2004-09-28 21:30:52 +00:00

2243 lines
69 KiB

// htmlArea v3.0 - Copyright (c) 2002-2004, inc.
// This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
// Portions (c), 2003-2004
// A free WYSIWYG editor replacement for <textarea> fields.
// For full source code and docs, visit
// Version 3.0 developed by Mihai Bazon.
// $Id$
if (typeof _editor_url == "string") {
// Leave exactly one backslash at the end of _editor_url
_editor_url = _editor_url.replace(/\x2f*$/, '/');
} else {
alert("WARNING: _editor_url is not set! You should set this variable to the editor files path; it should preferably be an absolute path, like in '/htmlarea/', but it can be relative if you prefer. Further we will try to load the editor files correctly but we'll probably fail.");
_editor_url = '';
// make sure we have a language
if (typeof _editor_lang == "string") {
_editor_lang = _editor_lang.toLowerCase();
} else {
_editor_lang = "en";
// Creates a new HTMLArea object. Tries to replace the textarea with the given
// ID with it.
function HTMLArea(textarea, config) {
if (HTMLArea.checkSupportedBrowser()) {
if (typeof config == "undefined") {
this.config = new HTMLArea.Config();
} else {
this.config = config;
this._htmlArea = null;
this._textArea = textarea;
this._editMode = "wysiwyg";
this.plugins = {};
this._timerToolbar = null;
this._timerUndo = null;
this._undoQueue = new Array(this.config.undoSteps);
this._undoPos = -1;
this._customUndo = false;
this._mdoc = document; // cache the document, we need it in plugins
this.doctype = '';
// load some scripts
(function() {
var scripts = HTMLArea._scripts = [ _editor_url + "htmlarea.js",
_editor_url + "dialog.js",
_editor_url + "popupwin.js",
_editor_url + "lang/" + _editor_lang + ".js" ];
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
// start from 1, htmlarea.js is already loaded
for (var i = 1; i < scripts.length; ++i) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = scripts[i];
// cache some regexps
HTMLArea.RE_tagName = /(<\/|<)\s*([^ \t\n>]+)/ig;
HTMLArea.RE_doctype = /(<!doctype((.|\n)*?)>)\n?/i;
HTMLArea.RE_head = /<head>((.|\n)*?)<\/head>/i;
HTMLArea.RE_body = /<body>((.|\n)*?)<\/body>/i;
HTMLArea.Config = function () {
this.version = "3.0";
this.width = "auto";
this.height = "auto";
// enable creation of a status bar?
this.statusBar = true;
// maximum size of the undo queue
this.undoSteps = 20;
// the time interval at which undo samples are taken
this.undoTimeout = 500; // 1/2 sec.
// the next parameter specifies whether the toolbar should be included
// in the size or not.
this.sizeIncludesToolbar = true;
// if true then HTMLArea will retrieve the full HTML, starting with the
// <HTML> tag.
this.fullPage = false;
// style included in the iframe document
this.pageStyle = "";
// set to true if you want Word code to be cleaned upon Paste
this.killWordOnPaste = false;
// BaseURL included in the iframe document
this.baseURL = document.baseURI || document.URL;
if (this.baseURL && this.baseURL.match(/(.*)\/([^\/]+)/))
this.baseURL = RegExp.$1 + "/";
// URL-s
this.imgURL = "images/";
this.popupURL = "popups/";
* -------------------------
* It is recommended that you customize the toolbar contents in an
* external file (i.e. the one calling HTMLArea) and leave this one
* unchanged. That's because when we ( release a
* new official version, it's less likely that you will have problems
* upgrading HTMLArea.
this.toolbar = [
[ "fontname", "space",
"fontsize", "space",
"formatblock", "space",
"bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "separator",
"subscript", "superscript", "separator",
"copy", "cut", "paste", "space", "undo", "redo" ],
[ "justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright", "justifyfull", "separator",
"lefttoright", "righttoleft", "separator",
"orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "outdent", "indent", "separator",
"forecolor", "hilitecolor", "separator",
"inserthorizontalrule", "createlink", "insertimage", "inserttable", "htmlmode", "separator",
"popupeditor", "separator", "showhelp", "about" ]
this.fontname = {
"Arial": 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
"Courier New": 'courier new,courier,monospace',
"Georgia": 'georgia,times new roman,times,serif',
"Tahoma": 'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
"Times New Roman": 'times new roman,times,serif',
"Verdana": 'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
"impact": 'impact',
"WingDings": 'wingdings'
this.fontsize = {
"1 (8 pt)": "1",
"2 (10 pt)": "2",
"3 (12 pt)": "3",
"4 (14 pt)": "4",
"5 (18 pt)": "5",
"6 (24 pt)": "6",
"7 (36 pt)": "7"
this.formatblock = {
"Heading 1": "h1",
"Heading 2": "h2",
"Heading 3": "h3",
"Heading 4": "h4",
"Heading 5": "h5",
"Heading 6": "h6",
"Normal": "p",
"Address": "address",
"Formatted": "pre"
this.customSelects = {};
function cut_copy_paste(e, cmd, obj) {
// ADDING CUSTOM BUTTONS: please read below!
// format of the btnList elements is "ID: [ ToolTip, Icon, Enabled in text mode?, ACTION ]"
// - ID: unique ID for the button. If the button calls document.execCommand
// it's wise to give it the same name as the called command.
// - ACTION: function that gets called when the button is clicked.
// it has the following prototype:
// function(editor, buttonName)
// - editor is the HTMLArea object that triggered the call
// - buttonName is the ID of the clicked button
// These 2 parameters makes it possible for you to use the same
// handler for more HTMLArea objects or for more different buttons.
// - ToolTip: default tooltip, for cases when it is not defined in the -lang- file (HTMLArea.I18N)
// - Icon: path to an icon image file for the button (TODO: use one image for all buttons!)
// - Enabled in text mode: if false the button gets disabled for text-only mode; otherwise enabled all the time.
this.btnList = {
bold: [ "Bold", "ed_format_bold.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("bold");} ],
italic: [ "Italic", "ed_format_italic.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("italic");} ],
underline: [ "Underline", "ed_format_underline.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("underline");} ],
strikethrough: [ "Strikethrough", "ed_format_strike.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("strikethrough");} ],
subscript: [ "Subscript", "ed_format_sub.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("subscript");} ],
superscript: [ "Superscript", "ed_format_sup.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("superscript");} ],
justifyleft: [ "Justify Left", "ed_align_left.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyleft");} ],
justifycenter: [ "Justify Center", "ed_align_center.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifycenter");} ],
justifyright: [ "Justify Right", "ed_align_right.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyright");} ],
justifyfull: [ "Justify Full", "ed_align_justify.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyfull");} ],
orderedlist: [ "Ordered List", "ed_list_num.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertorderedlist");} ],
unorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", "ed_list_bullet.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist");} ],
outdent: [ "Decrease Indent", "ed_indent_less.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("outdent");} ],
indent: [ "Increase Indent", "ed_indent_more.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("indent");} ],
forecolor: [ "Font Color", "ed_color_fg.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("forecolor");} ],
hilitecolor: [ "Background Color", "ed_color_bg.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("hilitecolor");} ],
inserthorizontalrule: [ "Horizontal Rule", "ed_hr.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("inserthorizontalrule");} ],
createlink: [ "Insert Web Link", "ed_link.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("createlink", true);} ],
insertimage: [ "Insert/Modify Image", "ed_image.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertimage");} ],
inserttable: [ "Insert Table", "insert_table.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("inserttable");} ],
htmlmode: [ "Toggle HTML Source", "ed_html.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("htmlmode");} ],
popupeditor: [ "Enlarge Editor", "fullscreen_maximize.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("popupeditor");} ],
about: [ "About this editor", "ed_about.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("about");} ],
showhelp: [ "Help using editor", "ed_help.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("showhelp");} ],
undo: [ "Undoes your last action", "ed_undo.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("undo");} ],
redo: [ "Redoes your last action", "ed_redo.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("redo");} ],
cut: [ "Cut selection", "ed_cut.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ],
copy: [ "Copy selection", "ed_copy.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ],
paste: [ "Paste from clipboard", "ed_paste.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ],
lefttoright: [ "Direction left to right", "ed_left_to_right.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("lefttoright");} ],
righttoleft: [ "Direction right to left", "ed_right_to_left.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("righttoleft");} ]
* ---------------------
* It is recommended that you add the custom buttons in an external
* file and leave this one unchanged. That's because when we
* ( release a new official version, it's less
* likely that you will have problems upgrading HTMLArea.
* Example on how to add a custom button when you construct the HTMLArea:
* var editor = new HTMLArea("your_text_area_id");
* var cfg = editor.config; // this is the default configuration
* cfg.btnList["my-hilite"] =
* [ function(editor) { editor.surroundHTML('<span style="background:yellow">', '</span>'); }, // action
* "Highlight selection", // tooltip
* "my_hilite.gif", // image
* false // disabled in text mode
* ];
* cfg.toolbar.push(["linebreak", "my-hilite"]); // add the new button to the toolbar
* An alternate (also more convenient and recommended) way to
* accomplish this is to use the registerButton function below.
// initialize tooltips from the I18N module and generate correct image path
for (var i in this.btnList) {
var btn = this.btnList[i];
btn[1] = _editor_url + this.imgURL + btn[1];
if (typeof HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips[i] != "undefined") {
btn[0] = HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips[i];
/** Helper function: register a new button with the configuration. It can be
* called with all 5 arguments, or with only one (first one). When called with
* only one argument it must be an object with the following properties: id,
* tooltip, image, textMode, action. Examples:
* 1. config.registerButton("my-hilite", "Hilite text", "my-hilite.gif", false, function(editor) {...});
* 2. config.registerButton({
* id : "my-hilite", // the ID of your button
* tooltip : "Hilite text", // the tooltip
* image : "my-hilite.gif", // image to be displayed in the toolbar
* textMode : false, // disabled in text mode
* action : function(editor) { // called when the button is clicked
* editor.surroundHTML('<span class="hilite">', '</span>');
* },
* context : "p" // will be disabled if outside a <p> element
* });
HTMLArea.Config.prototype.registerButton = function(id, tooltip, image, textMode, action, context) {
var the_id;
if (typeof id == "string") {
the_id = id;
} else if (typeof id == "object") {
the_id =;
} else {
alert("ERROR [HTMLArea.Config::registerButton]:\ninvalid arguments");
return false;
// check for existing id
if (typeof this.customSelects[the_id] != "undefined") {
// alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists.");
if (typeof this.btnList[the_id] != "undefined") {
// alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists.");
switch (typeof id) {
case "string": this.btnList[id] = [ tooltip, image, textMode, action, context ]; break;
case "object": this.btnList[] = [ id.tooltip, id.image, id.textMode, id.action, id.context ]; break;
/** The following helper function registers a dropdown box with the editor
* configuration. You still have to add it to the toolbar, same as with the
* buttons. Call it like this:
* FIXME: add example
HTMLArea.Config.prototype.registerDropdown = function(object) {
// check for existing id
if (typeof this.customSelects[] != "undefined") {
// alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists.");
if (typeof this.btnList[] != "undefined") {
// alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists.");
this.customSelects[] = object;
/** Call this function to remove some buttons/drop-down boxes from the toolbar.
* Pass as the only parameter a string containing button/drop-down names
* delimited by spaces. Note that the string should also begin with a space
* and end with a space. Example:
* config.hideSomeButtons(" fontname fontsize textindicator ");
* It's useful because it's easier to remove stuff from the defaul toolbar than
* create a brand new toolbar ;-)
HTMLArea.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons = function(remove) {
var toolbar = this.toolbar;
for (var i in toolbar) {
var line = toolbar[i];
for (var j = line.length; --j >= 0; ) {
if (remove.indexOf(" " + line[j] + " ") >= 0) {
var len = 1;
if (/separator|space/.test(line[j + 1])) {
len = 2;
line.splice(j, len);
/** Helper function: replace all TEXTAREA-s in the document with HTMLArea-s. */
HTMLArea.replaceAll = function(config) {
var tas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
for (var i = tas.length; i > 0; (new HTMLArea(tas[--i], config)).generate());
/** Helper function: replaces the TEXTAREA with the given ID with HTMLArea. */
HTMLArea.replace = function(id, config) {
var ta = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", id);
return ta ? (new HTMLArea(ta, config)).generate() : null;
// Creates the toolbar and appends it to the _htmlarea
HTMLArea.prototype._createToolbar = function () {
var editor = this; // to access this in nested functions
var toolbar = document.createElement("div");
this._toolbar = toolbar;
toolbar.className = "toolbar";
toolbar.unselectable = "1";
var tb_row = null;
var tb_objects = new Object();
this._toolbarObjects = tb_objects;
// creates a new line in the toolbar
function newLine() {
var table = document.createElement("table");
table.border = "0px";
table.cellSpacing = "0px";
table.cellPadding = "0px";
// TBODY is required for IE, otherwise you don't see anything
// in the TABLE.
var tb_body = document.createElement("tbody");
tb_row = document.createElement("tr");
}; // END of function: newLine
// init first line
// updates the state of a toolbar element. This function is member of
// a toolbar element object (unnamed objects created by createButton or
// createSelect functions below).
function setButtonStatus(id, newval) {
var oldval = this[id];
var el = this.element;
if (oldval != newval) {
switch (id) {
case "enabled":
if (newval) {
HTMLArea._removeClass(el, "buttonDisabled");
el.disabled = false;
} else {
HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonDisabled");
el.disabled = true;
case "active":
if (newval) {
HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonPressed");
} else {
HTMLArea._removeClass(el, "buttonPressed");
this[id] = newval;
}; // END of function: setButtonStatus
// this function will handle creation of combo boxes. Receives as
// parameter the name of a button as defined in the toolBar config.
// This function is called from createButton, above, if the given "txt"
// doesn't match a button.
function createSelect(txt) {
var options = null;
var el = null;
var cmd = null;
var customSelects = editor.config.customSelects;
var context = null;
var tooltip = "";
switch (txt) {
case "fontsize":
case "fontname":
case "formatblock":
// the following line retrieves the correct
// configuration option because the variable name
// inside the Config object is named the same as the
// button/select in the toolbar. For instance, if txt
// == "formatblock" we retrieve config.formatblock (or
// a different way to write it in JS is
// config["formatblock"].
options = editor.config[txt];
cmd = txt;
// try to fetch it from the list of registered selects
cmd = txt;
var dropdown = customSelects[cmd];
if (typeof dropdown != "undefined") {
options = dropdown.options;
context = dropdown.context;
if (typeof dropdown.tooltip != "undefined") {
tooltip = dropdown.tooltip;
} else {
alert("ERROR [createSelect]:\nCan't find the requested dropdown definition");
if (options) {
el = document.createElement("select");
el.title = tooltip;
var obj = {
name : txt, // field name
element : el, // the UI element (SELECT)
enabled : true, // is it enabled?
text : false, // enabled in text mode?
cmd : cmd, // command ID
state : setButtonStatus, // for changing state
context : context
tb_objects[txt] = obj;
for (var i in options) {
var op = document.createElement("option");
op.value = options[i];
HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "change", function () {
editor._comboSelected(el, txt);
return el;
}; // END of function: createSelect
// appends a new button to toolbar
function createButton(txt) {
// the element that will be created
var el = null;
var btn = null;
switch (txt) {
case "separator":
el = document.createElement("div");
el.className = "separator";
case "space":
el = document.createElement("div");
el.className = "space";
case "linebreak":
return false;
case "textindicator":
el = document.createElement("div");
el.className = "indicator";
el.title = HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips.textindicator;
var obj = {
name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold')
element : el, // the UI element (DIV)
enabled : true, // is it enabled?
active : false, // is it pressed?
text : false, // enabled in text mode?
cmd : "textindicator", // the command ID
state : setButtonStatus // for changing state
tb_objects[txt] = obj;
btn = editor.config.btnList[txt];
if (!el && btn) {
el = document.createElement("div");
el.title = btn[0];
el.className = "button";
// let's just pretend we have a button object, and
// assign all the needed information to it.
var obj = {
name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold')
element : el, // the UI element (DIV)
enabled : true, // is it enabled?
active : false, // is it pressed?
text : btn[2], // enabled in text mode?
cmd : btn[3], // the command ID
state : setButtonStatus, // for changing state
context : btn[4] || null // enabled in a certain context?
tb_objects[txt] = obj;
// handlers to emulate nice flat toolbar buttons
HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mouseover", function () {
if (obj.enabled) {
HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonHover");
HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mouseout", function () {
if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) {
_removeClass(el, "buttonHover");
_removeClass(el, "buttonActive");
( && _addClass(el, "buttonPressed");
HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mousedown", function (ev) {
if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) {
_addClass(el, "buttonActive");
_removeClass(el, "buttonPressed");
_stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev);
// when clicked, do the following:
HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "click", function (ev) {
if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) {
_removeClass(el, "buttonActive");
_removeClass(el, "buttonHover");
obj.cmd(editor,, obj);
_stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev);
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = btn[1]; = "18px"; = "18px";
} else if (!el) {
el = createSelect(txt);
if (el) {
var tb_cell = document.createElement("td");
} else {
alert("FIXME: Unknown toolbar item: " + txt);
return el;
var first = true;
for (var i in this.config.toolbar) {
if (!first) {
} else {
first = false;
var group = this.config.toolbar[i];
for (var j in group) {
var code = group[j];
if (/^([IT])\[(.*?)\]/.test(code)) {
// special case, create text label
var l7ed = RegExp.$1 == "I"; // localized?
var label = RegExp.$2;
if (l7ed) {
label = HTMLArea.I18N.custom[label];
var tb_cell = document.createElement("td");
tb_cell.className = "label";
tb_cell.innerHTML = label;
} else {
HTMLArea.prototype._createStatusBar = function() {
var statusbar = document.createElement("div");
statusbar.className = "statusBar";
this._statusBar = statusbar;
// statusbar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "));
// creates a holder for the path view
div = document.createElement("span");
div.className = "statusBarTree";
div.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": ";
this._statusBarTree = div;
if (!this.config.statusBar) {
// disable it... = "none";
// Creates the HTMLArea object and replaces the textarea with it.
HTMLArea.prototype.generate = function () {
var editor = this; // we'll need "this" in some nested functions
// get the textarea
var textarea = this._textArea;
if (typeof textarea == "string") {
// it's not element but ID
this._textArea = textarea = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", textarea);
this._ta_size = {
w: textarea.offsetWidth,
h: textarea.offsetHeight
}; = "none";
// create the editor framework
var htmlarea = document.createElement("div");
htmlarea.className = "htmlarea";
this._htmlArea = htmlarea;
// insert the editor before the textarea.
textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(htmlarea, textarea);
if (textarea.form) {
// we have a form, on submit get the HTMLArea content and
// update original textarea.
var f = textarea.form;
if (typeof f.onsubmit == "function") {
var funcref = f.onsubmit;
if (typeof f.__msh_prevOnSubmit == "undefined") {
f.__msh_prevOnSubmit = [];
f.onsubmit = function() {
editor._textArea.value = editor.getHTML();
var a = this.__msh_prevOnSubmit;
// call previous submit methods if they were there.
if (typeof a != "undefined") {
for (var i in a) {
// add a handler for the "back/forward" case -- on body.unload we save
// the HTML content into the original textarea.
try {
window.onunload = function() {
editor._textArea.value = editor.getHTML();
} catch(e) {};
// creates & appends the toolbar
// create the IFRAME
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
// workaround for the HTTPS problem
// iframe.setAttribute("src", "javascript:void(0);");
iframe.src = _editor_url + "popups/blank.html";
this._iframe = iframe;
// creates & appends the status bar, if the case
// remove the default border as it keeps us from computing correctly
// the sizes. (somebody tell me why doesn't this work in IE)
if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { = "1px";
// iframe.frameBorder = "1";
// iframe.marginHeight = "0";
// iframe.marginWidth = "0";
// size the IFRAME according to user's prefs or initial textarea
var height = (this.config.height == "auto" ? (this._ta_size.h + "px") : this.config.height);
height = parseInt(height);
var width = (this.config.width == "auto" ? (this._ta_size.w + "px") : this.config.width);
width = parseInt(width);
if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
height -= 2;
width -= 2;
} = width + "px";
if (this.config.sizeIncludesToolbar) {
// substract toolbar height
height -= this._toolbar.offsetHeight;
height -= this._statusBar.offsetHeight;
if (height < 0) {
height = 0;
} = height + "px";
// the editor including the toolbar now have the same size as the
// original textarea.. which means that we need to reduce that a bit. =; =;
// IMPORTANT: we have to allow Mozilla a short time to recognize the
// new frame. Otherwise we get a stupid exception.
function initIframe() {
var doc = editor._iframe.contentWindow.document;
if (!doc) {
// Try again..
// FIXME: don't know what else to do here. Normally
// we'll never reach this point.
if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
setTimeout(initIframe, 100);
return false;
} else {
alert("ERROR: IFRAME can't be initialized.");
if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
// enable editable mode for Mozilla
doc.designMode = "on";
editor._doc = doc;
if (!editor.config.fullPage) {;
var html = "<html>\n";
html += "<head>\n";
if (editor.config.baseURL)
html += '<base href="' + editor.config.baseURL + '" />';
html += "<style>" + editor.config.pageStyle +
" html,body { border: 0px; }</style>\n";
html += "</head>\n";
html += "<body>\n";
html += editor._textArea.value;
html += "</body>\n";
html += "</html>";
} else {
var html = editor._textArea.value;
if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_doctype)) {
html = html.replace(HTMLArea.RE_doctype, "");
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
// enable editable mode for IE. For some reason this
// doesn't work if done in the same place as for Gecko
// (above).
doc.body.contentEditable = true;
// intercept some events; for updating the toolbar & keyboard handlers
(doc, ["keydown", "keypress", "mousedown", "mouseup", "drag"],
function (event) {
return editor._editorEvent(HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor._iframe.contentWindow.event : event);
// check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers
for (var i in editor.plugins) {
var plugin = editor.plugins[i].instance;
if (typeof plugin.onGenerate == "function")
if (typeof plugin.onGenerateOnce == "function") {
plugin.onGenerateOnce = null;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);
if (typeof editor.onGenerate == "function")
setTimeout(initIframe, 100);
// Switches editor mode; parameter can be "textmode" or "wysiwyg". If no
// parameter was passed this function toggles between modes.
HTMLArea.prototype.setMode = function(mode) {
if (typeof mode == "undefined") {
mode = ((this._editMode == "textmode") ? "wysiwyg" : "textmode");
switch (mode) {
case "textmode":
this._textArea.value = this.getHTML(); = "none"; = "block";
if (this.config.statusBar) {
this._statusBar.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["TEXT_MODE"];
case "wysiwyg":
if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
// disable design mode before changing innerHTML
try {
this._doc.designMode = "off";
} catch(e) {};
if (!this.config.fullPage)
this._doc.body.innerHTML = this.getHTML();
this.setFullHTML(this.getHTML()); = "block"; = "none";
if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
// we need to refresh that info for Moz-1.3a
try {
this._doc.designMode = "on";
} catch(e) {};
if (this.config.statusBar) {
this._statusBar.innerHTML = '';
this._statusBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "));
alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
return false;
this._editMode = mode;
for (var i in this.plugins) {
var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance;
if (typeof plugin.onMode == "function") plugin.onMode(mode);
HTMLArea.prototype.setFullHTML = function(html) {
var save_multiline = RegExp.multiline;
RegExp.multiline = true;
if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_doctype)) {
html = html.replace(HTMLArea.RE_doctype, "");
RegExp.multiline = save_multiline;
if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_head))
this._doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1;
if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_body))
this._doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1;
} else {
var html_re = /<html>((.|\n)*?)<\/html>/i;
html = html.replace(html_re, "$1");;
this._doc.body.contentEditable = true;
return true;
* Category: PLUGINS
// this is the variant of the function above where the plugin arguments are
// already packed in an array. Externally, it should be only used in the
// full-screen editor code, in order to initialize plugins with the same
// parameters as in the opener window.
HTMLArea.prototype.registerPlugin2 = function(plugin, args) {
if (typeof plugin == "string")
plugin = eval(plugin);
if (typeof plugin == "undefined") {
/* FIXME: This should never happen. But why does it do? */
return false;
var obj = new plugin(this, args);
if (obj) {
var clone = {};
var info = plugin._pluginInfo;
for (var i in info)
clone[i] = info[i];
clone.instance = obj;
clone.args = args;
this.plugins[] = clone;
} else
alert("Can't register plugin " + plugin.toString() + ".");
// Create the specified plugin and register it with this HTMLArea
HTMLArea.prototype.registerPlugin = function() {
var plugin = arguments[0];
var args = [];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
this.registerPlugin2(plugin, args);
// static function that loads the required plugin and lang file, based on the
// language loaded already for HTMLArea. You better make sure that the plugin
// _has_ that language, otherwise shit might happen ;-)
HTMLArea.loadPlugin = function(pluginName) {
var dir = _editor_url + "plugins/" + pluginName;
var plugin = pluginName.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])([a-z])/g,
function (str, l1, l2, l3) {
return l1 + "-" + l2.toLowerCase() + l3;
}).toLowerCase() + ".js";
var plugin_file = dir + "/" + plugin;
var plugin_lang = dir + "/lang/" + HTMLArea.I18N.lang + ".js";
HTMLArea._scripts.push(plugin_file, plugin_lang);
document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + plugin_file + "'></script>");
document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + plugin_lang + "'></script>");
HTMLArea.loadStyle = function(style, plugin) {
var url = _editor_url || '';
if (typeof plugin != "undefined") {
url += "plugins/" + plugin + "/";
url += style;
document.write("<style type='text/css'>@import url(" + url + ");</style>");
// The following function is a slight variation of the word cleaner code posted
// by Weeezl (user @ InteractiveTools forums).
HTMLArea.prototype._wordClean = function() {
var D = this.getInnerHTML();
if (D.indexOf('class=Mso') >= 0) {
// make one line
D = D.replace(/\r\n/g, ' ').
replace(/\n/g, ' ').
replace(/\r/g, ' ').
replace(/\&nbsp\;/g,' ');
// keep tags, strip attributes
D = D.replace(/ class=[^\s|>]*/gi,'').
//replace(/<p [^>]*TEXT-ALIGN: justify[^>]*>/gi,'<p align="justify">').
replace(/ style=\"[^>]*\"/gi,'').
replace(/ align=[^\s|>]*/gi,'');
//clean up tags
D = D.replace(/<b [^>]*>/gi,'<b>').
replace(/<i [^>]*>/gi,'<i>').
replace(/<li [^>]*>/gi,'<li>').
replace(/<ul [^>]*>/gi,'<ul>');
// replace outdated tags
D = D.replace(/<b>/gi,'<strong>').
// mozilla doesn't like <em> tags
D = D.replace(/<em>/gi,'<i>').
// kill unwanted tags
D = D.replace(/<\?xml:[^>]*>/g, ''). // Word xml
replace(/<\/?st1:[^>]*>/g,''). // Word SmartTags
replace(/<\/?[a-z]\:[^>]*>/g,''). // All other funny Word non-HTML stuff
replace(/<\/?font[^>]*>/gi,''). // Disable if you want to keep font formatting
replace(/<\/?span[^>]*>/gi,' ').
replace(/<\/?div[^>]*>/gi,' ').
replace(/<\/?pre[^>]*>/gi,' ').
replace(/<\/?h[1-6][^>]*>/gi,' ');
//remove empty tags
//D = D.replace(/<strong><\/strong>/gi,'').
// nuke double tags
oldlen = D.length + 1;
while(oldlen > D.length) {
oldlen = D.length;
// join us now and free the tags, we'll be free hackers, we'll be free... ;-)
D = D.replace(/<([a-z][a-z]*)> *<\/\1>/gi,' ').
replace(/<([a-z][a-z]*)> *<([a-z][^>]*)> *<\/\1>/gi,'<$2>');
D = D.replace(/<([a-z][a-z]*)><\1>/gi,'<$1>').
// nuke double spaces
D = D.replace(/ */gi,' ');
HTMLArea.prototype.forceRedraw = function() { = "hidden"; = "visible";
// this._doc.body.innerHTML = this.getInnerHTML();
// focuses the iframe window. returns a reference to the editor document.
HTMLArea.prototype.focusEditor = function() {
switch (this._editMode) {
// notice the try { ... } catch block to avoid some rare exceptions in FireFox
// (perhaps also in other Gecko browsers). Manual focus by user is required in
// case of an error. Somebody has an idea?
case "wysiwyg" : try { this._iframe.contentWindow.focus() } catch (e) {} break;
case "textmode": try { this._textArea.focus() } catch (e) {} break;
default : alert("ERROR: mode " + this._editMode + " is not defined");
return this._doc;
// takes a snapshot of the current text (for undo)
HTMLArea.prototype._undoTakeSnapshot = function() {
if (this._undoPos >= this.config.undoSteps) {
// remove the first element
// use the fasted method (getInnerHTML);
var take = true;
var txt = this.getInnerHTML();
if (this._undoPos > 0)
take = (this._undoQueue[this._undoPos - 1] != txt);
if (take) {
this._undoQueue[this._undoPos] = txt;
} else {
HTMLArea.prototype.undo = function() {
if (this._undoPos > 0) {
var txt = this._undoQueue[--this._undoPos];
if (txt) this.setHTML(txt);
else ++this._undoPos;
HTMLArea.prototype.redo = function() {
if (this._undoPos < this._undoQueue.length - 1) {
var txt = this._undoQueue[++this._undoPos];
if (txt) this.setHTML(txt);
else --this._undoPos;
// updates enabled/disable/active state of the toolbar elements
HTMLArea.prototype.updateToolbar = function(noStatus) {
var doc = this._doc;
var text = (this._editMode == "textmode");
var ancestors = null;
if (!text) {
ancestors = this.getAllAncestors();
if (this.config.statusBar && !noStatus) {
this._statusBarTree.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "; // clear
for (var i = ancestors.length; --i >= 0;) {
var el = ancestors[i];
if (!el) {
// hell knows why we get here; this
// could be a classic example of why
// it's good to check for conditions
// that are impossible to happen ;-)
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = "#";
a.el = el;
a.editor = this;
a.onclick = function() {
return false;
a.oncontextmenu = function() {
// TODO: add context menu here
var info = "Inline style:\n\n";
info +=;\s*/).join(";\n");
return false;
var txt = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
a.title =;
if ( {
txt += "#" +;
if (el.className) {
txt += "." + el.className;
if (i != 0) {
for (var i in this._toolbarObjects) {
var btn = this._toolbarObjects[i];
var cmd = i;
var inContext = true;
if (btn.context && !text) {
inContext = false;
var context = btn.context;
var attrs = [];
if (/(.*)\[(.*?)\]/.test(context)) {
context = RegExp.$1;
attrs = RegExp.$2.split(",");
context = context.toLowerCase();
var match = (context == "*");
for (var k in ancestors) {
if (!ancestors[k]) {
// the impossible really happens.
if (match || (ancestors[k].tagName.toLowerCase() == context)) {
inContext = true;
for (var ka in attrs) {
if (!eval("ancestors[k]." + attrs[ka])) {
inContext = false;
if (inContext) {
btn.state("enabled", (!text || btn.text) && inContext);
if (typeof cmd == "function") {
// look-it-up in the custom dropdown boxes
var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[cmd];
if ((!text || btn.text) && (typeof dropdown != "undefined")) {
switch (cmd) {
case "fontname":
case "fontsize":
case "formatblock":
if (!text) try {
var value = ("" + doc.queryCommandValue(cmd)).toLowerCase();
if (!value) {
// FIXME: what do we do here?
// HACK -- retrieve the config option for this
// combo box. We rely on the fact that the
// variable in config has the same name as
// button name in the toolbar.
var options = this.config[cmd];
var k = 0;
// btn.element.selectedIndex = 0;
for (var j in options) {
// FIXME: the following line is scary.
if ((j.toLowerCase() == value) ||
(options[j].substr(0, value.length).toLowerCase() == value)) {
btn.element.selectedIndex = k;
} catch(e) {};
case "textindicator":
if (!text) {
try {with ( {
backgroundColor = HTMLArea._makeColor(
doc.queryCommandValue(HTMLArea.is_ie ? "backcolor" : "hilitecolor"));
if (/transparent/i.test(backgroundColor)) {
// Mozilla
backgroundColor = HTMLArea._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("backcolor"));
color = HTMLArea._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("forecolor"));
fontFamily = doc.queryCommandValue("fontname");
fontWeight = doc.queryCommandState("bold") ? "bold" : "normal";
fontStyle = doc.queryCommandState("italic") ? "italic" : "normal";
}} catch (e) {
// alert(e + "\n\n" + cmd);
case "htmlmode": btn.state("active", text); break;
case "lefttoright":
case "righttoleft":
var el = this.getParentElement();
while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el))
el = el.parentNode;
if (el)
btn.state("active", ( == ((cmd == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr")));
cmd = cmd.replace(/(un)?orderedlist/i, "insert$1orderedlist");
try {
btn.state("active", (!text && doc.queryCommandState(cmd)));
} catch (e) {}
// take undo snapshots
if (this._customUndo && !this._timerUndo) {
var editor = this;
this._timerUndo = setTimeout(function() {
editor._timerUndo = null;
}, this.config.undoTimeout);
// check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers
for (var i in this.plugins) {
var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance;
if (typeof plugin.onUpdateToolbar == "function")
/** Returns a node after which we can insert other nodes, in the current
* selection. The selection is removed. It splits a text node, if needed.
HTMLArea.prototype.insertNodeAtSelection = function(toBeInserted) {
if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
var sel = this._getSelection();
var range = this._createRange(sel);
// remove the current selection
var node = range.startContainer;
var pos = range.startOffset;
switch (node.nodeType) {
case 3: // Node.TEXT_NODE
// we have to split it at the caret position.
if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 3) {
// do optimized insertion
range = this._createRange();
range.setEnd(node, pos + toBeInserted.length);
range.setStart(node, pos + toBeInserted.length);
} else {
node = node.splitText(pos);
var selnode = toBeInserted;
if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 11 /* Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) {
selnode = selnode.firstChild;
node.parentNode.insertBefore(toBeInserted, node);
case 1: // Node.ELEMENT_NODE
var selnode = toBeInserted;
if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 11 /* Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) {
selnode = selnode.firstChild;
node.insertBefore(toBeInserted, node.childNodes[pos]);
} else {
return null; // this function not yet used for IE <FIXME>
// Returns the deepest node that contains both endpoints of the selection.
HTMLArea.prototype.getParentElement = function() {
var sel = this._getSelection();
var range = this._createRange(sel);
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
switch (sel.type) {
case "Text":
case "None":
// It seems that even for selection of type "None",
// there _is_ a parent element and it's value is not
// only correct, but very important to us. MSIE is
// certainly the buggiest browser in the world and I
// wonder, God, how can Earth stand it?
return range.parentElement();
case "Control":
return range.item(0);
return this._doc.body;
} else try {
var p = range.commonAncestorContainer;
if (!range.collapsed && range.startContainer == range.endContainer &&
range.startOffset - range.endOffset <= 1 && range.startContainer.hasChildNodes())
p = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset];
alert(range.startContainer + ":" + range.startOffset + "\n" +
range.endContainer + ":" + range.endOffset);
while (p.nodeType == 3) {
p = p.parentNode;
return p;
} catch (e) {
return null;
// Returns an array with all the ancestor nodes of the selection.
HTMLArea.prototype.getAllAncestors = function() {
var p = this.getParentElement();
var a = [];
while (p && (p.nodeType == 1) && (p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body')) {
p = p.parentNode;
return a;
// Selects the contents inside the given node
HTMLArea.prototype.selectNodeContents = function(node, pos) {
var range;
var collapsed = (typeof pos != "undefined");
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
range = this._doc.body.createTextRange();
(collapsed) && range.collapse(pos);;
} else {
var sel = this._getSelection();
range = this._doc.createRange();
(collapsed) && range.collapse(pos);
/** Call this function to insert HTML code at the current position. It deletes
* the selection, if any.
HTMLArea.prototype.insertHTML = function(html) {
var sel = this._getSelection();
var range = this._createRange(sel);
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
} else {
// construct a new document fragment with the given HTML
var fragment = this._doc.createDocumentFragment();
var div = this._doc.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
while (div.firstChild) {
// the following call also removes the node from div
// this also removes the selection
var node = this.insertNodeAtSelection(fragment);
* Call this function to surround the existing HTML code in the selection with
* your tags. FIXME: buggy! This function will be deprecated "soon".
HTMLArea.prototype.surroundHTML = function(startTag, endTag) {
var html = this.getSelectedHTML();
// the following also deletes the selection
this.insertHTML(startTag + html + endTag);
/// Retrieve the selected block
HTMLArea.prototype.getSelectedHTML = function() {
var sel = this._getSelection();
var range = this._createRange(sel);
var existing = null;
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
existing = range.htmlText;
} else {
existing = HTMLArea.getHTML(range.cloneContents(), false, this);
return existing;
/// Return true if we have some selection
HTMLArea.prototype.hasSelectedText = function() {
// FIXME: come _on_ mishoo, you can do better than this ;-)
return this.getSelectedHTML() != '';
HTMLArea.prototype._createLink = function(link) {
var editor = this;
var outparam = null;
if (typeof link == "undefined") {
link = this.getParentElement();
if (link && !/^a$/i.test(link.tagName))
link = null;
if (link) outparam = {
f_href : HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor.stripBaseURL(link.href) : link.getAttribute("href"),
f_title : link.title,
f_target :
this._popupDialog("link.html", function(param) {
if (!param)
return false;
var a = link;
if (!a) try {
editor._doc.execCommand("createlink", false, param.f_href);
a = editor.getParentElement();
var sel = editor._getSelection();
var range = editor._createRange(sel);
if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
a = range.startContainer;
if (!/^a$/i.test(a.tagName)) {
a = a.nextSibling;
if (a == null)
a = range.startContainer.parentNode;
} catch(e) {}
else {
var href = param.f_href.trim();
if (href == "") {
editor._doc.execCommand("unlink", false, null);
return false;
else {
a.href = href;
if (!(a && /^a$/i.test(a.tagName)))
return false; = param.f_target.trim();
a.title = param.f_title.trim();
}, outparam);
// Called when the user clicks on "InsertImage" button. If an image is already
// there, it will just modify it's properties.
HTMLArea.prototype._insertImage = function(image) {
var editor = this; // for nested functions
var outparam = null;
if (typeof image == "undefined") {
image = this.getParentElement();
if (image && !/^img$/i.test(image.tagName))
image = null;
if (image) outparam = {
f_url : HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor.stripBaseURL(image.src) : image.getAttribute("src"),
f_alt : image.alt,
f_border : image.border,
f_align : image.align,
f_vert : image.vspace,
f_horiz : image.hspace
this._popupDialog("insert_image.html", function(param) {
if (!param) { // user must have pressed Cancel
return false;
var img = image;
if (!img) {
var sel = editor._getSelection();
var range = editor._createRange(sel);
editor._doc.execCommand("insertimage", false, param.f_url);
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
img = range.parentElement();
// wonder if this works...
if (img.tagName.toLowerCase() != "img") {
img = img.previousSibling;
} else {
img = range.startContainer.previousSibling;
} else {
img.src = param.f_url;
for (field in param) {
var value = param[field];
switch (field) {
case "f_alt" : img.alt = value; break;
case "f_border" : img.border = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
case "f_align" : img.align = value; break;
case "f_vert" : img.vspace = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
case "f_horiz" : img.hspace = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
}, outparam);
// Called when the user clicks the Insert Table button
HTMLArea.prototype._insertTable = function() {
var sel = this._getSelection();
var range = this._createRange(sel);
var editor = this; // for nested functions
this._popupDialog("insert_table.html", function(param) {
if (!param) { // user must have pressed Cancel
return false;
var doc = editor._doc;
// create the table element
var table = doc.createElement("table");
// assign the given arguments
for (var field in param) {
var value = param[field];
if (!value) {
switch (field) {
case "f_width" : = value + param["f_unit"]; break;
case "f_align" : table.align = value; break;
case "f_border" : table.border = parseInt(value); break;
case "f_spacing" : table.cellSpacing = parseInt(value); break;
case "f_padding" : table.cellPadding = parseInt(value); break;
var tbody = doc.createElement("tbody");
for (var i = 0; i < param["f_rows"]; ++i) {
var tr = doc.createElement("tr");
for (var j = 0; j < param["f_cols"]; ++j) {
var td = doc.createElement("td");
// Mozilla likes to see something inside the cell.
(HTMLArea.is_gecko) && td.appendChild(doc.createElement("br"));
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
} else {
// insert the table
return true;
}, null);
// el is reference to the SELECT object
// txt is the name of the select field, as in config.toolbar
HTMLArea.prototype._comboSelected = function(el, txt) {
var value = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
switch (txt) {
case "fontname":
case "fontsize": this.execCommand(txt, false, value); break;
case "formatblock":
(HTMLArea.is_ie) && (value = "<" + value + ">");
this.execCommand(txt, false, value);
// try to look it up in the registered dropdowns
var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[txt];
if (typeof dropdown != "undefined") {
} else {
alert("FIXME: combo box " + txt + " not implemented");
// the execCommand function (intercepts some commands and replaces them with
// our own implementation)
HTMLArea.prototype.execCommand = function(cmdID, UI, param) {
var editor = this; // for nested functions
cmdID = cmdID.toLowerCase();
switch (cmdID) {
case "htmlmode" : this.setMode(); break;
case "hilitecolor":
(HTMLArea.is_ie) && (cmdID = "backcolor");
case "forecolor":
this._popupDialog("select_color.html", function(color) {
if (color) { // selection not canceled
editor._doc.execCommand(cmdID, false, "#" + color);
}, HTMLArea._colorToRgb(this._doc.queryCommandValue(cmdID)));
case "createlink":
case "popupeditor":
// this object will be passed to the newly opened window
HTMLArea._object = this;
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
//if (confirm(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["IE-sucks-full-screen"]))
{"fullscreen.html"), "ha_fullscreen",
"toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no," +
} else {"fullscreen.html"), "ha_fullscreen",
"toolbar=no,menubar=no,personalbar=no,width=640,height=480," +
case "undo":
case "redo":
if (this._customUndo)
this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param);
case "inserttable": this._insertTable(); break;
case "insertimage": this._insertImage(); break;
case "about" : this._popupDialog("about.html", null, this); break;
case "showhelp" : + "reference.html", "ha_help"); break;
case "killword": this._wordClean(); break;
case "cut":
case "copy":
/* case "paste":
try {
if (this.config.killWordOnPaste)
this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param);
} catch (e) {
if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
if (typeof HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Moz-Clipboard"] == "undefined") {
HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Moz-Clipboard"] =
"Unprivileged scripts cannot access Cut/Copy/Paste programatically " +
"for security reasons. Click OK to see a technical note at " +
"which shows you how to allow a script to access the clipboard.\n\n" +
"[FIXME: please translate this message in your language definition file.]";
if (confirm(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Moz-Clipboard"]))"");
case "lefttoright":
case "righttoleft":
var dir = (cmdID == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr";
var el = this.getParentElement();
while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el))
el = el.parentNode;
if (el) {
if ( == dir) = "";
else = dir;
default: this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param);
return false;
/** A generic event handler for things that happen in the IFRAME's document.
* This function also handles key bindings. */
HTMLArea.prototype._editorEvent = function(ev) {
var editor = this;
var keyEvent = (HTMLArea.is_ie && ev.type == "keydown") || (ev.type == "keypress");
if (keyEvent) {
for (var i in editor.plugins) {
var plugin = editor.plugins[i].instance;
if (typeof plugin.onKeyPress == "function") plugin.onKeyPress(ev);
if (keyEvent && ev.ctrlKey && !ev.altKey) {
var sel = null;
var range = null;
var key = String.fromCharCode(HTMLArea.is_ie ? ev.keyCode : ev.charCode).toLowerCase();
var cmd = null;
var value = null;
switch (key) {
case 'a':
if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
// KEY select all
sel = this._getSelection();
range = this._createRange();
// simple key commands follow
case 'b': cmd = "bold"; break;
case 'i': cmd = "italic"; break;
case 'u': cmd = "underline"; break;
case 's': cmd = "strikethrough"; break;
case 'l': cmd = "justifyleft"; break;
case 'e': cmd = "justifycenter"; break;
case 'r': cmd = "justifyright"; break;
case 'j': cmd = "justifyfull"; break;
case 'z': cmd = "undo"; break;
case 'y': cmd = "redo"; break;
case 'v': cmd = "paste"; break;
case '0': cmd = "killword"; break;
// headings
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
cmd = "formatblock";
value = "h" + key;
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
value = "<" + value + ">";
if (cmd) {
// execute simple command
this.execCommand(cmd, false, value);
else if (keyEvent) {
// other keys here
switch (ev.keyCode) {
case 13: // KEY enter
// if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
this.insertHTML("<br />");
// }
// update the toolbar state after some time
if (editor._timerToolbar) {
editor._timerToolbar = setTimeout(function() {
editor._timerToolbar = null;
}, 50);
// retrieve the HTML
HTMLArea.prototype.getHTML = function() {
switch (this._editMode) {
case "wysiwyg" :
if (!this.config.fullPage) {
return HTMLArea.getHTML(this._doc.body, false, this);
} else
return this.doctype + "\n" + HTMLArea.getHTML(this._doc.documentElement, true, this);
case "textmode" : return this._textArea.value;
default : alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
return false;
// retrieve the HTML (fastest version, but uses innerHTML)
HTMLArea.prototype.getInnerHTML = function() {
switch (this._editMode) {
case "wysiwyg" :
if (!this.config.fullPage)
return this._doc.body.innerHTML;
return this.doctype + "\n" + this._doc.documentElement.innerHTML;
case "textmode" : return this._textArea.value;
default : alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
return false;
// completely change the HTML inside
HTMLArea.prototype.setHTML = function(html) {
switch (this._editMode) {
case "wysiwyg" :
if (!this.config.fullPage)
this._doc.body.innerHTML = html;
// this._doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html;
this._doc.body.innerHTML = html;
case "textmode" : this._textArea.value = html; break;
default : alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
return false;
// sets the given doctype (useful when config.fullPage is true)
HTMLArea.prototype.setDoctype = function(doctype) {
this.doctype = doctype;
// browser identification
HTMLArea.agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
HTMLArea.is_ie = ((HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("opera") == -1));
HTMLArea.is_opera = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("opera") != -1);
HTMLArea.is_mac = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("mac") != -1);
HTMLArea.is_mac_ie = (HTMLArea.is_ie && HTMLArea.is_mac);
HTMLArea.is_win_ie = (HTMLArea.is_ie && !HTMLArea.is_mac);
HTMLArea.is_gecko = (navigator.product == "Gecko");
// variable used to pass the object to the popup editor window.
HTMLArea._object = null;
// function that returns a clone of the given object
HTMLArea.cloneObject = function(obj) {
var newObj = new Object;
// check for array objects
if (obj.constructor.toString().indexOf("function Array(") == 1) {
newObj = obj.constructor();
// check for function objects (as usual, IE is fucked up)
if (obj.constructor.toString().indexOf("function Function(") == 1) {
newObj = obj; // just copy reference to it
} else for (var n in obj) {
var node = obj[n];
if (typeof node == 'object') { newObj[n] = HTMLArea.cloneObject(node); }
else { newObj[n] = node; }
return newObj;
// FIXME!!! this should return false for IE < 5.5
HTMLArea.checkSupportedBrowser = function() {
if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
if (navigator.productSub < 20021201) {
alert("You need at least Mozilla-1.3 Alpha.\n" +
"Sorry, your Gecko is not supported.");
return false;
if (navigator.productSub < 20030210) {
alert("Mozilla < 1.3 Beta is not supported!\n" +
"I'll try, though, but it might not work.");
return HTMLArea.is_gecko || HTMLArea.is_ie;
// selection & ranges
// returns the current selection object
HTMLArea.prototype._getSelection = function() {
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
return this._doc.selection;
} else {
return this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
// returns a range for the current selection
HTMLArea.prototype._createRange = function(sel) {
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
return sel.createRange();
} else {
if (typeof sel != "undefined") {
try {
return sel.getRangeAt(0);
} catch(e) {
return this._doc.createRange();
} else {
return this._doc.createRange();
// event handling
HTMLArea._addEvent = function(el, evname, func) {
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
el.attachEvent("on" + evname, func);
} else {
el.addEventListener(evname, func, true);
HTMLArea._addEvents = function(el, evs, func) {
for (var i in evs) {
HTMLArea._addEvent(el, evs[i], func);
HTMLArea._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func) {
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
el.detachEvent("on" + evname, func);
} else {
el.removeEventListener(evname, func, true);
HTMLArea._removeEvents = function(el, evs, func) {
for (var i in evs) {
HTMLArea._removeEvent(el, evs[i], func);
HTMLArea._stopEvent = function(ev) {
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
ev.cancelBubble = true;
ev.returnValue = false;
} else {
HTMLArea._removeClass = function(el, className) {
if (!(el && el.className)) {
var cls = el.className.split(" ");
var ar = new Array();
for (var i = cls.length; i > 0;) {
if (cls[--i] != className) {
ar[ar.length] = cls[i];
el.className = ar.join(" ");
HTMLArea._addClass = function(el, className) {
// remove the class first, if already there
HTMLArea._removeClass(el, className);
el.className += " " + className;
HTMLArea._hasClass = function(el, className) {
if (!(el && el.className)) {
return false;
var cls = el.className.split(" ");
for (var i = cls.length; i > 0;) {
if (cls[--i] == className) {
return true;
return false;
HTMLArea.isBlockElement = function(el) {
var blockTags = " body form textarea fieldset ul ol dl li div " +
"p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 quote pre table thead " +
"tbody tfoot tr td iframe address ";
return (blockTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1);
HTMLArea.needsClosingTag = function(el) {
var closingTags = " head script style div span tr td tbody table em strong font a title ";
return (closingTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1);
// performs HTML encoding of some given string
HTMLArea.htmlEncode = function(str) {
// we don't need regexp for that, but.. so be it for now.
str = str.replace(/&/ig, "&amp;");
str = str.replace(/</ig, "&lt;");
str = str.replace(/>/ig, "&gt;");
str = str.replace(/\x22/ig, "&quot;");
// \x22 means '"' -- we use hex reprezentation so that we don't disturb
// JS compressors (well, at least mine fails.. ;)
return str;
// Retrieves the HTML code from the given node. This is a replacement for
// getting innerHTML, using standard DOM calls.
HTMLArea.getHTML = function(root, outputRoot, editor) {
var html = "";
switch (root.nodeType) {
case 1: // Node.ELEMENT_NODE
var closed;
var i;
var root_tag = (root.nodeType == 1) ? root.tagName.toLowerCase() : '';
if (HTMLArea.is_ie && root_tag == "head") {
if (outputRoot)
html += "<head>";
// lowercasize
var save_multiline = RegExp.multiline;
RegExp.multiline = true;
var txt = root.innerHTML.replace(HTMLArea.RE_tagName, function(str, p1, p2) {
return p1 + p2.toLowerCase();
RegExp.multiline = save_multiline;
html += txt;
if (outputRoot)
html += "</head>";
} else if (outputRoot) {
closed = (!(root.hasChildNodes() || HTMLArea.needsClosingTag(root)));
html = "<" + root.tagName.toLowerCase();
var attrs = root.attributes;
for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; ++i) {
var a = attrs.item(i);
if (!a.specified) {
var name = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (/_moz_editor_bogus_node/.test(name)) {
html = "";
if (/_moz|contenteditable|_msh/.test(name)) {
// avoid certain attributes
var value;
if (name != "style") {
// IE5.5 reports 25 when cellSpacing is
// 1; other values might be doomed too.
// For this reason we extract the
// values directly from the root node.
// I'm starting to HATE JavaScript
// development. Browser differences
// suck.
// Using Gecko the values of href and src are converted to absolute links
// unless we get them using nodeValue()
if (typeof root[a.nodeName] != "undefined" && name != "href" && name != "src") {
value = root[a.nodeName];
} else {
value = a.nodeValue;
// IE seems not willing to return the original values - it converts to absolute
// links using a.nodeValue, a.value, a.stringValue, root.getAttribute("href")
// So we have to strip the baseurl manually -/
if (HTMLArea.is_ie && (name == "href" || name == "src")) {
value = editor.stripBaseURL(value);
} else { // IE fails to put style in attributes list
// FIXME: cssText reported by IE is UPPERCASE
value =;
if (/(_moz|^$)/.test(value)) {
// Mozilla reports some special tags
// here; we don't need them.
html += " " + name + '="' + value + '"';
if (html != "") {
html += closed ? " />" : ">";
for (i = root.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling) {
html += HTMLArea.getHTML(i, true, editor);
if (outputRoot && !closed) {
html += "</" + root.tagName.toLowerCase() + ">";
case 3: // Node.TEXT_NODE
// If a text node is alone in an element and all spaces, replace it with an non breaking one
// This partially undoes the damage done by moz, which translates '&nbsp;'s into spaces in the data element
if ( !root.previousSibling && !root.nextSibling &&^\s*$/i) ) html = '&nbsp;';
else html = /^script|style$/i.test(root.parentNode.tagName) ? : HTMLArea.htmlEncode(;
case 4: // Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
// FIXME: it seems we never get here, but I believe we should..
// maybe a browser problem?--CDATA sections are converted to plain text nodes and normalized
// CDATA sections should go "as is" without further encoding
html = "<![CDATA[" + + "]]>";
case 8: // Node.COMMENT_NODE
html = "<!--" + + "-->";
break; // skip comments, for now.
return html;
HTMLArea.prototype.stripBaseURL = function(string) {
var baseurl = this.config.baseURL;
// strip to last directory in case baseurl points to a file
baseurl = baseurl.replace(/[^\/]+$/, '');
var basere = new RegExp(baseurl);
string = string.replace(basere, "");
// strip host-part of URL which is added by MSIE to links relative to server root
baseurl = baseurl.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)(.*)$/, '$1');
basere = new RegExp(baseurl);
return string.replace(basere, "");
String.prototype.trim = function() {
a = this.replace(/^\s+/, '');
return a.replace(/\s+$/, '');
// creates a rgb-style color from a number
HTMLArea._makeColor = function(v) {
if (typeof v != "number") {
// already in rgb (hopefully); IE doesn't get here.
return v;
// IE sends number; convert to rgb.
var r = v & 0xFF;
var g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF;
var b = (v >> 16) & 0xFF;
return "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";
// returns hexadecimal color representation from a number or a rgb-style color.
HTMLArea._colorToRgb = function(v) {
if (!v)
return '';
// returns the hex representation of one byte (2 digits)
function hex(d) {
return (d < 16) ? ("0" + d.toString(16)) : d.toString(16);
if (typeof v == "number") {
// we're talking to IE here
var r = v & 0xFF;
var g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF;
var b = (v >> 16) & 0xFF;
return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
if (v.substr(0, 3) == "rgb") {
// in rgb(...) form -- Mozilla
var re = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/;
if (v.match(re)) {
var r = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
var g = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
var b = parseInt(RegExp.$3);
return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
// doesn't match RE?! maybe uses percentages or float numbers
// -- FIXME: not yet implemented.
return null;
if (v.substr(0, 1) == "#") {
// already hex rgb (hopefully :D )
return v;
// if everything else fails ;)
return null;
// modal dialogs for Mozilla (for IE we're using the showModalDialog() call).
// receives an URL to the popup dialog and a function that receives one value;
// this function will get called after the dialog is closed, with the return
// value of the dialog.
HTMLArea.prototype._popupDialog = function(url, action, init) {
Dialog(this.popupURL(url), action, init);
// paths
HTMLArea.prototype.imgURL = function(file, plugin) {
if (typeof plugin == "undefined")
return _editor_url + file;
return _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin + "/img/" + file;
HTMLArea.prototype.popupURL = function(file) {
var url = "";
if (file.match(/^plugin:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*)/)) {
var plugin = RegExp.$1;
var popup = RegExp.$2;
if (!/\.html$/.test(popup))
popup += ".html";
url = _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin + "/popups/" + popup;
} else
url = _editor_url + this.config.popupURL + file;
return url;
* FIX: Internet Explorer returns an item having the _name_ equal to the given
* id, even if it's not having any id. This way it can return a different form
* field even if it's not a textarea. This workarounds the problem by
* specifically looking to search only elements having a certain tag name.
HTMLArea.getElementById = function(tag, id) {
var el, i, objs = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
for (i = objs.length; --i >= 0 && (el = objs[i]);)
if ( == id)
return el;
return null;
// EOF
// Local variables: //
// c-basic-offset:8 //
// indent-tabs-mode:t //
// End: //