Ralf Becker 8f63182822 * added mail log, which can be enabled by setting $GLOBALS[egw_info][server][log_mail] to a path or true for standard error_log
- added egw_mailer class to archive that and correctly intialise EGroupware pathes for translations
- updated translations and moved them to phpgwapi/lang/ (getting rid of message not translated errors)
- using egw_mailer in fmail including catching of phpmailerException to not glutter GUI with echoed errors
2010-09-15 09:10:12 +00:00

25 lines
1.5 KiB

* PHPMailer language file: refer to English translation for definitive list
* Czech Version
$PHPMAILER_LANG['authenticate'] = 'SMTP Error: Chyba autentikace.';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['connect_host'] = 'SMTP Error: Nelze navázat spojení se SMTP serverem.';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['data_not_accepted'] = 'SMTP Error: Data nebyla pøijata';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['empty_message'] = 'Message body empty';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['encoding'] = 'Neznámé kódování: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['execute'] = 'Nelze provést: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['file_access'] = 'Soubor nenalezen: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['file_open'] = 'File Error: Nelze otevøít soubor pro ètení: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['from_failed'] = 'Následující adresa From je nesprávná: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['instantiate'] = 'Nelze vytvoøit instanci emailové funkce.';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['invalid_email'] = 'Not sending, email address is invalid: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['mailer_not_supported'] = ' mailový klient není podporován.';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['provide_address'] = 'Musíte zadat alespoò jednu emailovou adresu pøíjemce.';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['recipients_failed'] = 'SMTP Error: Adresy pøíjemcù nejsou správné ';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['signing'] = 'Signing Error: ';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['smtp_connect_failed'] = 'SMTP Connect() failed.';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['smtp_error'] = 'SMTP server error: ';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['variable_set'] = 'Cannot set or reset variable: ';