
1340 lines
31 KiB
Executable File

if ($noheader || $download || $op == "view" || $op == "history" || $op == help)
$noheader = True;
$phpgw_info["flags"] = array("currentapp" => "phpwebhosting",
"noheader" => $noheader,
"noappheader" => False,
"enable_vfs_class" => True,
"enable_browser_class" => True);
include ("../");
error_reporting (4);
# Page to process users
# Code is fairly hackish at the beginning, but it gets better
# Highly suggest turning wrapping off due to long SQL queries
# Note that $userinfo["username"] is actually the id number, not the login name
$userinfo["username"] = $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"];
$userinfo["account_lid"] = $phpgw->accounts->id2name ($userinfo["username"]);
$userinfo["hdspace"] = 10000000000;
$homedir = "$fakebase/$userinfo[account_lid]";
# Enable this to display some debugging info
$phpwh_debug = 0;
# Default is to sort by name
if (!$sortby)
$sortby = "name";
# Some hacks to set and display directory paths correctly
if ($go)
$path = $todir;
if (!$path)
$path = $phpgw->vfs->pwd ();
if (!$path || $phpgw->vfs->pwd (False) == "")
$path = $homedir;
$extra_dir = substr ($path, strlen ($homedir) + 1);
$phpgw->vfs->cd (False, False, array (RELATIVE_NONE));
$phpgw->vfs->cd ($path, False, array (RELATIVE_NONE));
$pwd = $phpgw->vfs->pwd ();
if (!$cwd = substr ($path, strlen ($homedir) + 1))
$cwd = "/";
$cwd = substr ($pwd, strrpos ($pwd, "/") + 1);
$disppath = $path;
/* This just prevents // in some cases */
if ($path == "/")
$dispsep = "";
$dispsep = "/";
if (!($lesspath = substr ($path, 0, strrpos ($path, "/"))))
$lesspath = "/";
$now = date ("Y-m-d");
//This will hopefully be replaced by a session management working_id
//if (!$phpgw->vfs->working_id = preg_replace ("/\$fakebase\/(.*)\/(.*)$/U", "\\1", $path))
if ($phpwh_debug)
echo "<b>PHPWebHosting debug:</b><br>
path: $path<br>
disppath: $disppath<br>
cwd: $cwd<br>
lesspath: $lesspath
<b>phpGW debug:</b><br>
real getabsolutepath: " . $phpgw->vfs->getabsolutepath (False, False, False) . "<br>
fake getabsolutepath: " . $phpgw->vfs->getabsolutepath (False) . "<br>
appsession: " . $phpgw->common->appsession () . "<br>
pwd: " . $phpgw->vfs->pwd () . "<br>";
# Get their memberships to be used throughout the script
$memberships = $phpgw->accounts->membership ($userinfo["username"]);
while (list ($num, $group_array) = each ($memberships))
$membership_id = $phpgw->accounts->name2id ($group_array["account_name"]);
$group_applications = CreateObject('phpgwapi.applications', $membership_id);
$membership_applications[$group_array["account_name"]] = $group_applications->read_account_specific ();
# We determine if they're in their home directory or a group's directory,
# and set the VFS working_id appropriately
if ((preg_match ("+^$fakebase\/(.*)(\/|$)+U", $path, $matches)) && $matches[1] != $userinfo["account_lid"])
$phpgw->vfs->working_id = $phpgw->accounts->name2id ($matches[1]);
$phpgw->vfs->working_id = $userinfo["username"];
if ($path != $homedir && $path != $fakebase && $path != "/" && !$phpgw->vfs->acl_check ($path, array (RELATIVE_NONE), PHPGW_ACL_READ))
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("You do not have access to $path"));
html_break (2);
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$homedir", "Go to your home directory");
html_page_close ();
$userinfo["working_id"] = $phpgw->vfs->working_id;
$userinfo["working_lid"] = $phpgw->accounts->id2name ($userinfo["working_id"]);
# If their home directory doesn't exist, we create it
# Same for group directories
if (($path == $homedir) && !$phpgw->vfs->file_exists ($homedir, array (RELATIVE_NONE)))
$phpgw->vfs->override_acl = 1;
$phpgw->vfs->mkdir ($homedir, array (RELATIVE_NONE));
$phpgw->vfs->override_acl = 0;
elseif (preg_match ("|^$fakebase\/(.*)$|U", $path, $matches))
if (!$phpgw->vfs->file_exists ($path, array (RELATIVE_NONE)))
$phpgw->vfs->override_acl = 1;
$phpgw->vfs->mkdir ($path, array (RELATIVE_NONE));
$phpgw->vfs->override_acl = 0;
$group_id = $phpgw->accounts->name2id ($matches[1]);
$phpgw->vfs->set_attributes ($path, array (RELATIVE_NONE), array ("owner_id" => $group_id, "createdby_id" => $group_id));
# Verify path is real
if ($path != $homedir && $path != "/" && $path != $fakebase)
if (!$phpgw->vfs->file_exists ($path, array (RELATIVE_NONE)))
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Directory $path does not exist"));
html_break (2);
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$homedir", "Go to your home directory");
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
html_page_close ();
/* Update if they request it, or one out of 20 page loads */
srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
if ($update || rand (0, 19) == 4)
$phpgw->vfs->update_real ($path, array (RELATIVE_NONE));
# Read in file info from database to use in the rest of the script
# $fakebase is a special directory. In that directory, we list the user's
# home directory and the directories for the groups they're in
if ($path == $fakebase)
if (!$phpgw->vfs->file_exists ($homedir, array (RELATIVE_NONE)))
$phpgw->vfs->mkdir ($homedir, array (RELATIVE_NONE));
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ($homedir, array (RELATIVE_NONE), False, False, True);
$files_array[] = $ls_array[0];
reset ($memberships);
while (list ($num, $group_array) = each ($memberships))
# If the group doesn't have access to this app, we don't show it
if (!$membership_applications[$group_array["account_name"]][$appname]["enabled"])
if (!$phpgw->vfs->file_exists ("$fakebase/$group_array[account_name]", array (RELATIVE_NONE)))
$phpgw->vfs->mkdir ("$fakebase/$group_array[account_name]", array (RELATIVE_NONE));
$phpgw->vfs->set_attributes ("$fakebase/$group_array[account_name]", array (RELATIVE_NONE), array ("owner_id" => $group_array["account_id"], "createdby_id" => $group_array["account_id"]));
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ("$fakebase/$group_array[account_name]", array (RELATIVE_NONE), False, False, True);
$files_array[] = $ls_array[0];
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ($path, array (RELATIVE_NONE), False, False, False, $sortby);
while (list ($num, $file_array) = each ($ls_array))
$files_array[] = $file_array;
if ($download)
for ($i = 0; $i != $numoffiles; $i++)
if (!$fileman[$i])
$download_browser = CreateObject ('phpgwapi.browser');
$download_browser->content_header (string_decode ($fileman[$i], 1));
echo $phpgw->vfs->read (string_decode (stripslashes ($fileman[$i]), 1));
$phpgw->common->phpgw_exit ();
if ($op == "view" && $file)
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ($file, array (RELATIVE_ALL), False, False, True);
if ($ls_array[0]["mime_type"])
$mime_type = $ls_array[0]["mime_type"];
elseif ($settings["viewtextplain"])
$mime_type = "text/plain";
header('Content-type: ' . $mime_type);
echo $phpgw->vfs->read ($file);
$phpgw->common->phpgw_exit ();
if ($op == "history" && $file)
html_table_begin ();
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_bold ("Date");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_bold ("Version");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_bold ("Who");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_bold ("Operation");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
$journal_array = $phpgw->vfs->get_journal ($file, array (RELATIVE_ALL));
while (list ($num, $journal_entry) = each ($journal_array))
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($journal_entry["created"] . html_nbsp (3, 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($journal_entry["version"] . html_nbsp (3, 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($phpgw->accounts->id2name ($journal_entry["owner_id"]) . html_nbsp (3, 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($journal_entry["comment"]);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_end ();
$phpgw->common->phpgw_exit ();
if ($op == "help" && $help_name)
while (list ($num, $help_array) = each ($help_info))
if ($help_array[0] != $help_name)
html_font_set ("4");
$title = ereg_replace ("_", " ", $help_array[0]);
$title = ucwords ($title);
html_text ($title);
html_font_end ();
html_break (2);
html_font_set ("2");
html_text ($help_array[1]);
html_font_end ();
# Start Main Page
if ($op != "changeinfo" && $op != "logout" && $op != "delete")
html_page_begin ("Users :: $userinfo[username]");
html_page_body_begin (HTML_PAGE_BODY_COLOR);
# Start Main Table
if (!$op && !$delete && !$createdir && !$renamefiles && !$move && !$copy && !$edit && !$comment_files)
html_table_begin ("100%");
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ("center", NULL, "top");
html_align ("center");
html_form_begin ("$appname/index.php?path=$path");
if ($numoffiles || $cwd)
while (list ($num, $name) = each ($settings))
if ($name)
html_table_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ("center", NULL, NULL, NULL, $columns);
html_table_begin ("100%");
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ("left");
if ($path != "/")
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$lesspath", html_image ("images/folder-up.gif", "Up", "left", 0, NULL, 1));
html_help_link ("up");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ("center");
if ($cwd)
if ($path == $homedir)
html_image ("images/folder-home.gif", "Folder", "center");
html_image ("images/folder.gif", "Folder", "center");
html_image ("images/folder-home.gif", "Home");
html_text_bold (strtoupper ($disppath));
html_font_end ();
html_help_link ("directory_name");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ("right");
if ($path != $homedir)
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$homedir", html_image ("images/folder-home.gif", "Home", "right", 0, NULL, 1));
html_help_link ("home");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_table_end ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
# Start File Table Column Headers
# Reads values from $file_attributes array and preferences
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ("Sort by:" . html_nbsp (1, 1), NULL, NULL, 1);
html_help_link ("sort_by");
html_table_col_end ();
reset ($file_attributes);
while (list ($internal, $displayed) = each ($file_attributes))
if ($settings[$internal])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$path&sortby=$internal", html_text_bold ("$displayed", 1, 1));
html_help_link (strtolower (ereg_replace (" ", "_", $displayed)));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
if ($settings["dotdot"] && $settings["name"] && $path != "/")
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
/* We can assume the next column is the name */
html_table_col_begin ();
html_image ("images/folder.gif", "Folder");
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$lesspath", "..");
html_table_col_end ();
if ($settings["mime_type"])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ("Directory");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
# List all of the files, with their attributes
reset ($files_array);
for ($i = 0; $i != $numoffiles; $i++)
$files = $files_array[$i];
if ($rename || $edit_comments)
unset ($this_selected);
unset ($renamethis);
unset ($edit_this_comment);
for ($j = 0; $j != $numoffiles; $j++)
if ($fileman[$j] == string_encode ($files["name"], 1))
$this_selected = 1;
if ($rename && $this_selected)
$renamethis = 1;
elseif ($edit_comments && $this_selected)
$edit_this_comment = 1;
if (!$settings["dotfiles"] && ereg ("^\.", $files["name"]))
html_table_row_begin (NULL, NULL, NULL, HTML_TABLE_FILES_BG_COLOR);
# Checkboxes
html_table_col_begin ("right");
if (!$rename && !$edit_comments && $path != $fakebase && $path != "/")
html_form_input ("checkbox", "fileman[$i]", "$files[name]");
elseif ($renamethis)
html_form_input ("hidden", "fileman[" . string_encode ($files[name], 1) . "]", "$files[name]", NULL, NULL, "checked");
html_table_col_end ();
# File name and icon
if ($settings["name"])
html_table_col_begin ();
if ($renamethis)
if ($files["mime_type"] == "Directory")
html_image ("images/folder.gif", "Folder");
html_form_input ("text", "renamefiles[" . string_encode ($files[name], 1) . "]", $files["name"], 255);
if ($files["mime_type"] == "Directory")
html_image ("images/folder.gif", "Folder");
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$path$dispsep$files[name]", $files["name"]);
if ($settings["viewonserver"] && isset ($filesdir) && !$files["link_directory"])
$clickview = "$filesdir$pwd/$files[name]";
$clickview = "$appname/index.php?op=view&file=$files[name]&path=$path";
if ($settings["viewinnewwin"])
$target = "_new";
html_link ($clickview, $files["name"], 0, 1, 0, $target);
html_table_col_end ();
# MIME type
if ($settings["mime_type"])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["mime_type"]);
html_table_col_end ();
# File size
if ($settings["size"])
html_table_col_begin ();
$size = $phpgw->vfs->get_size ($files["directory"] . "/" . $files["name"], array (RELATIVE_NONE));
borkb ($size);
html_table_col_end ();
# Date created
if ($settings["created"])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["created"]);
html_table_col_end ();
# Date modified
if ($settings["modified"])
html_table_col_begin ();
if ($files["modified"] != "0000-00-00")
html_text ($files["modified"]);
html_table_col_end ();
# Owner name
if ($settings["owner"])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($phpgw->accounts->id2name ($files["owner_id"]));
html_table_col_end ();
# Creator name
if ($settings["createdby_id"])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($phpgw->accounts->id2name ($files["createdby_id"]));
html_table_col_end ();
# Modified by name
if ($settings["modifiedby_id"])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($phpgw->accounts->id2name ($files["modifiedby_id"]));
html_table_col_end ();
# Application
if ($settings["app"])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["app"]);
html_table_col_end ();
# Comment
if ($settings["comment"])
html_table_col_begin ();
if ($edit_this_comment)
html_form_input ("text", "comment_files[" . string_encode ($files[name], 1) . "]", html_encode ($files["comment"], 1), 255);
html_text ($files["comment"]);
html_table_col_end ();
# Version
if ($settings["version"])
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$appname/index.php?op=history&file=" . string_encode ($files[name], 1) . "&path=$path", $files["version"], NULL, NULL, NULL, "_new");
html_table_col_end ();
# Deleteable (currently not used)
if ($settings["deleteable"])
if ($files["deleteable"] == "N")
html_table_col_begin ();
html_image ("images/locked.gif", "Locked");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
if ($files["mime_type"] == "Directory")
$usedspace += $fileinfo[0];
$usedspace += $files["size"];
html_table_end ();
html_break (2);
if ($path != "/" && $path != $fakebase)
if (!$rename && !$edit_comments)
html_form_input ("submit", "edit", "Edit");
html_help_link ("edit");
html_nbsp (3);
if (!$edit_comments)
html_form_input ("submit", "rename", "Rename");
html_help_link ("rename");
html_nbsp (3);
if (!$rename && !$edit_comments)
html_form_input ("submit", "delete", "Delete");
html_help_link ("delete");
html_nbsp (3);
if (!$rename)
html_form_input ("submit", "edit_comments", "Edit comments");
html_help_link ("edit_comments");
# Display some inputs and info, but not when renaming or editing comments
if (!$rename && !$edit_comments)
# Begin Copy to/Move to selection
html_break (1);
html_form_input ("submit", "go", "Go to:");
html_help_link ("go_to");
if ($path != "/" && $path != $fakebase)
html_form_input ("submit", "copy", "Copy to:");
html_help_link ("copy_to");
html_form_input ("submit", "move", "Move to:");
html_help_link ("move_to");
html_form_select_begin ("todir");
html_break (1);
# First we get the directories in their home directory
$dirs[] = array ("directory" => $fakebase, "name" => $userinfo["account_lid"]);
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ($homedir, array (RELATIVE_NONE), True, "Directory");
while (list ($num, $dir) = each ($ls_array))
$dirs[] = $dir;
# Then we get the directories in their membership's home directories
reset ($memberships);
while (list ($num, $group_array) = each ($memberships))
# Don't list directories for groups that don't have access
if (!$membership_applications[$group_array["account_name"]][$appname]["enabled"])
$dirs[] = array ("directory" => $fakebase, "name" => $group_array["account_name"]);
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ("$fakebase/$group_array[account_name]", array (RELATIVE_NONE), True, "Directory");
while (list ($num, $dir) = each ($ls_array))
$dirs[] = $dir;
reset ($dirs);
while (list ($num, $dir) = each ($dirs))
if (!$dir["directory"])
# So we don't display //
if ($dir["directory"] != '/')
$dir["directory"] .= '/';
# No point in displaying the current directory, or a directory that doesn't exist
if ((($dir["directory"] . $dir["name"]) != $path) && $phpgw->vfs->file_exists ($dir["directory"] . $dir["name"], array (RELATIVE_NONE)))
html_form_option ($dir["directory"] . $dir["name"]);
html_form_select_end ();
html_help_link ("directory_list");
if ($path != "/" && $path != $fakebase)
html_break (1);
html_form_input ("submit", "download", "Download");
html_help_link ("download");
html_nbsp (3);
html_form_input ("text", "createdir", NULL, 255, 15);
html_form_input ("submit", "newdir", "Create Folder");
html_help_link ("create_folder");
html_break (1);
html_form_input ("submit", "update", "Update");
html_help_link ("update");
html_form_end ();
html_help_link ("file_stats");
html_break (1);
html_text_bold ("Files: ");
html_text ($numoffiles);
html_nbsp (3);
html_text_bold ("Used space: ");
html_text (borkb ($usedspace, NULL, 1));
html_nbsp (3);
if ($path == $homedir || $path == $fakebase)
html_text_bold ("Unused space: ");
html_text (borkb ($userinfo["hdspace"] - $usedspace, NULL, 1));
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ($path, array (RELATIVE_NONE));
$i = count ($ls_array);
html_break (2);
html_text_bold ("Total Files: ");
html_text ($i);
# Show file upload boxes. Note the last argument to html (). Repeats 5 times
if ($path != "/" && $path != $fakebase)
html_break (2);
html_form_begin ("$appname/index.php?op=upload&path=$path", "post", "multipart/form-data");
html_table_begin ();
html_table_row_begin ("center");
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_bold ("File");
html_help_link ("upload_file");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_bold ("Comment");
html_help_link ("upload_comment");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html (html_form_input ("file", "file[]", NULL, 255, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) . html_break (1, NULL, 1), 5);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html (html_form_input ("text", "comment[]", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) . html_break (1, NULL, 1), 5);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_table_end ();
html_form_input ("submit", "upload_files", "Upload files");
html_help_link ("upload_files");
html_form_end ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_table_end ();
html_page_close ();
# Handle Editing files
if ($edit)
# If $edit is "Edit", we do nothing, and let the for loop take over
if ($edit_file)
$edit_file_content = stripslashes ($edit_file_content);
if ($edit_preview)
$edit_file_decoded = stripslashes (base64_decode (string_decode ($edit_file, 1)));
$content = $edit_file_content;
html_break (1);
html_text_bold ("Preview of $path/$edit_file_decoded");
html_break (2);
html_table_begin ("90%");
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text (nl2br ($content));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_table_end ();
elseif ($edit_save)
$edit_file_decoded = stripslashes (base64_decode (string_decode ($edit_file, 1)));
$content = $edit_file_content;
if ($phpgw->vfs->write ($edit_file_decoded, array (RELATIVE_ALL), $content))
html_text_bold ("Saved $path/$edit_file_decoded");
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
html_text_error ("Could not save $path/$edit_file_decoded");
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
/* This doesn't work just yet
elseif ($edit_save_all)
for ($j = 0; $j != $numoffiles; $j++)
$fileman_decoded = string_decode ($fileman[$j], 1);
$content = $$fileman[$j];
echo "fileman[$j]: $fileman[$j]<br><b>$content</b><br>";
if ($phpgw->vfs->write ($fileman_decoded, array (RELATIVE_ALL), $content))
html_text_bold ("Saved $path/$fileman_decoded");
html_break (1);
html_text_error ("Could not save $path/$fileman_decoded");
html_break (1);
html_break (1);
# Now we display the edit boxes and forms
for ($j = 0; $j != $numoffiles; $j++)
$fileman[$j] = string_decode ($fileman[$j], 1);
$fileman_decoded = stripslashes (string_decode ($fileman[$j], 1));
# If we're in preview or save mode, we only show the file
# being previewed or saved
if ($edit_file && ($fileman_decoded != base64_decode ($edit_file)))
if ($fileman_decoded && $phpgw->vfs->file_exists ($fileman_decoded, array (RELATIVE_ALL)))
if ($edit_file)
$content = stripslashes ($edit_file_content);
$content = $phpgw->vfs->read ($fileman_decoded);
html_table_begin ("100%");
html_form_begin ("$appname/index.php?path=$path");
html_form_input ("hidden", "edit", True);
html_form_input ("hidden", "edit_file", base64_encode (string_decode ($fileman[$j], 1)));
# We need to include all of the fileman entries for each file's form,
# so we loop through again
for ($i = 0; $i != $numoffiles; $i++)
html_form_input ("hidden", "fileman[$i]", string_encode ($fileman[$i], 1));
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_form_textarea ("edit_file_content", 35, 75, $content);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ("center");
html_form_input ("submit", "edit_preview", "Preview " . html_encode ($fileman_decoded, 1));
html_break (1);
html_form_input ("submit", "edit_save", "Save " . html_encode ($fileman_decoded, 1));
// html_break (1);
// html_form_input ("submit", "edit_save_all", "Save all");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_break (2);
html_form_end ();
html_table_end ();
# Handle File Uploads
elseif ($op == "upload" && $path != "/" && $path != $fakebase)
for ($i = 0; $i != 5; $i++)
if ($badchar = bad_chars ($file_name[$i], 1))
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array (html_encode ("Filenames cannot contain \"$badchar\"", 1)));
# Check to see if the file exists in the database, and get its info at the same time
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ($path . "/" . $file_name[$i], array (RELATIVE_NONE), False, False, True);
$fileinfo = $ls_array[0];
if ($fileinfo["name"])
if ($fileinfo["mime_type"] == "Directory")
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Cannot replace $fileinfo[name] because it is a directory"));
if ($file_size[$i] > 0)
if ($fileinfo["name"] && $fileinfo["deleteable"] != "N")
$phpgw->vfs->set_attributes ($file_name[$i], array (RELATIVE_ALL), array ("owner_id" => $userinfo["username"], "modifiedby_id" => $userinfo["username"], "modified" => $now, "size" => $file_size[$i], mime_type => $file_type[$i], "deleteable" => "Y", "comment" => stripslashes ($comment[$i])));
$phpgw->vfs->cp ($file[$i], "$file_name[$i]", array (RELATIVE_NONE|VFS_REAL, RELATIVE_ALL));
html_text_summary ("Replaced $disppath/$file_name[$i]", $file_size[$i]);
$phpgw->vfs->cp ($file[$i], $file_name[$i], array (RELATIVE_NONE|VFS_REAL, RELATIVE_ALL));
$phpgw->vfs->set_attributes ($file_name[$i], array (RELATIVE_ALL), array ("mime_type" => $file_type[$i], "comment" => stripslashes ($comment[$i])));
html_text_summary ("Created $disppath/$file_name[$i]", $file_size[$i]);
elseif ($file_name[$i])
$phpgw->vfs->touch ($file_name[$i], array (RELATIVE_ALL));
$phpgw->vfs->set_attributes ($file_name[$i], array (RELATIVE_ALL), array ("mime_type" => $file_type[$i], "comment" => $comment[$i]));
html_text_summary ("Created $disppath/$file_name[$i]", $file_size[$i]);
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
# Handle Editing comments
elseif ($comment_files)
while (list ($file) = each ($comment_files))
if ($badchar = bad_chars ($comment_files[$file], 1))
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array (html_encode ("Comments cannot contain \"$badchar\"", 1)));
$file_decoded = stripslashes (string_decode ($file, 1));
$phpgw->vfs->set_attributes ($file_decoded, array (RELATIVE_ALL), array ("comment" => stripslashes ($comment_files[$file])));
html_text_summary ("Updated comment for $path/$file_decoded");
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
# Handle Renaming Files and Directories
elseif ($renamefiles)
while (list ($file) = each ($renamefiles))
$from_file_decoded = stripslashes (string_decode ($file, 1));
$to_file_decoded = stripslashes (string_decode ($renamefiles[$file], 1));
if ($badchar = bad_chars ($to_file_decoded, 1))
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array (html_encode ("File names cannot contain \"$badchar\"", 1)));
if (ereg ("/", $to_file_decoded) || ereg ("\\\\", $to_file_decoded))
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("File names cannot contain \\ or /"));
elseif (!$phpgw->vfs->mv ($from_file_decoded, $to_file_decoded))
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Could not rename $disppath/$from_file_decoded to $disppath/$to_file_decoded"));
html_text_summary ("Renamed $disppath/$from_file_decoded to $disppath/$to_file_decoded");
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
# Handle Moving Files and Directories
elseif ($move)
while (list ($num, $file) = each ($fileman))
$file_decoded = stripslashes (string_decode ($file, 1));
if ($phpgw->vfs->mv ($file_decoded, $todir . "/" . $file_decoded, array (RELATIVE_ALL, RELATIVE_NONE)))
html_text_summary ("Moved $disppath/$file_decoded to $todir/$file_decoded");
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Could not move $disppath/$file_decoded to $todir/$file_decoded"));
if ($moved)
html_break (2);
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$todir", "Go to $todir");
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
# Handle Copying of Files and Directories
elseif ($copy)
while (list ($num, $file) = each ($fileman))
$file_decoded = stripslashes (string_decode ($file, 1));
if ($phpgw->vfs->cp ($file_decoded, $todir . "/" . $file_decoded, array (RELATIVE_ALL, RELATIVE_NONE)))
html_text_summary ("Copied $disppath/$file_decoded to $todir/$file_decoded");
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Could not copy $disppath/$file_decoded to $todir/$file_decoded"));
if ($copied)
html_break (2);
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$todir", "Go to $todir");
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
# Handle Deleting Files and Directories
elseif ($delete)
for ($i = 0; $i != $numoffiles; $i++)
if ($fileman[$i])
# There is no need to create a separate $fileman_decode variable, because it will never be passed again
$fileman[$i] = string_decode ($fileman[$i], 1);
if ($phpgw->vfs->delete ($fileman[$i]))
html_text_summary ("Deleted $disppath/$fileman[$i]", $fileinfo["size"]);
$phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Could not delete $disppath/$fileman[$i]"));
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
elseif ($newdir && $createdir)
if ($badchar = bad_chars ($createdir, 1))
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array (html_encode ("Directory names cannot contain \"$badchar\"", 1)));
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
html_page_close ();
if ($createdir[strlen($createdir)-1] == " " || $createdir[0] == " ")
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space"));
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
html_page_close ();
$ls_array = $phpgw->vfs->ls ($path . "/" . $createdir, array (RELATIVE_NONE), False, False, True);
$fileinfo = $ls_array[0];
if ($fileinfo["name"])
if ($fileinfo["mime_type"] != "Directory")
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("$fileinfo[name] already exists as a file"));
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
html_page_close ();
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Directory $fileinfo[name] already exists"));
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
html_page_close ();
if ($phpgw->vfs->mkdir ($createdir))
html_text_summary ("Created directory $disppath/$createdir");
html_break (2);
html_link ("$appname/index.php?path=$disppath/$createdir", "Go to $disppath/$createdir");
echo $phpgw->common->error_list (array ("Could not create $disppath/$createdir"));
html_break (2);
html_link_back ();
html_page_close ();