2025-01-30 11:55:29 -07:00

657 lines
17 KiB

* EGroupware eTemplate2 - Email WebComponent
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @link
* @author Nathan Gray
import {html, LitElement, nothing, PropertyValues, render} from "lit";
import {Et2Widget} from "../Et2Widget/Et2Widget";
import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace";
import styles from "./Et2Template.styles";
import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js";
import {customElement} from "lit/decorators/custom-element.js";
import {et2_loadXMLFromURL} from "../et2_core_xml";
import {Et2InputWidgetInterface} from "../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget";
import type {IegwAppLocal} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";
import {until} from "lit/directives/until.js";
import {classMap} from "lit/directives/class-map.js";
import {SelectOption} from "../Et2Select/FindSelectOptions";
// @ts-ignore
* @summary Load & populate a template (.xet file) into the DOM
* @slot - The template's contents
* @event load - Emitted when all elements are loaded
* @csspart template - Wrapper around template content
* @csspart loader - Displayed while the template contents are being loaded
export class Et2Template extends Et2Widget(LitElement)
static get styles()
return [
* Name / ID of template.
* It can be full [app].[template_file].[template] form or just the last part. Templates will be loaded from /[app]/templates/_interface_/[template_file].xet
* To use the short form, the file must already be loaded.
template : string;
* A full URL to load template, optionally including cache-buster ('?'+filemtime of template on server)
url : string;
* Used as index into content array for passing in specific content to the template other than what it would get by its ID
content : string;
* Cache of known templates
* @type {{[name : string] : Element}}
public static templateCache : { [name : string] : Element } = {};
protected loading : Promise<void>;
private __egw : IegwAppLocal = null;
// Internal flag to indicate loading is in progress, since we can't monitor a promise
private __isLoading = false;
constructor(egw? : IegwAppLocal)
this.__egw = egw;
this.loading = Promise.resolve();
connectedCallback() : void
this.addEventListener("load", this.handleLoad);
// If we can, start loading immediately
if(this.template || || this.url)
disconnectedCallback() : void
this.removeEventListener("load", this.handleLoad);
async getUpdateComplete() : Promise<boolean>
const result = await super.getUpdateComplete();
await this.loading;
return result;
willUpdate(changedProperties : PropertyValues)
// If content index was changed, re-check / create namespace
// Load if template (template, id or URL) or content index changed
// (as long as we're not currently already loading, to prevent loops if load changes an attribute)
if(!this.__isLoading && ["template", "id", "url", "content"].filter(v => changedProperties.has(v)).length > 0)
* Searches for a DOM widget by id in the tree, descending into the child levels.
* @param _id is the id you're searching for
getDOMWidgetById(_id) : typeof Et2Widget | null
let widget = this.getWidgetById(_id);
if(widget && (widget instanceof HTMLElement || widget.instanceOf(Et2Widget)))
return <typeof Et2Widget>widget;
return null
* Searches for a Value widget by id in the tree, descending into the child levels.
* @param _id is the id you're searching for
getInputWidgetById(_id) : Et2InputWidgetInterface | null
let widget = <any>this.getWidgetById(_id);
// instead of checking widget to be an instance of valueWidget (which would create a circular dependency)
// we check for the interface/methods of valueWidget
if(widget && typeof widget.get_value === 'function' && typeof widget.set_value === 'function')
return <Et2InputWidgetInterface>widget;
return null
* Set the value for a child widget, specified by the given ID
* @param id string The ID you're searching for
* @param value Value for the widget
* @return Returns the result of widget's set_value(), though this is usually undefined
* @throws Error If the widget cannot be found or it does not have a set_value() function
setValueById(id : string, value) : any
let widget = this.getWidgetById(id);
throw 'Could not find widget ' + id;
// Don't care about what class it is, just that it has the function
// @ts-ignore
if(typeof widget.set_value !== 'function')
throw 'Widget ' + id + ' does not have a set_value() function';
// @ts-ignore
return widget.set_value(value);
* Get the current value of a child widget, specified by the given ID
* This is the current value of the widget, which may be different from the original value given in content
* @param id string The ID you're searching for
* @throws Error If the widget cannot be found or it does not have a set_value() function
getValueById(id : string)
let widget = this.getWidgetById(id);
throw 'Could not find widget ' + id;
// Don't care about what class it is, just that it has the function
// @ts-ignore
if(typeof widget.get_value !== 'function' && typeof widget.value == "undefined")
throw 'Widget ' + id + ' does not have a get_value() function';
// @ts-ignore
return typeof widget.get_value == "function" ? widget.get_value() : widget.value;
* Set the value for a child widget, specified by the given ID
* @param id string The ID you're searching for
* @param value new value to set
* @throws Error If the widget cannot be found, or it does not have a set_value() function
setDisabledById(id : string, value : boolean)
let widget = this.getWidgetById(id);
throw 'Could not find widget ' + id;
// Don't care about what class it is, just that it has the function
// @ts-ignore
if(typeof widget.set_disabled !== 'function')
throw 'Widget ' + id + ' does not have a set_disabled() function';
// @ts-ignore
return widget.set_disabled(value);
public egw() : IegwAppLocal
return this.__egw;
return super.egw();
* Get the template XML and create widgets from it
* Asks the server if we don't have that template on the client yet, then takes the template
* node and goes through it, creating widgets. This is normally called automatically when the
* template is added to the DOM, but if you want to re-load or not put it in the DOM you need to call load() yourself.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @protected
public async load(newContent? : object,
newSelectOptions? : { [widgetID : string] : SelectOption[] },
newReadonlys? : { [widgetID : string] : string | boolean | object },
newModifications? : { [widgetID : string] : string | boolean | object })
// @ts-ignore can't find disabled, it's in Et2Widget
this.loading = Promise.resolve();
return this.loading;
if(typeof newContent != "undefined")
// @ts-ignore ArrayMgr still expects et2_widgets
this.setArrayMgr("content", this.getArrayMgr("content").openPerspective(this, newContent));
if(typeof newSelectOptions != "undefined")
// @ts-ignore ArrayMgr still expects et2_widgets
this.setArrayMgr("sel_options", this.getArrayMgr("sel_options").openPerspective(this, newSelectOptions));
if(typeof newReadonlys != "undefined")
// @ts-ignore ArrayMgr still expects et2_widgets
this.setArrayMgr("readonlys", this.getArrayMgr("readonlys").openPerspective(this, newReadonlys));
if(typeof newModifications != "undefined")
// @ts-ignore ArrayMgr still expects et2_widgets
this.setArrayMgr("modifications", this.getArrayMgr("modifications").openPerspective(this, newModifications));
this.__isLoading = true;
this.loading = new Promise(async(resolve, reject) =>
// Empty in case load was called again
// No template, no point in continuing
if(!(this.template ||
console.debug("No template name, aborting load", this);
// Get template XML
let xml : Element;
xml = await this.findTemplate();
// Read the XML structure of the requested template
if(typeof xml != 'undefined')
// Get any template attributes from XML template node
const attrs = {};
xml.getAttributeNames().forEach(attribute =>
attrs[attribute] = xml.getAttribute(attribute);
// Don't change ID, keep what we've got
// only if we have an ID, otherwise further templates in an overlay have no id!
if ( delete attrs["id"];
// Load children into template
reject("Could not find template");
// Wait for widgets to be complete
await this.loadFinished();
this.__isLoading = false;
// Resolve promise, this.updateComplete now resolved
// Yield to give anything else a chance to run
setTimeout(() =>
// Notification event
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("load", {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: this
}, 0);
}).catch(reason =>
return this.loading;
* Find the template XML node, either from the local cache or the server
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @protected
protected async findTemplate() : Promise<Element>
// Find template name
const parts = (this.template ||'?');
const cache_buster = parts.length > 1 ? parts.pop() : null;
let template_name = parts.pop();
// Check to see if the template is already known / loaded into global ETemplate cache
let xml = Et2Template.templateCache[template_name];
// Check to see if ID is short form --> prepend parent/top-level name
if(!xml && template_name.indexOf('.') < 0)
const root = this.getRoot();
const top_name = root && root.getInstanceManager() ? root.getInstanceManager().name : null;
if(top_name && template_name.indexOf('.') < 0)
template_name = top_name + '.' + template_name
xml = Et2Template.templateCache[template_name];
// Ask the server for the template
const url = this.getUrl();
let templates = <Element>{};
templates = await this.loadFromFile(url);
throw new Error("No templates found in template file " + url);
throw new Error("Could not load template file " + url);
// Scan the file for templates and store them
let fallback;
for(let i = 0; i < templates.childNodes?.length; i++)
const template = <Element>templates.childNodes[i];
if(!["template", "et2-template"].includes(template.nodeName.toLowerCase()))
Et2Template.templateCache[template.getAttribute("id")] = <Element>template;
if(template.getAttribute("id") == template_name)
xml = template;
fallback = template;
// Take last template in the file if we had no better match
xml = fallback;
return xml;
* Load the xml from the given file
* Broken out here so it can be stubbed for testing
* @param path
* @returns {Promise<Element | void>}
* @protected
protected loadFromFile(path)
return et2_loadXMLFromURL(path, null, this);
* The template has been loaded, wait for child widgets to be complete.
* For webComponents, we wait for the widget's updateComplete.
* For legacy widgets, we let them finish and wait for their doLoadingFinished Promise
* @protected
protected loadFinished()
// List of Promises from widgets that are not quite fully loaded
let deferred = [];
// Inform the widget tree that it has been successfully loaded.
// Don't wait for ourselves, it will never happen
deferred = deferred.filter((d) => { return d.widget !== this});
let ready = false;
// Wait for everything to be loaded, then finish it up. Use timeout to give anything else a chance
// to run.
return Promise.race([
Promise.all(deferred).then(() =>
ready = true;
// Clean up load timeout if it's there, we did eventually finish
this.querySelector(":scope > #load-error")?.remove();
// If loading takes too long, give some feedback so we can try to track down why
new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() =>
this.loadFailed("Load timeout");
console.debug(this.templateName + " @ " + this.getUrl() + " widget loading took too long. This is the deferred widget list, look for widgets still pending to find the problem", deferred);
}, 15000
protected clear()
// Clear
while(this.firstChild) this.removeChild(this.lastChild);
loadFailed(reason? : any)
const message = (this.templateName) + " @ " + this.getUrl() + (reason ? " \n" + reason : "");
render(this.errorTemplate(message), this);
this.egw().debug("warn", "Loading failed: " + message);
protected getUrl()
return this.url;
let url = "";
const parts = (this.template ||'?');
const cache_buster = parts.length > 1 ? parts.pop() : ((new Date).valueOf() / 86400 | 0).toString();
let template_name = this.templateName;
// Full URL passed as template?
if(template_name.startsWith(this.egw().webserverUrl) && template_name.endsWith("xet"))
url = template_name;
const splitted = template_name.split('.');
const app = splitted.shift();
url = this.egw().link(
'/' + app + "/templates/default/" + splitted.join('.') + ".xet",
{download: cache_buster}
// if we have no cache-buster, reload daily
if(url.indexOf('?') === -1)
url += '?download=' + cache_buster;
return url;
public get app()
const parts = (this.template ||'?');
const cache_buster = parts.length > 1 ? parts.pop() : null;
let template_name = parts.pop();
const splitted = template_name.split('.');
return splitted.shift() || "";
public get templateName()
const parts = (this.template ||'?');
const cache_buster = parts.length > 1 ? parts.pop() : null;
let template_name = parts.pop() || "";
return template_name;
* Override parent to support content attribute
* Templates always have ID set, but seldom do we want them to
* create a namespace based on their ID.
const old_id =;
this._widget_id = this.content;
super.checkCreateNamespace.apply(this, arguments);
this._widget_id = old_id;
_createNamespace() : boolean
return this.content && this.content !=;
if(this.onload && typeof this.onload == "function")
// Make sure function gets a reference to the widget
let args =;
if(args.indexOf(this) == -1)
return this.onload.apply(this, args);
let loading = html`
return html`
<div part="loader" class="template--loading">${loading}</div>`;
errorTemplate(errorMessage = "")
return html`
<sl-alert id="load-error" variant="warning" open>
<sl-icon slot="icon" name="exclamation-triangle"></sl-icon>
<strong>${this.egw().lang("Loading failed")}</strong><br/>
const classes = {
template: true,
'template--disabled': this.disabled,
'template--readonly': this.readonly
classes["template--app-" +] = true;
if(this.layout != "none")
classes["layout-" + this.layout] = true;
classes["template--layout-" + this.layout] = true;
return html`
${until(this.loading.then(() => nothing), this.loadingTemplate())}