2024-05-06 17:35:35 +02:00

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* EGroupware: CalDAV/CardDAV/GroupDAV access
* @link
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @subpackage caldav
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright (c) 2007-16 by Ralf Becker <>
* @version $Id$
namespace EGroupware\Api;
use EGroupware\Api\CalDAV\Handler;
use EGroupware\Api\CalDAV\Principals;
// explicit import non-namespaced classes
use EGroupware\Api\CalDAV\JsParseException;
use HTTP_WebDAV_Server;
use calendar_hooks;
* EGroupware: CalDAV/CardDAV server
* Using a modified PEAR HTTP/WebDAV/Server class from API!
* One can use the following URLs relative (!) to
* - / base of Cal|Card|GroupDAV tree, only certain clients (KDE, Apple) can autodetect folders from here
* - /principals/ principal-collection-set for WebDAV ACL
* - /principals/users/<username>/
* - /principals/groups/<groupname>/
* - /<username>/ users home-set with
* - /<username>/addressbook/ addressbook of user or group <username> given the user has rights to view it
* - /<current-username>/addressbook-<other-username>/ shared addressbooks from other user or group
* - /<current-username>/addressbook-accounts/ all accounts current user has rights to see
* - /<username>/calendar/ calendar of user <username> given the user has rights to view it
* - /<username>/calendar/?download download whole calendar as .ics file (GET request!)
* - /<current-username>/calendar-<other-username>/ shared calendar from other user or group (only current <username>!)
* - /<username>/inbox/ scheduling inbox of user <username>
* - /<username>/outbox/ scheduling outbox of user <username>
* - /<username>/infolog/ InfoLog's of user <username> given the user has rights to view it
* - /addressbook/ all addressbooks current user has rights to, announced as directory-gateway now
* - /addressbook-accounts/ all accounts current user has rights to see
* - /calendar/ calendar of current user
* - /infolog/ infologs of current user
* - /mail/ mail REST API, see doc/REST-CalDAV-CardDAV/
* - /(resources|locations)/<resource-name>/calendar calendar of a resource/location, if user has rights to view
* - /<current-username>/(resource|location)-<resource-name> shared calendar from a resource/location
* Shared addressbooks or calendars are only shown in the users home-set, if he subscribed to it via his CalDAV preferences!
* Calling one of the above collections with a GET request / regular browser generates an automatic index
* from the data of a allprop PROPFIND, allow browsing CalDAV/CardDAV tree with a regular browser.
* Using EGroupware CalDAV/CardDAV as REST API: currently only for contacts and mail (sending)
* ===========================================
* GET requests to collections with an "Accept: application/json" header return a JSON response similar to a PROPFIND
* following GET parameters are supported to customize the returned properties:
* - props[]=<DAV-prop-name> e.g. props[]=getetag to return only the ETAG (multiple DAV properties can be specified)
* Default for addressbook collections is to only return address-data (JsContact), other collections return all props.
* - sync-token=<token> to only request change since last sync-token, like rfc6578 sync-collection REPORT
* - nresults=N limit number of responses (only for sync-collection / given sync-token parameter!)
* this will return a "more-results"=true attribute and a new "sync-token" attribute to query for the next chunk
* POST requests to collection with a "Content-Type: application/json" header add new entries in addressbook or calendar collections
* (Location header in response gives URL of new resource)
* GET requests with an "Accept: application/json" header can be used to retrieve single resources / JsContact or JsCalendar schema
* PUT requests with a "Content-Type: application/json" header allow modifying single resources
* DELETE requests delete single resources
* PATCH modify existing resource with partial data
* Permanent error_log() calls should use groupdav->log($str) instead, to be send to PHP error_log()
* and our request-log (prefixed with "### " after request and response, like exceptions).
* @link GroupDAV spec
* @link CalDAV resources
* @link CardDAV resources
* @link Apple calendar and contacts server
class CalDAV extends HTTP_WebDAV_Server
* DAV namespace
const DAV = 'DAV:';
* GroupDAV namespace
const GROUPDAV = '';
* CalDAV namespace
const CALDAV = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav';
* CardDAV namespace
const CARDDAV = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav';
* Apple Calendarserver namespace (e.g. for ctag)
* Apple Addressbookserver namespace (e.g. for ctag)
* Apple iCal namespace (e.g. for calendar color)
const ICAL = '';
* Realm and powered by string
const REALM = 'EGroupware CalDAV/CardDAV/GroupDAV server';
var $dav_powered_by = self::REALM;
var $http_auth_realm = self::REALM;
* Folders in root or user home
* @var array
var $root = array(
'addressbook' => array(
'resourcetype' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'vcard-collection', self::CARDDAV => 'addressbook'),
'component-set' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'VCARD'),
'calendar' => array(
'resourcetype' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'vevent-collection', self::CALDAV => 'calendar'),
'component-set' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'VEVENT'),
'inbox' => array(
'resourcetype' => array(self::CALDAV => 'schedule-inbox'),
'app' => 'calendar',
'user-only' => true, // display just in user home
'outbox' => array(
'resourcetype' => array(self::CALDAV => 'schedule-outbox'),
'app' => 'calendar',
'user-only' => true, // display just in user home
'infolog' => array(
'resourcetype' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'vtodo-collection', self::CALDAV => 'calendar'),
'component-set' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'VTODO'),
* Debug level: 0 = nothing, 1 = function calls, 2 = more info, 3 = complete $_SERVER array
* Can now be enabled on a per-user basis in GroupDAV preferences, if it is set here to 0!
* The debug messages are send to the apache error_log
* @var integer
var $debug = 0;
* eGW's charset
* @var string
var $egw_charset;
* Instance of our application specific handler
* @var Handler
var $handler;
* current-user-principal URL
* @var string
var $current_user_principal;
* Reference to the accounts class
* @var accounts
var $accounts;
* Supported privileges with name and description
* privileges are hierarchical
* @var array
var $supported_privileges = array(
'all' => array(
'*description*' => 'all privileges',
'read' => array(
'*description*' => 'read resource',
'read-free-busy' => array(
'*ns*' => self::CALDAV,
'*description*' => 'allow free busy report query',
'*only*' => '/calendar/',
'write' => array(
'*description*' => 'write resource',
'write-properties' => 'write resource properties',
'write-content' => 'write resource content',
'bind' => 'add child resource',
'unbind' => 'remove child resource',
'unlock' => 'unlock resource without ownership of lock',
'read-acl' => 'read resource access control list',
'write-acl' => 'write resource access control list',
'read-current-user-privilege-set' => 'read privileges for current principal',
'schedule-deliver' => array(
'*ns*' => self::CALDAV,
'*description*' => 'schedule privileges for current principal',
'*only*' => '/inbox/',
'schedule-send' => array(
'*ns*' => self::CALDAV,
'*description*' => 'schedule privileges for current principal',
'*only*' => '/outbox/',
* $options parameter to PROPFIND request, e.g. to check what props are requested
* @var array
var $propfind_options;
* Reference to active instance, used by exception handler
* @var self
protected static $instance;
function __construct()
// log which CalDAVTester test is currently running, set as User-Agent header
if (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 14) == 'scripts/tests/') error_log('****** '.$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if (!$this->debug) $this->debug = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['debug_level'];
if ($this->debug > 2) error_log('groupdav: $_SERVER='.array2string($_SERVER));
// setting our own exception handler, to be able to still log the requests
// crrnd: client refuses redundand namespace declarations
// setting redundand namespaces as the default for (Cal|Card|Group)DAV, as the majority of the clients either require or can live with it
$this->crrnd = false;
// identify clients, which do NOT support path AND full url in <D:href> of PROPFIND request
switch(($agent = Handler::get_agent()))
case 'kde': // KAddressbook (at least in 3.5 can NOT subscribe / does NOT find addressbook)
$this->client_require_href_as_url = true;
case 'cfnetwork': // Apple addressbook app
case 'dataaccess': // iPhone addressbook
$this->client_require_href_as_url = false;
case 'davkit': // iCal app in OS X 10.6 created wrong request, if full url given
case 'coredav': // iCal app in OS X 10.7
case 'calendarstore': // Apple iCal 5.0.1 under OS X 10.7.2
$this->client_require_href_as_url = false;
case 'cfnetwork_old':
$this->crrnd = true; // Older Apple does not cope with namespace redundancy
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."() HTTP_USER_AGENT='$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]' --> '$agent' --> client_requires_href_as_url=$this->client_require_href_as_url, crrnd(client refuses redundand namespace declarations)=$this->crrnd");
// adding EGroupware version to X-Dav-Powered-By header e.g. "EGroupware 1.8.001 CalDAV/CardDAV/GroupDAV server"
$this->dav_powered_by = str_replace('EGroupware','EGroupware '.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions']['phpgwapi'],
// detected available additional APIs from applications
$this->root += Cache::getInstance(__CLASS__, 'user-'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], static function()
$apis = [];
foreach($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'] as $app => $data)
if (class_exists('EGroupware\\'.ucfirst($app).'\\ApiHandler'))
$apis[$app] = [];
return $apis;
}, [], 86400);
// hack to allow to use query parameters in WebDAV, which HTTP_WebDAV_Server interprets as part of the path
list($this->_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) = explode('?',$this->_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// OSX Addressbook sends ?add-member url-encoded
if (substr($this->_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -14) == '/%3Fadd-member')
$_GET['add-member'] = '';
$this->_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr($this->_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, -14);
//error_log($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']." --> ".$this->_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$this->egw_charset = Translation::charset();
if (strpos($this->base_uri, 'http') === 0)
$this->current_user_principal = self::_slashify($this->base_uri);
$this->current_user_principal = Framework::getUrl($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '/';
$this->current_user_principal .= 'principals/users/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'].'/';
// if client requires pathes instead of URLs
if (!$this->client_require_href_as_url)
$this->current_user_principal = parse_url($this->current_user_principal,PHP_URL_PATH);
$this->accounts = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts;
self::$instance = $this;
* get the handler for $app
* @param string $app
* @return Handler
function app_handler($app)
if (isset($this->root[$app]['app'])) $app = $this->root[$app]['app'];
return Handler::app_handler($app,$this);
* OPTIONS request, allow to modify the standard responses from the pear-class
* @param string $path
* @param array &$dav
* @param array &$allow
function OPTIONS($path, &$dav, &$allow)
unset($allow); // not used, but required by function signature
// locking support
if (!in_array('2', $dav)) $dav[] = '2';
if (preg_match('#/(calendar(-[^/]+)?|inbox|outbox)/#', $path)) // e.g. /<username>/calendar-<otheruser>/
$app = 'calendar';
elseif (preg_match('#/addressbook(-[^/]+)?/#', $path)) // e.g. /<username>/addressbook-<otheruser>/
$app = 'addressbook';
// CalDAV and CardDAV
$dav[] = 'access-control';
if ($app !== 'addressbook') // CalDAV
$dav[] = 'calendar-access';
$dav[] = 'calendar-auto-schedule';
$dav[] = 'calendar-proxy';
// required by iOS iCal to use principal-property-search to autocomplete participants (and locations)
$dav[] = 'calendarserver-principal-property-search';
// required by iOS & OS X iCal to show private checkbox (X-CALENDARSERVER-ACCESS: CONFIDENTIAL on VCALENDAR)
$dav[] = 'calendarserver-private-events';
// managed attachments
$dav[] = 'calendar-managed-attachments';
// other capabilities calendarserver announces
//$dav[] = 'calendar-schedule';
//$dav[] = 'calendar-availability';
//$dav[] = 'inbox-availability';
//$dav[] = 'calendarserver-private-comments';
//$dav[] = 'calendarserver-sharing';
//$dav[] = 'calendarserver-sharing-no-scheduling';
if ($app !== 'calendar') // CardDAV
$dav[] = 'addressbook'; // CardDAV uses "addressbook" NOT "addressbook-access"
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$path') --> app='$app' --> DAV: ".implode(', ', $dav));
* PROPFIND and REPORT method handler
* @param array &$options general parameter passing array
* @param array &$files return array for file properties
* @param string $method "PROPFIND" (default) or "REPORT"
* @return bool true on success
function PROPFIND(&$options, &$files, $method='PROPFIND')
if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__."::$method(".array2string($options).')');
// make options (readonly) available to all class methods, e.g. prop_requested
$this->propfind_options = $options;
$nresults = null;
foreach($options['other'] ?? [] as $option)
if ($option['name'] === 'nresults' && (int)$option['data'] > 0)
$nresults = (int)$option['data'];
// parse path in form [/account_lid]/app[/more]
$id = $app = $user = $user_prefix = null;
if (!$this->_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user,$user_prefix) && $app && !$user && $user !== 0)
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__CLASS__."::$method: user='$user', app='$app', id='$id': 404 not found!");
return '404 Not Found';
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__CLASS__."::$method(path='$options[path]'): user='$user', user_prefix='$user_prefix', app='$app', id='$id'");
$files = array('files' => array());
$path = $user_prefix = self::_slashify($user_prefix);
if (!$app) // user root folder containing apps
// add root with current users apps
$this->add_home($files, $path, $user, $options['depth']);
if ($path == '/')
'location' => 'groupdav_root_props',
'props' => &$files['files'][0]['props'],
'options' => $options,
'caldav' => $this,
// add principals and user-homes
if ($path == '/' && $options['depth'])
// principals collection
$files['files'][] = $this->add_collection('/principals/', array(
'displayname' => lang('Accounts'),
'type' => 'both',
'order' =>'account_lid',
'start' => $_GET['start'] ?? 0,
'offset' => $nresults,
]) as $account)
$this->add_home($files, $path.$account['account_lid'].'/', $account['account_id'], $options['depth'] == 'infinity' ? 'infinity' : $options['depth']-1);
// if nresults-limit is set respond correct
if (isset($nresults) && $this->accounts->total > ($_GET['start'] ?? 0)+$nresults)
$handler = new CalDAV\Principals('calendar', $this);
$handler->sync_collection_toke = '?start='.(($_GET['start'] ?? 0)+$nresults);
$files['sync-token'] = [$handler, 'get_sync_collection_token'];
$files['sync-token-parameters'] = ['/', '', true];
return true;
if ($path == '/' && ($app == 'resources' || $app == 'locations'))
return $this->add_resources_collection($files, '/'.$app.'/', $options['depth']);
if ($app != 'principals' && !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'][$this->root[$app]['app'] ? $this->root[$app]['app'] : $app]))
if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__."::$method(path=$options[path]) 403 Forbidden: no app rights for '$app'");
return "403 Forbidden: no app rights for '$app'"; // no rights for the given app
if (($handler = $this->app_handler($app)))
if ($method != 'REPORT' && !$id) // no self URL for REPORT requests (only PROPFIND) or propfinds on an id
// KAddressbook doubles the folder, if the self URL contains the GroupDAV/CalDAV resourcetypes
$files['files'][0] = $this->add_app($app,$app=='addressbook'&&$handler->get_agent()=='kde',$user,
// Hack for iOS 5.0.1 addressbook to stop asking directory gateway permissions with depth != 0
// values for depth are 0, 1, "infinit" or not set which has to be interpreted as "infinit"
if ($method == 'PROPFIND' && $options['path'] == '/addressbook/' &&
(!isset($options['depth']) || $options['depth']) && $handler->get_agent() == 'dataaccess')
$this->log(__CLASS__."::$method(".array2string($options).') Enabling hack for iOS 5.0.1 addressbook: force Depth: 0 on PROPFIND for directory gateway!');
return true;
if (!$options['depth']) return true; // depth 0 --> show only the self url
return $handler->propfind(self::_slashify($options['path']),$options,$files,$user,$id);
return '501 Not Implemented';
* Add a collection to a PROPFIND request
* @param string $path
* @param array $props =array() extra properties 'resourcetype' is added anyway, name => value pairs or name => HTTP_WebDAV_Server([namespace,]name,value)
* @param array $privileges =array('read') values for current-user-privilege-set
* @param array|null $supported_privileges =null default $this->supported_privileges
* @return array with values for keys 'path' and 'props'
public function add_collection($path, array $props = array(), array $privileges=array('read','read-acl','read-current-user-privilege-set'), array $supported_privileges=null)
// resourcetype: collection
$props['resourcetype'][] = self::mkprop('collection','');
if (!isset($props['getcontenttype'])) $props['getcontenttype'] = 'httpd/unix-directory';
return $this->add_resource($path, $props, $privileges, $supported_privileges);
* Add a resource to a PROPFIND request
* @param string $path
* @param array $props =array() extra properties 'resourcetype' is added anyway, name => value pairs or name => HTTP_WebDAV_Server([namespace,]name,value)
* @param array $privileges =array('read') values for current-user-privilege-set
* @param array $supported_privileges =null default $this->supported_privileges
* @return array with values for keys 'path' and 'props'
public function add_resource($path, array $props = array(), array $privileges=array('read','read-current-user-privilege-set'), array $supported_privileges=null)
// props for all collections: current-user-principal and principal-collection-set
$props['current-user-principal'] = array(
$props['principal-collection-set'] = array(
// required props per WebDAV standard
'displayname' => basename($path),
'getetag' => 'none',
'getcontentlength' => '',
'getlastmodified' => '',
'getcontenttype' => '',
'resourcetype' => '',
) as $name => $default)
if (!isset($props[$name])) $props[$name] = $default;
// if requested add privileges
if (is_null($supported_privileges)) $supported_privileges = $this->supported_privileges;
if ($this->prop_requested('current-user-privilege-set') === true)
foreach($privileges as $name)
$props['current-user-privilege-set'][] = self::mkprop('privilege', array(
is_array($name) ? self::mkprop($name['ns'], $name['name'], '') : self::mkprop($name, '')));
if ($this->prop_requested('supported-privilege-set') === true)
foreach($supported_privileges as $name => $data)
$props['supported-privilege-set'][] = $this->supported_privilege($name, $data, $path);
if (!isset($props['owner']) && $this->prop_requested('owner') === true)
$props['owner'] = '';
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."(path='$path', props=".array2string($props).')');
// convert simple associative properties to HTTP_WebDAV_Server ones
foreach($props as $name => &$prop)
if (!is_array($prop) || !isset($prop['name']))
$prop = self::mkprop($name, $prop);
// add quotes around etag, if they are not already there
if ($prop['name'] == 'getetag' && $prop['val'][0] != '"')
$prop['val'] = '"'.$prop['val'].'"';
return array(
'path' => $path,
'props' => $props,
* Generate (hierarchical) supported-privilege property
* @param string $name name of privilege
* @param string|array $data string with description or array with aggregated privileges plus value for key '*description*', '*ns*', '*only*'
* @param string $path =null path to match with $data['*only*']
* @return array of self::mkprop() arrays
protected function supported_privilege($name, $data, $path=null)
$props = array();
$props[] = self::mkprop('privilege', array(is_array($data) && $data['*ns*'] ?
self::mkprop($data['*ns*'], $name, '') : self::mkprop($name, '')));
$props[] = self::mkprop('description', is_array($data) ? $data['*description*'] : $data);
if (is_array($data))
foreach($data as $n => $d)
if ($n[0] == '*') continue;
if (is_array($d) && $d['*only*'] && strpos($path, $d['*only*']) === false)
continue; // wrong path
$props[] = $this->supported_privilege($n, $d, $path);
return self::mkprop('supported-privilege', $props);
* Checks if a given property was requested in propfind request
* @param string $name property name
* @param string $ns =null namespace, if that is to be checked too
* @param boolean $return_prop =false if true return the property array with values for 'name', 'xmlns', 'attrs', 'children'
* @return boolean|string|array true: $name explicitly requested (or autoindex), "all": allprop or "names": propname requested, false: $name was not requested
function prop_requested($name, $ns=null, $return_prop=false)
if (!is_array($this->propfind_options) || !isset($this->propfind_options['props']))
$ret = true; // no props set, should happen only in autoindex, we return true to show all available props
elseif (!is_array($this->propfind_options['props']))
$ret = $this->propfind_options['props']; // "all": allprop or "names": propname
$ret = false;
foreach($this->propfind_options['props'] as $prop)
if ($prop['name'] == $name && (is_null($ns) || $prop['xmlns'] == $ns))
$ret = $return_prop ? $prop : true;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name', '$ns', $return_prop) propfind_options=".array2string($this->propfind_options));
return $ret;
* Add user home with addressbook, calendar, infolog
* @param array $files
* @param string $path / or /<username>/
* @param int $user
* @param int $depth
* @return string|boolean http status or true|false
protected function add_home(array &$files, $path, $user, $depth)
if ($user)
$account_lid = $this->accounts->id2name($user);
$account_lid = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'];
$account = $this->accounts->read($account_lid);
$calendar_user_address_set = array(
if ($user < 0)
$principalType = 'groups';
$displayname = lang('Group').' '.$account['account_lid'];
$principalType = 'users';
$displayname = $account['account_fullname'];
$calendar_user_address_set[] = self::mkprop('href','mailto:'.$account['account_email']);
$calendar_user_address_set[] = self::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/principals/'.$principalType.'/'.$account['account_lid'].'/');
if ($depth && $path == '/')
$displayname = 'EGroupware (Cal|Card|Group)DAV server';
$displayname = Translation::convert($displayname, Translation::charset(),'utf-8');
// self url
$props = array(
'displayname' => $displayname,
'owner' => $path == '/' ? '' : array(self::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/principals/'.$principalType.'/'.$account_lid.'/')),
if ($path != '/')
// add props modifyable via proppatch from client, e.g. jqcalendar stores it's preferences there
foreach((array)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav'] as $name => $value)
list($prop,$prop4path,$ns) = explode(':', $name, 3);
if ($prop4path == $path && (!in_array($ns,self::$ns_needs_explicit_named_props) ||
isset(self::$proppatch_props[$prop]) && self::$proppatch_props[$prop] === $ns))
$props[] = self::mkprop($ns, $prop, $value);
//error_log(__METHOD__."() arbitrary $ns:$prop=".array2string($value));
$files['files'][] = $this->add_collection($path, $props);
if ($depth)
foreach($this->root as $app => $data)
if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'][$data['app'] ? $data['app'] : $app]) continue; // no rights for the given app
if (!empty($data['user-only']) && ($path == '/' || $user < 0)) continue;
$files['files'][] = $this->add_app($app,false,$user,$path.$app.'/');
// only add global /addressbook-accounts/ as the one in home-set is added (and controled) by add_shared
if ($path == '/' && $app == 'addressbook' &&
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] !== '1')
$file = $this->add_app($app,false,0,$path.$app.'-accounts/');
$file['props']['resourcetype']['val'][] = self::mkprop(self::CALENDARSERVER,'shared','');
$files['files'][] = $file;
// added shared calendars or addressbooks
$this->add_shared($files['files'], $path, $app, $user);
if ($path == '/' && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['resources'])
$this->add_resources_collection($files, $path.'resources/');
$this->add_resources_collection($files, $path.'locations/');
return true;
* Add collection with available resources or locations calendar-home-sets
* @param array &$files
* @param string $path / or /<username>/
* @param int $depth =0
* @return string|boolean http status or true|false
protected function add_resources_collection(array &$files, $path, $depth=0)
if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['resources']))
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(path=$path) 403 Forbidden: no app rights for 'resources'");
return "403 Forbidden: no app rights for 'resources'"; // no rights for the given app
list(,$what) = explode('/', $path);
if (($is_location = ($what == 'locations')))
$files['files'][] = $this->add_collection('/locations/', array('displayname' => lang('Location calendars')));
$files['files'][] = $this->add_collection('/resources/', array('displayname' => lang('Resource calendars')));
if ($depth)
foreach(Principals::get_resources() as $resource)
if ($is_location == Principals::resource_is_location($resource))
$files['files'][] = $this->add_app('calendar', false, 'r'.$resource['res_id'],
'/'.Principals::resource2name($resource, $is_location).'/');
return true;
* Add shared addressbook, calendar, infolog to user home
* @param array &$files
* @param string $path /<username>/
* @param int $app
* @param int $user
* @return string|boolean http status or true|false
protected function add_shared(array &$files, $path, $app, $user)
// currently only show shared calendars/addressbooks for current user and not in the root
if ($path == '/' || $user != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] ||
!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'][$app])) // also avoids principals, inbox and outbox
return true;
$handler = $this->app_handler($app);
if (($shared = $handler->get_shared()))
foreach($shared as $id => $owner)
$file = $this->add_app($app,false,$id,$path.$owner.'/');
// mark other users calendar as shared (iOS 5.0.1 AB does NOT display AB marked as shared!)
if ($app == 'calendar') $file['props']['resourcetype']['val'][] = self::mkprop(self::CALENDARSERVER,'shared','');
$files[] = $file;
return true;
* Format an account-name for use in displayname
* @param int|array $account
* @return string
public function account_name($account)
if (is_array($account))
if ($account['account_id'] < 0)
$name = lang('Group').' '.$account['account_lid'];
$name = $account['account_fullname'];
if ($account < 0)
$name = lang('Group').' '.$this->accounts->id2name($account,'account_lid');
$name = $this->accounts->id2name($account,'account_fullname');
if (empty($name)) $name = '#'.$account;
return $name;
* Add an application collection to a user home or the root
* @param string $app
* @param boolean $no_extra_types =false should the GroupDAV and CalDAV types be added (KAddressbook has problems with it in self URL)
* @param int $user =null owner of the collection, default current user
* @param string $path ='/'
* @return array with values for keys 'path' and 'props'
protected function add_app($app,$no_extra_types=false,$user=null,$path='/')
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(app='$app', no_extra_types=$no_extra_types, user='$user', path='$path')");
$user_preferences = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'];
if (is_string($user) && $user[0] == 'r' && ($resource = Principals::read_resource(substr($user, 1))))
$is_location = Principals::resource_is_location($resource);
$displayname = null;
list($principalType, $account_lid) = explode('/', Principals::resource2name($resource, $is_location, $displayname));
elseif ($user)
$account_lid = $this->accounts->id2name($user);
if ($user >= 0 && $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->account_id != $user)
$user_preferences = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->read_repository();
$principalType = $user < 0 ? 'groups' : 'users';
$account_lid = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'];
$principalType = 'users';
if (!isset($displayname)) $displayname = $this->account_name($user);
$props = array(
'owner' => array(self::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/principals/'.$principalType.'/'.$account_lid.'/')),
switch ($app)
case 'inbox':
$props['displayname'] = lang('Scheduling inbox').' '.$displayname;
case 'outbox':
$props['displayname'] = lang('Scheduling outbox').' '.$displayname;
case 'addressbook':
if ($path == '/addressbook/')
$props['displayname'] = lang('All addressbooks');
elseif(!$user && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] !== '1')
$props['displayname'] = lang($app).' '.lang('Accounts');
// fall through
$props['displayname'] = Translation::convert(lang($app).' '.$displayname, $this->egw_charset, 'utf-8');
// rfc 5995 (Use POST to add members to WebDAV collections): we use collection path with add-member query param
// leaving it switched off, until further testing, because OS X iCal seem to ignore it and OS X Addressbook uses POST to full URL without ?add-member
if ($app && !in_array($app,array('inbox','outbox','principals'))) // not on inbox, outbox or principals
$props['add-member'][] = self::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.$path.'?add-member');
// add props modifiable via proppatch from client, e.g. calendar-color, see self::$proppatch_props
$ns = null;
foreach((array)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app] as $name => $value)
list($prop,$prop4user,$ns) = explode(':', $name, 3);
if ($prop4user == (string)$user && isset(self::$proppatch_props[$prop]) && !isset($ns))
$props[$prop] = self::mkprop(self::$proppatch_props[$prop], $prop, $value);
//error_log(__METHOD__."() explicit ".self::$proppatch_props[$prop].":$prop=".array2string($value));
// props in arbitrary namespaces not mentioned in self::$ns_needs_explicit_named_props
elseif(isset($ns) && !in_array($ns,self::$ns_needs_explicit_named_props))
$props[] = self::mkprop($ns, $prop, $value);
//error_log(__METHOD__."() arbitrary $ns:$prop=".array2string($value));
foreach((array)$this->root[$app] as $prop => $values)
case 'resourcetype';
if (!$no_extra_types)
foreach($this->root[$app]['resourcetype'] as $ns => $type)
$props['resourcetype'][] = self::mkprop($ns,$type,'');
// add /addressbook/ as directory gateway
if ($path == '/addressbook/')
$props['resourcetype'][] = self::mkprop(self::CARDDAV, 'directory', '');
case 'app':
case 'user-only':
break; // no props, already handled
if (is_array($values))
foreach($values as $ns => $value)
$props[$prop] = self::mkprop($ns,$prop,$value);
$props[$prop] = $values;
// add other handler specific properties
if (($handler = $this->app_handler($app)))
if (method_exists($handler,'extra_properties'))
$props = $handler->extra_properties($props, $displayname, $this->base_uri, $user, $path);
// add ctag if handler implements it
if (method_exists($handler,'getctag') && $this->prop_requested('getctag') === true)
$props['getctag'] = self::mkprop(
// add sync-token url if handler supports sync-collection report
if (isset($props['supported-report-set']['sync-collection']) && $this->prop_requested('sync-token') === true)
$props['sync-token'] = $handler->get_sync_token($path,$user);
if ($handler && !is_null($user))
return $this->add_collection($path, $props, $handler->current_user_privileges($path, $user));
return $this->add_collection($path, $props);
* CalDAV/CardDAV REPORT method handler
* just calls PROPFIND()
* @param array &$options general parameter passing array
* @param array &$files return array for file properties
* @return bool true on success
function REPORT(&$options, &$files)
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');
return $this->PROPFIND($options,$files,'REPORT');
* CalDAV/CardDAV REPORT method handler to get HTTP_WebDAV_Server to process REPORT requests
* Just calls http_PROPFIND()
function http_REPORT()
* REST API PATCH handler
* Currently, only implemented for REST not CalDAV/CardDAV
* @param array &$options
* @return string
function PATCH(array &$options)
if (!self::isJSON())
return '501 Not implemented';
return $this->PUT($options, 'PATCH');
* REST API PATCH handler
* Just calls http_PUT()
function http_PATCH()
return parent::http_PUT('PATCH');
* Check if client want or sends JSON
* @param string|null &$type=null
* @return bool|string false: no json, true: application/json, string: application/(string)+json
public static function isJSON(string &$type=null)
if (!isset($type))
$type = in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], ['PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'PROPPATCH']) ?
// make sure the client is not just a CalDAV client wrongly sending a Content-Type or Accept header for JSON
if (in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], ['REPORT', 'PROPFIND', 'PROPPATCH']) || // no REST, but CalDAV methods
isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']) && preg_match('#(application|text)/xml#', $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']))
return false;
return preg_match('#application/(([^+ ;]+)\+)?json#', $type, $matches) ?
(empty($matches[1]) ? true : $matches[2]) : false;
* GET method handler
* @param array $options parameter passing array
* @return bool true on success
function GET(&$options)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');
$id = $app = $user = null;
if (!$this->_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user) || $app == 'principals')
if (($json = self::isJSON()))
return $this->jsonIndex($options, $json === 'pretty');
return $this->autoindex($options);
if (($handler = $this->app_handler($app)))
// handle links for all apps supporting links
if (preg_match('#/'.$app.'/'.$id.'/links/?$#', $options['path']) && self::isJSON())
return $handler->getLinks($options, $id);
return $handler->get($options,$id,$user);
error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($options).") 501 Not Implemented");
return '501 Not Implemented';
* JSON encode incl. modified pretty-print
* @param $data
* @return array|string|string[]|null
public static function json_encode($data, $pretty = true)
if (!$pretty)
return json_encode($data, self::JSON_OPTIONS);
return preg_replace('/: {\n\s*(.*?)\n\s*(},?\n)/', ': { $1 $2',
json_encode($data, self::JSON_OPTIONS_PRETTY));
* PROPFIND/REPORT like output for GET request on collection with Accept: application/(.*+)?json
* For addressbook-collections we give a REST-like output without any other properties
* {
* "/addressbook/ID": {
* JsContact-data
* },
* ...
* }
* @param array $options
* @param bool $pretty =false true: pretty-print JSON
* @return bool|string|void
protected function jsonIndex(array $options, bool $pretty)
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
$is_addressbook = strpos($options['path'], '/addressbook') !== false;
$is_calendar = (bool)preg_match('#/(calendar|infolog)#', $options['path']);
$propfind_options = array(
'path' => $options['path'],
'depth' => 1,
'props' => $is_addressbook ? [
'address-data' => self::mkprop(self::CARDDAV, 'address-data', '')
] : ($is_calendar ? [
'calendar-data' => self::mkprop(self::CALDAV, 'calendar-data', ''),
] : [
'data' => self::mkprop(self::CALDAV, 'data', '')
'other' => [],
'root' => ['name' => null],
// sync-collection report via GET parameter sync-token
if (isset($_GET['sync-token']))
$propfind_options['root'] = ['name' => 'sync-collection'];
$propfind_options['other'][] = ['name' => 'sync-token', 'data' => $_GET['sync-token']];
$propfind_options['other'][] = ['name' => 'sync-level', 'data' => $_GET['sync-level'] ?? 1];
// clients want's pagination
if (isset($_GET['nresults']))
$propfind_options['other'][] = ['name' => 'nresults', 'data' => (int)$_GET['nresults']];
// client want data filtered
if (isset($_GET['filters']))
$propfind_options['filters'] = $_GET['filters'];
// properties to NOT get the default address-data for addressbook-collections and "all" for the rest
if (isset($_GET['props']))
$propfind_options['props'] = [];
foreach((array)$_GET['props'] as $value)
$parts = explode(':', $value);
$name = array_pop($parts);
$ns = $parts ? implode(':', $parts) : 'DAV:';
$propfind_options['props'][$name] = self::mkprop($ns, $name, '');
$files = array();
if (($ret = $this->REPORT($propfind_options,$files)) !== true)
return $ret; // no collection
// nicer JSON formatting for application/pretty+json only
$tab = $nl = $sp = '';
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'application/pretty+json') !== false)
$tab = "\t";
$nl = "\n";
$sp = ' ';
// set start as prefix, to no have it in front of exceptions
$prefix = '{'.$nl.$tab.'"responses":'.$sp.'{'.$nl;
foreach($files['files'] as $resource)
$path = $resource['path'];
echo $prefix.json_encode($path, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE).':'.$sp;
if (!isset($resource['props']))
echo 'null'; // deleted in sync-report
$props = $propfind_options['props'] === 'all' ? $resource['props'] :
array_intersect_key($resource['props'], $propfind_options['props']);
if (count($props) > 1)
$props = $this->jsonProps($props);
$props = current($props)['val'];
echo self::json_encode($props, $pretty);
$prefix = ",$nl";
// happens with an empty response
if ($prefix !== ",$nl")
echo $prefix;
$prefix = ",$nl";
echo "$nl$tab}";
// add sync-token and more-results to response
if (isset($files['sync-token']))
echo $prefix.$tab.'"sync-token": '.json_encode(!is_callable($files['sync-token']) ? $files['sync-token'] :
call_user_func_array($files['sync-token'], (array)$files['sync-token-params']), JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
echo "$nl}";
// exit now, so WebDAV::GET does NOT add Content-Type: application/octet-stream
* Nicer way to display/encode DAV properties
* @param array $props
* @return array
protected function jsonProps(array $props)
$json = [];
foreach($props as $key => $prop)
if (is_scalar($prop['val']))
$value = is_int($key) && $prop['val'] === '' ?
/*$prop['ns'].':'.*/$prop['name'] : $prop['val'];
// check if this is a property-object
elseif (count($prop) === 3 && isset($prop['name']) && isset($prop['ns']) && isset($prop['val']))
$value = in_array($prop['name'], ['address-data', 'calendar-data', 'data']) ? $prop['val'] : self::jsonProps($prop['val']);
$value = $prop;
if (is_int($key))
$json[] = $value;
$json[/*($prop['ns'] === 'DAV:' ? '' : $prop['ns'].':').*/$prop['name']] = $value;
return $json;
* Display an automatic index (listing and properties) for a collection
* @param array $options parameter passing array, index "path" contains requested path
protected function autoindex($options)
$chunk_size = 500;
$propfind_options = array(
'path' => $options['path'],
'depth' => 1,
// do NOT limit response, if GET parameter download is given
'other' => isset($_GET['download']) ? [] : [['name' => 'nresults', 'data' => $chunk_size]],
$files = array();
if (($ret = $this->PROPFIND($propfind_options,$files)) !== true)
return $ret; // no collection
header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.Translation::charset());
echo "<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>".'EGroupware (Cal|Card|Group)DAV server '.htmlspecialchars($options['path'])."</title>\n";
echo "\t<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />\n";
echo "\t<style type='text/css'>\ { background-color: #e0e0e0; }\n.row_on { background-color: #F1F1F1; vertical-align: top; }\n".
".row_off { background-color: #ffffff; vertical-align: top; }\ntd { padding-left: 5px; }\nth { padding-left: 5px; text-align: left; }\n\t</style>\n";
echo "</head>\n<body>\n";
echo '<h1>(Cal|Card|Group)DAV ';
$path = '/groupdav.php';
foreach(explode('/', self::_unslashify($options['path'])) as $n => $name)
$path .= ($n != 1 ? '/' : '').$name;
echo Html::a_href(htmlspecialchars($name.'/'),$path);
echo "</h1>\n";
static $props2show = array(
'DAV:displayname' => 'Displayname',
'DAV:getlastmodified' => 'Last modified',
'DAV:getetag' => 'ETag',
//'CalDAV:schedule-tag' => 'Schedule-Tag',
'DAV:getcontenttype' => 'Content type',
'DAV:resourcetype' => 'Resource type',
//'' => 'Created by',
//'' => 'Updated by',
//'DAV:owner' => 'Owner',
//'DAV:current-user-privilege-set' => 'current-user-privilege-set',
//'DAV:getcontentlength' => 'Size',
//'DAV:sync-token' => 'sync-token',
$n = 0;
$collection_props = $class = null;
foreach($files['files'] as $file)
if (!isset($collection_props))
$collection_props = $this->props2array($file['props']);
echo '<h3>'.lang('Collection listing').': '.htmlspecialchars($collection_props['DAV:displayname'])."</h3>\n";
continue; // own entry --> displaying properties later
echo "<table>\n\t<tr class='th'>\n\t\t<th>#</th>\n\t\t<th>".lang('Name')."</th>";
foreach($props2show as $label)
echo "\t\t<th>".lang($label)."</th>\n";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
$props = $this->props2array($file['props'] ?? []);
//echo $file['path']; _debug_array($props);
$class = $class === 'row_on' ? 'row_off' : 'row_on';
if (substr($file['path'],-1) == '/')
$name = basename(substr($file['path'],0,-1)).'/';
$name = basename($file['path']);
echo "\t<tr class='$class'>\n\t\t<td>$n</td>\n\t\t<td>".
Html::a_href(htmlspecialchars($name),'/groupdav.php'.strtr($file['path'], array(
'%' => '%25',
'#' => '%23',
'?' => '%3F',
foreach($props2show as $prop => $label)
echo "\t\t<td>".($prop=='DAV:getlastmodified'&&!empty($props[$prop])?date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$props[$prop]):$props[$prop])."</td>\n";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
if (!$n)
echo '<p>'.lang('Collection empty.')."</p>\n";
if (!empty($files['sync-token-parameters'][2]) || !empty($_GET['start']))
echo "\t<tr class='th'><td colspan='".(2+count($props2show))."'>".
(empty($_GET['start']) ? '' :
Html::a_href('<<< '.lang('Previous %1 accounts', $chunk_size), '/groupdav.php'.$options['path'].'?start='.max(0, $_GET['start']-$chunk_size))).
(!empty($_GET['start']) && !empty($files['sync-token-parameters'][2]) ? ' | ' : '').
(empty($files['sync-token-parameters'][2]) ? '' :
Html::a_href(lang('Next %1 accounts', $chunk_size).' >>>', '/groupdav.php'.$options['path'].'?start='.(($_GET['start'] ?? 0)+$chunk_size))).
echo "</table>\n";
echo '<h3>'.lang('Properties')."</h3>\n";
echo "<table>\n\t<tr class='th'><th>".lang('Namespace')."</th><th>".lang('Name')."</th><th>".lang('Value')."</th></tr>\n";
foreach($collection_props as $name => $value)
$class = $class == 'row_on' ? 'row_off' : 'row_on';
$parts = explode(':', $name);
$name = array_pop($parts);
$ns = implode(':', $parts);
echo "\t<tr class='$class'>\n\t\t<td>".htmlspecialchars($ns)."</td><td style='white-space: nowrap'>".htmlspecialchars($name)."</td>\n";
echo "\t\t<td>".$value."</td>\n\t</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
$dav = array(1);
$allow = false;
$this->OPTIONS($options['path'], $dav, $allow);
echo "<p>DAV: ".implode(', ', $dav)."</p>\n";
echo "</body>\n</html>\n";
* Format a property value for output
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
protected function prop_value($value)
if (is_array($value))
if (isset($value[0]['ns']))
$ns_defs = '';
$ns_hash = array();
$value = $this->_hierarchical_prop_encode($value, '', $ns_defs, $ns_hash);
$value = array2string($value);
if ($value[0] == '<' && function_exists('tidy_repair_string'))
$value = tidy_repair_string($value, array(
'indent' => true,
'show-body-only' => true,
'output-encoding' => 'utf-8',
'input-encoding' => 'utf-8',
'input-xml' => true,
'output-xml' => true,
'wrap' => 0,
if (($href=preg_match('/\<(D:)?href\>[^<]+\<\/(D:)?href\>/i',$value)))
$value = preg_replace('/\<(D:)?href\>('.preg_quote($this->base_uri.'/','/').')?([^<]+)\<\/(D:)?href\>/i','<\\1href><a href="\\2\\3">\\3</a></\\4href>',$value);
$ret = $value[0] == '<' || strpos($value, "\n") !== false ? '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($value).'</pre>' : htmlspecialchars($value);
if ($href)
$ret = str_replace('&lt;/a&gt;', '</a>', preg_replace('/&lt;a href=&quot;(.+)&quot;&gt;/', '<a href="\\1">', $ret));
return $ret;
* Return numeric indexed array with values for keys 'ns', 'name' and 'val' as array 'ns:name' => 'val'
* @param array $props
* @return array
protected function props2array(array $props)
$arr = array();
foreach($props as $prop)
$ns_hash = array('DAV:' => 'D');
case 'DAV:';
$ns = 'DAV';
case self::CALDAV:
$ns = $ns_hash[$prop['ns']] = 'CalDAV';
case self::CARDDAV:
$ns = $ns_hash[$prop['ns']] = 'CardDAV';
case self::GROUPDAV:
$ns = $ns_hash[$prop['ns']] = 'GroupDAV';
$ns = $prop['ns'];
if (is_array($prop['val']))
$ns_defs = '';
$prop['val'] = $this->_hierarchical_prop_encode($prop['val'], $prop['ns'], $ns_defs, $ns_hash);
// hack to show real namespaces instead of not (visibly) defined shortcuts
$value = strtr($v=$this->prop_value($prop['val']),array_flip($ns_hash));
$value = $this->prop_value($prop['val']);
$arr[$ns.':'.$prop['name']] = $value;
return $arr;
* POST method handler
* @param array &$options parameter passing array
* @return bool true on success
function POST(&$options)
// for some reason OS X Addressbook (CFNetwork user-agent) uses now (DAV:add-member given with collection URL+"?add-member")
// POST to the collection URL plus a UID like name component (like for regular PUT) to create new entrys
if (isset($_GET['add-member']) || Handler::get_agent() == 'cfnetwork' ||
// REST API: all but mail have no POST handler, therefore we have to call the PUT handler
!preg_match('#^(/[^/]+)?/mail(/|$)#', $options['path']) && self::isJSON())
$_GET['add-member'] = ''; // otherwise we give no Location header
return $this->PUT($options, 'POST');
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');
$id = $app = $user = null;
if (($handler = $this->app_handler($app)))
// handle links for all apps supporting links
if (preg_match('#/'.$app.'/'.$id.'/links/#', $options['path']))
return $handler->createLink($options, $id);
// managed attachments
if (isset($_GET['action']) && substr($_GET['action'], 0, 11) === 'attachment-')
return $this->managed_attachements($options, $id, $handler, $_GET['action']);
if (method_exists($handler, 'post'))
// read the content in a string, if a stream is given
if (isset($options['stream']) && !self::isFileUpload())
$options['content'] = '';
$options['content'] .= fread($options['stream'],8192);
fseek($options['stream'], 0);
return $handler->post($options,$id,$user);
return '501 Not Implemented';
* HTTP header containing managed id
const MANAGED_ID_HEADER = 'Cal-Managed-ID';
* Add, update or remove attachments
* @param array &$options
* @param string|int $id
* @param Handler $handler
* @param string $action 'attachment-add', 'attachment-update', 'attachment-remove'
* @return string http status
* @todo support for rid parameter
* @todo managed-id does NOT change on update
* @todo updates of attachments through vfs need to call $handler->update_tags($id) too
protected function managed_attachements(&$options, $id, Handler $handler, $action)
error_log(__METHOD__."(path=$options[path], id=$id, ..., action=$action) _GET=".array2string($_GET));
$entry = $handler->_common_get_put_delete('GET', $options, $id);
if (!is_array($entry))
return $entry ? $entry : "404 Not found";
if (!Link::file_access($handler->app, $entry['id'], Acl::EDIT))
return '403 Forbidden';
case 'attachment-add':
$matches = null;
if (isset($this->_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION']) &&
substr($this->_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION'], 0, 10) === 'attachment' &&
preg_match('/filename="?([^";]+)/', $this->_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION'], $matches))
$filename = Vfs::basename($matches[1]);
$path = null;
if (!($to = self::fopen_attachment($handler->app, $handler->get_id($entry), $filename, $this->_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], $path)) ||
isset($options['stream']) && ($copied=stream_copy_to_stream($options['stream'], $to)) === false ||
isset($options['content']) && ($copied=fwrite($to, $options['content'])) === false)
return '403 Forbidden';
error_log(__METHOD__."() content-type=$options[content_type], filename=$filename: $path created $copied bytes copied");
$ret = '201 Created';
header(self::MANAGED_ID_HEADER.': '.self::path2managed_id($path));
header('Location: '.self::path2location($path));
case 'attachment-remove':
case 'attachment-update':
if (empty($_GET['managed-id']) || !($path = self::managed_id2path($_GET['managed-id'], $handler->app, $entry['id'])))
self::xml_error(self::mkprop(self::CALDAV, 'valid-managed-id-parameter', ''));
return '403 Forbidden';
if ($action == 'attachment-remove')
if (!Vfs::unlink($path))
self::xml_error(self::mkprop(self::CALDAV, 'valid-managed-id-parameter', ''));
return '403 Forbidden';
$ret = '204 No content';
// check for rename of attachment via Content-Disposition:filename=
if (isset($this->_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION']) &&
substr($this->_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION'], 0, 10) === 'attachment' &&
preg_match('/filename="?([^";]+)/', $this->_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION'], $matches) &&
($filename = Vfs::basename($matches[1])) != Vfs::basename($path))
$old_path = $path;
if (!($dir = Vfs::dirname($path)) || !Vfs::rename($old_path, $path = Vfs::concat($dir, $filename)))
self::xml_error(self::mkprop(self::CALDAV, 'valid-managed-id-parameter', ''));
return '403 Forbidden';
if (!($to = Vfs::fopen($path, 'w')) ||
isset($options['stream']) && ($copied=stream_copy_to_stream($options['stream'], $to)) === false ||
isset($options['content']) && ($copied=fwrite($to, $options['content'])) === false)
self::xml_error(self::mkprop(self::CALDAV, 'valid-managed-id-parameter', ''));
return '403 Forbidden';
error_log(__METHOD__."() content-type=$options[content_type], filename=$filename: $path updated $copied bytes copied");
$ret = '200 Ok';
header(self::MANAGED_ID_HEADER.': '.self::path2managed_id($path));
header('Location: '.self::path2location($path));
return '501 Unknown action parameter '.$action;
// update etag/ctag/sync-token by updating modification time
// check/handle Prefer: return-representation
// we can NOT use 204 No content (forbidds a body) with return=representation, therefore we need to use 200 Ok instead!
if ($handler->check_return_representation($options, $id) && (int)$ret == 204)
$ret = '200 Ok';
return $ret;
* Handle ATTACH attribute on importing iCals
* - turn inline attachments into managed attachments
* - delete NOT included attachments, $delete_via_put is true
* @todo: store URLs not from our managed attachments
* @param string $app e.g. 'calendar'
* @param int|string $id
* @param array $attach array of array with values for keys 'name', 'params', 'value'
* @param boolean $delete_via_put
* @return boolean false on error, e.g. invalid managed id, for false an xml-error body has been send
public static function handle_attach($app, $id, $attach, $delete_via_put=false)
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, attach=".array2string($attach).", delete_via_put=".array2string($delete_via_put).')');
if (!Link::file_access($app, $id, Acl::EDIT))
error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...) no rights to update attachments");
return; // no rights --> nothing to do
if (!is_array($attach)) $attach = array(); // could be PEAR_Error if not set
if ($delete_via_put)
foreach(Vfs::find(Link::vfs_path($app, $id, '', true), array('type' => 'F')) as $path)
$found = false;
foreach($attach as $key => $attr)
if ($attr['params']['MANAGED-ID'] === self::path2managed_id($path))
$found = true;
if (!$found)
$ok = Vfs::unlink($path);
error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...) Vfs::unlink('$path') returned ".array2string($ok));
// turn inline attachments into managed ones
foreach($attach as $key => $attr)
if (!empty($attr['params']['FMTTYPE']))
if (isset($attr['params']['MANAGED-ID']))
// invalid managed-id
if (!($path = self::managed_id2path($attr['params']['MANAGED-ID'])) || !Vfs::is_readable($path))
error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...) invalid MANAGED-ID ".array2string($attr));
self::xml_error(self::mkprop(self::CALDAV, 'valid-managed-id', ''));
return false;
if($path == ($link = Link::vfs_path($app, $id, Vfs::basename($path))))
error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...) trying to modify existing MANAGED-ID --> ignored! ".array2string($attr));
// reuse valid managed-id --> symlink attachment
if (Vfs::file_exists($link))
if (Vfs::readlink($link) === $path) continue; // no need to recreate identical link
Vfs::unlink($link); // symlink will fail, if $link exists
if (!Vfs::symlink($path, $link))
error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...) failed to symlink($path, $link) --> ignored!");
if (!($to = self::fopen_attachment($app, $id, $filename=$attr['params']['FILENAME'], $attr['params']['FMTTYPE'], $path)) ||
// Horde Icalendar does NOT decode automatic
(/*$copied=*/fwrite($to, $attr['params']['ENCODING'] == 'BASE64' ? base64_decode($attr['value']) : $attr['value'])) === false)
error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...) failed to add attachment ".array2string($attr).") ");
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...)) content-type={$attr['params']['FMTTYPE']}, filename=$filename: $path created $copied bytes copied");
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...) unsupported URI attachment ".array2string($attr));
* Open attachment for writing
* @param string $app
* @param int|string $id
* @param string $_filename defaults to 'attachment'
* @param string $mime =null mime-type to generate extension
* @param string &$path =null on return path opened
* @return resource
protected static function fopen_attachment($app, $id, $_filename, $mime=null, &$path=null)
$filename = empty($_filename) ? 'attachment' : Vfs::basename($_filename);
if (strpos($mime, ';')) list($mime) = explode(';', $mime); // in case it contains e.g. charset info
$ext = !empty($mime) ? MimeMagic::mime2ext($mime) : '';
$matches = null;
if (!$ext || substr($filename, -strlen($ext)-1) == '.'.$ext ||
preg_match('/\.([^.]+)$/', $filename, $matches) && MimeMagic::ext2mime($matches[1]) == $mime)
$parts = explode('.', $filename);
$ext = '.'.array_pop($parts);
$filename = implode('.', $parts);
$ext = '.'.$ext;
for($i = 1; $i < 100; ++$i)
$path = Link::vfs_path($app, $id, $filename.($i > 1 ? '-'.$i : '').$ext, true);
if (!Vfs::stat($path)) break;
if ($i >= 100) return null;
if (!($dir = Vfs::dirname($path)) || !Vfs::file_exists($dir) && !Vfs::mkdir($dir, 0777, STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE))
error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $id, ...) failed to create entry dir $dir!");
return false;
return Vfs::fopen($path, 'w');
* Get attachment location from path
* @param string $path
* @return string
protected static function path2location($path)
return Framework::getUrl(Framework::link(Vfs::download_url($path)));
* Add ATTACH attribute(s) for iCal
* @param string $app e.g. 'calendar'
* @param int|string $id
* @param array &$attributes
* @param array &$parameters
public static function add_attach($app, $id, array &$attributes, array &$parameters)
foreach(Vfs::find(Link::vfs_path($app, $id, '', true), array(
'type' => 'F',
'need_mime' => true,
'maxdepth' => 10, // set a limit to not run into an infinit recursion
), true) as $path => $stat)
// handle symlinks --> return target size and mime-type
if (($target = Vfs::readlink($path)))
if (!($stat = Vfs::stat($target))) continue; // broken or inaccessible symlink
// check if target is in /apps, probably reused MANAGED-ID --> return it
if (substr($target, 0, 6) == '/apps/')
$path = $target;
$attributes['ATTACH'][] = self::path2location($path);
$parameters['ATTACH'][] = array(
'MANAGED-ID' => self::path2managed_id($path),
'FMTTYPE' => $stat['mime'],
'SIZE' => (string)$stat['size'], // Horde_Icalendar renders int as empty string
'FILENAME' => Vfs::basename($path),
// if we have attachments, set X-attribute to enable deleting them by put
// (works around events synced before without ATTACH attributes)
* Return managed-id of a vfs-path
* @param string $path "/apps/$app/$id/something"
* @return string
static public function path2managed_id($path)
return base64_encode($path);
* Return vfs-path of a managed-id
* @param string $managed_id
* @param string $app =null app-name to check against path
* @param string|int $id =null id to check against path
* @return string|boolean "/apps/$app/$id/something" or false if not found or not belonging to given $app/$id
public static function managed_id2path($managed_id, $app=null, $id=null)
$path = base64_decode($managed_id);
if (!$path || substr($path, 0, 6) != '/apps/' || !Vfs::stat($path))
$path = false;
elseif (!empty($app) && !empty($id))
list(,,$a,$i) = explode('/', $path);
if ($a !== $app || $i !== (string)$id)
$path = false;
error_log(__METHOD__."('$managed_id', $app, $id) base64_decode('$managed_id')=".array2string(base64_decode($managed_id)).' returning '.array2string($path));
return $path;
* Namespaces which need to be explicitly named in self::$proppatch_props,
* because we consider them protected, if not explicitly named
* @var array
static $ns_needs_explicit_named_props = array(self::DAV, self::CALDAV, self::CARDDAV, self::CALENDARSERVER);
* props modifiable via proppatch from client for name-spaces mentioned in self::$ns_needs_explicit_named_props
* Props named here are stored in preferences without namespace!
* @var array name => namespace pairs
static $proppatch_props = array(
'displayname' => self::DAV,
'calendar-description' => self::CALDAV,
'addressbook-description' => self::CARDDAV,
'calendar-color' => self::ICAL, // only mentioned that old prefs still work
'calendar-order' => self::ICAL,
'default-alarm-vevent-date' => self::CALDAV,
'default-alarm-vevent-datetime' => self::CALDAV,
* PROPPATCH method handler
* @param array &$options general parameter passing array
* @return string with response-description or null, individual status in $options['props'][]['status']
function PROPPATCH(&$options)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($options).')');
// parse path in form [/account_lid]/app[/more]
$id = $app = $user = $user_prefix = null;
$this->_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user,$user_prefix); // always returns false if e.g. !$id
if ($app == 'principals' || $id || $options['path'] == '/')
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__.": user='$user', app='$app', id='$id': 404 not found!");
foreach($options['props'] as &$prop)
$prop['status'] = '403 Forbidden';
return 'NOT allowed to PROPPATCH that resource!';
// store selected props in preferences, e.g. calendar-color, see self::$proppatch_props
$need_save = array();
foreach($options['props'] as &$prop)
if ((isset(self::$proppatch_props[$prop['name']]) && self::$proppatch_props[$prop['name']] === $prop['xmlns'] ||
if (!$app)
$app = 'groupdav';
$name = $prop['name'].':'.$options['path'].':'.$prop['ns'];
$name = $prop['name'].':'.$user.(isset(self::$proppatch_props[$prop['name']]) &&
self::$proppatch_props[$prop['name']] == $prop['ns'] ? '' : ':'.$prop['ns']);
//error_log("preferences['user']['$app']['$name']=".array2string($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app][$name]).($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app][$name] !== $prop['val'] ? ' !== ':' === ')."prop['val']=".array2string($prop['val']));
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app][$name] !== $prop['val']) // nothing to change otherwise
if (isset($prop['val']))
$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->add($app, $name, $prop['val']);
$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->delete($app, $name);
$need_save[] = $name;
$prop['status'] = '200 OK';
$prop['status'] = '409 Conflict'; // could also be "403 Forbidden"
if ($need_save)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->save_repository();
// call calendar-hook, if default-alarms are changed, to sync them to calendar prefs
if (class_exists('calendar_hooks'))
foreach($need_save as $name)
list($name) = explode(':', $name);
if (in_array($name, array('default-alarm-vevent-date', 'default-alarm-vevent-datetime')))
* PUT method handler
* @param array &$options parameter passing array
* @param string $method "PUT" (default) or "PATCH"
* @return bool true on success
function PUT(&$options, $method='PUT')
// read the content in a string, if a stream is given
if (isset($options['stream']))
$options['content'] = '';
$options['content'] .= fread($options['stream'],8192);
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');
$id = $app = $user = $prefix = null;
if (!$this->_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user,$prefix))
return '404 Not Found';
// REST API & PATCH only implemented for addressbook and calendar currently
if (!self::isJSON() && $method === 'PATCH')
return '501 Not implemented';
if (($handler = $this->app_handler($app)))
// handle links for all apps supporting links
if ($method === 'POST' && preg_match('#/'.$app.'/'.$id.'/links/#', $options['path']))
return $handler->createLink($options, $id);
$status = $handler->put($options, $id, $user, $prefix, $method, $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']);
// set default stati: true --> 204 No Content, false --> should be already handled
if (is_bool($status)) $status = $status ? '204 No Content' : '400 Something went wrong';
// check/handle Prefer: return-representation
if ($status[0] === '2' || $status === true)
// we can NOT use 204 No content (forbids a body) with return=representation, therefore we need to use 200 Ok instead!
if ($handler->check_return_representation($options, $id, $user) && (int)$status == 204)
$status = '200 Ok';
return $status;
return '501 Not Implemented';
* DELETE method handler
* @param array $options general parameter passing array
* @return bool true on success
function DELETE($options)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');
$id = $app = $user = null;
if (!$this->_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user))
return '404 Not Found';
if (($handler = $this->app_handler($app)))
// handle links for all apps supporting links
if (preg_match('#/'.$app.'/'.$id.'/links/(-?\d+)$#', $options['path'], $matches))
return $handler->deleteLink($options, $id, $matches[1]);
$status = $handler->delete($options,$id,$user);
// set default stati: true --> 204 No Content, false --> should be already handled
if (is_bool($status)) $status = $status ? '204 No Content' : '400 Something went wrong';
return $status;
return '501 Not Implemented';
* MKCOL method handler
* @param array $options general parameter passing array
* @return bool true on success
function MKCOL($options)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');
return '501 Not Implemented';
* MOVE method handler
* @param array $options general parameter passing array
* @return bool true on success
function MOVE($options)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');
return '501 Not Implemented';
* COPY method handler
* @param array $options general parameter passing array
* @param bool $del false: default copy, true: move
* @return bool true on success
function COPY($options, $del=false)
if ($this->debug) error_log('self::'.($del ? 'MOVE' : 'COPY').'('.array2string($options).')');
return '501 Not Implemented';
* LOCK method handler
* @param array &$options general parameter passing array
* @return bool true on success
function LOCK(&$options)
$id = $app = $user = null;
$path = Vfs::app_entry_lock_path($app,$id);
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).") path=$path");
// get the app handler, to check if the user has edit access to the entry (required to make locks)
$handler = $this->app_handler($app);
// TODO recursive locks on directories not supported yet
if (!$id || !empty($options['depth']) || !$handler->check_access(Acl::EDIT,$id))
return '409 Conflict';
$options['timeout'] = time()+300; // 5min. hardcoded
// don't know why, but HTTP_WebDAV_Server passes the owner in D:href tags, which gets passed unchanged to checkLock/PROPFIND
// that's wrong according to the standard and cadaver does not show it on discover --> strip_tags removes eventual tags
$owner = strip_tags($options['owner']);
if (($ret = Vfs::lock($path,$options['locktoken'],$options['timeout'],$owner,
$options['scope'],$options['type'],isset($options['update']),false)) && !isset($options['update'])) // false = no ACL check
return $ret ? '200 OK' : '409 Conflict';
return $ret;
* UNLOCK method handler
* @param array &$options general parameter passing array
* @return string string with HTTP status
function UNLOCK(&$options)
$id = $app = $user = null;
$path = Vfs::app_entry_lock_path($app,$id);
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).") path=$path");
return Vfs::unlock($path,$options['token']) ? '204 No Content' : '409 Conflict';
* checkLock() helper
* @param string $path resource path to check for locks
* @return bool true on success
function checkLock($path)
$id = $app = $user = null;
return Vfs::checkLock(Vfs::app_entry_lock_path($app, $id));
* ACL method handler
* @param array &$options general parameter passing array
* @return string HTTP status
function ACL(&$options)
$id = $app = $user = null;
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).") path=$options[path]");
$options['errors'] = array();
switch ($app)
case 'calendar':
case 'addressbook':
case 'infolog':
$status = '200 OK'; // grant all
$options['errors'][] = 'no-inherited-ace-conflict';
$status = '403 Forbidden';
return $status;
* Parse a path into it's id, app and user parts
* @param string $path
* @param int &$id
* @param string &$app addressbook, calendar, infolog (=infolog)
* @param int &$user
* @param string &$user_prefix =null
* @return boolean true on success, false on error
function _parse_path($path,&$id,&$app,&$user,&$user_prefix=null)
if ($this->debug)
error_log(__METHOD__." called with ('$path') id=$id, app='$app', user=$user");
if ($path[0] == '/')
$path = substr($path, 1);
$parts = explode('/', self::_unslashify($path));
// /(resources|locations)/<resource-id>-<resource-name>/calendar
if ($parts[0] == 'resources' || $parts[0] == 'locations')
if (!empty($parts[1]))
$user = $parts[0].'/'.$parts[1];
$res_id = (int)array_shift($parts);
if (!Principals::read_resource($res_id))
return false;
$account_id = 'r'.$res_id;
$app = 'calendar';
elseif (($account_id = $this->accounts->name2id($parts[0], 'account_lid')) ||
($account_id = $this->accounts->name2id($parts[0]=urldecode($parts[0]))))
// /$user/$app/...
$user = array_shift($parts);
if (!isset($app)) $app = array_shift($parts);
// /addressbook-accounts/
if (!$account_id && $app == 'addressbook-accounts')
$app = 'addressbook';
$user = 0;
$user_prefix = '/';
// shared calendars/addressbooks at /<currentuser>/(calendar|addressbook|infolog|resource|location)-<username>
elseif ($account_id == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] && strpos($app, '-') !== false)
$user_prefix = '/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'].'/'.$app;
list($app, $username) = explode('-', $app, 2);
if ($username == 'accounts' && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] !== '1')
$account_id = 0;
elseif($app == 'resource' || $app == 'location')
if (!Principals::read_resource($res_id = (int)$username))
return false;
$account_id = 'r'.$res_id;
$app = 'calendar';
elseif (!($account_id = $this->accounts->name2id($username, 'account_lid')) &&
!($account_id = $this->accounts->name2id($username=urldecode($username))))
return false;
$user = $account_id;
elseif ($user)
$user_prefix = '/'.$user;
$user = $account_id;
// /<currentuser>/inbox/
if ($user == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] && $app == 'inbox')
$app = 'calendar';
$user_prefix = '';
$user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
// Api\WebDAV\Server encodes %, # and ? again, which leads to storing e.g. '%' as '%25'
$id = strtr(array_shift($parts), array(
'%25' => '%',
'%23' => '#',
'%3F' => '?',
$ok = ($id || isset($_GET['add-member']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') &&
($user || $user === 0) && self::app_handler($app);
if ($this->debug)
error_log(__METHOD__."('$path') returning " . ($ok ? 'true' : 'false') . ": id='$id', app='$app', user='$user', user_prefix='$user_prefix'");
return $ok;
protected static $request_starttime;
* Log level from user prefs: $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['debug_level'])
* - 'f' files directory
* - 'r' to error-log, but only shortend requests
* @var string
protected static $log_level;
* Serve WebDAV HTTP request
* Reimplemented to add logging
* @param $prefix =null prefix filesystem path with given path, e.g. "/webdav" for owncloud 4.5 remote.php
function ServeRequest($prefix=null)
if ((self::$log_level=$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['debug_level']) === 'r' ||
self::$log_level === 'f' || $this->debug)
self::$request_starttime = microtime(true);
// do NOT log non-text attachments
$this->store_request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' ||
!self::isFileUpload() ||
substr($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], 0, 5) == 'text/' ||
str_starts_with($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'application/json');
// unconditionally start output-buffering to fix problems with huge multiget reports from TB110 AB
if (self::$request_starttime) $this->log_request();
* Check if request is a possibly large, binary file upload:
* - CalDAV managed attachments or
* - Mail REST API attachment upload
* - REST API attachment upload to /$app/$id/links/
* @return bool
protected static function isFileUpload()
return (isset($_GET['action']) && in_array($_GET['action'], array('attachment-add', 'attachment-update'))) ||
strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/mail/attachments/') ||
strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/links/') && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] !== 'application/json';
* Sanitizing filename to gard against path traversal and / e.g. in UserAgent string
* @param string $filename
* @return string
public static function sanitize_filename($filename)
return str_replace(array('../', '/'), array('', '!'), $filename);
* Log the request
* @param string $extra ='' extra text to add below request-log, e.g. exception thrown
protected function log_request($extra='')
if (self::$request_starttime)
if (self::$log_level === 'f')
$msg_file = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['files_dir'];
$msg_file .= '/groupdav';
$msg_file .= '/'.self::sanitize_filename($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']).'/';
if (!file_exists($msg_file) && !mkdir($msg_file, 0700, true) && !is_dir($msg_file))
error_log(__METHOD__."() Could NOT create directory '$msg_file'!");
// stop CalDAVTester from creating one log per test-step
if (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 14) == 'scripts/tests/')
$msg_file .= 'CalDAVTester.log';
$msg_file .= self::sanitize_filename($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']).'.log';
$content = '*** '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' '.date('c')."\n";
$content .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].' '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].' HTTP/1.1'."\n";
// reconstruct headers
foreach($_SERVER as $name => $value)
list($type,$name) = explode('_',$name,2);
if ($type == 'HTTP' || $type == 'CONTENT')
$content .= str_replace(' ','-',ucwords(strtolower(($type=='HTTP'?'':$type.' ').str_replace('_',' ',$name)))).
': '.($name=='AUTHORIZATION'?'Basic ***************':$value)."\n";
$content .= "\n";
if ($this->request)
$content .= $this->request."\n";
$content .= 'HTTP/1.1 '.$this->_http_status."\n";
$content .= 'Date: '.str_replace('+0000', 'GMT', gmdate('r'))."\n";
$content .= 'Server: '.$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']."\n";
foreach(headers_list() as $line)
$content .= $line."\n";
if (($c = ob_get_flush())) $content .= "\n";
if (self::$log_level !== 'f' && strlen($c) > 1536) $c = substr($c,0,1536)."\n*** LOG TRUNKATED\n";
$content .= $c;
if ($extra) $content .= $extra;
if ($this->to_log) $content .= "\n### ".implode("\n### ", $this->to_log)."\n";
$content .= $this->_http_status[0] == '4' && substr($this->_http_status,0,3) != '412' ||
$this->_http_status[0] == '5' ? '###' : '***'; // mark failed requests with ###, instead of ***
$content .= sprintf(' %s --> "%s" took %5.3f s',$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='REPORT'?' '.$this->propfind_options['root']['name']:'').' '.$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],$this->_http_status,microtime(true)-self::$request_starttime)."\n\n";
if ($msg_file && ($f = fopen($msg_file,'a')))
foreach(explode("\n",$content) as $line)
* Output xml error element
* @param string|array $xml_error string with name for empty element in DAV NS or array with props
* @param string $human_readable =null human readable error message
public static function xml_error($xml_error, $human_readable=null)
header('Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
$xml = new \XMLWriter;
$xml->startDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$xml->startElementNs(null, 'error', 'DAV:');
self::add_prop($xml, $xml_error);
if (!empty($human_readable))
$xml->writeElement('responsedescription', $human_readable);
$xml->endElement(); // DAV:error
echo $xml->outputMemory();
* Recursively add properties to XMLWriter object
* @param \XMLWriter $xml
* @param string|array $props string with name for empty element in DAV NS or array with props
protected static function add_prop(\XMLWriter $xml, $props)
if (is_string($props)) $props = self::mkprop($props, '');
if (isset($props['name'])) $props = array($props);
foreach($props as $prop)
if (isset($prop['ns']) && $prop['ns'] !== 'DAV:')
$xml->startElementNs(null, $prop['name'], $prop['ns']);
if (is_array($prop['val']))
self::add_prop($xml, $prop['val']);
* Content of log() calls, to be appended to request_log
* @var array
private $to_log = array();
* Log unconditional to own request- and PHP error-log
* @param string $str
public function log($str)
$this->to_log[] = $str;
* Exception handler, which additionally logs the request (incl. a trace)
* Does NOT return and get installed in constructor.
* @param \Exception|\Error $e
public static function exception_handler($e)
// logging exception as regular egw_execption_hander does
$headline = null;
if (self::isJSON())
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
if (is_a($e, JsParseException::class))
$status = '422 Unprocessable Entity';
$status = '500 Internal Server Error';
echo self::json_encode([
'error' => $e->getCode() ?: (int)$status,
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
]+($e->getPrevious() ? [
'original' => get_class($e->getPrevious()).': '.$e->getPrevious()->getMessage(),
// exception handler sending message back to the client as basic auth message
$error = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ' | '), $e->getMessage());
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $headline . ': ' . $error . '"');
header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
header('X-WebDAV-Status: 401 Unauthorized', true);
// if our own logging is active, log the request plus a trace, if enabled in server-config
if (self::$request_starttime && isset(self::$instance))
self::$instance->_http_status = self::isJSON() ? $status : '401 Unauthorized'; // to correctly log it
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['exception_show_trace'])
* Generate a unique id, which can be used for syncronisation
* @param string $_appName the appname
* @param string $_eventID the id of the content
* @return string the unique id
static function generate_uid($_appName, $_eventID)
if(empty($_appName) || empty($_eventID)) return false;
return $_appName.'-'.$_eventID.'-'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['install_id'];