2010-08-20 10:18:29 +00:00

399 lines
12 KiB

* eGgroupWare setup - create / change eGW configuration
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @package setup
* @copyright (c) 2007-10 by Ralf Becker <>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* setup command: create / change eGW configuration
class setup_cmd_config extends setup_cmd
* Constructor
* @param string $domain string with domain-name or array with all arguments
* @param string $config_user=null user to config the domain (or header_admin_user)
* @param string $config_passwd=null pw of above user
* @param string $arguments=null array with command line argruments
* @param boolean $verbose=false if true, echos out some status information during the run
function __construct($domain,$config_user=null,$config_passwd=null,$arguments=null,$verbose=false)
if (!is_array($domain))
$domain = array(
'domain' => $domain,
'config_user' => $config_user,
'config_passwd' => $config_passwd,
'arguments' => $arguments,
'verbose' => $verbose,
//echo __CLASS__.'::__construct()'; _debug_array($domain);
* run the command: write the configuration to the database
* @param boolean $check_only=false only run the checks (and throw the exceptions), but not the command itself
* @return string success message
* @throws Exception(lang('Wrong credentials to access the file!'),2);
* @throws Exception(' not found!');
protected function exec($check_only=false)
if ($check_only && $this->remote_id)
return true; // can only check locally
// instanciate setup object and check authorisation
$values = array();
if ($this->arguments) // we have command line arguments
$save_ea_profile = $this->_parse_cli_arguments($values);
$save_ea_profile = $this->_parse_properties($values);
// store the config
foreach($values as $name => $value)
'config_value' => $value,
'config_app' => 'phpgwapi',
'config_name' => $name,
if (count($values))
if ($save_ea_profile) $this->_save_ea_profile();
return lang('Configuration changed.');
return lang('Nothing to change.');
* Return or echo the most common config options
* @param boolean $echoit=false if true the config is additionally echo'ed out
* @return array with name => value pairs
static function get_config($echoit=false)
'config_app' => 'phpgwapi',
"(config_name LIKE '%\\_dir' OR (config_name LIKE 'mail%' AND config_name != 'mail_footer') OR config_name LIKE 'smtp\\_%' OR config_name LIKE 'ldap%' OR config_name IN ('webserver_url','system_charset','auth_type','account_repository'))",
$config = array();
while (($row = self::$egw_setup->db->row(true)))
$config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
if ($echoit)
echo lang('Current configuration:')."\n";
foreach($config as $name => $value)
echo str_pad($name.':',22).$value."\n";
return $config;
* Available options and allowed arguments
* @var array
static $options = array(
'--config' => array(), // name=value,...
'--files-dir' => 'files_dir',
'--vfs-root-user' => 'vfs_root_user',
'--backup-dir' => 'backup_dir',
'--temp-dir' => 'temp_dir',
'--webserver-url' => 'webserver_url',
'--mailserver' => array( //server,{IMAP|IMAPS|POP|POPS},[domain],[{standard(default)|vmailmgr = add domain for mailserver login|email = use email of user (Standard Maildomain should be set)}]
array('name' => 'mail_server_type','allowed' => array('imap','imaps'),'default'=>'imap'),
array('name' => 'mail_login_type','allowed' => array(
'username (standard)' => 'standard',
'username@domain (virtual mail manager)' => 'vmailmgr',
'Username/Password defined by admin' => 'admin',
'email (Standard Maildomain should be set)' => 'email',
'--cyrus' => array(
array('name' => 'imapType','default' => 'cyrusimap'),
array('name' => 'imapEnableCyrusAdmin','default' => 'yes'),
'--sieve' => array(
array('name' => 'imapSieveServer','default' => 'localhost'),
array('name' => 'imapSievePort','default' => 2000),
array('name' => 'imapEnableSieve','default' => 'yes'), // null or yes
'--postfix' => array(
array('name' => 'editforwardingaddress','allowed' => array('yes',null)),
array('name' => 'smtpType','default' => 'postfixldap'),
'--smtpserver' => array( //smtp server,[smtp port],[smtp user],[smtp password]
'smtp_server',array('name' => 'smtp_port','default' => 25),'smtp_auth_user','smtp_auth_passwd',''
'--account-auth' => array(
array('name' => 'account_repository','allowed' => array('sql','ldap'),'default'=>'sql'),
array('name' => 'auth_type','allowed' => array('sql','ldap','mail','ads','http','sqlssl','nis','pam'),'default'=>'sql'),
array('name' => 'sql_encryption','allowed' => array('md5','blowfish_crypt','md5_crypt','crypt'),'default'=>'md5'),
'--ldap-host' => 'ldap_host',
'--ldap-root-dn' => 'ldap_root_dn',
'--ldap-root-pw' => 'ldap_root_pw',
'--ldap-context' => 'ldap_context',
'--ldap-search-filter' => 'ldap_search_filter',
'--ldap-group-context' => 'ldap_group_context',
'--allow-remote-admin' => 'allow_remote_admin',
'--install-id' => 'install_id',
* Parses properties from this object
* @param array &$value contains set values on return
* @return boolean do we need to save the emailadmin profile
private function _parse_properties(&$values)
$save_ea_profile = false;
$values = array();
foreach(self::$options as $arg => $option)
foreach(is_array($option) ? $option : array($option) as $n => $data)
$name = is_array($data) ? $data['name'] : $data;
if (isset($this->$name))
$save_ea_profile |= $this->_parse_value($arg,$n,$option,$this->$name,$values);
return $save_ea_profile;
* Parses command line arguments in $this->arguments
* @param array &$value contains set values on return
* @return boolean do we need to save the emailadmin profile
private function _parse_cli_arguments(&$values)
$arguments = $this->arguments;
$values = array();
$save_ea_profile = false;
$args = $this->arguments;
while(($arg = array_shift($args)))
if (!isset(self::$options[$arg]))
throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput(lang("Unknown option '%1' !!!",$arg),90);
$options = is_array(self::$options[$arg]) ? explode(',',array_shift($args)) : array(array_shift($args));
if ($arg == '--config')
foreach($options as $option)
list($name,$value) = explode('=',$option,2);
$values[$name] = $value;
$options[] = ''; $options[] = '';
foreach($options as $n => $value)
$save_ea_profile |= $this->_parse_value($arg,$n,self::$options[$arg],$value,$values);
return $save_ea_profile;
* Parses a single value
* @param string $arg current cli argument processed
* @param int $n number of the property
* @param array/string $data string with type or array containing values for type, allowed
* @param mixed $value value to set
* @param array &$values where the values get set
private function _parse_value($arg,$n,$data,$value,array &$values)
if ($value === '' && is_array($data) && !isset($data[$n]['default'])) return false;
$name = is_array($data) || $n ? $data[$n] : $data;
if (is_array($name))
if (!$value && isset($name['default'])) $value = $name['default'];
if (isset($name['allowed']) && !in_array($value,$name['allowed']))
throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput(lang("'%1' is not allowed as %2. arguments of option %3 !!!",$value,1+$n,$arg)." ($name[name])",91);
$name = $name['name'];
$values[$name] = $value;
return in_array($arg,array('--mailserver','--smtpserver','--cyrus','--postfix','--sieve'));
* Updates the default EMailAdmin profile from the eGW config
function _save_ea_profile($config=array())
'config_app' => 'phpgwapi',
"((config_name LIKE 'mail%' AND config_name != 'mail_footer') OR config_name LIKE 'smtp%' OR config_name LIKE 'imap%' OR config_name='editforwardingaddress')",
while (($row = self::$egw_setup->db->row(true)))
$config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
$config['smtpAuth'] = $config['smtp_auth_user'] ? 'yes' : null;
$emailadmin = new emailadmin_bo(-1,false); // false=no session stuff
if ($this->verbose)
echo "\n".lang('EMailAdmin profile updated:')."\n";
foreach($config as $name => $value)
echo str_pad($name.':',22).$value."\n";
* Return the options from the $options array
* @return array with name => array(value=>label,...) pairs
static function options()
$options = array();
foreach(self::$options as $option)
if (is_array($option))
foreach($option as $n => $data)
if (is_array($data) && isset($data['allowed']))
foreach($data['allowed'] as $label => $value)
if (is_int($label))
$label = (string) $value === '' ? 'No' : strtoupper($value);
$options[$data['name']][$value] = lang($label);
return $options;
* Return the defaults from the $options array
* @return array with name => $value pairs
static function defaults()
$defaults = array();
// fetch the default from the cli options
foreach(self::$options as $option)
if (is_array($option))
foreach($option as $n => $data)
if (is_array($data) && isset($data['default']))
$defaults[$data['name']] = $data['default'];
// some extra defaults for non-cli operation
$defaults['files_dir'] = '/var/lib/egroupware/$domain/files';
$defaults['backup_dir'] = '/var/lib/egroupware/$domain/backup';
$defaults['backup_mincount'] = 0;
$defaults['backup_files'] = false;
$defaults['temp_dir'] = '/tmp';
$defaults['webserver_url'] = '/egroupware';
$defaults['smtp_server'] = 'localhost';
//$defaults['mail_server'] = 'localhost';
$defaults['mail_suffix'] = '$domain';
$defaults['imapAdminUsername'] = 'cyrus@$domain';
$defaults['imapAdminPW'] = self::randomstring();
$defaults['imapType'] = 2; // standard IMAP
$defaults['smtpType'] = 1; // standard SMTP
return $defaults;
* Merges the default into the current properties, if they are empty or contain placeholders
* Replacements like $domain, only work for values listed by self::defaults()
private function _merge_defaults()
foreach(self::defaults() as $name => $default)
if (!$this->$name)
//echo "<p>setting $name='{$this->$name}' to it's default='$default'</p>\n";
$this->set_defaults[$name] = $this->$name = $default;
if (strpos($this->$name,'$') !== false)
$this->$name = str_replace(array(