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accessories of resources sl Pripomočki v
accessories: resources sl Pripomočki:
actions resources sl Dejanja
add accessory resources sl Dodaj pripomoček
add resource resources sl Dodaj sredstvo
add resources resources sl Dodaj sredstvo
administrator resources sl Administrator
all categories resources sl Vse kategorije
book resources sl Rezerviraj
book selected resources resources sl Rezervira izbrano sredstvo
book this resource resources sl Rezerviraj to sredstvo
bookable resources sl Se lahko rezervira
buy this article resources sl Kupi ta artikel
buy this resource resources sl Kupi to sredstvo
buyable resources sl Se lahko kupi
categories admin resources sl Upravljalnik kategorij
category: resources sl Kategorija:
check all resources sl Izberi vse
choose categories admin resources sl Izberi upravljalnik kategorij
clear selection resources sl Izbriši izbor
configure access permissions admin sl Konfiguriraj pravice dostopa
create new accessory for this resource resources sl Ustvari nov pripomoček za to sredstvo
create new links resources sl Ustvari nove povezave
delete selected resources resources sl Izbriši izbrana sredstva
delete this entry resources sl Izbriši ta vnos
description (short) resources sl Opis (kratek)
direct booking permissions resources sl Neposredno dovoljenje za rezervacijo
don't use vfs (this will need a symlink --> see readme) resources sl Ne uporabljaj vfs (za to potrebujete symlink --> glejte README)
edit this entry resources sl Uredi ta vnos
existing links resources sl Obstoječe povezave
exists resources sl Obstaja
general resources sl Splošno
general informations about resource resources sl Splošne informacije o sredstvu
gernal resource resources sl Splošno sredstvo
global categories resources sl Globalne kategorije
history logging admin sl Beleženje zgodovine
hours resources sl ure
how many of the resources are useable? resources sl Koliko sredstev je uporabnih?
how many of them are useable? resources sl Koliko jih je uporabnih?
how many of this resource are usable resources sl Koliko sredstev je uporabnih
how many of this resource exists resources sl Koliko teh sredstev obstaja
implies booking permission resources sl Vsebuje dovoljenje za rezervacijo
implies read permission resources sl Vsebuje dovoljenje za branje
information about storage resources sl Informacije o prostoru
informations about the location of resource resources sl Informacije o lokaciji sredstva
insert resources sl Vstavi
inventory number resources sl Inventarna številka
inventory number: resources sl Inventarna številka:
is resource bookable? resources sl Se sredstvo lahko rezervira?
is resource buyable? resources sl Se sredstvo lahko kupi?
is this resource bookable? resources sl Se to sredstvo lahko rezervira?
is this resource buyable? resources sl Se to sredstvo lahko kupi?
links resources sl Povezave
location resources sl Lokacija
location of resource resources sl Lokacija sredstva
location: resources sl Lokacija:
manage mapping resources sl Upravljaj mapiranje
name of resource resources sl Ime sredstva
name: resources sl Ime:
no description available resources sl Opis ni na voljo
no resources selected resources sl Nobeno sredstvo ni izbrano
notify your administrator to correct this situation resources sl Obvestite administratorja, da odpravi problem
picture resources sl Slika
picture source resources sl Izvor slike
picture type is not supported, sorry! resources sl Ta vsta slike ni podprta!
pictures or resource resources sl Slika serdstva
planer resources sl Planer
prizeing information for booking or buying resources sl Informacija o ceni za rezervacijo ali nakup
quantity resources sl Količina
quantity of resource resources sl Količina sredstva
quantity: resources sl Količina:
read calendar permissions resources sl Preberi dovoljenje Koledarja
read permissions resources sl Dovoljenje branja
related links resources sl Povezave na to temo
resources common sl Sredstva
resources list resources sl Seznam sredstev
responsible: resources sl Odgovorni:
saves entry and exits resources sl Shrani vnos in zapre okna
select a category resources sl Izberite kategorijo
select resource resources sl Izberite sredstvo
select resources common sl Izberite sredstva
select/deselect all resources sl Označi/odznači vse
short description resources sl Kratek opis
short description of resource resources sl Kratek opis sredstva
show calendar of resource resources sl Prikaži koledar sredstva
something went wrong by deleting resource resources sl Nekaj ni bilo v redu pri brisanju sredstva
something went wrong by saving resource resources sl Nekaj ni bilo v redu pri shranjevanju sredstva
storage information resources sl Informacija o prostoru
storage information: resources sl Informacija o prostoru:
the calendar of this resource resources sl Koledar tega sredstva
this module displays the resources app resources sl Ta modul prikaže program za vodenje sredstev
use general resources icon resources sl Uporabi splošno ikono za sredstva
use own picture resources sl Uporabi lastno sliko
use the category's icon resources sl Uporabi ikono kategorije
useable resources sl Uporabno
useable: resources sl Uporabno:
view accessories for this resource resources sl Poglej koledar tega sredstva
view this entry resources sl Poglej ta vnos
web-page of resource resources sl Spletna stran sredstva
web-site for this resource resources sl Spletna stran tega sredstva
where to find this resource? resources sl Kje najti to sredstvo?
which category does this resource belong to? resources sl Kateri kategoriji to sredstvo pripada?
write permissions resources sl Dovoljenje za pisanje
you are not permitted to get information about this resource! resources sl Nimate dovoljenja pridobiti informacij o tem sredstvu!
you chose more resources than available resources sl Izbrali ste več sredstev, kot jih je na voljo