2007-12-17 17:58:19 +00:00

517 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* Chinese Traditional language file.
var FCKLang =
// Language direction : "ltr" (left to right) or "rtl" (right to left).
Dir : "ltr",
ToolbarCollapse : "隱藏面板",
ToolbarExpand : "顯示面板",
// Toolbar Items and Context Menu
Save : "儲存",
NewPage : "開新檔案",
Preview : "預覽",
Cut : "剪下",
Copy : "複製",
Paste : "貼上",
PasteText : "貼為純文字格式",
PasteWord : "自 Word 貼上",
Print : "列印",
SelectAll : "全選",
RemoveFormat : "清除格式",
InsertLinkLbl : "超連結",
InsertLink : "插入/編輯超連結",
RemoveLink : "移除超連結",
Anchor : "插入/編輯錨點",
AnchorDelete : "移除錨點",
InsertImageLbl : "影像",
InsertImage : "插入/編輯影像",
InsertFlashLbl : "Flash",
InsertFlash : "插入/編輯 Flash",
InsertTableLbl : "表格",
InsertTable : "插入/編輯表格",
InsertLineLbl : "水平線",
InsertLine : "插入水平線",
InsertSpecialCharLbl: "特殊符號",
InsertSpecialChar : "插入特殊符號",
InsertSmileyLbl : "表情符號",
InsertSmiley : "插入表情符號",
About : "關於 FCKeditor",
Bold : "粗體",
Italic : "斜體",
Underline : "底線",
StrikeThrough : "刪除線",
Subscript : "下標",
Superscript : "上標",
LeftJustify : "靠左對齊",
CenterJustify : "置中",
RightJustify : "靠右對齊",
BlockJustify : "左右對齊",
DecreaseIndent : "減少縮排",
IncreaseIndent : "增加縮排",
Blockquote : "块引用",
Undo : "復原",
Redo : "重複",
NumberedListLbl : "編號清單",
NumberedList : "插入/移除編號清單",
BulletedListLbl : "項目清單",
BulletedList : "插入/移除項目清單",
ShowTableBorders : "顯示表格邊框",
ShowDetails : "顯示詳細資料",
Style : "樣式",
FontFormat : "格式",
Font : "字體",
FontSize : "大小",
TextColor : "文字顏色",
BGColor : "背景顏色",
Source : "原始碼",
Find : "尋找",
Replace : "取代",
SpellCheck : "拼字檢查",
UniversalKeyboard : "萬國鍵盤",
PageBreakLbl : "分頁符號",
PageBreak : "插入分頁符號",
Form : "表單",
Checkbox : "核取方塊",
RadioButton : "選項按鈕",
TextField : "文字方塊",
Textarea : "文字區域",
HiddenField : "隱藏欄位",
Button : "按鈕",
SelectionField : "清單/選單",
ImageButton : "影像按鈕",
FitWindow : "編輯器最大化",
ShowBlocks : "顯示區塊",
// Context Menu
EditLink : "編輯超連結",
CellCM : "儲存格",
RowCM : "列",
ColumnCM : "欄",
InsertRowAfter : "向下插入列",
InsertRowBefore : "向上插入列",
DeleteRows : "刪除列",
InsertColumnAfter : "向右插入欄",
InsertColumnBefore : "向左插入欄",
DeleteColumns : "刪除欄",
InsertCellAfter : "向右插入儲存格",
InsertCellBefore : "向左插入儲存格",
DeleteCells : "刪除儲存格",
MergeCells : "合併儲存格",
MergeRight : "向右合併儲存格",
MergeDown : "向下合併儲存格",
HorizontalSplitCell : "橫向分割儲存格",
VerticalSplitCell : "縱向分割儲存格",
TableDelete : "刪除表格",
CellProperties : "儲存格屬性",
TableProperties : "表格屬性",
ImageProperties : "影像屬性",
FlashProperties : "Flash 屬性",
AnchorProp : "錨點屬性",
ButtonProp : "按鈕屬性",
CheckboxProp : "核取方塊屬性",
HiddenFieldProp : "隱藏欄位屬性",
RadioButtonProp : "選項按鈕屬性",
ImageButtonProp : "影像按鈕屬性",
TextFieldProp : "文字方塊屬性",
SelectionFieldProp : "清單/選單屬性",
TextareaProp : "文字區域屬性",
FormProp : "表單屬性",
FontFormats : "一般;已格式化;位址;標題 1;標題 2;標題 3;標題 4;標題 5;標題 6;一般 (DIV)",
// Alerts and Messages
ProcessingXHTML : "處理 XHTML 中,請稍候…",
Done : "完成",
PasteWordConfirm : "您想貼上的文字似乎是自 Word 複製而來,請問您是否要先清除 Word 的格式後再行貼上?",
NotCompatiblePaste : "此指令僅在 Internet Explorer 5.5 或以上的版本有效。請問您是否同意不清除格式即貼上?",
UnknownToolbarItem : "未知工具列項目 \"%1\"",
UnknownCommand : "未知指令名稱 \"%1\"",
NotImplemented : "尚未安裝此指令",
UnknownToolbarSet : "工具列設定 \"%1\" 不存在",
NoActiveX : "瀏覽器的安全性設定限制了本編輯器的某些功能。您必須啟用安全性設定中的「執行ActiveX控制項與外掛程式」項目否則本編輯器將會出現錯誤並缺少某些功能",
BrowseServerBlocked : "無法開啟資源瀏覽器,請確定所有快顯視窗封鎖程式是否關閉",
DialogBlocked : "無法開啟對話視窗,請確定所有快顯視窗封鎖程式是否關閉",
// Dialogs
DlgBtnOK : "確定",
DlgBtnCancel : "取消",
DlgBtnClose : "關閉",
DlgBtnBrowseServer : "瀏覽伺服器端",
DlgAdvancedTag : "進階",
DlgOpOther : "<其他>",
DlgInfoTab : "資訊",
DlgAlertUrl : "請插入 URL",
// General Dialogs Labels
DlgGenNotSet : "<尚未設定>",
DlgGenId : "ID",
DlgGenLangDir : "語言方向",
DlgGenLangDirLtr : "由左而右 (LTR)",
DlgGenLangDirRtl : "由右而左 (RTL)",
DlgGenLangCode : "語言代碼",
DlgGenAccessKey : "存取鍵",
DlgGenName : "名稱",
DlgGenTabIndex : "定位順序",
DlgGenLongDescr : "詳細 URL",
DlgGenClass : "樣式表類別",
DlgGenTitle : "標題",
DlgGenContType : "內容類型",
DlgGenLinkCharset : "連結資源之編碼",
DlgGenStyle : "樣式",
// Image Dialog
DlgImgTitle : "影像屬性",
DlgImgInfoTab : "影像資訊",
DlgImgBtnUpload : "上傳至伺服器",
DlgImgURL : "URL",
DlgImgUpload : "上傳",
DlgImgAlt : "替代文字",
DlgImgWidth : "寬度",
DlgImgHeight : "高度",
DlgImgLockRatio : "等比例",
DlgBtnResetSize : "重設為原大小",
DlgImgBorder : "邊框",
DlgImgHSpace : "水平距離",
DlgImgVSpace : "垂直距離",
DlgImgAlign : "對齊",
DlgImgAlignLeft : "靠左對齊",
DlgImgAlignAbsBottom: "絕對下方",
DlgImgAlignAbsMiddle: "絕對中間",
DlgImgAlignBaseline : "基準線",
DlgImgAlignBottom : "靠下對齊",
DlgImgAlignMiddle : "置中對齊",
DlgImgAlignRight : "靠右對齊",
DlgImgAlignTextTop : "文字上方",
DlgImgAlignTop : "靠上對齊",
DlgImgPreview : "預覽",
DlgImgAlertUrl : "請輸入影像 URL",
DlgImgLinkTab : "超連結",
// Flash Dialog
DlgFlashTitle : "Flash 屬性",
DlgFlashChkPlay : "自動播放",
DlgFlashChkLoop : "重複",
DlgFlashChkMenu : "開啟選單",
DlgFlashScale : "縮放",
DlgFlashScaleAll : "全部顯示",
DlgFlashScaleNoBorder : "無邊框",
DlgFlashScaleFit : "精確符合",
// Link Dialog
DlgLnkWindowTitle : "超連結",
DlgLnkInfoTab : "超連結資訊",
DlgLnkTargetTab : "目標",
DlgLnkType : "超連接類型",
DlgLnkTypeURL : "URL",
DlgLnkTypeAnchor : "本頁錨點",
DlgLnkTypeEMail : "電子郵件",
DlgLnkProto : "通訊協定",
DlgLnkProtoOther : "<其他>",
DlgLnkURL : "URL",
DlgLnkAnchorSel : "請選擇錨點",
DlgLnkAnchorByName : "依錨點名稱",
DlgLnkAnchorById : "依元件 ID",
DlgLnkNoAnchors : "(本文件尚無可用之錨點)",
DlgLnkEMail : "電子郵件",
DlgLnkEMailSubject : "郵件主旨",
DlgLnkEMailBody : "郵件內容",
DlgLnkUpload : "上傳",
DlgLnkBtnUpload : "傳送至伺服器",
DlgLnkTarget : "目標",
DlgLnkTargetFrame : "<框架>",
DlgLnkTargetPopup : "<快顯視窗>",
DlgLnkTargetBlank : "新視窗 (_blank)",
DlgLnkTargetParent : "父視窗 (_parent)",
DlgLnkTargetSelf : "本視窗 (_self)",
DlgLnkTargetTop : "最上層視窗 (_top)",
DlgLnkTargetFrameName : "目標框架名稱",
DlgLnkPopWinName : "快顯視窗名稱",
DlgLnkPopWinFeat : "快顯視窗屬性",
DlgLnkPopResize : "可調整大小",
DlgLnkPopLocation : "網址列",
DlgLnkPopMenu : "選單列",
DlgLnkPopScroll : "捲軸",
DlgLnkPopStatus : "狀態列",
DlgLnkPopToolbar : "工具列",
DlgLnkPopFullScrn : "全螢幕 (IE)",
DlgLnkPopDependent : "從屬 (NS)",
DlgLnkPopWidth : "寬",
DlgLnkPopHeight : "高",
DlgLnkPopLeft : "左",
DlgLnkPopTop : "右",
DlnLnkMsgNoUrl : "請輸入欲連結的 URL",
DlnLnkMsgNoEMail : "請輸入電子郵件位址",
DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor : "請選擇錨點",
DlnLnkMsgInvPopName : "快顯名稱必須以「英文字母」為開頭,且不得含有空白",
// Color Dialog
DlgColorTitle : "請選擇顏色",
DlgColorBtnClear : "清除",
DlgColorHighlight : "預覽",
DlgColorSelected : "選擇",
// Smiley Dialog
DlgSmileyTitle : "插入表情符號",
// Special Character Dialog
DlgSpecialCharTitle : "請選擇特殊符號",
// Table Dialog
DlgTableTitle : "表格屬性",
DlgTableRows : "列數",
DlgTableColumns : "欄數",
DlgTableBorder : "邊框",
DlgTableAlign : "對齊",
DlgTableAlignNotSet : "<未設定>",
DlgTableAlignLeft : "靠左對齊",
DlgTableAlignCenter : "置中",
DlgTableAlignRight : "靠右對齊",
DlgTableWidth : "寬度",
DlgTableWidthPx : "像素",
DlgTableWidthPc : "百分比",
DlgTableHeight : "高度",
DlgTableCellSpace : "間距",
DlgTableCellPad : "內距",
DlgTableCaption : "標題",
DlgTableSummary : "摘要",
// Table Cell Dialog
DlgCellTitle : "儲存格屬性",
DlgCellWidth : "寬度",
DlgCellWidthPx : "像素",
DlgCellWidthPc : "百分比",
DlgCellHeight : "高度",
DlgCellWordWrap : "自動換行",
DlgCellWordWrapNotSet : "<尚未設定>",
DlgCellWordWrapYes : "是",
DlgCellWordWrapNo : "否",
DlgCellHorAlign : "水平對齊",
DlgCellHorAlignNotSet : "<尚未設定>",
DlgCellHorAlignLeft : "靠左對齊",
DlgCellHorAlignCenter : "置中",
DlgCellHorAlignRight: "靠右對齊",
DlgCellVerAlign : "垂直對齊",
DlgCellVerAlignNotSet : "<尚未設定>",
DlgCellVerAlignTop : "靠上對齊",
DlgCellVerAlignMiddle : "置中",
DlgCellVerAlignBottom : "靠下對齊",
DlgCellVerAlignBaseline : "基準線",
DlgCellRowSpan : "合併列數",
DlgCellCollSpan : "合併欄数",
DlgCellBackColor : "背景顏色",
DlgCellBorderColor : "邊框顏色",
DlgCellBtnSelect : "請選擇…",
// Find and Replace Dialog
DlgFindAndReplaceTitle : "尋找與取代",
// Find Dialog
DlgFindTitle : "尋找",
DlgFindFindBtn : "尋找",
DlgFindNotFoundMsg : "未找到指定的文字。",
// Replace Dialog
DlgReplaceTitle : "取代",
DlgReplaceFindLbl : "尋找:",
DlgReplaceReplaceLbl : "取代:",
DlgReplaceCaseChk : "大小寫須相符",
DlgReplaceReplaceBtn : "取代",
DlgReplaceReplAllBtn : "全部取代",
DlgReplaceWordChk : "全字相符",
// Paste Operations / Dialog
PasteErrorCut : "瀏覽器的安全性設定不允許編輯器自動執行剪下動作。請使用快捷鍵 (Ctrl+X) 剪下。",
PasteErrorCopy : "瀏覽器的安全性設定不允許編輯器自動執行複製動作。請使用快捷鍵 (Ctrl+C) 複製。",
PasteAsText : "貼為純文字格式",
PasteFromWord : "自 Word 貼上",
DlgPasteMsg2 : "請使用快捷鍵 (<strong>Ctrl+V</strong>) 貼到下方區域中並按下 <strong>確定</strong>",
DlgPasteSec : "因為瀏覽器的安全性設定,本編輯器無法直接存取您的剪貼簿資料,請您自行在本視窗進行貼上動作。",
DlgPasteIgnoreFont : "移除字型設定",
DlgPasteRemoveStyles : "移除樣式設定",
DlgPasteCleanBox : "清除文字區域",
// Color Picker
ColorAutomatic : "自動",
ColorMoreColors : "更多顏色…",
// Document Properties
DocProps : "文件屬性",
// Anchor Dialog
DlgAnchorTitle : "命名錨點",
DlgAnchorName : "錨點名稱",
DlgAnchorErrorName : "請輸入錨點名稱",
// Speller Pages Dialog
DlgSpellNotInDic : "不在字典中",
DlgSpellChangeTo : "更改為",
DlgSpellBtnIgnore : "忽略",
DlgSpellBtnIgnoreAll : "全部忽略",
DlgSpellBtnReplace : "取代",
DlgSpellBtnReplaceAll : "全部取代",
DlgSpellBtnUndo : "復原",
DlgSpellNoSuggestions : "- 無建議值 -",
DlgSpellProgress : "進行拼字檢查中…",
DlgSpellNoMispell : "拼字檢查完成:未發現拼字錯誤",
DlgSpellNoChanges : "拼字檢查完成:未更改任何單字",
DlgSpellOneChange : "拼字檢查完成:更改了 1 個單字",
DlgSpellManyChanges : "拼字檢查完成:更改了 %1 個單字",
IeSpellDownload : "尚未安裝拼字檢查元件。您是否想要現在下載?",
// Button Dialog
DlgButtonText : "顯示文字 (值)",
DlgButtonType : "類型",
DlgButtonTypeBtn : "按鈕 (Button)",
DlgButtonTypeSbm : "送出 (Submit)",
DlgButtonTypeRst : "重設 (Reset)",
// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs
DlgCheckboxName : "名稱",
DlgCheckboxValue : "選取值",
DlgCheckboxSelected : "已選取",
// Form Dialog
DlgFormName : "名稱",
DlgFormAction : "動作",
DlgFormMethod : "方法",
// Select Field Dialog
DlgSelectName : "名稱",
DlgSelectValue : "選取值",
DlgSelectSize : "大小",
DlgSelectLines : "行",
DlgSelectChkMulti : "可多選",
DlgSelectOpAvail : "可用選項",
DlgSelectOpText : "顯示文字",
DlgSelectOpValue : "值",
DlgSelectBtnAdd : "新增",
DlgSelectBtnModify : "修改",
DlgSelectBtnUp : "上移",
DlgSelectBtnDown : "下移",
DlgSelectBtnSetValue : "設為預設值",
DlgSelectBtnDelete : "刪除",
// Textarea Dialog
DlgTextareaName : "名稱",
DlgTextareaCols : "字元寬度",
DlgTextareaRows : "列數",
// Text Field Dialog
DlgTextName : "名稱",
DlgTextValue : "值",
DlgTextCharWidth : "字元寬度",
DlgTextMaxChars : "最多字元數",
DlgTextType : "類型",
DlgTextTypeText : "文字",
DlgTextTypePass : "密碼",
// Hidden Field Dialog
DlgHiddenName : "名稱",
DlgHiddenValue : "值",
// Bulleted List Dialog
BulletedListProp : "項目清單屬性",
NumberedListProp : "編號清單屬性",
DlgLstStart : "起始編號",
DlgLstType : "清單類型",
DlgLstTypeCircle : "圓圈",
DlgLstTypeDisc : "圓點",
DlgLstTypeSquare : "方塊",
DlgLstTypeNumbers : "數字 (1, 2, 3)",
DlgLstTypeLCase : "小寫字母 (a, b, c)",
DlgLstTypeUCase : "大寫字母 (A, B, C)",
DlgLstTypeSRoman : "小寫羅馬數字 (i, ii, iii)",
DlgLstTypeLRoman : "大寫羅馬數字 (I, II, III)",
// Document Properties Dialog
DlgDocGeneralTab : "一般",
DlgDocBackTab : "背景",
DlgDocColorsTab : "顯色與邊界",
DlgDocMetaTab : "Meta 資料",
DlgDocPageTitle : "頁面標題",
DlgDocLangDir : "語言方向",
DlgDocLangDirLTR : "由左而右 (LTR)",
DlgDocLangDirRTL : "由右而左 (RTL)",
DlgDocLangCode : "語言代碼",
DlgDocCharSet : "字元編碼",
DlgDocCharSetCE : "中歐語系",
DlgDocCharSetCT : "正體中文 (Big5)",
DlgDocCharSetCR : "斯拉夫文",
DlgDocCharSetGR : "希臘文",
DlgDocCharSetJP : "日文",
DlgDocCharSetKR : "韓文",
DlgDocCharSetTR : "土耳其文",
DlgDocCharSetUN : "Unicode (UTF-8)",
DlgDocCharSetWE : "西歐語系",
DlgDocCharSetOther : "其他字元編碼",
DlgDocDocType : "文件類型",
DlgDocDocTypeOther : "其他文件類型",
DlgDocIncXHTML : "包含 XHTML 定義",
DlgDocBgColor : "背景顏色",
DlgDocBgImage : "背景影像",
DlgDocBgNoScroll : "浮水印",
DlgDocCText : "文字",
DlgDocCLink : "超連結",
DlgDocCVisited : "已瀏覽過的超連結",
DlgDocCActive : "作用中的超連結",
DlgDocMargins : "頁面邊界",
DlgDocMaTop : "上",
DlgDocMaLeft : "左",
DlgDocMaRight : "右",
DlgDocMaBottom : "下",
DlgDocMeIndex : "文件索引關鍵字 (用半形逗號[,]分隔)",
DlgDocMeDescr : "文件說明",
DlgDocMeAuthor : "作者",
DlgDocMeCopy : "版權所有",
DlgDocPreview : "預覽",
// Templates Dialog
Templates : "樣版",
DlgTemplatesTitle : "內容樣版",
DlgTemplatesSelMsg : "請選擇欲開啟的樣版<br> (原有的內容將會被清除):",
DlgTemplatesLoading : "讀取樣版清單中,請稍候…",
DlgTemplatesNoTpl : "(無樣版)",
DlgTemplatesReplace : "取代原有內容",
// About Dialog
DlgAboutAboutTab : "關於",
DlgAboutBrowserInfoTab : "瀏覽器資訊",
DlgAboutLicenseTab : "許可證",
DlgAboutVersion : "版本",
DlgAboutInfo : "想獲得更多資訊請至 "