mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 02:32:05 +01:00
373 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
373 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
<?php php_track_vars?>
* phpGroupWare - Calendar *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org *
* Based on Webcalendar by Craig Knudsen <cknudsen@radix.net> *
* http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
$phpgw_info["flags"] = array("currentapp" => "calendar", "enable_calendar_class" => True, "enable_nextmatchs_class" => True);
$cal_info = new calendar_item;
if ($id > 0) {
$can_edit = false;
$phpgw->db->query("SELECT cal_id FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_login="
. $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"] . " AND cal_id = $id");
if ($phpgw->db->f("cal_id") > 0)
$can_edit = true;
$cal = $phpgw->calendar->getevent((int)$id);
$cal_info = $cal[0];
} else {
if (!isset($day) || !$day)
$thisday = (int)$phpgw->calendar->today["day"];
$thisday = $day;
if (!isset($month) || !$month)
$thismonth = (int)$phpgw->calendar->today["month"];
$thismonth = $month;
if (!isset($year) || !$year)
$thisyear = (int)$phpgw->calendar->today["year"];
$thisyear = $year;
if (!isset($hour))
$thishour = 0;
$thishour = (int)$hour;
if (!isset($minute))
$thisminute = 00;
$thisminute = (int)$minute;
$time = $phpgw->calendar->splittime_($phpgw->calendar->fixtime($thishour,$thisminute));
$cal_info->name = "";
$cal_info->description = "";
$cal_info->day = $thisday;
$cal_info->month = $thismonth;
$cal_info->year = $thisyear;
$cal_info->rpt_day = $thisday + 1;
$cal_info->rpt_month = $thismonth;
$cal_info->rpt_year = $thisyear;
$cal_info->hour = (int)$time["hour"];
$cal_info->minute = (!(int)$time["minute"]?"00":(int)$time["minute"]);
$cal_info->ampm = "am";
if($cal_info->hour > 12 && $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") {
$cal_info["hour"] = $cal_info["hour"] - 12;
$cal_info["ampm"] = "pm";
$can_edit = true;
// do a little form verifying
function validate_and_submit() {
if (document.addform.name.value == "") {
alert("<?php echo lang("You have not entered a\\nBrief Description"); ?>.");
return false;
h = parseInt(document.addform.hour.value);
m = parseInt(document.addform.minute.value);
if (h > 23 || m > 59) {
alert ("<?php echo lang("You have not entered a\\nvalid time of day."); ?>");
return false;
// would be nice to also check date to not allow Feb 31, etc...
return true;
<H2><FONT COLOR="#000000"><?php
if ($id)
echo lang("Calendar - Edit");
echo lang("Calendar - Add");
if ($can_edit) {
<FORM ACTION="<?php echo $phpgw->link("edit_entry_handler.php"); ?>" METHOD="POST" name="addform">
<?php if ($id) echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"id\" VALUE=\"$id\">\n"; ?>
<TD><B><?php echo lang("Brief Description"); ?>:</B></TD>
<INPUT NAME="name" SIZE=25 VALUE="<?php echo ($cal_info->name); ?>">
<TD VALIGN="top"><B><?php echo lang("Full Description"); ?>:</B></TD>
<TEXTAREA NAME="description" ROWS=5 COLS=40 WRAP="virtual"><?php
echo ($cal_info->description); ?></TEXTAREA>
<TD><B><?php echo lang("Date"); ?>:</B></TD>
$day_html = "<SELECT NAME=\"day\">";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
$day_html .= "<OPTION value=\"$i\"" . ($i == $cal_info->day ? " SELECTED" : "") . ">$i"
. "</option>\n";
$day_html .= "</select>";
$month_html = "<SELECT NAME=\"month\">";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
$m = lang(date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,$cal_info->year)));
$month_html .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"" . ($i == $cal_info->month ? " SELECTED" : "") . ">$m"
. "</option>\n";
$month_html .= "</select>";
$year_html = "<SELECT NAME=\"year\">";
for ($i = ($cal_info->year - 1); $i < ($cal_info->year + 5); $i++) {
$year_html .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"" . ($i == $cal_info->year ? " SELECTED" : "") . ">$i"
. "</option>\n";
$year_html .= "</select>";
echo $phpgw->common->dateformatorder($year_html,$month_html,$day_html);
<TD><B><?php echo lang("Time"); ?>:</B></TD>
$amsel = "CHECKED"; $pmsel = "";
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") {
if ($cal_info->ampm == "pm") {
$amsel = ""; $pmsel = "CHECKED";
} else {
$amsel = "CHECKED"; $pmsel = "";
<INPUT NAME="hour" SIZE=2 VALUE="<?php
echo $cal_info->hour;?>" MAXLENGTH=2>:<INPUT NAME="minute" SIZE=2 VALUE="<?php echo $cal_info->minute>"0" && $cal_info->minute<"9"?"0".$cal_info->minute:$cal_info->minute; ?>" MAXLENGTH=2>
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") {
echo "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=ampm VALUE=\"am\" $amsel>am\n";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=ampm VALUE=\"pm\" $pmsel>pm\n";
<TD><B><?php echo lang("Duration"); ?>:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT NAME="duration" SIZE=3 VALUE="<?php
!$cal_info->duration?0:$cal_info->duration; ?>"> <?php echo lang("minutes"); ?></TD>
<TD><B><?php echo lang("Priority"); ?>:</B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME="priority">
<OPTION VALUE="1"<?php if ($cal_info->priority == 1) echo " SELECTED";?>><?php echo lang("Low"); ?> </option>
<OPTION VALUE="2"<?php if ($cal_info->priority == 2 || $cal_info->priority == 0 ) echo " SELECTED";?>><?php echo lang("Medium"); ?></option>
<OPTION VALUE="3"<?php if ($cal_info->priority == 3) echo " SELECTED";?>><?php echo lang("High"); ?></option>
<TD><B><?php echo lang("Access"); ?>:</B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME="access">
<OPTION VALUE="private"<?php
if ($cal_info->access == "private" || ! $id) echo " SELECTED";?>><?php echo lang("Private"); ?></option>
<OPTION VALUE="public"<?php
if ($cal_info->access == "public") echo " SELECTED"; ?>><?php echo lang("Global Public"); ?></option>
<OPTION VALUE="group"<?php
if ($cal_info->access == "public" || strlen($cal_info->access)) echo " SELECTED";?>><?php echo lang("Group Public"); ?></option>
<TD><B><?php echo lang("group access"); ?>:</B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME="n_groups[]" multiple size="5">
$user_groups = $phpgw->accounts->read_group_names();
for ($i=0;$i<count($user_groups);$i++) {
echo "<option value=\"" . $user_groups[$i][0] . "\"";
if (ereg(",".$user_groups[$i][0].",",$cal_info->groups))
echo " selected";
echo ">" . $user_groups[$i][1] . "</option>\n";
$phpgw->db->query("select account_id,account_lid,account_lastname, account_firstname from "
. "accounts where account_status !='L' and account_lid != '"
. $phpgw_info["user"]["userid"] . "' and account_permissions like '%:calendar:%' "
. "order by account_lastname,account_firstname,account_lid");
if ($phpgw->db->num_rows() > 50)
$size = 15;
else if ($phpgw->db->num_rows() > 5)
$size = 5;
$size = $phpgw->db->num_rows();
echo "<TR><TD VALIGN=\"top\"><B>" . lang("Participants") . ":</B></TD>"
. "<TD>\n<SELECT NAME=\"participants[]\" multiple size=\"$size\">\n";
while ($phpgw->db->next_record()) {
echo "<option value=\"" . $phpgw->db->f("account_id") . "\"";
if ($cal_info->participants[$phpgw->db->f("account_id")])
echo " selected";
echo ">" . $phpgw->common->display_fullname($phpgw->db->f("account_lid"),
echo "</option>\n";
echo "</select><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"participants[]\" value=\""
. $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"] ."\">"
. "</td></tr>\n";
<td><b><?php echo lang("Repeat type"); ?>:</b></td>
<td><select name="rpt_type">
echo "<option value=\"none\"" . (strcmp($cal_info->rpt_type,'none')==0?"selected":"") . ">"
. lang("None") . "</option>";
echo "<option value=\"daily\"" . (strcmp($cal_info->rpt_type,'daily')==0?"selected":"") . ">"
. lang("Daily") . "</option>";
echo "<option value=\"weekly\"" . (strcmp($cal_info->rpt_type,'weekly')==0?"selected":"") . ">"
. lang("Weekly") . "</option>";
echo "<option value=\"monthlyByDay\"".(strcmp($cal_info->rpt_type,'monthlyByDay')==0?"selected":"")
. ">" . lang("Monthly (by day)") . "</option>";
echo "<option value=\"monthlyByDate\"".(strcmp($cal_info->rpt_type,'monthlyByDate')==0?"checked":"")
. "> " . lang("Monthly (by date)") . "</option>";
echo "<option value=\"yearly\"" . (strcmp($cal_info->rpt_type,'yearly')==0?"checked":"") . ">"
. lang("Yearly") . "</option>";
<td><b><?php echo lang("Repeat End date"); ?>:</b></td>
<td><input type=checkbox name=rpt_end_use value=y <?php
echo ($cal_info->rpt_end?"checked":""); ?>> <?php echo lang("Use End date"); ?>
$day_html = "<SELECT NAME=\"rpt_day\">";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
$day_html .= "<OPTION value=\"$i\"" . ($i == $cal_info->rpt_day ? " SELECTED" : "")
. ">$i</option>\n";
$day_html .= "</select>";
$month_html = "<select name=\"rpt_month\">";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
$m = lang(date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,$cal_info->rpt_year)));
$month_html .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"" . ($i == $cal_info->rpt_month ? " SELECTED" : "")
. ">$m</option>\n";
$month_html .= "</select>";
$year_html = "<select name=\"rpt_year\">";
for ($i = ($cal_info->rpt_year - 1); $i < ($cal_info->rpt_year + 5); $i++) {
$year_html .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"" . ($i == $cal_info->rpt_year ? " SELECTED" : "") . ">$i"
. "</option>\n";
$year_html .= "</select>";
echo $phpgw->common->dateformatorder($year_html,$month_html,$day_html);
<td><b><?php echo lang("Repeat day"); ?>: </b><?php echo lang("(for Weekly)"); ?></td>
echo "<input type=checkbox name=rpt_sun value=y "
. ($cal_info->rpt_sun?"checked":"") . "> " . lang("Sunday");
echo "<input type=checkbox name=rpt_mon value=y "
. ($cal_info->rpt_mon?"checked":"") . "> " . lang("Monday");
echo "<input type=checkbox name=rpt_tue value=y "
. ($cal_info->rpt_tue?"checked":"") . "> " . lang("Tuesday");
echo "<input type=checkbox name=rpt_wed value=y "
. ($cal_info->rpt_wed?"checked":"") . "> " . lang("Wednesday");
echo "<input type=checkbox name=rpt_thu value=y "
. ($cal_info->rpt_thu?"checked":"") . "> " . lang("Thursday");
echo "<input type=checkbox name=rpt_fri value=y "
. ($cal_info->rpt_fri?"checked":"") . "> " . lang("Friday");
echo "<input type=checkbox name=rpt_sat value=y "
. ($cal_info->rpt_sat?"checked":"") . "> " . lang("Saturday");
<td><b><?php echo lang("Frequency"); ?>: </b></td>
<input name="rpt_freq" size="4" maxlength="4" value="<?php echo $cal_info->rpt_freq; ?>">
document.writeln ( '<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="<?php echo lang("Submit"); ?>" ONCLICK="validate_and_submit()">' );
/* document.writeln ( '<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="<?php echo lang("Help"); ?>" ONCLICK="window.open ( \'help_edit_entry.php\', \'cal_help\', \'dependent,menubar,height=365,width=650,innerHeight=365,outerWidth=420,resizable=1\');">' ); */
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="<?php echo lang("Submit"); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="participant_list" VALUE="">
if ($id > 0) {
echo "<A HREF=\"" . $phpgw->link("delete.php","id=$id") . "\" onClick=\"return confirm('"
. lang("Are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry ?") . "');\">"
. lang("Delete") . "</A><BR>";
} // ***** This might be out of place. I was getting tons of parse errors
// from if ($can_edit) { This needs to be rewritten, because if you do
// not own the entry. You should not get into this portion of the program.