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pre_process_cf_header function to display the customfields in a nextmatch table-header with the functionality of sorting and selecting by customfields. Of cource you need to adapt the source of your get_rows or search functionality to do the actual sorting and selecting. We try to do some additional documentation in codecorner You can pass the allowed/wanted fields to the header by passing an array of the wanted fields to the widget through the options parameter (see the eTemplate editor for fields/cells). This array is passed on through $cell['size']. By now the array passed through is only working, if it is the only entry in the optionsparameter. The allowed fields array assumes an numerical indexed array of (an) array(s) with ['name'] tag(s) set. The name provided assumes a preceding #. (e.g.: $allowed_fields[x]['name']='#MyCustomField')
345 lines
12 KiB
345 lines
12 KiB
* eGroupWare eTemplate Widget for custom fields
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
* @version $Id$
* This widget generates a template for customfields based on definitions in egw_config table
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage extensions
* @author RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
class customfields_widget
var $public_functions = array(
'pre_process' => True,
var $human_name = array(
'customfields' => 'custom fields',
'customfields-types' => 'custom field types',
'customfields-list' => 'custom field list',
'customfields-header' => 'Header for custom fields',
* Allowd types of customfields
* The additionally allowed app-names from the link-class, will be add by the edit-method only,
* as the link-class has to be called, which can NOT be instanciated by the constructor, as
* we get a loop in the instanciation.
* @var array
var $cf_types = array(
'text' => 'Text',
'label' => 'Label',
'select' => 'Selectbox',
'radio' => 'Radiobutton',
'checkbox' => 'Checkbox',
'date' => 'Date',
'date-time'=> 'Date+Time',
'select-account' => 'Select account',
'link-entry' => 'Select entry', // should be last type, as the individual apps get added behind
* @var $prefix string Prefix for every custiomfield name returned in $content (# for general (admin) customfields)
var $prefix = '#';
function customfields_widget($ui)
$this->appname = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
$this->config =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.config',$this->appname);
$this->config->appname = $this->appname;
$config = $this->config->read_repository();
//merge old config_name in egw_config table
$config_name = isset($config['customfields']) ? 'customfields' : 'custom_fields';
$this->customfields = $config[$config_name] ? $config[$config_name] : array('test'=>array('type'=>'label'));
$this->types = $config['types'];
$this->advanced_search = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['etemplate']['advanced_search'];
function pre_process($name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys,&$extension_data,&$tmpl)
$type2 = $cell['size'];
$fields = $this->customfields;
// check if name refers to a single custom field --> show only that
if (($pos=strpos($cell['name'],$this->prefix)) !== false && // allow the prefixed name to be an array index too
preg_match("/$this->prefix([^\]]+)/",$cell['name'],$matches) && isset($fields[$name=$matches[1]]))
$fields = array($name => $fields[$name]);
$value = array($this->prefix.$name => $value);
$singlefield = true;
switch($type = $cell['type'])
case 'customfields-types':
$cell['type'] = 'select';
foreach($this->cf_types as $lname => $label)
$cell['sel_options'][$lname] = lang($label);
$link_types = ExecMethod('phpgwapi.bolink.app_list','');
foreach($link_types as $lname => $label) $cell['sel_options'][$lname] = '- '.$label;
$cell['no_lang'] = true;
return true;
case 'customfields-list':
foreach(array_reverse($fields) as $lname => $field)
if (!empty($type2) && !empty($field['type2']) && strpos(','.$field['type2'].',',','.$type2.',') === false) continue; // not for our content type//
if (isset($value[$this->prefix.$lname]) && $value[$this->prefix.$lname] !== '') //break;
//$stop_at_field = $name;
case 'customfields-header':
return $this->pre_process_cf_header($name,$cell,$fields);
foreach(array_reverse($fields) as $lname => $field)
$readonly = $cell['readonly'] || $readonlys[$name] || $type == 'customfields-list';
$cell['type'] = 'label';
return True;
// making the cell an empty grid
$cell['type'] = 'grid';
$cell['data'] = array(array());
$cell['rows'] = $cell['cols'] = 0;
$n = 1;
foreach($fields as $lname => $field)
if (!(array_search($lname,$fields_with_vals)===false))
if ($stop_at_field && $lname == $stop_at_field) break; // no further row necessary
// check if the customfield get's displayed for type $value, we can have multiple comma-separated types now
if (!empty($type2) && !empty($field['type2']) && strpos(','.$field['type2'].',',','.$type2.',') === false)
continue; // not for our content type
$new_row = null; etemplate::add_child($cell,$new_row);
if ($type != 'customfields-list')
$row_class = 'row';
etemplate::add_child($cell,$label =& etemplate::empty_cell('label','',array(
'label' => $field['label'],
'no_lang' => substr(lang($field['label']),-1) == '*' ? 2 : 0,
'span' => $field['type'] === 'label' ? '2' : '',
} else {
if (isset($value[$this->prefix.$lname]) && $value[$this->prefix.$lname] !== '') {
etemplate::add_child($cell,$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('image','info.png',
array('label'=>lang("custom fields").": ".$field['label'],'width'=>"16px",
'onclick'=>"return alert('".lang("custom fields").": ".$field['label']."');")));
switch ((string)$field['type'])
case 'select' :
if($this->advanced_search) $field['values'][''] = lang('doesn\'t matter');
foreach($field['values'] as $key => $val)
if (substr($val = lang($val),-1) != '*')
$field['values'][$key] = $val;
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('select',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'sel_options' => $field['values'],
'size' => $field['rows'],
'no_lang' => True,
$select =& $input; unset($input);
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('hbox');
etemplate::add_child($input, $select); unset($select);
etemplate::add_child($input, etemplate::empty_cell('select',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'sel_options' => $field['values'],
'size' => $field['rows'],
'no_lang' => True
case 'label' :
$row_class = 'th';
case 'checkbox' :
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('checkbox',$this->prefix.$lname);
case 'radio' :
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('groupbox');
$m = 0;
foreach ($field['values'] as $key => $val)
$radio = etemplate::empty_cell('radio',$this->prefix.$lname);
$radio['label'] = $val;
$radio['size'] = $key;
case 'text' :
case 'textarea' :
case '' : // not set
$field['len'] = $field['len'] ? $field['len'] : 20;
if ($type != 'customfields-list')
if($field['rows'] <= 1)
list($max,$shown) = explode(',',$field['len']);
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('text',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => intval($shown > 0 ? $shown : $max).','.intval($max),
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('textarea',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => $field['rows'].($field['len'] > 0 ? ','.(int)$field['len'] : ''),
} else {
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('label',$this->prefix.$lname,
'onclick'=>"return alert('".lang("custom fields").": ".
$lname."=>".htmlentities(str_replace("\r","",str_replace("\n"," ",$value[$this->prefix.$lname]))) ."');",
case 'date':
case 'date-time':
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell($field['type'],$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => $field['len'] ? $field['len'] : ($field['type'] == 'date' ? 'Y-m-d' : 'Y-m-d H:i:s'),
case 'select-account':
list($opts) = explode('=',$field['values'][0]);
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('select-account',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => ($field['rows']>1?$field['rows']:lang('None')).','.$opts,
case 'link-entry':
default : // link-entry to given app
$input =& etemplate::empty_cell('link-entry',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'size' => $field['type'] == 'link-entry' ? '' : $field['type'],
$cell['data'][0]['c'.$n++] = $row_class.',top';
if (!is_null($input))
if ($readonly) $input['readonly'] = true;
if ($cell['needed']) $input['needed'] = $cell['needed'];
if (!empty($field['help']) && $row_class != 'th')
$input['help'] = $field['help'];
$input['no_lang'] = substr(lang($help),-1) == '*' ? 2 : 0;
if ($singlefield) // a single field, can & need to be returned instead of the cell (no grid)
$cell = $input;
if ($type == 'customfields') $cell['label'] = $field['label'];
return true;
if ($type != 'customfields-list')
$cell['data'][0]['A'] = '100';
list($span,$class) = explode(',',$cell['span']); // msie (at least 5.5) shows nothing with div overflow=auto
// we dont want to use up the full space for the table created, so we skip the line below
//$cell['size'] = '100%,100%,0,'.$class.','.($type=='customfields-list'?',0':',').($tmpl->html->user_agent != 'msie' ? ',auto' : '');
return True; // extra Label is ok
* pre_process_cf_header
* function to display the customfields in a nextmatch table-header with the functionality of sorting and selecting
* by customfields. Of cource you need to adapt the source of your get_rows or search functionality to do the
* actual sorting and selecting
* You can pass the allowed/wanted fields to the header by passing an array of the wanted fields to the widget
* through the options parameter (see the eTemplate editor for fields/cells). This array is passed on through
* $cell['size']. By now the array passed through is only working, if it is the only entry in the optionsparameter.
* The allowed fields array assumes an numerical indexed array of (an) array(s) with ['name'] tag(s) set.
* The name provided assumes a preceding #. (e.g.: $allowed_fields[x]['name']='#MyCustomField')
* @param string $name -> the name of the particular field/cell object of that etemplate
* @param array $cell -> values passed from the the cell definition of the particular field/cell object of that etemplate
* @param array $fields -> the customfields of the current app
* @return false -> no extra label
function pre_process_cf_header($name,&$cell,$fields)
$allowed_fields = $cell[size] ? (is_array($cell[size])?$cell[size]:explode(',',$cell[size])):false;
if (is_array($allowed_fields)) {
foreach ($allowed_fields as $lidx => $afa)
$cell['type'] = 'vbox';
$cell['name'] = '';
$cell['size'] = '0,,0,0';
foreach($fields as $lname => $field)
if (stripos($afs,"#".$lname)!==FALSE)
if($field['type'] == 'select')
$header =& etemplate::empty_cell('nextmatch-filterheader',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'sel_options' => $field['values'],
'size' => $field['label'],
'no_lang' => True,
$header =& etemplate::empty_cell('nextmatch-sortheader',$this->prefix.$lname,array(
'label' => $field['label'],
return false; // no extra label