José Luis Gordo Romero e0217cfabd 1. Enabling custom fckeditor config file (settings that can not be configured by the php object) and modified connector path
2. Enabling compatibility (ofically supported by fckeditor) to safari and opera
2007-12-17 18:00:48 +00:00

1227 lines
42 KiB

* generates html with methods representing html-tags or higher widgets
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <> complete rewrite in 6/2006 and earlier modifications
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* generates html with methods representing html-tags or higher widgets
* @package api
* @subpackage html
* @access public
* @author
* @license GPL
class html
* user-agent: 'mozilla','msie','konqueror', 'safari', 'opera'
* @var string
var $user_agent;
* version of user-agent as specified by browser
* @var string
var $ua_version;
* what attribute to use for the title of an image: 'title' for everything but netscape4='alt'
* @var string
var $prefered_img_title;
* charset used by the page, as returned by $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset()
* @var string
var $charset;
* URL (NOT path) of the js directory in the api
* @var string
var $phpgwapi_js_url;
* do we need to set the wz_tooltip class, to be included at the end of the page
* @var boolean
var $wz_tooltip_included = False;
* Constructor: initialised the class-vars
function html()
// should be Ok for all HTML 4 compatible browsers
if (!eregi('(Safari)/([0-9.]+)',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$parts) &&
!eregi('compatible; ([a-z_]+)[/ ]+([0-9.]+)',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$parts))
list(,$this->user_agent,$this->ua_version) = $parts;
$this->user_agent = strtolower($this->user_agent);
$this->netscape4 = $this->user_agent == 'mozilla' && $this->ua_version < 5;
$this->prefered_img_title = $this->netscape4 ? 'alt' : 'title';
//echo "<p>HTTP_USER_AGENT='$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]', UserAgent: '$this->user_agent', Version: '$this->ua_version', img_title: '$this->prefered_img_title'</p>\n";
if ($GLOBALS['egw']->translation)
$this->charset = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset();
$this->phpgwapi_js_url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js';
* Created an input-field with an attached color-picker
* Please note: it need to be called before the call to phpgw_header() !!!
* @param string $name the name of the input-field
* @param string $value the actual value for the input-field, default ''
* @param string $title tooltip/title for the picker-activation-icon
* @return string the html
function inputColor($name,$value='',$title='')
$id = str_replace(array('[',']'),array('_',''),$name).'_colorpicker';
$onclick = "'".$this->phpgwapi_js_url.'/colorpicker/select_color.html?id='.urlencode($id)."&color='+document.getElementById('$id').value,'colorPicker','width=240,height=187,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,toolbar=no');";
return '<input type="text" name="'.$name.'" id="'.$id.'" value="'.$this->htmlspecialchars($value).'" /> '.
'<a href="#" onclick="'.$onclick.'">'.
'<img src="'.$this->phpgwapi_js_url.'/colorpicker/ed_color_bg.gif'.'"'.($title ? ' title="'.$this->htmlspecialchars($title).'"' : '')." /></a>";
* Handles tooltips via the wz_tooltip class from Walter Zorn
* Note: The wz_tooltip.js file gets automaticaly loaded at the end of the page
* @param string/boolean $text text or html for the tooltip, all chars allowed, they will be quoted approperiate
* Or if False the content (innerHTML) of the element itself is used.
* @param boolean $do_lang (default False) should the text be run though lang()
* @param array $options param/value pairs, eg. 'TITLE' => 'I am the title'. Some common parameters:
* title (string) gives extra title-row, width (int,'auto') , padding (int), above (bool), bgcolor (color), bgimg (URL)
* For a complete list and description see
* @return string to be included in any tag, like '<p'.$html->tooltip('Hello <b>Ralf</b>').'>Text with tooltip</p>'
function tooltip($text,$do_lang=False,$options=False)
if (!$this->wz_tooltip_included)
if (strpos($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'],'wz_tooltip')===false)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->phpgwapi_js_url.'/wz_tooltip/wz_tooltip.js"></script>'."\n";
$this->wz_tooltip_included = True;
if ($do_lang) $text = lang($text);
$opt_out = 'this.T_WIDTH = 200;';
if (is_array($options))
foreach($options as $option => $value)
$opt_out .= 'this.T_'.strtoupper($option).'='.(is_numeric($value)?$value:"'".str_replace(array("'",'"'),array("\\'",'&quot;'),$value)."'").'; ';
if ($text === False) return ' onmouseover="'.$opt_out.'return escape(this.innerHTML);"';
return ' onmouseover="'.$opt_out.'return escape(\''.str_replace(array("\n","\r","'",'"'),array('','',"\\'",'&quot;'),$text).'\')"';
* activates URLs in a text, URLs get replaced by html-links
* @param string $content text containing URLs
* @return string html with activated links
function activate_links($content)
// Exclude everything which is already a link
$NotAnchor = '(?<!"|href=|href\s=\s|href=\s|href\s=)';
// spamsaver emailaddress
$result = preg_replace('/'.$NotAnchor.'mailto:([a-z0-9._-]+)@([a-z0-9_-]+)\.([a-z0-9._-]+)/i',
'<a href="#" onclick="document.location=\'mai\'+\'lto:\\1\'+unescape(\'%40\')+\'\\2.\\3\'; return false;">\\1 AT \\2 DOT \\3</a>',
// First match things beginning with http:// (or other protocols)
$Protocol = '(http:\/\/|(ftp:\/\/|https:\/\/))'; // only http:// gets removed, other protocolls are shown
$Domain = '([\w-]+\.[\w-.]+)';
$Subdir = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&;:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $Protocol . $Domain . $Subdir . '/i';
$result = preg_replace( $Expr, "<a href=\"$0\" target=\"_blank\">$2$3$4</a>", $result );
// Now match things beginning with www.
$NotHTTP = '(?<!:\/\/)';
$Domain = 'www(\.[\w-.]+)';
$Subdir = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $NotHTTP . $Domain . $Subdir . '/i';
return preg_replace( $Expr, "<a href=\"http://$0\" target=\"_blank\">$0</a>", $result );
* escapes chars with special meaning in html as entities
* Allows to use and char in the html-output and prefents XSS attacks.
* Some entities are allowed and get NOT escaped:
* - &# some translations (AFAIK the arabic ones) need this
* - &nbsp; &lt; &gt; for convinience
* @param string $str string to escape
* @return string
function htmlspecialchars($str)
// add @ by lkneschke to supress warning about unknown charset
$str = @htmlspecialchars($str,ENT_COMPAT,$this->charset);
// we need '&#' unchanged, so we translate it back
$str = str_replace(array('&amp;#','&amp;nbsp;','&amp;lt;','&amp;gt;'),array('&#','&nbsp;','&lt;','&gt;'),$str);
return $str;
* allows to show and select one item from an array
* @param string $name string with name of the submitted var which holds the key of the selected item form array
* @param string/array $key key(s) of already selected item(s) from $arr, eg. '1' or '1,2' or array with keys
* @param array $arr array with items to select, eg. $arr = array ( 'y' => 'yes','n' => 'no','m' => 'maybe');
* @param boolean $no_lang NOT run the labels of the options through lang(), default false=use lang()
* @param string $options additional options (e.g. 'width')
* @param int $multiple number of lines for a multiselect, default 0 = no multiselect, < 0 sets size without multiple
* @return string to set for a template or to echo into html page
function select($name, $key, $arr=0,$no_lang=false,$options='',$multiple=0)
if (!is_array($arr))
$arr = array('no','yes');
if ((int)$multiple > 0)
$options .= ' multiple="1" size="'.(int)$multiple.'"';
if (substr($name,-2) != '[]')
$name .= '[]';
elseif($multiple < 0)
$options .= ' size="'.abs($multiple).'"';
$out = "<select name=\"$name\" $options>\n";
if (!is_array($key))
// explode on ',' only if multiple values expected and the key contains just numbers and commas
$key = $multiple > 0 && preg_match('/^[,0-9]+$/',$key) ? explode(',',$key) : array($key);
foreach($arr as $k => $data)
if (!is_array($data) || count($data) == 2 && isset($data['label']) && isset($data['title']))
$out .= $this->select_option($k,is_array($data)?$data['label']:$data,$key,$no_lang,
if (isset($data['lable']))
$k = $data['lable'];
$out .= '<optgroup label="'.$this->htmlspecialchars($no_lang || $k == '' ? $k : lang($k))."\">\n";
foreach($data as $k => $label)
$out .= $this->select_option($k,is_array($label)?$label['label']:$label,$key,$no_lang,
$out .= "</optgroup>\n";
$out .= "</select>\n";
return $out;
* emulating a multiselectbox using checkboxes
* Unfortunaly this is not in all aspects like a multi-selectbox, eg. you cant select options via javascript
* in the same way. Therefor I made it an extra function.
* @param string $name string with name of the submitted var which holds the key of the selected item form array
* @param string/array $key key(s) of already selected item(s) from $arr, eg. '1' or '1,2' or array with keys
* @param array $arr array with items to select, eg. $arr = array ( 'y' => 'yes','n' => 'no','m' => 'maybe');
* @param boolean $no_lang NOT run the labels of the options through lang(), default false=use lang()
* @param string $options additional options (e.g. 'width')
* @param int $multiple number of lines for a multiselect, default 3
* @param boolean $selected_first show the selected items before the not selected ones, default true
* @param string $style='' extra style settings like "width: 100%", default '' none
* @return string to set for a template or to echo into html page
function checkbox_multiselect($name, $key, $arr=0,$no_lang=false,$options='',$multiple=3,$selected_first=true,$style='')
//echo "<p align=right>checkbox_multiselect('$name',".print_r($key,true).",".print_r($arr,true).",$no_lang,'$options',$multiple,$selected_first,'$style')</p>\n";
if (!is_array($arr))
$arr = array('no','yes');
if ((int)$multiple <= 0) $multiple = 1;
if (substr($name,-2) != '[]')
$name .= '[]';
$base_name = substr($name,0,-2);
if (!is_array($key))
// explode on ',' only if multiple values expected and the key contains just numbers and commas
$key = preg_match('/^[,0-9]+$/',$key) ? explode(',',$key) : array($key);
$html = '';
$options_no_id = preg_replace('/id="[^"]+"/i','',$options);
if ($selected_first)
$selected = $not_selected = array();
foreach($arr as $val => $label)
if (in_array($val,$key,!$val))
$selected[$val] = $label;
$not_selected[$val] = $label;
$arr = $selected + $not_selected;
foreach($arr as $val => $label)
if (is_array($label))
$title = $label['title'];
$label = $label['label'];
$title = '';
if ($label && !$no_lang) $label = lang($label);
if ($title && !$no_lang) $title = lang($title);
if (strlen($label) > $max_len) $max_len = strlen($label);
$html .= $this->label($this->checkbox($name,in_array($val,$key),$val,$options_no_id.
' id="'.$base_name.'['.$val.']'.'"').$this->htmlspecialchars($label),
$base_name.'['.$val.']','',($title ? 'title="'.$this->htmlspecialchars($title).'" ':''))."<br />\n";
if ($style && substr($style,-1) != ';') $style .= '; ';
if (strpos($style,'height')===false) $style .= 'height: '.(1.7*$multiple).'em; ';
if (strpos($style,'width')===false) $style .= 'width: '.(4+$max_len*($max_len < 15 ? 0.65 : 0.55)).'em; ';
$style .= 'background-color: white; overflow: auto; border: lightgray 2px inset; text-align: left;';
return $this->div($html,$options,'',$style);
* generates an option-tag for a selectbox
* @param string $value value
* @param string $label label
* @param mixed $selected value or array of values of options to mark as selected
* @param boolean $no_lang NOT running the label through lang(), default false=use lang()
* @return string html
function select_option($value,$label,$selected,$no_lang=0,$title='')
// the following compares strict as strings, to archive: '0' == 0 != ''
// the first non-strict search via array_search, is for performance reasons, to not always search the whole array with php
if (($found = ($key = array_search($value,$selected)) !== false) && (string) $value !== (string) $selected[$key])
$found = false;
foreach($selected as $sel)
if ($found = (((string) $value) === ((string) $selected[$key]))) break;
return '<option value="'.$this->htmlspecialchars($value).'"'.($found ? ' selected="selected"' : '') .
($title ? ' title="'.$this->htmlspecialchars($no_lang ? $title : lang($title)).'"' : '') . '>'.
$this->htmlspecialchars($no_lang || $label == '' ? $label : lang($label)) . "</option>\n";
* generates a div-tag
* @param string $content of a div, or '' to generate only the opening tag
* @param string $options to include in the tag, default ''=none
* @param string $class css-class attribute, default ''=none
* @param string $style css-styles attribute, default ''=none
* @return string html
function div($content,$options='',$class='',$style='')
if ($class) $options .= ' class="'.$class.'"';
if ($style) $options .= ' style="'.$style.'"';
return "<div $options>\n".($content ? "$content</div>\n" : '');
* generate one or more hidden input tag(s)
* @param array/string $vars var-name or array with name / value pairs
* @param string $value value if $vars is no array, default ''
* @param boolean $ignore_empty if true all empty, zero (!) or unset values, plus filer=none
* @param string html
function input_hidden($vars,$value='',$ignore_empty=True)
if (!is_array($vars))
$vars = array( $vars => $value );
foreach($vars as $name => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$value = serialize($value);
if (!$ignore_empty || $value && !($name == 'filter' && $value == 'none')) // dont need to send all the empty vars
$html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"".$this->htmlspecialchars($value)."\" />\n";
return $html;
* generate a textarea tag
* @param string $name name attr. of the tag
* @param string $value default
* @param boolean $ignore_empty if true all empty, zero (!) or unset values, plus filer=none
* @param string html
function textarea($name,$value='',$options='' )
return "<textarea name=\"$name\" $options>".$this->htmlspecialchars($value)."</textarea>\n";
* Checks if HTMLarea (or an other richtext editor) is availible for the used browser
* @return boolean
function htmlarea_availible()
case 'msie':
return $this->ua_version >= 5.5;
case 'mozilla':
return $this->ua_version >= 1.3;
case 'safari':
return $this->ua_version >= 523.12;
case 'opera':
return $this->ua_version >= 9.5;
return False;
* compability function for former used htmlarea. Please use function fckeditor now!
* creates a textarea inputfield for the htmlarea js-widget (returns the necessary html and js)
function htmlarea($name,$content='',$style='',$base_href='',$plugins='',$custom_toolbar='',$set_width_height_in_config=false)
if (!$this->htmlarea_availible())
return $this->textarea($name,$content,'style="'.$style.'"');
return $this->fckEditor($name, $content, 'extended', array('toolbar_expanded' =>'true'), '400px', '100%', $base_href);
* this function is a wrapper for fckEditor to create some reuseable layouts
* @param string $_name name and id of the input-field
* @param string $_content of the tinymce (will be run through htmlspecialchars !!!), default ''
* @param string $_mode display mode of the tinymce editor can be: simple, extended or advanced
* @param array $_options (toolbar_expanded true/false)
* @param string $_height='400px'
* @param string $_width='100%'
* @param string $base_href='' if passed activates the browser for image at absolute path passed
* @return string the necessary html for the textarea
function fckEditor($_name, $_content, $_mode, $_options=array('toolbar_expanded' =>'true'), $_height='400px', $_width='100%',$_base_href='')
if (!$this->htmlarea_availible() || $_mode == 'ascii')
return $this->textarea($_name,$_content,'style="width: '.$_width.'; height: '.$_height.';"');
$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor($_name) ;
$oFCKeditor->BasePath = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js/fckeditor/' ;
$oFCKeditor->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = $oFCKeditor->BasePath . 'fckeditor.egwconfig.js' ;
$oFCKeditor->Value = $_content;
$oFCKeditor->Width = str_replace('px','',$_width); // FCK adds px if width contains no %
$oFCKeditor->Height = str_replace('px','',$_height);
// by default switch all browsers and uploads off
$oFCKeditor->Config['LinkBrowser'] = $oFCKeditor->Config['LinkUpload'] = false;
$oFCKeditor->Config['FlashBrowser'] = $oFCKeditor->Config['FlashUpload'] = false;
$oFCKeditor->Config['ImageBrowser'] = $oFCKeditor->Config['ImageUpload'] = false;
// Activate the image browser+upload, if $_base_href exists and is browsable by the webserver
if ($_base_href && is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_base_href) && file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_base_href.'/.'))
// Only images for now
$oFCKeditor->Config['ImageBrowserURL'] = $oFCKeditor->BasePath.'editor/filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?ServerPath='.$_base_href.'&Type=Image&Connector='.$oFCKeditor->BasePath.'editor/filemanager/connectors/php/connector.php';
$oFCKeditor->Config['ImageBrowser'] = true;
$oFCKeditor->Config['ImageUpload'] = is_writable($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_base_href);
// By default the editor start expanded
if ($_options['toolbar_expanded'] == 'false')
$oFCKeditor->Config['ToolbarStartExpanded'] = $_options['toolbar_expanded'];
// switching the encoding as html entities off, as we correctly handle charsets and it messes up the wiki totally
$oFCKeditor->Config['ProcessHTMLEntities'] = false;
switch($_mode) {
case 'simple':
$oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'egw_simple';
$oFCKeditor->Config['ContextMenu'] = false;
case 'extended':
$oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'egw_extended';
case 'advanced':
$oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'egw_advanced';
return $oFCKeditor->CreateHTML();
* this function is a wrapper for tinymce to create some reuseable layouts
* Please note: if you did not run init_tinymce already you this function need to be called before the call to phpgw_header() !!!
* @param string $_name name and id of the input-field
* @param string $_mode display mode of the tinymce editor can be: simple, extended or advanced
* @param string $_content='' of the tinymce (will be run through htmlspecialchars !!!), default ''
* @param string $style='' initial css for the style attribute
* @param string $base_href=''
* @return string the necessary html for the textarea
function fckEditorQuick($_name, $_mode, $_content='', $_height='400px', $_width='100%')
$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor($_name) ;
$oFCKeditor->BasePath = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js/fckeditor/' ;
$oFCKeditor->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = $oFCKeditor->BasePath . 'fckeditor.egwconfig.js' ;
$oFCKeditor->Value = $_content;
$oFCKeditor->Width = str_replace('px','',$_width); // FCK adds px if width contains no %
$oFCKeditor->Height = str_replace('px','',$_height);
switch($_mode) {
case 'ascii':
return "<textarea name=\"$_name\" style=\"width:100%; height:400px; border:0px;\">$_content</textarea>";
case 'simple':
$oFCKeditor->Config['ContextMenu'] = false;
$oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'egw_simple';
return $oFCKeditor->CreateHTML() ;
* represents html's input tag
* @param string $name name
* @param string $value default value of the field
* @param string $type type, default ''=not specified = text
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
function input($name,$value='',$type='',$options='' )
if ($type)
$type = 'type="'.$type.'"';
return "<input $type name=\"$name\" value=\"".$this->htmlspecialchars($value)."\" $options />\n";
* represents html's button (input type submit or input type button or image)
* @param string $name name
* @param string $label label of the button
* @param string $onClick javascript to call, when button is clicked
* @param boolean $no_lang NOT running the label through lang(), default false=use lang()
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @param string $image to show instead of the label, default ''=none
* @param string $app app to search the image in
* @param string $buttontype which type of html button (button|submit), default ='submit'
* @return string html
function submit_button($name,$label,$onClick='',$no_lang=false,$options='',$image='',$app='phpgwapi', $buttontype='submit')
// workaround for idots and IE button problem (wrong cursor-image)
if ($this->user_agent == 'msie')
$options .= ' style="cursor: pointer;"';
if ($image != '')
$image = str_replace(array('.gif','.GIF','.png','.PNG'),'',$image);
if (!($path = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->image($app,$image)))
$path = $image; // name may already contain absolut path
$image = ' src="'.$path.'"';
if (!$no_lang)
$label = lang($label);
if (($accesskey = @strstr($label,'&')) && $accesskey[1] != ' ' &&
(($pos = strpos($accesskey,';')) === false || $pos > 5))
$label_u = str_replace('&'.$accesskey[1],'<u>'.$accesskey[1].'</u>',$label);
$label = str_replace('&','',$label);
$options = 'accesskey="'.$accesskey[1].'" '.$options;
$accesskey = '';
$label_u = $label;
if ($onClick) $options .= ' onclick="'.str_replace('"','\\"',$onClick).'"';
// <button> is not working in all cases if ($this->user_agent == 'mozilla' && $this->ua_version < 5 || $image)
return $this->input($name,$label,$image != '' ? 'image' : $buttontype,$options.$image);
return '<button type="'.$buttontype.'" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$label.'" '.$options.' />'.
($image != '' ? /*$this->image($app,$image,$label,$options)*/"<img$image $this->prefered_img_title=\"$label\"> " : '').
($image == '' || $accesskey ? $label_u : '').'</button>';
* creates an absolut link + the query / get-variables
* Example link('/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list',array('info_id' => 123))
* gives 'http://domain/phpgw-path/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list&info_id=123'
* @param string $url phpgw-relative link, may include query / get-vars
* @param array/string $vars query or array ('name' => 'value', ...) with query
* @return string absolut link already run through $phpgw->link
function link($url,$vars='')
//echo "<p>html::link(url='$url',vars='"; print_r($vars); echo "')</p>\n";
if (!is_array($vars))
list($url,$v) = explode('?',$url); // url may contain additional vars
if ($v)
$vars += $v;
return $GLOBALS['egw']->link($url,$vars);
* represents html checkbox
* @param string $name name
* @param boolean $checked box checked on display
* @param string $value value the var should be set to, default 'True'
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @return string html
function checkbox($name,$checked=false,$value='True',$options='')
return '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$this->htmlspecialchars($value).'"' .($checked ? ' checked="1"' : '') . "$options />\n";
* represents a html form
* @param string $content of the form, if '' only the opening tag gets returned
* @param array $hidden_vars array with name-value pairs for hidden input fields
* @param string $url eGW relative URL, will be run through the link function, if empty the current url is used
* @param string/array $url_vars parameters for the URL, send to link function too
* @param string $name name of the form, defaul ''=none
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @param string $method method of the form, default 'POST'
* @return string html
function form($content,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$name='',$options='',$method='POST')
$url = $url ? $this->link($url,$url_vars) : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$html = "<form method=\"$method\" ".($name != '' ? "name=\"$name\" " : '')."action=\"$url\" $options>\n";
$html .= $this->input_hidden($hidden_vars);
if ($content)
$html .= $content;
$html .= "</form>\n";
return $html;
* represents a html form with one button
* @param string $name name of the button
* @param string $label label of the button
* @param array $hidden_vars array with name-value pairs for hidden input fields
* @param string $url eGW relative URL, will be run through the link function
* @param string/array $url_vars parameters for the URL, send to link function too
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @param string $form_name name of the form, defaul ''=none
* @param string $method method of the form, default 'POST'
* @return string html
function form_1button($name,$label,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$form_name='',$method='POST')
return $this->form($this->submit_button($name,$label),$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars,$form_name,'',$method);
* creates table from array of rows
* abstracts the html stuff for the table creation
* Example: $rows = array (
* '1' => array(
* 1 => 'cell1', '.1' => 'colspan=3',
* 2 => 'cell2',
* 3 => 'cell3', '.3' => 'width="10%"'
* ),'.1' => 'BGCOLOR="#0000FF"' );
* table($rows,'width="100%"') = '<table width="100%"><tr><td colspan=3>cell1</td><td>cell2</td><td width="10%">cell3</td></tr></table>'
* @param array $rows with rows, each row is an array of the cols
* @param string $options options for the table-tag
* @param boolean $no_table_tr dont return the table- and outmost tr-tabs, default false=return table+tr
* @return string with html-code of the table
function table($rows,$options = '',$no_table_tr=False)
$html = $no_table_tr ? '' : "<table $options>\n";
foreach($rows as $key => $row)
if (!is_array($row))
continue; // parameter
$html .= $no_table_tr && $key == 1 ? '' : "\t<tr ".$rows['.'.$key].">\n";
foreach($row as $key => $cell)
if ($key[0] == '.')
continue; // parameter
$table_pos = strpos($cell,'<table');
$td_pos = strpos($cell,'<td');
if ($td_pos !== False && ($table_pos === False || $td_pos < $table_pos))
$html .= $cell;
$html .= "\t\t<td ".$row['.'.$key].">$cell</td>\n";
$html .= "\t</tr>\n";
if (!is_array($rows))
echo "<p>".function_backtrace()."</p>\n";
$html .= "</table>\n";
if ($no_table_tr)
$html = substr($html,0,-16);
return $html;
* changes a selectbox to submit the form if it gets changed, to be used with the sbox-class
* @param string $sbox html with the select-box
* @param boolean $no_script if true generate a submit-button if javascript is off
* @return string html
function sbox_submit( $sbox,$no_script=false )
$html = str_replace('<select','<select onchange="this.form.submit()" ',$sbox);
if ($no_script)
$html .= '<noscript>'.$this->submit_button('send','>').'</noscript>';
return $html;
* html-widget showing progessbar with a view div's (html4 only, textual percentage otherwise)
* @param mixed $percent percent-value, gets casted to int
* @param string $title title for the progressbar, default ''=the percentage itself
* @param string $options attributes for the outmost div (may include onclick="...")
* @param string $width width, default 30px
* @param string $color color, default '#D00000' (dark red)
* @param string $height height, default 5px
* @return string html
function progressbar( $percent,$title='',$options='',$width='',$color='',$height='' )
$percent = (int) $percent;
if (!$width) $width = '30px';
if (!$height)$height= '5px';
if (!$color) $color = '#D00000';
$title = $title ? $this->htmlspecialchars($title) : $percent.'%';
if ($this->netscape4)
return $title;
return '<div class="onlyPrint">'.$title.'</div><div class="noPrint" title="'.$title.'" '.$options.
' style="height: '.$height.'; width: '.$width.'; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1px; text-align: left;'.
(@stristr($options,'onclick="') ? ' cursor: pointer;' : '').'">'."\n\t".
'<div style="height: '.$height.'; width: '.$percent.'%; background: '.$color.';"></div>'."\n</div>\n";
* representates a html img tag, output a picture
* If the name ends with a '%' and the rest is numeric, a progressionbar is shown instead of an image.
* The vfs:/ pseudo protocoll allows to access images in the vfs, eg. vfs:/home/ralf/me.png
* Instead of a name you specify an array with get-vars, it is passed to eGW's link function.
* This way session-information gets passed, eg. $name=array('menuaction'=>'myapp.class.image','id'=>123).
* @param string $app app-name to search the image
* @param string/array $name image-name or URL (incl. vfs:/) or array with get-vars
* @param string $title tooltip, default '' = none
* @param string $options further options for the tag, default '' = none
* @return string the html
function image( $app,$name,$title='',$options='' )
if (substr($name,0,5) == 'vfs:/') // vfs pseudo protocoll
$parts = explode('/',substr($name,4));
$file = array_pop($parts);
$path = implode('/',$parts);
$name = array(
'menuaction' => 'filemanager.uifilemanager.view',
'path' => rawurlencode(base64_encode($path)),
'file' => rawurlencode(base64_encode($file)),
if (is_array($name)) // menuaction and other get-vars
$name = $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',$name);
if ($name[0] == '/' || substr($name,0,7) == 'http://' || substr($name,0,8) == 'https://')
$url = $name;
else // no URL, so try searching the image
$name = str_replace(array('.gif','.GIF','.png','.PNG'),'',$name);
if (!($url = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->image($app,$name)))
$url = $name; // name may already contain absolut path
list(,$path) = explode($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'],$url);
if (!is_null($path)) $path = EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$path;
$path = EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$url;
if (is_null($path) || !@is_readable($path))
// if the image-name is a percentage, use a progressbar
if (substr($name,-1) == '%' && is_numeric($percent = substr($name,0,-1)))
return $this->progressbar($percent,$title);
return $title;
if ($title)
$options .= " $this->prefered_img_title=\"".$this->htmlspecialchars($title).'"';
if ($this->user_agent == 'msie' && $this->ua_version >= 5.5 && substr($url,-4) == '.png')
$extra_styles = "display: inline-block; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='$url',sizingMethod='image'); width: 1px; height: 1px;";
if (false!==strpos($options,'style="'))
$options = str_replace('style="','style="'.$extra_styles, $options);
$options .= ' style="'.$extra_styles.'"';
return "<span $options></span>";
return "<img src=\"$url\" $options />";
* representates a html link
* @param string $content of the link, if '' only the opening tag gets returned
* @param string $url eGW relative URL, will be run through the link function
* @param string/array $vars parameters for the URL, send to link function too
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @return string the html
function a_href( $content,$url,$vars='',$options='')
if (is_array($url))
$vars = $url;
$url = '/index.php';
elseif (strpos($url,'/')===false &&
count(explode('.',$url)) >= 3 &&
!(strpos($url,'mailto:')!==false ||
strpos($url,'://')!==false ||
$url = "/index.php?menuaction=$url";
if ($url{0} == '/') // link relative to eGW
$url = $this->link($url,$vars);
//echo "<p>html::a_href('".htmlspecialchars($content)."','$url',".print_r($vars,True).") = ".$this->link($url,$vars)."</p>";
return '<a href="'.$url.'" '.$options.'>'.$content.'</a>';
* representates a b tab (bold)
* @param string $content of the link, if '' only the opening tag gets returned
* @return string the html
function bold($content)
return '<b>'.$content.'</b>';
* representates a i tab (bold)
* @param string $content of the link, if '' only the opening tag gets returned
* @return string the html
function italic($content)
return '<i>'.$content.'</i>';
* representates a hr tag (horizontal rule)
* @param string $width default ''=none given
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @return string the html
function hr($width='',$options='')
if ($width) $options .= " width=\"$width\"";
return "<hr $options />\n";
* formats option-string for most of the above functions
* Example: formatOptions('100%,,1','width,height,border') = ' width="100%" border="1"'
* @param mixed $options String (or Array) with option-values eg. '100%,,1'
* @param mixed $names String (or Array) with the option-names eg. 'WIDTH,HEIGHT,BORDER'
* @return string with options/attributes
function formatOptions($options,$names)
if (!is_array($options)) $options = explode(',',$options);
if (!is_array($names)) $names = explode(',',$names);
foreach($options as $n => $val)
if ($val != '' && $names[$n] != '')
$html .= ' '.strtolower($names[$n]).'="'.$val.'"';
return $html;
* returns simple stylesheet (incl. <STYLE> tags) for nextmatch row-colors
* @deprecated included now always by the framework
* @return string classes 'th' = nextmatch header, 'row_on'+'row_off' = alternating rows
function themeStyles()
return $this->style($this->theme2css());
* returns simple stylesheet for nextmatch row-colors
* @deprecated included now always by the framework
* @return string classes 'th' = nextmatch header, 'row_on'+'row_off' = alternating rows
function theme2css()
return ".th { background: ".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['theme']['th_bg']."; }\n".
".row_on,.th_bright { background: ".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['theme']['row_on']."; }\n".
".row_off { background: ".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['theme']['row_off']."; }\n";
* html style tag (incl. type)
* @param string $styles css-style definitions
* @return string html
function style($styles)
return $styles ? "<style type=\"text/css\">\n<!--\n$styles\n-->\n</style>" : '';
* html label tag
* @param string $content the label
* @param string $id for the for attribute, default ''=none
* @param string $accesskey accesskey, default ''=none
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @return string the html
function label($content,$id='',$accesskey='',$options='')
if ($id != '')
$id = " for=\"$id\"";
if ($accesskey != '')
$accesskey = " accesskey=\"$accesskey\"";
return "<label$id$accesskey $options>$content</label>";
* html fieldset, eg. groups a group of radiobuttons
* @param string $content the content
* @param string $legend legend / label of the fieldset, default ''=none
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @return string the html
function fieldset($content,$legend='',$options='')
$html = "<fieldset $options>".($legend ? '<legend>'.$this->htmlspecialchars($legend).'</legend>' : '')."\n";
if ($content)
$html .= $content;
$html .= "\n</fieldset>\n";
return $html;
* tree widget using dhtmlXtree
* Code inspired by Lars's Felamimail uiwidgets::createFolderTree()
* @author Lars Kneschke <> original code in felamimail
* @param array $_folders array of folders: pairs path => node (string label or array with keys: label, (optional) image, (optional) title, (optional) checked)
* @param string $_selected path of selected folder
* @param mixed $_topFolder=false node of topFolder or false for none
* @param string $_onNodeSelect='alert' js function to call if node gets selected
* @param string $_tree='foldertree' id of the div and name of the variable containing the tree object
* @param string $_divClass='' css class of the div
* @param string $_leafImage='' default image of a leaf-node, ''=default of foldertree, set it eg. 'folderClosed.gif' to show leafs as folders
* @param boolean/string $_onCheckHandler=false string with handler-name to display a checkbox for each folder, or false (default), 'null' switches checkboxes on without an handler!
* @param string $delimiter='/' path-delimiter, default /
* @param mixed $folderImageDir=null string path to the tree menu images, null uses default path
* @return string the html code, to be added into the template
function tree($_folders,$_selected,$_topFolder=false,$_onNodeSelect="null",$tree='foldertree',$_divClass='',$_leafImage='',$_onCheckHandler=false,$delimiter='/',$folderImageDir=null)
$folderImageDir = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/templates/default/images/';
$html = $this->div("\n",'id="'.$tree.'"',$_divClass);
static $tree_initialised=false;
if (!$tree_initialised)
$html .= '<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js/dhtmlxtree/css/dhtmlXTree.css" />'."\n";
$html .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url']}/phpgwapi/js/dhtmlxtree/js/dhtmlXCommon.js'></script>\n";
$html .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url']}/phpgwapi/js/dhtmlxtree/js/dhtmlXTree.js'></script>\n";
$tree_initialised = true;
$html .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
$html .= "var $tree = new dhtmlXTreeObject('$tree','100%','100%',0);\n";
$html .= "$tree.setImagePath('$folderImageDir/dhtmlxtree/');\n";
$html .= "$tree.enableCheckBoxes(1);\n";
$html .= "$tree.setOnCheckHandler('$_onCheckHandler');\n";
$top = 0;
if ($_topFolder)
$top = '--topfolder--';
$topImage = '';
if (is_array($_topFolder))
$label = $_topFolder['label'];
if (isset($_topFolder['image']))
$topImage = $_topFolder['image'];
$label = $_topFolder;
$html .= "\n$tree.insertNewItem(0,'$top','".addslashes($label)."',$_onNodeSelect,'$topImage','$topImage','$topImage','CHILD,TOP');\n";
if (is_array($_topFolder) && isset($_topFolder['title']))
$html .= "$tree.setItemText('$top','".addslashes($label)."','".addslashes($_topFolder['title'])."');\n";
// evtl. remove leading delimiter
if ($_selected{0} == $delimiter) $_selected = substr($_selected,1);
foreach($_folders as $path => $data)
if (!is_array($data))
$data = array('label' => $data);
$image1 = $image2 = $image3 = '0';
if (isset($data['image']))
$image1 = $image2 = $image3 = "'".$data['image']."'";
// evtl. remove leading delimiter
if ($path{0} == $delimiter) $path = substr($path,1);
$folderParts = explode($delimiter,$path);
//get rightmost folderpart
$label = array_pop($folderParts);
if (isset($data['label'])) $label = $data['label'];
// the rest of the array is the name of the parent
$parentName = implode((array)$folderParts,$delimiter);
if(empty($parentName)) $parentName = $top;
$entryOptions = 'CHILD';
if ($_onCheckHandler && $_selected) // check selected items on multi selection
if (!is_array($_selected)) $_selected = explode(',',$_selected);
if (in_array($path,$_selected,!is_numeric($path))) $entryOptions .= ',CHECKED';
//echo "<p>path=$path, _selected=".print_r($_selected,true).": $entryOptions</p>\n";
// highlight current item
elseif ((string)$_selected === (string)$path)
$entryOptions .= ',SELECT';
$html .= "$tree.insertNewItem('".addslashes($parentName)."','".addslashes($path)."','".addslashes($label).
if (isset($data['title']))
$html .= "$tree.setItemText('".addslashes($path)."','".addslashes($label)."','".addslashes($data['title'])."');\n";
$html .= "$tree.closeAllItems(0);\n";
if ($_selected)
foreach(is_array($_selected)?$_selected:array($_selected) as $path)
$html .= "$tree.openItem('".addslashes($path)."');\n";
$html .= "$tree.openItem('$top');\n";
$html .= "</script>\n";
return $html;
* html-class singleton, return a referenze to the global instanciated html object in $GLOBALS['egw']->html
* Please use that static method in all new code, instead of instanciating an own html object:
* $my_html =& html::singleton();
* @static
* @return html
function &singleton()
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->html))
$GLOBALS['egw']->html = new html;
return $GLOBALS['egw']->html;