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Executable File
* EGroupware API - Country codes
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Mark Peters <skeeter@phpgroupware.org>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @subpackage country
* @access public
* @version $Id$
namespace EGroupware\Api;
* 2-digit ISO 3166 Country codes
* All methods are static now, no need to instanciate it via $GLOBALS['egw']->country->method(),
* just use Api\Country::method().
* @see http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html
* @see https://github.com/datasets/country-list
class Country
* array with 2-letter iso-3166 country-code => country-name pairs
* @var array
protected static $country_array = array(
'AF' => 'Afghanistan',
'AX' => 'Åland Islands',
'AL' => 'Albania',
'DZ' => 'Algeria',
'AS' => 'American Samoa',
'AD' => 'Andorra',
'AO' => 'Angola',
'AI' => 'Anguilla',
'AQ' => 'Antarctica',
'AG' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'AR' => 'Argentina',
'AM' => 'Armenia',
'AW' => 'Aruba',
'AU' => 'Australia',
'AT' => 'Austria',
'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan',
'BS' => 'Bahamas',
'BH' => 'Bahrain',
'BD' => 'Bangladesh',
'BB' => 'Barbados',
'BY' => 'Belarus',
'BE' => 'Belgium',
'BZ' => 'Belize',
'BJ' => 'Benin',
'BM' => 'Bermuda',
'BT' => 'Bhutan',
'BO' => 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of',
'BQ' => 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba',
'BA' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
'BW' => 'Botswana',
'BV' => 'Bouvet Island',
'BR' => 'Brazil',
'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
'BG' => 'Bulgaria',
'BF' => 'Burkina Faso',
'BI' => 'Burundi',
'KH' => 'Cambodia',
'CM' => 'Cameroon',
'CA' => 'Canada',
'CV' => 'Cape Verde',
'KY' => 'Cayman Islands',
'CF' => 'Central African Republic',
'TD' => 'Chad',
'CL' => 'Chile',
'CN' => 'China',
'CX' => 'Christmas Island',
'CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
'CO' => 'Colombia',
'KM' => 'Comoros',
'CG' => 'Congo',
'CD' => 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the',
'CK' => 'Cook Islands',
'CR' => 'Costa Rica',
'CI' => "Côte d'Ivoire",
'HR' => 'Croatia',
'CU' => 'Cuba',
'CW' => 'Curaçao',
'CY' => 'Cyprus',
'CZ' => 'Czech Republic',
'DK' => 'Denmark',
'DJ' => 'Djibouti',
'DM' => 'Dominica',
'DO' => 'Dominican Republic',
'EC' => 'Ecuador',
'EG' => 'Egypt',
'SV' => 'El Salvador',
'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'ER' => 'Eritrea',
'EE' => 'Estonia',
'ET' => 'Ethiopia',
'FK' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
'FO' => 'Faroe Islands',
'FJ' => 'Fiji',
'FI' => 'Finland',
'FR' => 'France',
'GF' => 'French Guiana',
'PF' => 'French Polynesia',
'TF' => 'French Southern Territories',
'GA' => 'Gabon',
'GM' => 'Gambia',
'GE' => 'Georgia',
'DE' => 'Germany',
'GH' => 'Ghana',
'GI' => 'Gibraltar',
'GR' => 'Greece',
'GL' => 'Greenland',
'GD' => 'Grenada',
'GP' => 'Guadeloupe',
'GU' => 'Guam',
'GT' => 'Guatemala',
'GG' => 'Guernsey',
'GN' => 'Guinea',
'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'GY' => 'Guyana',
'HT' => 'Haiti',
'HM' => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',
'VA' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
'HN' => 'Honduras',
'HK' => 'Hong Kong',
'HU' => 'Hungary',
'IS' => 'Iceland',
'IN' => 'India',
'ID' => 'Indonesia',
'IR' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of',
'IQ' => 'Iraq',
'IE' => 'Ireland',
'IM' => 'Isle of Man',
'IL' => 'Israel',
'IT' => 'Italy',
'JM' => 'Jamaica',
'JP' => 'Japan',
'JE' => 'Jersey',
'JO' => 'Jordan',
'KZ' => 'Kazakhstan',
'KE' => 'Kenya',
'KI' => 'Kiribati',
'KP' => "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
'KR' => 'Korea, Republic of',
'KW' => 'Kuwait',
'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'LA' => "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
'LV' => 'Latvia',
'LB' => 'Lebanon',
'LS' => 'Lesotho',
'LR' => 'Liberia',
'LY' => 'Libya',
'LI' => 'Liechtenstein',
'LT' => 'Lithuania',
'LU' => 'Luxembourg',
'MO' => 'Macao',
'MK' => 'Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of',
'MG' => 'Madagascar',
'MW' => 'Malawi',
'MY' => 'Malaysia',
'MV' => 'Maldives',
'ML' => 'Mali',
'MT' => 'Malta',
'MH' => 'Marshall Islands',
'MQ' => 'Martinique',
'MR' => 'Mauritania',
'MU' => 'Mauritius',
'YT' => 'Mayotte',
'MX' => 'Mexico',
'FM' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of',
'MD' => 'Moldova, Republic of',
'MC' => 'Monaco',
'MN' => 'Mongolia',
'ME' => 'Montenegro',
'MS' => 'Montserrat',
'MA' => 'Morocco',
'MZ' => 'Mozambique',
'MM' => 'Myanmar',
'NA' => 'Namibia',
'NR' => 'Nauru',
'NP' => 'Nepal',
'NL' => 'Netherlands',
'NC' => 'New Caledonia',
'NZ' => 'New Zealand',
'NI' => 'Nicaragua',
'NE' => 'Niger',
'NG' => 'Nigeria',
'NU' => 'Niue',
'NF' => 'Norfolk Island',
'MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'NO' => 'Norway',
'OM' => 'Oman',
'PK' => 'Pakistan',
'PW' => 'Palau',
'PS' => 'Palestine, State of',
'PA' => 'Panama',
'PG' => 'Papua New Guinea',
'PY' => 'Paraguay',
'PE' => 'Peru',
'PH' => 'Philippines',
'PN' => 'Pitcairn',
'PL' => 'Poland',
'PT' => 'Portugal',
'PR' => 'Puerto Rico',
'QA' => 'Qatar',
'RE' => 'Réunion',
'RO' => 'Romania',
'RU' => 'Russian Federation',
'RW' => 'Rwanda',
'BL' => 'Saint Barthélemy',
'SH' => 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha',
'KN' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
'LC' => 'Saint Lucia',
'MF' => 'Saint Martin (French part)',
'PM' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
'VC' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
'WS' => 'Samoa',
'SM' => 'San Marino',
'ST' => 'Sao Tome and Principe',
'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'SN' => 'Senegal',
'RS' => 'Serbia',
'SC' => 'Seychelles',
'SL' => 'Sierra Leone',
'SG' => 'Singapore',
'SX' => 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)',
'SK' => 'Slovakia',
'SI' => 'Slovenia',
'SB' => 'Solomon Islands',
'SO' => 'Somalia',
'ZA' => 'South Africa',
'GS' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
'SS' => 'South Sudan',
'ES' => 'Spain',
'LK' => 'Sri Lanka',
'SD' => 'Sudan',
'SR' => 'Suriname',
'SJ' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
'SZ' => 'Swaziland',
'SE' => 'Sweden',
'CH' => 'Switzerland',
'SY' => 'Syrian Arab Republic',
'TW' => 'Taiwan, Province of China',
'TJ' => 'Tajikistan',
'TZ' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of',
'TH' => 'Thailand',
'TL' => 'Timor-Leste',
'TG' => 'Togo',
'TK' => 'Tokelau',
'TO' => 'Tonga',
'TT' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
'TN' => 'Tunisia',
'TR' => 'Turkey',
'TM' => 'Turkmenistan',
'TC' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
'TV' => 'Tuvalu',
'UG' => 'Uganda',
'UA' => 'Ukraine',
'AE' => 'United Arab Emirates',
'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
'US' => 'United States',
'UM' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
'UY' => 'Uruguay',
'UZ' => 'Uzbekistan',
'VU' => 'Vanuatu',
'VE' => 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of',
'VN' => 'Viet Nam',
'VG' => 'Virgin Islands, British',
'VI' => 'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna',
'EH' => 'Western Sahara',
'YE' => 'Yemen',
'ZM' => 'Zambia',
'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe',
* translated list, set by country::_translate
* @var array
protected static $countries_translated;
* List of US states as 2-letter code => name pairs
* @var array
protected static $us_states_array = array(
'--' => 'non US',
'AL' => 'Alabama',
'AK' => 'Alaska',
'AZ' => 'Arizona',
'AR' => 'Arkansas',
'CA' => 'California',
'CO' => 'Colorado',
'CT' => 'Connecticut',
'DE' => 'Delaware',
'DC' => 'District of Columbia',
'FL' => 'Florida',
'GA' => 'Georgia',
'HI' => 'Hawaii',
'ID' => 'Idaho',
'IL' => 'Illinois',
'IN' => 'Indiana',
'IA' => 'Iowa',
'KS' => 'Kansas',
'KY' => 'Kentucky',
'LA' => 'Louisiana',
'ME' => 'Maine',
'MD' => 'Maryland',
'MA' => 'Massachusetts',
'MI' => 'Michigan',
'MN' => 'Minnesota',
'MO' => 'Missouri',
'MS' => 'Mississippi',
'MT' => 'Montana',
'NC' => 'North Carolina',
'ND' => 'Noth Dakota',
'NE' => 'Nebraska',
'NH' => 'New Hampshire',
'NJ' => 'New Jersey',
'NM' => 'New Mexico',
'NV' => 'Nevada',
'NY' => 'New York',
'OH' => 'Ohio',
'OK' => 'Oklahoma',
'OR' => 'Oregon',
'PA' => 'Pennsylvania',
'RI' => 'Rhode Island',
'SC' => 'South Carolina',
'SD' => 'South Dakota',
'TN' => 'Tennessee',
'TX' => 'Texas',
'UT' => 'Utah',
'VA' => 'Virginia',
'VT' => 'Vermont',
'WA' => 'Washington',
'WI' => 'Wisconsin',
'WV' => 'West Virginia',
'WY' => 'Wyoming'
* List of DE states as 2-letter code => name pairs
* @var array
protected static $de_states_array = array(
'BW' => 'Baden-Württemberg',
'BY' => 'Bayern',
'BE' => 'Berlin',
'BB' => 'Brandenburg',
'HB' => 'Bremen',
'HH' => 'Hamburg',
'HE' => 'Hessen',
'MV' => 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern',
'NI' => 'Niedersachsen',
'NW' => 'Nordrhein-Westfalen',
'RP' => 'Rheinland-Pfalz',
'SL' => 'Saarland',
'SN' => 'Sachsen',
'ST' => 'Sachsen-Anhalt',
'SH' => 'Schleswig-Holstein',
'TH' => 'Thüringen'
* List of CH states as 2-letter code => name pairs
* @var array
protected static $ch_states_array = array(
'AG' => 'Aargau',
'AR' => 'Appenzell Ausserrhoden',
'AI' => 'Appenzell Innerrhoden',
'BL' => 'Basel-Landschaft',
'BS' => 'Basel-Stadt',
'BE' => 'Bern',
'FR' => 'Freiburg',
'GE' => 'Genève',
'GL' => 'Glarus',
'GR' => 'Graubünden',
'JU' => 'Jura',
'LU' => 'Luzern',
'NE' => 'Neuchâtel',
'NW' => 'Nidwalden',
'OW' => 'Obwalden',
'SG' => 'Sankt Gallen',
'SH' => 'Schaffhausen',
'SZ' => 'Schwyz',
'SO' => 'Solothurn',
'TG' => 'Thurgau',
'TI' => 'Ticino',
'UR' => 'Uri',
'VS' => 'Wallis',
'VD' => 'Vaud',
'ZG' => 'Zug',
'ZH' => 'Zürich',
* List of AT states as 2-letter code => name pairs
* @var array
protected static $at_states_array = array(
'1' => 'Burgenland',
'2' => 'Kärnten',
'3' => 'Niederösterreich',
'4' => 'Oberösterreich',
'5' => 'Salzburg',
'6' => 'Steiermark',
'7' => 'Tirol',
'8' => 'Vorarlberg',
'9' => 'Wien'
* List of GB states as 3-letter code => name pairs
* @var array
protected static $gb_states_array = array(
'BKM' => 'Buckinghamshire',
'CAM' => 'Cambridgeshire',
'CMA' => 'Cumbria',
'DBY' => 'Derbyshire',
'DEV' => 'Devon',
'DOR' => 'Dorset',
'ESX' => 'East Sussex',
'ESS' => 'Essex',
'GLS' => 'Gloucestershire',
'HAM' => 'Hampshire',
'HRT' => 'Hertfordshire',
'KEN' => 'Kent',
'LAN' => 'Lancashire',
'LEC' => 'Leicestershire',
'LIN' => 'Lincolnshire',
'NFK' => 'Norfolk',
'NYK' => 'North Yorkshire',
'NTH' => 'Northamptonshire',
'NTT' => 'Nottinghamshire',
'OXF' => 'Oxfordshire',
'SOM' => 'Somerset',
'STS' => 'Staffordshire',
'SFK' => 'Suffolk',
'SRY' => 'Surrey',
'WAR' => 'Warwickshire',
'WSX' => 'West Sussex',
'WOR' => 'Worcestershire',
'LND' => 'London',
'BDG' => 'Barking and Dagenham',
'BNE' => 'Barnet',
'BEX' => 'Bexley',
'BEN' => 'Brent',
'BRY' => 'Bromley',
'CMD' => 'Camden',
'CRY' => 'Croydon',
'EAL' => 'Ealing',
'ENF' => 'Enfield',
'GRE' => 'Greenwich',
'HCK' => 'Hackney',
'HMF' => 'Hammersmith and Fulham',
'HRY' => 'Haringey',
'HRW' => 'Harrow',
'HAV' => 'Havering',
'HIL' => 'Hillingdon',
'HNS' => 'Hounslow',
'ISL' => 'Islington',
'KEC' => 'Kensington and Chelsea',
'KTT' => 'Kingston upon Thames',
'LBH' => 'Lambeth',
'LEW' => 'Lewisham',
'MRT' => 'Merton',
'NWM' => 'Newham',
'RDB' => 'Redbridge',
'RIC' => 'Richmond upon Thames',
'SWK' => 'Southwark',
'STN' => 'Sutton',
'TWH' => 'Tower Hamlets',
'WFT' => 'Waltham Forest',
'WND' => 'Wandsworth',
'WSM' => 'Westminster',
'BNS' => 'Barnsley',
'BIR' => 'Birmingham',
'BOL' => 'Bolton',
'BRD' => 'Bradford',
'BUR' => 'Bury',
'CLD' => 'Calderdale',
'COV' => 'Coventry',
'DNC' => 'Doncaster',
'DUD' => 'Dudley',
'GAT' => 'Gateshead',
'KIR' => 'Kirklees',
'KWL' => 'Knowsley',
'LDS' => 'Leeds',
'LIV' => 'Liverpool',
'MAN' => 'Manchester',
'NET' => 'Newcastle upon Tyne',
'NTY' => 'North Tyneside',
'OLD' => 'Oldham',
'RCH' => 'Rochdale',
'ROT' => 'Rotherham',
'SHN' => 'St. Helens',
'SLF' => 'Salford',
'SAW' => 'Sandwell',
'SFT' => 'Sefton',
'SHF' => 'Sheffield',
'SOL' => 'Solihull',
'STY' => 'South Tyneside',
'SKP' => 'Stockport',
'SND' => 'Sunderland',
'TAM' => 'Tameside',
'TRF' => 'Trafford',
'WKF' => 'Wakefield',
'WLL' => 'Walsall',
'WGN' => 'Wigan',
'WRL' => 'Wirral',
'WLV' => 'Wolverhampton',
'BAS' => 'Bath and North East Somerset',
'BDF' => 'Bedford',
'BBD' => 'Blackburn with Darwen',
'BPL' => 'Blackpool',
'BMH' => 'Bournemouth',
'BRC' => 'Bracknell Forest',
'BNH' => 'Brighton and Hove',
'BST' => 'Bristol, City of',
'CBF' => 'Central Bedfordshire',
'CHE' => 'Cheshire East',
'CHW' => 'Cheshire West and Chester',
'CON' => 'Cornwall',
'DAL' => 'Darlington',
'DER' => 'Derby',
'DUR' => 'Durham, County',
'ERY' => 'East Riding of Yorkshire',
'HAL' => 'Halton',
'HPL' => 'Hartlepool',
'HEF' => 'Herefordshire',
'IOW' => 'Isle of Wight',
'IOS' => 'Isles of Scilly',
'KHL' => 'Kingston upon Hull',
'LCE' => 'Leicester',
'LUT' => 'Luton',
'MDW' => 'Medway',
'MDB' => 'Middlesbrough',
'MIK' => 'Milton Keynes',
'NEL' => 'North East Lincolnshire',
'NLN' => 'North Lincolnshire',
'NSM' => 'North Somerset',
'NBL' => 'Northumberland',
'NGM' => 'Nottingham',
'PTE' => 'Peterborough',
'PLY' => 'Plymouth',
'POL' => 'Poole',
'POR' => 'Portsmouth',
'RDG' => 'Reading',
'RCC' => 'Redcar and Cleveland',
'RUT' => 'Rutland',
'SHR' => 'Shropshire',
'SLG' => 'Slough',
'SGC' => 'South Gloucestershire',
'STH' => 'Southampton',
'SOS' => 'Southend-on-Sea',
'STT' => 'Stockton-on-Tees',
'STE' => 'Stoke-on-Trent',
'SWD' => 'Swindon',
'TFW' => 'Telford and Wrekin',
'THR' => 'Thurrock',
'TOB' => 'Torbay',
'WRT' => 'Warrington',
'WBK' => 'West Berkshire',
'WIL' => 'Wiltshire',
'WNM' => 'Windsor and Maidenhead',
'WOK' => 'Wokingham',
'YOR' => 'York',
'ANN' => 'Antrim and Newtownabbey',
'AND' => 'Ards and North Down',
'ABC' => 'Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon',
'BFS' => 'Belfast',
'CCG' => 'Causeway Coast and Glens',
'DRS' => 'Derry and Strabane',
'FMO' => 'Fermanagh and Omagh',
'LBC' => 'Lisburn and Castlereagh',
'MEA' => 'Mid and East Antrim',
'MUL' => 'Mid Ulster',
'NMD' => 'Newry, Mourne and Down',
'ABE' => 'Aberdeen City',
'ABD' => 'Aberdeenshire',
'ANS' => 'Angus',
'AGB' => 'Argyll and Bute',
'CLK' => 'Clackmannanshire',
'DGY' => 'Dumfries and Galloway',
'DND' => 'Dundee City',
'EAY' => 'East Ayrshire',
'EDU' => 'East Dunbartonshire',
'ELN' => 'East Lothian',
'ERW' => 'East Renfrewshire',
'EDH' => 'Edinburgh, City of',
'ELS' => 'Eilean Siar',
'FAL' => 'Falkirk',
'FIF' => 'Fife',
'GLG' => 'Glasgow City',
'HLD' => 'Highland',
'IVC' => 'Inverclyde',
'MLN' => 'Midlothian',
'MRY' => 'Moray',
'NAY' => 'North Ayrshire',
'NLK' => 'North Lanarkshire',
'ORK' => 'Orkney Islands',
'PKN' => 'Perth and Kinross',
'RFW' => 'Renfrewshire',
'SCB' => 'Scottish Borders, The',
'ZET' => 'Shetland Islands',
'SAY' => 'South Ayrshire',
'SLK' => 'South Lanarkshire',
'STG' => 'Stirling',
'WDU' => 'West Dunbartonshire',
'WLN' => 'West Lothian',
'BGW' => 'Blaenau Gwent',
'BGE' => 'Bridgend [Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr GB-POG]',
'CAY' => 'Caerphilly [Caerffili GB-CAF]',
'CRF' => 'Cardiff [Caerdydd GB-CRD]',
'CMN' => 'Carmarthenshire [Sir Gaerfyrddin GB-GFY]',
'CGN' => 'Ceredigion [Sir Ceredigion]',
'CWY' => 'Conwy',
'DEN' => 'Denbighshire [Sir Ddinbych GB-DDB]',
'FLN' => 'Flintshire [Sir y Fflint GB-FFL]',
'GWN' => 'Gwynedd',
'AGY' => 'Isle of Anglesey [Sir Ynys Môn GB-YNM]',
'MTY' => 'Merthyr Tydfil [Merthyr Tudful GB-MTU]',
'MON' => 'Monmouthshire [Sir Fynwy GB-FYN]',
'NTL' => 'Neath Port Talbot [Castell-nedd Port Talbot GB-CTL]',
'NWP' => 'Newport [Casnewydd GB-CNW]',
'PEM' => 'Pembrokeshire [Sir Benfro GB-BNF]',
'POW' => 'Powys',
'RCT' => 'Rhondda, Cynon, Taff [Rhondda, Cynon, Taf]',
'SWA' => 'Swansea [Abertawe GB-ATA]',
'TOF' => 'Torfaen [Tor-faen]',
'VGL' => 'Vale of Glamorgan, The [Bro Morgannwg GB-BMG]',
'WRX' => 'Wrexham [Wrecsam GB-WRC]'
* List of CA states as 2-letter code => name pairs
* @var array
protected static $ca_states_array = array(
'AB' => 'Alberta',
'BC' => 'British Columbia',
'MB' => 'Manitoba',
'NB' => 'New Brunswick',
'NL' => 'Newfoundland and Labrador',
'NS' => 'Nova Scotia',
'ON' => 'Ontario',
'PE' => 'Prince Edward Island',
'QC' => 'Quebec',
'SK' => 'Saskatchewan',
'NT' => 'Northwest Territories',
'NU' => 'Nunavut',
'YT' => 'Yukon'
protected static $ir_states_array = array (
'32' => 'Alborz',
'03' => 'Ardabīl',
'02' => 'Āz̄arbāyjān-e Gharbī',
'01' => 'Āz̄arbāyjān-e Sharqī',
'06' => 'Būshehr',
'08' => 'Chahār Maḩāl va Bakhtīārī',
'04' => 'Eşfahān',
'14' => 'Fārs',
'19' => 'Gīlān',
'27' => 'Golestān',
'24' => 'Hamadān',
'23' => 'Hormozgān',
'05' => 'Īlām',
'15' => 'Kermān',
'17' => 'Kermānshāh',
'29' => 'Khorāsān-e Jonūbī',
'30' => 'Khorāsān-e Raẕavī',
'31' => 'Khorāsān-e Shomālī',
'10' => 'Khūzestān',
'18' => 'Kohgīlūyeh va Bowyer Aḩmad',
'16' => 'Kordestān',
'20' => 'Lorestān',
'22' => 'Markazī',
'21' => 'Māzandarān',
'28' => 'Qazvīn',
'26' => 'Qom',
'12' => 'Semnān',
'13' => 'Sīstān va Balūchestān',
'07' => 'Tehrān',
'25' => 'Yazd',
'11' => 'Zanjān'
* Get list of US states
* @param string $country = de selected country code to fetch its states
* @return array with code => name pairs
public static function get_states($country='de')
case 'us':
return self::$us_states_array;
case 'de':
return self::$de_states_array;
case 'at':
return self::$at_states_array;
case 'ch':
return self::$ch_states_array;
case 'ca':
return self::$ca_states_array;
case 'gb':
return self::$gb_states_array;
case 'ir':
return self::$ir_states_array;
* Get list of US states
* @return array with code => name pairs
public static function us_states()
return self::$us_states_array;
* Get country-name from the 2-letter iso code
* @param string $code 2-letter iso country-code
* @param boolean $translated =true use translated name or english
* @return string
public static function get_full_name($code,$translated=true)
if ($translated)
if (!self::$countries_translated) self::_translate_countries();
return self::$countries_translated[strtoupper($code)];
return self::$country_array[strtoupper($code)];
* Get the 2-letter code for a given country name
* @param string $name
* @return string 2-letter code or $name if no code found
public static function country_code($name)
if (!$name) return ''; // nothing to do
if (strlen($name) == 2 && isset(self::$country_array[$name]))
return $name; // $name is already a country-code
if (($code = array_search(strtoupper($name),self::$country_array)) !== false)
return $code;
if (!self::$countries_translated) self::_translate_countries();
if (($code = array_search(strtoupper($name),self::$countries_translated)) !== false ||
($code = array_search($name,self::$countries_translated)) !== false)
return $code;
// search case-insensitive all translations for the english phrase of given country $name
// we do that to catch all possible cases of translations
static $en_names = array(); // we do some caching to minimize db-accesses
if (isset($en_names[$name]))
$name = $en_names[$name];
elseif (($name_en = Translation::get_message_id($name,'common')))
$name = $en_names[$name] = strtoupper($name_en);
if (($code = array_search(strtoupper($name),self::$country_array)) !== false)
return $code;
return $name;
* Get list of country names
* @param boolean $translated =true use translated names or english
* @return array with 2-letter code => name pairs
public static function countries($translated=true)
if ($translated)
if (!self::$countries_translated) self::_translate_countries();
return self::$countries_translated;
return self::$country_array;
* Fill and sort the translated countries array
* @internal
protected static function _translate_countries()
if (self::$countries_translated) return;
self::$countries_translated = self::$country_array;
// try to translate them and sort alphabetic
foreach(self::$countries_translated as $k => $name)
self::$countries_translated[$k] = lang($name);
if(class_exists('Collator') && class_exists('Locale'))
$col = new \Collator(Preferences::setlocale());