2001-06-12 02:38:13 +00:00

115 lines
4.3 KiB

access common cs Pøístup
access type common cs Druh pøístupu
account has been created common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl vytvoøen
account has been deleted common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl smazán
account has been updated common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl zmìnìn
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are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common cs Jste si jist, ¾e chcete vymazat tento záznam?
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clear form common cs Vyèistit formuláø
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entry has been deleted sucessfully common cs Záznam úspì¹nì vymazán
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group access common cs Skupinový pøístup
group has been added common cs Skupina byla pøidána
group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smazána
group has been updated common cs Skupina byla upravena
group public common cs Veøejný pro skupiny
groups common cs Skupiny
help common cs Nápovìda
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it has been more then x days since you changed your password common cs Va¹e heslo bylo zmìnìno pøed více ne¾ dny
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new entry added sucessfully common cs Nový záznam úspì¹nì pøidán
next page common cs dal¹í stránka
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november common cs Listopad
october common cs Øíjen
ok common cs OK
on *nix systems please type: x common cs Na *NIX systémech prosím napi¹te: %1
only yours common cs jenom va¹e
password common cs Heslo
password has been updated common cs Heslo bylo zmìnìno
permissions to the files/users directory common cs práva k adresáøi pro soubory / u¾ivatele
please x by hand common cs Prosím %1 ruènì
powered by phpgroupware version x common cs Aplikace <a href=>phpGroupWare</a> verze
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session has been killed common cs Relace byla zru¹ena
show all common cs Ukázat v¹e
showing x common cs zobrazeno
showing x - x of x common cs zobrazeno %1 - %2 z %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common cs Promiòte, nastala chyba pøi zpracování va¹eho po¾adavku.
submit common cs Potvrdit
sunday common cs Nedìla
thursday common cs Ètvrtek
time common cs Èas
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common cs = Aby se chyba neobjevovala v budoucnosti musíte právnì nastavit
total common cs Celkem
tuesday common cs Úterý
updated common cs Upraven
users common cs u¾ivatelé
view common cs Prohlédnout
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which groups common cs které skupiny
yes common cs Ano
you have 1 new message! common cs Máte 1 novou zprávu!
you have x new messages! common cs Máte nových zpráv!
your message has been sent common cs Va¹e zpráva byla odeslána
your search returned 1 match common cs byl nalezen 1 záznam
your search returned x matchs common cs bylo nalezeno %1 záznamù
your settings have been updated common cs Va¹e nastavení bylo upraveno
bad login or password login cs ©patné jméno nebo heslo
password login cs Heslo
sorry, your login has expired login cs Promiòte, platnost va¹eho pøihlá¹ení ji¾ vypr¹ela
use cookies login cs pou¾ívat su¹enky (cookies)
username login cs U¾ivatelské jméno
you have been successfully logged out login cs Va¹e odhlá¹ení porbìhlo úspì¹nì