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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS object implementing expose view of media and a gallery view
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Hadi Nategh <hn[at]stylite.de>
"use strict";
import {et2_createWidget} from "./et2_core_widget";
import {et2_dialog} from "./et2_widget_dialog";
type Constructor<T = {}> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
* This function extends the given widget with blueimp gallery plugin
* @param {type} widget
* @returns {widget}
function expose<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase) {
"use strict";
// Minimum data to qualify as an image and not cause errors
title: egw.lang('loading'),
href: '',
type: 'image/png',
thumbnail: '',
loading: true
// For filtering to only show things we can handle
const MIME_REGEX = (navigator.userAgent.match(/(MSIE|Trident)/)) ?
// IE only supports video/mp4 mime type
new RegExp(/(video\/mp4)|(image\/:*(?!tif|x-xcf|pdf))|(audio\/:*)/) :
new RegExp(/(video\/(mp4|ogg|webm))|(image\/:*(?!tif|x-xcf|pdf))|(audio\/:*)/);
const MIME_AUDIO_REGEX = new RegExp(/(audio\/:*)/);
// open office document mime type currently supported by webodf editor
const MIME_ODF_REGEX = new RegExp(/application\/vnd\.oasis\.opendocument\.text/);
// Only one gallery
var gallery = null;
* See if the current widget is in a nextmatch, as this allows us to display
* thumbnails underneath
* @param {et2_IExposable} widget
* @returns {et2_nextmatch | null}
var find_nextmatch = function (widget) {
let current = widget;
let nextmatch = null;
while (nextmatch == null && current) {
current = current.getParent();
if (typeof current != 'undefined' && current.instanceOf(et2_nextmatch)) {
nextmatch = current;
// No nextmatch, or nextmatch not quite ready
// At the moment only filemanger nm would work
// as gallery, thus we disable other nestmatches
// to build up gallery but filemanager
if (nextmatch == null || nextmatch.controller == null || !nextmatch.dom_id.match(/filemanager/, 'ig')) return null;
return nextmatch;
* Read images out of the data for the nextmatch
* @param {et2_nextmatch} nm
* @param {Object[]} images
* @param {number} start_at
* @returns {undefined}
var read_from_nextmatch = function (nm, images, start_at) {
if (!start_at) start_at = 0;
let image_index = start_at;
let stop = Math.max.apply(null, Object.keys(nm.controller._indexMap));
for (let i = start_at; i <= stop; i++) {
if (!nm.controller._indexMap[i] || !nm.controller._indexMap[i].uid) {
// Returning instead of using IMAGE_DEFAULT means we stop as
// soon as a hole is found, instead of getting everything that is
// available. The gallery can't fill in the holes.
images[image_index++] = IMAGE_DEFAULT;
let uid = nm.controller._indexMap[i].uid;
if (!uid) continue;
let data = egw.dataGetUIDdata(uid);
if (data && data.data && data.data.mime && MIME_REGEX.test(data.data.mime) && !MIME_AUDIO_REGEX.test(data.data.mime)) {
let media = this.getMedia(data.data);
images[image_index++] = jQuery.extend({}, data.data, media[0]);
* Set a particular index/image in the gallery instead of just appending
* it to the end
* @param {integer} index
* @param {Object} image
* @returns {undefined}
var set_slide = function (index, image) {
let active = (index == gallery.index);
// Pad with blanks until length is right
while (index > gallery.getNumber()) {
gallery.add([jQuery.extend({}, IMAGE_DEFAULT)]);
// Don't bother with adding a default, we just did that
if (image.loading) {
//Add load class if it's really a slide with error
if (gallery.slidesContainer.find('[data-index="' + index + '"]').hasClass(gallery.options.slideErrorClass))
// Remove the loading class if the slide is loaded
else {
// Just use add to let gallery create everything it needs
let new_index = gallery.num;
// Move it to where we want it.
// Gallery uses arrays and indexes and has several internal variables
// that need to be updated.
// list
gallery.list[index] = gallery.list[new_index];
gallery.list.splice(new_index, 1);
// indicators & slides
let dom_nodes = ['indicators', 'slides'];
for (let i in dom_nodes) {
let var_name = dom_nodes[i];
// Remove old one from DOM
// Move new one into it's place in gallery
gallery[var_name][index] = gallery[var_name][new_index];
// Move into place in DOM
let node = jQuery(gallery[var_name][index]);
node.attr('data-index', index)
.insertAfter(jQuery("[data-index='" + (index - 1) + "']", node.parent()));
if (active) node.addClass(gallery.options.activeIndicatorClass);
gallery[var_name].splice(new_index, 1);
if (active) {
gallery.activeIndicator = jQuery(gallery.indicators[index]);
// positions
gallery.positions[index] = active ? 0 : (index > gallery.index ? gallery.slideWidth : -gallery.slideWidth);
gallery.positions.splice(new_index, 1);
// elements - removing will allow to re-do the slide
if (gallery.elements[index]) {
delete gallery.elements[index];
// Remove the one we just added
gallery.num -= 1;
return class exposable extends Base {
private mime_regexp: RegExp;
private mime_odf_regex: RegExp;
private expose_options: {
container: string; toggleControlsOnReturn: boolean; closeOnSwipeUpOrDown: boolean; clearSlides: boolean; onopen: any; emulateTouchEvents: boolean; onslideend: (index, slide) => void; rightEdgeClass: string; thumbnailWithImgTag: boolean; onslidecomplete: (index, slide) => void; continuous: boolean; startSlideshow: boolean; fullscreenClass: string; onslide: (index, slide) => void; playingClass: string; slideClass: string; urlProperty: string; closeOnEscape: boolean; singleClass: string; slideErrorClass: string; index: number; preloadRange: number; slideContentClass: string; onclosed: any; hidePageScrollbars: boolean; displayTransition: boolean; indicatorContainer: string; disableScroll: boolean; unloadElements: boolean; nextClass: string; stopTouchEventsPropagation: boolean; transitionSpeed: number; carousel: boolean; titleProperty: string; prevClass: string; typeProperty: string; enableKeyboardNavigation: boolean; slidesContainer: string; closeOnSlideClick: boolean; stretchImages: boolean; onclose: any; onopened: any; playPauseClass: string; thumbnailProperty: string; titleElement: string; slideLoadingClass: string; toggleSlideshowOnSpace: boolean; thumbnailIndicators: boolean; activeIndicatorClass: string; displayClass: string; closeClass: string; slideshowInterval: number; toggleClass: string; hideControlsOnSlideshow: boolean; controlsClass: string; toggleFullscreenOnSlideShow: boolean; leftEdgeClass: string; slideshowTransitionSpeed: undefined
constructor(...args: any[])
// Call the inherited constructor
this.mime_regexp = MIME_REGEX;
this.mime_audio_regexp = MIME_AUDIO_REGEX;
this.mime_odf_regex = MIME_ODF_REGEX;
let self = this;
this.expose_options = {
// The Id, element or querySelector of the gallery widget:
container: '#blueimp-gallery',
// The tag name, Id, element or querySelector of the slides container:
slidesContainer: 'div',
// The tag name, Id, element or querySelector of the title element:
titleElement: 'h3',
// The class to add when the gallery is visible:
displayClass: 'blueimp-gallery-display',
// The class to add when the gallery controls are visible:
controlsClass: 'blueimp-gallery-controls',
// The class to add when the gallery only displays one element:
singleClass: 'blueimp-gallery-single',
// The class to add when the left edge has been reached:
leftEdgeClass: 'blueimp-gallery-left',
// The class to add when the right edge has been reached:
rightEdgeClass: 'blueimp-gallery-right',
// The class to add when the automatic slideshow is active:
playingClass: 'blueimp-gallery-playing',
// The class for all slides:
slideClass: 'slide',
// The slide class for loading elements:
slideLoadingClass: '',
// The slide class for elements that failed to load:
slideErrorClass: 'slide-error',
// The class for the content element loaded into each slide:
slideContentClass: 'slide-content',
// The class for the "toggle" control:
toggleClass: 'toggle',
// The class for the "prev" control:
prevClass: 'prev',
// The class for the "next" control:
nextClass: 'next',
// The class for the "close" control:
closeClass: 'close',
// The class for the "play-pause" toggle control:
playPauseClass: 'play-pause',
// The class to add for fullscreen button option
fullscreenClass: 'fullscreen',
// The list object property (or data attribute) with the object type:
typeProperty: 'type',
// The list object property (or data attribute) with the object title:
titleProperty: 'title',
// The list object property (or data attribute) with the object URL:
urlProperty: 'href',
// The gallery listens for transitionend events before triggering the
// opened and closed events, unless the following option is set to false:
displayTransition: true,
// Defines if the gallery slides are cleared from the gallery modal,
// or reused for the next gallery initialization:
clearSlides: true,
// Defines if images should be stretched to fill the available space,
// while maintaining their aspect ratio (will only be enabled for browsers
// supporting background-size="contain", which excludes IE < 9).
// Set to "cover", to make images cover all available space (requires
// support for background-size="cover", which excludes IE < 9):
stretchImages: true,
// Toggle the controls on pressing the Return key:
toggleControlsOnReturn: true,
// Toggle the automatic slideshow interval on pressing the Space key:
toggleSlideshowOnSpace: true,
// Navigate the gallery by pressing left and right on the keyboard:
enableKeyboardNavigation: true,
// Close the gallery on pressing the ESC key:
closeOnEscape: true,
// Close the gallery when clicking on an empty slide area:
closeOnSlideClick: false,
// Close the gallery by swiping up or down:
closeOnSwipeUpOrDown: true,
// Emulate touch events on mouse-pointer devices such as desktop browsers:
emulateTouchEvents: true,
// Stop touch events from bubbling up to ancestor elements of the Gallery:
stopTouchEventsPropagation: false,
// Hide the page scrollbars:
hidePageScrollbars: true,
// Stops any touches on the container from scrolling the page:
disableScroll: true,
// Carousel mode (shortcut for carousel specific options):
carousel: true,
// Allow continuous navigation, moving from last to first
// and from first to last slide:
continuous: false,
// Remove elements outside of the preload range from the DOM:
unloadElements: true,
// Start with the automatic slideshow:
startSlideshow: false,
// Delay in milliseconds between slides for the automatic slideshow:
slideshowInterval: 3000,
// The starting index as integer.
// Can also be an object of the given list,
// or an equal object with the same url property:
index: 0,
// The number of elements to load around the current index:
preloadRange: 2,
// The transition speed between slide changes in milliseconds:
transitionSpeed: 400,
//Hide controls when the slideshow is playing
hideControlsOnSlideshow: true,
//Request fullscreen on slide show
toggleFullscreenOnSlideShow: true,
// The transition speed for automatic slide changes, set to an integer
// greater 0 to override the default transition speed:
slideshowTransitionSpeed: undefined,
// The tag name, Id, element or querySelector of the indicator container:
indicatorContainer: 'ol',
// The class for the active indicator:
activeIndicatorClass: 'active',
// The list object property (or data attribute) with the thumbnail URL,
// used as alternative to a thumbnail child element:
thumbnailProperty: 'thumbnail',
// Defines if the gallery indicators should display a thumbnail:
thumbnailIndicators: true,
//thumbnail with image tag
thumbnailWithImgTag: true,
// Callback function executed when the Gallery is initialized.
// Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object:
onopen: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onopen, this),
// Callback function executed when the Gallery has been initialized
// and the initialization transition has been completed.
// Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object:
onopened: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onopened, this),
// Callback function executed on slide change.
// Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object and the
// current index and slide as arguments:
onslide: function (index, slide) {
// Call our onslide method, and include gallery as an attribute
self.expose_onslide.apply(self, [this, index, slide]);
// Callback function executed after the slide change transition.
// Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object and the
// current index and slide as arguments:
onslideend: function (index, slide) {
// Call our onslide method, and include gallery as an attribute
self.expose_onslideend.apply(self, [this, index, slide]);
//// Callback function executed on slide content load.
// Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object and the
// slide index and slide element as arguments:
onslidecomplete: function (index, slide) {
// Call our onslide method, and include gallery as an attribute
self.expose_onslidecomplete.apply(self, [this, index, slide]);
//// Callback function executed when the Gallery is about to be closed.
// Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object:
onclose: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onclose, this),
// Callback function executed when the Gallery has been closed
// and the closing transition has been completed.
// Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object:
onclosed: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onclosed, this)
let $body = jQuery('body');
if ($body.find('#blueimp-gallery').length == 0) {
// Gallery Main DIV container
let $expose_node = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).attr({
id: "blueimp-gallery",
class: "blueimp-gallery"
// Create Gallery DOM NODE
$expose_node.append('<div class="slides"></div><h3 class="title"></h3><a class="prev"></a><a class="next"></a><a title="' + egw().lang('Close') + '" class="close">×</a><a title="' + egw().lang('Play/Pause') + '" class="play-pause"></a><a title="' + egw().lang('Fullscreen') + '" class="fullscreen"></a><a title="' + egw().lang('Save') + '" class="download"></a><ol class="indicator"></ol>');
// Append the gallery Node to DOM
set_value(_value) {
//todo: not sure if we need that with the new construction
//if (typeof this._super == 'undefined') return;
// @ts-ignore
// Do not run set value of expose if expose_view is not set
// it causes a wired error on nested image widgets which
// seems the expose is not its child widget
// @ts-ignore
if (!this.options.expose_view) {
let fe = egw_get_file_editor_prefered_mimes();
let self = this;
// If the media type is not supported do not bind the click handler
if (!_value || typeof _value.mime != 'string' || (!_value.mime.match(MIME_REGEX, 'ig')
&& (!fe || fe.mime && !fe.mime[_value.mime])) || typeof _value.download_url == 'undefined') {
// @ts-ignore
if (typeof this.options.expose_view != 'undefined' && this.options.expose_view) {
// @ts-ignore
jQuery(this.node).on('click', function (event) {
// Do not trigger expose view if one of the operator keys are held
if (!event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) {
if (_value.mime.match(MIME_REGEX, 'ig') && !_value.mime.match(MIME_AUDIO_REGEX,'ig')) {
self._init_blueimp_gallery(event, _value);
else if (_value.mime.match(MIME_AUDIO_REGEX,'ig'))
else if (fe && fe.mime && fe.edit && fe.mime[_value.mime]) {
egw.open_link(egw.link('/index.php', {
menuaction: fe.edit.menuaction,
path: _value.path,
cd: 'no' // needed to not reload framework in sharing
}), '', fe.edit_popup);
private _init_blueimp_gallery(event, _value) {
let mediaContent = [];
let nm = find_nextmatch(this);
let current_index = 0;
if (nm && !this._is_target_indepth(nm, event.target)) {
// Get the row that was clicked, find its index in the list
let current_entry = nm.controller.getRowByNode(event.target);
// But before it goes, we'll pull everything we can
read_from_nextmatch.call(this, nm, mediaContent);
// find current_entry in array and set it's array-index
for (let i = 0; i < mediaContent.length; i++) {
if ('filemanager::' + mediaContent[i].path == current_entry.uid) {
current_index = i;
// This will trigger nm to refresh and get just the ones we can handle
// but it might take a while, so do it later - make sure our current
// one is loaded first.
window.setTimeout(function () {
nm.applyFilters({col_filter: {mime: '/' + MIME_REGEX.source + '/'}});
}, 1);
} else {
// @ts-ignore
mediaContent = this.getMedia(_value);
// Do not show thumbnail indicator on single expose view
this.expose_options.thumbnailIndicators = false;
this.expose_options.index = current_index;
// @ts-ignore
gallery = blueimp.Gallery(mediaContent, this.expose_options);
* audio player expose
* @param _value
* @private
private _audio_player(_value)
let button = [
{"button_id": 1, "text": egw.lang('close'), id: '1', image: 'cancel', default: true}
// @ts-ignore
let mediaContent = this.getMedia(_value)[0];
callback: function(_btn, value){
if (_btn == et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON)
beforeClose: function(){
title: mediaContent.title,
buttons: button,
minWidth: 350,
minHeight: 200,
modal: false,
position:"right bottom,right-50 bottom-10",
value: {
content: {
resizable: false,
template: egw.webserverUrl+'/api/templates/default/audio_player.xet',
* Check if clicked target from nm is in depth
* @param nm nextmatch widget
* @param target selected target dom node
* @return {boolean} returns false if target is not in depth otherwise True
private _is_target_indepth(nm, target?)
let res = false;
if (nm) {
if (!target) {
// @ts-ignore
let target = this.getDOMNode();
let entry = nm.controller.getRowByNode(target);
if (entry && entry.controller.getDepth() > 0) {
res = true;
return res;
expose_onopen(event) {}
// Check to see if we're in a nextmatch, do magic
let nm = find_nextmatch(this);
let self = this;
if (nm) {
// Add scrolling to the indicator list
let total_count = nm.controller._grid.getTotalCount();
if (total_count >= gallery.num) {
let $indicator = gallery.container.find('.indicator');
.swipe(function (event, direction, distance) {
// @ts-ignore
if (direction == jQuery.fn.swipe.directions.LEFT)
distance *= -1;
// @ts-ignore
else if (direction == jQuery.fn.swipe.directions.RIGHT)
// OK.
jQuery(this).css('left', min(0, parseInt(jQuery(this).css('left')) - (distance * 30)) + 'px');
// Bind the mousewheel handler for FF (DOMMousewheel), and other browsers (mousewheel)
$indicator.bind('mousewheel DOMMousewheel', function (event, _delta) {
var delta = _delta || event.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120;
if (delta > 0 && parseInt(jQuery(this).css('left')) > gallery.container.width() / 2) return;
//Reload next pictures into the gallery by scrolling on thumbnails
if (delta < 0 && jQuery(this).width() + parseInt(jQuery(this).css('left')) < gallery.container.width()) {
var nextIndex = gallery.indicatorContainer.find('[title="loading"]')[0];
if (nextIndex) self.expose_onslideend(gallery, nextIndex.dataset.index - 1);
// Move it about 5 indicators
jQuery(this).css('left', parseInt(jQuery(this).css('left')) - (-delta * gallery.activeIndicator.width() * 5) + 'px');
* Trigger on slide left/right
expose_onslide(gallery, index, slide)
//if (typeof this._super == 'undefined') return;
// First let parent try
super.expose_onslide(gallery, index, slide);
let nm = find_nextmatch(this);
if (nm) {
// See if we need to move the indicator
let indicator = gallery.container.find('.indicator');
let current = jQuery('.active', indicator).position();
if (current) {
indicator.animate({left: (gallery.container.width() / 2) - current.left}, 10);
expose_onslideend(gallery, index)
// Check to see if we're in a nextmatch, do magic
let nm = find_nextmatch(this);
if (nm) {
// Check to see if we're near the end, or maybe some pagination
// would be good.
let total_count = nm.controller._grid.getTotalCount();
// Already at the end, don't bother
if (index == total_count - 1 || index == 0) return;
// Try to determine direction from state of next & previous slides
let direction = 1;
for (let i in gallery.elements) {
// Loading or error
if (gallery.elements[i] == 1 || gallery.elements[i] == 3 || gallery.list[i].loading) {
direction = i >= index ? 1 : -1;
if (!gallery.list[index + direction] || gallery.list[index + direction].loading ||
total_count > gallery.getNumber() && index + ET2_DATAVIEW_STEPSIZE > gallery.getNumber()) {
// This will get the next batch of rows
let start = Math.max(0, direction > 0 ? index : index - ET2_DATAVIEW_STEPSIZE);
let end = Math.min(total_count - 1, start + ET2_DATAVIEW_STEPSIZE);
nm.controller._gridCallback(start, end);
let images = [];
read_from_nextmatch.call(this, nm, images, start);
// Gallery always adds to the end, causing problems with pagination
for (let i in images) {
//if(i == index || i < gallery.num) continue;
set_slide(i, images[i]);
expose_onslidecomplete() {}
// Check to see if we're in a nextmatch, remove magic
let nm = find_nextmatch(this);
if (nm && !this._is_target_indepth(nm))
// Remove scrolling from thumbnails
// Remove applied mime filter
nm.applyFilters({col_filter: {mime: ''}});
expose_onclosed() {}