
870 lines
26 KiB

* eGroupWare API - HTTP and WebDAV protocol class *
* *
* Original Author: Leo West <> *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* This library is not part of eGroupWare, but is used by eGroupWare. *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *
net_http_client class
HTTP Client component
suppots methods HEAD, GET, POST
1.0 and 1.1 compliant
WebDAV methods tested against Apache/mod_dav
Documentation @
include "Net/HTTP/Client.php";
$http = new net_http_client();
$http->connect( "localhost", 80 ) or die( "connect problem" );
$status = $http->get( "/index.html" );
if( $status != 200 )
die( "Problem : " . $http->getStatusMessage() . "\n" );
0.1 initial version
0.2 documentation completed
+ getHeaders(), getBody()
o Post(), Connect()
0.3 DAV enhancements:
+ Put() method
0.4 continued DAV support
+ Delete(), Move(), MkCol(), Propfind() methods
o added url property, remove host and port properties
o Connect, net_http_client (use of this.url)
o processBody() : use non-blocking to fix a socket pblm
0.5 debug support
+ setDebug()
+ debug levels definitions (DBG*)
0.6 + Lock() method
+ setCredentials() method and fix - thanks Thomas Olsen
+ support for Get( full_url )
o fix POST call (duplicate content-length) - thanks to Javier Sixto
0.7 + OPTIONS method support
+ addCookie and removeCookies methods
o fix the "0" problem
o undeifned variable warning fixed
Compatibility : PHP 4 >= 4.0b4
created : May 2001
LastModified : Sep 2002
Leo West <>
remaining WebDAV methods: UNLOCK PROPPATCH
/// debug levels , use it as Client::setDebug( DBGSOCK & DBGTRACE )
define( "DBGTRACE", 1 ); // to debug methods calls
define( "DBGINDATA", 2 ); // to debug data received
define( "DBGOUTDATA", 4 ); // to debug data sent
define( "DBGLOW", 8 ); // to debug low-level (usually internal) methods
define( "DBGSOCK", 16 ); // to debug socket-level code
/// internal errors
define( "ECONNECTION", -1 ); // connection failed
define( "EBADRESPONSE", -2 ); // response status line is not http compliant
define( "CRLF", "\r\n" );
class net_http_client
// @private
/// array containg server URL, similar to array returned by parseurl()
var $url;
/// server response code eg. "304"
var $reply;
/// server response line eg. "200 OK"
var $replyString;
/// HTPP protocol version used
var $protocolVersion = "1.0";
/// internal buffers
var $requestHeaders, $requestBody;
/// TCP socket identifier
var $socket = false;
/// proxy informations
var $useProxy = false;
var $proxyHost, $proxyPort;
/// debugging flag
var $debug = 0;
* net_http_client
* constructor
* Note : when host and port are defined, the connection is immediate
* @seeAlso connect
function net_http_client( $host= NULL, $port= NULL )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "net_http_client( $host, $port )\n";
if( $host != NULL ) {
$this->connect( $host, $port );
* turn on debug messages
* @param level a combinaison of debug flags
* @see debug flags ( DBG..) defined at top of file
function setDebug( $level )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "setDebug( $level )\n";
$this->debug = $level;
* turn on proxy support
* @param proxyHost proxy host address eg ""
* @param proxyPort proxy port usually 80 or 8080
function setProxy( $proxyHost, $proxyPort )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "setProxy( $proxyHost, $proxyPort )\n";
$this->useProxy = true;
$this->proxyHost = $proxyHost;
$this->proxyPort = $proxyPort;
* setProtocolVersion
* define the HTTP protocol version to use
* @param version string the version number with one decimal: "0.9", "1.0", "1.1"
* when using 1.1, you MUST set the mandatory headers "Host"
* @return boolean false if the version number is bad, true if ok
function setProtocolVersion( $version )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "setProtocolVersion( $version )\n";
if( $version > 0 and $version <= 1.1 ) {
$this->protocolVersion = $version;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* set a username and password to access a protected resource
* Only "Basic" authentication scheme is supported yet
* @param username string - identifier
* @param password string - clear password
function setCredentials( $username, $password )
$hdrvalue = base64_encode( "$username:$password" );
$this->addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic $hdrvalue" );
* define a set of HTTP headers to be sent to the server
* header names are lowercased to avoid duplicated headers
* @param headers hash array containing the headers as headerName => headerValue pairs
function setHeaders( $headers )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "setHeaders( $headers ) \n";
if( is_array( $headers )) {
foreach( $headers as $name => $value ) {
$this->requestHeaders[$name] = $value;
* addHeader
* set a unique request header
* @param headerName the header name
* @param headerValue the header value, ( unencoded)
function addHeader( $headerName, $headerValue )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "addHeader( $headerName, $headerValue )\n";
$this->requestHeaders[$headerName] = $headerValue;
* removeHeader
* unset a request header
* @param headerName the header name
function removeHeader( $headerName )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "removeHeader( $headerName) \n";
unset( $this->requestHeaders[$headerName] );
* addCookie
* set a session cookie, that will be used in the next requests.
* this is a hack as cookie are usually set by the server, but you may need it
* it is your responsabilty to unset the cookie if you request another host
* to keep a session on the server
* @param string the name of the cookie
* @param string the value for the cookie
function addCookie( $cookiename, $cookievalue )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "addCookie( $cookiename, $cookievalue ) \n";
$cookie = $cookiename . "=" . $cookievalue;
$this->requestHeaders["Cookie"] = $cookie;
* removeCookie
* unset cookies currently in use
function removeCookies()
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "removeCookies() \n";
unset( $this->requestHeaders["Cookie"] );
* Connect
* open the connection to the server
* @param host string server address (or IP)
* @param port string server listening port - defaults to 80
* @return boolean false is connection failed, true otherwise
function Connect( $host, $port = NULL )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Connect( $host, $port ) \n";
$this->url['scheme'] = "http";
$this->url['host'] = $host;
if( $port != NULL )
$this->url['port'] = $port;
return true;
* Disconnect
* close the connection to the server
function Disconnect()
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Disconnect()\n";
if( $this->socket )
fclose( $this->socket );
* head
* issue a HEAD request
* @param uri string URI of the document
* @return string response status code (200 if ok)
* @seeAlso getHeaders()
function Head( $uri )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Head( $uri )\n";
$this->responseHeaders = $this->responseBody = "";
$uri = $this->makeUri( $uri );
if( $this->sendCommand( "HEAD $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* get
* issue a GET http request
* @param uri URI (path on server) or full URL of the document
* @return string response status code (200 if ok)
* @seeAlso getHeaders(), getBody()
function Get( $url )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Get( $url )\n";
$this->responseHeaders = $this->responseBody = "";
$uri = $this->makeUri( $url );
if( $this->sendCommand( "GET $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* Options
* issue a OPTIONS http request
* @param uri URI (path on server) or full URL of the document
* @return array list of options supported by the server or NULL in case of error
function Options( $url )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Options( $url )\n";
$this->responseHeaders = $this->responseBody = "";
$uri = $this->makeUri( $url );
if( $this->sendCommand( "OPTIONS $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
if( @$this->responseHeaders["Allow"] == NULL )
return NULL;
return explode( ",", $this->responseHeaders["Allow"] );
* Post
* issue a POST http request
* @param uri string URI of the document
* @param query_params array parameters to send in the form "parameter name" => value
* @return string response status code (200 if ok)
* @example
* $params = array( "login" => "tiger", "password" => "secret" );
* $http->post( "/login.php", $params );
function Post( $uri, $query_params="" )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Post( $uri, $query_params )\n";
$uri = $this->makeUri( $uri );
if( is_array($query_params) ) {
$postArray = array();
foreach( $query_params as $k=>$v ) {
$postArray[] = urlencode($k) . "=" . urlencode($v);
$this->requestBody = implode( "&", $postArray);
// set the content type for post parameters
$this->addHeader( 'Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
// done in sendCommand() $this->addHeader( 'Content-Length', strlen($this->requestBody) );
if( $this->sendCommand( "POST $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
$this->requestBody = "";
return $this->reply;
* Put
* Send a PUT request
* PUT is the method to sending a file on the server. it is *not* widely supported
* @param uri the location of the file on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
* @param filecontent the content of the file. binary content accepted
* @return string response status code 201 (Created) if ok
* @see RFC2518 "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV"
function Put( $uri, $filecontent )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Put( $uri, [filecontent not displayed )\n";
$uri = $this->makeUri( $uri );
$this->requestBody = $filecontent;
if( $this->sendCommand( "PUT $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* Send a MOVE HTTP-DAV request
* Move (rename) a file on the server
* @param srcUri the current file location on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
* @param destUri the destination location on the server. this is *not* a full URL
* @param overwrite boolean - true to overwrite an existing destinationn default if yes
* @return string response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok
* @see RFC2518 "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV"
function Move( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite=true, $scope=0 )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Move( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite )\n";
if( $overwrite )
$this->requestHeaders['Overwrite'] = "T";
$this->requestHeaders['Overwrite'] = "F";
$destUrl = $this->url['scheme'] . "://" . $this->url['host'];
if( $this->url['port'] != "" )
$destUrl .= ":" . $this->url['port'];
$destUrl .= $destUri;
$this->requestHeaders['Destination'] = $destUrl;
$this->requestHeaders['Destination'] = $destUri;
if( $this->sendCommand( "MOVE $srcUri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* Send a COPY HTTP-DAV request
* Copy a file -allready on the server- into a new location
* @param srcUri the current file location on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
* @param destUri the destination location on the server. this is *not* a full URL
* @param overwrite boolean - true to overwrite an existing destination - overwrite by default
* @return string response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok
* @see RFC2518 "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV"
function Copy( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite=true, $scope=0)
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Copy( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite )\n";
if( $overwrite )
$this->requestHeaders['Overwrite'] = "T";
$this->requestHeaders['Overwrite'] = "F";
$destUrl = $this->url['scheme'] . "://" . $this->url['host'];
if( $this->url['port'] != "" )
$destUrl .= ":" . $this->url['port'];
$destUrl .= $destUri;
$this->requestHeaders['Destination'] = $destUrl;
$this->requestHeaders['Destination'] = $destUri;
if( $this->sendCommand( "COPY $srcUri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* Send a MKCOL HTTP-DAV request
* Create a collection (directory) on the server
* @param uri the directory location on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
* @return string response status code 201 (Created) if ok
* @see RFC2518 "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV"
function MkCol( $uri )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Mkcol( $uri )\n";
// $this->requestHeaders['Overwrite'] = "F";
if( $this->sendCommand( "MKCOL $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* Delete a file on the server using the "DELETE" HTTP-DAV request
* This HTTP method is *not* widely supported
* Only partially supports "collection" deletion, as the XML response is not parsed
* @param uri the location of the file on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
* @return string response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok
* @see RFC2518 "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV"
function Delete( $uri, $scope=0)
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Delete( $uri )\n";
$this->requestHeaders['Depth'] = $scope;
if( $this->sendCommand( "DELETE $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) ){
return $this->reply;
* PropFind
* implements the PROPFIND method
* PROPFIND retrieves meta informations about a resource on the server
* XML reply is not parsed, you'll need to do it
* @param uri the location of the file on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
* @param scope set the scope of the request.
* O : infos about the node only
* 1 : infos for the node and its direct children ( one level)
* Infinity : infos for the node and all its children nodes (recursive)
* @return string response status code - 207 (Multi-Status) if OK
* @see RFC2518 "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV"
function PropFind( $uri, $scope=0 )
$this->requestBody = '';
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "Propfind( $uri, $scope )\n";
$this->requestHeaders['Depth'] = $scope;
if( $this->sendCommand( "PROPFIND $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* Lock a ressource on the server. XML reply is not parsed, you'll need to do it
* @param $uri URL (relative) of the resource to lock
* @param $lockScope - use "exclusive" for an eclusive lock, "inclusive" for a shared lock
* @param $lockType - acces type of the lock : "write"
* @param $lockScope - use "exclusive" for an eclusive lock, "inclusive" for a shared lock
* @param $lockOwner - an url representing the owner for this lock
* @return server reply code, 200 if ok
function Lock( $uri, $lockScope, $lockType, $lockOwner )
$body = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>
<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
$this->requestBody = utf8_encode( $body );
if( $this->sendCommand( "LOCK $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* unlock a ressource on the server
* @param $uri URL (relative) of the resource to unlock
* @param $lockToken the lock token given at lock time, eg: opaquelocktoken:e71d4fae-5dec-22d6-fea5-00a0c91e6be4
* @return server reply code, 204 if ok
function Unlock( $uri, $lockToken )
$this->addHeader( "Lock-Token", "<$lockToken>" );
if( $this->sendCommand( "UNLOCK $uri HTTP/$this->protocolVersion" ) )
return $this->reply;
* getHeaders
* return the response headers
* to be called after a Get() or Head() call
* @return array headers received from server in the form headername => value
* @seeAlso get, head
function getHeaders()
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "getHeaders()\n";
if( $this->debug & DBGINDATA ) {
echo "DBG.INDATA responseHeaders="; print_r( $this->responseHeaders );
return $this->responseHeaders;
* getHeader
* return the response header "headername"
* @param headername the name of the header
* @return header value or NULL if no such header is defined
function getHeader( $headername )
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "getHeaderName( $headername )\n";
return $this->responseHeaders[$headername];
* getBody
* return the response body
* invoke it after a Get() call for instance, to retrieve the response
* @return string body content
* @seeAlso get, head
function getBody()
if( $this->debug & DBGTRACE ) echo "getBody()\n";
return $this->responseBody;
* getStatus return the server response's status code
* @return string a status code
* code are divided in classes (where x is a digit)
* - 20x : request processed OK
* - 30x : document moved
* - 40x : client error ( bad url, document not found, etc...)
* - 50x : server error
* @see RFC2616 "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1"
function getStatus()
return $this->reply;
* getStatusMessage return the full response status, of the form "CODE Message"
* eg. "404 Document not found"
* @return string the message
function getStatusMessage()
return $this->replyString;
* @scope only protected or private methods below
* send a request
* data sent are in order
* a) the command
* b) the request headers if they are defined
* c) the request body if defined
* @return string the server repsonse status code
function sendCommand( $command )
if( $this->debug & DBGLOW ) echo "sendCommand( $command )\n";
$this->responseHeaders = array();
$this->responseBody = "";
// connect if necessary
if( $this->socket == false or feof( $this->socket) ) {
if( $this->useProxy ) {
$host = $this->proxyHost;
$port = $this->proxyPort;
} else {
$host = $this->url['host'];
$port = $this->url['port'];
if( $port == "" ) $port = 80;
$this->socket = fsockopen( $host, $port, &$this->reply, &$this->replyString );
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) echo "connexion( $host, $port) - $this->socket\n";
if( ! $this->socket ) {
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) echo "FAILED : $this->replyString ($this->reply)\n";
return false;
if( $this->requestBody != "" ) {
$this->addHeader( "Content-Length", strlen( $this->requestBody ) );
else {
$this->removeHeader( "Content-Length");
$this->request = $command;
$cmd = $command . CRLF;
if( is_array( $this->requestHeaders) ) {
foreach( $this->requestHeaders as $k => $v ) {
$cmd .= "$k: $v" . CRLF;
if( $this->requestBody != "" ) {
$cmd .= CRLF . $this->requestBody;
// unset body (in case of successive requests)
$this->requestBody = "";
if( $this->debug & DBGOUTDATA ) echo "DBG.OUTDATA Sending\n$cmd\n";
fputs( $this->socket, $cmd . CRLF );
return true;
function processReply()
if( $this->debug & DBGLOW ) echo "processReply()\n";
$this->replyString = trim(fgets( $this->socket,1024) );
if( preg_match( "|^HTTP/\S+ (\d+) |i", $this->replyString, $a )) {
$this->reply = $a[1];
} else {
$this->reply = EBADRESPONSE;
if( $this->debug & DBGINDATA ) echo "replyLine: $this->replyString\n";
// get response headers and body
$this->responseHeaders = $this->processHeader();
$this->responseBody = $this->processBody();
if ($this->responseHeaders['Connection'] == 'close') {
if( $this->debug & DBGINDATA ) echo "connection closed at server request!";
// if( $this->responseHeaders['set-cookie'] )
// $this->addHeader( "cookie", $this->responseHeaders['set-cookie'] );
return $this->reply;
* processHeader() reads header lines from socket until the line equals $lastLine
* @scope protected
* @return array of headers with header names as keys and header content as values
function processHeader( $lastLine = CRLF )
if( $this->debug & DBGLOW ) echo "processHeader( [lastLine] )\n";
$headers = array();
$finished = false;
while ( ( ! $finished ) && ( ! feof($this->socket)) ) {
$str = fgets( $this->socket, 1024 );
if( $this->debug & DBGINDATA ) echo "HEADER : $str;";
$finished = ( $str == $lastLine );
if ( !$finished ) {
list( $hdr, $value ) = split( ": ", $str, 2 );
// nasty workaround broken multiple same headers (eg. Set-Cookie headers) @FIXME
if( isset( $headers[$hdr]) )
$headers[$hdr] .= "; " . trim($value);
$headers[$hdr] = trim($value);
return $headers;
* processBody() reads the body from the socket
* the body is the "real" content of the reply
* @return string body content
* @scope private
function processBody()
$failureCount = 0;
if( $this->debug & DBGLOW ) echo "processBody()\n";
if ( $this->responseHeaders['Transfer-Encoding']=='chunked' )
// chunked encoding
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) echo "DBG.SOCK chunked encoding..\n";
$length = fgets($this->socket, 1024);
$length = hexdec($length);
while (true) {
if ($length == 0) { break; }
$data .= fread($this->socket, $length);
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) echo "DBG.SOCK chunked encoding: read $length bytes\n";
fgets($this->socket, 1024);
$length = fgets($this->socket, 1024);
$length = hexdec($length);
fgets($this->socket, 1024);
else if ($this->responseHeaders['Content-Length'] )
$length = $this->responseHeaders['Content-Length'];
while (!feof($this->socket)) {
$data .= fread($this->socket, 1024);
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) echo "DBG.SOCK socket_read using Content-Length ($length)\n";
else {
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) echo "Not chunked, dont know how big?..\n";
$data = "";
$counter = 0;
socket_set_blocking( $this->socket, true );
$status = socket_get_status( $this->socket );
/* if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK )
echo " Socket status: "; print_r($status);
*/ if( feof($this->socket)) {
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) echo "DBG.SOCK eof met, finished socket_read\n";
if( $status['unread_bytes'] > 0 ) {
$buffer = fread( $this->socket, $status['unread_bytes'] );
$counter = 0;
} else {
$buffer = fread( $this->socket, 1024 );
//print "elapsed ".(time()-$ts)."<br>";
$data .= $buffer;
} while( $status['unread_bytes'] > 0 || $counter++ < 10 );
//print "total ".(time()-$ts1)."<br>";
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) {
echo "DBG.SOCK Counter:$counter\nRead failure #: $failureCount\n";
echo " Socket status: "; print_r($status);
socket_set_blocking( $this->socket, true );
$len = strlen($data);
if( $this->debug & DBGSOCK ) echo "DBG.SOCK read $len bytes";
return $data;
* Calculate and return the URI to be sent ( proxy purpose )
* @param the local URI
* @return URI to be used in the HTTP request
* @scope private
function makeUri( $uri )
$a = parse_url( $uri );
if( isset($a['scheme']) && isset($a['host']) ) {
$this->url = $a;
} else {
unset( $this->url['query']);
unset( $this->url['fragment']);
$this->url = array_merge( $this->url, $a );
if( $this->useProxy ) {
$requesturi= "http://" . $this->url['host'] . ( empty($this->url['port']) ? "" : ":" . $this->url['port'] ) . $this->url['path'] . ( empty($this->url['query']) ? "" : "?" . $this->url['query'] );
} else {
$requesturi = $this->url['path'] . (empty( $this->url['query'] ) ? "" : "?" . $this->url['query']);
return $requesturi;
} // end class net_http_client