/***************************************************************************** * Author: Valient Gough * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2003, Valient Gough * * This library is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GPL in the file COPYING for more * details. * */ #include "fs/encfs.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/config.h" #include "base/Interface.h" #include "base/Error.h" #include "cipher/CipherV1.h" #include "cipher/MemoryPool.h" #include "fs/DirNode.h" #include "fs/FileUtils.h" #include "fs/StreamNameIO.h" #include "fs/BlockNameIO.h" #include "fs/NullNameIO.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_TR1_UNORDERED_SET #include using std::tr1::unordered_set; #else #include using std::unordered_set; #endif using std::cerr; using std::string; using namespace encfs; namespace encfs { const int FSBlockSize = 256; static int checkErrorPropogation( const shared_ptr &cipher, int size, int byteToChange ) { MemBlock orig; orig.allocate(size); MemBlock data; data.allocate(size); for(int i=0; istreamEncode( data.data, size, 0 ); else cipher->blockEncode( data.data, size, 0 ); // intoduce an error in the encoded data, so we can check error propogation if(byteToChange >= 0 && byteToChange < size) { unsigned char previousValue = data.data[byteToChange]; do { data.data[byteToChange] = rand(); } while(data.data[byteToChange] == previousValue); } if(size != FSBlockSize) cipher->streamDecode( data.data, size, 0 ); else cipher->blockDecode( data.data, size, 0 ); int numByteErrors = 0; for(int i=0; i \"" << encName.c_str() << "\""; // decrypt name string decName = dirNode.plainPath( encName.c_str() ); if(decName == *orig) { if(verbose) cerr << " OK\n"; } else { if(verbose) cerr << " FAILED (got " << decName << ")\n"; return false; } orig++; } if (collisionTest) { if (verbose) cerr << "Checking for name collections, this will take a while..\n"; // check for collision rate char buf[64]; unordered_set encryptedNames; for (long i=0; i < 10000000; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%li", i); string encName = dirNode.relativeCipherPath( buf ); // simulate a case-insisitive filesystem.. std::transform(encName.begin(), encName.end(), encName.begin(), ::toupper); if (encryptedNames.insert(encName).second == false) { cerr << "collision detected after " << i << " iterations"; break; } } cerr << "NO collisions detected"; } return true; } bool runTests(const shared_ptr &cipher, bool verbose) { // create a random key if(verbose) cerr << "Generating new key, output will be different on each run\n\n"; CipherKey key = cipher->newRandomKey(); if(verbose) cerr << "Testing key save / restore :"; { CipherKey encodingKey = cipher->newRandomKey(); int encodedKeySize = cipher->encodedKeySize(); unsigned char *keyBuf = new unsigned char [ encodedKeySize ]; cipher->setKey(encodingKey); cipher->writeKey( key, keyBuf ); CipherKey key2 = cipher->readKey( keyBuf, true ); delete[] keyBuf; if(!key2.valid()) { if(verbose) cerr << " FAILED (decode error)\n"; return false; } if(key == key2) { if(verbose) cerr << " OK\n"; } else { if(verbose) cerr << " FAILED\n"; return false; } } if(verbose) cerr << "Testing Config interface load / store :"; { CipherKey encodingKey = cipher->newRandomKey(); int encodedKeySize = cipher->encodedKeySize(); unsigned char *keyBuf = new unsigned char [ encodedKeySize ]; cipher->setKey(encodingKey); cipher->writeKey( key, keyBuf ); // store in config struct.. EncfsConfig cfg; cfg.mutable_cipher()->MergeFrom(cipher->interface()); EncryptedKey *encryptedKey = cfg.mutable_key(); encryptedKey->set_size(8 * cipher->keySize()); encryptedKey->set_ciphertext( keyBuf, encodedKeySize ); cfg.set_block_size(FSBlockSize); delete[] keyBuf; // save config string data; google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(cfg, &data); // read back in and check everything.. EncfsConfig cfg2; google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(data, &cfg2); // check.. rAssert( implements(cfg.cipher(),cfg2.cipher()) ); rAssert( cfg.key().size() == cfg2.key().size() ); rAssert( cfg.block_size() == cfg2.block_size() ); // try decoding key.. CipherKey key2 = cipher->readKey( (unsigned char *)cfg2.key().ciphertext().data(), true ); if(!key2.valid()) { if(verbose) cerr << " FAILED (decode error)\n"; return false; } if(key == key2) { if(verbose) cerr << " OK\n"; } else { if(verbose) cerr << " FAILED\n"; return false; } } FSConfigPtr fsCfg = FSConfigPtr(new FSConfig); fsCfg->cipher = cipher; fsCfg->key = key; fsCfg->config.reset(new EncfsConfig); fsCfg->config->set_block_size(FSBlockSize); fsCfg->opts.reset(new EncFS_Opts); cipher->setKey(key); if(verbose) cerr << "Testing name encode/decode (stream coding w/ IV chaining)\n"; { fsCfg->opts->idleTracking = false; fsCfg->config->set_unique_iv(false); fsCfg->nameCoding.reset( new StreamNameIO( StreamNameIO::CurrentInterface(), cipher) ); fsCfg->nameCoding->setChainedNameIV( true ); DirNode dirNode( NULL, TEST_ROOTDIR, fsCfg ); if(!testNameCoding( dirNode, verbose )) return false; } if(verbose) cerr << "Testing name encode/decode (block coding w/ IV chaining)\n"; { fsCfg->opts->idleTracking = false; fsCfg->config->set_unique_iv(false); fsCfg->nameCoding.reset( new BlockNameIO( BlockNameIO::CurrentInterface(), cipher) ); fsCfg->nameCoding->setChainedNameIV( true ); DirNode dirNode( NULL, TEST_ROOTDIR, fsCfg ); if(!testNameCoding( dirNode, verbose )) return false; } if(verbose) cerr << "Testing name encode/decode (block coding w/ IV chaining, base32)\n"; { fsCfg->opts->idleTracking = false; fsCfg->config->set_unique_iv(false); fsCfg->nameCoding.reset( new BlockNameIO( BlockNameIO::CurrentInterface(), cipher) ); fsCfg->nameCoding->setChainedNameIV( true ); DirNode dirNode( NULL, TEST_ROOTDIR, fsCfg ); if(!testNameCoding( dirNode, verbose )) return false; } if(!verbose) { { // test stream mode, this time without IV chaining fsCfg->nameCoding = shared_ptr( new StreamNameIO( StreamNameIO::CurrentInterface(), cipher) ); fsCfg->nameCoding->setChainedNameIV( false ); DirNode dirNode( NULL, TEST_ROOTDIR, fsCfg ); if(!testNameCoding( dirNode, verbose )) return false; } { // test block mode, this time without IV chaining fsCfg->nameCoding = shared_ptr( new BlockNameIO( BlockNameIO::CurrentInterface(), cipher) ); fsCfg->nameCoding->setChainedNameIV( false ); DirNode dirNode( NULL, TEST_ROOTDIR, fsCfg ); if(!testNameCoding( dirNode, verbose )) return false; } } if(verbose) cerr << "Testing block encode/decode on full block - "; { int numErrors = checkErrorPropogation( cipher, FSBlockSize, -1 ); if(numErrors) { if(verbose) cerr << " FAILED!\n"; return false; } else { if(verbose) cerr << " OK\n"; } } if(verbose) cerr << "Testing block encode/decode on partial block - "; { int numErrors = checkErrorPropogation( cipher, FSBlockSize-1, -1 ); if(numErrors) { if(verbose) cerr << " FAILED!\n"; return false; } else { if(verbose) cerr << " OK\n"; } } if(verbose) cerr << "Checking error propogation in partial block:\n"; { int minChanges = FSBlockSize-1; int maxChanges = 0; int minAt = 0; int maxAt = 0; for(int i=0; i maxChanges) { maxChanges = numErrors; maxAt = i; } } if(verbose) { cerr << "modification of 1 byte affected between " << minChanges << " and " << maxChanges << " decoded bytes\n"; cerr << "minimum change at byte " << minAt << " and maximum at byte " << maxAt << "\n"; } } if(verbose) cerr << "Checking error propogation on full block:\n"; { int minChanges = FSBlockSize; int maxChanges = 0; int minAt = 0; int maxAt = 0; for(int i=0; i maxChanges) { maxChanges = numErrors; maxAt = i; } } if(verbose) { cerr << "modification of 1 byte affected between " << minChanges << " and " << maxChanges << " decoded bytes\n"; cerr << "minimum change at byte " << minAt << " and maximum at byte " << maxAt << "\n"; } } return true; } } // namespace encfs int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FLAGS_logtostderr = 1; FLAGS_minloglevel = 1; google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); google::InstallFailureSignalHandler(); bool isThreaded = false; CipherV1::init(isThreaded); srand( time(0) ); // get a list of the available algorithms std::list algorithms = CipherV1::GetAlgorithmList(); std::list::const_iterator it; cerr << "Supported Crypto interfaces:\n"; for(it = algorithms.begin(); it != algorithms.end(); ++it) { cerr << it->name << " ( " << it->iface.name() << " " << it->iface.major() << ":" << it->iface.minor() << ":" << it->iface.age() << " ) : " << it->description << "\n"; cerr << " - key length " << it->keyLength.min() << " to " << it->keyLength.max() << " , block size " << it->blockSize.min() << " to " << it->blockSize.max() << "\n"; } cerr << "\n"; cerr << "Testing interfaces\n"; for(it = algorithms.begin(); it != algorithms.end(); ++it) { int blockSize = it->blockSize.closest( 256 ); for(int keySize = it->keyLength.min(); keySize <= it->keyLength.max(); keySize += it->keyLength.inc()) { cerr << it->name << ", key length " << keySize << ", block size " << blockSize << ": "; shared_ptr cipher = CipherV1::New( it->name, keySize ); if(!cipher) { cerr << "FAILED TO CREATE\n"; } else { try { if(runTests( cipher, false )) cerr << "OK\n"; else cerr << "FAILED\n"; } catch( Error &er ) { cerr << "Error: " << er.what() << "\n"; } } } } // run one test with verbose output too.. shared_ptr cipher = CipherV1::New("AES", 192); if(!cipher) { cerr << "\nNo AES cipher found, skipping verbose test.\n"; } else { cerr << "\nVerbose output for " << cipher->interface().name() << " test, key length " << cipher->keySize()*8 << ", block size " << FSBlockSize << ":\n"; runTests( cipher, true ); } CipherV1::shutdown(isThreaded); return 0; }