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* EGroupware clientside Application javascript base object
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Ralf Becker <rb@egroupware.org>
* @author Hadi Nategh <hn@groupware.org>
* @author Nathan Gray <ng@groupware.org>
import {etemplate2} from "../etemplate/etemplate2";
import type {et2_container} from "../etemplate/et2_core_baseWidget";
import {et2_nextmatch} from "../etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch";
import {et2_createWidget} from "../etemplate/et2_core_widget";
import type {IegwAppLocal} from "./egw_global";
import Sortable from 'sortablejs/modular/sortable.complete.esm.js';
import {et2_valueWidget} from "../etemplate/et2_core_valueWidget";
import {fetchAll, nm_action} from "../etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch_actions";
import {Et2Dialog} from "../etemplate/Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog";
import {Et2Favorites} from "../etemplate/Et2Favorites/Et2Favorites";
import {loadWebComponent} from "../etemplate/Et2Widget/Et2Widget";
import type {EgwAction} from "../egw_action/EgwAction";
import {Et2MergeDialog} from "../etemplate/Et2Dialog/Et2MergeDialog";
import {EgwActionObject} from "../egw_action/EgwActionObject";
import type {Et2Details} from "../etemplate/Layout/Et2Details/Et2Details";
import {Et2Checkbox} from "../etemplate/Et2Checkbox/Et2Checkbox";
* Type for push-message
export interface PushData
type : "add" | "edit" | "update" | "delete" | "unknown";
app : string; // app-name, can include a subtype eg. "projectmanager-element"
id : string | number;
acl? : any; // app-specific acl data, eg. the owner, or array of participants
account_id : number; // user that caused the change
[propName : string] : any; // arbitrary more parameters
* Common base class for application javascript
* Each app should extend as needed.
* All application javascript should be inside. Intitialization goes in init(),
* clean-up code goes in destroy(). Initialization is done once all js is loaded.
* var app.appname = AppJS.extend({
* // Actually set this one, the rest is example
* appname: appname,
* internal_var: 1000,
* init: function()
* {
* // Call the super
* this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* // Init the stuff
* if ( egw.preference('dateformat', 'common') )
* {
* // etc
* }
* },
* _private: function()
* {
* // Underscore private by convention
* }
* });
export abstract class EgwApp
* Internal application name - pass this in constructor
readonly appname : string;
* Internal reference to the most recently loaded etemplate2 widget tree
* NOTE: This variable can change which etemplate it points to as the user
* works. For example, loading the home or admin apps can cause
* et2_ready() to be called again with a different template. this.et2 will
* then point to a different template. If the user then closes that tab,
* this.et2 will point to a destroyed object, and trying to use it will fail.
* If you need a reference to a certain template you can either store a local
* reference or access it through etemplate2.
* @example <caption>Store a local reference</caption>
* // in et2_ready()
* if(name == 'index') this.index_et2 = et2.widgetContainer;
* // Remember to clean up in destroy()
* delete this.index_et2;
* // Instead of this.et2, using a local reference
* this.index_et2 ...
* @example <caption>Access via etemplate2 object</caption>
* // Instead of this.et2, using its unique ID
* var et2 = etemplate2.getById("myapp-index")
* if(et2)
* {
* et2.widgetContainer. ...
* }
* @var {et2_container}
et2 : et2_container;
* Internal reference to egw client-side api object for current app and window
* @var {egw}
egw : IegwAppLocal;
sidebox : JQuery;
viewContainer : JQuery;
viewTemplate : JQuery;
et2_view : any;
favorite_popup : JQuery | any;
dom_id : string;
mailvelopeSyncHandlerObj : any;
* In some cases (CRM) a private, disconnected app instance is created instead of
* using the global. We want to be able to access them for observer() & push(), so
* we track all instances.
static _instances : EgwApp[] = [];
* If pushData.acl has fields that can help filter based on ACL grants, list them
* here and we can check them and ignore push messages if there is no ACL for that entry
* @protected
protected push_grant_fields : string[];
* If pushData.acl has fields that can help filter based on current nextmatch filters,
* list them here and we can check and ignore push messages if the nextmatch filters do not exclude them
* @protected
protected push_filter_fields : string[];
* Initialization and setup goes here, but the etemplate2 object
* is not yet ready.
constructor(appname : string, _wnd? : Window)
this.appname = appname;
this.egw = egw(this.appname, _wnd || window);
// Initialize sidebox for non-popups.
// ID set server side
var sidebox = jQuery('#favorite_sidebox_' + this.appname);
if(sidebox.length == 0 && egw_getFramework() != null)
var egw_fw = egw_getFramework();
sidebox = jQuery('#favorite_sidebox_' + this.appname, egw_fw.sidemenuDiv);
// Make sure we're running in the top window when we init sidebox
if(window.app[this.appname] === this && egw.top.app[this.appname] !== this && egw.top.app[this.appname])
this.mailvelopeSyncHandlerObj = this.mailvelopeSyncHandler();
// Keep track of this instance
* Clean up any created objects & references
* @param {object} _app local app object
delete this.et2;
delete this.sidebox;
if (!_app) delete app[this.appname];
let index = -1;
if((index = EgwApp._instances.indexOf(this)) >= 0)
EgwApp._instances.splice(index, 1);
* This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded
* and ready. If you must store a reference to the et2 object,
* make sure to clean it up in destroy(). Note that this can be called
* several times, with different et2 objects, as templates are loaded.
* @param {etemplate2} et2
* @param {string} name template name
et2_ready(et2 : etemplate2, name : string)
if(this.et2 !== null)
egw.debug('log', "Changed et2 object");
this.et2 = et2.widgetContainer;
if(this.egw && this.egw.is_popup())
// Highlights the favorite based on initial list state
* Observer method receives update notifications from all applications
* App is responsible for only reacting to "messages" it is interested in!
* @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted'
* @param {string} _app application name
* @param {(string|number)} _id id of entry to refresh or null
* @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
* - update: request just modified data from given rows. Sorting is not considered,
* so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
* - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected. Requires full reload.
* - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
* - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
* @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default)
* @param {object|null} _links app => array of ids of linked entries
* or null, if not triggered on server-side, which adds that info
* @return {false|*} false to stop regular refresh, thought all observers are run
observer(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _msg_type, _links)
* Handle a push notification about entry changes from the websocket
* Gets called for data of all apps, but should only handle data of apps it displays,
* which is by default only its own, but can be for multiple apps eg. for calendar.
* @param pushData
* @param {string} pushData.app application name
* @param {(string|number)} pushData.id id of entry to refresh or null
* @param {string} pushData.type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
* - update: request just modified data from given rows. Sorting is not considered,
* so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
* - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected. Requires full reload.
* - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
* - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
* @param {object|null} pushData.acl Extra data for determining relevance. eg: owner or responsible to decide if update is necessary
* @param {number} pushData.account_id User that caused the notification
push(pushData : PushData)
// don't care about other apps data, reimplement if your app does care eg. calendar
if(pushData.app !== this.appname)
// handle delete, for simple case of uid === "$app::$id"
if(pushData.type === 'delete' && egw.dataHasUID(this.uid(pushData)))
egw.refresh('', pushData.app, pushData.id, 'delete');
// If we know about it and it's an update, just update.
// This must be before all ACL checks, as responsible might have changed and entry need to be removed
// (server responds then with null / no entry causing the entry to disappear)
if(pushData.type !== "add" && this.egw.dataHasUID(this.uid(pushData)) && this.et2)
return this.et2.getInstanceManager().refresh("", pushData.app, pushData.id, pushData.type);
// Check grants to see if we know we aren't supposed to show it
if(typeof this.push_grant_fields !== "undefined" && this.push_grant_fields.length > 0
&& !this._push_grant_check(pushData, this.push_grant_fields)
// Nextmatch does the hard part of updating. Try to find one.
let nm = <et2_nextmatch>this.et2?.getDOMWidgetById('nm');
// Filter what's allowed down to those we can see / care about based on nm filters
if(typeof this.push_filter_fields !== "undefined" && this.push_filter_fields.length > 0 &&
!this._push_field_filter(pushData, nm, this.push_filter_fields)
// Pass actual refresh on to just nextmatch
nm.refresh(pushData.id, pushData.type);
* Check grants to see if we can quickly tell if this entry is not for us
* Override this method if the app has non-standard access control.
* @param pushData
* @param grant_fields List of fields in pushData.acl with account IDs that might grant access eg: info_responsible
* @param appname Optional, to check against the grants for a different application. Defaults to this.appname.
* @return boolean Entry has ACL access
_push_grant_check(pushData : PushData, grant_fields : string[], appname? : string) : boolean
let grants = egw.grants(appname || this.appname);
// No grants known
return true;
// check user has a grant from owner or something
for(let i = 0; i < grant_fields.length; i++)
let grant_field = pushData.acl[grant_fields[i]];
if(["number", "string"].indexOf(typeof grant_field) >= 0 && grants[grant_field] !== 'undefined')
// ACL access
return true;
else if(!Object.keys(grants).filter(function(grant_account)
return grant_field.indexOf(grant_account) >= 0 ||
return false;
return false;
* Check pushData.acl values against a list of fields to see if we care about this entry based on current nextmatch
* filter values. This is not a definitive yes or no (the server will tell us when we ask), we just want to cheaply
* avoid a server call if we know it won't be in the list.
* @param pushData
* @param filter_fields List of filter field names eg: [owner, cat_id]
* @return boolean True if the nextmatch filters might include the entry, false if not
_push_field_filter(pushData : PushData, nm : et2_nextmatch, filter_fields : string[]) : boolean
let filters = {};
for(let i = 0; i < filter_fields.length; i++)
filters[filter_fields[i]] = {
col: filter_fields[i],
filter_values: []
// Get current filter values
let value = nm.getValue();
if(!value || !value.col_filter) return false;
for(let field_filter of Object.values(filters))
let val = value.col_filter[field_filter.col];
if(val && (
typeof val == "string" && val.trim().length > 0
else if(val && typeof val == "object" && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(val))
field_filter.filter_values = field_filter.filter_values.concat(Object.values(val))
// check filters against pushData.acl data
for(let field_filter of Object.values(filters))
// no filter set
if (field_filter.filter_values.length == 0) continue;
// acl value is a scalar (not array) --> check contained in filter
if(pushData.acl && typeof pushData.acl[field_filter.col] !== 'object')
if(field_filter.filter_values.indexOf(pushData.acl[field_filter.col]) < 0)
return false;
// acl value is an array (eg. tr_assigned) --> check intersection with filter
if(!field_filter.filter_values.filter(account => pushData.acl[field_filter.col].indexOf(account) >= 0).length)
return false;
return true;
* Get (possible) app-specific uid
* @param {object} pushData see push method for individual attributes
return pushData.app + '::' + pushData.id;
* Open an entry.
* Designed to be used with the action system as a callback
* eg: onExecute => app.<appname>.open
* @param _action
* @param _senders
open(_action, _senders)
var id_app = _senders[0].id.split('::');
egw.open(id_app[1], this.appname);
_do_action(action_id : string, selected : [])
* A generic method to action to server asynchronously
* Designed to be used with the action system as a callback.
* In the PHP side, set the action
* 'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.<appname>.action', and
* implement _do_action(action_id, selected)
* @param {egwAction} _action
* @param {egwActionObject[]} _elems
action(_action, _elems)
// let user confirm select-all
var select_all = _action.getManager().getActionById("select_all");
var confirm_msg = (_elems.length > 1 || select_all && select_all.checked) &&
typeof _action.data.confirm_multiple != 'undefined' ?
_action.data.confirm_multiple : _action.data.confirm;
if(typeof confirm_msg != 'undefined')
var that = this;
var action_id = _action.id;
Et2Dialog.show_dialog(function(button_id, value)
if(button_id != Et2Dialog.NO_BUTTON)
that._do_action(action_id, _elems);
}, confirm_msg, 'Confirmation required', null, Et2Dialog.BUTTONS_YES_NO, Et2Dialog.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
else if(typeof this._do_action == 'function')
this._do_action(_action.id, _elems);
// If this is a nextmatch action, do an ajax submit setting the action
var nm = null;
var action = _action;
while(nm == null && action.parent != null)
if(action.data.nextmatch) nm = action.data.nextmatch;
action = action.parent;
if(nm != null)
var value = {};
value[nm.options.settings.action_var] = _action.id;
* Set the application's state to the given state.
* While not pretending to implement the history API, it is patterned similarly
* @link http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/history.html
* The default implementation works with the favorites to apply filters to a nextmatch.
* @param {{name: string, state: object}|string} state Object (or JSON string) for a state.
* Only state is required, and its contents are application specific.
* @param {string} template template name to check, instead of trying all templates of current app
* @return {boolean} false - Returns false to stop event propagation
setState(state, template? : string) : string | false | void
// State should be an object, not a string, but we'll parse
if(typeof state == "string")
if(state.indexOf('{') != -1 || state == 'null')
state = JSON.parse(state);
if(typeof state != "object")
egw.debug('error', 'Unable to set state to %o, needs to be an object', state);
if(state == null)
state = {};
// Check for egw.open() parameters
if(state.state && state.state.id && state.state.app)
return egw.open(state.state, undefined, undefined, {}, '_self');
// Try and find a nextmatch widget, and set its filters
var nextmatched = false;
var et2 = template ? etemplate2.getByTemplate(template) : etemplate2.getByApplication(this.appname);
for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
// Firefox has trouble with spaces in search
if(state.state && state.state.search) state.state.search = unescape(state.state.search);
// Apply
if(state.state && state.state.sort && state.state.sort.id)
_widget.sortBy(state.state.sort.id, state.state.sort.asc, false);
// Not using resetSort() to avoid the extra applyFilters() call
_widget.sortBy(undefined, undefined, false);
_widget.applyFilters(state.state || state.filter || {});
if(state.state && state.state.selectcols)
// Make sure it's a real array, not an object, then set cols
_widget.set_columns(jQuery.extend([], state.state.selectcols));
nextmatched = true;
}, this, et2_nextmatch);
if(nextmatched) return false;
// 'blank' is the special name for no filters, send that instead of the nice translated name
var safe_name = jQuery.isEmptyObject(state) || jQuery.isEmptyObject(state.state || state.filter) ? 'blank' : state.name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, '_');
var url = '/' + this.appname + '/index.php';
// Try a redirect to list, if app defines a "list" value in registry
if(egw.link_get_registry(this.appname, 'list'))
url = egw.link('/index.php', jQuery.extend({'favorite': safe_name}, egw.link_get_registry(this.appname, 'list')));
// if no list try index value from application
else if(egw.app(this.appname)?.index)
url = egw.link('/index.php', 'menuaction=' + egw.app(this.appname).index + '&favorite=' + safe_name);
egw.open_link(url, undefined, undefined, this.appname);
return false;
* Retrieve the current state of the application for future restoration
* The state can be anything, as long as it's an object. The contents are
* application specific. The default implementation finds a nextmatch and
* returns its value.
* The return value of this function cannot be passed directly to setState(),
* since setState is expecting an additional wrapper, eg:
* {name: 'something', state: getState()}
* @return {object} Application specific map representing the current state
getState() : { [propName : string] : any }
var state = {};
// Try and find a nextmatch widget, and set its filters
var et2 = etemplate2.getByApplication(this.appname);
for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
state = _widget.getValue();
}, this, et2_nextmatch);
return state;
* Function to load selected row from nm into a template view
* @param {object} _action
* @param {object} _senders
* @param {boolean} _noEdit defines whether to set edit button or not default is false
* @param {function} et2_callback function to run after et2 is loaded
viewEntry(_action, _senders, _noEdit?, et2_callback?)
//full id in nm
var id = _senders[0].id;
// flag for edit button
var noEdit = _noEdit || false;
// nm row id
var rowID = '';
// content to feed to etemplate2
var content : any = {};
var self = this;
var parts = id.split('::');
rowID = parts[1];
content = egw.dataGetUIDdata(id);
if (content.data) content = content.data;
// create a new app object with just constructors for our new etemplate2 object
var app = {classes: window.app.classes};
/* destroy generated etemplate for view mode in DOM*/
var destroy = function()
delete self.viewTemplate;
delete self.viewContainer;
delete self.et2_view;
// we need to reference back into parent context this
for(var v in self)
this[v] = self[v];
app = null;
// view container
this.viewContainer = jQuery(document.createElement('div'))
"z-index": 102,
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
background: "white",
display: 'block',
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
right: 0,
overflow: 'auto'
.attr('id', 'popupMainDiv')
// close button
var close = jQuery(document.createElement('span'))
.addClass('egw_fw_mobile_popup_close loaded')
//disable selected actions after close
// edit button
var edit = jQuery(document.createElement('span'))
egw.open(rowID, self.appname);
// view template main container (content)
this.viewTemplate = jQuery(document.createElement('div'))
.attr('id', this.appname + '-view')
.addClass('et2_mobile-view-container popupMainDiv')
var mobileViewTemplate = (_action.data.mobileViewTemplate || 'edit').split('?');
var templateName = mobileViewTemplate[0];
var templateTimestamp = mobileViewTemplate[1];
var templateURL = egw.webserverUrl + '/' + this.appname + '/templates/mobile/' + templateName + '.xet' + '?' + templateTimestamp;
var data = {
'content': content,
'readonlys': {'__ALL__': true, 'link_to': false},
'currentapp': this.appname,
'langRequire': this.et2.getArrayMgr('langRequire').data,
'sel_options': this.et2.getArrayMgr('sel_options').data,
'modifications': this.et2.getArrayMgr('modifications').data,
'validation_errors': this.et2.getArrayMgr('validation_errors').data
// etemplate2 object for view
this.et2_view = new etemplate2(this.viewTemplate[0], '');
this.et2_view.load(this.appname + '.' + templateName, templateURL, data, typeof et2_callback == 'function' ? et2_callback : function() {}, app);
// define a global close function for view template
// in order to be able to destroy view on action
this.et2_view.close = destroy;
* Opens _menuaction in an Et2Dialog
* Equivalent to egw.openDialog, though this one works in popups too.
* @param _menuaction
* @return Promise<Et2Dialog>
openDialog(_menuaction : string) : Promise<Et2Dialog>
let resolver;
let rejector;
const dialog_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
resolver = value => resolve(value);
rejector = reason => reject(reason);
let request = this.egw.json(_menuaction.match(/^([^.:]+)/)[0] + '.jdots_framework.ajax_exec.template.' + _menuaction,
['index.php?menuaction=' + _menuaction, true], _response =>
if(Array.isArray(_response) && typeof _response[0] === 'string')
let dialog = jQuery(_response[0]).appendTo(document.body);
if(dialog.length > 0 && dialog.get(0))
console.log("Unable to add dialog with dialogExec('" + _menuaction + "')", _response);
rejector(new Error("Unable to add dialog"));
console.log("Invalid response to dialogExec('" + _menuaction + "')", _response);
rejector(new Error("Invalid response to dialogExec('" + _menuaction + "')"));
return dialog_promise;
* Merge selected entries into template document
* @param {egwAction} _action
* @param {egwActionObject[]} _selected
async mergeAction(_action : egwAction, _selected : egwActionObject[])
// Find what we need
let nm = null;
let action = _action;
let as_pdf = null;
// Find Select all
while(nm == null && action.parent != null)
if(action.data != null && action.data.nextmatch)
nm = action.data.nextmatch;
action = action.parent;
let all = nm?.getSelection().all || false;
// Get list of entry IDs
let ids = [];
for(let i = 0; !all && i < _selected.length; i++)
let split = _selected[i].id.split("::");
let document = await this._getMergeDocument(nm?.getInstanceManager(), _action, _selected);
if(!document.documents || document.documents.length == 0)
let vars = {
options: document.options,
select_all: all,
id: ids
vars.options.app = this.appname;
// Just one file, an email - merge & edit or merge & send
if(document.documents.length == 1 && document.documents[0].mime == "message/rfc822")
vars.document = document.documents[0].path;
return this._mergeEmail(_action.clone(), vars);
vars.document = document.documents.map(f => f.path);
if(document.documents.length == 1 && !document.options.individual && !document.options.download)
// Only 1 document, we can open it
vars.id = JSON.stringify(ids);
this.egw.open_link(this.egw.link('/index.php', vars), '_blank');
// Multiple files, or merging individually - will result in multiple documents that we can't just open
vars.menuaction = vars.menuaction.replace("merge_entries", "ajax_merge_multiple");
vars.menuaction += "&merge=" + vars.merge;
let mergedFiles = [];
// Check for an email template - all other files will be merged & attached
let email = document.documents.find(f => f.mime == "message/rfc822");
// Can we do this in one, or do we have to split it up for feedback?
if(!vars.options.individual && (!email || email && !all && ids.length == 1))
vars.options.open_email = !vars.options.download && typeof email != "undefined";
// Handle it all on the server in one request
this.egw.loading_prompt(vars.menuaction, true);
mergedFiles = await this.egw.request(vars.menuaction, [vars.id, vars.document, vars.options]);
this.egw.loading_prompt(vars.menuaction, false);
// One entry, email template selected - we can open that in the compose window
this.egw.message(mergedFiles, "success");
// Merging documents, merge email, attach to email, send.
// Handled like this here so we can give feedback, server could do it all in one request
let idGroup = await new Promise<string[]>((resolve) =>
fetchAll(ids, nm, idsArr => resolve(vars.options.individual ? idsArr : [idsArr]));
resolve(vars.options.individual ? ids : [ids])
Et2Dialog.long_task(null /*done*/, this.egw.lang("Merging"),
email ? this.egw.lang("Merging into %1 and sending", email.path) : this.egw.lang("Merging into %1", vars.document.join(", ")),
idGroup.map((ids) => {return [Array.isArray(ids) ? ids : [ids], vars.document, vars.options];}), this.egw
* Ask the user for a target document to merge into
* @returns {Promise<{document : string, pdf : boolean, mime : string}>}
* @protected
protected _getMergeDocument(et2?, action? : EgwAction, selected? : EgwActionObject[]) : Promise<{
documents : { path : string; mime : string }[];
options : { [p : string] : string | boolean }
let path = action?.data?.merge_data?.directory ?? "";
let dirPref = <string>this.egw.preference('document_dir', this.appname) ?? "";
let dirs = dirPref.split('/[,\s]+\//');
dirs.forEach((d, index) =>
d = "/" + d;
let fileSelect = <Et2MergeDialog><unknown>loadWebComponent('et2-merge-dialog', {
application: this.appname,
path: dirs.pop() || ""
}, et2?.widgetContainer ?? null);
// Customize dialog
fileSelect.updateComplete.then(() =>
// Start details open when you have multiple selected
// @ts-ignore
(<Et2Details>fileSelect.shadowRoot.querySelector('et2-details')).open = selected.length > 1;
// Disable individual when only one entry is selected
// @ts-ignore
(<Et2Checkbox>fileSelect.shadowRoot.querySelector("et2-details > [id='individual']")).disabled = selected.length == 1;
// Remove when done
fileSelect.getComplete().then(() => {fileSelect.remove();});
return fileSelect.getComplete();
* Merge into an email, then open it in compose for a single, send directly for multiple
* @param {object} data
* @protected
protected _mergeEmail(action, data : object)
const ids = data['id'];
// egw.open() used if only 1 row selected
data['egw_open'] = 'edit-mail--';
data['target'] = 'compose_' + data.document;
// long_task runs menuaction once for each selected row
data['nm_action'] = 'long_task';
data['popup'] = this.egw.link_get_registry('mail', 'edit_popup');
data['message'] = this.egw.lang('insert in %1', data.document);
data['menuaction'] = 'mail.mail_compose.ajax_merge';
action.data = data;
if(data['select_all'] || ids.length > 1)
data['menuaction'] += "&document=" + data.document + "&merge=" + data.merge;
nm_action(action, null, data['target'], {all: data['select_all'], ids: ids});
this.egw.open(ids.pop(), 'mail', 'edit', {
from: 'merge',
document: data.document,
merge: data.merge
}, data['target']);
* Initializes actions and handlers on sidebox (delete)
* @param {jQuery} sidebox jQuery of DOM node
var self = this;
if(this.sidebox) this.sidebox.off();
this.sidebox = sidebox;
// removed .on("mouse(enter|leave)" (wrapping trash icon), as it stalls delete in IE11
.on("click.sidebox", "div.ui-icon-trash", this, this.delete_favorite)
// need to install a favorite handler, as we switch original one off with .off()
.on('click.sidebox', 'li[data-id]', this, function(event)
var li = jQuery(this);
var state = {};
var pref = egw.preference('favorite_' + this.dataset.id, self.appname);
// Extend, to prevent changing the preference by reference
jQuery.extend(true, state, pref);
if(this.dataset.id != 'add')
self.setState.call(self, state);
return false;
let el = document.getElementById('favorite_sidebox_' + this.appname)?.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
if(el && el instanceof HTMLElement)
let sortablejs = Sortable.create(el, {
ghostClass: 'ui-fav-sortable-placeholder',
draggable: 'li:not([data-id$="add"])',
delay: 25,
dataIdAttr: 'data-id',
onSort: function(event)
let favSortedList = sortablejs.toArray();
self.egw.set_preference(self.appname, 'fav_sort_pref', favSortedList);
// Bind favorite de-select
var egw_fw = egw_getFramework();
if(egw_fw && egw_fw.applications[this.appname] && egw_fw.applications[this.appname].browser
&& egw_fw.applications[this.appname].browser.baseDiv)
.on('change.sidebox', function()
egw_fw.applications[this.appname].browser.baseDiv.addEventListener("change", (e) =>
if(e.target.localName == "et2-favorites")
sidebox[0].querySelectorAll("li:not([data-id='add']) > a > div:first-child").forEach(f =>
f.classList.remove('ui-icon', 'ui-heart');
const new_pref = sidebox[0].querySelector("li[data-id='" + e.target.preferred + "'] > a > div:first-child");
new_pref.classList.add('ui-icon', 'ui-icon-heart');
return true;
return false;
* Add a new favorite
* Fetches the current state from the application, then opens a dialog to get the
* name and other settings. If user proceeds, the favorite is saved, and if possible
* the sidebox is directly updated to include the new favorite
* @param {object} [state] State settings to be merged into the application state
// Get current state
// Make sure it's an object - deep copy to prevent references in sub-objects (col_filters)
state = {...this.getState(), ...(state || {})};
// Stop the normal bubbling if this is called on click
return false;
* Update favorite items in nm fav. menu
var self = this;
if(etemplate2 && etemplate2.getByApplication)
var et2 = etemplate2.getByApplication(self.appname);
for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
_widget.stored_filters = _widget.load_favorites(self.appname);
}, self, Et2Favorites);
throw new Error("_refresh_fav_nm():Either et2 is not ready/ not there yet. Make sure that etemplate2 is ready before call this method.");
* Create the "Add new" popup dialog
const favorite_prefix = 'favorite_';
// Clear old, if existing
if(this.favorite_popup && this.favorite_popup.group)
delete this.favorite_popup;
// Add some controls if user is an admin
const apps = this.egw.user('apps');
const is_admin = (typeof apps['admin'] != "undefined");
// Setup data
let data = {
content: {
state: state || [],
current_filters: []
readonlys: {
group: !is_admin
// Show current set filters (more for debug than user)
let filter_list = [];
let add_to_popup = function(arr, inset = "")
Object.keys(arr).forEach((index) =>
let filter = arr[index];
label: inset + index.toString(),
value: (typeof filter != "object" ? "" + filter : "")
if(typeof filter == "object" && filter != null)
add_to_popup(filter, inset + " ");
data.content.current_filters = filter_list;
let save_callback = async(button, value) =>
if(button !== Et2Dialog.OK_BUTTON)
// Add to the list
value.name = (<string>value.name).replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "");
let safe_name = (<string>value.name).replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, "_");
if(safe_name != value.name)
// Check if the label matches an existing preference, consider it an update
let existing = this.egw.preference(favorite_prefix + safe_name, this.appname);
if(existing && existing.name !== value.name)
// Name mis-match, this is a new favorite with the same safe name
safe_name += "_" + await this.egw.hashString(value.name);
let favorite = {
name: value.name,
group: value.group || false,
state: data.content.state
let favorite_pref = favorite_prefix + safe_name;
// Save to preferences
if(typeof value.group != "undefined" && value.group != '')
// Admin stuff - save preference server side
// Normal user - just save to preferences client side
this.egw.set_preference(this.appname, favorite_pref, favorite);
// Trigger event so widgets can update
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("preferenceChange", {
bubbles: true,
detail: {
application: this.appname,
preference: favorite_pref
// Add to list immediately
// Remove any existing with that name
this.sidebox.get(0).querySelectorAll('[data-id="' + safe_name + '"]').forEach(e => e.remove());
// Create new item
var html = "<li data-id='" + safe_name + "' data-group='" + favorite.group + "' class='ui-menu-item' role='menuitem'>\n";
var href = 'javascript:app.' + this.appname + '.setState(' + JSON.stringify(favorite) + ');';
html += "<a href='" + href + "' class='ui-corner-all' tabindex='-1'>";
html += "<div class='" + 'sideboxstar' + "'></div>" +
html += "<div class='ui-icon ui-icon-trash' title='" + this.egw.lang('Delete') + "'/>";
html += "</a></li>\n";
jQuery(html).insertBefore(jQuery('li', this.sidebox).last());
// Try to update nextmatch favorites too
// Create popup
this.favorite_popup = new Et2Dialog(this.egw);
callback: save_callback,
title: this.egw.lang("New favorite"),
buttons: Et2Dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL,
width: 400,
value: data,
template: this.egw.webserverUrl + '/api/templates/default/add_favorite.xet'
return false;
* Delete a favorite from the list and update preferences
* Registered as a handler on the delete icons
* @param {jQuery.event} event event object
// Don't do the menu
var app = event.data;
var id = jQuery(this).parentsUntil('li').parent().attr("data-id");
var group = jQuery(this).parentsUntil('li').parent().attr("data-group") || '';
var line = jQuery('li[data-id="' + id + '"]', app.sidebox);
var name = line.first().text();
var trash = this;
// Make sure first
var do_delete = function(button_id)
if(button_id != Et2Dialog.YES_BUTTON)
// Hide the trash
// Delete preference server side
var request = egw.json("EGroupware\\Api\\Framework::ajax_set_favorite",
[app.appname, id, "delete", group, ''],
// Got the full response from callback, which we don't want
if(result.type) return;
if(result && typeof result == 'boolean')
// Remove line from list
line.slideUp("slow", function() { });
// Something went wrong server side
Et2Dialog.show_dialog(do_delete, (egw.lang("Delete") + " " + name + "?"),
"Delete", null, Et2Dialog.BUTTONS_YES_NO, Et2Dialog.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
return false;
* Mark the favorite closest matching the current state
* Closest matching takes into account not set values, so we pick the favorite
* with the most matching values without a value that differs.
if(!this.sidebox) return;
var state = this.getState();
var best_match : any = false;
var best_count = 0;
var self = this;
jQuery('li[data-id]', this.sidebox).removeClass('ui-state-highlight');
jQuery('li[data-id]', this.sidebox).each(function(i, href)
var favorite : any = {};
if(this.dataset.id && egw.preference('favorite_' + this.dataset.id, self.appname))
favorite = egw.preference('favorite_' + this.dataset.id, self.appname);
if(!favorite || jQuery.isEmptyObject(favorite)) return;
// Handle old style by making it like new style
if(favorite.filter && !favorite.state)
favorite.state = favorite.filter;
var match_count = 0;
var extra_keys = Object.keys(favorite.state);
for(var state_key in state)
extra_keys.splice(extra_keys.indexOf(state_key), 1);
if(typeof favorite.state != 'undefined' && typeof state[state_key] != 'undefined' && typeof favorite.state[state_key] != 'undefined' && (state[state_key] == favorite.state[state_key] || !state[state_key] && !favorite.state[state_key]))
else if(state_key == 'selectcols' && typeof favorite.state.selectcols == "undefined")
// Skip, not set in favorite
else if(typeof state[state_key] != 'undefined' && state[state_key] && typeof state[state_key] === 'object'
&& typeof favorite.state != 'undefined' && typeof favorite.state[state_key] != 'undefined' && favorite.state[state_key] && typeof favorite.state[state_key] === 'object')
if((typeof state[state_key].length !== 'undefined' || typeof state[state_key].length !== 'undefined')
&& (state[state_key].length || Object.keys(state[state_key]).length) != (favorite.state[state_key].length || Object.keys(favorite.state[state_key]).length))
// State or favorite has a length, but the other does not
if((state[state_key].length === 0 || Object.keys(state[state_key]).length === 0) &&
(favorite.state[state_key].length == 0 || Object.keys(favorite.state[state_key]).length === 0))
// Just missing, or one is an array and the other is an object
// One has a value and the other doesn't, no match
else if(state[state_key].length !== 'undefined' && typeof favorite.state[state_key].length !== 'undefined' &&
state[state_key].length === 0 && favorite.state[state_key].length === 0)
// Both set, but both empty
// Consider sub-objects (column filters) individually
for(var sub_key in state[state_key])
if(state[state_key][sub_key] == favorite.state[state_key][sub_key] || !state[state_key][sub_key] && !favorite.state[state_key][sub_key])
else if(state[state_key][sub_key] && favorite.state[state_key][sub_key] &&
typeof state[state_key][sub_key] === 'object' && typeof favorite.state[state_key][sub_key] === 'object')
// Too deep to keep going, just string compare for perfect match
if(JSON.stringify(state[state_key][sub_key]) === JSON.stringify(favorite.state[state_key][sub_key]))
else if(typeof state[state_key][sub_key] !== 'undefined' && state[state_key][sub_key] != favorite.state[state_key][sub_key])
// Different values, do not match
else if(typeof state[state_key] !== 'undefined'
&& typeof favorite.state != 'undefined' && typeof favorite.state[state_key] !== 'undefined'
&& state[state_key] != favorite.state[state_key])
// Different values, do not match
// Check for anything set that the current one does not have
for(var i = 0; i < extra_keys.length; i++)
if(favorite.state[extra_keys[i]]) return;
if(match_count > best_count)
best_match = this.dataset.id;
best_count = match_count;
jQuery('li[data-id="' + best_match + '"]', this.sidebox).addClass('ui-state-highlight');
* Fix scrolling iframe browsed by iPhone/iPod/iPad touch devices
load: function()
var body = this.contentWindow.document.body;
var div = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
'height': jQuery(this.parentNode).height(),
'width': jQuery(this.parentNode).width(),
'overflow': 'scroll'
* Set document title, uses getWindowTitle to get the correct title,
* otherwise set it with uniqueID as default title
var title = this.getWindowTitle();
document.title = this.et2._inst.uniqueId + ": " + title;
* Window title getter function in order to set the window title
* this can be overridden on each application app.js file to customize the title value
* @returns {string} window title
var titleWidget = <et2_valueWidget>this.et2.getWidgetById('title');
return titleWidget.get_value ? titleWidget.get_value() : (titleWidget.value || "");
return this.et2._inst.uniqueId;
* Handler for drag and drop when dragging nextmatch rows from mail app
* and dropped on a row in the current application. We copy the mail into
* the filemanager to link it since we can't link directly.
* This doesn't happen automatically. Each application must indicate that
* it will accept dropped mail by its nextmatch actions:
* $actions['info_drop_mail'] = array(
* 'type' => 'drop',
* 'acceptedTypes' => 'mail',
* 'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.infolog.handle_dropped_mail',
* 'hideOnDisabled' => true
* );
* This action, when defined, will not affect the automatic linking between
* normal applications.
* @param {egwAction} _action
* @param {egwActionObject[]} _selected Dragged mail rows
* @param {egwActionObject} _target Current application's nextmatch row the mail was dropped on
handle_dropped_mail(_action, _selected, _target)
* Mail doesn't support link system, so we copy it to VFS
var ids = _target.id.split("::");
if(ids.length != 2 || ids[0] == 'mail') return;
var vfs_path = "/apps/" + ids[0] + "/" + ids[1];
var mail_ids = [];
for(var i = 0; i < _selected.length; i++)
egw.message(egw.lang("Please wait..."));
this.egw.json('filemanager.filemanager_ui.ajax_action', ['mail', mail_ids, vfs_path], function(data)
// Trigger an update (minimal, no sorting changes) to display the new link
egw.refresh(data.msg || '', ids[0], ids[1], 'update');
* Check if Mailvelope is available, open (or create) "egroupware" keyring and call callback with it
* @param {function} _callback called if and only if mailvelope is available (context is this!)
var self = this;
var callback = jQuery.proxy(_callback, this);
if(typeof mailvelope !== 'undefined')
jQuery(window).on('mailvelope', function()
* mailvelope object contains SyncHandlers
* @property {function} descriptionuploadSync function called by Mailvelope to upload encrypted private key backup
* @property {function} downloadSync function called by Mailvelope to download encrypted private key backup
* @property {function} backup function called by Mailvelope to upload a public keyring backup
* @property {function} restore function called by Mailvelope to restore a public keyring backup
private mailvelopeSyncHandler()
return {
* function called by Mailvelope to upload a public keyring
* @param {UploadSyncHandler} _uploadObj
* @property {string} etag entity tag for the uploaded encrypted keyring, or null if initial upload
* @property {AsciiArmored} keyringMsg encrypted keyring as PGP armored message
* @returns {Promise.<UploadSyncReply, Error>}
uploadSync: function(_uploadObj)
return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject) {});
* function called by Mailvelope to download a public keyring
* @param {object} _downloadObj
* @property {string} etag entity tag for the current local keyring, or null if no local eTag
* @returns {Promise.<DownloadSyncReply, Error>}
downloadSync: function(_downloadObj)
return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject) {});
* function called by Mailvelope to upload an encrypted private key backup
* @param {BackupSyncPacket} _backup
* @property {AsciiArmored} backup an encrypted private key as PGP armored message
* @returns {Promise.<undefined, Error>}
backup: function(_backup)
return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject)
// Store backup sync packet into .PGP-Key-Backup file in user directory
method: 'PUT',
url: egw.webserverUrl + '/webdav.php/home/' + egw.user('account_lid') + '/.PGP-Key-Backup',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(_backup),
success: function()
error: function(_err)
* function called by Mailvelope to restore an encrypted private key backup
* @returns {Promise.<BackupSyncPacket, Error>}
* @todo
restore: function()
return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject)
var resolve = _resolve;
var reject = _reject;
url: egw.webserverUrl + '/webdav.php/home/' + egw.user('account_lid') + '/.PGP-Key-Backup',
method: 'GET',
success: function(_backup)
egw.message('Your key has been restored successfully.');
error: function(_err)
//Try with old back file name
if(_err.status == 404)
method: 'GET',
url: egw.webserverUrl + '/webdav.php/home/' + egw.user('account_lid') + '/.PK_PGP',
success: function(_backup)
egw.message('Your key has been restored successfully.');
error: function(_err)
* Function for backup file operations
* @param {type} _url Url of the backup file
* @param {type} _cmd command to operate
* - PUT: to store backup file
* - GET: to read backup file
* - DELETE: to delete backup file
* @param {type} _successCallback function called when the operation is successful
* @param {type} _errorCallback function called when the operation fails
* @param {type} _data data which needs to be stored in file via PUT command
_mailvelopeBackupFileOperator(_url, _cmd, _successCallback, _errorCallback, _data?)
var ajaxObj = {
url: _url || egw.webserverUrl + '/webdav.php/home/' + egw.user('account_lid') + '/.PGP-Key-Backup',
method: _cmd,
success: _successCallback,
error: _errorCallback
case 'PUT':
jQuery.extend({}, ajaxObj, {
data: JSON.stringify(_data),
contentType: 'application/json'
case 'GET':
jQuery.extend({}, ajaxObj, {
dataType: 'json'
case 'DELETE':
* Create backup dialog
* @param {string} _selector DOM selector to attach backupDialog
* @param {boolean} _initSetup determine whether it's an initialization backup or restore backup
* @returns {Promise.<backupPopupId, Error>}
mailvelopeCreateBackupDialog(_selector?, _initSetup?)
var self = this;
var selector = _selector || 'body';
var initSetup = _initSetup;
return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject)
var resolve = _resolve;
var reject = _reject;
mailvelope.getKeyring('egroupware').then(function(_keyring : any)
var options = {
initialSetup: initSetup
_keyring.createKeyBackupContainer(selector, options).then(function(_popupId)
var $backup_selector = jQuery('iframe[src^="chrome-extension"],iframe[src^="about:blank?mvelo"]');
$backup_selector.css({position: 'absolute', "z-index": 1});
egw.message('Your key has been backedup into .PGP-Key-Backup successfully.');
* Delete backup key from filesystem
var self = this;
if(_button_id == Et2Dialog.YES_BUTTON)
self._mailvelopeBackupFileOperator(undefined, 'DELETE', function()
self.egw.message(self.egw.lang('The backup key has been deleted.'));
}, function(_err)
self.egw.message(self.egw.lang('Was not able to delete the backup key because %1', _err));
'Are you sure, you would like to delete the backup key?',
'Delete backup key',
{}, Et2Dialog.BUTTONS_YES_NO_CANCEL, Et2Dialog.QUESTION_MESSAGE, undefined, self.egw);
* Create mailvelope restore dialog
* @param {string} _selector DOM selector to attach restorDialog
* @param {boolean} _restorePassword if true, will restore key password too
* @returns {Promise}
mailvelopeCreateRestoreDialog(_selector, _restorePassword)
var self = this;
var restorePassword = _restorePassword;
var selector = _selector || 'body';
//Clear the
return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject)
var resolve = _resolve;
var reject = _reject;
var options = {
restorePassword: restorePassword
_keyring.restoreBackupContainer(selector, options).then(function(_restoreId)
var $restore_selector = jQuery('iframe[src^="chrome-extension"],iframe[src^="about:blank?mvelo"]');
$restore_selector.css({position: 'absolute', "z-index": 1});
* Create a dialog to show all backup/restore options
* @returns {undefined}
var self = this;
var appname = egw.app_name();
var menu = [
// Header row should be empty item 0
// Restore Keyring item 1
label: "Restore key",
image: "lock",
onclick: "app." + appname + ".mailvelopeCreateRestoreDialog('#_mvelo')"
// Restore pass phrase item 2
label: "Restore password",
image: "password",
onclick: "app." + appname + ".mailvelopeCreateRestoreDialog('#_mvelo', true)"
// Delete backup Key item 3
{label: "Delete backup", image: "delete", onclick: "app." + appname + ".mailvelopeDeleteBackup"},
// Backup Key item 4
label: "Backup Key",
image: "save",
onclick: "app." + appname + ".mailvelopeCreateBackupDialog('#_mvelo', false)"
var dialog = function(_content, _callback?)
let dialog = new Et2Dialog(this.egw);
callback: function(_button_id, _value)
if(typeof _callback == "function")
_callback.call(this, _button_id, _value.value);
title: egw.lang('Backup/Restore'),
buttons: [{
"button_id": 'close',
"label": egw.lang('Close'),
id: 'dialog[close]',
image: 'cancelled',
"default": true
value: {
content: {
menu: _content
template: egw.webserverUrl + '/api/templates/default/pgp_backup_restore.xet',
class: "pgp_backup_restore",
isModal: true
return dialog;
if(typeof mailvelope != 'undefined')
self._mailvelopeBackupFileOperator(undefined, 'GET', function(_data)
// Remove delete item
menu.splice(3, 1);
menu[3]['onclick'] = "app." + appname + ".mailvelopeCreateBackupDialog('#_mvelo', true)";
mailvelope.createKeyring('egroupware').then(function() {dialog(menu);});
* Create a dialog and offers installation option for installing mailvelope plugin
* plus it offers a video tutorials to get the user morte familiar with mailvelope
var buttons = [
{"text": egw.lang('Install'), id: 'install', image: 'check', "default": true},
{"text": egw.lang('Close'), id: 'close', image: 'cancelled'}
var dialog = function(_content, _callback)
return et2_createWidget("dialog", {
callback: function(_button_id, _value)
if(typeof _callback == "function")
_callback.call(this, _button_id, _value.value);
title: egw.lang('PGP Encryption Installation'),
buttons: buttons,
dialog_type: 'info',
value: {
content: _content
template: egw.webserverUrl + '/api/templates/default/pgp_installation.xet',
class: "pgp_installation",
isModal: true
var content = [
// Header row should be empty item 0
domain: this.egw.lang('Add your domain as "%1" in options to list of email providers and enable API.',
'*.' + this._mailvelopeDomain()), video: "test", control: "true"
dialog(content, function(_button)
if(_button == 'install')
if(typeof chrome != 'undefined')
// ATM we are not able to trigger mailvelope installation directly
// since the installation should be triggered from the extension
// owner validate website (mailvelope.com), therefore, we just redirect
// user to chrome webstore to install mailvelope from there.
else if(typeof InstallTrigger != 'undefined' && InstallTrigger.enabled())
InstallTrigger.install({mailvelope: "https://download.mailvelope.com/releases/latest/mailvelope.firefox.xpi"},
function(_url, _status)
if(_status == 0)
Et2Dialog.alert(egw.lang('Mailvelope addon installation succeded. Now you may configure the options.'));
Et2Dialog.alert(egw.lang('Mailvelope addon installation failed! Please try again.'));
* PGP begin and end tags
readonly begin_pgp_message : string = '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----';
readonly end_pgp_message : string = '-----END PGP MESSAGE-----';
* Mailvelope "egroupware" Keyring
mailvelope_keyring : any = undefined;
* jQuery selector for Mailvelope iframes in all browsers
readonly mailvelope_iframe_selector : string = 'iframe[src^="chrome-extension"],iframe[src^="about:blank?mvelo"]';
* Open (or create) "egroupware" keyring and call callback with it
* @returns {Promise.<Keyring, Error>} Keyring or Error with message
let self = this;
let mailvelope = this.egw.window.mailvelope; // use Mailvelope of correct window
return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject)
if (self.mailvelope_keyring) _resolve(self.mailvelope_keyring);
let resolve = _resolve;
let reject = _reject;
self.mailvelope_keyring = _keyring;
self.mailvelope_keyring = _keyring;
var mvelo_settings_selector = self.mailvelope_iframe_selector
.split(',').map(function(_val) {return 'body>' + _val;}).join(',');
mailvelope.createSettingsContainer('body', _keyring, {
email: self.egw.user('account_email'),
fullName: self.egw.user('account_fullname')
// make only Mailvelope settings dialog visible
jQuery(mvelo_settings_selector).css({position: 'absolute', top: 0});
// add a close button, so we know when to offer storing public key to AB
jQuery('<button class="et2_button et2_button_text" id="mailvelope_close_settings">' + self.egw.lang('Close') + '</button>')
.css({position: 'absolute', top: 8, right: 8, "z-index": 2})
// try fetching public key, to check user created onw
// CreateBackupDialog
position: 'absolute',
"z-index": 1
// if yes, hide settings dialog
jQuery(mvelo_settings_selector).each(function(index, item : any)
if (!item.src.match(/keyBackupDialog.html/,'ig')) item.remove();
// offer user to store his public key to AB for other users to find
var buttons = [
button_id: 2,
label: 'Yes',
id: 'dialog[yes]',
image: 'check',
default: true
{button_id: 3, label: 'No', id: 'dialog[no]', image: 'cancelled'}
button_id: 5,
label: 'Yes and allow non-admin users to do that too (recommended)',
id: 'dialog[yes_allow]',
image: 'check',
default: true
delete buttons[1].default;
if(_button_id != Et2Dialog.NO_BUTTON)
var keys = {};
keys[self.egw.user('account_id')] = _pubKey;
[keys, _button_id != Et2Dialog.YES_BUTTON ? true : undefined]).sendRequest()
'It is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails.',
'Store your public key in Addressbook?',
{}, buttons, Et2Dialog.QUESTION_MESSAGE, undefined, self.egw);
self.egw.message(_err.message + "\n\n" +
self.egw.lang("You will NOT be able to send or receive encrypted mails before completing that step!"), 'error');
* Mailvelope uses Domain without first part: eg. "stylite.de" for "egw.stylite.de"
* @returns {string}
var parts = document.location.hostname.split('.');
if (parts.length > 1) parts.shift();
return parts.join('.');
* Check if we have a key for all recipients
* @param {Array} _recipients
* @returns {Promise.<Array, Error>} Array of recipients or Error with recipients without key
// replace rfc822 addresses with raw email, as Mailvelop does not like them and lowercase all email
var rfc822_preg = /<([^'" <>]+)>$/;
var recipients = _recipients.map(function(_recipient)
var matches = _recipient.match(rfc822_preg);
return matches ? matches[1].toLowerCase() : _recipient.toLowerCase();
// check if we have keys for all recipients
var self = this;
return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject)
var resolve = _resolve;
var reject = _reject;
self.mailvelopeOpenKeyring().then(function(_keyring : any)
var keyring = _keyring;
var no_key = [];
for(var email in _status)
if (!_status[email]) no_key.push(email);
// server addressbook on server for missing public keys
self.egw.json('addressbook.addressbook_bo.ajax_get_pgp_keys', [no_key]).sendRequest().then(function(_data)
var data = _data.response['0'].data;
var promises = [];
for(var email in data)
if(_result == 'IMPORTED' || _result == 'UPDATED')
no_key.splice(no_key.indexOf(email), 1);
reject(new Error(self.egw.lang('No key for recipient:') + ' ' + no_key.join(', ')));
* Check if the share action is enabled for this entry
* @param {egwAction} _action
* @param {egwActionObject[]} _entries
* @param {egwActionObject} _target
* @returns {boolean} if action is enabled
is_share_enabled(_action, _entries, _target)
return true;
* create a share-link for the given entry
* @param {egwAction} _action egw actions
* @param {egwActionObject[]} _senders selected nm row
* @param {egwActionObject} _target Drag source. Not used here.
* @param {Boolean} _writable Allow edit access from the share.
* @param {Boolean} _files Allow access to files from the share.
* @param {Function} _callback Callback with results
* @param {Object} _extra Additional (app-specific or special) parameters
* @returns {Boolean} returns false if not successful
share_link(_action, _senders, _target, _writable?, _files?, _callback?, _extra?)
var path = _senders[0].id;
return this.egw.message(this.egw.lang('Missing share path. Unable to create share.'), 'error');
case 'shareFilemanager':
// Sharing a link to just files in filemanager
var id = path.split('::');
path = '/apps/' + id[0] + '/' + id[1];
if(typeof _writable === 'undefined' && _action.parent && _action.parent.getActionById('shareWritable'))
_writable = _action.parent.getActionById('shareWritable').checked || false;
if(typeof _files === 'undefined' && _action.parent && _action.parent.getActionById('shareFiles'))
_files = _action.parent.getActionById('shareFiles').checked || false;
if(typeof _extra === 'undefined')
_extra = {};
return egw.json('EGroupware\\Api\\Sharing::ajax_create', [_action.id, path, _writable, _files, _extra],
_callback ? _callback : this._share_link_callback, this, true, this).sendRequest();
share_merge(_action, _senders, _target)
var parent = _action.parent.parent;
var _writable = false;
var _files = false;
if(parent && parent.getActionById('shareWritable'))
_writable = parent.getActionById('shareWritable').checked || false;
if(parent && parent.getActionById('shareFiles'))
_files = parent.getActionById('shareFiles').checked || false;
// Share only works on one at a time
var promises = [];
for(var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++)
promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
this.share_link(_action, [_senders[i]], _target, _writable, _files, resolve);
// But merge into email can handle several
Promise.all(promises.map(function(p) {p.catch(function(e) {console.log(e)})}))
// Process document after all shares created
return nm_action(_action, _senders, _target);
* Share-link callback
* @param {object} _data
if (_data.msg || _data.share_link) window.egw_refresh(_data.msg, this.appname);
var copy_link_to_clipboard = function(evt)
var $target = jQuery(evt.target);
var successful = document.execCommand('copy');
egw.message('Share link copied into clipboard');
return true;
egw.message('Failed to copy the link!');
jQuery("body").on("click", "[name=share_link]", copy_link_to_clipboard);
et2_createWidget("dialog", {
callback: function(button_id, value)
jQuery("body").off("click", "[name=share_link]", copy_link_to_clipboard);
return true;
title: _data.title ? _data.title : egw.lang("%1 Share Link", _data.writable ? egw.lang("Writable") : egw.lang("Readonly")),
template: _data.template,
width: 450,
value: {content: {"share_link": _data.share_link}}
* Keep a list of all EgwApp instances
* This is not just the globals available in window.app, it also includes private instances as well
* @private
* @param app_obj
private static _register_instance(app_obj : EgwApp)
// Reject improper objects
if(!app_obj.appname) return;
* Iterator over all app instances
* Use for(const app of EgwApp) {...} to iterate over all app objects.
static [Symbol.iterator]()
return EgwApp._instances[Symbol.iterator]();
// EgwApp need to be global on window, as it's used to iterate through all EgwApp instances
window.EgwApp = EgwApp; |