
587 lines
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* eGroupware JavaScript Framework
* @link
* @author Andreas Stoeckel <>
* @version $Id$
* Class: egw_fw
* The egw_fw class is the base framework class. It wraps around all egw_fw_ui and
* egw_fw_classes. It creates both, a side bar and a tab area and cares about linking.
* The constructor of the egw_fw class.
* @param string _sidemenuId specifies the name of the div container which should contain the sidebar menu
* @param string _tabsId specifies the name of the div container which should cotain the tab area
* @param string _webserverUrl specifies the egroupware root url
function egw_fw(_sidemenuId, _tabsId, _webserverUrl)
/* Get the base div */
this.sidemenuDiv = document.getElementById(_sidemenuId);
this.tabsDiv = document.getElementById(_tabsId);
this.webserverUrl = _webserverUrl;
window.egw_webserverUrl = _webserverUrl;
this.sidemenuUi = null;
this.tabsUi = null;
this.categoryOpenCache = new Object();
this.applications = new Object();
this.activeApp = null;
if (this.sidemenuDiv && this.tabsDiv)
//Create the sidemenu and the tabs area
this.sidemenuUi = new egw_fw_ui_sidemenu(this.sidemenuDiv);
this.tabsUi = new egw_fw_ui_tabs(this.tabsDiv);
//Register the resize handler
//Register the global alert handler
window.egw_alertHandler = this.alertHandler;
//Register the key press handler
//Override the old egw_openWindowCentered2
window.egw_openWindowCentered2 = this.egw_openWindowCentered2;
//Override the app_window function
window.egw_appWindow = this.egw_appWindow;
egw_fw.prototype.alertHandler = function(_message, _details)
alert('Error:\n ' + _message + '\n\nDetails:\n ' + _details);
* Function called whenever F1 is pressed inside the framework
* @returns boolean true if the call manual function could be called, false if the manual is not available
egw_fw.prototype.f1Handler = function()
if (typeof window.callManual != 'undefined')
return true;
return false;
* Function called whenever a key is pressed
* @param object event describes the key press event
egw_fw.prototype.keyPressHandler = function(event)
switch (event.keyCode)
case 112: //F1
* tabCloseClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks
* on the close button of every tab.
* @param egw_fw_ui_tab _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked
egw_fw.prototype.tabCloseClickCallback = function(_sender)
//Save references to the application and the tabsUi as "this" will be deleted
var app = this.tag;
var tabsUi = this.parent;
//At least one tab must stay open
if (tabsUi.tabs.length > 1)
tabsUi.removeTab(this); = null;
app.iframe = null;
//Activate the new application in the sidebar menu;
tabsUi.setCloseable(tabsUi.tabs.length > 1);
/* As a new tab might remove a row from the tab header, we have to resize all iframes */
egw_fw.prototype.resizeHandler = function()
for (var app in this.applications)
if (this.applications[app].iframe != null)
this.applications[app] = this.getIFrameHeight() + 'px';
egw_fw.prototype.getIFrameHeight = function()
var height = $(window).height() - (this.tabsUi.contHeaderDiv.offsetTop +
this.tabsUi.contHeaderDiv.offsetHeight + 30); /* 30 is the height of the footer */
return height;
* tabClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks on
* a tab.
* @param egw_fw_ui_tab _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked
egw_fw.prototype.tabClickCallback = function(_sender)
document.title = this.tag.website_title ? this.tag.website_title : this.tag.appName;
//Set this application as the active application
this.tag.parentFw.activeApp = this.tag;
* applicationClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks on
* an application in the sidebox menu.
* @param egw_fw_ui_tab _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked
egw_fw.prototype.applicationClickCallback = function(_sender)
this.tag.parentFw.applicationTabNavigate(this.tag, this.tag.execName);
* navigate to tab of an applications (opening the tab if not yet open)
* @param egw_fw_class_application _app
* @param string _url optional url, default index page of app
egw_fw.prototype.applicationTabNavigate = function(_app, _url)
//Create the tab if it isn't already there
if ((_app.iframe == null) || ( == null))
{ = this.tabsUi.addTab(_app.icon, this.tabClickCallback, this.tabCloseClickCallback,
_app.iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = "100%"; = 0; = this.getIFrameHeight() + 'px';
_app.iframe.frameBorder = 0;;
this.tabsUi.setCloseable(this.tabsUi.tabs.length > 1);
/* As a new tab might add a new row in the tab header, we have to resize all iframes */
//Set the iframe location
_app.iframe.src = typeof(_url) == "undefined" ? _app.execName : _url;
//Set this application as the active application
_app.parentFw.activeApp = _app;
//Show the tab
if (_app.sidemenuEntry != null)
//Open the sidemenu entry content
if (_app.hasSideboxMenuContent)
* loadApplicationsCallback is internally used by egw_fw in order to handle the
* receiving of the application list.
* @param object apps contains the parsed JSON data describing the applications.
* The JSON object should have the following structure
* apps = array[
* {
* string name (the internal name of the application)
* string title (the name of the application how it should be viewed)
* string icon (path to the icon of the application)
* string url (path to the application) //TODO: Change this
* [boolean isDefault] (whether this entry is the default entry which should be opened)
* }
* ]
egw_fw.prototype.loadApplicationsCallback = function(apps)
var defaultApp = null;
//Iterate through the application array returned
for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++)
var app = apps[i];
appData = new egw_fw_class_application(this,, app.title, app.icon, app.url);
//Create a sidebox menu entry for each application
if (!app.noNavbar)
appData.sidemenuEntry = this.sidemenuUi.addEntry(
appData.displayName, appData.icon,
this.applicationClickCallback, appData);
//If this entry is the default entry, show it using the click callback
if (app.isDefault && (app.isDefault === true))
defaultApp = appData;
this.applications[appData.appName] = appData;
// check if a menuaction or app is specified in the url --> display that
var matches =[a-z0-9_-]+)\./i);
var _app,_url;
if (matches && (_app = this.getApplicationByName(matches[1])) ||
(matches = location.href.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/[^\/]+\.php/i)) &&
(_app = this.getApplicationByName(matches[1])))
_url = window.location.href.replace(/&?cd=yes/,'');
// else display the default application
else if (defaultApp)
* loadApplications refreshes the list of applications. Upon calling, all existing applications
* will be deleted from the list, and all open tabs will be closed. Then an AJAX request to the
* given URL will be send in order to obtain the application list with JSON encoding.
* @param string _menuaction specifies the menuaction
egw_fw.prototype.loadApplications = function(_menuaction)
//Close all open tabs, remove all applications from the application list
//Perform an AJAX request loading all available applications
var req = new egw_json_request(_menuaction)
req.sendRequest(true, this.loadApplicationsCallback, this);
* Goes through all applications and returns the application with the specified name.
* @param string _name the name of the application which should be returned.
* @return object or null if application is not found.
egw_fw.prototype.getApplicationByName = function(_name)
if (typeof this.applications[_name] != 'undefined')
return this.applications[_name]
return null;
* Seperates all script tags from the given html code and returns the seperately
* @param object _html object that the html code from which the script should be seperated. The html code has to be stored in _html.html, the result js will be written to _html.js
egw_fw.prototype.seperateJavaScript = function(_html)
var html = _html.html;
var in_pos =<script/im);
var out_pos =<\/script>/im);
while (in_pos > -1 && out_pos > -1)
/*Seperate the whole <script...</script> tag */
var js_str = html.substring(in_pos, out_pos+9);
/*Remove the initial tag */
/*js_str = js_str.substring(>/) + 1);*/
_html.js += js_str;
html = html.substring(0, in_pos - 1) + html.substring(out_pos + 9);
var in_pos =<script/im);
var out_pos =<\/script>/im);
_html.html = html;
* Sends sidemenu entry category open/close information to the server using an AJAX request
egw_fw.prototype.categoryOpenCloseCallback = function(_opened)
// switched off, 'til we start using it
//var req = new egw_json_request("home.jdots_framework.ajax_sidebox_menu_opened",
// [this.tag.appName, this.catName, _opened]);
/* Store the state of the category lokaly */
this.tag.parentFw.categoryOpenCache[this.tag.appName + '#' + this.catName] = _opened;
* Sets the sidebox data of an application
* @param object _app the application whose sidebox content should be set.
* @param object _data an array/object containing the data of the sidebox content
* @param string _md5 an md5 hash of the sidebox menu content: Only if this hash differs between two setSidebox calles, the sidebox menu will be updated.
egw_fw.prototype.setSidebox = function(_app, _data, _md5)
if ((_app != null) && (_app.sidebox_md5 != _md5) && (_app.sidemenuEntry != null))
//Parse the sidebox data
if (_data != null)
var contDiv = document.createElement('div');
var contJS = ''; //new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < _data.length; i++)
var catContent = '';
for (var j = 0; j < _data[i].entries.length; j++)
/* As jquery executes all script tags which are found inside
the html and removes them afterwards, we have to seperate the
javaScript from the html in lang_item and add it manually. */
html = new Object();
html.html = _data[i].entries[j].lang_item;
html.js = '';
contJS += html.js;//contJS.concat(html.js);
if (_data[i].entries[j].icon_or_star)
catContent += '<div class="egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_listitem"><img class="egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_listitem_icon" src="' + _data[i].entries[j].icon_or_star + '" />';
if (_data[i].entries[j].item_link == '')
catContent += html.html;
catContent += '<a href="' + _data[i].entries[j].item_link +
(_data[i].entries[j].target ? '" target="'+_data[i].entries[j].target : '') +
'">' + html.html + '</a>';
if (_data[i].entries[j].icon_or_star)
catContent += '</div>';
/* Append the category content */
if (catContent != '')
var categoryUi = new egw_fw_ui_category(contDiv,_data[i].menu_name,
_data[i].title, catContent, this.categoryOpenCloseCallback, _app);
//Lookup whether this entry was opened before. If no data is
//stored about this, use the information we got from the server
var opened = this.categoryOpenCache[
_app.appName + '#' + _data[i].menu_name];
if (typeof opened == 'undefined')
opened = _data[i].opened;
if (opened)
_app.sidebox_md5 = _md5;
_app.hasSideboxMenuContent = true;;
* Sets the website title of an application
* @param object _app the application whose title should be set.
* @param string _title title to set
egw_fw.prototype.setWebsiteTitle = function(_app,_title)
document.title = _app.website_title = _title;
* Change timezone and refresh current app
* @param _tz
egw_fw.prototype.tzSelection = function(_tz)
//Perform an AJAX request to tell server
var req = new egw_json_request('home.jdots_framework.ajax_tz_selection.template',[_tz]);
req.sendRequest(false); // false = synchron
if (this.activeApp)
egw_fw.prototype.linkHandler = function(_link, _app)
var app = this.getApplicationByName(_app);
if (app != null)
this.applicationTabNavigate(app, _link);
egw_alertHandler('Application "' + _app + '" not found.', 'The application "' + _app + '" the link "' + _link + '" points to is not registered.');
egw_fw.prototype.egw_openWindowCentered2 = function(_url, _windowName, _width, _height, _status, _app, _returnID)
if (typeof _returnID == 'undefined') _returnID = false;
windowWidth = egw_getWindowOuterWidth();
windowHeight = egw_getWindowOuterHeight();
positionLeft = (windowWidth/2)-(_width/2)+egw_getWindowLeft();
positionTop = (windowHeight/2)-(_height/2)+egw_getWindowTop();
//Determine the window the popup should be opened in - normally this is the iframe of the currently active application
var parentWindow = window;
var navigate = false;
if (typeof _app != 'undefined' && _app !== false)
var appEntry = framework.getApplicationByName(_app);
if (appEntry && appEntry.iframe == null)
navigate = true;
framework.applicationTabNavigate(appEntry, 'about:blank');
var appEntry = framework.activeApp;
if (appEntry != null && appEntry.iframe != null)
parentWindow = appEntry.iframe.contentWindow;
windowID =, _windowName, "width=" + _width + ",height=" + _height +
",screenX=" + positionLeft + ",left=" + positionLeft + ",screenY=" + positionTop + ",top=" + positionTop +
if (navigate)
window.setTimeout("framework.applicationTabNavigate(framework.activeApp, framework.activeApp.execName);", 500);
if (_returnID === false)
// return nothing
return windowID;
egw_fw.prototype.egw_appWindow = function(_app)
var app = framework.getApplicationByName(_app);
var result = null;
if (app != null && app.iframe != null)
result = app.iframe.contentWindow;
return result;
window.egw_link_handler = function(_link, _app)
/*var frmwrk = getFramwork();
if (frmwrk != null)
frmwrk.linkHandler(_link, _app)
window.location = _link;
if (typeof window.framework != "undefined")
window.framework.linkHandler(_link, _app);
else if (typeof window.parent.framework != "undefined")
window.parent.framework.linkHandler(_link, _app);
window.location = _link;
window.getFramework = function()
if (typeof window.framework != 'undefined')
return framework;
else if (typeof window.parent.getFramework != "undefined")
return window.parent.getFramework();
return null;