrefix+id;
var isTopLevel = (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.context);
// search existing image
var imgObj = null;
if (isTopLevel) {
for (var q=0; q<this.idPull[id].childNodes.length; q++) {
try { if (this.idPull[id].childNodes[q].className == "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Item_Icon") imgObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[q]; } catch(e) {}
} else {
try { var imgObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?2:0].childNodes[0]; } catch(e) { }
if (this.itemPull[id]["type"] == "radio") {
var imgSrc = this.itemPull[id][(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"imgen":"imgdis")];
// console.log(this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id])
} else {
var imgSrc = this.itemPull[id][(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"imgen":"imgdis")];
if (imgSrc.length > 0) {
if (imgObj != null) {
imgObj.src = this.imagePath+imgSrc;
} else {
if (isTopLevel) {
var imgObj = document.createElement("IMG");
imgObj.className = "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Item_Icon";
imgObj.src = this.imagePath+imgSrc;
imgObj.border = "0"; = "image_"+id;
if (!this._rtl && this.idPull[id].childNodes.length > 0) this.idPull[id].insertBefore(imgObj,this.idPull[id].childNodes[0]); else this.idPull[id].appendChild(imgObj);
} else {
var imgObj = document.createElement("IMG");
imgObj.className = "sub_icon";
imgObj.src = this.imagePath+imgSrc;
imgObj.border = "0"; = "image_"+id;
var item = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?2:0];
while (item.childNodes.length > 0) item.removeChild(item.childNodes[0]);
} else {
if (imgObj != null) imgObj.parentNode.removeChild(imgObj);
* @desc: removes an item from the menu with all nested sublevels
* @param: id - id of the item for removing
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.removeItem = function(id, _isTId, _recCall) {
if (!_isTId) id = this.idPrefix + id;
var pId = null;
if (id != this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
if (this.itemPull[id] == null) return;
// effects
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+id] && this.idPull["polygon_"+id]._tmShow) window.clearTimeout(this.idPull["polygon_"+id]._tmShow);
// separator top
var t = this.itemPull[id]["type"];
if (t == "separator") {
var item = this.idPull["separator_"+id];
if (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
item.onclick = null;
item.onselectstart = null; = null;
} else {
item.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].onclick = null;
item.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].onselectstart = null;
item.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].id = null;
this.idPull["separator_"+id] = null;
this.itemPull[id] = null;
delete this.idPull["separator_"+id];
delete this.itemPull[id];
item = null;
} else {
// item checkbox radio
pId = this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
var item = this.idPull[id];
item.onclick = null;
item.oncontextmenu = null;
item.onmouseover = null;
item.onmouseout = null;
item.onselectstart = null; = null;
while (item.childNodes.length > 0) item.removeChild(item.childNodes[0]);
this.idPull[id] = null;
this.itemPull[id] = null;
delete this.idPull[id];
delete this.itemPull[id];
item = null;
t = null;
// clear nested items
for (var a in this.itemPull) if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == id) this.removeItem(a, true, true);
// check if empty polygon left
var p2 = new Array(id);
if (pId != null && !_recCall) {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+pId] != null) {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+pId].tbd.childNodes.length == 0) {
this._updateItemComplexState(pId, false, false);
// delete nested polygons and parent's if any
for (var q=0; q<p2.length; q++) {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+p2[q]]) {
var p = this.idPull["polygon_"+p2[q]];
p.onclick = null;
p.oncontextmenu = null;
p.tbd = null;
p.tbl = null; = null;
p = null;
if (this._isIE6) {
var pc = "polygon_"+p2[q]+"_ie6cover";
if (this.idPull[pc] != null) { document.body.removeChild(this.idPull[pc]); delete this.idPull[pc]; }
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] != null && this._removeArrow) this._removeArrow("arrowup_"+id);
if (this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] != null && this._removeArrow) this._removeArrow("arrowdown_"+id);
this.idPull["polygon_"+p2[q]] = null;
delete this.idPull["polygon_"+p2[q]];
p2 = null;
// update corners
if ( == "dhx_terrace" && arguments.length == 1) this._improveTerraceSkin();
/* collect parents for remove complex item */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._getAllParents = function(id) {
var parents = new Array();
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == id) {
parents[parents.length] = this.itemPull[a]["id"];
if (this.itemPull[a]["complex"]) {
var t = this._getAllParents(this.itemPull[a]["id"]);
for (var q=0; q<t.length; q++) { parents[parents.length] = t[q]; }
return parents;
/* render dhtmlxMenu as context menu of base object */
* @desc: renders menu as contextual
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.renderAsContextMenu = function() {
this.context = true;
if (this.base._autoSkinUpdate == true) {
this.base.className = this.base.className.replace("dhtmlxMenu_""_Middle","");
this.base._autoSkinUpdate = false;
if (this.addBaseIdAsContextZone != null) { this.addContextZone(this.addBaseIdAsContextZone); }
* @desc: adds a contextual zone to a contextual menu
* @param: zoneId - id of the object on page to render as a contextual zone
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addContextZone = function(zoneId) {
if (zoneId == document.body) {
zoneId = "document.body."+this.idPrefix;
var zone = document.body;
} else {
var zone = document.getElementById(zoneId);
var zoneExists = false;
for (var a in this.contextZones) { zoneExists = zoneExists || (a == zoneId) || (this.contextZones[a] == zone); }
if (zoneExists == true) return false;
this.contextZones[zoneId] = zone;
var main_self = this;
if (_isOpera) {
this.operaContext = function(e){ main_self._doOnContextMenuOpera(e, main_self); }
zone.addEventListener("mouseup", this.operaContext, false);
} else {
if (zone.oncontextmenu != null && !zone._oldContextMenuHandler) zone._oldContextMenuHandler = zone.oncontextmenu;
zone.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
// autoclose any other opened context menues
for (var q in dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances) {
if (q != main_self._UID) {
if (dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[q].context) {
e = e||event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
main_self._doOnContextBeforeCall(e, this);
return false;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._doOnContextMenuOpera = function(e, main_self) {
// autoclose any other opened context menues
for (var q in dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances) {
if (q != main_self._UID) {
if (dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[q].context) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
if (e.button == 0 && e.ctrlKey == true) { main_self._doOnContextBeforeCall(e, this); }
return false;
* @desc: removes an object from contextual zones list
* @param: zoneId - id of a contextual zone
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.removeContextZone = function(zoneId) {
if (!this.isContextZone(zoneId)) return false;
if (zoneId == document.body) zoneId = "document.body."+this.idPrefix;
var zone = this.contextZones[zoneId];
if (_isOpera) {
zone.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.operaContext, false);
} else {
zone.oncontextmenu = (zone._oldContextMenuHandler!=null?zone._oldContextMenuHandler:null);
zone._oldContextMenuHandler = null;
try {
this.contextZones[zoneId] = null;
delete this.contextZones[zoneId];
} catch(e){}
return true;
* @desc: returns true if an object is used as a contextual zone for the menu
* @param: zoneId - id of the object to check
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.isContextZone = function(zoneId) {
if (zoneId == document.body && this.contextZones["document.body."+this.idPrefix] != null) return true;
var isZone = false;
if (this.contextZones[zoneId] != null) { if (this.contextZones[zoneId] == document.getElementById(zoneId)) isZone = true; }
return isZone;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._isContextMenuVisible = function() {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+this.topId] == null) return false;
return (this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+this.topId].style.display == "");
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._showContextMenu = function(x, y, zoneId) {
// hide any opened context menu/polygons
// this._hideContextMenu();
// open
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+this.topId] == null) return false;
this.idPull[this.idPrefix+this.topId] = new Array(x, y);
this._showPolygon(this.idPrefix+this.topId, "bottom");
this.callEvent("onContextMenu", [zoneId]);
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._hideContextMenu = function() {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+this.topId] == null) return false;
this.zInd = this.zIndInit;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._doOnContextBeforeCall = function(e, cZone) {
this.contextMenuZoneId =;
// scroll settings
var p = (e.srcElement||;
var px = (_isIE||_isOpera||_KHTMLrv?e.offsetX:e.layerX);
var py = (_isIE||_isOpera||_KHTMLrv?e.offsetY:e.layerY);
var mx = getAbsoluteLeft(p)+px;
var my = getAbsoluteTop(p)+py;
if (this.checkEvent("onBeforeContextMenu")) {
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeContextMenu", [,e])) {
if (this.contextAutoShow) {
this._showContextMenu(mx, my,;
this.callEvent("onAfterContextMenu", [,e]);
} else {
if (this.contextAutoShow) {
this._showContextMenu(mx, my,;
this.callEvent("onAfterContextMenu", []);
/* public: user call for show/hide context menu */
* @desc: usercall to show a contextual menu
* @param: x - position of the menu on x axis
* @param: y - position of the menu on y axis
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.showContextMenu = function(x, y) {
this._showContextMenu(x, y, false);
* @desc: usercall to hide a contextual menu
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.hideContextMenu = function() {
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._autoDetectVisibleArea = function() {
if (this._isVisibleArea) return;
this.menuX1 = document.body.scrollLeft;
this.menuX2 = this.menuX1+(window.innerWidth||document.body.clientWidth);
this.menuY1 = Math.max((_isIE?document.documentElement:document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]).scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop);
// this.menuY2 = this.menuY1+(_isIE?(document.documentElement?Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight:document.body.clientHeight):window.innerHeight);
this.menuY2 = this.menuY1+(_isIE?Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight||0,document.documentElement.offsetHeight||0,document.body.clientHeight||0):window.innerHeight);
/* inner - returns true if prognozided polygon layout off the visible area */
/*dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._isInVisibleArea = function(x, y, w, h) {
return ((x >= this.menuX1) && (x+w<=this.menuX2) && (y >= this.menuY1) && (y+h <= this.menuY2));
* @desc: returns item's position in the current polygon
* @param: id - the item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getItemPosition = function(id) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
var pos = -1;
if (this.itemPull[id] == null) return pos;
var parent = this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
// var obj = (this.idPull["polygon_"+parent]!=null?this.idPull["polygon_"+parent].tbd:this.base);
var obj = (this.idPull["polygon_"+parent]!=null?this.idPull["polygon_"+parent].tbd:this.cont);
for (var q=0; q<obj.childNodes.length; q++) { if (obj.childNodes[q]==this.idPull["separator_"+id]||obj.childNodes[q]==this.idPull[id]) { pos = q; } }
return pos;
* @desc: sets new item's position in the current polygon (moves an item inside the single level)
* @param: id - the item
* @param: pos - the position (int)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemPosition = function(id, pos) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (this.idPull[id] == null) { return; }
// added in 0.4
var isOnTopLevel = (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId);
var itemData = this.idPull[id];
var itemPos = this.getItemPosition(id.replace(this.idPrefix,""));
var parent = this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
// var obj = (this.idPull["polygon_"+parent]!=null?this.idPull["polygon_"+parent].tbd:this.base);
var obj = (this.idPull["polygon_"+parent]!=null?this.idPull["polygon_"+parent].tbd:this.cont);
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
// added in 0.4
if (isOnTopLevel && pos < 1) { pos = 1; }
if (pos < obj.childNodes.length) { obj.insertBefore(itemData, obj.childNodes[pos]); } else { obj.appendChild(itemData); }
* @desc: returns parent's id
* @param: id - the item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getParentId = function(id) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (this.itemPull[id] == null) { return null; }
return ((this.itemPull[id]["parent"]!=null?this.itemPull[id]["parent"]:this.topId).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
/* public: add item */
* @desc: adds a new sibling item
* @param: nextToId - id of the element after which a new one will be inserted
* @param: itemId - id of a new item
* @param: itemText - text of a new item
* @param: disabled - true|false, whether the item is disabled or not
* @param: img - image for the enabled item
* @param: imgDis - image for the disabled item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addNewSibling = function(nextToId, itemId, itemText, disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled) {
var id = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
var parentId = this.idPrefix+(nextToId!=null?this.getParentId(nextToId):this.topId);
// console.log(id, parentId)
// console.log(id, ",", parentId)
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "item", disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled);
if ((parentId == this.idPrefix+this.topId) && (!this.context)) {
this._renderToplevelItem(id, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));
} else {
this._renderSublevelItem(id, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));
* @desc: adds a new child item
* @param: parentId - the item which will contain a new item in the sublevel
* @param: position - the position of a new item
* @param: itemId - id of a new item
* @param: itemText - text of a new item
* @param: disabled - true|false, whether the item is disabled or not
* @param: img - image for the enabled item
* @param: imgDis - image for the disabled item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addNewChild = function(parentId, pos, itemId, itemText, disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled) {
if (parentId == null) {
if (this.context) {
parentId = this.topId;
} else {
this.addNewSibling(parentId, itemId, itemText, disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled);
if (pos != null) this.setItemPosition(itemId, pos);
itemId = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
// remove hotkey, added in 0.4
if (this.setHotKey) this.setHotKey(parentId, "");
parentId = this.idPrefix+parentId;
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(itemId, parentId, itemText, "item", disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled);
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+parentId] == null) { this._renderSublevelPolygon(parentId, parentId); }
this._renderSublevelItem(itemId, pos-1);
// console.log(parentId)
/* add item to storage */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage = function(itemId, itemParentId, itemText, itemType, disabled, img, imgDis) {
var item = {
id: itemId,
title: itemText,
imgen: (img!=null?img:""),
imgdis: (imgDis!=null?imgDis:""),
type: itemType,
state: (disabled==true?"disabled":"enabled"),
parent: itemParentId,
hotkey: "",
tip: ""};
this.itemPull[] = item;
/* recursively creates and adds submenu polygon */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._addSubMenuPolygon = function(id, parentId) {
var s = this._renderSublevelPolygon(id, parentId);
var j = this._getMenuNodes(parentId);
for (q=0; q<j.length; q++) { if (this.itemPull[j[q]]["type"] == "separator") { this._renderSeparator(j[q], null); } else { this._renderSublevelItem(j[q], null); } }
if (id == parentId) { var level = "topLevel"; } else { var level = "subLevel"; }
for (var q=0; q<j.length; q++) { if (this.itemPull[j[q]]["complex"]) { this._addSubMenuPolygon(id, this.itemPull[j[q]]["id"]); } }
/* inner: add single subpolygon/item/separator */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderSublevelPolygon = function(id, parentId) {
var s = document.createElement("DIV");
s.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_Polygon "+(this._rtl?"dir_right":"");
s.dir = "ltr";
s.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e||event; e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; return false; } = "polygon_" + parentId;
s.onclick = function(e) { e = e || event; e.cancelBubble = true; } = "none";
document.body.insertBefore(s, document.body.firstChild);
var tbl = document.createElement("TABLE");
tbl.className = "dhtmlxMebu_SubLevelArea_Tbl";
tbl.cellSpacing = 0;
tbl.cellPadding = 0;
tbl.border = 0;
var tbd = document.createElement("TBODY");
s.tbl = tbl;
s.tbd = tbd;
// polygon
this.idPull[] = s;
if (this.sxDacProc != null) {
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId] = new this.sxDacProc(s, s.className);
if (_isIE) {
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId]._setSpeed(this.dacSpeedIE);
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId]._setCustomCycle(this.dacCyclesIE);
} else {
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId]._setSpeed(this.dacSpeed);
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId]._setCustomCycle(this.dacCycles);
return s;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderSublevelItem = function(id, pos) {
var main_self = this;
var tr = document.createElement("TR");
tr.className = (this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"sub_item":"sub_item_dis");
// icon
var t1 = document.createElement("TD");
t1.className = "sub_item_icon";
var icon = this.itemPull[id][(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"imgen":"imgdis")];
if (icon != "") {
var tp = this.itemPull[id]["type"];
if (tp=="checkbox"||tp=="radio") {
var img = document.createElement("DIV"); = "image_"+this.itemPull[id]["id"];
img.className = "sub_icon "+icon;
if (!(tp=="checkbox"||tp=="radio")) {
var img = document.createElement("IMG"); = "image_"+this.itemPull[id]["id"];
img.className = "sub_icon";
img.src = this.imagePath+icon;
// text
var t2 = document.createElement("TD");
t2.className = "sub_item_text";
if (this.itemPull[id]["title"] != "") {
var t2t = document.createElement("DIV");
t2t.className = "sub_item_text";
t2t.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["title"];
} else {
t2.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
// hotkey/sublevel arrow
var t3 = document.createElement("TD");
t3.className = "sub_item_hk";
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) {
var arw = document.createElement("DIV");
arw.className = "complex_arrow"; = "arrow_"+this.itemPull[id]["id"];
} else {
if (this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"].length > 0 && !this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) {
var t3t = document.createElement("DIV");
t3t.className = "sub_item_hk";
t3t.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"];
} else {
t3.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
// = this.itemPull[id]["id"];
tr.parent = this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
// tooltip, added in 0.4
if (this.itemPull[id]["tip"].length > 0) tr.title = this.itemPull[id]["tip"];
if (!this._hideTMData) this._hideTMData = {};
tr.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
tr.onmouseover = function(e) {
if (main_self._hideTMData[]) window.clearTimeout(main_self._hideTMData[]);
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler);
if (!this._visible) main_self._redistribSubLevelSelection(, this.parent); // if not visible
this._visible = true;
tr.onmouseout = function() {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") {
if (main_self.menuTimeoutHandler) window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler);
main_self.menuTimeoutHandler = window.setTimeout(function(){if(main_self&&main_self._clearAndHide)main_self._clearAndHide();}, main_self.menuTimeoutMsec, "JavaScript");
var k = this;
if (main_self._hideTMData[]) window.clearTimeout(main_self._hideTMData[]);
main_self._hideTMData[] = window.setTimeout(function(){k._visible=false;}, 50);
tr.onclick = function(e) {
// added in 0.4, preven complex closing if user event not defined
if (!main_self.checkEvent("onClick") && main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]) return;
e = e || event; e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
tc = (main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]?"c":"-");
td = (main_self.itemPull[]["state"]=="enabled"?"-":"d");
var cas = {"ctrl": e.ctrlKey, "alt": e.altKey, "shift": e.shiftKey};
switch (main_self.itemPull[]["type"]) {
case "checkbox":
main_self._checkboxOnClickHandler(, ""), tc+td+"n", cas);
case "radio":
main_self._radioOnClickHandler(, ""), tc+td+"n", cas);
case "item":
main_self._doOnClick(, ""), tc+td+"n", cas);
return false;
// add
var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+this.itemPull[id]["parent"]];
if (pos != null) { pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > polygon.tbd.childNodes.length - 1) pos = null; }
if (pos != null && polygon.tbd.childNodes[pos] != null) polygon.tbd.insertBefore(tr, polygon.tbd.childNodes[pos]); else polygon.tbd.appendChild(tr);
this.idPull[] = tr;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderSeparator = function(id, pos) {
var level = (this.context?"SubLevelArea":(this.itemPull[id]["parent"]==this.idPrefix+this.topId?"TopLevel":"SubLevelArea"));
if (level == "TopLevel" && this.context) return;
var main_self = this;
if (level != "TopLevel") {
var tr = document.createElement("TR");
tr.className = "sub_sep";
var td = document.createElement("TD");
td.colSpan = "3";
var k = document.createElement("DIV"); = "separator_"+id;
k.className = (level=="TopLevel"?"top_sep":"sub_sep");
k.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; }
k.onclick = function(e) {
e = e || event; e.cancelBubble = true;
var cas = {"ctrl": e.ctrlKey, "alt": e.altKey, "shift": e.shiftKey};
main_self._doOnClick("separator_" + main_self.idPrefix, ""), "--s", cas);
if (level == "TopLevel") {
if (pos != null) {
pos++; if (pos < 0) { pos = 0; }
// if (this.base.childNodes[pos] != null) { this.base.insertBefore(k, this.base.childNodes[pos]); } else { this.base.appendChild(k); }
if (this.cont.childNodes[pos] != null) { this.cont.insertBefore(k, this.cont.childNodes[pos]); } else { this.cont.appendChild(k); }
} else {
// add as a last item
// var last = this.base.childNodes[this.base.childNodes.length-1];
var last = this.cont.childNodes[this.cont.childNodes.length-1];
// if (String(last).search("TopLevel_Text") == -1) { this.base.appendChild(k); } else { this.base.insertBefore(k, last); }
if (String(last).search("TopLevel_Text") == -1) { this.cont.appendChild(k); } else { this.cont.insertBefore(k, last); }
this.idPull[] = k;
} else {
var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+this.itemPull[id]["parent"]];
if (pos != null) { pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > polygon.tbd.childNodes.length - 1) pos = null; }
if (pos != null && polygon.tbd.childNodes[pos] != null) polygon.tbd.insertBefore(tr, polygon.tbd.childNodes[pos]); else polygon.tbd.appendChild(tr);
this.idPull[] = tr;
* @desc: add a new separator
* @param: nextToId - id of the element after which a new separator will be inserted
* @param: itemId - id of a new separator
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addNewSeparator = function(nextToId, itemId) { //, disabled) {
itemId = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
var parentId = this.idPrefix+this.getParentId(nextToId);
// if ((parentId == this.idPrefix+this.topId) && (!this.context)) { return; }
// this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(itemId, parentId, "", "item", disabled, "", "");
// this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(itemId, parentId, "", "item", false, "", "");
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(itemId, parentId, "", "separator", false, "", "");
this._renderSeparator(itemId, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));
// hide any opened polygons
* @desc: hides any open menu polygons
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.hide = function() {
* @desc: clear all loaded items
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.clearAll = function() {
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
this.removeItem(this.idPrefix+this.topId, true);
this._isInited = false;
this.idPrefix = this._genStr(12);
this.itemPull = {};
* @desc: unloads menu from page (destructor)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.unload = function() {
if (_isIE) {
document.body.detachEvent("onclick", this._bodyClick);
document.body.detachEvent("oncontextmenu", this._bodyContext);
} else {
window.removeEventListener("click", this._bodyClick, false);
window.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this._bodyContext, false);
this._bodyClick = null;
this._bodyContext = null;
// will recursively remove all items
this.removeItem(this.idPrefix+this.topId, true);
this.itemPull = null;
this.idPull = null;
// clear context zones
if (this.context) for (var a in this.contextZones) this.removeContextZone(a);
if (this.cont != null) {
this.cont.className = "";
this.cont = null;
if (this.base != null) {
this.base.className = "";
if (!this.context) this.base.oncontextmenu = (this.base._oldContextMenuHandler||null);
this.base.onselectstart = null;
this.base = null;
this.setSkin = null;
if (this._xmlLoader) {
this._xmlLoader = null;
this._align = null;
this._arrowFFFix = null;
this._isIE6 = null;
this._isInited = null;
this._rtl = null;
this._scrollDownTMStep = null;
this._scrollDownTMTime = null;
this._scrollUpTMStep = null;
this._scrollUpTMTime = null;
this._topLevelBottomMargin = null;
this._topLevelOffsetLeft = null;
this._topLevelBottomMargin = null;
this._topLevelRightMargin = null;
this.addBaseIdAsContextZone = null;
this.context = null;
this.contextAutoHide = null;
this.contextAutoShow = null;
this.contextHideAllMode = null;
this.contextMenuZoneId = null;
this.dLoad = null;
this.dLoadSign = null;
this.dLoadUrl = null;
this.loaderIcon = null;
this.fixedPosition = null;
this.dirSubLevel = null;
this.dirTopLevel = null;
this.limit = null;
this.menuSelected = null;
this.menuLastClicked = null;
this.idPrefix = null;
this.imagePath = null;
this.menuMode = null;
this.menuModeTopLevelTimeout = null;
this.menuModeTopLevelTimeoutTime = null;
this.menuTimeoutHandler = null;
this.menuTimeoutMsec = null;
this.menuTouched = null;
this.isDhtmlxMenuObject = null;
this.itemHotKeyTagName = null;
this.itemHrefTagName = null;
this.itemTagName = null;
this.itemTextTagName = null;
this.itemTipTagName = null;
this.userDataTagName = null; = null;
this.topId = null;
this.dacCycles = null;
this.dacCyclesIE = null;
this.dacSpeed = null;
this.dacSpeedIE = null;
this.zInd = null;
this.zIndInit = null;
this.zIndStep = null;
// unload basic methods
this._enableDacSupport = null;
this._selectedSubItems = null;
this._openedPolygons = null;
this._addSubItemToSelected = null;
this._removeSubItemFromSelected = null;
this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon = null;
this._hidePolygon = null;
this._showPolygon = null;
this._redistribSubLevelSelection = null;
this._doOnClick = null;
this._doOnTouchMenu = null;
this._searchMenuNode = null;
this._getMenuNodes = null;
this._genStr = null;
this._clearAndHide = null;
this._doOnLoad = null;
this.getItemType = null;
this.forEachItem = null;
this.init = null;
this.loadXML = null;
this.loadXMLString = null;
this._buildMenu = null;
this._xmlParser = null;
this._showSubLevelItem = null;
this._hideSubLevelItem = null;
this._countVisiblePolygonItems = null;
this._redefineComplexState = null;
this._updateItemComplexState = null;
this._getItemLevelType = null;
this._redistribTopLevelSelection = null;
this._initTopLevelMenu = null;
this._renderToplevelItem = null;
this.setImagePath = null;
this.setIconsPath = null;
this.setIconPath = null;
this._updateItemImage = null;
this.removeItem = null;
this._getAllParents = null;
this.renderAsContextMenu = null;
this.addContextZone = null;
this.removeContextZone = null;
this.isContextZone = null;
this._isContextMenuVisible = null;
this._showContextMenu = null;
this._doOnContextBeforeCall = null;
this._autoDetectVisibleArea = null;
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage = null;
this._addSubMenuPolygon = null;
this._renderSublevelPolygon = null;
this._renderSublevelItem = null;
this._renderSeparator = null;
this._hideContextMenu = null;
this.clearAll = null;
this.getItemPosition = null;
this.setItemPosition = null;
this.getParentId = null;
this.addNewSibling = null;
this.addNewChild = null;
this.addNewSeparator = null;
this.attachEvent = null;
this.callEvent = null;
this.checkEvent = null;
this.eventCatcher = null;
this.detachEvent = null;
this.dhx_Event = null;
this.unload = null;
this.items = null; = null;
this.detachAllEvents = null;
this.hide = null;
this.showContextMenu = null;
this.hideContextMenu = null;
// unload extended methods
this._changeItemState = null;
this._changeItemVisible = null;
this._updateLoaderIcon = null;
this._clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon = null;
this._checkArrowsState = null;
this._addUpArrow = null;
this._addDownArrow = null;
this._removeUpArrow = null;
this._removeDownArrow = null;
this._isArrowExists = null;
this._doScrollUp = null;
this._doScrollDown = null;
this._countPolygonItems = null;
this._getRadioImgObj = null;
this._setRadioState = null;
this._radioOnClickHandler = null;
this._getCheckboxState = null;
this._setCheckboxState = null;
this._readLevel = null;
this._updateCheckboxImage = null;
this._checkboxOnClickHandler = null;
this._removeArrow = null;
this.setItemEnabled = null;
this.setItemDisabled = null;
this.isItemEnabled = null;
this.getItemText = null;
this.setItemText = null;
this.loadFromHTML = null;
this.hideItem = null;
this.showItem = null;
this.isItemHidden = null;
this.setUserData = null;
this.getUserData = null;
this.setOpenMode = null;
this.setWebModeTimeout = null;
this.enableDynamicLoading = null;
this.getItemImage = null;
this.setItemImage = null;
this.clearItemImage = null;
this.setAutoShowMode = null;
this.setAutoHideMode = null;
this.setContextMenuHideAllMode = null;
this.getContextMenuHideAllMode = null;
this.setVisibleArea = null;
this.setTooltip = null;
this.getTooltip = null;
this.setHotKey = null;
this.getHotKey = null;
this.setItemSelected = null;
this.setTopText = null;
this.setRTL = null;
this.setAlign = null;
this.setHref = null;
this.clearHref = null;
this.getCircuit = null;
this.contextZones = null;
this.setOverflowHeight = null;
this.userData = null;
this.getRadioChecked = null;
this.setRadioChecked = null;
this.addRadioButton = null;
this.setCheckboxState = null;
this.getCheckboxState = null;
this.addCheckbox = null;
this.serialize = null;
this.extendedModule = null;
// remove menu from global store
dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[this._UID] = null;
try { delete dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[this._UID]; } catch(e) {}
this._UID = null;
// dhtmlxmenu global store
var dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances = {};
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.i18n = {
dhxmenuextalert: "dhtmlxmenu_ext.js required"
return [obj.parent,];
var pos = 100000;
var lastItemId = null;
for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var item=arr[i];
if (item.type == "separator") {
this.addNewSeparator(lastItemId, pos,;
lastItemId =;
} else {
this.addNewChild(parent, pos,, item.text, item.disabled, item.img, item.img_disabled);
lastItemId =;
if (item.items) this.items(item.items,;
// terrace
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._improveTerraceSkin = function() {
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[a].parent == this.idPrefix+this.topId && this.idPull[a] != null) { // this.idPull[a] will null for separator
var bl = false;
var br = false;
// left side, first item, not sep
if (this.idPull[a].parentNode.firstChild == this.idPull[a]) {
bl = true;
// right side, last item, not sep
if (this.idPull[a].parentNode.lastChild == this.idPull[a]) {
br = true;
// check siblings
for (var b in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[b].type == "separator" && this.itemPull[b].parent == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
if (this.idPull[a].nextSibling == this.idPull["separator_"+b]) {
br = true;
if (this.idPull[a].previousSibling == this.idPull["separator_"+b]) {
bl = true;
this.idPull[a].style.borderLeft = (bl?"1px solid #cecece":"0px solid white");
this.idPull[a].style.borderTopLeftRadius = this.idPull[a].style.borderBottomLeftRadius = (bl?"5px":"0px");
this.idPull[a].style.borderTopRightRadius = this.idPull[a].style.borderBottomRightRadius = (br?"5px":"0px");
this.idPull[a]._bl = bl;
this.idPull[a]._br = br;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._improveTerraceButton = function(id, state) {
if (state) {
this.idPull[id].style.borderBottomLeftRadius = (this.idPull[id]._bl ? "5px" : "0px");
this.idPull[id].style.borderBottomRightRadius = (this.idPull[id]._br ? "5px" : "0px");
} else {
this.idPull[id].style.borderBottomLeftRadius = "0px";
this.idPull[id].style.borderBottomRightRadius = "0px";