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* EGroupware - eTemplate widget baseclass
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @subpackage etemplate
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright 2002-18 by RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de
namespace EGroupware\Api\Etemplate;
use EGroupware\Api;
use XMLReader;
use ReflectionMethod;
* eTemplate widget baseclass
class Widget
* Widget type
* @var string
public $type;
* Widget id
* @var string
public $id;
* Widget attributes
* @var array
public $attrs = array();
* Names and defaults of boolean attributes to correctly cast them from XML in set_attrs
* @var array
public $bool_attr_default = array(
'disabled' => null, // null = no default
'statustext_html' => false,
'no_lang' => false,
// strictly speeding only for input widgets, but server-side input-widgets have a validation method, but no shared parent
'readonly' => null, // null = no default
'needed' => false,
* Children
* @var array
protected $children = array();
* (Array of) comma-separated list of legacy options to automatically replace when parsing with set_attrs
* @var string|array
protected $legacy_options;
* Request object of the currently created request
* It's a static variable as etemplates can contain further etemplates (rendered by a different object)
* @var Request
static protected $request;
* JSON response object, if we run via a JSON request
* @var Api\Json\Response
static protected $response;
* Namespaced content array, used when trying to initialize
* This is pretty much a global static variable, used when reading
* a template with the content set. This allows variable expansion
* in the constructor.
* @protected $cont
static protected $cont = null;
* Constructor
* @param string|\XMLReader $xml string with xml or XMLReader positioned on the element to construct
* @throws Api\Exception\WrongParameter
public function __construct($xml)
$reader = self::get_reader($xml);
$this->type = $reader->name;
$depth = $reader->depth;
$this->id = $reader->getAttribute('id');
// Update content?
if(self::$cont == null)
self::$cont = is_array(self::$request->content) ? self::$request->content : array();
if($this->id && is_array(self::$cont[$this->id] ?? null))
$old_cont = self::$cont;
self::$cont = self::$cont[$this->id];
// read all attributes
while(($ok=$reader->read()) && $reader->depth > $depth)
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $reader->depth > $depth)
$this->children[] = self::factory($reader->name, $reader, $reader->getAttribute('id'));
// read eg. option content to "#text"
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::TEXT)
$this->attrs[(string)$reader->name] = (string)$reader->value;
// give a clear indication where the template error is
if (!$ok && ($error = libxml_get_last_error()))
$file = str_replace([EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/', '//default/etemplates/'], '', $error->file);
if(!$file && is_string($xml))
$file = $xml;
throw new \Exception("Error passing XML file '$file' line $error->line: $error->message");
// Reset content as we leave
if (isset($old_cont))
self::$cont = $old_cont;
* Get XMLReader for given xml string
* @param string|XMLReader $xml string with xml or XMLReader positioned on an element
* @throws Api\Exception\WrongParameter
protected static function get_reader($xml)
if (is_a($xml, 'XMLReader'))
$reader = $xml;
$reader = new XMLReader();
if (!$reader->XML($xml))
throw new Api\Exception\WrongParameter("Can't parse xml:\n$xml");
return $reader;
* Parse and set extra attributes from xml in template object
* Returns a cloned template object, if any attribute needs to be set.
* This is necessary as templates can be used multiple time, so we can not alter the cached template!
* @param string|XMLReader $xml
* @param boolean $cloned =true true: object does NOT need to be cloned, false: to set attribute, set them in cloned object
* @return Template current object or clone, if any attribute was set
public function set_attrs($xml, $cloned=true)
$reader = self::get_reader($xml);
// check if we have to split legacy options (can be by type)
$legacy_options = $this->legacy_options;
if (is_array($legacy_options))
if (!($type = $reader->getAttribute('type')))
$type = $this->type;
$legacy_options = $legacy_options[$type];
// read and set all attributes
$template = $this;
if ($reader->name != 'id' && (!isset($template->attr[$reader->name]) || $template->attr[$reader->name] !== $reader->value))
if (!$cloned)
$template = clone($this);
$cloned = true; // only clone it once, otherwise we loose attributes!
// $reader->value is an object and therefore assigned by reference
// this is important to not loose content when validating dynamic generated tabs as in settings!
$template->attrs[$reader->name] = $value = $reader->value;
// expand attributes values, otherwise eg. validation can not use attrs referencing to content
if (!empty($value) && ($value[0] === '@' || strpos($value, '$cont') !== false))
$value = self::expand_name($value, null, null, null, null,
isset(self::$cont) ? self::$cont : self::$request->content);
// split legacy options
if ($legacy_options && $reader->name == 'options')
$legacy_options = explode(',', $legacy_options);
foreach(self::csv_split($value, count($legacy_options)) as $n => $val)
if ($legacy_options[$n] && (string)$val !== '') $template->attrs[$legacy_options[$n]] = $val;
// Add in anything in the modification array
if (is_array(self::$request->modifications[$this->id] ?? null))
$this->attrs = array_merge($this->attrs,self::$request->modifications[$this->id]);
// cast boolean attributes to boolean and set their defaults, if they have one
//$old_attrs = $this->attrs;
foreach($this->bool_attr_default as $name => $default_value)
if (!isset($this->attrs[$name]))
if (isset($default_value)) $this->attrs[$name] = $default_value;
// cast to bool, only if NOT containing variables
elseif (!is_bool($this->attrs[$name]) && strpos($this->attrs[$name], '@') === false &&
strpos($this->attrs[$name], '$') === false)
// use PHP default evaluation, with the exception of "false" --> false
$this->attrs[$name] = !(!$this->attrs[$name] || $this->attrs[$name] === 'false');
// report modifications
//if (($modifications = array_diff_assoc($this->attrs, $old_attrs))) error_log(__METHOD__."() id=$this->id, bool_modifications=".array2string($modifications).", old_values=".array2string(array_intersect_key($old_attrs, $this->bool_attr_default)).", bool_attr_default=".array2string($this->bool_attr_default));
return $template;
* Split a $delimiter-separated options string, which can contain parts with delimiters enclosed in $enclosure
* Examples:
* - csv_split('"1,2,3",2,3') === array('1,2,3','2','3')
* - csv_split('1,2,3',2) === array('1','2,3')
* - csv_split('"1,2,3",2,3',2) === array('1,2,3','2,3')
* - csv_split('"a""b,c",d') === array('a"b,c','d') // to escape enclosures double them!
* @param string $str
* @param int $num =null in how many parts to split maximal, parts over this number end up (unseparated) in the last part
* @param string $delimiter =','
* @param string $enclosure ='"'
* @return array
public static function csv_split($str,$num=null,$delimiter=',',$enclosure='"')
if (strpos($str,$enclosure) === false)
return is_null($num) ? explode($delimiter,$str) : explode($delimiter,$str,$num); // no need to run this more expensive code
$parts = explode($delimiter,$str);
for($n = 0; isset($parts[$n]); ++$n)
$part =& $parts[$n];
if ($part[0] === $enclosure)
while (isset($parts[$n+1]) && substr($part,-1) !== $enclosure)
$part .= $delimiter.$parts[++$n];
$part = substr(str_replace($enclosure.$enclosure,$enclosure,$part),1,-1);
$parts_renum = array_values($parts); // renumber the parts (in case we had to concat them)
if ($num > 0 && count($parts_renum) > $num)
$parts_renum[$num-1] = implode($delimiter,array_slice($parts_renum,$num-1,count($parts_renum)-$num+1));
$parts_renum = array_slice($parts_renum,0,$num);
return $parts_renum;
* Registry of classes implementing widgets
* @var array
static protected $widget_registry = array();
* Register a given class for certain widgets
* Registration is only needed if widget (base-)name is not autoloadable,
* eg. class Etemplate\Widget\Template does NOT need to be registered.
* @param string $class
* @param string|array $widgets
public static function registerWidget($class, $widgets)
if (!is_subclass_of($class, __CLASS__))
throw new Api\Exception\WrongParameter(__METHOD__."('$class', ".array2string($widgets).") $class is no subclass of ".__CLASS__.'!');
foreach((array)$widgets as $widget)
self::$widget_registry[$widget] = $class;
* Try to discover all widgets, as names don't always match tags (eg:
* listbox is in menupopup)
* Look through filesystem for widgets, then process the hook
* 'etemplate2_register_widgets', which may return a list of widget class
* names.
* The list is cached for an hour, to avoid rescanning the filesystem but
* also to make sure the list is always available, even when calling static
* functions of widgets.
public static function scanForWidgets()
$widget_registry = Api\Cache::getInstance('etemplate', 'widget_registry');
if (!$widget_registry) // not in instance cache --> rescan from filesystem
foreach(new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__.'/Widget')) as $path)
if(strpos($path, 'tests/') !== FALSE)
if(substr($path, -4) == '.php')
catch(\Exception $e)
// Use hook to load custom widgets from other apps
$widgets = Api\Hooks::process('etemplate2_register_widgets',array(),true);
foreach($widgets as $list)
if (is_array($list))
foreach($list as $class)
class_exists($class); // trigger autoloader
catch(\Exception $e)
if (self::$widget_registry['htmlarea'] === Api\Etemplate\Widget\HtmlArea::class)
Api\Cache::setInstance('etemplate', 'widget_registry', self::$widget_registry, 3600);
else error_log(__METHOD__."() wrong class for Htmlarea: ".function_backtrace ());
self::$widget_registry = $widget_registry;
return self::$widget_registry;
* Factory method to construct all widgets
* @param string $type
* @param string|XMLReader $xml
* @param string $id =null
public static function factory($type, $xml, $id=null)
$class_name =& self::$widget_registry[$type];
if (!isset($class_name))
list($basetype) = explode('-',$type);
if (//dont think this is used: !class_exists($class_name = 'etemplate_widget_'.str_replace('-','_',$type)) &&
!class_exists($class_name = __CLASS__.'\\'.ucfirst($basetype)) &&
// widgets supplied by application in class ${app}_widget_etemplate or ${app}_${subtype}_widget_etemplate
!(isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$basetype]) &&
(class_exists($class_name = str_replace('-','_',$type).'_etemplate_widget') ||
class_exists($class_name = $basetype.'_etemplate_widget'))))
// Try for base type, it's probably better than the root
if(isset(self::$widget_registry[$basetype]) && self::$widget_registry[$basetype] !== $class_name)
$class_name = self::$widget_registry[$basetype];
// Look for old widgets that were adapted but not renamed
else if (class_exists($class_name = $basetype.'_widget') && in_array(__CLASS__, class_parents($class_name)))
// Side-effects set $class_name
//error_log("Ported old widget: $class_name");
// Fall back to widget class, we can not ignore it, as the widget may contain other widgets
$class_name = __CLASS__;
else if (!class_exists($class_name))
// Class in widget registry, but not loaded
// Try for a base class
$subtypes = explode('-',$type);
$basetype = $subtypes[0];
$class_name = __CLASS__.'\\'.implode('\\',array_map('ucfirst',$subtypes));
if(!class_exists($class_name) && self::$widget_registry[$basetype] && self::$widget_registry[$basetype] != $class_name)
// Try for base type, it's probably better than the root
$class_name = self::$widget_registry[$basetype];
// Fall back to widget class, we can not ignore it, as the widget may contain other widgets
$class_name = __CLASS__;
if (empty($type)) $type = 'widget';
$xml = "<$type id=\"$id\"/>";
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$type', ..., '$id') using $class_name");
// currently only overlays can contain templates, other widgets can only reference to templates via id
if ($type == 'template' && $id && ($template = Widget\Template::instance($id)))
// references can set different attributes like: class, span, content (namespace)
return $template->set_attrs($xml, false); // false = need to clone template, if attributs are set!
return new $class_name($xml);
* Iterate over children to find the one with the given id and optional type
* @param string $id
* @param string $type =null
* @return Widget|NULL
public function getElementById($id, $type=null)
foreach($this->children as $child)
if ($child->id === $id && (is_null($type) || $child->type === $type))
return $child;
if (($element = $child->getElementById($id, $type)))
return $element;
return null;
* Iterate over children to find the one with the given type
* @param string $type
* @return array of Widget or empty array
public function getElementsByType($type)
$elements = array();
foreach($this->children as $child)
if ($child->type === $type)
$elements[] = $child;
$elements = array_merge($elements, $child->getElementsByType($type));
return $elements;
* Run a given method on all children
* Default implementation only calls method on itself and run on all children
* @param string|callable $method_name or function($cname, $expand, $widget)
* @param array $params =array('') parameter(s) first parameter has to be the cname, second $expand!
* @param boolean $respect_disabled =false false (default): ignore disabled, true: method is NOT run for disabled widgets AND their children
public function run($method_name, $params=array(''), $respect_disabled=false)
// maintain $expand array name-expansion
$cname = $params[0];
$expand =& $params[1];
if (isset($expand['cname']) && $expand['cname'] !== $cname)
$expand['cont'] =& self::get_array(self::$request->content, $cname);
$expand['cname'] = $cname;
if ($respect_disabled && ($disabled = isset($this->attrs['disabled']) && self::check_disabled($this->attrs['disabled'], $expand)))
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$method_name', ".array2string($params).', '.array2string($respect_disabled).") $this disabled='{$this->attrs['disabled']}'=".array2string($disabled).": NOT running");
if (is_string($method_name) && method_exists($this, $method_name))
// Some parameter checking to avoid fatal errors
$call = true;
$method = new ReflectionMethod($this, $method_name);
foreach($method->getParameters() as $index => $param)
if(!$param->isOptional() && !array_key_exists($index, $params))
error_log("Missing required parameter {$param->getPosition()}: {$param->getName()}");
$call = false;
// Check to see if method wants an array, and we're providing it
$paramType = $param->getType();
$types = $paramType instanceof \ReflectionUnionType
? $paramType->getTypes()
: [$paramType];
if(in_array('array', array_map(static function(\ReflectionNamedType $t)
return $t->getName();
}, $types)) && !is_array($params[$index]))
error_log("$method_name expects an array for {$param->getPosition()}: {$param->getName()}");
$params[$index] = (array)$params[$index];
if($call) call_user_func_array(array($this, $method_name), $params);
// allow calling with a function or closure --> call it with widget as first param
elseif (is_callable($method_name))
$params[2] = $this;
call_user_func_array($method_name, $params);
foreach($this->children as $child)
// If type has something that can be expanded, we need to expand it so the correct method is run
$this->expand_widget($child, $expand);
$child->run($method_name, $params, $respect_disabled);
* If a widget's type is expandable, we need to expand it to make sure we have
* the right class before running the method on it
* @param Widget& $child Widget to check & expand if needed
* @param array& $expand Expansion array
protected function expand_widget(Widget &$child, array &$expand)
$attrs = $child->attrs;
foreach($attrs as $name => &$value)
if(!is_string($value)) continue;
$value = self::expand_name($value, $expand['c'] ?? null, $expand['row'] ?? null, $expand['c_'] ?? null, $expand['row_'] ?? null, $expand['cont'] ?? []);
if (!empty($attrs['attributes']))
$attrs = array_merge($attrs, $attrs['attributes']);
if (!empty($child->attrs['type']) && (strpos($child->attrs['type'], '@') !== false || strpos($child->attrs['type'], '$') !== false))
$type = self::expand_name($child->attrs['type'],$expand['c'], $expand['row'], $expand['c_'], $expand['row_'], $expand['cont']);
$id = self::expand_name($child->id,$expand['c'], $expand['row'], $expand['c_'], $expand['row_'], $expand['cont']);
$expanded_child = self::factory($type, false,$id);
$expanded_child->id = $id;
$expanded_child->type = $type;
$expanded_child->attrs = $attrs + array('type' => $type);
$child = $expanded_child;
* Checks if a grid row or column is disabled
* Expression: [!][@]val[=[@]check]
* Parts in square brackets are optional, a ! negates the expression, @val evaluates to $content['val']
* if no =check is given all set non-empty and non-zero strings are true (standard php behavior)
* @param string $disabled expression to check, eg. "!@var" for !$content['var']
* @param array $expand values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont'
* @return boolean true if the row/col is disabled or false if not
protected static function check_disabled($disabled, array $expand)
if(($not = $disabled[0] == '!'))
$disabled = substr($disabled, 1);
list($value, $check) = $vals = explode('=', $disabled);
// use expand_name to be able to use @ or $
$val = self::expand_name($value, $expand['c'], $expand['row'], $expand['c_'], $expand['row_'], $expand['cont']);
$check_val = self::expand_name($check, $expand['c'], $expand['row'], $expand['c_'], $expand['row_'], $expand['cont']);
$result = count($vals) == 1 ?
boolval($val) :
($check_val[0] == '/' ? preg_match($check_val, $val) : $val == $check_val);
$result = !$result;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('".($not?'!':'')."$disabled' = '$val' ".(count($vals) == 1 ? '' : ($not?'!':'=')."= '$check_val'")." = ".($result?'True':'False'));
return $result;
* Regular expression matching a PHP variable in a string, eg.
* "replies[$row][reply_message]" should only match $row
* "delete[$row_cont[path]]" should match $row_cont[path]
const PHP_VAR_PREG = '\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+(\[[A-Za-z0-9_]+\])*';
* allows a few variables (eg. row-number) to be used in field-names
* This is mainly used for autorepeat, but other use is possible.
* You need to be aware of the rules PHP uses to expand vars in strings, a name
* of "Row$row[length]" will expand to 'Row' as $row is scalar, you need to use
* "Row${row}[length]" instead. Only one indirection is allowed in a string by php !!!
* Out of that reason we have now the variable $row_cont, which is $cont[$row] too.
* Attention !!!
* Using only number as index in field-names causes a lot trouble, as depending
* on the variable type (which php determines itself) you used filling and later
* accessing the array it can by the index or the key of an array element.
* To make it short and clear, use "Row$row" or "$col$row" not "$row" or "$row$col" !!!
* @param string $name the name to expand
* @param int $c is the column index starting with 0 (if you have row-headers, data-cells start at 1)
* @param int $row is the row number starting with 0 (if you have col-headers, data-cells start at 1)
* @param int $c_ =0 is the value of the previous template-inclusion,
* eg. the column-headers in the eTemplate-editor are templates itself,
* to show the column-name in the header you can not use $col as it will
* be constant as it is always the same col in the header-template,
* what you want is the value of the previous template-inclusion.
* @param int $row_ =0 is the value of the previous template-inclusion,
* @param array $cont =array() content of the template, you might use it to generate button-names with id values in it:
* "del[$cont[id]]" expands to "del[123]" if $cont = array('id' => 123)
* @return string the expanded name
protected static function expand_name($name,$c,$row,$c_=0,$row_=0,$cont=array())
$is_index_in_content = !empty($name) && $name[0] == '@';
if (($pos_var=strpos($name,'$')) !== false)
if (!$cont)
$cont = array();
if (!is_numeric($c)) $c = self::chrs2num($c);
$col = self::num2chrs($c-1); // $c-1 to get: 0:'@', 1:'A', ...
if (is_numeric($c_)) $col_ = self::num2chrs($c_-1);
$row_cont = $cont[$row] ?? null;
$col_row_cont = $cont[$col.$row] ?? null;
$er = error_reporting(0);
try {
eval('$name = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $name) . '";');
catch(\Throwable $e) {
error_log(__METHOD__."() eval('\$name = \"".str_replace('"', '\\"', $name) . "\";)");
unset($col_, $row_, $row_cont, $col_row_cont); // quieten IDE warning about used vars, they might be used in above eval!
if ($is_index_in_content)
if ($name[1] == '@' && is_array(self::$request->content))
$name = self::get_array(self::$request->content,substr($name,2));
$name = self::get_array($cont,substr($name,1));
// Content not set expands to ''
$name = '';
return $name;
* generates column-names from index: 'A', 'B', ..., 'AA', 'AB', ..., 'ZZ' (not more!)
* @param string $chrs column letter to generate name from 'A' => 1
* @return int the index
static function chrs2num($chrs)
if (empty($chrs)) return 0;
$min = ord('A');
$max = ord('Z') - $min + 1;
$num = 1+ord($chrs[0])-$min;
if (strlen($chrs) > 1)
$num *= 1 + $max - $min;
$num += 1+ord($chrs[1])-$min;
return $num;
* generates column-names from index: 'A', 'B', ..., 'AA', 'AB', ..., 'ZZ' (not more!)
* @param int $num numerical index to generate name from 1 => 'A'
* @return string the name
static function num2chrs($num)
$min = ord('A');
$max = ord('Z') - $min + 1;
if ($num >= $max)
$chrs = chr(($num / $max) + $min - 1);
} else $chrs = '';
$chrs .= chr(($num % $max) + $min);
return $chrs;
* Convert object to string
* @return string
public function __toString()
return '['.get_class($this).'] ' .
$this->type.($this->attrs['type'] && $this->attrs['type'] != $this->type ? '('.$this->attrs['type'].')' : '').'#'.$this->id;
* When cloning a widget, we also clone children
public function __clone()
foreach($this->children as $child_num => $child) {
$this->children[$child_num] = clone $child;
* Convert widget (incl. children) to xml
* @param string $indent =''
* @return string
public function toXml($indent='')
echo "$indent<$this->type";
if ($this->id) echo ' id="'.htmlspecialchars($this->id).'"';
foreach($this->attrs as $name => $value)
if ($name == 'options' && $this->legacy_options && (!is_array($this->legacy_options) ||
isset($this->legacy_options[$this->attrs['type'] ? $this->attrs['type'] : $this->type])))
continue; // do NOT output already converted legacy options
echo ' '.$name.'="'.htmlspecialchars($value).'"';
echo ' php-class="'.get_class($this).'"';
if ($this->children)
echo ">\n";
foreach($this->children as $child)
echo "$indent</$this->type>\n";
echo " />\n";
* build the name of a form-element from a basename and name
* name and basename can contain sub-indices in square bracets, eg. basename="base[basesub1][basesub2]"
* and name = "name[sub]" gives "base[basesub1][basesub2][name][sub]"
* @param string $cname basename
* @param string $name name
* @param array $expand =null values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont'
* @return string complete form-name
static function form_name($cname,$name,array $expand=null)
if ($expand && !empty($name))
$name = self::expand_name($name, $expand['c'] ?? null, $expand['row'] ?? null, $expand['c_'] ?? null, $expand['row_'] ?? null, $expand['cont'] ?? []);
if (count($name_parts = explode('[', $name, 2)) > 1)
$name_parts = array_merge(array($name_parts[0]), explode('][', substr($name_parts[1],0,-1)));
if (!empty($cname))
$form_name = array_shift($name_parts);
if (count($name_parts))
// RB: not sure why this business with entity encoding for square brakets, it messes up validation
//$form_name .= '['.implode('][',$name_parts).']';
$form_name .= '['.implode('][',$name_parts).']';
return $form_name;
* return a reference to $arr[$idx]
* This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too: it returns &$arr[a][b][c]
* $sub = get_array($arr,'a[b]'); $sub = 'c'; is equivalent to $arr['a']['b'] = 'c';
* @param array $arr the array to search, referenz as a referenz gets returned
* @param string $_idx the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below
* @param boolean $reference_into default False, if True none-existing sub-arrays/-indices get created to be returned as referenz, else False is returned
* @param bool $skip_empty returns false if $idx is not present in $arr
* @return mixed reference to $arr[$idx] or null if $idx is not set and not $reference_into
static function &get_array(&$arr,$_idx,$reference_into=False,$skip_empty=False)
if (!is_array($arr))
throw new Api\Exception\AssertionFailed(__METHOD__."(\$arr,'$_idx',$reference_into,$skip_empty) \$arr is no array!");
if (is_object($_idx))
$ret = false; // given an error in php5.2
return $ret;
// Make sure none of these are left
$idx = str_replace(array('[',']'), array('[',']'), $_idx);
// Handle things expecting arrays - ends in []
if(substr($idx,-2) == "[]")
$idx = substr($idx,0,-2);
if (count($idxs = explode('[', $idx, 2)) > 1)
$idxs = array_merge(array($idxs[0]), explode('][', substr($idxs[1],0,-1)));
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
if (!is_array($pos) && (!$reference_into || $reference_into && isset($pos)))
//if ($reference_into) error_log(__METHOD__."(".(strlen($s=array2string($arr))>512?substr($s,0,512).'...':$s).", '$idx', ".array2string($reference_into).", ".array2string($skip_empty).") ".function_backtrace());
$ret = null;
return $ret;
if($skip_empty && (!is_array($pos) || !isset($pos[$idx])))
$ret = null;
return $ret;
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
return $pos;
* return a reference to $arr[$idx]
* This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too: it returns &$arr[a][b][c]
* $sub = get_array($arr,'a[b]'); $sub = 'c'; is equivalent to $arr['a']['b'] = 'c';
* @param array& $_arr the array to search, referenz as a referenz gets returned
* @param string $_idx the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below
* @param mixed $_value value to set
static function set_array(&$_arr, $_idx, $_value)
$ref =& self::get_array($_arr, $_idx, true);
if (true) $ref = $_value;
* Checks if a widget is readonly:
* 1. $readonlys set to true for $form_name:
* a) $readonlys[$form_name] is set to true (flat array)
* b) self::get_array($readonlys, $form_name) is set to true (hierarchical)
* 2. ($readonlys[__ALL__] or widget readonly attribute) is true AND NOT $readonlys set to false for $form_name
* @param string $cname =''
* @param string $form_name =null form_name, to not calculate him again
* @return boolean
public function is_readonly($cname='', $form_name=null)
if (!isset($form_name))
$expand = array(
'cont' => self::get_array(self::$request->content, $cname),
$form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand);
// readonlys can either be set / used as flat array with complete form-name, hierarchical
$readonlys = self::$request->readonlys[$form_name] ?? self::get_array(self::$request->readonlys,$form_name);
$readonly = $readonlys === true ||
// exception to __ALL__ or readonly="true" attribute by setting $readonlys[$from_name] === false
(!empty($this->attrs['readonly']) || isset(self::$request->readonlys['__ALL__'])) && $readonlys !== false;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$cname') this->id='$this->id' --> form_name='$form_name': attrs[readonly]=".array2string($this->attrs['readonly']).", readonlys['$form_name']=".array2string(self::$request->readonlys[$form_name]).", readonlys[$form_name]=".array2string(self::get_array(self::$request->readonlys,$form_name)).", readonlys['__ALL__']=".array2string(self::$request->readonlys['__ALL__'])." returning ".array2string($readonly));
return $readonly;
* Validation errors from process_show and the extensions, should be set via etemplate::set_validation_error
* @public array form_name => message pairs
static protected $validation_errors = array();
* Sets a validation error, to be displayed in the next exec
* @param string $name (complete) name of the widget causing the error
* @param string|boolean $error error-message already translated or false to reset all existing error for given name
* @param string $cname =null set it to '', if the name is already a form-name, defaults to self::$name_vars
public static function set_validation_error($name,$error,$cname=null)
// not yet used: if (is_null($cname)) $cname = self::$name_vars;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name','$error','$cname') ".function_backtrace());
if ($cname) $name = self::form_name($cname,$name);
if ($error === false)
if (self::$validation_errors[$name])
self::$validation_errors[$name] .= ', ';
self::$validation_errors[$name] .= $error;
* Check if we have not ignored validation errors
* @param string $ignore_validation ='' if not empty regular expression for validation-errors to ignore
* @param string $cname =null name-prefix, which need to be ignored, default self::$name_vars
* @return boolean true if there are not ignored validation errors, false otherwise
public static function validation_errors($ignore_validation='',$cname='')
// not yet used: if (is_null($cname)) $cname = self::$name_vars;
//echo "<p>uietemplate::validation_errors('$ignore_validation','$cname') validation_error="; _debug_array(self::$validation_errors);
if (!$ignore_validation) return count(self::$validation_errors) > 0;
foreach(array_values(self::$validation_errors) as $name)
if ($cname) $name = preg_replace('/^'.$cname.'\[([^\]]+)\](.*)$/','\\1\\2',$name);
// treat $ignoare_validation only as regular expression, if it starts with a slash
if ($ignore_validation[0] == '/' && !preg_match($ignore_validation,$name) ||
$ignore_validation[0] != '/' && $ignore_validation != $name)
//echo "<p>uietemplate::validation_errors('$ignore_validation','$cname') name='$name' ($error) not ignored!!!</p>\n";
return true;
//echo "<p>uietemplate::validation_errors('$ignore_validation','$cname') name='$name' ($error) ignored</p>\n";
return false;
* Returns reference to an attribute in a named cell
* Currently we always return a reference to an not set value, unless it was set before.
* We do not return a reference to the actual cell, as it get's contructed on client-side!
* @param string $name cell-name
* @param string $attr attribute-name
* @return mixed reference to attribute, usually NULL
public function &getElementAttribute($name, $attr)
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name', '$attr')");
return self::$request->modifications[$name][$attr];
* Set an attribute in a named cell if val is not NULL else return the attribute
* Can be called static, in which case it only sets modifications.
* @param string $name cell-name
* @param string $attr attribute-name
* @param mixed $val if not NULL sets attribute else returns it
* @return reference to attribute
public static function &setElementAttribute($name,$attr,$val)
if (!isset(self::$request))
throw new \Exception(__METHOD__."('$name', '$attr', ".json_encode($val)." called before instanciating Api\Etemplate!");
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name', '$attr', ...) request=".get_class(self::$request).", response=".get_class(self::$response).function_backtrace());
$ref =& self::$request->modifications[$name][$attr];
if(self::$request && self::$response)
// In an AJAX response - automatically add
'etemplate_exec_id' => self::$request->id(),
'id' => $name,
'key' => $attr,
'value' => $val
// Don't delete it
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name', '$attr', ...) ".function_backtrace());
if (!is_null($val)) $ref = $val;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name', '$attr', ".array2string($val).')');
return $ref;
* disables all cells with name == $name
* @param sting $name cell-name
* @param boolean $disabled =true disable or enable a cell, default true=disable
* @return reference to attribute
public function disableElement($name,$disabled=True)
return self::setElementAttribute($name, 'disabled', $disabled);
// Scan for widget classes and cache for 1 hour
Widget::scanForWidgets(); |